From 5071458be0e27c7228dc92f639d7fe56814a608a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: oawile <oawile@7c7fe9aa-52eb-4d9e-b0a8-ba7d787348e9>
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 14:01:26 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] - added back the ppm_template_comp_pp_* files

git-svn-id: 7c7fe9aa-52eb-4d9e-b0a8-ba7d787348e9
 src/ppm_template_comp_pp_cell.f   | 469 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/ppm_template_comp_pp_ring.f   | 218 ++++++++++++++
 src/ppm_template_comp_pp_verlet.f | 303 +++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 990 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/ppm_template_comp_pp_cell.f
 create mode 100644 src/ppm_template_comp_pp_ring.f
 create mode 100644 src/ppm_template_comp_pp_verlet.f

diff --git a/src/ppm_template_comp_pp_cell.f b/src/ppm_template_comp_pp_cell.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f10f11d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ppm_template_comp_pp_cell.f
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Subroutine   :              ppm_template_comp_pp_cell
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !
+      !  Purpose      : Template for the user subroutine which computes
+      !                 direct particle-particle interactions using cell
+      !                 lists. How to use this template:
+      !                    (1) copy this file to your application code dir
+      !                    (2) rename the file and this routine (make sure
+      !                        to also replace all the occurrences of the
+      !                        subroutine name in all WRITE statements).
+      !                    (3) change address in header and add your CVS
+      !                        Log (if needed).
+      !                    (4) declare and add additional arguments
+      !                    (5) add USE and INCLUDE statements for your
+      !                        modules and header files
+      !                    (6) define the precision of floating point data
+      !                        (maybe provide different versions of this
+      !                        subroutine for different precisions)
+      !                    (7) add particle-particle interactions where
+      !                        needed (search for USER CODE). Make sure to
+      !                        replace all occurrences of dimens with the
+      !                        variable which actually contains the problem
+      !                        dimensionality in your code.
+      !                    (8) Optional: Make argument checking conditional
+      !                        on the debug level of your application
+      !                    (9) Optional: Make this routine use your own
+      !                        error logging, message writing, allocation,
+      !                        subroutine start, subroutine stop and
+      !                        timing routines.
+      !                    (10)Optional: Move the variable declarations for
+      !                        clist and Nm to your client program and
+      !                        add them as arguments to this routine. This
+      !                        makes it possible to use several sets of
+      !                        lists. 
+      !                    (11)Optional: Remove the imode=-1 and imode=1
+      !                        cases from this routine and build/destroy
+      !                        the lists directly in your client program by
+      !                        calling ppm_neighlist_clist/..destroy. You
+      !                        can then remove imode from the argument list
+      !                        of this routine.
+      !
+      !  Input        : xp(:,:)    (F) particle co-ordinates
+      !                 pdata(:,:) (F) particle data used for interaction
+      !                                (e.g. vorticity, strength, ...)
+      !                 ...        (.) USER: add more input arguments as
+      !                                      needed
+      !                 Np         (I) number of particles on this proc.
+      !                 cutoff     (F) cutoff radius for PP interactions
+      !                 lsymm      (L) Do symmetric PP interactions?
+      !                                   .TRUE.  : Yes
+      !                                   .FALSE. : No
+      !                 imode      (I) Mode of action. Any of the folowing:
+      !                                 0  PP interactions
+      !                                 1  build cell lists and return
+      !                                 -1 destroy cell lists and return
+      !                 nsublist   (I) number of subdomains on the local
+      !                                processor
+      !
+      !  Input/output : params(:)  (F) user defined parameters and/or
+      !                                output from the interaction (i.e.
+      !                                potential energy)
+      !
+      !  Output       : dpd(:,:)   (F) Change of particle data (pdata) due to 
+      !                                interaction.
+      !                 info       (I) return status. =0 if no error.
+      !
+      !  Routines     : ppm_neighlist_clist
+      !                 ppm_clist_destroy
+      !                 ppm_neighlist_MkNeighIdx
+      !
