diff --git a/example/Vector/7_SPH_dlb/Makefile b/example/Vector/7_SPH_dlb/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..67b88bffd37cb7545fd1da30c96b30c7415849fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/Vector/7_SPH_dlb/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+include ../../example.mk
+OBJ = main.o
+%.o: %.cpp
+	$(CC) -O3 -g -c --std=c++11 -o $@ $< $(INCLUDE_PATH)
+sph_dlb: $(OBJ)
+	$(CC) -o $@ $^ $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS_PATH) $(LIBS)
+all: sph_dlb
+run: spl_dlb
+	mpirun -np 2 ./sph_dlb
+.PHONY: clean all run
+	rm -f *.o *~ core sph_dlb
diff --git a/example/Vector/7_SPH_dlb/config.cfg b/example/Vector/7_SPH_dlb/config.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1eecbac3577c765edca7f90cf5f61cfb6b9f4880
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/Vector/7_SPH_dlb/config.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+files = main.cpp Makefile
diff --git a/example/Vector/7_SPH_dlb/main.cpp b/example/Vector/7_SPH_dlb/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9a6dfc1b6ac887a90b3ac0b0cc668a9a315423d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/Vector/7_SPH_dlb/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,757 @@
+ * \page Vector_7_sph_dlb Vector 7 SPH Dam break  simulation with Dynamic load balacing
+ *
+ *
+ * [TOC]
+ *
+ *
+ * # SPH with Dynamic load Balancing # {#SPH_dlb}
+ *
+ *
+ * This example show the classical SPH Dam break simulation with Dynamic load balancing
+ *
+ * ## inclusion ## {#e0_v_inclusion}
+ *
+ * In order to use distributed vectors in our code we have to include the file Vector/vector_dist.hpp
+ *
+ * \snippet Vector/7_SPH_dlb/main.cpp inclusion
+ *
+ */
+//! \cond [inclusion] \endcond
+#include "Vector/vector_dist.hpp"
+#include <math.h>
+//! \cond [inclusion] \endcond
+#include "Draw/DrawParticles.hpp"
+#define BOUNDARY 0
+#define FLUID 1
+double lower_z = 2.0;
+const double dp = 0.0085;
+double h_swl = 0.0;
+const double coeff_sound = 20.0;
+const double gamma_ = 7.0;
+// sqrt(3.0*dp*dp)
+const double H = 0.0147224318643;
+const double Eta2 = 0.01 * H*H;
+const double visco = 0.1;
+double cbar = 0.0;
+const double MassFluid = 0.000614125;
+const double MassBound = 0.000614125;
+const double t_end = 1.0;
+const double gravity = 9.81;
+const double rho_zero = 1000.0;
+double B = 0.0;
+const double CFLnumber = 0.2;
+const double DtMin = 0.00001;
+// Filled in initialization
+double max_fluid_height = 0.0;
+const size_t type = 0;
+const int rho = 1;
+const int rho_prev = 2;
+const int Pressure = 3;
+const int drho = 4;
+const int force = 5;
+const int velocity = 6;
+const int velocity_prev = 7;
+typedef vector_dist<3,double,aggregate<size_t,double,double,double,double,double[3],double[3],double[3]>> particles;
+inline void EqState(particles & vd)
+//	double min = 100000000.0;
+//	double max = 0.0;
+//	double accum = 0.0;
+//	size_t n = 0;
+//	Vcluster & v_cl = create_vcluster();
+	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto a = it.get();
+		double rho_a = vd.template getProp<rho>(a);
+		double rho_frac = rho_a / rho_zero;
+		vd.template getProp<Pressure>(a) = B*( rho_frac*rho_frac*rho_frac*rho_frac*rho_frac*rho_frac*rho_frac - 1.0);
+		/// DEBUG
+/*		if (vd.template getProp<Pressure>(a) < min)
+			min = vd.template getProp<Pressure>(a);
+		if (vd.template getProp<Pressure>(a) > max)
