From 27f84e9125b147dd5552595c47b228ca4251a34c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Serhii Yaskovets <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2023 18:24:31 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Get rid of redundant DCPSE_Solver.cuh; Move to
 DCPSE_Solver.hpp for GPU

 src/DCPSE/DCPSE_op/DCPSE_Solver.cuh | 801 ----------------------------
 src/DCPSE/DCPSE_op/DCPSE_Solver.hpp |  13 +-
 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 803 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/DCPSE/DCPSE_op/DCPSE_Solver.cuh

diff --git a/src/DCPSE/DCPSE_op/DCPSE_Solver.cuh b/src/DCPSE/DCPSE_op/DCPSE_Solver.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index 8045214f..00000000
--- a/src/DCPSE/DCPSE_op/DCPSE_Solver.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,801 +0,0 @@
-// Created by Serhii
-// #include "DCPSE_op.hpp"
-#include "DCPSE/DCPSE_op/DCPSE_op.hpp"
-#include "Matrix/SparseMatrix.hpp"
-#include "Vector/Vector.hpp"
-#include "NN/CellList/CellDecomposer.hpp"
-#include "Vector/Vector_util.hpp"
-#include "Vector/vector_dist.hpp"
-#include "Solvers/umfpack_solver.hpp"
-#include "Solvers/petsc_solver.hpp"
-#include "util/eq_solve_common.hpp"
-/*enum eq_struct
-//template<unsigned int prp_id> using prop_id = boost::mpl::int_<prp_id>;
-/*! \brief Create a Matrix System for Ax=b
- *
- * This Class is for creating a placeholder for the matrix system
- *
- * Ax = b
- *
- *
- * \param Sys_eqs Equation Structure which has information about the system. Refer to EqnStruct.cpp for examples
- * \param parts Particle set
- *
- */
-template<typename Sys_eqs, typename particles_type>
-class DCPSE_scheme_gpu {
-    //! type of the sparse matrix
-    typename Sys_eqs::SparseMatrix_type A;
-    //! Vector b
-    typename Sys_eqs::Vector_type b;
-    //! Sparse matrix triplet type
-    typedef typename Sys_eqs::SparseMatrix_type::triplet_type triplet;
-    //! Distributed grid map
-    typedef vector_dist_gpu<Sys_eqs::dims, typename Sys_eqs::stype, aggregate<size_t>> p_map_type;
-    //! mapping grid
-    p_map_type p_map;
-    //! Grid points that has each processor
-    openfpm::vector<size_t> pnt;
-    //! Particles used to impose the system
-    particles_type &parts;
-    //! colums shift map
-    //int col_sm[Sys_eqs::nvar];
-    //! Each point in the grid has a global id, to decompose correctly the Matrix each processor contain a
-    //! contiguos range of global id, example processor 0 can have from 0 to 234 and processor 1 from 235 to 512
-    //! no processors can have holes in the sequence, this number indicate where the sequence start for this
-    //! processor
-    size_t s_pnt;
-    //! row of the matrix
-    size_t row;
-    //! row on b
-    size_t row_b;
-    //! Total number of points
-    size_t tot;
-    //! solver options
-    options_solver opt;
-    size_t offset;
-    /*! \brief Construct the gmap structure
- *
- */template<typename options>
-    void construct_pmap(options opt = options_solver::STANDARD) {
-        Vcluster<> &v_cl = create_vcluster();
-        // Calculate the size of the local domain
-        size_t sz = p_map.size_local();
-        // Get the total size of the local grids on each processors
-        v_cl.allGather(sz, pnt);
-        v_cl.execute();
-        s_pnt = 0;
-        // calculate the starting point for this processor
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < v_cl.getProcessUnitID(); i++)
-            s_pnt += pnt.get(i);
-        tot = sz;
-        v_cl.sum(tot);
-        v_cl.execute();
-        // resize b if needed
-        if (opt == options_solver::STANDARD) {
-            b.resize(Sys_eqs::nvar * tot, Sys_eqs::nvar * sz);
-        } else if (opt == options_solver::LAGRANGE_MULTIPLIER) {
-            if (v_cl.rank() == v_cl.size() - 1) {