+      !  Remarks      : If particles have moved between calls or lsymm has
+      !                 changed, always call with imode=1.
+      !
+      !                 seach for USER in this file and fill in
+      !                 the particle-particle interactions in all 4 places.
+      !                 Use the dpd array to return the result. It is your
+      !                 responsibility to properly allocate and initialize
+      !                 this array BEFORE calling this routine.
+      !
+      !                 After finishing all time steps, always call this
+      !                 routine with imode=-1 to free the memory of the
+      !                 cell lists. Failure to do so will result in a
+      !                 memory leak in your program.
+      !   
+      !                 If the CYCLE command is a problem on your hardware
+      !                 (e.g. prevents vectorization), split the DO-loop in
+      !                 two parts as:
+      !                                 DO jpart = istart,ipart-1
+      !                                 ...
+      !                                 ENDDO
+      !                                 DO jpart = ipart+1,iend
+      !                                 ...
+      !                                 ENDDO
+      !
+      !  References   :
+      !
+      !  Revisions    :
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  $Revision: $
+      !  Revision 1.4  2004/02/24 11:35:53  ivos
+      !  Revision 1.3  2004/02/19 14:01:39  gonnetp
+      !  Revision 1.2  2004/02/04 17:20:48  ivos
+      !  Revision 1.1  2004/01/26 17:24:35  ivos
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Parallel Particle Mesh Library (PPM)
+      !  Institute of Computational Science
+      !  ETH Zentrum, Hirschengraben 84
+      !  CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_template_comp_pp_cell(xp,pdata,Np,cutoff,lsymm,   &
+     &               imode,nsublist,dpd,params,info)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Modules
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! USER: USE modules here
+      USE ppm_module_neighlist
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Includes
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      INCLUDE 'ppm_param.h'
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  USER: Define precision
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+!     INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_single
+      INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_double
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Arguments     
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      REAL(MK), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN   ) :: xp
+      REAL(MK), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN   ) :: pdata
+      ! USER: add more input arguments as needed
+      INTEGER                 , INTENT(IN   ) :: Np
+      REAL(MK)                , INTENT(IN   ) :: cutoff
+      LOGICAL                 , INTENT(IN   ) :: lsymm
+      INTEGER                 , INTENT(IN   ) :: imode,nsublist
+      REAL(MK), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: dpd
+      REAL(MK), DIMENSION(:),   INTENT(INOUT) :: params
+      INTEGER                 , INTENT(  OUT) :: info
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Local variables 
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! counters
+      INTEGER                                    :: i,idom,ibox,jbox
+      INTEGER                                    :: ipart,jpart,ip,jp,isize
+      INTEGER                                    :: cbox,iinter,j,k
+      ! coordinate differences
+      REAL(MK)                                   :: dx,dy,dz
+      ! square of inter particle distance
+      REAL(MK)                                   :: dij
+      ! cutoff squared
+      REAL(MK), SAVE                             :: cut2
+      ! start and end particle in a box
+      INTEGER                                    :: istart,iend,jstart,jend
+      ! box size for cell list
+      REAL(MK), DIMENSION(3)                     :: bsize
+      ! cell list
+      ! USER: if allocation of the following varaible fails due to stack 
+      ! size limitations, try putting it in a module and add a USE
+      ! statement for it above. In order to use several Cell lists, move
+      ! these declarations to the client program and add clist and Nm
+      ! to the argument list of this routine.
+      TYPE(ppm_type_ptr_to_clist), DIMENSION(:), POINTER, SAVE :: clist
+      ! number of cells in all directions
+      ! cell neighbor lists
+      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER, SAVE     :: inp,jnp
+      ! number of interactions for each cell
+      INTEGER, SAVE                              :: nnp
+      ! cell offsets for box index
+      INTEGER                                    :: n1,n2,nz
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Externals 
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Initialise
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      info = 0
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Check arguments.
+      !  USER: you may want to make this conditional on the debug level of
+      !  your application...
