diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 8f3e7e1177b4541abcf464bd9d13fb44e3380070..071227b41df2a3fba248878bbaa2a100f1174d34 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -221,7 +221,6 @@ configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/config/config_cmake.h.in ${CMAKE_
 add_subdirectory (src)
 add_subdirectory (openfpm_devices)
-add_subdirectory (images)
 add_subdirectory (openfpm_data)
 add_subdirectory (openfpm_io)
 add_subdirectory (openfpm_vcluster)
diff --git a/example/Debugging/0_classes/Makefile b/example/Debugging/0_classes/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index c1eeea9c9b944267a3e038fb681398ef90910307..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/example/Debugging/0_classes/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-include ../../example.mk
-OBJ = main.o
-%.o: %.cpp
-	$(CC) -O3 -g3 -c --std=c++11 -o $@ $< $(INCLUDE_PATH)
-se_classes: $(OBJ)
-	$(CC) -o $@ $^ $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS_PATH) $(LIBS_SE2)
-all: se_classes
-run: all
-.PHONY: clean all run
-	rm -f *.o *~ core se_classes
diff --git a/example/Debugging/0_classes/config.cfg b/example/Debugging/0_classes/config.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 1eecbac3577c765edca7f90cf5f61cfb6b9f4880..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/example/Debugging/0_classes/config.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-files = main.cpp Makefile
diff --git a/example/Debugging/0_classes/main.cpp b/example/Debugging/0_classes/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 62bef9be8a7e27edcceb58f1bbe1384ff63ae1a3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/example/Debugging/0_classes/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
- * ### WIKI 1 ###
- *
- * ## Security enhancement example
- *
- * This example show several basic functionalities of Security Enhancements
- *
- */
-#define SE_CLASS1
-#define SE_CLASS2
-// SE_CLASS2 only is unsupported, without SE_CLASS2_ONLY_TRACK
-#define SE_CLASS3
-#include "Memleak_check.hpp"
-#include "Vector/vector_dist.hpp"
-#include "Decomposition/CartDecomposition.hpp"
-#include "Point_test.hpp"
- * ### WIKI END ###
- */
-int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-	//
-	// ### WIKI 2 ###
-	//
-	// With print_unalloc we can check how much memory has been allocated and which structure
-	// has been allocated, initially there are not
-	//
-	std::cout << "Allocated memory before initializing \n";
-    print_alloc();
-    std::cout << "\n";
-    std::cout << "\n";
-    std::cout << "\n";
-	//
-	// ### WIKI 3 ###
-	//
-	// Here we Initialize the library, than we create a uniform random generator between 0 and 1 to to generate particles
-	// randomly in the domain, we create a Box that define our domain, boundary conditions and ghost
-	//
-	openfpm_init(&argc,&argv);
-	Vcluster<> & v_cl = create_vcluster();
-	typedef Point<2,float> s;
-	Box<2,float> box({0.0,0.0},{1.0,1.0});
-        size_t bc[2]={NON_PERIODIC,NON_PERIODIC};
-	Ghost<2,float> g(0.01);
-	//
-	// ### WIKI 4 ###
-	//
-	// Here we ask again for the used memory, as we can see Vcluster and several other structures encapsulated inside
-	// Vcluster register itself
-	//
-	if (v_cl.getProcessUnitID() == 0)
-	{
-		std::cout << "Allocated memory after initialization \n";
-		print_alloc();
-		std::cout << "\n";
-		std::cout << "\n";
-		std::cout << "\n";
-	}
-	//
-	// ### WIKI 5 ###
-	//
-	// Here we are creating a distributed vector defined by the following parameters
-	// 
-	// * Dimensionality of the space where the objects live 2D (1° template parameters)
-	// * Type of the space, float (2° template parameters)
-	// * Information stored by each object (3* template parameters), in this case a Point_test store 4 scalars
-	//   1 vector and an asymmetric tensor of rank 2
-	// * Strategy used to decompose the space
-	// 
-	// The Constructor instead require:
-	//
-	// * Number of particles 4096 in this case
-	// * Domain where is defined this structure
-	//
-	// The following construct a vector where each processor has 4096 / N_proc (N_proc = number of processor)
-	// objects with an undefined position in space. This non-space decomposition is also called data-driven
-	// decomposition
-	//
-	{
-		vector_dist<2,float, Point_test<float> > vd(4096,box,bc,g);
-		//
-		// ### WIKI 6 ###
-		//
-		// we create a key that for sure overflow the local datastructure, 2048 with this program is started with more than 3
-		// processors, try and catch are optionals in case you want to recover from a buffer overflow
-		//
-		try
-        {
-			vect_dist_key_dx vt(5048);
-			auto it = vd.getPos(vt);
-        }
-		catch (std::exception e)
-		{
-			std::cerr << "Error notification of overflow \n";
-		}
-	}
-	//
-	// ### WIKI 7 ###
-	//
-	// At this point the vector went out of the scope and if destroyed
-	// we create, now two of them using new
-	//
-	vector_dist<2,float, Point_test<float> > * vd1 = new vector_dist<2,float, Point_test<float>, CartDecomposition<2,float> >(4096,box,bc,g);
-	vector_dist<2,float, Point_test<float> > * vd2 = new vector_dist<2,float, Point_test<float>, CartDecomposition<2,float> >(4096,box,bc,g);
-	//
-	// ### WIKI 8 ###
-	//
-	// we can check that these two structure produce an explicit allocation checking
-	// for registered pointers and structures with print_alloc, in the list we see 2 additional
-	// entry for distributed vector in yellow, pdata to work use the data structures that register
-	// itself in magenta, the same things happen for the real memory allocation from devices in
-	// fully green
-	//
-	if (v_cl.getProcessUnitID() == 0)
-	{
-		std::cout << "Allocated memory with 2 vectors \n";
-		print_alloc();
-		std::cout << "\n";
-		std::cout << "\n";
-		std::cout << "\n";
-	}
-	//
-	// ### WIKI 9 ###
-	//
-	// we can also ask to the structure to identify their-self in the list
-	//
-    std::cout << "Vector id: " << vd1->who() << "\n";
-    std::cout << "Vector id: " << vd2->who() << "\n";
-	//
-	// ### WIKI 10 ###
-	//
-	// delete vd1 and print allocated memory, one distributed vector disappear
-	//
-	delete vd1;
-	if (v_cl.getProcessUnitID() == 0)
-	{
-		std::cout << "Allocated memory with 1 vector \n";
-		print_alloc();
-    	std::cout << "\n";
-    	std::cout << "\n";
-    	std::cout << "\n";
-	}
-	//
-	// ### WIKI 11 ###
-	//
-	// delete vd2 and print allocated memory, all distributed vector de-register
-	//
-	delete vd2;
-	if (v_cl.getProcessUnitID() == 0)
-	{
-		std::cout << "Allocated memory with 1 vector \n";
-		print_alloc();
-		std::cout << "\n";
-		std::cout << "\n";
-		std::cout << "\n";
-	}
-	//
-	// ### WIKI 12 ###
-	//
-	// Try to use a deleted object
-	//
-	try
-    {
-		vect_dist_key_dx vt(0);
-		auto it = vd1->getPos(vt);
-    }
-	catch (std::exception & e)
-	{
-		std::cerr << "Error notification of invalid usage of deleted object \n";
-	}
-	//
-	// ### WIKI 13 ###
-	//
-	// Deinitialize the library
-	//
-	openfpm_finalize();
diff --git a/example/Debugging/1_classes/Makefile b/example/Debugging/1_classes/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index b8b48a47fb0377df4415e351fe2964851e19bb76..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/example/Debugging/1_classes/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-include ../../example.mk
-OBJ = main.o
-%.o: %.cpp
-	$(CC) -O0 -g3 -c --std=c++11 -o $@ $< $(INCLUDE_PATH)
-se_classes: $(OBJ)
-	$(CC) -o $@ $^ $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS_PATH) $(LIBS_SE2)
-all: se_classes
-run: all
-.PHONY: clean all run
-	rm -f *.o *~ core se_classes
diff --git a/example/Debugging/1_classes/config.cfg b/example/Debugging/1_classes/config.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 1eecbac3577c765edca7f90cf5f61cfb6b9f4880..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/example/Debugging/1_classes/config.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-files = main.cpp Makefile
diff --git a/example/Debugging/1_classes/main.cpp b/example/Debugging/1_classes/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f1bdb45c9be742ff7851388339155c08fd840ca..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/example/Debugging/1_classes/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
- * ### WIKI 1 ###
- *
- * ## Security enhancement example
- *
- * This example show how to see where an allocation or corruption happen offline and online.
- * Every time an error occur, the library output where the detection happen filename and line,
- *  in order to debug, there is an online option and an offline option
- *
- *  * online: put a breakpoint on the indicated line with your preferred debugger
- *  * offline: set ulimit -c unlimited to activate the core dump file and open the core dump with your debugger
- *
- */
-#define SE_CLASS1
-#define SE_CLASS2
-// SE_CLASS2 is unsupported if not used in combination with SE_CLASS2_TRACK_ONLY
-#define SE_CLASS3
-#include "Memleak_check.hpp"
-#include "Grid/grid_dist_id.hpp"
-#include "Decomposition/CartDecomposition.hpp"
-#include "Point_test.hpp"
- * ### WIKI END ###
- */
-int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-	//
-	// ### WIKI 2 ###
-	//
-	// Here we Initialize the library,
-	// * message_on_allocation set a message to print when one allocation is reached, the filename and line number can be used to set a breakpoint and analyze the stacktrace.
-	// * throw_on_allocation throw when one allocation is reached, producing the termination of the program and a core dump (if no try catch is set-up)
-	//
-	openfpm_init(&argc,&argv);
-	Vcluster<> & v_cl = create_vcluster();
-	throw_on_alloc(10);
-	// message_on_alloc(10);
-	//
-	// ### WIKI 3 ###
-	//
-	// Create several object needed later, in particular
-	// * A 3D box that define the domain
-	// * an array of 3 unsigned integer that define the size of the grid on each dimension
-	// * A Ghost object that will define the extension of the ghost part for each sub-domain in physical units
-	Box<3,float> domain({0.0,0.0,0.0},{1.0,1.0,1.0});
-	size_t sz[3];
-	sz[0] = 100;
-	sz[1] = 100;
-	sz[2] = 100;
-	// Ghost
-	Ghost<3,float> g(0.01);
-	//
-	// ### WIKI 4 ###
-	//
-	// Create a distributed grid in 3D (1° template parameter) defined in R^3 with float precision (2° template parameter)
-	// using a CartesianDecomposition strategy (3° parameter) (the parameter 1° and 2° inside CartDecomposition must match 1° and 2°
-	// of grid_dist_id)
-	//
-	// Constructor parameters:
-	//
-	// * sz: size of the grid on each dimension
-	// * domain: where the grid is defined
-	// * g: ghost extension
-	//
-	//
-	grid_dist_id<3, float, aggregate<float[3]>, CartDecomposition<3,float>> * g_dist = new grid_dist_id<3, float, aggregate<float[3]> >(sz,domain,g);
-	//
-	// ### WIKI 6 ###
-	//
-	// print allocated structures
-	//
-	if (v_cl.getProcessUnitID() == 0)
-	{print_alloc();}
-	//
-	// ### WIKI 5 ###
-	//
-	// delete g_dist
-	//
-	delete g_dist;
-	//
-	// ### WIKI 6 ###
-	//
-	// On purpose we try to access a deleted object
-	//
-	g_dist->getGridInfo();
-	//
-	// ### WIKI 13 ###
-	//
-	// Deinitialize the library
-	//
-	openfpm_finalize();
diff --git a/example/Debugging/Makefile b/example/Debugging/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index b7f56b266b574a2acd50ea95869feffa11d50f13..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/example/Debugging/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-SUBDIRS := $(wildcard */.)
