diff --git a/src/VTKWriter.hpp b/src/VTKWriter.hpp
index 840614114a7975b3184efc2c8e86021e601a30bf..ae30f6c5b607f13fb6e3ab1892ca0bf39d072836 100644
--- a/src/VTKWriter.hpp
+++ b/src/VTKWriter.hpp
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ enum file_type
 #define GRAPH 1
 #define VECTOR_BOX 2
 #define VECTOR_GRIDS 3
+#define VECTOR_ST_GRIDS 4
 template <typename Graph, unsigned int imp>
 class VTKWriter
@@ -106,5 +107,6 @@ class VTKWriter
 #include "VTKWriter_graph.hpp"
 #include "VTKWriter_vector_box.hpp"
 #include "VTKWriter_grids.hpp"
+#include "VTKWriter_grids_st.hpp"
 #endif /* VTKWRITER_HPP_ */
diff --git a/src/VTKWriter_grids.hpp b/src/VTKWriter_grids.hpp
index ae133dcc08fd017be4e7ca212573c859983880da..58f8ecd70d4a9bbfd15e9aa62b16097f6152f1ce 100644
--- a/src/VTKWriter_grids.hpp
+++ b/src/VTKWriter_grids.hpp
@@ -177,13 +177,9 @@ class VTKWriter<pair,VECTOR_GRIDS>
 	/*! \brief Create the VTK point definition
-	 *
-	 * \tparam s_type spatial type of the data
-	 * \tparam attr false x,y,z are set to 0 for each vertex
-	template <bool attr> std::string get_point_list()
+	std::string get_point_list()
 		//! vertex node output string
 		std::stringstream v_out;
@@ -220,12 +216,8 @@ class VTKWriter<pair,VECTOR_GRIDS>
 	/*! \brief Create the VTK vertex definition
-	 *
-	 * \tparam s_type spatial type of the data
-	 * \tparam attr false x,y,z are set to 0 for each vertex
 	std::string get_vertex_list()
 		//! vertex node output string
@@ -336,7 +328,7 @@ public:
 		point_prop_header = get_point_properties_list();
 		// Get point list
-		point_list = get_point_list<has_attributes<typename pair::first::value_type>::value>();
+		point_list = get_point_list();
 		// vertex properties header
 		vertex_prop_header = get_vertex_properties_list();
diff --git a/src/VTKWriter_grids_st.hpp b/src/VTKWriter_grids_st.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5c066faa83da7046d2497b4cbc73ea47654c12a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/VTKWriter_grids_st.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+ * VTKWriter_grids_st.hpp
+ *
+ *  Created on: Sep 3, 2015
+ *      Author: Pietro Incardona
+ */
+#include <boost/mpl/pair.hpp>
+#include "VTKWriter_grids_util.hpp"
+#include "util/util_debug.hpp"
+#include "util/convert.hpp"
+/*! \brief for each combination in the cell grid you can have different grids
+ *
+ * \param grid
+ * \param cg combination
+ *
+ */
+template <typename Grid>
+struct cell_grid
+	// vector of fused grids
+	openfpm::vector<const Grid *> grids;
+	// combination
+	const comb<Grid::dims> cmb;
+	//! construct a cell grid
+	cell_grid(const comb<Grid::dims> & cmb)
+	:cmb(cmb)
+	{}
+template <typename Grid, typename St>
+class ele_g_st
+	typedef Grid value_type;
+	ele_g_st(){};
+	ele_g_st(const Point<Grid::dims,St> & offset, const Point<Grid::dims,St> & spacing, const Box<Grid::dims,St> & dom)
+	:offset(offset),spacing(spacing),dom(dom)
+	{}
+	std::string dataset;
+	//! fused grids
+	openfpm::vector<cell_grid<Grid>> g;
+	//! offset where it start
+	Point<Grid::dims,St> offset;
+	// spacing of the grid
+	Point<Grid::dims,St> spacing;
+	// Part of the grid that is real domain
+	Box<Grid::dims,size_t> dom;
+ *
+ * It write a VTK format file in case of grids defined on a space
+ *
+ * \tparam boost::mpl::pair<G,S>
+ *
+ * where G is the type of grid S is the type of space, float, double ...
