From abcb1fcd4a4998f2312ddd42a913d8cba6c66769 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lars Hubatsch <>
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 2021 23:18:43 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Update figure: influence of coverslip and neighbours.

 Plots_Droplet_FRAP.ipynb | 84 +++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 52 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Plots_Droplet_FRAP.ipynb b/Plots_Droplet_FRAP.ipynb
index 988644b..165f579 100644
--- a/Plots_Droplet_FRAP.ipynb
+++ b/Plots_Droplet_FRAP.ipynb
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
     "                                    phi_tot_ext, G_in, G_out):\n",
     "    f = frap_solver([4, 4, 0.25], m, name='FRAP_multi/FRAP_multi_'+m[:-4]+str(G_i), point_list=p,\n",
     "                    T=240, dt=0.02, phi_tot_int=p_i, phi_tot_ext=p_e, G_in=G_i, G_out=G_o)\n",
-    "    f.solve_frap()\n",
+    "#     f.solve_frap()\n",
     "    f_i.append(f)"
@@ -131,12 +131,13 @@
     "for i in range(len(f_i)):\n",
     "#     if i>2:\n",
     "        profs.append([])\n",
-    "        for j in range(50):\n",
+    "        for j in range(240):\n",
     "            values=[]\n",
     "            fs = fem_utils.load_time_point(f_i[i].name+'t_p_'+str(j)+'.h5',\n",
     "                                           f_i[i].mesh)\n",
+    "            print('Reading time point ' + str(j) + ' of simulation ' + str(i))\n",
     "            for n in ns:\n",
-    "                values.append([fs([4, 4, 0.5]+e*n) for e in eps])\n",
+    "                values.append([fs([4, 4, 0.25]+e*n) for e in eps])\n",
     "            profs[i].append(np.mean(np.transpose(values), 1))"
@@ -146,7 +147,15 @@
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
-    "np.savetxt('t_p.csv', profs, delimiter=',')"
+    "# Write out profiles to .csv\n",
+    "for i in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:\n",
+    "    dist = str(point_lists[i][0][1]-4)\n",
+    "    P = str(f_i[i].phi_tot_int/f_i[i].phi_tot_ext)\n",
+    "    np.savetxt('eps_multi_'+str(i)+'.csv', eps, delimiter=',')\n",
+    "    np.savetxt('t_p_multi_' + P + '_' + dist +'.csv',\n",
+    "               profs[i][1:], delimiter=',')\n",
+    "    meta_data = np.r_[f_i[i].dt, f_i[i].T-1, eps, 0.25] # last param: droplet radius\n",
+    "    np.savetxt('meta_data_multi_' + P + '_' + dist + '.csv', meta_data, delimiter=',')"
@@ -175,12 +184,15 @@
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
-    "nice_fig('time $t$ [s]', 'intensity (a.u)', [0,50], [0,1.1], [1.5,2])\n",
-    "plt.plot([np.mean(x)/f_i[0].phi_tot_int for x in profs[0]],\n",
+    "nice_fig('time $t$ [s]', 'intensity (a.u)', [0,4], [0,1.05], [1.5,2])\n",
+    "plt.plot(np.linspace(0, (f_i[0].T-1)*f_i[0].dt, f_i[0].T), \n",
+    "         [np.mean(x)/f_i[0].phi_tot_int for x in profs[0]],\n",
     "         lw=2, label='d=0.5', ls='-')\n",
-    "plt.plot([np.mean(x)/f_i[1].phi_tot_int for x in profs[1]],\n",
+    "plt.plot(np.linspace(0, (f_i[1].T-1)*f_i[1].dt, f_i[1].T),\n",
+    "         [np.mean(x)/f_i[1].phi_tot_int for x in profs[1]],\n",
     "         lw=2, label='d=1', ls='--')\n",
-    "plt.plot([np.mean(x)/f_i[2].phi_tot_int for x in profs[2]],\n",
+    "plt.plot(np.linspace(0, (f_i[2].T-1)*f_i[2].dt, f_i[2].T),\n",
+    "         [np.mean(x)/f_i[2].phi_tot_int for x in profs[2]],\n",
     "         lw=2, label='d=1.5', ls=':')\n",
     "plt.plot(range(0, 100), np.ones(100), linestyle='--', color='k')\n",
     "plt.title('$P=99}$', size=12)\n",
