diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 3013702ceedb0579fec7018f87d4a724476ecd4c..3e224c11f6e929cf3d9ed07eda65eb1b5a8eb637 100755 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ # Created by .gitignore support plugin (hsz.mobi) .idea +*.iml diff --git a/dge_workflow/star_align.kts b/dge_workflow/star_align.kts index acb9fa162babd1f251de281bb12ceaad954fce21..5d1bdd6ed661851526c51a3022b57f4f09091b09 100755 --- a/dge_workflow/star_align.kts +++ b/dge_workflow/star_align.kts @@ -73,6 +73,11 @@ fastqFiles.filter { !it.isFile }.let { require(it.isEmpty()) { "Some fastq files do not exist ${it.map { it.absoluteFile }.joinToString(", ")}" } } +require(fastqFiles.filter { it.name.contains("_2.fastq") }.isEmpty()){ + """Mapping 2nd mate alone is unlikely to have meaningful semantics. + Just provide _1 and star_align.kts will pick up corresponding _2 for PE alignment if present""" +} + println("Running STAR using igenome '${igenome}' for the following files:\n ${fastqFiles.joinToString("\n")}") val jl = JobList(".starjobs").apply { reset() }