+ *
+ */
+template <typename pair>
+class VTKWriter<pair,VECTOR_ST_GRIDS>
+	//! Vector of grids
+	openfpm::vector< ele_g_st<typename pair::first,typename pair::second> > vg;
+	/*! \brief Get the total number of points
+	 *
+	 * \return the total number
+	 *
+	 */
+	size_t get_total()
+	{
+		size_t tot = 0;
+		//! Calculate the full number of vertices
+		for (size_t i = 0 ; i < vg.size() ; i++)
+		{
+			for (size_t j = 0 ; j < vg.get(i).g.size() ; j++)
+			{
+				if (vg.get(i).g.get(j).grids.size() != 0)
+					tot += vg.get(i).g.get(j).grids.get(0)->size();
+			}
+		}
+		return tot;
+	}
+	/*! \brief It get the vertex properties list
+	 *
+	 * It get the vertex properties list of the vertex defined as VTK header
+	 *
+	 * \return a string that define the vertex properties in graphML format
+	 *
+	 */
+	std::string get_vertex_properties_list()
+	{
+		//! vertex property output string
+		std::string v_out;
+		// write the number of vertex
+		v_out += "VERTICES " + std::to_string(get_total()) + " " + std::to_string(get_total() * 2) + "\n";
+		// return the vertex properties string
+		return v_out;
+	}
+	/*! \brief It get the vertex properties list
+	 *
+	 * It get the vertex properties list of the vertex defined as a VTK header
+	 *
+	 * \return a string that define the vertex properties in graphML format
+	 *
+	 */
+	std::string get_point_properties_list()
+	{
+		//! vertex property output string
+		std::string v_out;
+		// write the number of vertex
+		v_out += "POINTS " + std::to_string(get_total()) + " float" + "\n";
+		// return the vertex properties string
+		return v_out;
+	}
+	/*! \brief Create the VTK point definition
+	 *
+	 */
+	std::string get_point_list()
+	{
+		//! vertex node output string
+		std::stringstream v_out;
+		//! For each sub-domain
+		for (size_t i = 0 ; i < vg.size() ; i++)
+		{
+			// For each position in the cell
+			for (size_t j = 0 ; j < vg.get(i).g.size() ; j++)
+			{
+				// If there are no grid in this position
+				if (vg.get(i).g.get(j).grids.size() == 0)
+					continue;
+				//! Get the iterator
+				auto it = vg.get(i).g.get(j).grids.get(0)->getIterator();
+				//! Where the grid is defined
+				Box<pair::first::dims,typename pair::second> dom;
+				// Calculate the offset of the grid considering its cell position
+				Point<pair::first::dims,typename pair::second> middle = vg.get(i).spacing / 2;
+				Point<pair::first::dims,typename pair::second> one;
+				one.one();
+				one = one + toPoint<pair::first::dims,typename pair::second>::convert(vg.get(i).g.get(j).cmb);
+				Point<pair::first::dims,typename pair::second> offset = middle * one + vg.get(i).offset;
+				// if there is the next element
+				while (it.isNext())
+				{
+					Point<pair::first::dims,typename pair::second> p;
+					p = it.get().toPoint();
+					p = p * vg.get(i).spacing + offset;
+					if (pair::first::dims == 2)
+						v_out << p.toString() << " 0.0" << "\n";
+					else
+						v_out << p.toString() << "\n";
+					// increment the iterator
+					++it;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// return the vertex list
+		return v_out.str();
+	}
+	/*! \brief Create the VTK properties output
+	 *
+	 * \param k component
+	 *
+	 */
+	std::string get_properties_output(size_t k)
+	{
+		//! vertex node output string
+		std::stringstream v_out;
+		// Check if T is a supported format
+		// for now we support only scalar of native type
+		typedef typename boost::mpl::at<typename pair::first::value_type::type,boost::mpl::int_<0>>::type ctype;
+		std::string type = getType<ctype>();
+		// if the type is not supported return
+		if (type.size() == 0)
+		{
+			std::cerr << "Error " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " the type " << demangle(typeid(ctype).name()) << " is not supported by vtk\n";
+			return "";
+		}
+		// Create point data properties
+		v_out << "SCALARS " << "attr" << k << " " << type + "\n";
+		// Default lookup table
+		v_out << "LOOKUP_TABLE default\n";
+		//! For each sub-domain
+		for (size_t i = 0 ; i < vg.size() ; i++)
+		{
+			// For each position in the cell
+			for (size_t j = 0 ; j < vg.get(i).g.size() ; j++)
+			{
+				// If there are no grid in this position
+				if (vg.get(i).g.get(j).grids.size() == 0)
+					continue;
+				if (k < vg.get(i).g.get(j).grids.size())
+				{
+					// Grid source