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      IF (cutoff .LE. 0.0_MK) THEN
+          WRITE(*,'(2A)') '(ppm_template_comp_pp_cell): ',  &
+     &        'cutoff must be >0'
+          info = -1
+          GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      IF (Np .LE. 0) THEN
+          WRITE(*,'(2A)') '(ppm_template_comp_pp_cell): ',  &
+     &        'Np must be >0'
+          info = -1
+          GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  If imode = -1, destroy cell lists and return
+      !  USER: This could also be done by your client directly. The code is
+      !  just here as a template.
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      IF (imode .EQ. -1) THEN
+          CALL ppm_clist_destroy(clist,info)
+          DEALLOCATE(inp,jnp,Nm,STAT=info)
+          GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Build new cell lists if needed
+      !  USER: This could also be done by your client directly. The code is
+      !  just here as a template.
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      IF (imode .EQ. 1) THEN
+          !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+          !  Destroy old cell list (if there already was one)
+          !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+          CALL ppm_clist_destroy(clist,info)
+          !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+          !  The size of the cells in each spatial direction should at last
+          !  be the size of the cutoff.
+          !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+          bsize(1:3) = cutoff
+          cut2 = cutoff*cutoff
+          !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+          !  Generate cell lists
+          !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+          CALL ppm_neighlist_clist(xp,Np,bsize,lsymm,clist,Nm,info)
+          IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+              WRITE(*,'(2A)') '(ppm_template_comp_pp_cell): ', &
+     &            'Building cell lists failed '
+              info = -1
+              GOTO 9999
+          ENDIF
+          !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+          !  Generate cell neighbor lists 
+          !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+          CALL ppm_neighlist_MkNeighIdx(lsymm,inp,jnp,nnp,info)
+          GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  This will not vectorize and has therefore been moved into a
+      !  separate loop !!
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      IF (lsymm) THEN
+          DO idom=1,nsublist
+              n1  = Nm(1,idom)
+              n2  = Nm(1,idom)*Nm(2,idom)
+              nz  = Nm(3,idom)
+              IF (dimens .EQ. 2) THEN
+                  n2 = 0
+                  nz = 2
+              ENDIF 
+              ! loop over all REAL cells (the -2 in the end does this)
+              DO k=0,nz-2
+                  DO j=0,Nm(2,idom)-2
+                      DO i=0,Nm(1,idom)-2
+                          ! index of the center box
+                          cbox = i + 1 + n1*j + n2*k
+                          ! loop over all box-box interactions
+                          DO iinter=1,nnp
+                              ! determine box indices for this interaction
+                              ibox = cbox+(inp(1,iinter)+n1*inp(2,iinter)+ &
+     &                               n2*inp(3,iinter))
+                              jbox = cbox+(jnp(1,iinter)+n1*jnp(2,iinter)+ &
+     &                               n2*jnp(3,iinter))
+                              !-------------------------------------------------
+                              !  Read indices and check if cell is empty
+                              !-------------------------------------------------
+                              istart = clist(idom)%lhbx(ibox)
+                              iend   = clist(idom)%lhbx(ibox+1)-1
+                              IF (iend .LT. istart) CYCLE
+                              !-------------------------------------------------
+                              !  Within the box itself use symmetry and avoid 
+                              !  adding the particle itself to its own list
+                              !-------------------------------------------------
+                              IF (ibox .EQ. jbox) THEN
+                                  DO ipart=istart,iend-1
+                                      ip = clist(idom)%lpdx(ipart)
+                                      DO jpart=(ipart+1),iend
+                                          jp = clist(idom)%lpdx(jpart)
+                                          dx  = xp(1,ip) - xp(1,jp)
+                                          dy  = xp(2,ip) - xp(2,jp)
+                                          IF (dimens .GT. 2) THEN
+                                              dz  = xp(3,ip) - xp(3,jp)
+                                              dij = (dx*dx)+(dy*dy)+(dz*dz)
+                                          ELSE
+                                              dz = 0.0_MK
+                                              dij = (dx*dx)+(dy*dy)
+                                          ENDIF
+                                          IF (dij .GT. cut2) CYCLE
+                                          !-------------------------------------
+                                          ! Particle ip interacts with
+                                          ! particle jp here... and
+                                          ! vice versa to use symmetry.
