diff --git a/src/Grid/cuda/grid_dist_id_iterator_gpu.cuh b/src/Grid/cuda/grid_dist_id_iterator_gpu.cuh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..124080f6031bacba7b8ee3a967b2a80ac82f7349
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Grid/cuda/grid_dist_id_iterator_gpu.cuh
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+ * grid_dist_id_iterator_dec_gpu.cuh
+ *
+ *  Created on: Sep 1, 2019
+ *      Author: i-bird
+ */
+#include "Grid/Iterators/grid_dist_id_iterator.hpp"
+#include "Grid/grid_dist_util.hpp"
+#include "Grid/Iterators/grid_dist_id_iterator_util.hpp"
+/*! \brief Given the decomposition it create an iterator
+ *
+ * Iterator across the local elements of the distributed grid
+ *
+ * \tparam dec Decomposition type
+ *
+ */
+template<typename Decomposition, typename deviceGrids, bool ghost_or_domain = false>
+class grid_dist_id_iterator_gpu
+	//! grid list counter
+	size_t g_c;
+	//! Extension of each grid: domain and ghost + domain
+	openfpm::vector<GBoxes<Decomposition::dims>> gdb_ext;
+	//! start key
+	grid_key_dx<Decomposition::dims> start;
+	//! stop key
+	grid_key_dx<Decomposition::dims> stop;
+	//! Local device grids
+	deviceGrids & loc_grids;
+	//! number of threads to launch the kernels
+	size_t n_thr;
+	//! Maximum number of insertions for each GPU block
+	int nSlot = -1;
+	//! Spacing
+	typename Decomposition::stype spacing[Decomposition::dims];
+	public:
+	/*! \brief Copy operator=
+	*
+	* \param tmp iterator to copy
+	*
+	* \return itself
+	*
+	*/
+	grid_dist_id_iterator_gpu<Decomposition,deviceGrids> & operator=(const grid_dist_id_iterator_gpu<Decomposition,deviceGrids> & tmp)
+	{
+		g_c = tmp.g_c;
+		gdb_ext = tmp.gdb_ext;
+		start = tmp.start;
+		stop = tmp.stop;
+		loc_grids = tmp.loc_grids;
+		return *this;
+	}
+	/*! \brief Copy constructor
+	*
+	* \param tmp iterator to copy
+	*
+	*/
+	grid_dist_id_iterator_gpu(const grid_dist_id_iterator_gpu<Decomposition,deviceGrids> & tmp)
+	:loc_grids(tmp.loc_grids)
+	{
+		this->operator=(tmp);
+	}
+	/*! \brief Constructor of the distributed grid iterator
+	 *
+	 * \param dec Decomposition
+	 * \param sz size of the grid
+	 *
+	 */
+	grid_dist_id_iterator_gpu(deviceGrids & loc_grids,Decomposition & dec, const size_t (& sz)[Decomposition::dims])
+	:loc_grids(loc_grids),g_c(0)
+	{
+		// Initialize start and stop
+		start.zero();
+		for (size_t i = 0 ; i < Decomposition::dims ; i++)
+			stop.set_d(i,sz[i]-1);
+		// From the decomposition construct gdb_ext
+		create_gdb_ext<Decomposition::dims,Decomposition>(gdb_ext,dec,sz,dec.getDomain(),spacing);
+		g_c = 0;
+	}
+	/*! \brief Constructor of the distributed grid iterator
+	 *
+	 * \param dec Decomposition
+	 * \param sz size of the grid
+	 * \param start point
+	 * \param stop point
+	 *
+	 */
+	grid_dist_id_iterator_gpu(deviceGrids & loc_grids ,Decomposition & dec, const size_t (& sz)[Decomposition::dims], grid_key_dx<Decomposition::dims> start, grid_key_dx<Decomposition::dims> stop)
+	:loc_grids(loc_grids),g_c(0),start(start),stop(stop)
+	{
+		// From the decomposition construct gdb_ext
+		create_gdb_ext<Decomposition::dims,Decomposition>(gdb_ext,dec,sz,dec.getDomain(),spacing);
+		g_c = 0;
+	}
+	// Destructor
+	~grid_dist_id_iterator_gpu()
+	{
+	}
+	/*! \brief The the number of maximum inserts each GPU block can do
+	 *
+	 * \param nSlot maximum number of insert
+	 *
+	 */
+	void setGPUInsertBuffer(int nSlot)
+	{
+		this->nSlot = nSlot;
+	}
+	/*! \brief Set the number of threads for each block
+	 *
+	 * \param nthr number of threads for each block
+	 *
+	 */
+	void setBlockThreads(size_t nthr)
+	{
+		this->n_thr = nthr;
+	}
+	/*! \brief Return true if we point to a valid grid
+	 *
+	 * \return true if valid grid
+	 *
+	 */
+	inline bool isNextGrid()
+	{
+		return g_c < gdb_ext.size();
+	}
+	/*! \brief Return the index of the grid in which we are iterating
+	 *
+	 *
+	 */
+	inline size_t getGridId()
+	{
+		return g_c;
+	}
+	/*! \brief next grid
+	 *
+	 *
+	 */
+	inline void nextGrid()
+	{
+		g_c++;
+	}
+	/*! \brief Get the spacing of the grid
+	 *
+	 * \param i
+	 *
+	 */
+	inline typename Decomposition::stype getSpacing(size_t i)
+	{
+		return spacing[i];
+	}
+	/*! \brief Launch a functor with a particular kernel
+	 *
+	 * \param functor function kernel
+	 * \param argsType arguments
+	 *
+	 */
+	template<typename func_t, typename ... argsType >
+	inline void launch(func_t functor,argsType ... args)
+	{
+		for (g_c = 0 ; g_c < gdb_ext.size() ; g_c++)
+		{
+			grid_key_dx<Decomposition::dims,int> start;
+			grid_key_dx<Decomposition::dims,int> stop;
+			auto & lg = loc_grids.get(g_c);
+			for (int i = 0 ; i < Decomposition::dims ; i++)
+			{
+				start.set_d(i,(gdb_ext.get(g_c).Dbox.getKP1().get(i) / lg.getBlockEdgeSize())*lg.getBlockEdgeSize() );
+				stop.set_d(i, gdb_ext.get(g_c).Dbox.getKP2().get(i));
+			}
+			auto ite = loc_grids.get(g_c).getGridGPUIterator(start,stop);
+			ite_gpu_dist<Decomposition::dims> itd = ite;
+			for (int i = 0 ; i < Decomposition::dims ; i++)
+			{
+				itd.origin.set_d(i,gdb_ext.get(g_c).origin.get(i));
+				itd.start_base.set_d(i,gdb_ext.get(g_c).Dbox.getKP1().get(i) % lg.getBlockEdgeSize());
+			}
+			if (nSlot != -1)
+			{
+				loc_grids.get(g_c).setGPUInsertBuffer((unsigned int)ite.nblocks(),(unsigned int)nSlot);
+			}
+			if (ite.nblocks() != 0)
+			{CUDA_LAUNCH(grid_apply_functor,ite,loc_grids.get(g_c).toKernel(), itd, functor, args... );}
+		}
+	}
+	/*! \brief Get the starting point of the sub-grid we are iterating
+	 *
+	 * \return the starting point
+	 *
+	 */
+	inline grid_key_dx<Decomposition::dims> getStart()
+	{
+		return start;
+	}
+	/*! \brief Get the starting point of the sub-grid we are iterating
+	 *
+	 * \return the stop point
+	 *
+	 */
+	inline grid_key_dx<Decomposition::dims> getStop()
+	{
+		return stop;
+	}