+					auto & g_src = *vg.get(i).g.get(j).grids.get(k);
+					//! Get the iterator
+					auto it = g_src.getIterator();
+					//! Where the grid is defined
+					Box<pair::first::dims,typename pair::second> dom;
+					// if there is the next element
+					while (it.isNext())
+					{
+						auto key = it.get();
+						v_out << std::to_string(g_src.template get<0>(key))  << "\n";
+						// increment the iterator
+						++it;
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					// Grid source
+					auto & g_src = *vg.get(i).g.get(j).grids.get(0);
+					//! Get the iterator
+					auto it = g_src.getIterator();
+					//! Where the grid is defined
+					Box<pair::first::dims,typename pair::second> dom;
+					// if there is the next element
+					while (it.isNext())
+					{
+						v_out << "0\n";
+						// increment the iterator
+						++it;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// return the vertex list
+		return v_out.str();
+	}
+	/*! \brief Return the output of the domain property
+	 *
+	 * \return vtk output
+	 *
+	 */
+    std::string lastProp()
+	{
+		//! vertex node output string
+		std::stringstream v_out;
+		// Create point data properties
+		v_out << "SCALARS domain float\n";
+		// Default lookup table
+		v_out << "LOOKUP_TABLE default\n";
+		//! For each sub-domain
+		for (size_t i = 0 ; i < vg.size() ; i++)
+		{
+			// For each position in the cell
+			for (size_t j = 0 ; j < vg.get(i).g.size() ; j++)
+			{
+				// If there are no grid in this position
+				if (vg.get(i).g.get(j).grids.size() == 0)
+					continue;
+				//! Get the iterator
+				auto it = vg.get(i).g.get(j).grids.get(0)->getIterator();
+				// if there is the next element
+				while (it.isNext())
+				{
+					if (vg.get(i).dom.isInside(it.get().toPoint()) == true)
+						v_out << "1.0\n";
+					else
+						v_out << "0.0\n";
+					// increment the iterator and counter
+					++it;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return v_out.str();
+	}
+	/*! \brief Get the maximum number of fused grid
+	 *
+	 * \return the maximum number of fused grids
+	 *
+	 */
+	size_t getMaxFused()
+	{
+		size_t max = 0;
+		//! For each sub-domain
+		for (size_t i = 0 ; i < vg.size() ; i++)
+		{
+			// For each position in the cell
+			for (size_t j = 0 ; j < vg.get(i).g.size() ; j++)
+			{
+				// If there are no grid in this position
+				if (vg.get(i).g.get(j).grids.size() > max)
+						max = vg.get(i).g.get(j).grids.size();
+			}
+		}
+		return max;
+	}
+	/*! \brief Create the VTK vertex definition
+	 *
+	 */
+	std::string get_vertex_list()
+	{
+		//! vertex node output string
+		std::string v_out;
+		size_t k = 0;
+		//! For each sub-domain
+		for (size_t i = 0 ; i < vg.size() ; i++)
+		{
+			// For each position in the cell
+			for (size_t j = 0 ; j < vg.get(i).g.size() ; j++)
+			{
+				// If there are no grid in this position
+				if (vg.get(i).g.get(j).grids.size() == 0)
+						continue;
+				//! For each grid point create a vertex
+				auto it = vg.get(i).g.get(j).grids.get(0)->getIterator();
+				while (it.isNext())
+				{
+					v_out += "1 " + std::to_string(k) + "\n";
+					++k;
+					++it;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// return the vertex list
+		return v_out;
+	}
+	/*! \brief Get the point data header
+	 *
+	 * \return a string with the point data header for VTK format
+	 *
+	 */
+	std::string get_point_data_header()
+	{
+		std::string v_out;
+		v_out += "POINT_DATA " + std::to_string(get_total()) + "\n";
+		return v_out;
+	}
+	/*! \brief Append the grid to the sub-domain, if for a sub-domain we have a grid that is overlapping
+	 *         fuse them, otherwise create a new combination and grid
+	 *
+	 * \param id sub-domain id
+	 * \param location in the cell of the grid
+	 *
+	 * \return a valid slot, if does not exist it append the grid at the end with the new combination
+	 *
+	 */
+	void append_grid(size_t id, const typename pair::first & g, const comb<pair::first::dims> & cmb)
+	{
+		for(size_t i = 0 ; i < vg.get(id).g.size() ; i++)
+		{
+			// for each defined grid if exist the combination fuse
+			if (cmb == vg.get(id).g.get(i).cmb)
+			{
+				vg.get(id).g.get(i).grids.add(&g);
+				return;
+			}
+		}
+		// if the combination does not exist add the grid
+		cell_grid< typename pair::first> cg(cmb);
+		vg.get(id).g.add(cg);
+		vg.get(id).g.last().grids.add(&g);
+	}
+	/*!