@@ -194,16 +206,19 @@
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
-    "nice_fig('time $t$ [s]', r'av. volume fraction $\\bar{\\phi}_\\mathrm{u}$', [0,30], [0,1.1], [1.5,2])\n",
-    "plt.plot([np.mean(x)/f_i[3].phi_tot_int for x in profs[3]],\n",
+    "nice_fig('time $t$ [s]', r'av. volume fraction $\\bar{\\phi}_\\mathrm{u}$', [0,4.], [0,1.05], [1.5,2])\n",
+    "plt.plot(np.linspace(0, (f_i[3].T-1)*f_i[3].dt, f_i[3].T),\n",
+    "        [np.mean(x)/f_i[3].phi_tot_int for x in profs[3]],\n",
     "         lw=2, label='$d=0.5 \\,\\mathrm{\\mu m}$', ls='-')\n",
-    "plt.plot([np.mean(x)/f_i[4].phi_tot_int for x in profs[4]],\n",
+    "plt.plot(np.linspace(0, (f_i[4].T-1)*f_i[4].dt, f_i[4].T),\n",
+    "         [np.mean(x)/f_i[4].phi_tot_int for x in profs[4]],\n",
     "         lw=2, label='$d=1 \\,\\mathrm{\\mu m}$', ls='--')\n",
-    "plt.plot([np.mean(x)/f_i[5].phi_tot_int for x in profs[5]],\n",
+    "plt.plot(np.linspace(0, (f_i[5].T-1)*f_i[5].dt, f_i[5].T),\n",
+    "         [np.mean(x)/f_i[5].phi_tot_int for x in profs[5]],\n",
     "         lw=2, label='$d=1.5 \\,\\mathrm{\\mu m}$', ls=':')\n",
     "plt.plot(range(0, 100), np.ones(100), linestyle='--', color='k')\n",
     "plt.title('$P=9$', size=12)\n",
-    "plt.legend(prop={'size': 9}, frameon=False, loc=(0.22, 0.025),\n",
+    "plt.legend(prop={'size': 9}, frameon=False, loc=(0.2, 0.025),\n",
     "           handletextpad=0.4, labelspacing=0.2)\n",
@@ -214,14 +229,15 @@
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
-    "ml = np.loadtxt('/Users/hubatsch/Desktop/DropletFRAP/matlab_fit.csv',\n",
+    "ml = np.loadtxt('/Users/hubatsch/Desktop/DropletFRAP/matlab_fit_multi.csv',\n",
     "                      delimiter=',')\n",
-    "nice_fig('radial distance $r$ [$\\mathrm{\\mu m}$]', 'volume fraction $\\phi_\\mathrm{u}$', [0,0.25], [0,1.1], [3.8,2])\n",
-    "l_sim = plt.plot(eps, np.transpose(profs[0])[:,::8]/f_i[0].phi_tot_int, c=green,\n",
+    "nice_fig('radial distance $r$ [$\\mathrm{\\mu m}$]', 'volume fraction $\\phi_\\mathrm{u}$', [0,0.23], [0,1.05], [3.8,2])\n",
+    "l_sim = plt.plot(eps, np.transpose(profs[0])[:,1:181:22]/f_i[0].phi_tot_int, c=green,\n",
     "                 lw=4.5, alpha=0.7)\n",
     "plt.plot(range(0, 100), np.ones(100), linestyle='--', color='k')\n",
-    "l_fit = plt.plot(np.linspace(0, 0.23, 100), np.transpose(ml)[:,::8], c='k', lw=1.5)\n",
-    "plt.legend([l_sim[0], l_fit[0]], ['Model, eq. (6)', 'Fit, eq. (1)'], prop={'size': 9}, frameon=False)\n",
+    "l_fit = plt.plot(np.linspace(0, 0.23, 100), np.transpose(ml)[:,:180:22], c='k', lw=1.5)\n",
+    "plt.legend([l_sim[0], l_fit[0]], ['Model, eq. (6)', 'Fit, eq. (1)'], loc=(0.1, 0.77),\n",
+    "           prop={'size': 9}, frameon=False, labelspacing=0.1, handlelength=0.1, ncol=2)\n",
@@ -269,7 +285,8 @@
     "z = [0.25, 1.5, 4, 0.25, 1.5, 4]\n",
     "# eps = np.linspace(0, 3.5, 100) # for full profile\n",
-    "eps = np.r_[np.linspace(0, 0.4, 100), np.linspace(0.41, 2, 20)]\n",
+    "# eps = np.r_[np.linspace(0, 0.4, 100), np.linspace(0.41, 2, 20)]\n",
+    "eps = np.linspace(0, 0.23, 100)\n",
     "profs_cs = []\n",
     "for i, z_i in enumerate(z):\n",
     "    profs_cs.append([])\n",
@@ -290,13 +307,13 @@
    "source": [
     "# Write out profiles to .csv\n",
     "for i in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:\n",
-    "    z = str(f_cs[i].cent_poin[-1])\n",
+    "    z_str = str(f_cs[i].cent_poin[-1])\n",
     "    P = str(f_cs[i].phi_tot_int/f_cs[i].phi_tot_ext)\n",
