# RNA-Seq DGE Workflow git checkout-index -a -f --prefix=/destination/path/ ## How to use install it? export the directory from git into your project git archive --format=tar --remote=git-srv1:/local/git/bioinformatics master /dge_workflow | tar -xf - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/160608/do-a-git-export-like-svn-export git checkout-index -a -f --prefix=/dge_workflow/ or do a sparse checkout http://stackoverflow.com/questions/600079/is-there-any-way-to-clone-a-git-repositorys-sub-directory-only git init <repo> cd <repo> git remote add -f origin <url> This creates an empty repository with your remote. Then do: git config core.sparsecheckout true Now you need to define which files/folders you want to actually check out. This is done by listing them in .git/info/sparse-checkout, eg: echo "some/dir/" >> .git/info/sparse-checkout ## How to use it? 1) Optionally rename dge_master.sh to something like dge_mouse_helin.sh 2) Adjust paths in master script 3) Run on madmax 4) Adjust reports if necessary ## How to backport changes into it? Clone it, change it, push and commit it.