diff --git a/dge_workflow/lsf_rna_seq.sh b/dge_workflow/lsf_rna_seq.sh index 6e1ff57590f9dd8cb5b02e37ae4da83571e8bec3..afccde09e8de45c41c9ed6f56d105678fe634160 100755 --- a/dge_workflow/lsf_rna_seq.sh +++ b/dge_workflow/lsf_rna_seq.sh @@ -191,7 +191,10 @@ cp -r . $tmpDbDir ## todo remove this hack genome=$(echo $gtfFile | cut -f7 -d'/'); echo "genome is $genome" + +## make sure to use temp-r to avoid file locking problems R_LIBS=/tmp/r_index + echo ' require(cummeRbund) dbDir=commandArgs(T)[1] diff --git a/dge_workflow/todo.txt b/dge_workflow/todo.txt index 78c2d4ebfcdbef0b3c523e281e24ffa400bc47ef..ddf7e729488e043140711ae2b72839abf7f0ec43 100755 --- a/dge_workflow/todo.txt +++ b/dge_workflow/todo.txt @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ - cuffdbs change dramatically in size if gtf is provided when building them, but what impact does it have on the results - Also try to remove RNA PCR Primer enrichment. Currently we just remove index and universal adapter + + +1) evaluate if trimmoatic is the better trimmer (with respect to cutadapt) +- also consider to use contamination list from fastqc for trimming (see https://www.biostars.org/p/15753/) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/misc/snippets.sh b/misc/snippets.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bcd075217c6fe6e50c5e72e2c2d111d448f889d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/misc/snippets.sh @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +######################################################################################################################### +#### Trimmomatic + +zcat $fastqFile | head -n 400000 > test.fastq +gzip test.fastq + +export TRIMMOMATIC_HOME=/projects/bioinfo/holger/bin/Trimmomatic-0.32 + +# do the filtering +mcdir $baseDir/trimmed + +for fastqFile in $baseDir/treps_pooled/*fastq.gz ; do + # DEBUG fastqFile=/projects/bioinfo/holger/projects/helin/dog/treps_pooled/dog_big_cyst_rep1.fastq.gz + # DEBUG fastqFile=test.fastq.gz + + caFastq=$(basename $fastqFile .fastq.gz)_tm.fastq.gz + echo "cutadapting $caFastq into $caFastq" + + cmd="java -Xmx2g -jar $TRIMMOMATIC_HOME/trimmomatic-0.32.jar SE -threads 1 -phred33 $fastqFile $caFastq ILLUMINACLIP:$TRIMMOMATIC_HOME/adapters/TruSeq3-SE.fa:2:30:10 LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:15 MINLEN:36" + eval $cmd + mysub "$project__ca__$caFastq" "cutadapt -m 20 -q 25 -o $caFastq $fastqFile > $caFastq.ca.log" -q long | joblist .tmjobs +done +wait4jobs .tmjobs + + +dge_fastqc -o $baseDir/fastqc_tm $(ls $baseDir/trimmed/*fastq.gz) + +mailme "trimmomatic done" + +