-                b.resize(Sys_eqs::nvar * tot + 1, Sys_eqs::nvar * sz + 1);
-            } else {
-                b.resize(Sys_eqs::nvar * tot + 1, Sys_eqs::nvar * sz);
-            }
-        }
-            //Use Custom number of constraints using opt as an integer
-        else {
-            if (v_cl.rank() == v_cl.size() - 1) {
-                b.resize(Sys_eqs::nvar * tot - offset, Sys_eqs::nvar * sz - offset);
-            } else {
-                b.resize(Sys_eqs::nvar * tot - offset, Sys_eqs::nvar * sz);
-            }
-        }
-        // Calculate the starting point
-        // Counter
-        size_t cnt = 0;
-        // Create the re-mapping grid
-        auto it = p_map.getDomainIterator();
-        while (it.isNext()) {
-            auto key = it.get();
-            for (int i = 0; i < particles_type::dims; i++) {
-                p_map.getPos(key)[i] = parts.getPos(key)[i];
-            }
-            p_map.template getProp<0>(key) = cnt + s_pnt;
-            ++cnt;
-            ++it;
-        }
-        // sync the ghost
-        p_map.template ghost_get<0>();
-    }
-    //! Encapsulation of the b term as constant
-    struct constant_b {
-        //! scalar
-        typename Sys_eqs::stype scal;
-        /*! \brief Constrictor from a scalar
-         *
-         * \param scal scalar
-         *
-         */
-        constant_b(typename Sys_eqs::stype scal) {
-            this->scal = scal;
-        }
-        /*! \brief Get the b term on a grid point
-         *
-         * \note It does not matter the grid point it is a scalar
-         *
-         * \param  key grid position (unused because it is a constant)
-         *
-         * \return the scalar
-         *
-         */
-        typename Sys_eqs::stype get(size_t key) {
-            return scal;
-        }
-    };
-    //! Encapsulation of the b term as constant
-    template<unsigned int prp_id>
-    struct variable_b {
-        //! scalar
-        typename Sys_eqs::stype scal;
-        particles_type &parts;
-        /*! \brief Constrictor from a scalar
-         *
-         * \param scal scalar
-         *
-         */
-        variable_b(particles_type &parts)
-                : parts(parts) {}
-        /*! \brief Get the b term on a grid point
-         *
-         * \note It does not matter the grid point it is a scalar
-         *
-         * \param  key grid position (unused because it is a constant)
-         *
-         * \return the scalar
-         *
-         */
-        inline typename Sys_eqs::stype get(size_t key) {
-            return parts.template getProp<prp_id>(key);
-        }
-    };
-    /*! \brief Check if the Matrix is consistent
- *
- */
-    void consistency() {
-        openfpm::vector<triplet> &trpl = A.getMatrixTriplets();
-        // A and B must have the same rows
-        if (row != row_b) {
-            std::cerr << "Error " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__
-                      << " the term B and the Matrix A for Ax=B must contain the same number of rows " << row << "!=" << row_b << "\n";
-            return;
-        }
-        if (row_b != p_map.size_local() * Sys_eqs::nvar) {
-            std::cerr << "Error " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " your system is underdetermined you set "
-                      << row_b << " conditions " << " but i am expecting " << p_map.size_local() * Sys_eqs::nvar
-                      << std::endl;
-            return;
-        }
-        // Indicate all the non zero rows
-        openfpm::vector<unsigned char> nz_rows;
-        nz_rows.resize(row_b);
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < trpl.size(); i++) {
-            if (trpl.get(i).row() - s_pnt * Sys_eqs::nvar >= nz_rows.size()) {
-                std::cerr << "Error " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__