+                                          !-------------------------------------
+                                          !
+                                          ! USER CODE HERE:
+                                          ! dpd(:,ip) = f(pdata(:,ip),
+                                          !               pdata(:,jp),dij)
+                                          ! dpd(:,jp) = -dpd(:,ip)
+                                      ENDDO
+                                  ENDDO
+                              !-------------------------------------------------
+                              !  For the other boxes check all particles
+                              !-------------------------------------------------
+                              ELSE
+                                  ! get pointers to first and last particle 
+                                  jstart = clist(idom)%lhbx(jbox)
+                                  jend   = clist(idom)%lhbx(jbox+1)-1
+                                  ! skip this iinter if empty
+                                  IF (jend .LT. jstart) CYCLE
+                                  ! loop over all particles inside this cell
+                                  DO ipart=istart,iend
+                                      ip = clist(idom)%lpdx(ipart)
+                                      ! check against all particles 
+                                      ! in the other cell
+                                      DO jpart=jstart,jend
+                                          jp = clist(idom)%lpdx(jpart)
+                                          dx  = xp(1,ip) - xp(1,jp)
+                                          dy  = xp(2,ip) - xp(2,jp)
+                                          IF (dimens .GT. 2) THEN
+                                              dz  = xp(3,ip) - xp(3,jp)
+                                              dij = (dx*dx)+(dy*dy)+(dz*dz)
+                                          ELSE
+                                              dz = 0.0_MK
+                                              dij = (dx*dx)+(dy*dy)
+                                          ENDIF
+                                          IF (dij .GT. cut2) CYCLE
+                                          !-------------------------------------
+                                          ! Particle ip interacts with
+                                          ! particle jp here... and
+                                          ! vice versa to use symmetry.
+                                          !-------------------------------------
+                                          !
+                                          ! USER CODE HERE:
+                                          ! dpd(:,ip) = f(pdata(:,ip),
+                                          !               pdata(:,jp),dij)
+                                          ! dpd(:,jp) = -dpd(:,ip)
+                                      ENDDO
+                                  ENDDO
+                              ENDIF       ! ibox .EQ. jbox
+                          ENDDO           ! iinter
+                      ENDDO               ! i
+                  ENDDO                   ! j
+              ENDDO                       ! k
+          ENDDO                           ! idom
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  PARTICLE-PARTICLE INTERACTIONS not using symmetry
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ELSE
+          DO idom=1,nsublist
+              n1  = Nm(1,idom)
+              n2  = Nm(1,idom)*Nm(2,idom)
+              nz  = Nm(3,idom)
+              IF (dimens .EQ. 2) THEN
+                  n2 = 0
+                  nz = 2
+              ENDIF 
+              ! loop over all REAL cells (the -2 in the end does this)
+              DO k=1,nz-2
+                  DO j=1,Nm(2,idom)-2
+                      DO i=1,Nm(1,idom)-2
+                          ! index of the center box
+                          cbox = i + 1 + n1*j + n2*k
+                          ! loop over all box-box interactions
+                          DO iinter=1,nnp
+                              ! determine box indices for this interaction
+                              ibox = cbox+(inp(1,iinter)+n1*inp(2,iinter)+ &
+     &                               n2*inp(3,iinter))
+                              jbox = cbox+(jnp(1,iinter)+n1*jnp(2,iinter)+ &
+     &                               n2*jnp(3,iinter))
+                              !-------------------------------------------------
+                              !  Read indices and check if cell is empty
+                              !-------------------------------------------------
+                              istart = clist(idom)%lhbx(ibox)
+                              iend   = clist(idom)%lhbx(ibox+1)-1
+                              IF (iend .LT. istart) CYCLE
+                              !-------------------------------------------------
+                              !  Do all interactions within the box itself
+                              !-------------------------------------------------
+                              IF (ibox .EQ. jbox) THEN
+                                  DO ipart=istart,iend
+                                      ip = clist(idom)%lpdx(ipart)
+                                      DO jpart=istart,iend
+                                          jp = clist(idom)%lpdx(jpart)
+                                          ! No particle interacts with
+                                          ! itself
+                                          IF (ip .EQ. jp) CYCLE
+                                          dx  = xp(1,ip) - xp(1,jp)
+                                          dy  = xp(2,ip) - xp(2,jp)
+                                          IF (dimens .GT. 2) THEN
+                                              dz  = xp(3,ip) - xp(3,jp)
+                                              dij = (dx*dx)+(dy*dy)+(dz*dz)
+                                          ELSE
+                                              dz = 0.0_MK
+                                              dij = (dx*dx)+(dy*dy)
+                                          ENDIF
+                                          IF (dij .GT. cut2) CYCLE
+                                          !---------------------------------
+                                          ! Particle ip interacts with
+                                          ! particle jp.
