From f3ba88ea0a658412e0126fd6276acbfec682ad3b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lars Hubatsch <>
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2019 17:11:41 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Amended Cahn Hilliard code in a minimal way to account for
 Flory Huggins binary mixture with the corresponding mobility scaling. Seems
 to work, but not sure about the volume fraction to concentration conversion.

 Fenics_Cahn_Hilliard.ipynb | 31 ++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Fenics_Cahn_Hilliard.ipynb b/Fenics_Cahn_Hilliard.ipynb
index b38153e..cb709ff 100644
--- a/Fenics_Cahn_Hilliard.ipynb
+++ b/Fenics_Cahn_Hilliard.ipynb
@@ -18,7 +18,13 @@
     "        random.seed(2 + MPI.rank(MPI.comm_world))\n",
     "        super().__init__(**kwargs)\n",
     "    def eval(self, values, x):\n",
-    "        values[0] = 0.63 + 0.02*(0.5 - random.random())\n",
+    "        if x[0] > 0.5:\n",
+    "#             values[0] = 0.63 + 0.02*(0.5 - random.random())\n",
+    "            values[0] = 0.6\n",
+    "        else:\n",
+    "            values[0] = 0.35                \n",
+    "        values[1] = 0.0\n",
+    "#         values[0] = 0.63 + 0.02*(0.5 - random.random())\n",
     "        values[1] = 0.0\n",
     "    def value_shape(self):\n",
     "        return (2,)\n",
@@ -33,14 +39,14 @@
     "    def J(self, A, x):\n",
     "        assemble(self.a, tensor=A)\n",
     "# Model parameters\n",
-    "lmbda  = 1.0e-02  # surface parameter\n",
-    "dt     = 5.0e-06  # time step\n",
+    "lmbda  = 2.0e-02  # surface parameter\n",
+    "dt     = 5.0e-03  # time step\n",
     "theta  = 0.5      # time stepping family, e.g. theta=1 -> backward Euler, theta=0.5 -> Crank-Nicolson\n",
     "# Form compiler options\n",
     "parameters[\"form_compiler\"][\"optimize\"]     = True\n",
     "parameters[\"form_compiler\"][\"cpp_optimize\"] = True\n",
     "# Create mesh and build function space\n",
-    "mesh = UnitSquareMesh.create(96, 96, CellType.Type.quadrilateral)\n",
+    "mesh = UnitSquareMesh.create(96, 3, CellType.Type.quadrilateral)\n",
     "P1 = FiniteElement(\"Lagrange\", mesh.ufl_cell(), 1)\n",
     "ME = FunctionSpace(mesh, P1*P1)\n",
     "# Define trial and test functions\n",
@@ -60,12 +66,14 @@
     "# Compute the chemical potential df/dc\n",
     "c = variable(c)\n",
-    "f    = 100*c**2*(1-c)**2\n",
-    "dfdc = diff(f, c)\n",
+    "# f    = 100*c**2*(1-c)**2\n",
+    "# dfdc = diff(f, c)\n",
+    "X = 2.2\n",
+    "dfdc = ln(c/(1-c))+(1-2*X*c)\n",
     "# mu_(n+theta)\n",
     "mu_mid = (1.0-theta)*mu0 + theta*mu\n",
     "# Weak statement of the equations\n",
-    "L0 = c*q*dx - c0*q*dx + dt*dot(grad(mu_mid), grad(q))*dx\n",
+    "L0 = c*q*dx - c0*q*dx + dt*c*(1-c)*dot(grad(mu_mid), grad(q))*dx\n",
     "L1 = mu*v*dx - dfdc*v*dx - lmbda*dot(grad(c), grad(v))*dx\n",
     "L = L0 + L1\n",
     "# Compute directional derivative about u in the direction of du (Jacobian)\n",
@@ -81,20 +89,13 @@
     "# Step in time\n",
     "t = 0.0\n",
-    "T = 50*dt\n",
+    "T = 5000*dt\n",
     "while (t < T):\n",
     "    t += dt\n",
     "    u0.vector()[:] = u.vector()\n",
     "    solver.solve(problem, u.vector())\n",
     "    file << (u.split()[0], t)"
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {},
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": []
  "metadata": {