-all clean run: $(SUBDIRS)
-.PHONY: all clean $(SUBDIRS)
diff --git a/images/CMakeLists.txt b/images/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 459448ca567a02986e75c38bee633ac498e7bb8d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/images/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8 FATAL_ERROR)
-########################### Executables
-	set(CUDA_SOURCES ../openfpm_devices/src/memory/CudaMemory.cu)
-add_executable(cart_dec CartDecomposition_gen_vtk.cpp ../src/lib/pdata.cpp ${CUDA_SOURCES} ../openfpm_devices/src/memory/HeapMemory.cpp  ../openfpm_devices/src/memory/PtrMemory.cpp ../openfpm_vcluster/src/VCluster/VCluster.cpp ../openfpm_devices/src/Memleak_check.cpp)
-add_executable(metis_dec Metis_gen_vtk.cpp ../src/lib/pdata.cpp ${CUDA_SOURCES}  ../openfpm_devices/src/memory/HeapMemory.cpp ../openfpm_devices/src/memory/PtrMemory.cpp ../openfpm_vcluster/src/VCluster/VCluster.cpp ../openfpm_devices/src/Memleak_check.cpp)
-add_executable(dom_box  domain_gen_vtk.cpp ../src/lib/pdata.cpp ${CUDA_SOURCES}  ../openfpm_devices/src/memory/HeapMemory.cpp ../openfpm_devices/src/memory/PtrMemory.cpp ../openfpm_vcluster/src/VCluster/VCluster.cpp ../openfpm_devices/src/Memleak_check.cpp)
-add_executable(vector_dist vector.cpp ${CUDA_SOURCES}  ../openfpm_devices/src/memory/HeapMemory.cpp ../openfpm_vcluster/src/VCluster/VCluster.cpp ../openfpm_devices/src/memory/PtrMemory.cpp ../openfpm_devices/src/Memleak_check.cpp)
-include_directories (${CUDA_INCLUDE_DIRS})
-include_directories (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
-include_directories (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../src/)
-include_directories (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../openfpm_devices/src/)
-include_directories (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../openfpm_vcluster/src/)
-include_directories (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../openfpm_data/src/)
-include_directories (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../openfpm_io/src/)
-include_directories (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../src/config)
-	include_directories (${PETSC_INCLUDES})
-include_directories (${PARMETIS_ROOT}/include)
-include_directories (${METIS_ROOT}/include)
-include_directories (${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS})
-#include_directories (${HDF5_INCLUDE_DIRS})
-include_directories (${LIBHILBERT_INCLUDE_DIRS})
-target_link_libraries(cart_dec ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
-target_link_libraries(cart_dec -L${PARMETIS_ROOT}/lib parmetis)
-target_link_libraries(cart_dec -L${METIS_ROOT}/lib metis)
-#target_link_libraries(cart_dec -L${HDF5_ROOT}/lib hdf5 hdf5_hl)
-target_link_libraries(cart_dec ${HDF5_LIBRARIES})
-target_link_libraries(cart_dec -L${LIBHILBERT_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${LIBHILBERT_LIBRARIES})
-target_link_libraries(cart_dec ${MPI_C_LIBRARIES})
-target_link_libraries(metis_dec ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
-target_link_libraries(metis_dec -L${PARMETIS_ROOT}/lib parmetis)
-target_link_libraries(metis_dec -L${METIS_ROOT}/lib metis)
-#target_link_libraries(metis_dec -L${HDF5_ROOT}/lib hdf5 hdf5_hl)
-target_link_libraries(metis_dec ${HDF5_LIBRARIES})
-target_link_libraries(metis_dec -L${LIBHILBERT_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${LIBHILBERT_LIBRARIES})
-target_link_libraries(metis_dec ${MPI_C_LIBRARIES})
-target_link_libraries(dom_box ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
-target_link_libraries(dom_box -L${PARMETIS_ROOT}/lib parmetis)
-target_link_libraries(dom_box -L${METIS_ROOT}/lib metis)
-#target_link_libraries(dom_box -L${HDF5_ROOT}/lib hdf5 hdf5_hl)
-target_link_libraries(dom_box ${HDF5_LIBRARIES})
-target_link_libraries(dom_box -L${LIBHILBERT_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${LIBHILBERT_LIBRARIES})
-target_link_libraries(dom_box ${MPI_C_LIBRARIES})
-target_link_libraries(vector_dist ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
-target_link_libraries(vector_dist -L${PARMETIS_ROOT}/lib parmetis)
-target_link_libraries(vector_dist -L${METIS_ROOT}/lib metis)
-#target_link_libraries(vector_dist -L${HDF5_ROOT}/lib hdf5 hdf5_hl)
-target_link_libraries(vector_dist ${HDF5_LIBRARIES})
-target_link_libraries(vector_dist -L${LIBHILBERT_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${LIBHILBERT_LIBRARIES})
-target_link_libraries(vector_dist ${MPI_C_LIBRARIES})
-	target_link_libraries(cart_dec  ${PETSC_LIBRARIES})
-	target_link_libraries(metis_dec ${PETSC_LIBRARIES})
-	target_link_libraries(dom_box ${PETSC_LIBRARIES})
-	target_link_libraries(vector_dist ${PETSC_LIBRARIES})
-# Request that particles be built with -std=c++11
-# As this is a public compile feature anything that links to particles
-# will also build with -std=c++11
-target_compile_features(cart_dec PUBLIC cxx_std_11)
-target_compile_features(metis_dec PUBLIC cxx_std_11)
-target_compile_features(dom_box PUBLIC cxx_std_11)
-target_compile_features(vector_dist PUBLIC cxx_std_11)
-#  add_executable(particle_test test.cu)
-#  set_target_properties(particle_test PROPERTIES CUDA_SEPARABLE_COMPILATION ON)
-#  target_link_libraries(particle_test PRIVATE particles)
-#  add_test(NAME particles_10k COMMAND particle_test 10000 )
-#  add_test(NAME particles_256k COMMAND particle_test 256000 )
-#  if(APPLE)
-    # We need to add the default path to the driver (libcuda.dylib) as an rpath,
-    # so that the static cuda runtime can find it at runtime.
-    #  endif()
-    #endif()
diff --git a/images/CartDecomposition_gen_vtk.cpp b/images/CartDecomposition_gen_vtk.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index aa52e9d31514229114bddadd452a6832edb958c3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/images/CartDecomposition_gen_vtk.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- * CartDecomposition_gen_vtk.hpp
- *
- *  Created on: Aug 28, 2015
- *      Author: i-bird
- */
-#include "Decomposition/CartDecomposition.hpp"
-int main(int argc, char ** argv)
-	// Initialize the global VCluster
-	openfpm_init(&argc,&argv);
-	// Vcluster
-	Vcluster<> & vcl = create_vcluster();
-	//! [Create CartDecomposition vtk gen]
-	CartDecomposition<2,float> dec(vcl);
-	// Physical domain
-	Box<2,float> box({0.0,0.0},{1.0,1.0});
-	// division on each direction
-	size_t div[2] = {20,20};
-	// Define ghost
-	Ghost<2,float> g(0.01);
-	// boundary conditions
-	size_t bc[2] = {PERIODIC,PERIODIC};
-	// Decompose and write the decomposed graph
-	dec.setParameters(div,box,bc,g);
-	dec.decompose();
-	// create a ghost border
-	dec.calculateGhostBoxes();
-	// Write the decomposition
-	dec.write("CartDecomposition/out_");
-	//! [Create CartDecomposition]
-	// deinitialize the library
-	openfpm_finalize();
diff --git a/images/Domain_decomposition.py b/images/Domain_decomposition.py
deleted file mode 100644
index cb167e452a205b79cc7605decf0265e4256908f8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/images/Domain_decomposition.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-#### import the simple module from the paraview
-from paraview.simple import *
-#### disable automatic camera reset on 'Show'
-# create a new 'Legacy VTK Reader'
-dom_boxvtk = LegacyVTKReader(FileNames=['CartDecomposition/dom_box.vtk'])
-# get active view
-renderView1 = GetActiveViewOrCreate('RenderView')
-renderView1.ViewSize = [1000, 500]
-renderView1.CameraPosition = [0.5, 0.5, 2.7320508075688776]
-renderView1.CameraFocalPoint = [0.5, 0.5, 0.0]
-renderView1.CameraParallelScale = 0.5843857695756589
-# show data in view
-dom_boxvtkDisplay = Show(dom_boxvtk, renderView1)
-# change representation type
-dom_boxvtkDisplay.SetRepresentationType('Surface With Edges')
-# create a new 'Legacy VTK Reader'
-vtk_partitionvtk = LegacyVTKReader(FileNames=['Metis/vtk_partition.vtk'])
-idLUT = GetColorTransferFunction('id')
-idLUT.RGBPoints = [0.0, 0.231373, 0.298039, 0.752941, 1.5, 0.865003, 0.865003, 0.865003, 3.0, 0.705882, 0.0156863, 0.14902]
-idLUT.ScalarRangeInitialized = 1.0
-# show data in view
-vtk_partitionvtkDisplay = Show(vtk_partitionvtk, renderView1)
-# trace defaults for the display properties.
