From 051d133de3947d9c79fb76daa2f7c8a3427873ae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pietro Incardona <>
Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2016 00:16:20 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Adding missing file

 openfpm_data                                  |   2 +-
 .../Domain_NN_calculator_cart.hpp             | 266 ++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 267 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 src/Decomposition/Domain_NN_calculator_cart.hpp

diff --git a/openfpm_data b/openfpm_data
index 7e326c013..213816322 160000
--- a/openfpm_data
+++ b/openfpm_data
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 7e326c0134dedecc6cf06dfb9e3a466e66280300
+Subproject commit 213816322dd1fdf5425b797ab4373bb2513467c8
diff --git a/src/Decomposition/Domain_NN_calculator_cart.hpp b/src/Decomposition/Domain_NN_calculator_cart.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8df2ba8a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Decomposition/Domain_NN_calculator_cart.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+ * Domain_NN_calculator.hpp
+ *
+ *  Created on: Nov 26, 2016
+ *      Author: i-bird
+ */
+/*! \brief This class calculate processor domains and neighborhood
+ *  of each processor domain
+ *
+ * \param dim Dimensionality
+ *
+ */
+template<unsigned int dim>
+class domain_nn_calculator_cart
+	//! True if domain and anomalous domain cells are computed
+	bool are_domain_anom_computed;
+	//! anomalous cell neighborhood
+	openfpm::vector<subsub<dim>> anom;
+	//! Set of normal domain cells
+	openfpm::vector<grid_key_dx<dim>> dom;
+	//! Linearization is calculated out of a shift and grid dimension this is the shift
+	grid_key_dx<dim> shift_calc_dom;
+	//! Linearization is calculated out of a grid dimensions this is the grid dimension
+	grid_sm<dim,void> gs_calc_dom;
+	//! Linearization is calculated out of a shift and grid dimension this is the shift
+	grid_key_dx<dim> shift_calc_anom;
+	//! Linearization is calculated out of a grid dimensions this is the grid dimension
+	grid_sm<dim,void> gs_calc_anom;
+	//! Set of normal domain cells linearized
+	openfpm::vector<size_t> dom_lin;
+	//! Set of normal domain cells linearized
+	openfpm::vector<subsub_lin<dim>> anom_lin;
+	//! Processor box
+	Box<dim,long int> proc_box;
+	/*! \brief Calculate the subdomain that are in the skin part of the domain
+	 *
+       \verbatim
+		+---+---+---+---+---+---+
+		| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
+		+---+---+---+---+---+---+
+		|27 |               | 7 |
+		+---+               +---+
+		|26 |               | 8 |
+		+---+               +---+
+		|25 |               | 9 |
+		+---+   DOM1        +---+
+		|24 |               |10 |
+		+---+               +---+
+		|23 |               |11 |
+		+---+               +---+
+		|22 |               |12 |
+		+---+-----------+---+---+
+		|21 |           |13 |
+		+---+           +---+
+		|20 |   DOM2    |14 |
+		+---+---+---+---+---+
+		|19 |18 |17 | 16|15 |
+		+---+---+---+---+---+    <----- Domain end here
+                                      |
+                        ^             |
+                        |_____________|
+       \endverbatim
+	 *
+	 * In some cases like symmetric with CRS Scheme The cells indicated with numbers has a non straigh-forward
+	 * neighborhood. This function calculate the list of the domain cells with normal symmetric neighborhood type
+	 * and compute a list of cells with more complex neighboring cells.
+	 *
+	 * \param sub_keys array that contain the position of the sub-sub-domains indicated with numbers
+	 *        in grid coordinates + for each its neighboring cells
+	 *
+	 * \param list of all the domain cells
+	 *
+	 * \param loc_box array of local sub-sub-domain in grid coordinates
+	 *
+	 * \param proc_box Processor bounding box in local coordinates
+	 *
+	 *
+	 */
+	void CalculateDomAndAnomCells(openfpm::vector<subsub<dim>> & sub_keys, openfpm::vector<grid_key_dx<dim>> & dom_subsub, const ::Box<dim,long int> & proc_box, grid_key_dx<dim> & shift, const openfpm::vector<::Box<dim, size_t>> & loc_box)
+	{
+		size_t sz[dim];
+		for (size_t j = 0 ; j < dim ; j++)
+			sz[j] = proc_box.getHigh(j) - proc_box.getLow(j) + 2;
+		// Set the grid
+		grid_cpu<dim, aggregate<openfpm::vector<grid_key_dx<dim>>> > g(sz);
+		g.setMemory();
+		// Calculate the csr neighborhood
+		openfpm::vector<std::pair<grid_key_dx<dim>,grid_key_dx<dim>>> csr;
+		NNcalc_csr(csr);
+		// Draw the domain on this grid
+		for (size_t i = 0 ; i < loc_box.size() ; i++)
+		{
+			grid_key_dx<dim> start;
+			grid_key_dx<dim> stop;
+			for (size_t j = 0 ; j < dim ; j++)
+			{
+				start.set_d(j,loc_box.template get<0>(i)[j] - proc_box.getLow(j));
+				stop.set_d(j,loc_box.template get<1>(i)[j] - proc_box.getLow(j));
+			}
+			grid_key_dx_iterator_sub<dim> sub(g.getGrid(),start,stop);
+			while (sub.isNext())
+			{
+				auto key = sub.get();
+				for (size_t j = 0 ; j < csr.size() ; j++)
+				{
+					grid_key_dx<dim> src = key + csr.get(j).first;
+					grid_key_dx<dim> dst = key + csr.get(j).second;
+					g.template get<0>(src).add(dst + shift);
+				}
+				++sub;
+			}
+		}
+		// Span all the grid point and take all the sub-sub-domains that has a
+		// neighborhood non-consistent to the normal symmetric NN, and the one that
+		// are consistent to NN symmetric
+		grid_key_dx_iterator<dim> it(g.getGrid());
+		while (it.isNext())
+		{
+			auto key = it.get();
+			// Adding in the list of the non-normal neighborhood cells
+			if (g.template get<0>(key).size() == openfpm::math::pow(3,dim)/2+1)
+			{
+				// Add in the list of the normal neighborhood list
+				dom_subsub.add(key + shift);
+			}
+			else if (g.template get<0>(key).size() != 0)
+			{
+				sub_keys.add();
+				sub_keys.last().subsub = key + shift;
+				// Adding the neighborhood of the cell
+				sub_keys.last().NN_subsub = g.template get<0>(key);
+			}
+			++it;
+		}
+	}
+	domain_nn_calculator_cart()
+	:are_domain_anom_computed(false)
+	{}
+	/*! \brief Get the domain Cells
+	 *
+	 * \param shift Shifting point
+	 * \param gs grid extension
+	 * \param proc_box processor bounding box
+	 * \param loc_box set of local sub-domains
+	 *
+	 * \return The set of domain cells
+	 *
+	 */
+	openfpm::vector<size_t> & getDomainCells(grid_key_dx<dim> & shift, grid_key_dx<dim> & cell_shift, grid_sm<dim,void> & gs, Box<dim,size_t> & proc_box, openfpm::vector<::Box<dim, size_t>> & loc_box)
+	{
+		if (are_domain_anom_computed == false)
+		{
+			CalculateDomAndAnomCells(anom,dom,proc_box,shift,loc_box);
+			are_domain_anom_computed = true;
+		}
+		if (shift != shift_calc_dom || gs != gs_calc_dom  || dom_lin.size() == 0)
+		{
+			dom_lin.clear();
+			shift_calc_dom = shift;
+			gs_calc_dom = gs;
+			for (size_t i = 0 ; i < dom.size() ; i++)
+				dom_lin.add(gs.LinId(dom.get(i) - cell_shift));
+		}
+		return dom_lin;
+	}
+	/*! \brief Get the domain anomalous cells
+	 *
+	 * \param shift Shifting point
+	 * \param gs grid extension
+	 * \param proc_box processor bounding box
+	 * \param loc_box set of local sub-domains
+	 *
+	 * \return The set of anomalous cells
+	 *
+	 */
+	openfpm::vector<subsub_lin<dim>> & getAnomDomainCells(grid_key_dx<dim> & shift, grid_key_dx<dim> & cell_shift, grid_sm<dim,void> & gs, Box<dim,size_t> & proc_box, openfpm::vector<::Box<dim, size_t>> & loc_box)
+	{
+		// if the neighborhood of each sub-sub-domains has not been calculated, calculate it
+		if (are_domain_anom_computed == false)
+		{
+			CalculateDomAndAnomCells(anom,dom,proc_box,shift,loc_box);
+			are_domain_anom_computed = true;
+		}
+		// Convert the list of the neighborhood sub-sub-domains for each sub-sub-domains
+		// into a linearized sub-sub-domain index. Again we check that this operation has not
+		// been already executed
+		if (shift != shift_calc_anom || gs != gs_calc_anom || anom_lin.size() == 0)
+		{
+			anom_lin.clear();
+			shift_calc_anom = shift;
+			gs_calc_anom = gs;
+			for (size_t i = 0 ; i < anom.size() ; i++)
+			{
+				anom_lin.add();
+				anom_lin.last().subsub = gs.LinId(anom.get(i).subsub - cell_shift);
+				long int self_cell = -1;
+				for (size_t j = 0 ; j < anom.get(i).NN_subsub.size() ; j++)
+				{
+					anom_lin.get(i).NN_subsub.add((long int)gs.LinId(anom.get(i).NN_subsub.get(j) - cell_shift) - anom_lin.get(i).subsub);
+					// This indicate that for example in the neighborhood of one cell it-self is included in the list
+					// For example the cell 100 is in the neighborhood of the cell 100
+					if (anom_lin.get(i).NN_subsub.last() == 0)
+						self_cell = anom_lin.get(i).NN_subsub.size() - 1;
+				}
+				// if exist the self interacting cell (Example cell 100 neighborhood of cell 100), this cell MUST BE ALWAYS at the beginning
+				if (self_cell != -1)
+				{
+					// bring the self-cell into the beginning
+					size_t tmp = anom_lin.get(i).NN_subsub.get(0);
+					anom_lin.get(i).NN_subsub.get(0) = 0;
+					anom_lin.get(i).NN_subsub.get(self_cell) = tmp;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return anom_lin;
+	}