#! /bin/bash function haveProg() { [ -x "$(command -v $1)" ] } function pre_req() { source script/discover_package_manager source script/discover_os source script/solve_gpp source script/solve_gfortran source script/solve_cmake source script/solve_git source script/solve_wget source script/solve_brew source script/solve_gsed source script/solve_libtool source script/detect_gcc source script/detect_osx source script/show_solutions source script/detect_fortran discover_os discover_package_manager $platform pcman=$discover_package_manager_ret if [ x"$platform" = x"osx" -a x"$pcman" = x"" ]; then echo -e "\033[30;43;5;1m WARNING \033[0m No package manager has been found on this system" solve_brew $platform discover_package_manager $platform pcman=$discover_package_manager_ret if [ x"$pcman" != x"brew" ]; then echo -e "brew \033[91;5;1m FAILED \033[0m" fi fi ### Additional package required for apt-get based distros if [ x"$platform" = x"linux" -a x"$pcman" = x"apt-get" ]; then dpkg-query -l libbz2-dev ret1=$? dpkg-query -l python-dev ret2=$? dpkg-query -l libxml2-dev ret3=$? dpkg-query -l libxslt-dev ret4=$? if [ $ret1 -ne 0 -o $ret2 -ne 0 -o $ret3 -ne 0 -o $ret4 -ne 0 ]; then echo "OpenFPM require additional packages in order to install correctly" commands[0]="sudo $pcman install libbz2-dev python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev" possible_solutions "${commands[@]}" fi fi ### Additional package required for yum based distros if [ x"$platform" = x"linux" -a x"$pcman" = x"yum" ]; then rpm -V bzip2-devel ret1=$? rpm -V python-devel ret2=$? if [ $ret2 -ne 0 ]; then echo "Cheking python2-devel" rpm -V python2-devel ret2=$? fi rpm -V libxml2-devel ret3=$? rpm -V libxslt-devel ret4=$? if [ $ret1 -ne 0 -o $ret2 -ne 0 -o $ret3 -ne 0 -o $ret4 -ne 0 ]; then echo "OpenFPM require additional packages in order to install correctly" commands[0]="su -c \"$pcman install bzip2-devel python-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel\"" commands[1]="sudo $pcman install bzip2-devel python-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel" possible_solutions "${commands[@]}" fi fi #### if we are on OSX we install gnu-sed if [ x"$platform" == x"osx" ]; then if haveProg gsed; then echo -e "gsed\033[92;1m SUCCESS \033[0m" else echo >&2 echo -e "gsed\033[91;5;1m FAILED \033[0m" echo "OpenFPM require gnu-sed but it's not installed, searching a solution... " solve_gsed $platform if haveProg gsed; then echo -e "gsed\033[92;1m SUCCESS \033[0m" else echo -e "gsed\033[91;5;1m FAILED \033[0m" exit 1 fi fi fi ## cmake if haveProg cmake; then echo -e "cmake\033[92;1m SUCCESS \033[0m" else echo >&2 echo -e "cmake\033[91;5;1m FAILED \033[0m" echo "OpenFPM require cmake but it's not installed, searching a solution... " solve_cmake $platform if haveProg cmake; then echo -e "cmake\033[92;1m SUCCESS \033[0m" else echo -e "cmake\033[91;5;1m FAILED \033[0m" exit 1 fi fi ## wget if haveProg wget; then echo -e "wget \033[92;1m SUCCESS \033[0m" else echo >&2 echo -e "wget\033[91;5;1m FAILED \033[0m" echo "OpenFPM require wget but it's not installed, searching a solution... " solve_wget $platform if haveProg wget; then echo -e "wget\033[92;1m SUCCESS \033[0m" else echo -e "wget\033[91;5;1m FAILED \033[0m" exit 1 fi fi ## git if haveProg git; then echo -e "git \033[92;1m SUCCESS \033[0m" else echo >&2 echo -e "git\033[91;5;1m FAILED \033[0m" echo "OpenFPM require git but it's not installed, searching a solution... " solve_git $platform if haveProg git; then echo -e "git\033[92;1m SUCCESS \033[0m" else echo -e "git\033[91;5;1m FAILED \033[0m" exit 1 fi fi #### Detecting g++ detect_compiler if [ $dgc_ret -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "g++ \033[91;5;1m FAILED \033[0m" solve_gpp $platform detect_compiler if [ $dgc_ret -eq 0 ]; then exit 1 fi elif [ $dgc_ret -eq 2 ]; then detect_osx $platform if [ $dosx_ret -eq 1 ]; then echo -e "\033[30;43;5;1m------------------------------- WARNING --------------------------------\033[0m" echo "g++ seem to be present, but we failed to detect the version. Your system $dosx_major.