     "    np.savetxt('eps_'+str(i)+'.csv', eps, delimiter=',')\n",
-    "    np.savetxt('t_p_long_coverslip_' + P + '_' + z +'.csv',\n",
+    "    np.savetxt('t_p_long_coverslip_' + P + '_' + z_str +'.csv',\n",
     "               profs_cs[i][1:], delimiter=',')\n",
     "    meta_data = np.r_[f_cs[i].dt, f_cs[i].T-1, eps, 0.25] # last param: droplet radius\n",
-    "    np.savetxt('meta_data_long_coverslip_' + P + '_' + z + '.csv', meta_data, delimiter=',')"
+    "    np.savetxt('meta_data_long_coverslip_' + P + '_' + z_str + '.csv', meta_data, delimiter=',')"
@@ -305,10 +322,12 @@
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
-    "nice_fig('time $t$ [s]', '', [0,50], [0,1.1], [1.5,2])\n",
+    "nice_fig('time $t$ [s]', '', [0,4], [0,1.05], [1.5,2])\n",
     "ls = ['-', '--', '-.']\n",
+    "             \n",
     "for i, f in enumerate(f_cs[0:3]):\n",
-    "    plt.plot([np.mean(x)/f.phi_tot_int for x in profs_cs[i]],\n",
+    "    plt.plot(np.linspace(0, (f.T-1)*f.dt, f.T),\n",
+    "             [np.mean(x)/f.phi_tot_int for x in profs_cs[i]],\n",
     "             label='d='+str(z[i]), ls=ls[i], lw=2)\n",
     "plt.plot(range(0, 100), np.ones(100), linestyle='--', color='k')\n",
     "plt.title('$P=99$', size=12)\n",
@@ -322,14 +341,15 @@
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
-    "nice_fig('time $t$ [s]', r'av. volume fraction $\\bar{\\phi}_\\mathrm{u}$', [0,30], [0,1.1], [1.5,2])\n",
+    "nice_fig('time $t$ [s]', r'av. volume fraction $\\bar{\\phi}_\\mathrm{u}$', [0,4], [0,1.05], [1.5,2])\n",
     "ls = ['-', '--', '-.']\n",
     "for i, f in enumerate(f_cs[3:]):\n",
-    "    plt.plot([np.mean(x)/f.phi_tot_int for x in profs_cs[i+3]],\n",
+    "    plt.plot(np.linspace(0, (f.T-1)*f.dt, f.T),\n",
+    "             [np.mean(x)/f.phi_tot_int for x in profs_cs[i+3]],\n",
     "             label='$h=$'+str(z[i])+'$\\,\\mathrm{\\mu m}$', lw=2, ls=ls[i])\n",
     "plt.plot(range(0, 100), np.ones(100), linestyle='--', color='k')\n",
     "plt.title('$P=9$', size=12)\n",
-    "plt.legend(prop={'size': 9}, frameon=False, loc=(0.22, 0.025),\n",
+    "plt.legend(prop={'size': 9}, frameon=False, loc=(0.18, 0.025),\n",
     "           handletextpad=0.4, labelspacing=0.2)\n",
@@ -340,15 +360,15 @@
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
-    "ml_neigh = np.loadtxt('/Users/hubatsch/Desktop/DropletFRAP/matlab_fit_neigh.csv',\n",
+    "ml_neigh = np.loadtxt('/Users/hubatsch/Desktop/DropletFRAP/matlab_fit_coverslip.csv',\n",
     "                      delimiter=',')\n",
-    "nice_fig('radial distance $r$ [$\\mathrm{\\mu m}$]', 'volume fraction $\\phi_\\mathrm{u}$', [0,0.25], [0,1.1], [3.8,2])\n",
-    "l_sim = plt.plot(eps, np.transpose(profs_cs[0])[:,::8]/f_cs[0].phi_tot_int, c=green,\n",
+    "nice_fig('radial distance $r$ [$\\mathrm{\\mu m}$]', 'volume fraction $\\phi_\\mathrm{u}$', [0,0.23], [0,1.05], [3.8,2])\n",
+    "l_sim = plt.plot(eps, np.transpose(profs_cs[0])[:,1::22]/f_cs[0].phi_tot_int, c=green,\n",
     "                 lw=4.5, alpha=0.7)\n",
     "plt.plot(range(0, 100), np.ones(100), linestyle='--', color='k')\n",
-    "l_fit = plt.plot(np.linspace(0, 0.23, 100), np.transpose(ml_neigh)[:,::8],\n",
+    "l_fit = plt.plot(np.linspace(0, 0.23, 100), np.transpose(ml_neigh)[:,::22],\n",
     "         ls='-', c='k', lw=1)\n",
-    "plt.legend([l_sim[0], l_fit[0]], ['Model, eq. (6)', 'Fit, eq. (1)'], frameon=False, loc=(0.63, 0.0))\n",
+    "plt.legend([l_sim[0], l_fit[0]], ['Model, eq. (6)', 'Fit, eq. (1)'], frameon=False, loc=(0.1, 0.77), ncol=2)\n",