+			max = vd.template getProp<Pressure>(a);
+		if (vd.template getProp<Pressure>(a) > 2849.0)
+			std::cout << "Particle: " << Point<3,double>(vd.getPos(a)).toString() << std::endl;
+		accum += vd.template getProp<Pressure>(a);
+		n++;*/
+		++it;
+	}
+/*	v_cl.max(max);
+	v_cl.min(min);
+	v_cl.sum(accum);
+	v_cl.sum(n);
+	v_cl.execute();
+	std::cout << "Max: " << max << " min: " << min << "  accum: " << accum/n << "     " << B << " n: " << n << std::endl;*/
+const double c1 = -3.0/M_PI/H/H/H/H;
+const double d1 = 9.0/4.0/M_PI/H/H/H/H;
+const double c2 = -3.0/4.0/M_PI/H/H/H/H;
+const double a2 = 1.0/M_PI/H/H/H;
+const double a2_4 = 0.25*a2;
+// Filled later
+double W_dap = 0.0;
+inline double Wab(double r)
+	r /= H;
+	if (r < 1.0)
+		return (1.0 - 3.0/2.0*r*r + 3.0/4.0*r*r*r)*a2;
+	else if (r < 2.0)
+		return (1.0/4.0*(2.0 - r*r)*(2.0 - r*r)*(2.0 - r*r))*a2;
+	else
+		return 0.0;
+inline void DWab(Point<3,double> & dx, Point<3,double> & DW, double r, bool print)
+	const double qq=r/H;
+	if (qq < 1.0)
+	{
+		double qq2 = qq * qq;
+		double fac = (c1*qq + d1*qq2)/r;
+		DW.get(0) = fac*dx.get(0);
+		DW.get(1) = fac*dx.get(1);
+		DW.get(2) = fac*dx.get(2);
+	}
+	else if (qq < 2.0)
+	{
+		double wqq = (2.0 - qq);
+		double fac = c2 * wqq * wqq / r;
+		DW.get(0) = fac * dx.get(0);
+		DW.get(1) = fac * dx.get(1);
+		DW.get(2) = fac * dx.get(2);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		DW.get(0) = 0.0;
+		DW.get(1) = 0.0;
+		DW.get(2) = 0.0;
+	}
+// Tensile correction
+inline double Tensile(double r, double rhoa, double rhob, double prs1, double prs2, bool print)
+	const double qq=r/H;
+	//-Cubic Spline kernel
+	double wab;
+	if(r>H)
+	{
+		double wqq1=2.0f-qq;
+		double wqq2=wqq1*wqq1;
+		wab=a2_4*(wqq2*wqq1);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    double wqq2=qq*qq;
+	    double wqq3=wqq2*qq;
+	    wab=a2*(1.0f-1.5f*wqq2+0.75f*wqq3);
+	}
+	//-Tensile correction.
+	double fab=wab*W_dap;
+	fab*=fab; fab*=fab; //fab=fab^4
+	const double tensilp1=(prs1/(rhoa*rhoa))*(prs1>0? 0.01: -0.2);
+	const double tensilp2=(prs2/(rhob*rhob))*(prs2>0? 0.01: -0.2);
+//	if (print == true)
+//		std::cout << "fab " << fab << " tensilp1: " << tensilp1 << " tensilp2: " << tensilp2 << std::endl;
+	return (fab*(tensilp1+tensilp2));
+inline double Pi(const Point<3,double> & dr, double rr2, Point<3,double> & dv, double rhoa, double rhob, double massb, double & visc, bool print)
+	const double dot = dr.get(0)*dv.get(0) + dr.get(1)*dv.get(1) + dr.get(2)*dv.get(2);
+	const double dot_rr2 = dot/(rr2+Eta2);
+	visc=std::max(dot_rr2,visc);
+	if(dot < 0)
+	{
+		const float amubar=H*dot_rr2;
+		const float robar=(rhoa+rhob)*0.5f;
+		const float pi_visc=(-visco*cbar*amubar/robar);
+		if (print == true)
+			std::cout << "   visco: " << visco << "  " << cbar << "  " << amubar << "   " << robar << "   ";
+		return pi_visc;
+    }
+	else
+		return 0.0;
+template<typename CellList> inline double calc_forces(particles & vd, CellList & NN, double & max_visc)
+	auto part = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	Point<3,double> ForceMax({       0.0,      0.0,      0.0});
+	Point<3,double> ForceMin({10000000.0,1000000.0,1000000,0});
+	double visc = 0;
+//	std::cout << "c1: " << c1 << "    c2: " << c2 << "    d1: " << d1 << std::endl;
+	vd.updateCellList(NN);
+	while (part.isNext())
+	{
+		auto a = part.get();
+		// Get the position xp of the particle