-vtk_partitionvtkDisplay.ColorArrayName = ['POINTS', 'id']
-vtk_partitionvtkDisplay.LookupTable = idLUT
-#changing interaction mode based on data extents
-renderView1.CameraPosition = [0.5, 0.5, 2.7320508075688776]
-renderView1.CameraFocalPoint = [0.5, 0.5, 0.0]
-renderView1.CameraParallelScale = 0.5843857695756589
-# show color bar/color legend
-vtk_partitionvtkDisplay.SetScalarBarVisibility(renderView1, False)
-# create a new 'Transform'
-transform1 = Transform(Input=vtk_partitionvtk)
-transform1.Transform = 'Transform'
-# Properties modified on transform1.Transform
-transform1.Transform.Translate = [0.025, 0.025, 0.0]
-transform1.Transform.Scale = [1.0, 1.0, 0.0]
-# show data in view
-transform1Display = Show(transform1, renderView1)
-# hide data in view
-Hide(vtk_partitionvtk, renderView1)
-# set scalar coloring
-ColorBy(transform1Display, ('POINTS', 'computation'))
-# change representation type
-# Properties modified on transform1Display
-transform1Display.PointSize = 5.0
-# set active source
-# write decomposed
-# set scalar coloring
-ColorBy(transform1Display, ('POINTS', 'id'))
-# change representation type
-# write decomposed
-# create a new 'Legacy VTK Reader'
-out_subdomains_0vtk = LegacyVTKReader(FileNames=['CartDecomposition/out_subdomains_0.vtk'])
-# create a new 'Legacy VTK Reader'
-out_subdomains_1vtk = LegacyVTKReader(FileNames=['CartDecomposition/out_subdomains_1.vtk'])
-# create a new 'Legacy VTK Reader'
-out_subdomains_2vtk = LegacyVTKReader(FileNames=['CartDecomposition/out_subdomains_2.vtk'])
-# create a new 'Legacy VTK Reader'
-out_subdomains_3vtk = LegacyVTKReader(FileNames=['CartDecomposition/out_subdomains_3.vtk'])
-# show data in view
-out_subdomains_3vtkDisplay = Show(out_subdomains_3vtk, renderView1)
-# show data in view
-out_subdomains_1vtkDisplay = Show(out_subdomains_1vtk, renderView1)
-# show data in view
-out_subdomains_2vtkDisplay = Show(out_subdomains_2vtk, renderView1)
-# show data in view
-out_subdomains_0vtkDisplay = Show(out_subdomains_0vtk, renderView1)
-# turn off scalar coloring
-ColorBy(out_subdomains_0vtkDisplay, None)
-# turn off scalar coloring
-ColorBy(out_subdomains_1vtkDisplay, None)
-# turn off scalar coloring
-ColorBy(out_subdomains_2vtkDisplay, None)
-# turn off scalar coloring
-ColorBy(out_subdomains_3vtkDisplay, None)
-# change representation type
-out_subdomains_3vtkDisplay.SetRepresentationType('Surface With Edges')
-# change representation type
-out_subdomains_2vtkDisplay.SetRepresentationType('Surface With Edges')
-# change representation type
-out_subdomains_1vtkDisplay.SetRepresentationType('Surface With Edges')
-# change representation type
-out_subdomains_0vtkDisplay.SetRepresentationType('Surface With Edges')
-# change solid color
-out_subdomains_0vtkDisplay.DiffuseColor = [1.0, 0.3333333333333333, 0.0]
-# change solid color
-out_subdomains_1vtkDisplay.DiffuseColor = [0.6666666666666666, 1.0, 0.0]
-# change solid color
-out_subdomains_2vtkDisplay.DiffuseColor = [0.0, 0.3333333333333333, 1.0]
-# change solid color
-out_subdomains_3vtkDisplay.DiffuseColor = [1.0, 1.0, 0.0]
-# Properties modified on out_subdomains_0vtkDisplay
-out_subdomains_0vtkDisplay.LineWidth = 4.0
-# change representation type
-out_subdomains_0vtkDisplay.SetRepresentationType('Surface With Edges')
-# Properties modified on out_subdomains_1vtkDisplay
-out_subdomains_1vtkDisplay.LineWidth = 4.0
-# change representation type
-out_subdomains_1vtkDisplay.SetRepresentationType('Surface With Edges')
-# Properties modified on out_subdomains_2vtkDisplay
-out_subdomains_2vtkDisplay.LineWidth = 4.0
-# change representation type
-out_subdomains_2vtkDisplay.SetRepresentationType('Surface With Edges')
-# Properties modified on out_subdomains_3vtkDisplay
-out_subdomains_3vtkDisplay.LineWidth = 4.0
-# change representation type
-out_subdomains_3vtkDisplay.SetRepresentationType('Surface With Edges')
-# hide data in view
-Hide(dom_boxvtk, renderView1)
-# hide data in view
-Hide(transform1, renderView1)
-#Destroy everything
-del transform1
-del out_subdomains_3vtk
-del out_subdomains_2vtk
-del out_subdomains_1vtk
-del out_subdomains_0vtk
-del dom_boxvtk
-del vtk_partitionvtk
diff --git a/images/Makefile.am b/images/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644
index d25a0bcfab6907242dc672502b6fb9bedc591f4b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/images/Makefile.am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-noinst_PROGRAMS = cart_dec metis_dec dom_box vector_dist
-cart_dec_SOURCES = CartDecomposition_gen_vtk.cpp ../src/lib/pdata.cpp ../openfpm_devices/src/memory/CudaMemory.cu ../openfpm_devices/src/memory/HeapMemory.cpp  ../openfpm_devices/src/memory/PtrMemory.cpp ../openfpm_vcluster/src/VCluster/VCluster.cpp ../openfpm_devices/src/Memleak_check.cpp
-cart_dec_CXXFLAGS = -Wno-unknown-pragmas $(OPENMP_CFLAGS) $(AM_CXXFLAGS) $(PETSC_INCLUDE) $(METIS_INCLUDE) $(PARMETIS_INCLUDE) $(CUDA_CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES_PATH) $(BOOST_CPPFLAGS) -I../src -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-local-typedefs
-cart_dec_LDADD = $(LINKLIBS) -lparmetis -lmetis
-metis_dec_SOURCES = Metis_gen_vtk.cpp ../src/lib/pdata.cpp ../openfpm_devices/src/memory/CudaMemory.cu  ../openfpm_devices/src/memory/HeapMemory.cpp ../openfpm_devices/src/memory/PtrMemory.cpp ../openfpm_vcluster/src/VCluster/VCluster.cpp ../openfpm_devices/src/Memleak_check.cpp
-metis_dec_CXXFLAGS = -Wno-unknown-pragmas $(OPENMP_CFLAGS) $(AM_CXXFLAGS) $(PETSC_INCLUDE) $(METIS_INCLUDE) $(CUDA_CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES_PATH) $(BOOST_CPPFLAGS) -I../src -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-local-typedefs
-metis_dec_LDADD = $(LINKLIBS) -lmetis
-dom_box_SOURCES = domain_gen_vtk.cpp ../src/lib/pdata.cpp ../openfpm_devices/src/memory/CudaMemory.cu  ../openfpm_devices/src/memory/HeapMemory.cpp ../openfpm_devices/src/memory/PtrMemory.cpp ../openfpm_vcluster/src/VCluster/VCluster.cpp ../openfpm_devices/src/Memleak_check.cpp
-dom_box_CXXFLAGS = -Wno-unknown-pragmas $(OPENMP_CFLAGS) $(AM_CXXFLAGS) $(PETSC_INCLUDE) $(METIS_INCLUDE) $(CUDA_CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES_PATH) $(BOOST_CPPFLAGS) -I../src -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-local-typedefs
-dom_box_LDADD = $(LINKLIBS)
-vector_dist_SOURCES = vector.cpp ../openfpm_devices/src/memory/CudaMemory.cu  ../openfpm_devices/src/memory/HeapMemory.cpp ../openfpm_vcluster/src/VCluster/VCluster.cpp ../openfpm_devices/src/memory/PtrMemory.cpp ../openfpm_devices/src/Memleak_check.cpp
-vector_dist_CXXFLAGS = -Wno-unknown-pragmas $(OPENMP_CFLAGS) $(AM_CXXFLAGS) $(LIBHILBERT_INCLUDE) $(PETSC_INCLUDE) $(PARMETIS_INCLUDE) $(METIS_INCLUDE) $(CUDA_CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES_PATH) $(HDF5_CPPFLAGS) $(BOOST_CPPFLAGS) -I../src -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-local-typedefs
-vector_dist_LDADD = $(LINKLIBS) -lparmetis -lmetis
-.cu.o :
-	$(NVCC) $(NVCCFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
-#### Rule to make images
-images : cart_dec metis_dec dom_box
-	rm -rf CartDecomposition && \
-	rm -rf Metis && \
-	rm -rf Vector && \
-	mkdir CartDecomposition && \
-	mkdir Metis && \
-	mkdir Vector && \
-	mpirun -np 4 ./cart_dec && \
-	mpirun -np 3 ./vector_dist && \
-	./dom_box && \
-	./metis_dec &&  \
-	mkdir -p generated && \
-	mkdir -p static && \
-	pvbatch Domain_decomposition.py && \
-	pvbatch vector_dist.py && \
-	pvbatch mooving_particles.py && \
-	pvbatch mooving_particles_prc.py && \
-	pvbatch vector_scal_vect.py && \
-	pvbatch vector_particles.py && \
-	pvbatch particles_maps.py && \
-	pvbatch vector_ghost.py && \
-	dot -Tsvg openfpm.dot -o generated/openfpm.svg && \
-	avconv -i generated/particles_mooving.ogv -f mp4 generated/particles_mooving.mp4 && \
-	avconv -i generated/particles_mooving_prc.ogv -f mp4 generated/particles_mooving_prc.mp4 && \
-	avconv -i generated/particles_mooving.ogv -f webm generated/particles_mooving.webm && \
-	avconv -i generated/particles_mooving_prc.ogv -f webm generated/particles_mooving_prc.webm
diff --git a/images/Metis_gen_vtk.cpp b/images/Metis_gen_vtk.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cf1277656de10a99ba44092dc6381206f871ac5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/images/Metis_gen_vtk.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- * Metis_gen_vtk.hpp
- *
- *  Created on: Aug 29, 2015
- *      Author: i-bird
- */
-#include <iostream>
-#include "Graph/CartesianGraphFactory.hpp"
-#include "Graph/map_graph.hpp"
-#include "Decomposition/Distribution/metis_util.hpp"
-#include "SubdomainGraphNodes.hpp"
-int main(int argc, char ** argv)
-	CartesianGraphFactory<2,Graph_CSR<nm_v<2>,nm_e>> g_factory;
-	// Cartesian grid
-	size_t sz[2] = {20,20};
-	// Box
-	Box<2,float> box({0.0,0.0},{1.0,1.0});
-	const size_t bc[] = {NON_PERIODIC,NON_PERIODIC};
-	// Graph to decompose
-	Graph_CSR<nm_v<2>,nm_e> g = g_factory.construct<nm_e::communication,NO_VERTEX_ID,float,1,0,1>(sz,box,bc);
-	// Convert the graph to metis
-	Metis<Graph_CSR<nm_v<2>,nm_e>> met(g,4);
-	// decompose
-	met.decompose<nm_v_id>();
-	// Write the decomposition
-	VTKWriter<Graph_CSR<nm_v<2>,nm_e>,VTK_GRAPH> vtk(g);
-	vtk.write("Metis/vtk_partition.vtk");
-#endif /* VTK_METIS_GEN_VTK_CPP_ */
diff --git a/images/domain_gen_vtk.cpp b/images/domain_gen_vtk.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 70a4a27275999a855560ba3f008463a64fa979a7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/images/domain_gen_vtk.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- * domain_vtk_gen.cpp
- *
- *  Created on: Aug 30, 2015
- *      Author: Pietro Incardona
- */
-#include <iostream>
-#include "Space/Shape/Box.hpp"
-#include "Vector/map_vector.hpp"
-#include "VTKWriter/VTKWriter.hpp"
-int main(int argc, char ** argv)
-	//! [Output a vector of boxes]
-	// Physical domain
-	Box<2,float> box({0.0,0.0},{1.0,1.0});
-	// Cell
-	Box<2,float> cell = box;
-	// division on each direction
-	size_t div[2] = {20,20};
-	Point<2,float> p_div({20.0,20.0});
-	cell /= p_div;
-	// create 20 cell on each direction
-	openfpm::vector<Box<2,float>> v_box;
-	for (size_t i = 0; i <= div[0] ; i++)
-	{
-		for (size_t j = 0 ; j <= div[1] ; j++)
-		{
-			Point<2,float> p({(float)i,(float)j});
-			Box<2,float> box = cell * p;
-			v_box.add(box);
-		}
-	}
-	// write the vector of boxes
-	VTKWriter<openfpm::vector<Box<2,float>>,VECTOR_BOX> vtk_box1;
-	vtk_box1.add(v_box);
-	vtk_box1.write("CartDecomposition/dom_box.vtk");
-	//! [Output a vector of boxes]
diff --git a/images/mooving_particles.py b/images/mooving_particles.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ec5a47c7406becaffc147fb0bb9aafc4145d3b3a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/images/mooving_particles.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-#### import the simple module from the paraview
-from paraview.simple import *
-#### disable automatic camera reset on 'Show'
-# create a new 'CSV Reader'
-vector_move0_ = CSVReader(FileName=['Vector/vector_move_0_0.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_1.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_2.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_3.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_4.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_5.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_6.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_7.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_8.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_9.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_10.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_11.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_12.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_13.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_14.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_15.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_16.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_17.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_18.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_19.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_20.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_21.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_22.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_23.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_24.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_25.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_26.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_27.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_28.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_29.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_30.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_31.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_32.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_33.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_34.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_35.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_36.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_37.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_38.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_39.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_40.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_41.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_42.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_43.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_44.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_45.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_46.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_47.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_48.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_49.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_50.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_51.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_52.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_53.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_54.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_55.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_56.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_57.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_58.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_59.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_60.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_61.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_62.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_63.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_64.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_65.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_66.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_67.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_68.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_69.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_70.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_71.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_72.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_73.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_74.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_75.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_76.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_77.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_78.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_79.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_80.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_81.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_82.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_83.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_84.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_85.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_86.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_87.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_88.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_89.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_90.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_91.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_92.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_93.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_94.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_95.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_96.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_97.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_98.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_99.csv'])
-# get animation scene
-animationScene1 = GetAnimationScene()
-# update animation scene based on data timesteps
-# get active view
-renderView1 = GetActiveViewOrCreate('RenderView')
-# uncomment following to set a specific view size
-# renderView1.ViewSize = [1020, 495]
-# get layout
-viewLayout1 = GetLayout()
-# set active view
-# create a new 'Table To Points'
-tableToPoints1 = TableToPoints(Input=vector_move0_)
-# Properties modified on tableToPoints1
-tableToPoints1.XColumn = 'x[0]'
-tableToPoints1.YColumn = 'x[1]'
-tableToPoints1.a2DPoints = 1
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints1Display = Show(tableToPoints1, renderView1)
-# reset view to fit data
-#changing interaction mode based on data extents
-renderView1.InteractionMode = '2D'
-renderView1.CameraPosition = [0.500257785, 0.1870064525, 10000.0]
-renderView1.CameraFocalPoint = [0.500257785, 0.1870064525, 0.0]
-# create a new 'CSV Reader'