+                                          !---------------------------------
+                                          !
+                                          ! USER CODE HERE:
+                                          ! dpd(:,ip) = f(pdata(:,ip),
+                                          !               pdata(:,jp),dij)
+                                      ENDDO
+                                  ENDDO
+                              !-------------------------------------------------
+                              !  Do interactions with all neighboring boxes
+                              !-------------------------------------------------
+                              ELSE
+                                  ! get pointers to first and last particle 
+                                  jstart = clist(idom)%lhbx(jbox)
+                                  jend   = clist(idom)%lhbx(jbox+1)-1
+                                  ! skip this iinter if empty
+                                  IF (jend .LT. jstart) CYCLE
+                                  ! loop over all particles inside this cell
+                                  DO ipart=istart,iend
+                                      ip = clist(idom)%lpdx(ipart)
+                                      ! check against all particles 
+                                      ! in the other cell
+                                      DO jpart=jstart,jend
+                                          jp = clist(idom)%lpdx(jpart)
+                                          dx  = xp(1,ip) - xp(1,jp)
+                                          dy  = xp(2,ip) - xp(2,jp)
+                                          IF (dimens .GT. 2) THEN
+                                              dz  = xp(3,ip) - xp(3,jp)
+                                              dij = (dx*dx)+(dy*dy)+(dz*dz)
+                                          ELSE
+                                              dz = 0.0_MK
+                                              dij = (dx*dx)+(dy*dy)
+                                          ENDIF
+                                          IF (dij .GT. cut2) CYCLE
+                                          !---------------------------------
+                                          ! Particle ip interacts with
+                                          ! particle jp.
+                                          !---------------------------------
+                                          !
+                                          ! USER CODE HERE:
+                                          ! dpd(:,ip) = f(pdata(:,ip),
+                                          !               pdata(:,jp),dij)
+                                      ENDDO
+                                  ENDDO
+                              ENDIF       ! ibox .EQ. jbox
+                          ENDDO           ! iinter
+                      ENDDO               ! i
+                  ENDDO                   ! j
+              ENDDO                       ! k
+          ENDDO                           ! idom
+      ENDIF
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Return
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      RETURN
+      END SUBROUTINE ppm_template_comp_pp_cell
diff --git a/src/ppm_template_comp_pp_ring.f b/src/ppm_template_comp_pp_ring.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e131234
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ppm_template_comp_pp_ring.f
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Subroutine   :              ppm_template_comp_pp_ring
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !
+      !  Purpose      : Template for the user subroutine which computes
+      !                 direct particle-particle interactions using the
+      !                 ring topology. How to use this template:
+      !                    (1) copy this file to your application code dir
+      !                    (2) rename the file and this routine (make sure
+      !                        to also replace all the occurrences of the
+      !                        subroutine name in all WRITE statements).
+      !                    (3) change address in header and add your CVS
+      !                        Log (if needed).