+		Point<3,double> xa = vd.getPos(a);
+		if (vd.getProp<type>(a) != FLUID)
+		{
+			++part;
+			continue;
+		}
+		double massa = (vd.getProp<type>(a) == FLUID)?MassFluid:MassBound;
+		double rhoa = vd.getProp<rho>(a);
+		double Pa = vd.getProp<Pressure>(a);
+		Point<3,double> va = vd.getProp<velocity>(a);
+		// Reset the force counter
+		vd.template getProp<force>(a)[0] = 0.0;
+		vd.template getProp<force>(a)[1] = 0.0;
+		vd.template getProp<force>(a)[2] = -gravity;
+		vd.template getProp<drho>(a) = 0.0;
+		size_t cnt = 0;
+//		std::cout << "---------------------" << std::endl;
+//		std::cout << vd.getPos(a)[0] << "   " << vd.getPos(a)[1] << "   " << vd.getPos(a)[2] << std::endl;
+		// Get an iterator over the neighborhood particles of p
+		auto Np = NN.template getNNIterator<NO_CHECK>(NN.getCell(vd.getPos(a)));
+		while (Np.isNext() == true)
+		{
+			// ... q
+			auto b = Np.get();
+			// Get the position xp of the particle
+			Point<3,double> xb = vd.getPos(b);
+			// if (p == q) skip this particle
+			if (a.getKey() == b)	{++Np; continue;};
+			double massb = (vd.getProp<type>(b) == FLUID)?MassFluid:MassBound;
+			Point<3,double> vb = vd.getProp<velocity>(b);
+			double Pb = vd.getProp<Pressure>(b);
+			double rhob = vd.getProp<rho>(b);
+			// Get the distance between p and q
+			Point<3,double> dr = xa - xb;
+			// take the norm of this vector
+			double r2 = norm2(dr);
+			if (r2 < 4.0*H*H)
+			{
+				double r = sqrt(r2);
+				Point<3,double> v_rel = va - vb;
+				Point<3,double> DW;
+				DWab(dr,DW,r,false);
+				double factor = - massb*((vd.getProp<Pressure>(a) + vd.getProp<Pressure>(b)) / (rhoa * rhob) + Tensile(r,rhoa,rhob,Pa,Pb,false) + Pi(dr,r2,v_rel,rhoa,rhob,massb,visc,false));
+				if (create_vcluster().getProcessUnitID() == 0)
+				{
+					std::cout << "PARTICLE: " << dr.toString() << std::endl;
+					std::cout << "Pressure: " << Pa << "  " << Pb << std::endl;
+					std::cout << "Density: " << rhoa << "  " << rhob << std::endl;
+					std::cout << "FACTOR: " << factor << std::endl;
+					std::cout << "Tensile: " << Tensile(r,rhoa,rhob,Pa,Pb,false) << std::endl;
+					std::cout << "DW: " << DW.get(0) << "     " << DW.get(1) << "     " << DW.get(2) << std::endl;
+				}*/
+				vd.getProp<force>(a)[0] += factor * DW.get(0);
+				vd.getProp<force>(a)[1] += factor * DW.get(1);
+				vd.getProp<force>(a)[2] += factor * DW.get(2);
+				if (xa.get(0) > 0.0085 && xa.get(0) < 0.0105 &&
+					xa.get(1) > 0.0085 && xa.get(1) < 0.0105 &&
+					xa.get(2) > 0.0085 && xa.get(2) < 0.0105)
+				{
+					std::cout << "POSITION: " << xb.toString() << std::endl;
+					std::cout << "FORCE: " << factor*DW.get(0) << "    " << factor*DW.get(1) << "      " << factor*DW.get(2) << std::endl;
+					std::cout << "FORCE TERM: " << Tensile(r,rhoa,rhob,Pa,Pb,true) << "      " << Pi(dr,r2,v_rel,rhoa,rhob,massb,visc,true) << std::endl;
+					cnt++;
+				}
+	            vd.getProp<drho>(a) += massb*(v_rel.get(0)*DW.get(0)+v_rel.get(1)*DW.get(1)+v_rel.get(2)*DW.get(2));
+/*	            if (vd.getProp<type>(a) == FLUID)
+	            {
+	            	std::cout << "DELTA RHO: " << massb*(v_rel.get(0)*DW.get(0)+v_rel.get(1)*DW.get(1)+v_rel.get(2)*DW.get(2)) << "    " << v_rel.get(0) <<  "     " << v_rel.get(1) << "     "  << v_rel.get(2) <<  "  VISC: " << Pi(dr,r2,v_rel,rhoa,rhob,massb,visc,true) << std::endl;
+	            }*/
+			}