-vector_move1_ = CSVReader(FileName=['Vector/vector_move_1_0.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_1.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_2.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_3.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_4.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_5.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_6.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_7.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_8.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_9.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_10.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_11.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_12.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_13.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_14.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_15.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_16.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_17.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_18.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_19.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_20.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_21.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_22.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_23.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_24.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_25.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_26.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_27.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_28.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_29.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_30.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_31.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_32.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_33.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_34.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_35.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_36.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_37.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_38.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_39.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_40.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_41.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_42.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_43.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_44.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_45.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_46.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_47.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_48.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_49.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_50.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_51.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_52.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_53.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_54.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_55.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_56.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_57.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_58.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_59.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_60.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_61.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_62.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_63.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_64.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_65.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_66.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_67.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_68.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_69.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_70.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_71.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_72.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_73.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_74.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_75.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_76.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_77.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_78.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_79.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_80.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_81.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_82.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_83.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_84.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_85.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_86.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_87.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_88.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_89.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_90.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_91.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_92.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_93.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_94.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_95.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_96.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_97.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_98.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_99.csv'])
-# set active view
-# create a new 'Table To Points'
-tableToPoints2 = TableToPoints(Input=vector_move1_)
-# Properties modified on tableToPoints2
-tableToPoints2.XColumn = 'x[0]'
-tableToPoints2.YColumn = 'x[1]'
-tableToPoints2.a2DPoints = 1
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints2Display = Show(tableToPoints2, renderView1)
-# reset view to fit data
-# reset view to fit data
-# set active source
-# change representation type
-# set active source
-# change representation type
-# create a new 'CSV Reader'
-vector_move2_ = CSVReader(FileName=['Vector/vector_move_2_0.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_1.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_2.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_3.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_4.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_5.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_6.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_7.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_8.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_9.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_10.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_11.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_12.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_13.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_14.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_15.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_16.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_17.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_18.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_19.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_20.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_21.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_22.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_23.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_24.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_25.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_26.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_27.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_28.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_29.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_30.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_31.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_32.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_33.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_34.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_35.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_36.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_37.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_38.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_39.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_40.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_41.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_42.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_43.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_44.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_45.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_46.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_47.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_48.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_49.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_50.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_51.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_52.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_53.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_54.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_55.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_56.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_57.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_58.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_59.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_60.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_61.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_62.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_63.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_64.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_65.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_66.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_67.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_68.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_69.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_70.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_71.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_72.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_73.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_74.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_75.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_76.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_77.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_78.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_79.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_80.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_81.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_82.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_83.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_84.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_85.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_86.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_87.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_88.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_89.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_90.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_91.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_92.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_93.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_94.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_95.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_96.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_97.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_98.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_99.csv'])
-# set active view
-# create a new 'Table To Points'
-tableToPoints3 = TableToPoints(Input=vector_move2_)
-# Properties modified on tableToPoints3
-tableToPoints3.XColumn = 'x[0]'
-tableToPoints3.YColumn = 'x[1]'
-tableToPoints3.a2DPoints = 1
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints3Display = Show(tableToPoints3, renderView1)
-# current camera placement for renderView1
-renderView1.InteractionMode = '2D'
-renderView1.CameraPosition = [0.500684285, 0.49876095249999997, 2.7250155738876063]
-renderView1.CameraFocalPoint = [0.500684285, 0.49876095249999997, 0.0]
-renderView1.CameraParallelScale = 0.7052859287230878
-# save animation images/movie
-WriteAnimation('generated/particles_mooving.ogv', Magnification=1, FrameRate=25.0, Compression=True)
diff --git a/images/mooving_particles_prc.py b/images/mooving_particles_prc.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a8092406cdcaf85b91b1d9af137210e35a86b7ee..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/images/mooving_particles_prc.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-#### import the simple module from the paraview
-from paraview.simple import *
-#### disable automatic camera reset on 'Show'
-# create a new 'CSV Reader'
-vector_move_0_ = CSVReader(FileName=['Vector/vector_move_0_0.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_1.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_2.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_3.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_4.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_5.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_6.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_7.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_8.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_9.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_10.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_11.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_12.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_13.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_14.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_15.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_16.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_17.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_18.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_19.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_20.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_21.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_22.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_23.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_24.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_25.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_26.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_27.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_28.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_29.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_30.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_31.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_32.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_33.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_34.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_35.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_36.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_37.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_38.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_39.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_40.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_41.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_42.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_43.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_44.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_45.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_46.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_47.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_48.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_49.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_50.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_51.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_52.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_53.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_54.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_55.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_56.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_57.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_58.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_59.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_60.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_61.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_62.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_63.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_64.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_65.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_66.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_67.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_68.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_69.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_70.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_71.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_72.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_73.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_74.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_75.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_76.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_77.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_78.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_79.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_80.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_81.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_82.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_83.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_84.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_85.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_86.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_87.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_88.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_89.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_90.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_91.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_92.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_93.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_94.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_95.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_96.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_97.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_98.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_0_99.csv'])
-# get animation scene
-animationScene1 = GetAnimationScene()
-# update animation scene based on data timesteps
-# get active view
-renderView1 = GetActiveViewOrCreate('RenderView')
-# uncomment following to set a specific view size
-# renderView1.ViewSize = [1020, 495]
-# get layout
-viewLayout1 = GetLayout()
-# set active view
-# create a new 'Table To Points'
-tableToPoints1 = TableToPoints(Input=vector_move_0_)
-# Properties modified on tableToPoints1
-tableToPoints1.XColumn = 'x[0]'
-tableToPoints1.YColumn = 'x[1]'
-tableToPoints1.a2DPoints = 1
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints1Display = Show(tableToPoints1, renderView1)
-tableToPoints1Display.AmbientColor = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
-# reset view to fit data
-#changing interaction mode based on data extents
-renderView1.InteractionMode = '2D'
-renderView1.CameraPosition = [0.500257785, 0.1870064525, 10000.0]
-renderView1.CameraFocalPoint = [0.500257785, 0.1870064525, 0.0]
-# create a new 'CSV Reader'
-vector_move_1_ = CSVReader(FileName=['Vector/vector_move_1_0.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_1.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_2.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_3.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_4.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_5.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_6.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_7.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_8.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_9.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_10.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_11.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_12.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_13.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_14.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_15.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_16.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_17.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_18.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_19.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_20.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_21.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_22.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_23.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_24.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_25.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_26.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_27.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_28.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_29.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_30.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_31.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_32.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_33.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_34.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_35.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_36.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_37.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_38.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_39.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_40.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_41.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_42.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_43.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_44.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_45.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_46.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_47.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_48.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_49.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_50.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_51.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_52.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_53.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_54.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_55.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_56.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_57.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_58.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_59.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_60.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_61.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_62.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_63.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_64.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_65.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_66.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_67.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_68.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_69.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_70.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_71.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_72.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_73.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_74.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_75.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_76.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_77.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_78.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_79.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_80.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_81.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_82.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_83.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_84.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_85.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_86.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_87.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_88.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_89.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_90.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_91.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_92.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_93.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_94.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_95.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_96.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_97.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_98.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_1_99.csv'])
