#include "config.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include "CudaMemory.cuh"
#include "cuda_macro.h"
#include <cstring>
#include "Memleak_check.hpp"

/*! \brief Allocate a chunk of memory
 * Allocate a chunk of memory
 * \param sz size of the chunk of memory to allocate in byte
bool CudaMemory::allocate(size_t sz)
	//! Allocate the device memory
	if (dm == NULL)

	this->sz = sz;

	return true;

/*! \brief destroy a chunk of memory
 * Destroy a chunk of memory
void CudaMemory::destroy()
	if (dm != NULL)
		//! Release the allocated memory

	if (hm != NULL)
		//! we invalidate hm
		//! remove hm

/*! \brief Allocate the host buffer
 * Allocate the host buffer

void CudaMemory::allocate_host(size_t sz)
	if (hm == NULL)
		//! add hm to the list of allocated memory

/*! \brief copy the data from a pointer
 * copy the data from a pointer
 *	\param ptr
 *	\return true if success
bool CudaMemory::copyFromPointer(void * ptr)
	// check if we have a host buffer, if not allocate it


	// get the device pointer

	void * dvp;

	// memory copy


	return true;

/*! \brief copy from device to device
 * copy a piece of memory from device to device
 * \param CudaMemory from where to copy
 * \return true is success
bool CudaMemory::copyDeviceToDevice(CudaMemory & m)
	//! The source buffer is too big to copy it

	if (m.sz > sz)
		std::cerr << "Error " << __LINE__ << __FILE__ << ": source buffer is too big to copy";
		return false;

	//! Copy the memory

	return true;

/*! \brief copy from memory
 * copy from memory
 * \param m a memory interface
bool CudaMemory::copy(memory & m)
	//! Here we try to cast memory into OpenFPMwdeviceCudaMemory
	CudaMemory * ofpm = dynamic_cast<CudaMemory *>(&m);

	//! if we fail we get the pointer and simply copy from the pointer

	if (ofpm == NULL)
		// copy the memory from device to host and from host to device

		return copyFromPointer(m.getPointer());
		// they are the same memory type, use cuda/thrust buffer copy

		return copyDeviceToDevice(*ofpm);

/*! \brief Get the size of the allocated memory
 * Get the size of the allocated memory
 * \return the size of the allocated memory

size_t CudaMemory::size()
	return sz;

/*! \brief Resize the allocated memory
 * Resize the allocated memory, if request is smaller than the allocated memory
 * is not resized
 * \param sz size
 * \return true if the resize operation complete correctly

bool CudaMemory::resize(size_t sz)
	// if the allocated memory is enough, do not resize
	if (sz <= size())
		return true;

	//! Allocate the device memory if not done yet

	if (size() == 0)
		return allocate(sz);

	//! Create a new buffer if sz is bigger than the actual size
	void * tdm;

	if (this->sz < sz)

	//! copy from the old buffer to the new one


	//! free the old buffer


	//! change to the new buffer

	dm = tdm;
	this->sz = sz;

	return true;

/*! \brief Return a readable pointer with your data
 * Return a readable pointer with your data

void * CudaMemory::getPointer()
	//! if the host buffer is synchronized with the device buffer return the host buffer

	if (is_hm_sync)
		return hm;

	//! we have to synchronize

	//| allocate an host mempory
	if (hm == NULL)

	//! copy from device to host memory


	return hm;