+			++Np;
+		}
+		if (xa.get(0) > 0.0085 && xa.get(0) < 0.0105 &&
+			xa.get(1) > 0.0085 && xa.get(1) < 0.0105 &&
+			xa.get(2) > 0.0085 && xa.get(2) < 0.0105)
+		{
+			std::cout << "FORCE FINAL: " << vd.getProp<force>(a)[0] << "   " << vd.getProp<force>(a)[1] << "  " << vd.getProp<force>(a)[2] << "    " << cnt << std::endl;
+		}
+/*        if (vd.getProp<type>(a) == FLUID)
+        {
+        	std::cout << "DELTA DENSITY: " << vd.getProp<drho>(a) << std::endl;
+        	std::cout << "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" << std::endl;
+        }*/
+		++part;
+		if (Point<3,double>(vd.getProp<force>(a)).norm() > ForceMax.norm()  )
+		{
+			ForceMax = Point<3,double>(vd.getProp<force>(a));
+//			std::cout << "ForceMax: " << ForceMax.toString() << "   " << a.getKey() << std::endl;
+			Point<3,double> p({0.01,0.0,0.0});
+			Point<3,double> DW;
+			DWab(p,DW,0.01,false);
+//			std::cout << DW.get(0) << "   " << DW.get(1) << "      " << DW.get(2)  << std::endl;
+		}
+		if (Point<3,double>(vd.getProp<force>(a)).norm() < ForceMin.norm()  )
+		{
+			ForceMin = Point<3,double>(vd.getProp<force>(a));
+		}
+	}
+	// Get the maximum viscosity term across processors
+	Vcluster & v_cl = create_vcluster();
+	v_cl.max(visc);
+	v_cl.execute();
+	max_visc = visc;
+//	std::cout << "---------------------------------" << std::endl;
+void max_acceleration_and_velocity(particles & vd, double & max_acc, double & max_vel)
+	// Calculate the maximum acceleration
+	auto part = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	while (part.isNext())
+	{
+		auto a = part.get();
+		Point<3,double> acc(vd.getProp<force>(a));
+		double acc2 = norm2(acc);
+		Point<3,double> vel(vd.getProp<velocity>(a));
+		double vel2 = norm2(vel);
+		if (vel2 >= max_vel)
+			max_vel = vel2;
+		if (acc2 >= max_acc)
+			max_acc = acc2;
+		++part;
+	}
+	max_acc = sqrt(max_acc);
+	max_vel = sqrt(max_vel);
+double dt_old = 0.0;
+double calc_deltaT(particles & vd, double ViscDtMax)
+	double Maxacc = 0.0;
+	double Maxvel = 0.0;
+	max_acceleration_and_velocity(vd,Maxacc,Maxvel);
+	//-dt1 depends on force per unit mass.
+	const double dt_f = (Maxacc)?sqrt(H/Maxacc):std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
+	//-dt2 combines the Courant and the viscous time-step controls.
+	const double dt_cv = H/(std::max(cbar,Maxvel*10.) + H*ViscDtMax);
+//	std::cout << "dt_f   " << dt_f << "     dt_cv: " << dt_cv << "    Maxvel: " << Maxvel << std::endl;
+	//-dt new value of time step.
+	double dt=double(CFLnumber)*std::min(dt_f,dt_cv);
+	if(dt<double(DtMin))
+		dt=double(DtMin);
+	if (dt_old != dt)
+	{
+		std::cout << "Dt changed to " << dt << "    MaxVel: " << Maxvel << "     Maxacc: " << Maxacc << "     lower_z: " << lower_z << std::endl;
+		dt_old = dt;
+	}
+//	std::cout << "Returned dt: " << dt << std::endl;
+	return dt;
+openfpm::vector<size_t> to_remove;
+bool particle_out = true;
+void verlet_int(particles & vd, double dt)
+	to_remove.clear();
+	// Calculate the maximum acceleration
+	auto part = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	double dt205 = dt*dt*0.5;
+	double dt2 = dt*2.0;
+	while (part.isNext())
+	{
+		auto a = part.get();
+		if (vd.template getProp<type>(a) == BOUNDARY)
+		{
+			// Update only the density
+			++part;
+			continue;
+		}
+		//-Calculate displacement and update position / Calcula desplazamiento y actualiza posicion.
