<template> <div id="page-content-wrapper" class="flex flex-wrap justify-center"> <div class="w-5/6"> <h2>DD-Code</h2> <p> DD-CODE is a comprehensive, manually curated database for <a href="/encyclopedia" class="hover:no-underline hover:text-green-600">biomolecular condensates</a> and their constituents as well as an <a href="/encyclopedia" class="hover:no-underline hover:text-green-600">encyclopedia</a> for the scientific terms used to describe them. Biomolecular condensates are cellular structures that are formed by <a href="/encyclopedia" class="hover:no-underline hover:text-green-600">phase separation</a>. In cells, phase separation is driven by <a href="/encyclopedia" class="hover:text-green-600 hover:no-underline">driver</a> proteins/nucleic acid, which in turn recruit <a href="/encyclopedia" class="hover:no-underline hover:text-green-600">client</a> molecules into the condensate. It is important to note that a particular protein/nucleic acid may be a driver in one condensate but the client in another. Moreover, the formation of condensates might be regulated by <a href="/encyclopedia" class="hover:no-underline hover:text-green-600">regulator</a> proteins through specific biochemical activities, but they do not necessarily need to be a part of the condensate. </p> <p> DD-CODE is aimed at becoming a valuable resource for the phase separation and condensate community by providing 1) a reliable literature mined database on all biomolecular condensates and their constituents; 2) an encyclopedia and ontology of the scientific terms and definitions used in the field of phase separation and condensate biology and 3) a standardised list of terminologyes in the field. All data here are manually curated and experimental details and references are provided; this provides the basis of our <a href="/encyclopedia" class="hover:no-underline hover:text-green-600">scoring system</a>. </p> <p> Protein definition: Proteins on DD-CODE are divided three groups. </p> <p> <b>Drivers:</b> Proteins which have at least one of the following features. <ul class="list-decimal list-inside px-8"> <li v-for="items in driversList" :key="items"> {{items}} </li> </ul> </p> <p> <b>Clients:</b> Proteins which are part of a condensate, but driven into it by driver proteins. </p> <p> <b>Regulators:</b> Proteins which biochemically/enzymatically regulate the formation of a condensate, but are structurally not part of it. </p> <p> <b>Scoring system on DD-CODE:</b> At DD-CODE is having three-fold scoring system (evidence stars) <ol class="list-decimal list-inside px-8"> <li v-for="items in scoringSysList" :key="items"> {{items}} </li> </ol> </p> <div> <p class="underline"> Evidence of a protein being in a condensate: </p> <p> DD-CODE initially started off as an aggregation of existing protein-phase-separation databases namely - <a href="http://llps.biocuckoo.cn/" class="hover:no-underline hover:text-green-600">http://llps.biocuckoo.cn/</a> (dr_llps), <a href="http://bio-comp.org.cn/llpsdb/home.html " class="hover:no-underline hover:text-green-600">http://bio-comp.org.cn/llpsdb/home.html </a> (llps_db), <a href="http://db.phasep.pro/" class="hover:no-underline hover:text-green-600">http://db.phasep.pro/</a> (phase_pro) and <a href="https://phasepro.elte.hu/" class="hover:no-underline hover:text-green-600"></a> (phase_hu). Within these four source databases, we were also able to find publications (via text mining) stating localization of these phase-separating proteins into biomolecular condensates. </p> </div> <div> <p> Using the above two datapoints (source database annotations and publications), we devised a rule-based mechanism to rate the evidence of a protein being a condensate, which goes as follow: <ul class="list-disc list-inside px-8"> <li v-for="items in evidenceProteinRateList" :key="items" v-html="items"> </li> </ul> </p> <p> Besides these initial ratings, it is also possible for a contributor to modify these ratings. </p> </div> <div> <p class="undeline"> Evidence of the existence of a condensate along with its proteome: </p> <p> Using the above ratings of a protein existing in a condensate, and computing the median of these scores, we provide a rating to the existence of the condensate as a whole. </p> <p> This rating, unlike the previous one though is not editable, and is always recomputed after a round of contributions are accepted and synced. </p> </div> <div> <p> <span class="underline">Evidence for a protein being a driver:</span> Having any of the below-mentioned features provide a star for a protein being a driver. <ul class="list-decimal list-inside px-8"> <li v-for="items in proteinFeaturesList" :key="items"> {{items}} </li> </ul> </p> <p> This provides maximum three starts (***) for a protein which is confidently a driver. </p> </div> <!-- <ul class="a"> <li>Database: <a href="/">DD-CODE</a></li> <li><a href="/encyclopedia">Definitions</a></li> <li><a href="/">Crowdsourcing</a></li> <li><a href="/about">Evidence stars</a></li> </ul> --> </div> </div> </template> <script> const _ = require("lodash"); export default { name: "LandingPage", components: {}, props: { msg: String, }, data() { return { driversList: [ "Undergo phase separation or self-assembly into liquid droplets independent of other proteins.", "Induce the formation of a condensate.", "Are essential for the integrity of a condensate.", ], scoringSysList: [ "A protein being present in a condensate (Rated out of 5)", "The existence of a condensate along with its proteome as a whole (Rated out of 5)", "A protein being present as a driver in the condensate (Rated out of 3)", ], evidenceProteinRateList: [ "Having source database as <b>dr_llps</b> or <b>llps_db</b>: 1/5", "Having source database as <b>phase_pro</b> (high-throughput-exp): 2/5", "Having source database as <b>phase_pro</b> or <b>phase_hu</b>: 4/5", "Having a publication: 4/5", ], proteinFeaturesList: [ "Undergo phase separation or self-assembly into liquid droplets independent of other proteins (*).", "Induce the formation of a condensate (*).", "Are essential for the integrity of a condensate (*)", ], }; }, computed: {}, methods: {}, }; </script> <!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only --> <style> @import url("~@/assets/bootstrap.css"); .main { margin: 1.5rem; } h3 { margin: 40px 0 0; } a { color: #42b983; } ul.a { list-style-type: disc; list-style-position: inside; } input[type="radio"] { margin: 2px; } .radio-label { margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 5px; } </style>