-                          << " It seems that you are setting colums that does not exist \n";
-            }
-            if (trpl.get(i).value() != 0) { nz_rows.get(trpl.get(i).row() - s_pnt * Sys_eqs::nvar) = true; }
-        }
-        // Indicate all the non zero colums
-        // This check can be done only on single processor
-        Vcluster<> &v_cl = create_vcluster();
-        if (v_cl.getProcessingUnits() == 1) {
-            openfpm::vector<unsigned> nz_cols;
-            nz_cols.resize(row_b);
-            for (size_t i = 0; i < trpl.size(); i++) {
-                if (trpl.get(i).value() != 0) { nz_cols.get(trpl.get(i).col()) = true; }
-            }
-            // all the rows must have a non zero element
-            for (size_t i = 0; i < nz_rows.size(); i++) {
-                if (nz_rows.get(i) == false) {
-                    std::cerr << "Error: " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " Ill posed matrix row " << i
-                              << " is not filled " << " equation: " << "\n";
-                }
-            }
-            // all the colums must have a non zero element
-            for (size_t i = 0; i < nz_cols.size(); i++) {
-                if (nz_cols.get(i) == false)
-                    std::cerr << "Error: " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " Ill posed matrix colum " << i
-                              << " is not filled\n";
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /*! \brief Solve an equation
-    *
-    *  \warning exp must be a scalar type
-    *
-    * \param exp where to store the result
-    *
-    */
-    template<typename solType, typename expr_type>
-    void copy_impl(solType & x, expr_type exp, unsigned int comp)
-    {
-        auto & parts = exp.getVector();
-        auto it = parts.getDomainIterator();
-        while (it.isNext()) {
-            auto p = it.get();
-            exp.value(p) = x(p.getKey() * Sys_eqs::nvar + comp + s_pnt * Sys_eqs::nvar);
-            ++it;
-        }
-    }
-    template<typename solType, typename exp1, typename ... othersExp>
-    void copy_nested(solType &x, unsigned int &comp, exp1 exp, othersExp ... exps) {
-        copy_impl(x, exp, comp);
-        comp++;
-        copy_nested(x, comp, exps ...);
-    }
-    template<typename solType, typename exp1>
-    void copy_nested(solType &x, unsigned int &comp, exp1 exp) {
-        copy_impl(x, exp, comp);
-        comp++;
-    }
-    /*! \brief Set the structure of the system of equation
-     *
-     * For example for stokes-flow where you are solving for V = velocity (Vector) and P = pressure (scalar)
-     *
-     * you should call this function with
-     *
-     * setEquationStructure({eq_struct::VECTOR,eq_struct::SCALAR})
-     *
-     */
-/*    void setEquationStructure(std::initializer_list<eq_struct> l)
-    {
-    	int i = 0;
-    	for (eq_struct e : l)
-    	{
-    		if (e == eq_struct::VECTOR)
-    		{
-    			for (int j = 0 ; j < Sys_eqs::dims ; j++)
-    			{
-    				col_sm[i+j] = i;
-    			}
-    			i += Sys_eqs::dims;
-    		}
-    		else
-    		{
-    			col_sm[i] = i;
-    		}
-    	}
-    }*/
-    /*! \brief Solve an equation
-     *
-     *  \warning exp must be a scalar type
-     *
-     * \param exp where to store the result
-     *
-     */
-    template<typename ... expr_type>
-    void solve(expr_type ... exps) {
-        if (sizeof...(exps) != Sys_eqs::nvar) {
-            std::cerr << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " Error the number of properties you gave does not match the solution in\
-    													dimensionality, I am expecting " << Sys_eqs::nvar <<
-                      " properties " << std::endl;
-        };
-        typename Sys_eqs::solver_type solver;
-//        umfpack_solver<double> solver;
-        auto x = solver.solve(getA(opt), getB(opt));
-        unsigned int comp = 0;