+		double dx = vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[0]*dt + vd.template getProp<force>(a)[0]*dt205;
+	    double dy = vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[1]*dt + vd.template getProp<force>(a)[1]*dt205;
+	    double dz = vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[2]*dt + vd.template getProp<force>(a)[2]*dt205;
+//	    bool outrhop=(rhopnew<RhopOutMin||rhopnew>RhopOutMax);
+//	    if (vd.getPos(a)[0] > 0.0085 && vd.getPos(a)[0] < 0.0105 &&
+//	    	vd.getPos(a)[1] > 0.0085 && vd.getPos(a)[1] < 0.0105 &&
+//			vd.getPos(a)[2] > 0.0085 && vd.getPos(a)[2] < 0.0105)
+//	    {
+//	    	std::cout << "DeltaX: " << dx << "    " << dy << "      " << dz << std::endl;
+/*	    	std::cout << "FORCE: " << vd.template getProp<force>(a)[0] << "       "
+	    			  << vd.template getProp<force>(a)[1] << "      "
+					  << vd.template getProp<force>(a)[2] <<
+	    			  "    DENSITY: " << vd.template getProp<rho_prev>(a) + dt2*vd.template getProp<drho>(a) <<
+					  "    PRESSURE: " << vd.template getProp<Pressure>(a) <<
+					  "    POSITION Z: " << vd.getPos(a)[2]
+					  << std::endl;*/
+	    //	std::cout << "FORCE TERM: " << Tensile(r,rhoa,rhob,Pa,Pb,true) << "      " << massb*Pi(dr,r2,v_rel,rhoa,rhob,massa,massb) << std::endl;
+//	    }
+	    vd.getPos(a)[0] += dx;
+	    vd.getPos(a)[1] += dy;
+	    vd.getPos(a)[2] += dz;
+	    if (vd.getPos(a)[2] < lower_z)
+	    	lower_z = vd.getPos(a)[2];
+	    if (vd.getPos(a)[0] <  0.000263878 || vd.getPos(a)[1] < 0.000263878 || vd.getPos(a)[2] < 0.000263878 ||
+	    	vd.getPos(a)[0] >  0.000263878+1.59947 || vd.getPos(a)[1] > 0.000263878+0.672972 || vd.getPos(a)[2] > 0.000263878+0.903944)
+	    {
+//	    	std::cout << "Particle out" << std::endl;
+	    	to_remove.add(a.getKey());
+	    	particle_out = true;
+	    }
+	    double velX = vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[0];
+	    double velY = vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[1];
+	    double velZ = vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[2];
+	    double rhop = vd.template getProp<rho>(a);
+	    vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[0] = vd.template getProp<velocity_prev>(a)[0] + vd.template getProp<force>(a)[0]*dt2;
+	    vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[1] = vd.template getProp<velocity_prev>(a)[1] + vd.template getProp<force>(a)[1]*dt2;
+	    vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[2] = vd.template getProp<velocity_prev>(a)[2] + vd.template getProp<force>(a)[2]*dt2;
+	    vd.template getProp<rho>(a) = vd.template getProp<rho_prev>(a) + dt2*vd.template getProp<drho>(a);
+	    vd.template getProp<velocity_prev>(a)[0] = velX;
+	    vd.template getProp<velocity_prev>(a)[1] = velY;
+	    vd.template getProp<velocity_prev>(a)[2] = velZ;
+	    vd.template getProp<rho_prev>(a) = rhop;
+//	    std::cout << "VELOCITY: " << vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[0] << "     " << vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[1] << "     " << vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[2] << std::endl;
+//	    std::cout << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" << std::endl;
+/*	    if (particle_out == true)
+	    {
+	    	std::cout << "PARTICLE DENSITY: " << vd.template getProp<rho>(a) << "   PARTICLE PRESSURE: " << vd.template getProp<Pressure>(a) << "     Delta rho: " << vd.template getProp<drho>(a) << "   VELOCITY: " << vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[0] << "   " << vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[1] << "    " << vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[2] << std::endl;
+	    }*/
+		++part;
+	}
+	vd.remove(to_remove,0);
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+	/*!