-# set active view
-# create a new 'Table To Points'
-tableToPoints2 = TableToPoints(Input=vector_move_1_)
-# Properties modified on tableToPoints2
-tableToPoints2.XColumn = 'x[0]'
-tableToPoints2.YColumn = 'x[1]'
-tableToPoints2.a2DPoints = 1
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints2Display = Show(tableToPoints2, renderView1)
-# reset view to fit data
-# reset view to fit data
-# set active source
-# change representation type
-# set active source
-# change representation type
-tableToPoints2Display.AmbientColor = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
-# create a new 'CSV Reader'
-vector_move_2_ = CSVReader(FileName=['Vector/vector_move_2_0.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_1.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_2.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_3.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_4.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_5.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_6.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_7.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_8.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_9.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_10.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_11.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_12.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_13.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_14.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_15.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_16.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_17.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_18.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_19.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_20.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_21.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_22.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_23.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_24.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_25.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_26.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_27.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_28.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_29.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_30.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_31.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_32.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_33.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_34.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_35.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_36.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_37.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_38.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_39.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_40.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_41.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_42.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_43.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_44.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_45.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_46.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_47.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_48.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_49.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_50.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_51.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_52.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_53.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_54.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_55.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_56.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_57.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_58.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_59.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_60.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_61.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_62.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_63.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_64.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_65.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_66.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_67.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_68.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_69.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_70.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_71.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_72.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_73.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_74.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_75.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_76.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_77.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_78.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_79.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_80.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_81.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_82.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_83.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_84.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_85.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_86.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_87.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_88.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_89.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_90.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_91.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_92.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_93.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_94.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_95.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_96.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_97.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_98.csv', 'Vector/vector_move_2_99.csv'])
-# set active view
-# create a new 'Table To Points'
-tableToPoints3 = TableToPoints(Input=vector_move_2_)
-# Properties modified on tableToPoints3
-tableToPoints3.XColumn = 'x[0]'
-tableToPoints3.YColumn = 'x[1]'
-tableToPoints3.a2DPoints = 1
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints3Display = Show(tableToPoints3, renderView1)
-tableToPoints3Display.AmbientColor = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
-# current camera placement for renderView1
-renderView1.InteractionMode = '2D'
-renderView1.CameraPosition = [0.500684285, 0.49876095249999997, 2.7250155738876063]
-renderView1.CameraFocalPoint = [0.500684285, 0.49876095249999997, 0.0]
-renderView1.CameraParallelScale = 0.7052859287230878
-# save animation images/movie
-WriteAnimation('generated/particles_mooving_prc.ogv', Magnification=1, FrameRate=25.0, Compression=True)
diff --git a/images/particles_maps.py b/images/particles_maps.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7782c8940942959e02ecdad065d1a6f1659a40d5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/images/particles_maps.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
-#### import the simple module from the paraview
-from paraview.simple import *
-#### disable automatic camera reset on 'Show'
-# create a new 'CSV Reader'
-vector_move0_1csv = CSVReader(FileName=['Vector/vector_move_0_1.csv'])
-# create a new 'CSV Reader'
-vector_move1_1csv = CSVReader(FileName=['Vector/vector_move_1_1.csv'])
-# get active view
-renderView1 = GetActiveViewOrCreate('RenderView')
-# uncomment following to set a specific view size
-# renderView1.ViewSize = [982, 495]
-# get layout
-viewLayout1 = GetLayout()
-# create a new 'Table To Points'
-tableToPoints1 = TableToPoints(Input=vector_move0_1csv)
-# Properties modified on tableToPoints1
-tableToPoints1.XColumn = 'x[0]'
-tableToPoints1.YColumn = 'x[1]'
-tableToPoints1.a2DPoints = 1
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints1Display = Show(tableToPoints1, renderView1)
-# create a new 'Table To Points'
-tableToPoints2 = TableToPoints(Input=vector_move1_1csv)
-# Properties modified on tableToPoints2
-tableToPoints2.XColumn = 'x[0]'
-tableToPoints2.YColumn = 'x[1]'
-tableToPoints2.a2DPoints = 1
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints2Display = Show(tableToPoints2, renderView1)
-# change solid color
-tableToPoints2Display.DiffuseColor = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
-# change representation type
-# change solid color
-tableToPoints2Display.AmbientColor = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
-# Properties modified on tableToPoints2Display
-tableToPoints2Display.PointSize = 10.0
-# change representation type
-# Properties modified on tableToPoints1Display
-tableToPoints1Display.PointSize = 10.0
-# current camera placement for renderView1
-renderView1.InteractionMode = '2D'
-renderView1.CameraPosition = [0.8363000195118148, 0.3097736377565421, 10000.0]
-renderView1.CameraFocalPoint = [0.8363000195118148, 0.3097736377565421, 0.0]
-renderView1.CameraParallelScale = 0.036959899933429505
-# create a new 'Calculator'
-calculator1 = Calculator(Input=tableToPoints1)
-# Properties modified on calculator1
-calculator1.Function = 'iHat*column_1_[0]+jHat*column_1_[1]'
-# show data in view
-calculator1Display = Show(calculator1, renderView1)
-# create a new 'Glyph'
-glyph1 = Glyph(Input=calculator1,
-    GlyphType='Arrow')
-# show data in view
-glyph1Display = Show(glyph1, renderView1)
-# show color bar/color legend
-glyph1Display.SetScalarBarVisibility(renderView1, True)
-# get color transfer function/color map for 'column10'
-column10LUT = GetColorTransferFunction('column10')
-# get opacity transfer function/opacity map for 'column10'
-column10PWF = GetOpacityTransferFunction('column10')
-# Properties modified on glyph1
-glyph1.ScaleFactor = 0.00800218604000001
-# create a new 'Calculator'
-calculator2 = Calculator(Input=tableToPoints2)
-# Properties modified on calculator2
-calculator2.Function = 'iHat*column_1_[0]+jHat*column_1_[1]'
-# show data in view
-calculator2Display = Show(calculator2, renderView1)
-# create a new 'Glyph'
-glyph2 = Glyph(Input=calculator2,
-    GlyphType='Arrow')
-# Properties modified on glyph2
-glyph2.ScaleFactor = 0.008
-# show data in view
-glyph2Display = Show(glyph2, renderView1)
-# show color bar/color legend
-glyph2Display.SetScalarBarVisibility(renderView1, True)
-# hide data in view
-Hide(glyph1, renderView1)
-# hide data in view
-Hide(calculator2, renderView1)
-# hide data in view
-Hide(calculator1, renderView1)
-# hide data in view
-Hide(glyph2, renderView1)
-# show data in view
-glyph2Display = Show(glyph2, renderView1)
-# show color bar/color legend
-glyph2Display.SetScalarBarVisibility(renderView1, True)
-# set active source
-# show data in view
-glyph1Display = Show(glyph1, renderView1)
-# show color bar/color legend
-glyph1Display.SetScalarBarVisibility(renderView1, True)
-# create a new 'CSV Reader'
-vector_move_before_map0_2csv = CSVReader(FileName=['Vector/vector_move_before_map_0_2.csv'])
-# create a new 'CSV Reader'
-vector_move_before_map1_2csv = CSVReader(FileName=['Vector/vector_move_before_map_1_2.csv'])
-# create a new 'Table To Points'
-tableToPoints3 = TableToPoints(Input=vector_move_before_map0_2csv)
-# Properties modified on tableToPoints3
-tableToPoints3.XColumn = 'x[0]'
-tableToPoints3.YColumn = 'x[1]'
-tableToPoints3.a2DPoints = 1
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints3Display = Show(tableToPoints3, renderView1)
-# change representation type
-# Properties modified on tableToPoints3Display
-tableToPoints3Display.PointSize = 10.0
-# set active source
-# Properties modified on glyph1
-glyph1.GlyphMode = 'All Points'
-# hide data in view
-Hide(tableToPoints3, renderView1)
-# create a new 'Table To Points'
-tableToPoints4 = TableToPoints(Input=vector_move_before_map1_2csv)
-# Properties modified on tableToPoints4
-tableToPoints4.XColumn = 'x[0]'
-tableToPoints4.YColumn = 'x[1]'
-tableToPoints4.a2DPoints = 1
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints4Display = Show(tableToPoints4, renderView1)
-# change representation type
-# Properties modified on tableToPoints4Display
-tableToPoints4Display.PointSize = 10.0
-# change solid color
-tableToPoints4Display.AmbientColor = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
-# hide data in view
-Hide(tableToPoints4, renderView1)
-# set active source
-# Properties modified on glyph2
-glyph2.GlyphMode = 'All Points'
-# create a new 'CSV Reader'
-vector_move1_2csv = CSVReader(FileName=['Vector/vector_move_1_2.csv'])
-# create a new 'CSV Reader'
-vector_move0_2csv = CSVReader(FileName=['Vector/vector_move_0_2.csv'])
-# create a new 'Table To Points'
-tableToPoints5 = TableToPoints(Input=vector_move1_2csv)
-# Properties modified on tableToPoints5
-tableToPoints5.XColumn = 'x[0]'
-tableToPoints5.YColumn = 'x[1]'
-tableToPoints5.a2DPoints = 1
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints5Display = Show(tableToPoints5, renderView1)
-# change representation type
-# change solid color
-tableToPoints5Display.AmbientColor = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
-# Properties modified on tableToPoints5Display
-tableToPoints5Display.PointSize = 10.0
-# hide data in view
-Hide(glyph1, renderView1)
-# hide data in view
-Hide(glyph2, renderView1)
-# hide data in view
-Hide(tableToPoints5, renderView1)
-# hide data in view
-Hide(tableToPoints4, renderView1)
-# current camera placement for renderView1
-renderView1.InteractionMode = '2D'
-renderView1.CameraPosition = [0.9223207232553731, 0.3210044613442961, 10000.0]
-renderView1.CameraFocalPoint = [0.9223207232553731, 0.3210044613442961, 0.0]
-renderView1.CameraParallelScale = 0.0305453718458095
-# set active source
-# show data in view
-glyph1Display = Show(glyph1, renderView1)
-# show color bar/color legend
-glyph1Display.SetScalarBarVisibility(renderView1, True)
-# set active source
-# show data in view
-glyph2Display = Show(glyph2, renderView1)
-# show color bar/color legend
-glyph2Display.SetScalarBarVisibility(renderView1, True)
-# save screenshot
-# set active source
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints3Display = Show(tableToPoints3, renderView1)
-# set active source
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints4Display = Show(tableToPoints4, renderView1)
-# hide data in view
-Hide(glyph1, renderView1)
-# hide data in view
-Hide(glyph2, renderView1)
-# hide data in view
-Hide(tableToPoints1, renderView1)
-# hide data in view
-Hide(tableToPoints2, renderView1)
-# save screenshot
-# set active source
-# create a new 'Table To Points'
-tableToPoints6 = TableToPoints(Input=vector_move0_2csv)
-# Properties modified on tableToPoints6
-tableToPoints6.XColumn = 'x[0]'
-tableToPoints6.YColumn = 'x[1]'
-tableToPoints6.a2DPoints = 1
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints6Display = Show(tableToPoints6, renderView1)
-# change representation type
-# Properties modified on tableToPoints6Display
-tableToPoints6Display.PointSize = 10.0
-# hide data in view
-Hide(tableToPoints6, renderView1)
-# hide data in view
-Hide(tableToPoints3, renderView1)
-# hide data in view
-Hide(tableToPoints4, renderView1)
-# set active source
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints5Display = Show(tableToPoints5, renderView1)
-# set active source
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints6Display = Show(tableToPoints6, renderView1)
-# hide data in view
-Hide(tableToPoints5, renderView1)
-# hide data in view
-Hide(tableToPoints6, renderView1)
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints5Display = Show(tableToPoints5, renderView1)
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints6Display = Show(tableToPoints6, renderView1)
-# hide data in view
-Hide(tableToPoints1, renderView1)
-# hide data in view
-Hide(tableToPoints2, renderView1)
-# current camera placement for renderView1
-renderView1.InteractionMode = '2D'
-renderView1.CameraPosition = [0.9223207232553731, 0.3210044613442961, 10000.0]
-renderView1.CameraFocalPoint = [0.9223207232553731, 0.3210044613442961, 0.0]
-renderView1.CameraParallelScale = 0.0305453718458095
-# save screenshot
-# hide data in view
-Hide(tableToPoints5, renderView1)
-# hide data in view
-Hide(tableToPoints6, renderView1)
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints1Display = Show(tableToPoints1, renderView1)
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints2Display = Show(tableToPoints2, renderView1)
-#### saving camera placements for all active views
-# current camera placement for renderView1
-renderView1.InteractionMode = '2D'
-renderView1.CameraPosition = [0.4989760698, 0.18753136299999998, 2.059347991872556]
-renderView1.CameraFocalPoint = [0.4989760698, 0.18753136299999998, 0.0]
-renderView1.CameraParallelScale = 0.5329984807902486
-#### uncomment the following to render all views
-# RenderAllViews()
-# alternatively, if you want to write images, you can use SaveScreenshot(...).