-        copy_nested(x, comp, exps ...);
-    }
-    /*! \brief Solve an equation
-     *
-     *  \warning exp must be a scalar type
-     *
-     * \param Solver Manually created Solver instead from the Equation structure
-     * \param exp where to store the result
-     *
-     */
-    template<typename SolverType, typename ... expr_type>
-    void solve_with_solver(SolverType &solver, expr_type ... exps) {
-#ifdef SE_CLASS1
-        if (sizeof...(exps) != Sys_eqs::nvar) {
-            std::cerr << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " Error the number of properties you gave does not match the solution in\
-    													dimensionality, I am expecting " << Sys_eqs::nvar <<
-                      " properties " << std::endl;
-        };
-        auto x = solver.solve(getA(opt), getB(opt));
-        unsigned int comp = 0;
-        copy_nested(x, comp, exps ...);
-    }
-    /*! \brief Solve an equation
-     *
-     *  \warning exp must be a scalar type
-     *
-     * \param exp where to store the result
-     *
-     */
-    template<typename SolverType, typename ... expr_type>
-    void try_solve_with_solver(SolverType &solver, expr_type ... exps) {
-        if (sizeof...(exps) != Sys_eqs::nvar) {
-            std::cerr << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " Error the number of properties you gave does not match the solution in\
-    													dimensionality, I am expecting " << Sys_eqs::nvar <<
-                      " properties " << std::endl;
-        };
-        auto x = solver.try_solve(getA(opt), getB(opt));
-        unsigned int comp = 0;
-        copy_nested(x, comp, exps ...);
-    }
-    void reset_b()
-    {
-    	row_b = 0;
-    }
-    void reset(particles_type &part, options_solver opt = options_solver::STANDARD)
-    {
-    	row = 0;
-    	row_b = 0;
-    	p_map.clear();
-    	p_map.resize(part.size_local());
-    	A.getMatrixTriplets().clear();
-    	construct_pmap(opt);
-    }
-    void reset_nodec()
-    {
-    	row = 0;
-    	row_b = 0;
-    	A.getMatrixTriplets().clear();
-    }
-    /*! \brief Constructor for the solver
-     *
-     *
-     * \param parts Particle set
-     * \param option_solver opt=options_solver::LAGRANGE_MULTIPLIER can be used for purely Neumann system
-     *
-     */
-    DCPSE_scheme_gpu(particles_type &part, options_solver opt = options_solver::STANDARD)
-            : parts(part), p_map(part.getDecomposition(), 0), row(0), row_b(0), opt(opt) {
-        p_map.resize(part.size_local());
-        construct_pmap(opt);
-    }
-    /*DCPSE_scheme_gpu(particles_type &part, int option_num)
-            : parts(part), p_map(part.getDecomposition(), 0), row(0), row_b(0),opt(options_solver::CUSTOM),offset(option_num) {
-        p_map.resize(part.size_local());
-        construct_pmap(option_num);
-    }*/
-    /*! \brief Impose an operator in the Matrix System
-    *
-    * This function impose an operator on a particular particle region to produce the system
-    *
-    * Ax = b
-    *
-    *
-    * \param op Operator to impose (A term)
-    * \param subset Vector with indices of particles where the operator has to be imposed
-    * \param prp_id<>() Property number in the aggregate (Scalar only) for imposing on the RHS b.
-    * \param id Equation id in the system that we are imposing given by ed_id type
-    *
-    */
-    template<typename T, typename index_type, unsigned int prp_id>
-    void impose(const T &op, openfpm::vector<index_type> &subset,
-                const prop_id<prp_id> &num,
-                eq_id id = eq_id()) {
-        auto itd = subset.template getIteratorElements<0>();
-        variable_b<prp_id> vb(parts);
-        impose_git(op, vb, id.getId(), itd);
-    }
-    /*! \brief Impose b part only in the Matrix System Ax=b
-    *
-    * This function impose RHS of an existing Ax=b system.