+      !                    (4) declare and add additional arguments
+      !                    (5) add USE and INCLUDE statements for your
+      !                        modules and header files
+      !                    (6) define the precision of floating point data
+      !                        (maybe provide different versions of this
+      !                        subroutine for different precisions)
+      !                    (7) add particle-particle interactions where
+      !                        needed (search for USER CODE)
+      !                    (8) Optional: Make argument checking conditional
+      !                        on the debug level of your application
+      !                    (9) Optional: Make this routine use your own
+      !                        error logging, message writing, allocation,
+      !                        subroutine start, subroutine stop and
+      !                        timing routines.
+      !
+      !  Input        : xp(:,:)      (F) : particle co-ordinates [Group 1]
+      !                 vp(:,:)      (F) : particle data used for interaction
+      !                                    (e.g. vorticity, strength, ...)
+      !                                    [Group 1]
+      !                 ...          (.) : USER: add more input arguments for
+      !                                    group 1 here if needed.
+      !                                    needed
+      !                 Npart        (I) : number of particles on this proc.
+      !                                    [Group 1]
+      !                 xp2(:,:)     (F) : particle co-ordinates [Group 2]
+      !                 vp2(:,:)     (F) : particle data used for interaction
+      !                                    (e.g. vorticity, strength, ...)
+      !                                    [Group 2]
+      !                 ...          (.) : USER: add more input arguments for
+      !                                    group 1 here if needed.
+      !                 Lpart        (I) : number of particles [Group 2]
+      !                 lsymm        (L) : Whether to use symmetry or not:
+      !                                     .FALSE. pp interaction w/o symmetry
+      !                                     .TRUE.  pp interaction w/  symmetry
+      !                 mode         (I) : Whether the two groups are the
+      !                                    same or not:
+      !                                     0 not the same group
+      !                                     1 the same group
+      !
+      !  Input/output : params(:)    (F) : user defined parameters and/or
+      !                                    output from the interaction (i.e.
+      !                                    potential energy)
+      !                 fp(:,:)      (F) : Change of particle data due
+      !                                    to interaction [Group 1]
+      !                 fp2(:,:)     (F) : Change of particle data due
+      !                                    to interaction [Group 2]
+      !                 ...          (.) : USER: add more output arguments for
+      !                                    if needed.
+      !  Output       : info         (I) : return status. 0 if no error.
+      !
+      !  Routines     : 
+      !
+      !  Remarks      : Search for USER in this file and fill in
+      !                 the particle-particle interactions in all 4 places.
+      !                 Use the fp and fp2 array to return the result.
+      !
+      !
+      !  References   :
+      !
+      !  Revisions    :
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  $Revision: $
+      !  Revision 1.2  2004/04/23 17:25:33  oingo
+      !  Revision 1.1  2004/04/22 08:29:06  oingo
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Parallel Particle Mesh Library (PPM)
+      !  Institute of Computational Science
+      !  ETH Zentrum, Hirschengraben 84
+      !  CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_template_comp_pp_ring(xp, vp, fp ,Npart,        &
+     &                                     xp2,vp2,fp2,Lpart,        &
+     &                                     lsymm,params,mode,info)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Modules
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! USER: USE statements here...
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Includes
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      INCLUDE 'ppm_param.h'
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  USER: Define precision
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+!     INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_single
+      INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_double
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Arguments
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      REAL(MK), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN   ) :: xp
+      REAL(MK), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN   ) :: vp
+      ! USER: add more arguments here if needed
+      REAL(MK), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: fp
+      INTEGER                 , INTENT(IN   ) :: Npart
+      REAL(MK), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN   ) :: xp2
+      REAL(MK), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN   ) :: vp2
+      ! USER: add more arguments here if needed
+      REAL(MK), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: fp2
+      INTEGER                 , INTENT(IN   ) :: Lpart
+      LOGICAL                 , INTENT(IN   ) :: lsymm
+      REAL(MK), DIMENSION(:),   INTENT(INOUT) :: params
+      INTEGER                 , INTENT(IN   ) :: mode
+      INTEGER                 , INTENT(  OUT) :: info
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Local variables
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! counters
+      INTEGER                                    :: i,j
+      ! coordinate differences
+      REAL(MK)                                   :: dx,dy,dz
+      ! square of inter particle distance
+      REAL(MK)                                   :: dij
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Externals
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Initialise
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      info = 0
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Check arguments
+      !  USER: You might want to make this conditional on the debug level
+      !  of your application...