diff --git a/images/vector.cpp b/images/vector.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 010cfacd825325c1ed1dcd809e9a7a97dde0f9b5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/images/vector.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-#include "Vector/vector_dist.hpp"
-#include "Decomposition/CartDecomposition.hpp"
-template<typename T> class Particle
-#ifdef SE_CLASS3
-	typedef boost::fusion::vector<T,T[3],T[3][3],SE3_ADD_PROP(3)> type;
-	typedef boost::fusion::vector<T,T[3],T[3][3]> type;
-	type data;
-	static const unsigned int s = 0;
-	static const unsigned int v = 1;
-	static const unsigned int t = 2;
-#ifdef SE_CLASS3
-	static const unsigned int max_prop = SE3_MAX_PROP(3);
-	static const unsigned int max_prop_real = 3;
-	static const unsigned int max_prop = 3;
-	static const unsigned int max_prop_real = 3;
-	static inline bool noPointers()
-	{
-		return true;
-	}
-int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-	//
-	// ### WIKI 2 ###
-	//
-	// Here we Initialize the library, than we create a uniform random generator between 0 and 1 to to generate particles
-	// randomly in the domain, we create a Box that define our domain, boundary conditions, and ghost
-	//
-	openfpm_init(&argc,&argv);
-	Vcluster<> & v_cl = create_vcluster();
-	// set the seed
-	// create the random generator engine
-	std::default_random_engine eg(v_cl.getProcessUnitID()*100);
-	std::uniform_real_distribution<float> ud(0.0f, 1.0f);
-	Box<2,float> domain({0.0,0.0},{1.0,1.0});
-    size_t bc[2]={PERIODIC,PERIODIC};
-	Ghost<2,float> g(0.01);
-	vector_dist<2,float, Particle<float> > vd(4096,domain,bc,g);
-	auto it = vd.getIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		auto key = it.get();
-		vd.getPos(key)[0] = ud(eg);
-		vd.getPos(key)[1] = ud(eg);
-		vd.template getProp<1>(key)[0] = sin(10.0*vd.getPos(key)[0]);
-		vd.template getProp<1>(key)[1] = sin(10.0*vd.getPos(key)[1]);
-		++it;
-	}
-	/* coverty[fun_call_w_exception] */
-	vd.write("Vector/vector_before_map",CSV_WRITER);
-	vd.map();
-	/* coverty[fun_call_w_exception] */
-	vd.write("Vector/vector_after_map",CSV_WRITER);
-	vd.ghost_get<0>();
-	/* coverty[fun_call_w_exception] */
-	vd.write("Vector/vector_ghost_fill",CSV_WRITER);
-	vd.getDecomposition().write("Vector/vect_decomposition");
-	// move the particles
-	for (size_t i = 0 ; i < 100 ; i++)
-	{
-		auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
-		while (it.isNext())
-		{
-			auto key = it.get();
-			vd.getPos(key)[0] += 0.005;
-			vd.getPos(key)[1] += 0.005;
-            vd.template getProp<1>(key)[0] = 0.005;
-            vd.template getProp<1>(key)[1] = 0.005;
-			++it;
-		}
-		vd.write_frame("Vector/vector_move_before_map",i,CSV_WRITER);
-		vd.map();
-		vd.write_frame("Vector/vector_move",i,CSV_WRITER);
-	}
-	openfpm_finalize();
diff --git a/images/vector_dist.py b/images/vector_dist.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f8e56fca955d8c62f81d2d4387965cb517c254d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/images/vector_dist.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-#### import the simple module from the paraview
-from paraview.simple import *
-#### disable automatic camera reset on 'Show'
-# create a new 'CSV Reader'
-vector_before_map0csv = CSVReader(FileName=['Vector/vector_before_map_0.csv'])
-# get active view
-renderView1 = GetActiveViewOrCreate('RenderView')
-# uncomment following to set a specific view size
-# renderView1.ViewSize = [1020, 495]
-# set active view
-# create a new 'Table To Points'
-tableToPoints1 = TableToPoints(Input=vector_before_map0csv)
-tableToPoints1.XColumn = 'x[0]'
-tableToPoints1.YColumn = 'x[1]'
-tableToPoints1.a2DPoints = 1
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints1Display = Show(tableToPoints1, renderView1)
-# trace defaults for the display properties.
-tableToPoints1Display.ColorArrayName = [None, '']
-# change representation type
-# create a new 'CSV Reader'
-vector_before_map1csv = CSVReader(FileName=['Vector/vector_before_map_1.csv'])
-# set active view
-# create a new 'Table To Points'
-tableToPoints2 = TableToPoints(Input=vector_before_map1csv)
-tableToPoints2.XColumn = 'x[0]'
-tableToPoints2.YColumn = 'x[1]'
-tableToPoints2.a2DPoints = 1
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints2Display = Show(tableToPoints2, renderView1)
-# trace defaults for the display properties.
-tableToPoints2Display.ColorArrayName = [None, '']
-# change representation type
-# change solid color
-tableToPoints2Display.AmbientColor = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
-# create a new 'CSV Reader'
-vector_before_map2csv = CSVReader(FileName=['Vector/vector_before_map_2.csv'])
-# set active view
-# create a new 'Table To Points'
-tableToPoints3 = TableToPoints(Input=vector_before_map2csv)
-tableToPoints3.XColumn = 'x[0]'
-tableToPoints3.YColumn = 'x[1]'
-tableToPoints3.a2DPoints = 1
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints3Display = Show(tableToPoints3, renderView1)
-# trace defaults for the display properties.
-tableToPoints3Display.ColorArrayName = [None, '']
-# change representation type
-# change solid color
-tableToPoints3Display.AmbientColor = [1.0, 0.35294117647058826, 0.35294117647058826]
-#### saving camera placements for all active views
-# current camera placement for renderView1
-renderView1.InteractionMode = '2D'
-renderView1.CameraPosition = [0.50000391295, 0.499549132735, 10000.0]
-renderView1.CameraFocalPoint = [0.50000391295, 0.499549132735, 0.0]
-renderView1.CameraParallelScale = 0.7067808453124975
-#### uncomment the following to render all views
-# RenderAllViews()
-# alternatively, if you want to write images, you can use SaveScreenshot(...).
-# destroy tableToPoints1
-del tableToPoints1
-del tableToPoints2
-del tableToPoints3
-# destroy vector_before_map0csv
-del vector_before_map0csv
-del vector_before_map1csv
-del vector_before_map2csv
-# create a new 'CSV Reader'
-vector_before_map0csv = CSVReader(FileName=['Vector/vector_after_map_0.csv'])
-# get active view
-renderView1 = GetActiveViewOrCreate('RenderView')
-# uncomment following to set a specific view size
-# renderView1.ViewSize = [1020, 495]
-# set active view
-# create a new 'Table To Points'
-tableToPoints1 = TableToPoints(Input=vector_before_map0csv)
-tableToPoints1.XColumn = 'x[0]'
-tableToPoints1.YColumn = 'x[1]'
-tableToPoints1.a2DPoints = 1
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints1Display = Show(tableToPoints1, renderView1)
-# trace defaults for the display properties.
-tableToPoints1Display.ColorArrayName = [None, '']
-# change representation type
-# create a new 'CSV Reader'
-vector_before_map1csv = CSVReader(FileName=['Vector/vector_after_map_1.csv'])
-# set active view
-# create a new 'Table To Points'
-tableToPoints2 = TableToPoints(Input=vector_before_map1csv)
-tableToPoints2.XColumn = 'x[0]'
-tableToPoints2.YColumn = 'x[1]'
-tableToPoints2.a2DPoints = 1
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints2Display = Show(tableToPoints2, renderView1)
-# trace defaults for the display properties.
-tableToPoints2Display.ColorArrayName = [None, '']
-# change representation type
-# change solid color
-tableToPoints2Display.AmbientColor = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
-# create a new 'CSV Reader'
-vector_before_map2csv = CSVReader(FileName=['Vector/vector_after_map_2.csv'])
-# set active view
-# create a new 'Table To Points'
-tableToPoints3 = TableToPoints(Input=vector_before_map2csv)
-tableToPoints3.XColumn = 'x[0]'
-tableToPoints3.YColumn = 'x[1]'
-tableToPoints3.a2DPoints = 1
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints3Display = Show(tableToPoints3, renderView1)
-# trace defaults for the display properties.
-tableToPoints3Display.ColorArrayName = [None, '']
-# change representation type
-# change solid color
-tableToPoints3Display.AmbientColor = [1.0, 0.35294117647058826, 0.35294117647058826]
-#### saving camera placements for all active views
-# current camera placement for renderView1
-renderView1.InteractionMode = '2D'
-renderView1.CameraPosition = [0.50000391295, 0.499549132735, 10000.0]
-renderView1.CameraFocalPoint = [0.50000391295, 0.499549132735, 0.0]
-renderView1.CameraParallelScale = 0.7067808453124975
-#### uncomment the following to render all views
-# RenderAllViews()
-# alternatively, if you want to write images, you can use SaveScreenshot(...). 
