#! /bin/bash source script/help source script/discover_os source script/show_solutions source script/pre_req source script/remove_old source script/set_mpi source script/conf_PETSC source script/update_openfpm source script/solve_python ### switch to the branch #b_switch=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD` #b_switch= b_switch=$(cat switch_branch) if [ x"$b_switch" != x"" ]; then git checkout $b_switch rm switch_branch ./install "$@" exit 0 fi ## Check that your home is not empty if [ x"$HOME" == x"" ]; then echo -e "Your $HOME folder is empty \033[91;5;1m FAILED \033[0m" exit 1 fi ## If install_req=1 i_dir="" sq=0 nomake=0 update_openfpm=0 upgrade_openfpm=0 gpu_support=0 while getopts di:smghc:nu FLAG; do case $FLAG in d) echo "Disable depencencies installation" install_req=0 ;; i) echo "Setting dependencies installation dir: $OPTARG" i_dir=$OPTARG ;; s) echo "Skipping user cin" sq=1 ;; c) echo "Fowarding options $OPTARG to configure script" configure_options=$OPTARG ;; m) echo "Skip compilation of the test" nomake=1 ;; g) echo "Installing with GPU support" gpu_support=1 ;; u) echo "Updating openfpm" update_openfpm=1 ;; n) echo "Upgrading openfpm" upgrade_openfpm=1 ;; h) #show help HELP ;; \?) #unrecognized option - are fowarded to configure ;; esac done ### Configure options i_dir_old=$i_dir configure_options_old=$configure_options discover_os ## Remove old dependencies and installations if [ x"$i_dir" == x"" ]; then i_dir="$HOME" fi ## Check and try to install the prerequisites if [ $update_openfpm -eq 1 -a $upgrade_openfpm -eq 1 ]; then echo -e "\033[1;5;31m It is not possible to update and upgrade at the same time \033[0m" exit 1 fi if [ $update_openfpm -eq 1 ]; then update_openfpm update exit 0 fi if [ $upgrade_openfpm -eq 1 ]; then update_openfpm upgrade exit 0 fi remove_old $i_dir $configure_options ## Check and try to install the prerequisites pre_req ## clone the dependencies git submodule init if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "Configure\033[91;5;1m FAILED \033[0m" exit 1 fi git submodule update if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "Configure\033[91;5;1m FAILED \033[0m" exit 1 fi #### Eventualy remove garbage from old installation rm -rf openfpm_numerics/src/.deps rm -rf src/.deps # Create config directory in each submodule cd openfpm_data if [ ! -d src/config ]; then mkdir src/config fi cd .. cd openfpm_devices if [ ! -d src/config ]; then mkdir src/config fi cd .. cd openfpm_vcluster if [ ! -d src/config ]; then mkdir src/config fi cd .. cd openfpm_io if [ ! -d src/config ]; then mkdir src/config fi cd .. cd openfpm_numerics if [ ! -d src/config ]; then mkdir src/config fi cd .. # Create config directory if [ ! -d src/config ]; then mkdir src/config fi ## generate configure script sh ./autogen.sh if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "Configure\033[91;5;1m FAILED \033[0m" exit 1 fi ## check for options echo -e "\033[1;34;5mDEPENCENCIES INSTALLATION DIR \033[0m" echo -e "Every required dependencies if needed will be installed into: \033[1;34;5m$i_dir\033[0m" echo -e "if you want to install somewhere else do ./install -i /somewhere/else" if [ x"$configure_options" == x"" ]; then echo -e "OpenFPM will be installed into: \033[1;34;5m/usr/local\033[0m" echo "if you want to install in a different place use ./install -c \"--prefix=/where/you/want/to/install\"" fi if [ $sq -eq 0 ]; then unset commands # commands[0]="continue" possible_solutions "${commands[@]}" fi ncore=4 echo -e "\033[1mHow many core you want to use to install the dependencies?