-    *
-    *
-    * \param subset Vector with indices of particles where the operator has to be imposed
-    * \param num right hand side of the term (b term) Constant in this case
-    * \param id Equation id in the system that we are imposing given by ed_id type
-    *
-    */
-    template<typename index_type, unsigned int prp_id>
-    void impose_b(openfpm::vector<index_type> &subset,
-                const prop_id<prp_id> &num,
-                eq_id id = eq_id()) {
-        auto itd = subset.template getIteratorElements<0>();
-        variable_b<prp_id> vb(parts);
-        impose_git_b(vb, id.getId(), itd);
-    }
-    /*! \brief Impose an operator in the Matrix System
-     *
-     * This function impose an operator on a particular particle region to produce the system
-     *
-     * Ax = b
-     *
-     *
-     * \param op Operator to impose (A term)
-     * \param subset Vector with indices of particles where the operator has to be imposed
-     * \param RHS Expression of the Vector to be imposed
-     * \param id Equation id in the system that we are imposing given by ed_id type
-     *
-     */
-    template<typename T, typename index_type, typename RHS_type, typename sfinae = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_fundamental<RHS_type>::type::value>::type>
-    void impose(const T &op, openfpm::vector<index_type> &subset,
-                const RHS_type &rhs,
-                eq_id id = eq_id()) {
-        auto itd = subset.template getIteratorElements<0>();
-        impose_git(op, rhs, id.getId(), itd);
-    }
-    /*! \brief Impose b part only in the Matrix System Ax=b
-    *
-    * This function impose RHS of an existing Ax=b system.
-    *
-    *
-    *
-    * \param subset Vector with indices of particles where the operator has to be imposed
-    * \param Expression of the Vector to be imposed
-    * \param id Equation id in the system that we are imposing given by ed_id type
-    *
-    */
-    template<typename index_type, typename RHS_type, typename sfinae = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_fundamental<RHS_type>::type::value>::type>
-    void impose_b(openfpm::vector<index_type> &subset,
-                const RHS_type &rhs,
-                eq_id id = eq_id()) {
-        auto itd = subset.template getIteratorElements<0>();
-        impose_git_b(rhs, id.getId(), itd);
-    }
-    /*! \brief Impose an operator in the Matrix System
-     *
-     * This function impose an operator on a particular particle region to produce the system
-     *
-     * Ax = b
-     *
-     *
-     * \param op Operator to impose (A term)
-     * \param subset Vector with indices of particles where the operator has to be imposed
-     * \param num Constant for all the particles
-     * \param id Equation id in the system that we are imposing given by ed_id type
-     *
-     */
-    template<typename T, typename index_type>
-    void impose(const T &op,
-                openfpm::vector<index_type> &subset,
-                const typename Sys_eqs::stype num,
-                eq_id id = eq_id()) {
-        auto itd = subset.template getIteratorElements<0>();
-        constant_b b(num);
-        impose_git(op, b, id.getId(), itd);
-    }
-    /*! \brief Impose b part only in the Matrix System Ax=b
-    *
-    * This function impose RHS of an existing Ax=b system.
-    *
-    *
-    *
-    * \param subset Vector with indices of particles where the operator has to be imposed
-    * \param num Constant for all the particles
-    * \param id Equation id in the system that we are imposing given by ed_id type
-    *
-    */
-    template< typename index_type>
-    void impose_b(openfpm::vector<index_type> &subset,
-                const typename Sys_eqs::stype num,
-                eq_id id = eq_id()) {
-        auto itd = subset.template getIteratorElements<0>();
-        constant_b b(num);
-        impose_git_b(b, id.getId(), itd);
-    }
-    /*! \brief produce the Matrix
- *
- *  \return the Sparse matrix produced
- *
- */
-    template<typename options>
-    typename Sys_eqs::SparseMatrix_type &getA(options opt) {
-#ifdef SE_CLASS1
-        consistency();
-        if (opt == options_solver::STANDARD) {
-            A.resize(tot * Sys_eqs::nvar, tot * Sys_eqs::nvar,
-                     p_map.size_local() * Sys_eqs::nvar,
-                     p_map.size_local() * Sys_eqs::nvar);
-        }
-        else if (opt == options_solver::LAGRANGE_MULTIPLIER) {
-            auto &v_cl = create_vcluster();
-            openfpm::vector<triplet> &trpl = A.getMatrixTriplets();
-            if (v_cl.rank() == v_cl.size() - 1) {
-                A.resize(tot * Sys_eqs::nvar + 1, tot * Sys_eqs::nvar + 1,
-                         p_map.size_local() * Sys_eqs::nvar + 1,
-                         p_map.size_local() * Sys_eqs::nvar + 1);
-                for (int i = 0; i < tot * Sys_eqs::nvar; i++) {
-                    triplet t1;
-                    t1.row() = tot * Sys_eqs::nvar;
-                    t1.col() = i;
-                    t1.value() = 1;
-                    trpl.add(t1);
-                }
-                for (int i = 0; i < p_map.size_local() * Sys_eqs::nvar; i++) {
-                    triplet t2;
-                    t2.row() = i + s_pnt * Sys_eqs::nvar;
-                    t2.col() = tot * Sys_eqs::nvar;
-                    t2.value() = 1;
-                    trpl.add(t2);
-                }
-                triplet t3;
-                t3.col() = tot * Sys_eqs::nvar;
-                t3.row() = tot * Sys_eqs::nvar;
-                t3.value() = 0;
-                trpl.add(t3);
-                row_b++;
-                row++;
-            }
-            else {
-                A.resize(tot * Sys_eqs::nvar + 1, tot * Sys_eqs::nvar + 1,
-                         p_map.size_local() * Sys_eqs::nvar,
-                         p_map.size_local() * Sys_eqs::nvar);
-                for (int i = 0; i < p_map.size_local() * Sys_eqs::nvar; i++) {
-                    triplet t2;
-                    t2.row() = i + s_pnt * Sys_eqs::nvar;
-                    t2.col() = tot * Sys_eqs::nvar;
-                    t2.value() = 1;
-                    trpl.add(t2);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        else{
-            auto &v_cl = create_vcluster();
-            if (v_cl.rank() == v_cl.size() - 1) {
-                A.resize(tot * Sys_eqs::nvar - offset, tot * Sys_eqs::nvar - offset,
-                         p_map.size_local() * Sys_eqs::nvar - offset,
-                         p_map.size_local() * Sys_eqs::nvar - offset);
-            }
-            else {
-                A.resize(tot * Sys_eqs::nvar - offset, tot * Sys_eqs::nvar - offset,
-                         p_map.size_local() * Sys_eqs::nvar,
-                         p_map.size_local() * Sys_eqs::nvar);
-                }
-            }
-        return A;
-    }
-    /*! \brief produce the B vector
-     *
-     *  \return the vector produced
-     *
-     */
-    typename Sys_eqs::Vector_type &getB(options_solver opt = options_solver::STANDARD) {
-#ifdef SE_CLASS1
-        consistency();
-        if (opt == options_solver::LAGRANGE_MULTIPLIER) {
-            auto &v_cl = create_vcluster();
-            if (v_cl.rank() == v_cl.size() - 1) {
-                b(tot * Sys_eqs::nvar) = 0;
-            }
-        }
-        return b;
-    }
-    template<typename bop, typename iterator>
-    void impose_git_b(bop num,
-                      long int id,
-                      const iterator &it_d) {
-        auto it = it_d;
-        // iterate all particles points
-        while (it.isNext()) {
-            // get the particle
-            auto key = it.get();
-            // Calculate the non-zero colums
-            b(p_map.template getProp<0>(key) * Sys_eqs::nvar + id) = num.get(key);
-//       std::cout << "b=(" << p_map.template getProp<0>(key)*Sys_eqs::nvar + id << "," << num.get(key)<<")" <<"\n";
-            // if SE_CLASS1 is defined check the position
-#ifdef SE_CLASS1
-            //			T::position(key,gs,s_pos);
-            ++row_b;
-            ++it;
-        }
-    }
-    /*! \brief Impose an operator
-     *
-     * This function impose an operator on a particular grid region to produce the system
-     *
-     * Ax = b
-     *
-     * ## Stokes equation 2D, lid driven cavity with one splipping wall
-     * \snippet eq_unit_test.hpp Copy the solution to grid
-     *
-     * \param op Operator to impose (A term)
-     * \param num right hand side of the term (b term)
-     * \param id Equation id in the system that we are imposing
-     * \param it_d iterator that define where you want to impose
-     *
-     */
-    template<typename T, typename bop, typename iterator>
-    void impose_git(const T &op,
-                    bop num,
-                    long int id,
-                    const iterator &it_d) {
-        openfpm::vector<triplet> &trpl = A.getMatrixTriplets();
-        auto it = it_d;
-        //std::unordered_map<long int, typename particles_type::stype> cols;
-        tsl::hopscotch_map<long int, typename particles_type::stype> cols;
-        // iterate all particles points
-        while (it.isNext()) {
-            // get the particle
-            auto key = it.get();
-            if (key == 298 && create_vcluster().rank() == 1)
-            {
-            	int debug = 0;
-            	debug++;
-            }
-            // Calculate the non-zero colums
-            typename Sys_eqs::stype coeff = 1.0;
-            op.template value_nz<Sys_eqs>(p_map, key, cols, coeff, 0);
-            // indicate if the diagonal has been set
-            bool is_diag = false;
-            // create the triplet
-            for (auto it = cols.begin(); it != cols.end(); ++it) {
-                trpl.add();
-                trpl.last().row() = p_map.template getProp<0>(key) * Sys_eqs::nvar + id;
-                trpl.last().col() = it->first;
-                trpl.last().value() = it->second;
-                if (trpl.last().row() == trpl.last().col())
-                {is_diag = true;}
-            }
-            // If does not have a diagonal entry put it to zero
-            if (is_diag == false)
-            {
-                trpl.add();
-                trpl.last().row() = p_map.template getProp<0>(key) * Sys_eqs::nvar + id;
-                trpl.last().col() = p_map.template getProp<0>(key) * Sys_eqs::nvar + id;
-                trpl.last().value() = 0.0;
-            }
-            b(p_map.template getProp<0>(key) * Sys_eqs::nvar + id) = num.get(key);
-            cols.clear();
-            // if SE_CLASS1 is defined check the position
-#ifdef SE_CLASS1
-            //			T::position(key,gs,s_pos);
-            ++row;
-            ++row_b;
-            ++it;
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/src/DCPSE/DCPSE_op/DCPSE_Solver.hpp b/src/DCPSE/DCPSE_op/DCPSE_Solver.hpp
index 52330de9..faabeaea 100644
--- a/src/DCPSE/DCPSE_op/DCPSE_Solver.hpp
+++ b/src/DCPSE/DCPSE_op/DCPSE_Solver.hpp
@@ -35,7 +35,10 @@
  * \param parts Particle set
-template<typename Sys_eqs, typename particles_type>
+template<typename Sys_eqs,
+    typename particles_type,
+    typename Memory = typename Sys_eqs::b_part::Memory_type,
+    template<typename> class layout_base = memory_traits_lin>
 class DCPSE_scheme {
     //! type of the sparse matrix
@@ -51,7 +54,11 @@ class DCPSE_scheme {
     typedef typename Sys_eqs::SparseMatrix_type::triplet_type triplet;
     //! Distributed grid map
-    typedef vector_dist<Sys_eqs::dims, typename Sys_eqs::stype, aggregate<size_t>> p_map_type;
+    typedef vector_dist< Sys_eqs::dims,
+        typename Sys_eqs::stype, aggregate<size_t>,
+        typename Sys_eqs::b_part::Decomposition_type,
+        typename Sys_eqs::b_part::Memory_type,
+        layout_base> p_map_type;
     //! mapping grid
     p_map_type p_map;
@@ -1002,6 +1009,8 @@ public:
+template<typename Sys_eqs, typename particles_type> using DCPSE_scheme_gpu = DCPSE_scheme<Sys_eqs,particles_type,CudaMemory,memory_traits_inte>;
 #include "DCPSE/DCPSE_op/EqnsStruct.hpp"
 #endif //Eigen