diff --git a/images/vector_ghost.py b/images/vector_ghost.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ea2beebdcb6c2074440705a4c02dd382cc085f7c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/images/vector_ghost.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-#### import the simple module from the paraview
-from paraview.simple import *
-#### disable automatic camera reset on 'Show'
-# create a new 'CSV Reader'
-vector_ghost_fill = CSVReader(FileName=['Vector/vector_ghost_fill_0.csv'])
-# get animation scene
-animationScene1 = GetAnimationScene()
-# update animation scene based on data timesteps
-# get active view
-renderView1 = GetActiveViewOrCreate('RenderView')
-# uncomment following to set a specific view size
-renderView1.ViewSize = [400, 400]
-# get layout
-viewLayout1 = GetLayout()
-# Create a new 'SpreadSheet View'
-spreadSheetView1 = CreateView('SpreadSheetView')
-spreadSheetView1.BlockSize = 1024L
-# uncomment following to set a specific view size
-# spreadSheetView1.ViewSize = [400, 400]
-# place view in the layout
-viewLayout1.AssignView(2, spreadSheetView1)
-# show data in view
-vector_ghost_fillDisplay = Show(vector_ghost_fill, spreadSheetView1)
-# destroy spreadSheetView1
-del spreadSheetView1
-# close an empty frame
-# set active view
-# create a new 'Table To Points'
-tableToPoints1 = TableToPoints(Input=vector_ghost_fill)
-# Properties modified on tableToPoints1
-tableToPoints1.XColumn = 'x[0]'
-tableToPoints1.YColumn = 'x[1]'
-tableToPoints1.a2DPoints = 1
-# show data in view
-#tableToPoints1Display = Show(tableToPoints1, renderView1)
-# reset view to fit data
-#changing interaction mode based on data extents
-renderView1.InteractionMode = '2D'
-renderView1.CameraPosition = [0.499922575, 0.18749537000000002, 10000.0]
-renderView1.CameraFocalPoint = [0.499922575, 0.18749537000000002, 0.0]
-# create a new 'Legacy VTK Reader'
-vect_decompositionexternal_ghost_0vtk = LegacyVTKReader(FileNames=['Vector/vect_decompositionexternal_ghost_0.vtk'])
-# destroy vect_decompositionexternal_ghost_0vtk
-del vect_decompositionexternal_ghost_0vtk
-# create a new 'CSV Reader'
-vector_after_map0csv = CSVReader(FileName=['Vector/vector_after_map_0.csv'])
-# Create a new 'SpreadSheet View'
-spreadSheetView1 = CreateView('SpreadSheetView')
-spreadSheetView1.BlockSize = 1024L
-# uncomment following to set a specific view size
-# spreadSheetView1.ViewSize = [400, 400]
-# place view in the layout
-viewLayout1.AssignView(2, spreadSheetView1)
-# show data in view
-vector_after_map0csvDisplay = Show(vector_after_map0csv, spreadSheetView1)
-# destroy spreadSheetView1
-del spreadSheetView1
-# close an empty frame
-# set active view
-# create a new 'Table To Points'
-tableToPoints2 = TableToPoints(Input=vector_after_map0csv)
-# Properties modified on tableToPoints2
-tableToPoints2.XColumn = 'x[0]'
-tableToPoints2.YColumn = 'x[1]'
-tableToPoints2.a2DPoints = 1
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints2Display = Show(tableToPoints2, renderView1)
-tableToPoints2Display.PointSize = 4.0
-# create a new 'Legacy VTK Reader'
-vect_decompositionsubdomains_0vtk = LegacyVTKReader(FileNames=['Vector/vect_decompositionsubdomains_0.vtk'])
-# show data in view
-vect_decompositionsubdomains_0vtkDisplay = Show(vect_decompositionsubdomains_0vtk, renderView1)
-# show color bar/color legend
-vect_decompositionsubdomains_0vtkDisplay.SetScalarBarVisibility(renderView1, True)
-# get color transfer function/color map for 'data'
-dataLUT = GetColorTransferFunction('data')
-# get opacity transfer function/opacity map for 'data'
-dataPWF = GetOpacityTransferFunction('data')
-# hide data in view
-Hide(tableToPoints1, renderView1)
-# change representation type
-# change representation type
-# turn off scalar coloring
-ColorBy(vect_decompositionsubdomains_0vtkDisplay, None)
-# set active source
-# change representation type
-# current camera placement for renderView1
-renderView1.InteractionMode = '2D'
-renderView1.CameraPosition = [0.45889311126344623, 0.2866467748466169, 10000.0]
-renderView1.CameraFocalPoint = [0.45889311126344623, 0.2866467748466169, 0.0]
-renderView1.CameraParallelScale = 0.1742200032569875
-# create a new 'Legacy VTK Reader'
-vect_decompositionexternal_ghost_0vtk = LegacyVTKReader(FileNames=['Vector/vect_decompositionexternal_ghost_0.vtk'])
-# show data in view
-vect_decompositionexternal_ghost_0vtkDisplay = Show(vect_decompositionexternal_ghost_0vtk, renderView1)
-# show color bar/color legend
-vect_decompositionexternal_ghost_0vtkDisplay.SetScalarBarVisibility(renderView1, False)
-# hide data in view
-Hide(vect_decompositionexternal_ghost_0vtk, renderView1)
-# current camera placement for renderView1
-renderView1.InteractionMode = '2D'
-renderView1.CameraPosition = [0.4322940474199577, 0.3362326839869475, 10000.0]
-renderView1.CameraFocalPoint = [0.4322940474199577, 0.3362326839869475, 0.0]
-renderView1.CameraParallelScale = 0.08127491729954842
-# save screenshot
-# set active source
-# show data in view
-vect_decompositionexternal_ghost_0vtkDisplay = Show(vect_decompositionexternal_ghost_0vtk, renderView1)
-# show color bar/color legend
-vect_decompositionexternal_ghost_0vtkDisplay.SetScalarBarVisibility(renderView1, True)
-# current camera placement for renderView1
-renderView1.InteractionMode = '2D'
-renderView1.CameraPosition = [0.4322940474199577, 0.3362326839869475, 10000.0]
-renderView1.CameraFocalPoint = [0.4322940474199577, 0.3362326839869475, 0.0]
-renderView1.CameraParallelScale = 0.08127491729954842
-# save screenshot
-# set active source
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints1Display = Show(tableToPoints1, renderView1)
-# change representation type
-# Properties modified on tableToPoints1Display
-tableToPoints1Display.PointSize = 4.0
-# change solid color
-tableToPoints1Display.AmbientColor = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
-# current camera placement for renderView1
-renderView1.InteractionMode = '2D'
-renderView1.CameraPosition = [0.4322940474199577, 0.3362326839869475, 10000.0]
-renderView1.CameraFocalPoint = [0.4322940474199577, 0.3362326839869475, 0.0]
-renderView1.CameraParallelScale = 0.08127491729954842
-#### saving camera placements for all active views
-# save screenshot
-#### uncomment the following to render all views
-# RenderAllViews()
-# alternatively, if you want to write images, you can use SaveScreenshot(...).
diff --git a/images/vector_particles.py b/images/vector_particles.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fd81b023f458f8bd406bb2b66716823df5f9eba..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/images/vector_particles.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-#### import the simple module from the paraview
-from paraview.simple import *
-#### disable automatic camera reset on 'Show'
-# create a new 'CSV Reader'
-vector_before_map0csv = CSVReader(FileName=['Vector/vector_before_map_0.csv'])
-# get active view
-renderView1 = GetActiveViewOrCreate('RenderView')
-# uncomment following to set a specific view size
-# renderView1.ViewSize = [1020, 495]
-# set active view
-# create a new 'Table To Points'
-tableToPoints1 = TableToPoints(Input=vector_before_map0csv)
-tableToPoints1.XColumn = 'x[0]'
-tableToPoints1.YColumn = 'x[1]'
-tableToPoints1.a2DPoints = 1
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints1Display = Show(tableToPoints1, renderView1)
-# trace defaults for the display properties.
-tableToPoints1Display.ColorArrayName = [None, '']
-# change representation type
-# create a new 'CSV Reader'
-vector_before_map1csv = CSVReader(FileName=['Vector/vector_before_map_1.csv'])
-# set active view
-# create a new 'Table To Points'
-tableToPoints2 = TableToPoints(Input=vector_before_map1csv)
-tableToPoints2.XColumn = 'x[0]'
-tableToPoints2.YColumn = 'x[1]'
-tableToPoints2.a2DPoints = 1
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints2Display = Show(tableToPoints2, renderView1)
-# trace defaults for the display properties.
-tableToPoints2Display.ColorArrayName = [None, '']
-# change representation type
-# change solid color
-tableToPoints2Display.AmbientColor = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
-# create a new 'CSV Reader'
-vector_before_map2csv = CSVReader(FileName=['Vector/vector_before_map_2.csv'])
-# set active view
-# create a new 'Table To Points'
-tableToPoints3 = TableToPoints(Input=vector_before_map2csv)
-tableToPoints3.XColumn = 'x[0]'
-tableToPoints3.YColumn = 'x[1]'
-tableToPoints3.a2DPoints = 1
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints3Display = Show(tableToPoints3, renderView1)
-# trace defaults for the display properties.
-tableToPoints3Display.ColorArrayName = [None, '']
-# change representation type
-# change solid color
-tableToPoints3Display.AmbientColor = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
-#### saving camera placements for all active views
-# current camera placement for renderView1
-renderView1.InteractionMode = '2D'
-renderView1.CameraPosition = [0.50000391295, 0.499549132735, 10000.0]
-renderView1.CameraFocalPoint = [0.50000391295, 0.499549132735, 0.0]
-renderView1.CameraParallelScale = 0.7067808453124975
-#### uncomment the following to render all views
-# RenderAllViews()
-# alternatively, if you want to write images, you can use SaveScreenshot(...).
-# destroy tableToPoints1
-del tableToPoints1
-del tableToPoints2
-del tableToPoints3
-# destroy vector_before_map0csv
-del vector_before_map0csv
-del vector_before_map1csv
-del vector_before_map2csv
-# create a new 'CSV Reader'
-vector_before_map0csv = CSVReader(FileName=['Vector/vector_after_map_0.csv'])
-# get active view
-renderView1 = GetActiveViewOrCreate('RenderView')
-# uncomment following to set a specific view size
-# renderView1.ViewSize = [1020, 495]
-# set active view
-# create a new 'Table To Points'
-tableToPoints1 = TableToPoints(Input=vector_before_map0csv)
-tableToPoints1.XColumn = 'x[0]'
-tableToPoints1.YColumn = 'x[1]'
-tableToPoints1.a2DPoints = 1
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints1Display = Show(tableToPoints1, renderView1)
-# trace defaults for the display properties.
-tableToPoints1Display.ColorArrayName = [None, '']
-# change representation type
-# create a new 'CSV Reader'
-vector_before_map1csv = CSVReader(FileName=['Vector/vector_after_map_1.csv'])
-# set active view
-# create a new 'Table To Points'
-tableToPoints2 = TableToPoints(Input=vector_before_map1csv)
-tableToPoints2.XColumn = 'x[0]'
-tableToPoints2.YColumn = 'x[1]'
-tableToPoints2.a2DPoints = 1
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints2Display = Show(tableToPoints2, renderView1)
-# trace defaults for the display properties.
-tableToPoints2Display.ColorArrayName = [None, '']
-# change representation type
-# change solid color
-tableToPoints2Display.AmbientColor = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
-# create a new 'CSV Reader'
-vector_before_map2csv = CSVReader(FileName=['Vector/vector_after_map_2.csv'])
-# set active view
-# create a new 'Table To Points'
-tableToPoints3 = TableToPoints(Input=vector_before_map2csv)
-tableToPoints3.XColumn = 'x[0]'
-tableToPoints3.YColumn = 'x[1]'
-tableToPoints3.a2DPoints = 1
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints3Display = Show(tableToPoints3, renderView1)
-# trace defaults for the display properties.
-tableToPoints3Display.ColorArrayName = [None, '']
-# change representation type
-# change solid color
-tableToPoints3Display.AmbientColor = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
-#### saving camera placements for all active views
-# current camera placement for renderView1
-renderView1.InteractionMode = '2D'
-renderView1.CameraPosition = [0.50000391295, 0.499549132735, 10000.0]
-renderView1.CameraFocalPoint = [0.50000391295, 0.499549132735, 0.0]
-renderView1.CameraParallelScale = 0.7067808453124975
-#### uncomment the following to render all views
-# RenderAllViews()
-# alternatively, if you want to write images, you can use SaveScreenshot(...). 
diff --git a/images/vector_scal_vect.py b/images/vector_scal_vect.py
deleted file mode 100644
index af40e15f4a8385dd61026d5b89ae73832df8797f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/images/vector_scal_vect.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-#### import the simple module from the paraview
-from paraview.simple import *
-#### disable automatic camera reset on 'Show'
-# create a new 'CSV Reader'
-vector_before_map0csv = CSVReader(FileName=['Vector/vector_before_map_0.csv'])
-# get active view
-renderView1 = GetActiveViewOrCreate('RenderView')
-# uncomment following to set a specific view size
-renderView1.ViewSize = [1000, 500]
-# get layout
-viewLayout1 = GetLayout()
-# set active view
-# create a new 'Table To Points'
-tableToPoints1 = TableToPoints(Input=vector_before_map0csv)
-# Properties modified on tableToPoints1
-tableToPoints1.XColumn = 'x[0]'
-tableToPoints1.YColumn = 'x[1]'
-tableToPoints1.ZColumn = 'column_2_[0][1]'
-tableToPoints1.a2DPoints = 1
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints1Display = Show(tableToPoints1, renderView1)
-# reset view to fit data
-#changing interaction mode based on data extents
-renderView1.InteractionMode = '2D'
-renderView1.CameraPosition = [0.50000391295, 0.499549132735, 10000.0]
-renderView1.CameraFocalPoint = [0.50000391295, 0.499549132735, 0.0]
-# create a new 'Calculator'
-calculator1 = Calculator(Input=tableToPoints1)
-# Properties modified on calculator1
-calculator1.Function = 'iHat*column_1_[0]+jHat*column_1_[1]'
-# show data in view
-calculator1Display = Show(calculator1, renderView1)
-# hide data in view
-Hide(tableToPoints1, renderView1)
-# set active source
-# change representation type
-# set active source
-# create a new 'Glyph'
-glyph1 = Glyph(Input=calculator1,
-    GlyphType='Arrow')
-# Properties modified on glyph1
-glyph1.ScaleFactor = 0.03
-glyph1.MaximumNumberOfSamplePoints = 7000
-# show data in view
-glyph1Display = Show(glyph1, renderView1)
-# show color bar/color legend
-glyph1Display.SetScalarBarVisibility(renderView1, True)
-# get color transfer function/color map for 'column0'
-column0LUT = GetColorTransferFunction('column0')
-# get opacity transfer function/opacity map for 'column0'
-column0PWF = GetOpacityTransferFunction('column0')
-# Properties modified on glyph1
-glyph1.Scalars = ['POINTS', 'column_1_[0]']
-# set scalar coloring
-ColorBy(glyph1Display, ('POINTS', 'column_1_[0]'))
-# rescale color and/or opacity maps used to include current data range
-# show color bar/color legend
-glyph1Display.SetScalarBarVisibility(renderView1, False)
-# get color transfer function/color map for 'column10'
-column10LUT = GetColorTransferFunction('column10')
-# get opacity transfer function/opacity map for 'column10'
-column10PWF = GetOpacityTransferFunction('column10')
-# current camera placement for renderView1
-renderView1.InteractionMode = '2D'
-renderView1.CameraPosition = [0.50000391295, 0.499549132735, 9999.999999999998]
-renderView1.CameraFocalPoint = [0.50000391295, 0.499549132735, 0.0]
-renderView1.CameraViewUp = [0.024239745600625473, 0.9997061741998082, 0.0]
-renderView1.CameraParallelScale = 0.18611748651565127
-# save screenshot
-#SaveScreenshot('Vector/vector_vectors.jpg', magnification=1, quality=100, view=renderView1)
-#### disable automatic camera reset on 'Show'
-# find source
-tableToPoints1 = FindSource('TableToPoints1')
-# set active source
-# get active view
-renderView1 = GetActiveViewOrCreate('RenderView')
-# uncomment following to set a specific view size
-# renderView1.ViewSize = [982, 495]
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints1Display = Show(tableToPoints1, renderView1)
-# find source
-glyph1 = FindSource('Glyph1')
-# set active source
-# get color transfer function/color map for 'column10'
-column10LUT = GetColorTransferFunction('column10')
-# get opacity transfer function/opacity map for 'column10'
-column10PWF = GetOpacityTransferFunction('column10')
-# find source
-calculator1 = FindSource('Calculator1')
-# set active source
-# hide data in view
-Hide(glyph1, renderView1)
-# show data in view
-calculator1Display = Show(calculator1, renderView1)
-# destroy glyph1
-del glyph1
-# set active source
-# hide data in view
-Hide(calculator1, renderView1)
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints1Display = Show(tableToPoints1, renderView1)
-# destroy calculator1
-del calculator1
-# find source
-cSVReader1 = FindSource('CSVReader1')
-# set active source
-# reset view to fit data
-# set active source
-# set active source
-# hide data in view
-Hide(tableToPoints1, renderView1)
-# destroy tableToPoints1
-del tableToPoints1
-# create a new 'Table To Points'
-tableToPoints1 = TableToPoints(Input=cSVReader1)
-# Properties modified on tableToPoints1
-tableToPoints1.XColumn = 'x[0]'
-tableToPoints1.YColumn = 'x[1]'
-tableToPoints1.a2DPoints = 1
-# show data in view
-tableToPoints1Display = Show(tableToPoints1, renderView1)
-# reset view to fit data
-#changing interaction mode based on data extents
-renderView1.CameraPosition = [0.50000391295, 0.499549132735, 10000.0]
-renderView1.CameraViewUp = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
-# set scalar coloring
-ColorBy(tableToPoints1Display, ('POINTS', 'column_1_[0]'))
-# rescale color and/or opacity maps used to include current data range
-# show color bar/color legend
-tableToPoints1Display.SetScalarBarVisibility(renderView1, True)
-# change representation type
-# Properties modified on tableToPoints1Display
-tableToPoints1Display.PointSize = 5.0
-#### saving camera placements for all active views
-# current camera placement for renderView1
-renderView1.InteractionMode = '2D'
-renderView1.CameraPosition = [0.50000391295, 0.499549132735, 10000.0]
-renderView1.CameraFocalPoint = [0.50000391295, 0.499549132735, 0.0]
-renderView1.CameraParallelScale = 0.15381610455838945
-# hide color bar/color legend
-tableToPoints1Display.SetScalarBarVisibility(renderView1, False)
-# save screenshot
-#SaveScreenshot('Vector/vector_vectors.jpg', magnification=1, quality=100, view=renderView1)
-#### uncomment the following to render all views
-# RenderAllViews()
-# alternatively, if you want to write images, you can use SaveScreenshot(...).
diff --git a/openfpm_data b/openfpm_data
index dc7f93aba891b29873e545e2293b531bc133facc..78c7733b53c6b5a95e39a21164d2c0a67ea31e1b 160000
--- a/openfpm_data
+++ b/openfpm_data
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit dc7f93aba891b29873e545e2293b531bc133facc
+Subproject commit 78c7733b53c6b5a95e39a21164d2c0a67ea31e1b
diff --git a/openfpm_devices b/openfpm_devices
index f272bb2eacc31ce20ad3307a431972e802bf5e1a..74e60c27a0185b93ddcf72ad2d60b6391faf05d1 160000
--- a/openfpm_devices
+++ b/openfpm_devices
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit f272bb2eacc31ce20ad3307a431972e802bf5e1a
+Subproject commit 74e60c27a0185b93ddcf72ad2d60b6391faf05d1
diff --git a/openfpm_io b/openfpm_io
index 608e68fbbb4552e4bc85c55e0ea0bd43645323a8..654f72d61fc81b9832dfe9f6f518a44bed5fa5e0 160000
--- a/openfpm_io
+++ b/openfpm_io
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 608e68fbbb4552e4bc85c55e0ea0bd43645323a8
+Subproject commit 654f72d61fc81b9832dfe9f6f518a44bed5fa5e0
diff --git a/openfpm_numerics b/openfpm_numerics
index 6877660e65d902ef28f4b1fc69e6292765bf3a8c..376f686cf599a6388b1257858583def97ab3e824 160000
--- a/openfpm_numerics
+++ b/openfpm_numerics
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 6877660e65d902ef28f4b1fc69e6292765bf3a8c
+Subproject commit 376f686cf599a6388b1257858583def97ab3e824
diff --git a/openfpm_vcluster b/openfpm_vcluster
index cb67f4de124377a7b7304ddb7630226ad74d2c7c..1950430f74bd9f58640267518fe61e9a899cf524 160000
--- a/openfpm_vcluster
+++ b/openfpm_vcluster
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit cb67f4de124377a7b7304ddb7630226ad74d2c7c
+Subproject commit 1950430f74bd9f58640267518fe61e9a899cf524
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 616ada4ebb42f706d6f279ee5af525796b4974f7..fd5b176a5397f1eb1119c54f320dd5e53e5d2d82 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ add_executable(pdata ${OPENFPM_INIT_FILE} ${CUDA_SOURCES} main.cpp
-														  ../openfpm_devices/src/Memleak_check.cpp)
+														  )
     target_compile_options(pdata PRIVATE "-Wno-deprecated-declarations")
diff --git a/src/Grid/grid_dist_util.hpp b/src/Grid/grid_dist_util.hpp
index c9256fadb11de31988a2e5b97b02e8956541b159..b254b6fd7c163bf5243a5eed0338d7c25cd630bd 100644
--- a/src/Grid/grid_dist_util.hpp
+++ b/src/Grid/grid_dist_util.hpp
@@ -138,6 +138,14 @@ inline void create_gdb_ext(openfpm::vector<GBoxes<Decomposition::dims>> & gdb_ex
 		SpaceBox<Decomposition::dims,long int> sp_t = cd_sm.convertDomainSpaceIntoGridUnits(sp,dec.periodicity());
 		SpaceBox<Decomposition::dims,long int> sp_tg = cd_sm.convertDomainSpaceIntoGridUnits(sp_g,dec.periodicity());
+/*		for (size_t i = 0 ; i < Decomposition::dims ; i++)
+		{
+			if (sp_t.getLow(i) < sp_tg.getLow(i))
+			{sp_tg.setLow(i,sp_t.getLow(i));}
+			if (sp_t.getHigh(i) > sp_tg.getHigh(i))
+			{sp_tg.setHigh(i,sp_t.getHigh(i));}
+		}*/
 		if (use_bx_def == true)
 			// intersect the sub-domain with all the boxes
diff --git a/src/Grid/tests/grid_dist_id_unit_test.cpp b/src/Grid/tests/grid_dist_id_unit_test.cpp
index 68ff0f03935c8206ebf96d69793d4a5dea5dea61..36739b441c88017cca975b63a3fd3c68fba483eb 100644
--- a/src/Grid/tests/grid_dist_id_unit_test.cpp
+++ b/src/Grid/tests/grid_dist_id_unit_test.cpp
@@ -2397,5 +2397,52 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( grid_dist_domain_ghost_3D_put_create_check )
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( grid_dist_ghost_zero_size )
+	// Test grid periodic
+	Box<3,float> domain({-1.0,-1.0,-1.0},{1.0,1.0,1.0});
+	Vcluster<> & v_cl = create_vcluster();
+	if ( v_cl.getProcessingUnits() > 32 )
+	{return;}
+	BOOST_TEST_CHECKPOINT( "Testing grid zero ghost");
+	// grid size
+	size_t sz[3];
+	sz[0] = 32;
+	sz[1] = 32;
+	sz[2] = 32;
+	// Ghost
+	Ghost<3,long int> g(0);
+	// periodicity
+	// Distributed grid with id decomposition
+	grid_dist_id<3, float, aggregate<long int, int>> g_dist(sz,domain,g,pr);
+	auto it = g_dist.getDomainIterator();
+	size_t count = 0;
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto k = it.get();
+		++count;
+		++it;
+	}
+	v_cl.sum(count);
+	v_cl.execute();
+	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(count,32*32*32);