$dosx_middle.$dosx_minor seem to be recent enough, so we will continue the installation" sleep 10 fi fi #### Detection gfortran detect_fortran gfortran if [ $dgc_ret -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "gfortran\033[91;5;1m FAILED \033[0m" solve_gfortran $platform detect_fortran $compiler_fortran if [ $dgc_ret -eq 0 ]; then exit 1 fi else echo -e "gfortran \033[92;1m SUCCESS \033[0m" fi MPI_valid=no if haveProg mpirun; then # Here we check if we are running openmpi mpich or unknown version=$(mpirun --version 2>&1 | grep mpirun | sed 's/.*Open MPI.*/openmpi/g') if [ x"$version" == x"" ]; then version=$(mpirun --version 2>&1 | grep HYDRA | sed 's/HYDRA.*/mpich/g') fi if [ x"$version" == x"openmpi" ]; then # Check if we are compiling with GPU support if [ x"$gpu_support" == x"1" ]; then is_openmpi_cuda_aware if [ x"$cuda_mpi_support" == x"false" ]; then echo -e " \033[91;5;1m OpenMPI has been compiled without GPU support \033[0m" echo -e "\033[1m OpenFPM use GPUDirect RDMA to move data from one GPU to another GPU (intranode and extranode) without moving the data on host. This feature requires that OpenMPI is compiled with CUDA support. OpenFPM can works also without this feature using GPUDirect old version (1.0). In practice it requires that MPI work with host pinned memory allocated with CUDA. This feature has been introduced with CUDA 5.0 in 2010. At best of our knowledge this feature should work without special compilation options for OpenMPI. On the other end we found several problems with GPUDirect v1.0 and Infiniband cards, when OpenMPI is not compiled with CUDA support. If you are on a super-computer or a machine you did not set-up, we suggest to re-install OpenMPI with CUDA support using the same options used to compile the one detected (option 1). Alternatively you can reinstall OpenMPI using the default options (option 2), or use the OpenMPI detected (option 3) \033[0m" unset commands commands[0]="Reinstall MPI and mirror the one detected" commands[1]="Reinstall MPI, use the default arguments" commands[2]="Continue with the detected one" possible_solutions_no_execute "${commands[@]}" # Remove old MPI rm -rf $i_dir/MPI if [ x"$possible_solutions_ret" == x"0" ]; then get_openmpi_compilation_options call_test_working_mpi_options=1 fi else echo "OpenMPI is CUDA aware" fi fi major=$(mpirun --version 2>&1 | grep mpirun | sed 's/.*\([0-9][0-9]*\)\.\([0-9][0-9]*\)\.\([0-9][0-9]*\).*/\1/g') middle=$(mpirun --version 2>&1 | grep mpirun | sed 's/.*\([0-9][0-9]*\)\.\([0-9][0-9]*\)\.\([0-9][0-9]*\).*/\2/g') minor=$(mpirun --version 2>&1 | grep mpirun | sed 's/.*\([0-9][0-9]*\)\.\([0-9][0-9]*\)\.\([0-9][0-9]*\).*/\3/g') if [ $major -gt 1 ]; then echo -e "openmpi $major.$middle.$minor \033[92;1m SUCCESS \033[0m" MPI_valid=yes elif [ $major -lt 1 ]; then echo -e "openmpi $major.$middle.$minor \033[33;5;1m WARNING \033[0m is too old, 1.8.1 at least required, (Automatic fix activated)" elif [ $middle -gt 8 ]; then echo -e "openmpi $major.$middle.$minor \033[92;1m SUCCESS \033[0m" MPI_valid=yes elif [ $middle -lt 8 ]; then echo -e "opnmpi $major.$middle.$minor \033[33;5;1m WARNING \033[0m is too old, 1.8.1 at least required (Automatic fix activated)" elif [ $minor -gt 0 ]; then echo -e "openmpi $major.$middle.$minor \033[92;1m SUCCESS \033[0m" MPI_valid=yes else echo -e "openmpi $major.$middle.