#! /bin/bash # Make a directory in /tmp/OpenFPM_pdata echo "Directory: $1" echo "Machine: $2" mkdir src/config git submodule init if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "Configure\033[91;5;1m FAILED \033[0m" exit 1 fi git submodule update if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "Configure\033[91;5;1m FAILED \033[0m" exit 1 fi mkdir openfpm_numerics/src/config if [ "$2" == "gin" ] then echo "Compiling on gin\n" source ~/.bashrc module load gcc/4.9.2 if [ x"$3" == x"numerics" ]; then echo "Installing for numerics" branch=$(git ls-remote --heads origin | grep $(git rev-parse HEAD) | cut -d / -f 3) ./install -i $HOME/$branch -s -c "--prefix=/home/jenkins/openfpm_install" make else mkdir $HOME/$4 ./install -i $HOME/$4 -s -c "--prefix=/home/jenkins/openfpm_install" make install fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi source $HOME/openfpm_vars if [ x"$3" == x"no_test" ]; then exit 0; fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi mpirun -np 2 ./src/pdata if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi mpirun -np 3 ./src/pdata if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi mpirun -np 4 ./src/pdata if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi mpirun -np 5 ./src/pdata if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi mpirun -np 6 ./src/pdata if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi mpirun -np 7 ./src/pdata if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi mpirun -np 8 ./src/pdata if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi mpirun -np 9 ./src/pdata if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi mpirun -np 10 ./src/pdata if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi mpirun -np 11 ./src/pdata if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi mpirun -np 12 ./src/pdata if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi elif [ "$2" == "wetcluster" ] then echo "Compiling on wetcluster" ## produce the module path source ~/.bashrc module load gcc/4.9.2 module load openmpi/1.8.1 module load boost/1.54.0 sh ./autogen.sh ./install -s -c "--with-boost=/sw/apps/boost/1.54.0/ CXX=mpic++" make if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi source $HOME/openfpm_vars ## Run on the cluster bsub -o output_run2.%J -K -n 2 -R "span[hosts=1]" "module load openmpi/1.8.1 ; module load gcc/4.9.2; module load boost/1.54.0; mpirun -np 2 ./src/pdata" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi bsub -o output_run3.%J -K -n 3 -R "span[hosts=1]" "module load openmpi/1.8.1 ; module load gcc/4.9.2; module load boost/1.54.0; mpirun -np 3 ./src/pdata" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi bsub -o output_run4.%J -K -n 4 -R "span[hosts=1]" "module load openmpi/1.8.1 ; module load gcc/4.9.2; module load boost/1.54.0; mpirun -np 4 ./src/pdata" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi bsub -o output_run5.%J -K -n 5 -R "span[hosts=1]" "module load openmpi/1.8.1 ; module load gcc/4.9.2; module load boost/1.54.0; mpirun -np 5 ./src/pdata" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi bsub -o output_run6.%J -K -n 6 -R "span[hosts=1]" "module load openmpi/1.8.1 ; module load gcc/4.9.2; module load boost/1.54.0; mpirun -np 6 ./src/pdata" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi bsub -o output_run7.%J -K -n 7 -R "span[hosts=1]" "module load openmpi/1.8.1 ; module load gcc/4.9.2; module load boost/1.54.0; mpirun -np 7 ./src/pdata" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi bsub -o output_run8.%J -K -n 8 -R "span[hosts=1]" "module load openmpi/1.8.1 ; module load gcc/4.9.2; module load boost/1.54.0; mpirun -np 8 ./src/pdata" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi bsub -o output_run9.%J -K -n 9 -R "span[hosts=1]" "module load openmpi/1.8.1 ; module load gcc/4.9.2; module load boost/1.54.0; mpirun -np 9 ./src/pdata" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi bsub -o output_run10.