#! /bin/bash # Make a directory in /tmp/OpenFPM_pdata workspace=$1 hostname=$(hostname) nproc=$3 ntask_per_node=$5 nodes=$4 branch=$6 if [ x"$branch" == x"" ]; then branch=$(git ls-remote --heads origin | grep $(git rev-parse HEAD) | cut -d / -f 3) fi echo "Directory: workspace" echo "Machine: $hostname" echo "Num of processors: $nproc" echo "Branch: $branch" if [ x"$hostname" == x"cifarm-mac-node.mpi-cbg.de" -o x"$hostname" == x"suitcase" ]; then mpi_options="--oversubscribe" fi if [ x"$hostname" == x"cifarm-ubuntu-node.mpi-cbg.de" ]; then mpi_options="--mca btl self,vader" fi echo "Running general machine" if [ x"$hostname" == x"no_test" ]; then exit 0; fi source $HOME/openfpm_vars_$branch mpirun $mpi_options -np $nproc ./build/src/pdata if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$hostname failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi