* Project Code : `DD-Code` * Lab : Toth-Petroczy * Contact Persons : Soumyadeep Ghosh (mailto: sghosh@mpi-cbg.de) * Code Repository : https://git.mpi-cbg.de/scicomp/scidev_team/dd-code/ * Start Date: November 2020 * Data location : `https://git.mpi-cbg.de/scicomp/scidev_team/dd-code/` # Project Outline To develop a fron-end web application for condensate databases with MongoDB and Elastic search functionalities. The back-end data design and contracts are implemented by Soumyadeep. Scicomp is in charge of the front end web application. - the first page will show the table with searched term. - the second page includes the detailed information of condensate and proteins. ## References - https://git.mpi-cbg.de/atplab/dd-code-docs - http://bio-comp.org.cn/llpsdb/home.aspx - https://phasepro.elte.hu - https://www.uniprot.org/ - https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/21/18/6796/htm