+	 *
+	 * VTKWriter constructor
+	 *
+	 */
+	VTKWriter()
+	{}
+	/*! \brief Add grid dataset
+	 *
+	 * \param i sub-domain id
+	 * \param g Grid to add
+	 * \param offset grid offset
+	 * \param spacing spacing of the grid
+	 * \param dom part of the spacethat is the domain
+	 *
+	 */
+	void add(size_t i, const typename pair::first & g, const Point<pair::first::dims,typename pair::second> & offset, const Point<pair::first::dims,typename pair::second> & spacing, const Box<pair::first::dims,typename pair::second> & dom, const comb<pair::first::dims> & cmb)
+	{
+		//! Increase the size
+		if (i >= vg.size())
+			vg.resize(i+1);
+		vg.get(i).offset = offset;
+		vg.get(i).spacing = spacing;
+		vg.get(i).dom = dom;
+		// append the grid
+		append_grid(i,g,cmb);
+	}
+	/*! \brief It write a VTK file from a graph
+	 *
+	 * \tparam prp_out which properties to output [default = -1 (all)]
+	 *
+	 * \param file path where to write
+	 * \param name of the set of grids
+	 * \param file_type specify if it is a VTK BINARY or ASCII file [default = ASCII]
+	 *
+	 */
+	template<int prp = -1> bool write(std::string file, std::string f_name = "grids" , file_type ft = file_type::ASCII)
+	{
+		// Header for the vtk
+		std::string vtk_header;
+		// Point list of the VTK
+		std::string point_list;
+		// Vertex list of the VTK
+		std::string vertex_list;
+		// Graph header
+		std::string vtk_binary_or_ascii;
+		// vertex properties header
+		std::string point_prop_header;
+		// edge properties header
+		std::string vertex_prop_header;
+		// Data point header
+		std::string point_data_header;
+		// Data point
+		std::string point_data;
+		// VTK header
+		vtk_header = "# vtk DataFile Version 3.0\n"
+				     + f_name + "\n";
+		// Choose if binary or ASCII
+		if (ft == file_type::ASCII)
+		{vtk_header += "ASCII\n";}
+		else
+		{vtk_header += "BINARY\n";}
+		// Data type for graph is DATASET POLYDATA
+		vtk_header += "DATASET POLYDATA\n";
+		// point properties header
+		point_prop_header = get_point_properties_list();
+		// Get point list
+		point_list = get_point_list();
+		// vertex properties header
+		vertex_prop_header = get_vertex_properties_list();
+		// Get vertex list
+		vertex_list = get_vertex_list();
+		// Get the point data header
+		point_data_header = get_point_data_header();
+		// Get the maximum number of fused grids
+		size_t mf = getMaxFused();
+		// For each property in the vertex type produce a point data
+		for (size_t i = 0 ; i < mf ; i++)
+			point_data += get_properties_output(i);
+		lastProp();
+		// write the file
+		std::ofstream ofs(file);
+		// Check if the file is open
+		if (ofs.is_open() == false)
+		{std::cerr << "Error cannot create the VTK file: " + file;}
+		ofs << vtk_header << point_prop_header << point_list <<
+				vertex_prop_header << vertex_list << point_data_header << point_data;
+		// Close the file
+		ofs.close();
+		// Completed succefully
+		return true;
+	}
diff --git a/src/VTKWriter_grids_util.hpp b/src/VTKWriter_grids_util.hpp
index 177b4f1f249587b1e8cb69106ff4679b9cb51e12..47ff0b752b95c567207f3765d77dc42404659c42 100644
--- a/src/VTKWriter_grids_util.hpp
+++ b/src/VTKWriter_grids_util.hpp
@@ -2,12 +2,14 @@
  * VTKWriter_grids_util.hpp
  *  Created on: Aug 10, 2015
- *      Author: i-bird
+ *      Author: Pietro Incardona
+#include "util/util_debug.hpp"
