diff --git a/common/david_enrichment.R b/common/david_enrichment.R
index b27e97db833116f00025bacbacaf8027e7cb4874..349aac184ae1ecab0974dd36d5b97fda29fba46c 100755
--- a/common/david_enrichment.R
+++ b/common/david_enrichment.R
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env Rscript
-#+ cache=FALSE
+#+ echo=FALSE
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ Options:
 opts <- docopt(doc, commandArgs(TRUE)) ## does not work when spining
 #opts <- docopt(doc, "--overlay_expr_data ../ctrl_fc_expr_filtered.txt geneClusters.RData" )
+#opts <- docopt(doc, "--overlay_expr_data ../ctrl_fc_expr_filtered.txt grpdGoiClusters.RData" )
@@ -24,7 +25,8 @@ require.auto(knitr)
 ## to fix child support issue with knitr, see also
 ## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20030523/knitr-nested-child-documents
 ## https://github.com/yihui/knitr/issues/38
-if(exists('project_dir')) setwd(project_dir)
+# todo disabled because root.dir in parent document seems the only working solution
+#if(exists('project_dir')) setwd(project_dir)
 ## load the data
@@ -55,16 +57,6 @@ geneLists %>% inner_join(listLabels) %>%
-#geneLists <- degs %>%
-##    transmute(ensembl_gene_id, list_id=paste(sample_1, "vs", sample_2, "ovex", sample_1_overex, sep="_"))
-#    transmute(ensembl_gene_id, list_id=paste(sample_1, "vs", sample_2))
-#geneLists <- if(split_hit_list){
-#    degs %>% group_by(sample_1, sample_2, sample_1_overex)
-#    degs %>% group_by(sample_1, sample_2)
 #enrResults <- geneLists %>% do(davidAnnotationChart(.$ensembl_gene_id))
 enrResults <- quote(geneLists %>% do(davidAnnotationChart(.$ensembl_gene_id))) %>%
     cache_it(paste0("enrdata_", digest(geneLists)))
@@ -76,10 +68,14 @@ write.delim(enrResults, file=paste0(resultsBaseName, "enrResults.txt"))
 sigEnrResults <- subset(enrResults, Bonferroni <0.01)
 write.delim(sigEnrResults, file=paste0(resultsBaseName, "sigEnrResults.txt"))
 # sigEnrResults <- read.delim(paste0(resultsBaseName, "sigEnrResults.txt"))
 #' [Very Significant Terms](`r paste0(resultsBaseName, "sigEnrResults.txt")`)
+#+ include=FALSE, eval=FALSE
 ## plot the enrichment results
 #sigEnrResults %>% group_by(Category, add=T) %>% do({
 #    logPlot <- . %>% ggplot(aes(Term, PValue)) +
@@ -116,7 +112,9 @@ write.delim(sigEnrResults, file=paste0(resultsBaseName, "sigEnrResults.txt"))
-#+ include=FALSE
+## include=FALSE, error=TRUE
+#+ error=TRUE, echo=FALSE
 warning("dropping levels")
 sigEnrResults %<>% mutate(Category=ac(Category)) ## drop unsused level to get consistent color palette
@@ -166,30 +164,24 @@ do({
 #+ results="asis"
 l_ply(term_barplot_files$file, function(pngFile){ cat(paste0("<img src='", pngFile, "'><br>"))})
-#ggsave2(ggplot(sigEnrResults, aes(set)) + geom_bar() + ggtitle("enriched term frequencies")) # + facet_wrap(~site_type))
-#sigEnrResults <- arrange(sigEnrResults, site_type, set, -Bonferroni)
-#sigEnrResults$Term <-lockFactorOrder(sigEnrResults$Term)
-#ggplot(sigEnrResults, aes(Term, -log10(Bonferroni))) +coord_flip() + geom_bar() + facet_wrap(~site_type + set)
-#ggplot(sigEnrResults, aes(reorder(set, -Bonferroni), -log10(Bonferroni), label=Term)) + geom_text(alpha=0.6, size=3) + ggtitle("enriched terms by set") + scale_y_log10()
-#ggsave2(width=14, height=12)
-#write.table(sigEnrResults, file=paste0("sigEnrTerms.txt"), row.names=FALSE,  sep="\t")
-#' ## Enriched KEGG Pathways
-# eval=nrow(sigEnrResults %>% filter(Category=="KEGG_PATHWAY")) >0
+# ' ## Enriched KEGG Pathways
+#+ eval=nrow(sigEnrResults %>% filter(Category=="KEGG_PATHWAY")) >0
 #' To understand spatio-temporal changes in gene expression better we now overlay enriched kegg pathways with the -log10(q_value) of each contrast. The direction of the expression changes is encoded as color, whereby red indicates that sample_1 is overexpressed. Because we have multiple contrasts of interest, this defines a slice-color barcode for each gene. To relate the barcode to contrasts we define the following slice order:
+## todo why is tidyr not processing an empty dataframe
 keggPathways <- sigEnrResults %>%
     filter(Category=="KEGG_PATHWAY") %>%
     separate(Term, c('kegg_pathway_id', 'pathway_description'), sep="\\:", remove=F) %>%
     with(kegg_pathway_id) %>% ac() %>% unique()
+##+ results='asis'
+#if(!exists("keggPathways") | nrow(keggPathways)==0){
+#    cat("No enriched pathways found")
+#+ echo=FALSE
@@ -281,7 +273,7 @@ makeTooltip <- function(entrez_id){
-#+ results="asis"
+#+ results="asis", echo=FALSE
 ## simple non-clickable plots
 ## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12588323/r-how-to-extract-values-for-the-same-named-elements-across-multiple-objects-of