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      IF (Npart .LE. 0) THEN
+         WRITE(*,'(2A)') '(ppm_template_comp_pp_ring): ',  &
+     &        'Npart must be >0'
+         info = -1
+         GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      IF (Lpart .LE. 0) THEN
+         WRITE(*,'(2A)') '(ppm_template_comp_pp_ring): ',  &
+     &        'Lpart must be >0'
+         info = -1
+         GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      IF ((mode .NE. 0) .AND. (mode .NE. 1)) THEN
+         WRITE(*,'(2A)') '(ppm_template_comp_pp_ring): ',  &
+     &        'MODE must be either 0 or 1'
+         info = -1
+         GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Check if we are computing the selfinteraction (i.e. Group1 .EQ. Group2)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      IF (mode .EQ. 1) THEN
+         IF (lsymm) THEN
+            DO i = 1,Npart
+               DO j = i+1,Lpart
+                  !-----------------------------------------------------------
+                  !  USER CODE HERE (with symmetry)
+                  !  dx = xp(1,i) - xp2(1,j)
+                  !  dy = xp(2,i) - xp2(2,j)
+                  !  dz = xp(3,i) - xp2(3,j)
+                  !  dij = (dx*dx)+(dy*dy)+(dz*dz)
+                  !  ...
+                  !-----------------------------------------------------------
+               ENDDO
+            ENDDO
+         ELSE
+            DO i = 1,Npart
+               DO j = 1,Lpart
+                  IF (i .EQ. j) CYCLE
+                  !-----------------------------------------------------------
+                  !  USER CODE HERE (without symmetry)
+                  !-----------------------------------------------------------
+               ENDDO
+            ENDDO
+         ENDIF
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Here we compute the interaction between two different groups
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ELSE
+         IF (lsymm) THEN
+            DO i = 1,Npart
+               DO j = 1,Lpart
+                  !-----------------------------------------------------------
+                  !  USER CODE HERE (with symmetry)
+                  !-----------------------------------------------------------
+               ENDDO
+            ENDDO
+         ELSE
+            DO i = 1,Npart
+               DO j = 1,Lpart
+                  !-----------------------------------------------------------
+                  !  USER CODE HERE (without symmetry)
+                  !-----------------------------------------------------------
+               ENDDO
+            ENDDO
+         ENDIF
+      ENDIF
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Return
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      RETURN
+      END SUBROUTINE ppm_template_comp_pp_ring
diff --git a/src/ppm_template_comp_pp_verlet.f b/src/ppm_template_comp_pp_verlet.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5904db3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ppm_template_comp_pp_verlet.f
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Subroutine   :            ppm_template_comp_pp_verlet
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !
+      !  Purpose      : Template for the user subroutine which computes
+      !                 direct particle-particle interactions using Verlet
+      !                 lists. How to use this template:
+      !                    (1) copy this file to your application code dir
+      !                    (2) rename the file and this routine (make sure
+      !                        to also replace all the occurrences of the
+      !                        subroutine name in all WRITE statements).
+      !                    (3) change address in header and add your CVS
+      !                        Log (if needed).
+      !                    (4) declare and add additional arguments
+      !                    (5) add USE and INCLUDE statements for your
+      !                        modules and header files
+      !                    (6) define the precision of floating point data
+      !                        (maybe provide different versions of this
+      !                        subroutine for different precisions)
+      !                    (7) add particle-particle interactions where
+      !                        needed (search for USER CODE). Make sure to
+      !                        replace dimens with the variable which
+      !                        actually contains the problem
+      !                        dimensionality in your code.
+      !                    (8) Optional: Make argument checking conditional
+      !                        on the debug level of your application
+      !                    (9) Optional: Make this routine use your own
+      !                        error logging, message writing, allocation,
+      !                        subroutine start, subroutine stop and
+      !                        timing routines.
