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Huch lab / docker / singlecell
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseDocker container for single-cell-RNAseq analysis
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tothpetroczylab / SHARK
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseSimilarity/Homology Assessment by Relating K-mers
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New analyses for the "Navigating Uncertainty in Encoded Decision-Space" project. Analysis for both "Fruit Task" and "Hexagons Task."
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tothpetroczylab / Picnic
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicensePICNIC (Proteins Involved in CoNdensates In Cells) is machine learning-based model that predicts proteins involved in biomolecular condensates.
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Backend APIs (Flask) exposing data from database in RESTful format
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Veenvliet Lab / organoid_prediction_python
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" Licenseuseful functionality for image-, data-analysis and classification of stembryos
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Python Scripts to generate data in MongoDB after aggregation from source databases; update/modify data for the web app as well as the predictor; manipulate data for "Condensate Proteome Predictor"
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MosaicSuite is a software for ImageJ/Fiji with image-processing algorithms developed at the MOSAIC group.
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tothpetroczylab / deTELpy
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicensePython package of the deTEL translation error detection pipeline from mass-spectrometry data
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Repository containing the scripts used in Iglesias-Artola et al 2024. Quantitative imaging of species-specific lipid transport in mammalian cells
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MotionTracking project to Analyze Hepatocyte Cages.
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krishna / WDeversion_theory
MIT LicenseTheory analysis and code for studying Drosophila wing disc eversion
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labShevchenko / PeakStrainer
MIT LicenseUpdated -
archived 0Updated
hidra fork, intended to exist until desy's hidra goes full open source on github or similar