diff --git a/common/david_enrichment.Rmd b/common/david_enrichment.Rmd
index 36ac12fa3126ed6ed80cf0e30fb506fc5c64e98c..199767683f66b3640460a8ee2b627780e4ea84dc 100755
--- a/common/david_enrichment.Rmd
+++ b/common/david_enrichment.Rmd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ```{r }
 #!/usr/bin/env Rscript
-```{r cache=FALSE}
+```{r echo=FALSE}
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ Options:
 opts <- docopt(doc, commandArgs(TRUE)) ## does not work when spining
 #opts <- docopt(doc, "--overlay_expr_data ../ctrl_fc_expr_filtered.txt geneClusters.RData" )
+#opts <- docopt(doc, "--overlay_expr_data ../ctrl_fc_expr_filtered.txt grpdGoiClusters.RData" )
@@ -26,7 +27,8 @@ require.auto(knitr)
 ## to fix child support issue with knitr, see also
 ## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20030523/knitr-nested-child-documents
 ## https://github.com/yihui/knitr/issues/38
-if(exists('project_dir')) setwd(project_dir)
+# todo disabled because root.dir in parent document seems the only working solution
+#if(exists('project_dir')) setwd(project_dir)
 ## load the data
@@ -59,16 +61,6 @@ geneLists %>% inner_join(listLabels) %>%
-#geneLists <- degs %>%
-##    transmute(ensembl_gene_id, list_id=paste(sample_1, "vs", sample_2, "ovex", sample_1_overex, sep="_"))
-#    transmute(ensembl_gene_id, list_id=paste(sample_1, "vs", sample_2))
-#geneLists <- if(split_hit_list){
-#    degs %>% group_by(sample_1, sample_2, sample_1_overex)
-#    degs %>% group_by(sample_1, sample_2)
 #enrResults <- geneLists %>% do(davidAnnotationChart(.$ensembl_gene_id))
 enrResults <- quote(geneLists %>% do(davidAnnotationChart(.$ensembl_gene_id))) %>%
     cache_it(paste0("enrdata_", digest(geneLists)))
@@ -83,13 +75,16 @@ write.delim(enrResults, file=paste0(resultsBaseName, "enrResults.txt"))
 ```{r }
 sigEnrResults <- subset(enrResults, Bonferroni <0.01)
 write.delim(sigEnrResults, file=paste0(resultsBaseName, "sigEnrResults.txt"))
 # sigEnrResults <- read.delim(paste0(resultsBaseName, "sigEnrResults.txt"))
 [Very Significant Terms](`r paste0(resultsBaseName, "sigEnrResults.txt")`)
-```{r }
+```{r include=FALSE, eval=FALSE}
 ## plot the enrichment results
 #sigEnrResults %>% group_by(Category, add=T) %>% do({
 #    logPlot <- . %>% ggplot(aes(Term, PValue)) +
@@ -126,7 +121,9 @@ write.delim(sigEnrResults, file=paste0(resultsBaseName, "sigEnrResults.txt"))
-```{r include=FALSE}
+## include=FALSE, error=TRUE
+```{r error=TRUE, echo=FALSE}
 warning("dropping levels")
 sigEnrResults %<>% mutate(Category=ac(Category)) ## drop unsused level to get consistent color palette
@@ -176,36 +173,29 @@ do({
 ```{r results="asis"}
 l_ply(term_barplot_files$file, function(pngFile){ cat(paste0("<img src='", pngFile, "'><br>"))})
-#ggsave2(ggplot(sigEnrResults, aes(set)) + geom_bar() + ggtitle("enriched term frequencies")) # + facet_wrap(~site_type))
-#sigEnrResults <- arrange(sigEnrResults, site_type, set, -Bonferroni)
-#sigEnrResults$Term <-lockFactorOrder(sigEnrResults$Term)
-#ggplot(sigEnrResults, aes(Term, -log10(Bonferroni))) +coord_flip() + geom_bar() + facet_wrap(~site_type + set)
-#ggplot(sigEnrResults, aes(reorder(set, -Bonferroni), -log10(Bonferroni), label=Term)) + geom_text(alpha=0.6, size=3) + ggtitle("enriched terms by set") + scale_y_log10()
-#ggsave2(width=14, height=12)
-#write.table(sigEnrResults, file=paste0("sigEnrTerms.txt"), row.names=FALSE,  sep="\t")
 ## Enriched KEGG Pathways
-```{r }
-# eval=nrow(sigEnrResults %>% filter(Category=="KEGG_PATHWAY")) >0
+```{r eval=nrow(sigEnrResults %>% filter(Category=="KEGG_PATHWAY")) >0}
 To understand spatio-temporal changes in gene expression better we now overlay enriched kegg pathways with the -log10(q_value) of each contrast. The direction of the expression changes is encoded as color, whereby red indicates that sample_1 is overexpressed. Because we have multiple contrasts of interest, this defines a slice-color barcode for each gene. To relate the barcode to contrasts we define the following slice order:
 ```{r }
+## todo why is tidyr not processing an empty dataframe
 keggPathways <- sigEnrResults %>%
     filter(Category=="KEGG_PATHWAY") %>%
     separate(Term, c('kegg_pathway_id', 'pathway_description'), sep="\\:", remove=F) %>%
     with(kegg_pathway_id) %>% ac() %>% unique()
+```{r results='asis'}
+#if(!exists("keggPathways") | nrow(keggPathways)==0){
+#    cat("No enriched pathways found")
+```{r echo=FALSE}
@@ -297,7 +287,7 @@ makeTooltip <- function(entrez_id){
-```{r results="asis"}
+```{r results="asis", echo=FALSE}
 ## simple non-clickable plots
 ## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12588323/r-how-to-extract-values-for-the-same-named-elements-across-multiple-objects-of