 /*! \brief This class specialize functions in the case the type T
  * has or not defined attributes
@@ -67,14 +69,20 @@ public:
 		//! vertex node output string
 		std::string v_out;
+		typedef typename boost::fusion::result_of::at<typename ele_g::value_type::type,boost::mpl::int_<i>>::type ctype;
 		// Check if T is a supported format
 		// for now we support only scalar of native type
-		std::string type = getType<typename boost::fusion::result_of::at<typename ele_g::value_type::type,boost::mpl::int_<i>>::type>();
+		std::string type = getType<ctype>();
+		// if the type is not supported return
 		// if the type is not supported return
 		if (type.size() == 0)
-		{return v_out;}
+		{
+			std::cerr << "Error " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " the type " << demangle(typeid(ctype).name()) << " is not supported by vtk\n";
+			return "";
+		}
 		// Create point data properties
 		v_out += "SCALARS " + get_attributes(oprp) + " " + type + "\n";
@@ -136,7 +144,10 @@ public:
 		// if the type is not supported return
 		if (type.size() == 0)
-		{return v_out;}
+		{
+			std::cerr << "Error " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " the type " << demangle(typeid(ctype).name()) << " is not supported by vtk\n";
+			return "";
+		}
 		// Create point data properties
 		v_out += "SCALARS " + get_attributes(oprp) + " " + type + "\n";
diff --git a/src/VTKWriter_unit_tests.hpp b/src/VTKWriter_unit_tests.hpp
index b9ab3a34981c98c67f92c8d4198b664340451af5..24b9373679c192faf64addf5ba10fed7f8afd95d 100644
--- a/src/VTKWriter_unit_tests.hpp
+++ b/src/VTKWriter_unit_tests.hpp
@@ -258,6 +258,7 @@ void fill_grid_some_data(grid_cpu<2,Point_test<float>> & g)
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( vtk_writer_use_grids)
+	{
 	// Create box grids
 	Point<2,float> offset1({0.0,0.0});
 	Point<2,float> spacing1({0.1,0.2});
@@ -304,6 +305,58 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( vtk_writer_use_grids)
 	// Check that match
 	bool test = compare("vtk_grids.vtk","vtk_grids_test.vtk");
+	}
+	{
+	// Create box grids
+	Point<2,float> offset1({0.0,0.0});
+	Point<2,float> spacing1({0.1,0.1});
+	Box<2,size_t> d1({1,2},{14,15});
+	// Create box grids
+	Point<2,float> offset2({0.0,0.0});
+	Point<2,float> spacing2({0.1,0.1});
+	Box<2,size_t> d2({2,1},{13,15});
+	// Create box grids
+	Point<2,float> offset3({5.0,5.0});
+	Point<2,float> spacing3({0.1,0.1});
+	Box<2,size_t> d3({3,2},{11,10});
+	// Create box grids
+	Point<2,float> offset4({5.0,5.0});
+	Point<2,float> spacing4({0.1,0.1});
+	Box<2,size_t> d4({1,1},{7,7});
+	size_t sz[] = {16,16};
+	grid_cpu<2,Point_test<float>> g1(sz);
+	g1.setMemory();
+	fill_grid_some_data(g1);
+	grid_cpu<2,Point_test<float>> g2(sz);
+	g2.setMemory();
+	fill_grid_some_data(g2);
+	grid_cpu<2,Point_test<float>> g3(sz);
+	g3.setMemory();
+	fill_grid_some_data(g3);
+	grid_cpu<2,Point_test<float>> g4(sz);
+	g4.setMemory();
+	fill_grid_some_data(g4);
+	comb<2> cmb;
+	cmb.zero();
+	comb<2> cmb2;
+	cmb2.mone();
+	// Create a writer and write
+	VTKWriter<boost::mpl::pair<grid_cpu<2,Point_test<float>>,float>,VECTOR_ST_GRIDS> vtk_g;
+	vtk_g.add(0,g1,offset1,spacing1,d1,cmb);
+	vtk_g.add(0,g2,offset2,spacing2,d2,cmb);
+	vtk_g.add(1,g3,offset3,spacing3,d3,cmb);
+	vtk_g.add(1,g4,offset4,spacing4,d4,cmb2);
+	vtk_g.write("vtk_grids_st.vtk");
+	}