\033[0m" if [ $sq -eq 0 ]; then read ncore fi echo -e "Installing requirements into: $i_dir " ## ## Take all the options with the exception of -d -i -s ## call the configure script ### Installing PETSC if [ ! -d "$i_dir/PETSC" -o ! -f "$i_dir/PETSC/include/petsc.h" -o ! -d "$i_dir/EIGEN" ]; then echo -e "\033[1;34m Optional packages \033[0m" echo -e "\033[1mDo you want to install linear algebra packages ?(y/n)\033[0m" echo "Installation can take long time (90 minutes on i7-3612QM 4 cores)" if [ $sq -eq 0 ]; then read inst_lin_alg else inst_lin_alg="y" fi ### PETSC require Python command -v python if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ### We have to install python echo "OpenFPM require python but it's not installed, searching a solution... " solve_python $platform command -v python if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "python\033[91;5;1m FAILED \033[0m" exit 1 fi fi if haveProg python2; then python_command=python2 else # we check that python is python2 py_ver=$(python --version 2>&1 | grep Python | sed 's/.*\([0-9][0-9]*\)\.\([0-9][0-9]*\)\.\([0-9][0-9]*\)/\1/g') if [ $py_ver -eq 3 ]; then # we have to install python2 echo -e "\033[1mPETSC require python2 installed, searching a solution to install python2 ... \033[0m" solve_python $platform fi python_command=python fi fi #### License and Copyright disclamer echo -e "\033[1;34m Licenses \033[0m" echo -e "\033[1;34m OpenFPM install several dependencies automatically. Some of them impose restriction and the user must explicitly accept it \033[0m" echo -e "\033[1;33m PARMETIS: \033[0m \033[1m http://glaros.dtc.umn.edu/gkhome/metis/parmetis/download (Copyright and License) \033[0m" echo -e "" if [ $sq -eq 0 ]; then unset commands commands[0]="Accept and continue" possible_solutions_no_continue "${commands[@]}" fi #### lin_alg_dir="" lin_alg_lib="" lin_alg_inc="" if [ -d "$i_dir/BOOST" ]; then configure_options=" $configure_options --with-boost=$i_dir/BOOST " fi if [ -d "$i_dir/HDF5" ]; then configure_options=" $configure_options --with-hdf5=$i_dir/HDF5/ " fi if [ -d "$i_dir/LIBHILBERT" ]; then configure_options=" $configure_options --with-libhilbert=$i_dir/LIBHILBERT " fi ### if we are on linux we have to add -rt if [ x"$platform" = x"linux" ]; then lin_alg_lib="$lin_alg_lib -lrt" fi ### MPI compilers must be in your PATH folder set_mpi $i_dir $ncore $gpu_support $CC $CXX $F77 $FC ### METIS and ParMETIS must be installed independently from sistem wide installation ./script/install_Parmetis.sh $i_dir $ncore configure_options=" $configure_options --with-parmetis=$i_dir/PARMETIS " ./script/install_Metis.sh $i_dir $CC $CXX $ncore configure_options=" $configure_options --with-metis=$i_dir/METIS " if [ x"$gpu_support" == x"1" ]; then configure_options=" $configure_options --enable-gpu " fi MPI_installed=0 MPI_System_prv=1 METIS_installed=1 PARMETIS_installed=1 BOOST_installed=0 BOOST_System_prv=1 LAPACK_installed=0 LAPACK_System_prv=1 SUITESPARSE_installed=0 SUITESPARSE_System_prv=1 EIGEN_installed=0 EIGEN_System_prv=1 HDF5_installed=0 HDF5_System_prv=1 LIBHILBERT_installed=0 VCDEVEL_installed=0 conf_err=1 if [ $install_req -eq 0 ]; then ./configure $options $configure_options "$configure_blas_option" else while [ $conf_err -ne 0 ] do pwd ./configure $options $configure_options "$configure_blas_option" conf_err=$? echo "Configure script terminated with $conf_err" ## if METIS installation required install it if [ $conf_err -eq 201 ]; then echo "Metis not found try to install" if [ $METIS_installed -eq 1 ]; then echo "Error the installation of METIS failed" exit 1 fi ./script/install_Metis.sh $i_dir $CC $CXX METIS_installed=1 configure_options=" $configure_options --with-metis=$i_dir/METIS " elif [ $conf_err -eq 202 ]; then echo "Boost not found try to install in $i_dir with $compiler_opt" if [ $BOOST_installed -eq 1 ]; then echo "Error the installation of Boost failed" exit 1 fi if [ x"$CXX" == x"icpc" ]; then ./script/install_BOOST.sh $i_dir $ncore intel-linux elif [ x"$CXX" == x"clang++" ]; then ./script/install_BOOST.sh $i_dir $ncore darwin else if [ x"$CXX" == x"gcc" ]; then ./script/install_BOOST.sh $i_dir $ncore gcc else ./script/install_BOOST.sh $i_dir $ncore gcc $(which $CXX) $dgc_major $dgc_middle fi fi BOOST_installed=1 configure_options=" $configure_options --with-boost=$i_dir/BOOST " elif [ $conf_err -eq 208 ]; then echo "ParMetis not found try to install" if [ $PARMETIS_installed -eq 1 ]; then echo "Error the installation of ParMETIS failed" exit 1 fi ./script/install_Parmetis.sh $i_dir $ncore PARMETIS_installed=1 configure_options=" $configure_options --with-parmetis=$i_dir/PARMETIS " elif [ $conf_err -eq 207 ]; then echo "HDF5 not found try to install" if [ $HDF5_installed -eq 1 ]; then echo "Error the installation of HDF5 failed" exit 1 fi ./script/install_HDF5.sh $i_dir $ncore configure_options=" $configure_options --with-hdf5=$i_dir/HDF5/ " HDF5_installed=1 elif [ $conf_err -eq 210 ]; then echo "LIBHILBERT not found try to install" if [ $LIBHILBERT_installed -eq 1 ]; then echo "Error the installation of LIBHILBERT failed" exit 1 fi ./script/install_LIBHILBERT.sh $i_dir $ncore configure_options=" $configure_options --with-libhilbert=$i_dir/LIBHILBERT " LIBHILBERT_installed=1 elif [ $conf_err -eq 211 ]; then echo "VCDEVEL not found try to install" if [ $VCDEVEL_installed -eq 1 ]; then echo "Error the installation of VCDEVEL failed" exit 1 fi ./script/install_VCDEVEL.sh $i_dir $ncore configure_options=" $configure_options --with-vcdevel=$i_dir/VCDEVEL " VCDEVEL_installed=1 elif [ $conf_err -ne 0 ]; then echo "I do not know how to recover from this error" exit 1 fi done if [ x"$inst_lin_alg" == x"y" ]; then CXX="$CXX" CC="$CC" FC="$FC" F77="$F77" ./script/install_EIGEN.sh $i_dir $ncore CXX="$CXX" CC="$CC" FC="$FC" F77="$F77" ./script/install_PETSC.sh $i_dir $ncore $CC $CXX $F77 $FC fi ### collect PETSC configuration options conf_PETSC ./configure $options $configure_options "$configure_blas_option" fi ### Create example.mk install_base=$(cat install_dir) openmp_flags="$(cat openmp_flags)" cuda_include_dirs=$(cat cuda_include) mpi_include_dirs=$(cat mpi_include) mpi_libs=$(cat mpi_libs) if [ -d "$i_dir/HDF5/lib" ]; then hdf5_lib=$i_dir/HDF5/lib elif [ -d "$i_dir/HDF5/lib64" ]; then hdf5_lib=$i_dir/HDF5/lib64 fi echo "INCLUDE_PATH=$cuda_include_dirs -Wno-deprecated-declarations $openmp_flags -I. -I$install_base/openfpm_numerics/include -I$install_base/openfpm_pdata/include/config -I$install_base/openfpm_pdata/include -I$install_base/openfpm_data/include -I$install_base/openfpm_vcluster/include -I$install_base/openfpm_io/include -I$install_base/openfpm_devices/include -I$i_dir/VCDEVEL/include -I$i_dir/METIS/include -I$i_dir/PARMETIS/include -I$i_dir/BOOST/include -I$i_dir/HDF5/include -I$i_dir/LIBHILBERT/include $lin_alg_inc" > example.mk echo "LIBS_PATH=$openmp_flags -L$install_base/openfpm_devices/lib -L$install_base/openfpm_pdata/lib -L$install_base/openfpm_vcluster/lib -L$i_dir/VCDEVEL/lib -L$i_dir/METIS/lib -L$i_dir/PARMETIS/lib -L$i_dir/BOOST/lib -L$hdf5_lib -L$i_dir/LIBHILBERT/lib $lin_alg_dir " >> example.mk if [ x"$gpu_support" == x"1" ]; then echo "LIBS=-lvcluster -lofpm_pdata -lofpmmemory -lparmetis -lmetis -lboost_iostreams -lboost_program_options -lhdf5 -llibhilbert -lVc $(cat cuda_lib) $lin_alg_lib -ldl" >> example.mk echo "LIBS_SE2=-lvcluster -lofpmmemory_se2 -lparmetis -lmetis -lboost_iostreams -lboost_program_options -lhdf5 -llibhilbert -lVc $(cat cuda_lib) $lin_alg_lib" >> example.mk else echo "LIBS=-lvcluster -lofpm_pdata -lofpmmemory -lparmetis -lmetis -lboost_iostreams -lboost_program_options -lhdf5 -llibhilbert -lVc $lin_alg_lib -ldl" >> example.mk echo "LIBS_SE2=-lvcluster -lofpmmemory_se2 -lparmetis -lmetis -lboost_iostreams -lboost_program_options -lhdf5 -llibhilbert -lVc $lin_alg_lib" >> example.mk fi echo "INCLUDE_PATH_NVCC=-Xcompiler="-Wno-deprecated-declarations" $(cat openmp_flags) "$(cat cuda_options)" -I. -I$install_base/openfpm_numerics/include -I$install_base/openfpm_pdata/include/config -I$install_base/openfpm_pdata/include -I$install_base/openfpm_data/include -I$install_base/openfpm_vcluster/include -I$install_base/openfpm_io/include -I$install_base/openfpm_devices/include -I$i_dir/METIS/include -I$i_dir/PARMETIS/include -I$i_dir/BOOST/include -I$i_dir/HDF5/include -I$i_dir/LIBHILBERT/include $lin_alg_inc" >> example.mk cp example.mk src/example.mk cp example.mk example/example.mk if [ $nomake -eq 0 ]; then make clean make VERBOSE=1 -j $ncore fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then conf_err=1 fi echo "Command used to configure" echo "" echo -e "\033[1m ./configure $options $configure_options \033[0m " echo "" if [ x"$platform" == x"linux" -o x"$platform" == x"cygwin" ]; then bash_library="export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/$install_base/openfpm_devices/lib:/$install_base/openfpm_vcluster/lib" else bash_library="export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"\$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:/$install_base/openfpm_devices/lib:/$install_base/openfpm_vcluster/lib" fi bash_path="export PATH=\"" echo -e "\033[1;34;5m --------------------------------------- \033[0m" echo -e "\033[1;34;5m --------- INSTALLATION REPORT --------- \033[0m" echo "" echo -e "\033[1;34;5m ---------- Mandatory packages --------- \033[0m" echo "" if [ -d "$i_dir/MPI" ]; then installation_report="$installation_report \033[92;1mMPI\033[0m Installed: \033[1m $i_dir/MPI \033[0m\n" bash_path="$bash_path$i_dir/MPI/bin:" bash_library="$bash_library:$i_dir/MPI/lib" elif [ $MPI_System_prv -eq 1 ]; then installation_report="$installation_report \033[92;1mMPI\033[0m Installed: \033[1m System installation \033[0m\n" fi if [ -d "$i_dir/METIS" ]; then installation_report="$installation_report \033[92;1mMETIS\033[0m Installed: \033[1m $i_dir/METIS \033[0m\n" bash_library="$bash_library:$i_dir/METIS/lib" fi if [ -d "$i_dir/PARMETIS" ]; then installation_report="$installation_report \033[92;1mPARMETIS\033[0m Installed: \033[1m $i_dir/PARMETIS \033[0m\n" bash_library="$bash_library:$i_dir/PARMETIS/lib" fi if [ -d "$i_dir/BOOST" ]; then installation_report="$installation_report \033[92;1mBOOST\033[0m Installed: \033[1m $i_dir/BOOST \033[0m\n" bash_library="$bash_library:$i_dir/BOOST/lib" elif [ $BOOST_System_prv -eq 1 ]; then installation_report="$installation_report \033[92;1mBOOST\033[0m Installed: \033[1m System installation \033[0m\n" fi if [ -d "$i_dir/HDF5" ]; then installation_report="$installation_report \033[92;1mHDF5\033[0m Installed: \033[1m $i_dir/HDF5 \033[0m\n" bash_library="$bash_library:$hdf5_lib" fi if [ -d "$i_dir/LIBHILBERT" ]; then installation_report="$installation_report \033[92;1mLibHilbert\033[0m Installed: \033[1m $i_dir/LIBHILBERT \033[0m\n" bash_library="$bash_library:$i_dir/LIBHILBERT/lib" fi echo -e "$installation_report" echo "" echo -e "\033[1;34;5m ---------- Optional packages ----------- \033[0m" echo "" installation_report="" lin_alg_installed="" if [ -d "$i_dir/PETSC" -a -f "$i_dir/PETSC/include/petsc.h" ]; then installation_report="$installation_report \033[92;1mPETSC\033[0m Installed: \033[1m $i_dir/PETSC \033[0m\n" bash_library="$bash_library:$i_dir/PETSC/lib" lin_alg_installed="y" else installation_report="$installation_report \033[91;1mPETSC\033[0m Installed: \033[1m NO \033[0m\n" fi if [ -d "$i_dir/EIGEN" ]; then installation_report="$installation_report \033[92;1mEIGEN\033[0m Installed: \033[1m $i_dir/EIGEN \033[0m\n" fi echo -e "$installation_report" echo -e "\033[1;34;5m -------------------------------- \033[0m" installation_report="" if [ -d "$i_dir/OPENBLAS" ]; then installation_report="$installation_report \033[92;1mOPENBLAS\033[0m Installed: \033[1m $i_dir/OPENBLAS \033[0m\n" bash_library="$bash_library:$i_dir/OPENBLAS/lib" else installation_report="$installation_report \033[91;1mOPENBLAS\033[0m Installed: \033[1m NO \033[0m\n" fi if [ -d "$i_dir/SUITESPARSE" -a -f "$i_dir/SUITESPARSE/include/umfpack.h" ]; then installation_report="$installation_report \033[92;1mSUITESPARSE\033[0m Installed: \033[1m $i_dir/SUITESPARSE \033[0m\n" bash_library="$bash_library:$i_dir/SUITESPARSE/lib" else installation_report="$installation_report \033[91;1mSUITESPARSE\033[0m Installed: \033[1m NO \033[0m\n" fi bash_path="$bash_path\$PATH\"" bash_library="$bash_library\"" ##### Writing openfpm_vars file echo "$bash_path" > $HOME/openfpm_vars echo "$bash_library" >> $HOME/openfpm_vars if [ x"$platform" = x"osx" ]; then echo "TMPDIR=/tmp/" >> $HOME/openfpm_vars fi echo -e "$installation_report" echo "" echo "" if [ $conf_err -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "Install summary\033[92;5;1m SUCCEED \033[0m" ## Save dependencies dir and foward options printf "%s" "$i_dir_old" > dependencies_dir printf "%s" "$configure_options_old" > foward_options else echo -e "Install summary\033[91;5;1m FAILED \033[0m" fi echo "" if [ x"$platform" = x"linux" ]; then echo "Before run any openfpm program you must execute the following command. A simple way would be to append this line at the end of your $HOME/.bashrc" else echo "Before run any openfpm program you must execute the following command. A simple way would be to append this line at the end of your $HOME/.bash_profile" fi echo "" echo -e "\033[1m source $HOME/openfpm_vars \033[0m" echo "" echo "" echo -e "Remember to do: \033[91;5;1m make install \033[0m" echo "" if [ x"$inst_lin_alg" == "y" -a x"$lin_alg_installed" == x"" ]; then conf_err=1 fi if [ $conf_err -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi