## just knit R documents as they are, no markdown is required (but supported to some extent) rknit(){ ## rscript=/projects/project-raphael/Rcode/misc/DivisionPerpendicularity.R ## rscript=/home/brandl/mnt/mack/project-raphael/Rcode/misc/DivisionPerpendicularity.R rscript=$1 # tmdRmd=$(mktemp --suff .Rmd) tmdRmd=$(basename $rscript .R).Rmd echo '# '$(basename $rscript .R) > $tmdRmd ## alternatively we could use the header argument for knit2html echo ' <style type="text/css"> body { max-width: 80%; } </style> ```{r} ' >> $tmdRmd cat $rscript | grep -Fv "#!" | Rscript -e 'require(stringr); require(dplyr); readLines(file("stdin")) %>% str_replace("##> ([^{]*)[{](.*)[}]", "```\n\\1\n```{r \\2}") %>% writeLines(stdout()) ' >> $tmdRmd echo '```' >> $tmdRmd echo 'require(knitr); options(width=150); opts_knit$set(cache = TRUE); knit2html("'$tmdRmd'", output="'$(basename $rscript .R)'")' | R --vanilla -q } echo ' ##> # Prepare elongation data ' | Rscript -e 'require(stringr); require(dplyr); readLines(file("stdin")) %>% str_replace("##> ([^{]*)[{](.*)[}]", "```\n\\1\n```{r \\2}") %>% writeLines(stdout()) '