%J -K -n 10 -R "span[hosts=1]" "module load openmpi/1.8.1 ; module load gcc/4.9.2; module load boost/1.54.0; mpirun -np 10 ./src/pdata" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi bsub -o output_run11.%J -K -n 11 -R "span[hosts=1]" "module load openmpi/1.8.1 ; module load gcc/4.9.2; module load boost/1.54.0; mpirun -np 11 ./src/pdata" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi bsub -o output_run12.%J -K -n 12 -R "span[hosts=1]" "module load openmpi/1.8.1 ; module load gcc/4.9.2; module load boost/1.54.0; mpirun -np 12 ./src/pdata" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi # bsub -o output_run32.%J -K -n 32 "module load openmpi/1.8.1 ; module load gcc/4.9.2; mpirun -np 32 ./src/vcluster" # if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 ; fi # bsub -o output_run32.%J -K -n 64 "module load openmpi/1.8.1 ; module load gcc/4.9.2; mpirun -np 64 ./src/vcluster" # if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 ; fi # bsub -o output_run32.%J -K -n 128 "module load openmpi/1.8.1 ; module load gcc/4.9.2; mpirun -np 128 ./src/vcluster" # if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 ; fi elif [ "$2" == "taurus" ] then echo "Compiling on taurus" source /etc/profile echo "$PATH" module load eigen/3.2.0 module load suitesparse/4.2.1-gnu-multimkl module load boost/1.60.0 module load gcc/5.3.0 module load openmpi/1.10.2-gnu module unload bullxmpi export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/incard/PARMETIS/lib:/home/incard/METIS/lib:/home/incard/HDF5/lib" mkdir "/scratch/p_ppm/$4" ./install -i "/scratch/p_ppm/$4" -s -c"CXX=mpic++" make source $HOME/openfpm_vars if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi export which salloc salloc --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=24 --time=00:15:00 --mem-per-cpu=1900 --partition=haswell bash -c "ulimit -s unlimited && mpirun -np 24 src/pdata --report_level=no" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi salloc --nodes=2 --ntasks-per-node=24 --time=00:15:00 --mem-per-cpu=1900 --partition=haswell bash -c "ulimit -s unlimited && mpirun -np 48 src/pdata --report_level=no" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi salloc --nodes=4 --ntasks-per-node=24 --time=00:5:00 --mem-per-cpu=1900 --partition=haswell bash -c "ulimit -s unlimited && mpirun -np 96 src/pdata --report_level=no" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi salloc --nodes=8 --ntasks-per-node=24 --time=00:5:00 --mem-per-cpu=1900 --partition=haswell bash -c "ulimit -s unlimited && mpirun -np 192 src/pdata --report_level=no" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi salloc --nodes=10 --ntasks-per-node=24 --time=00:5:00 --mem-per-cpu=1900 --partition=haswell bash -c "ulimit -s unlimited && mpirun -np 240 src/pdata --report_level=no" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi else echo "Compiling general" source ~/.bashrc if [ x"$3" == x"numerics" ]; then echo "Installing for numerics" branch=$(git ls-remote --heads origin | grep $(git rev-parse HEAD) | cut -d / -f 3) ./install -i $HOME/$branch -s -c "--prefix=/home/jenkins/openfpm_install" make else mkdir $HOME/$4 ./install -i $HOME/$4 -s make fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi if [ x"$3" == x"no_test" ]; then exit 0; fi source $HOME/openfpm_vars mpirun -np 1 ./src/pdata if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi mpirun -np 2 ./src/pdata if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi mpirun -np 3 ./src/pdata if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi mpirun -np 4 ./src/pdata if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Error:\", \"color\": \"#FF0000\", \"text\":\"$2 failed to complete the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 exit 1 ; fi fi curl -X POST --data "payload={\"icon_emoji\": \":jenkins:\", \"username\": \"jenkins\" , \"attachments\":[{ \"title\":\"Info:\", \"color\": \"#00FF00\", \"text\":\"$2 completed succeffuly the openfpm_pdata test \" }] }" https://hooks.slack.com/services/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