+	 * \page Vector_7_sph_dlb Vector 7 SPH Dam break  simulation with Dynamic load balacing
+	 *
+	 * ## Initialization ##
+	 *
+	 * Here we Initialize the library, we create a Box that define our domain, boundary conditions, ghost
+	 *
+	 * \see \ref e0_s_init
+	 *
+	 * \snippet Vector/7_SPH_dlb/main.cpp Initialization and parameters
+	 *
+	 */
+	//! \cond [Initialization and parameters] \endcond
+    // initialize the library
+	openfpm_init(&argc,&argv);
+	// Here we define our domain a 2D box with internals from 0 to 1.0 for x and y
+	Box<3,double> domain({-0.05,-0.05,-0.05},{2.0070,1.0040,1.0040});
+	size_t sz[3] = {243,125,125};
+	// Fill W_dap
+	W_dap = 1.0/Wab(H/1.5);
+	// Here we define the boundary conditions of our problem
+	// extended boundary around the domain, and the processor domain
+	Ghost<3,double> g(2*H);
+	//! \cond [Initialization and parameters] \endcond
+	/*!
+	 * \page Vector_7_SPH_dlb Vector 7 SPH Dam break  simulation with Dynamic load balacing
+	 *
+	 * ## %Vector create ##
+	 *
+	 * Here we define a distributed vector in 3D, containing 3 properties, a
+	 * scalar double, a vector double[3], and a tensor or rank 2 double[3][3].
+	 * In this case the vector contain 0 particles initially
+	 *
+	 * \see \ref vector_inst
+	 *
+	 * \snippet Vector/1_celllist/main.cpp vector inst
+	 *
+	 */
+	//! \cond [vector inst] \endcond
+	particles vd(0,domain,bc,g);
+	//! \cond [vector inst] \endcond
+	// the scalar is the element at position 0 in the aggregate
+	const int type = 0;
+//	Box<3,double> fluid_box({dp/2.0,dp/2.0,dp/2.0},{0.4+dp/2.0,0.67-dp/2.0,0.3+dp/2.0});
+	Box<3,double> fluid_box({0.2,0.2,0.298},{0.2+2*dp,0.2+2*dp,0.298+2*dp});
+	// first we create Fluid particles
+	// Fluid particles are created
+	auto fluid_it = DrawParticles::DrawBox(vd,sz,domain,fluid_box);
+	max_fluid_height = fluid_it.getBoxMargins().getHigh(2);
+	h_swl = fluid_it.getBoxMargins().getHigh(2) - fluid_it.getBoxMargins().getLow(2);
+	B = (coeff_sound)*(coeff_sound)*gravity*h_swl*rho_zero / gamma_;
+	cbar = coeff_sound * sqrt(gravity * h_swl);
+//	std::cout << "MAX FLUID: " << max_fluid_height << std::endl;
+	while (fluid_it.isNext())
+	{
+		vd.add();
+		vd.getLastPos()[0] = fluid_it.get().get(0);
+		vd.getLastPos()[1] = fluid_it.get().get(1);
+		vd.getLastPos()[2] = fluid_it.get().get(2);
+		vd.template getLastProp<type>() = FLUID;
+		// We also initialize the density of the particle and the hydro-static pressure given by
+		//
+		// rho_zero*g*h = P
+		//
+		// rho_p = (P/B + 1)^(1/Gamma) * rho_zero
+		//
+		vd.template getLastProp<Pressure>() = rho_zero * gravity *  (max_fluid_height - fluid_it.get().get(2));
+		std::cout << "B: " << B << std::endl;
+		vd.template getLastProp<rho>() = pow(vd.template getLastProp<Pressure>() / B + 1, 1.0/gamma_) * rho_zero;
+		vd.template getLastProp<rho_prev>() = vd.template getLastProp<rho>();
+		vd.template getLastProp<velocity>()[0] = 0.0;
+		vd.template getLastProp<velocity>()[1] = 0.0;
+		vd.template getLastProp<velocity>()[2] = 0.0;
+		vd.template getLastProp<velocity_prev>()[0] = 0.0;
+		vd.template getLastProp<velocity_prev>()[1] = 0.0;
+		vd.template getLastProp<velocity_prev>()[2] = 0.0;