$minor \033[33;5;1m WARNING \033[0m is too old, 1.8.1 at least required, (Automatic fix activated)" fi elif [ x"$version" == x"mpich" ]; then major=$(mpirun --version 2>&1 | grep Version | sed 's/.*\([0-9][0-9]*\)\.\([0-9][0-9]*\).*/\1/g') middle=$(mpirun --version 2>&1 | grep Version | sed 's/.*\([0-9][0-9]*\)\.\([0-9][0-9]*\).*/\2/g') if [ $major -gt 3 ]; then echo -e "mpich $major.$middle \033[92;1m SUCCESS \033[0m" MPI_valid=yes elif [ $major -lt 3 ]; then echo -e "mpich $major.$middle \033[33;5;1m WARNING \033[0m is too old, 3.2 at least required, (Automatic fix activated)" elif [ $middle -gt 1 ]; then echo -e "mpich $major.$middle \033[92;1m SUCCESS \033[0m" MPI_valid=yes elif [ $middle -lt 1 ]; then echo -e "mpich $major.$middle \033[33;5;1m WARNING \033[0m is too old, 3.2 at least required (Automatic fix activated)" else echo -e "mpich $major.$middle \033[33;5;1m WARNING \033[0m is too old, 3.2 at least required, (Automatic fix activated)" fi else #### Unkown version of MPI print a warning echo -e "\033[43;30;1;5mWARNING: \033[0m Found an unkown version of MPI, OpenFPM work with any MPI version that implement MPI-3.0 interface. If you know that the installed MPI implement the MPI-3.0 interface choose 1) continue. If you are not sure, or you do not even know what this message mean choose 2) install OpenMPI" echo "1) Continue" echo "2) Install OpenMPI" choose=1 if [ $sq -eq 0 ]; then read choose fi if [ $choose -eq 1 ]; then MPI_valid=yes fi fi else echo -e "No MPI" fi if [ x"$MPI_valid" == x"yes" ]; then ## Check for potential problem in the MPI installation if [ -d $1/MPI ]; then where_mpi=$(which mpic++) if [ x"$where_mpi" != x"$1/MPI/bin/mpic++" ]; then echo -e "\033[91;5;1m MPI instalation: CONFLICT \033[0m" echo "Performing a \"which mpic++\", we found that you have installed one system wide MPI " echo -e "\033[1m $where_mpi \033[0m" echo "this MPI has priority over OpenFPM MPI installation in: " echo -e "\033[1m $1/MPI/bin/mpic++ \033[0m" echo "Such configuration is not supported, one MPI must be uniquely selected" echo "The possible solutions are: " echo -e "\033[1m 1) Set your PATH to give priority to $1/MPI/bin \033[0m" echo -e "\033[1m 2) Eliminate OpenFPM MPI removing $1/MPI \033[0m" echo -e "\033[1m 3) Eliminate the system wide MPI \033[0m" exit 1 fi fi #### Detect a potential dangerous situation ### #### In which g++ is different from mpic++ ### output_mpi=$(mpic++ --version) output_gcc=$($dgc_compiler --version) if [ x"$output_mpi" != x"$output_gcc" ]; then echo -e "\033[91;5;1m MPI dangerous installation \033[0m" echo -e "Performing a \033[1m \"mpic++ --version\" \033[0m, we detect that your installed mpic++ does not wrap the standard command g++" echo "In general we strongly disencourage to override the default compiler(s), this configuration not only is not supported by OpenFPM, but can lead potentialy to several problems at system level. For the following reasons" echo -e "\033[1m 1) All system wide dependencies become potentially useless \033[0m" echo -e "\033[1m 2) A package maneger (apt-get or brew) installing a packege from source can potentialy generate incompatible system packages \033[0m" echo -e "\033[1m 3) It is not easy to discover which compiler has been used to compile one dependency \033[0m" echo -e "For just the time of the installation the installer will realign mpic++ to g++, unfortunately this could be not enough to ensure that all the dependencies has been compiled with the same compiler" echo -e "\033[1m Installation will resume in 20 seconds \033[0m" export OMPI_CXX=g++ sleep 20 fi output_mpi=$(mpic++ --version) output_gcc=$($dgc_compiler --version) if [ x"$output_mpi" != x"$output_gcc" ]; then echo -e "\033[91;5;1m MPI dangerous installation \033[0m" echo -e "\033[1m The realign operation failed the installation will continue \033[0m" sleep 10 fi fi }