+		++fluid_it;
+	}
+	// Recipient
+	Box<3,double> recipient1({0.0,0.0,0.0},{1.6+dp/2.0,0.67+dp/2.0,0.4+dp/2.0});
+	Box<3,double> recipient2({dp,dp,dp},{1.6-dp/2.0,0.67-dp/2.0,0.4+dp/2.0});
+	Box<3,double> obstacle1({0.9,0.24-dp/2.0,0.0},{1.02+dp/2.0,0.36,0.45+dp/2.0});
+	Box<3,double> obstacle2({0.9+dp,0.24+dp/2.0,0.0},{1.02-dp/2.0,0.36-dp,0.45-dp/2.0});
+	Box<3,double> obstacle3({0.9+dp,0.24,0.0},{1.02,0.36,0.45});
+	openfpm::vector<Box<3,double>> holes;
+	holes.add(recipient2);
+	holes.add(obstacle1);
+	auto bound_box = DrawParticles::DrawSkin(vd,sz,domain,holes,recipient1);
+	while (bound_box.isNext())
+	{
+		vd.add();
+		vd.getLastPos()[0] = bound_box.get().get(0);
+		vd.getLastPos()[1] = bound_box.get().get(1);
+		vd.getLastPos()[2] = bound_box.get().get(2);
+		vd.template getLastProp<type>() = BOUNDARY;
+		vd.template getLastProp<rho>() = rho_zero;
+		vd.template getLastProp<rho_prev>() = rho_zero;
+		vd.template getLastProp<velocity>()[0] = 0.0;
+		vd.template getLastProp<velocity>()[1] = 0.0;
+		vd.template getLastProp<velocity>()[2] = 0.0;
+		vd.template getLastProp<velocity_prev>()[0] = 0.0;
+		vd.template getLastProp<velocity_prev>()[1] = 0.0;
+		vd.template getLastProp<velocity_prev>()[2] = 0.0;
+		++bound_box;
+	}
+	// Obstacle
+	auto obstacle_box = DrawParticles::DrawSkin(vd,sz,domain,obstacle2,obstacle1);
+	while (obstacle_box.isNext())
+	{
+		vd.add();
+		vd.getLastPos()[0] = obstacle_box.get().get(0);
+		vd.getLastPos()[1] = obstacle_box.get().get(1);
+		vd.getLastPos()[2] = obstacle_box.get().get(2);
+		vd.template getLastProp<type>() = BOUNDARY;
+		vd.template getLastProp<rho>() = rho_zero;
+		vd.template getLastProp<rho_prev>() = rho_zero;
+		vd.template getLastProp<velocity>()[0] = 0.0;
+		vd.template getLastProp<velocity>()[1] = 0.0;
+		vd.template getLastProp<velocity>()[2] = 0.0;
+		vd.template getLastProp<velocity_prev>()[0] = 0.0;
+		vd.template getLastProp<velocity_prev>()[1] = 0.0;
+		vd.template getLastProp<velocity_prev>()[2] = 0.0;
+		++obstacle_box;
+	}
+	vd.map();
+	vd.ghost_get<rho,Pressure>();
+	auto NN = vd.getCellList(2*H);
+	// Evolve
+	size_t write = 0;
+	size_t it = 0;
+	double t = 0.0;
+	while (t <= t_end)
+	{
+		const size_t type = 0;
+		const int rho = 1;
+		const int Pressure = 2;
+		const int drho = 3;
+		const int force = 4;
+		const int velocity = 5;
+		const int velocity_prev = 6;
+		vd.map();
+		vd.ghost_get<type,rho,Pressure,velocity,velocity_prev>();
+		// Calculate pressure from the density
+		EqState(vd);
+		double max_visc = 0.0;
+		// Calc forces
+		calc_forces(vd,NN,max_visc);
+		// Calculate delta t integration
+		double dt = calc_deltaT(vd,max_visc);
+//		std::cout << "Calculate deltaT: " << dt << "   " << DtMin << std::endl;
+		// VerletStep
+		verlet_int(vd,dt);
+		t += dt;
+		if (write < t*100)
+		{
+			vd.write("Geometry",write);
+			write++;
+		}
+	}
+	//! \cond [finalize] \endcond
+	openfpm_finalize();
+	//! \cond [finalize] \endcond
+	/*!
+	 * \page Vector_7_SPH_dlb Vector 7 SPH Dam break  simulation with Dynamic load balacing
+	 *
+	 * ## Full code ## {#code_e0_sim}
+	 *
+	 * \include Vector/0_simple/main.cpp
+	 *
+	 */