+      !                    (10)Optional: Move the variable declarations for
+      !                        vlist and nvlist to your client program and
+      !                        add them as arguments to this routine. This
+      !                        makes it possible to use several sets of
+      !                        lists. 
+      !                    (11)Optional: Remove the imode=-1 and imode=1
+      !                        cases from this routine and build/destroy
+      !                        the lists directly in your client program by
+      !                        calling ppm_neighlist_vlist/DEALLOCATE. You
+      !                        can then remove imode from the argument list
+      !                        of this routine.
+      !
+      !  Input        : xp(:,:)    (F) particle co-ordinates
+      !                 pdata(:,:) (F) particle data used for interaction
+      !                                (e.g. vorticity, strength, ...)
+      !                 ...        (.) USER: add more input arguments as
+      !                                      needed
+      !                 Np         (I) number of particles on this proc.
+      !                 cutoff     (F) cutoff radius for PP interactions
+      !                 skin       (F) skin thikness for the Verlet list
+      !                 lsymm      (L) use symmetry for PP interactions?
+      !                                   .TRUE. : Yes
+      !                                   .FALSE.: No
+      !                 imode      (I) Mode of action. Any of the folowing:
+      !                                 0  PP interactions 
+      !                                 1  build Verlet lists and return
+      !                                 -1 destroy Verlet lists and return
+      !
+      !  Input/output : 
+      !
+      !  Output       : dpd(:,:)   (F) Change of particle data (pdata) due to 
+      !                                interaction.
+      !                 info       (I) return status. =0 if no error.
+      !
+      !  Routines     : ppm_neighlist_vlist
+      !
+      !  Remarks      : If particles have moved by more than the skin
+      !                 thikness between calls or lsymm has
+      !                 changed, always call with imode=1.
+      !
+      !                 seach for USER in this file and fill in
+      !                 the particle-particle interactions in both places.
+      !                 Use the dpd array to return the result. It is your
+      !                 responsibility to properly allocate and initialize 
+      !                 this array BEFORE calling this routine.
+      !
+      !                 After finishing all time steps, always call this
+      !                 routine with imode=-1 to free the memory of the
+      !                 cell lists. Failure to do so will result in a
+      !                 memory leak in your program.
+      !
+      !                 If the CYCLE command is a problem on your hardware
+      !                 (e.g. prevents vectorization), split the DO-loop in
+      !                 two parts as:
+      !                                 DO jpart = istart,ipart-1
+      !                                 ...
+      !                                 ENDDO
+      !                                 DO jpart = ipart+1,iend
+      !                                 ...
+      !                                 ENDDO
+      !
+      !  References   :
+      !
+      !  Revisions    :
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  $Revision: $
+      !  Revision 1.2  2004/02/24 11:35:54  ivos
+      !  Revision 1.1  2004/01/26 17:24:35  ivos
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Parallel Particle Mesh Library (PPM)
+      !  Institute of Computational Science
+      !  ETH Zentrum, Hirschengraben 84
+      !  CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_template_comp_pp_verlet(xp,pdata,Np,cutoff,skin,   &
+     &               lsymm,imode,dpd,info)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Modules
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! USER: USE statements here...
+      USE ppm_module_neighlist
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Includes
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      INCLUDE 'ppm_param.h'
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  USER: Define precision
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+!     INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_single
+      INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_double
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Arguments     
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      REAL(MK), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN   ) :: xp
+      REAL(MK), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN   ) :: pdata
+      ! USER: add more input arguments as needed
+      INTEGER                 , INTENT(IN   ) :: Np
+      REAL(MK)                , INTENT(IN   ) :: cutoff
+      REAL(MK)                , INTENT(IN   ) :: skin
+      LOGICAL                 , INTENT(IN   ) :: lsymm
+      INTEGER                 , INTENT(IN   ) :: imode
+      REAL(MK), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: dpd
+      INTEGER                 , INTENT(  OUT) :: info
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Local variables 
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Verlet lists
+      ! USER: if allocation of the following two varaibles fails due to stack 
+      ! size limitations, try putting them in a module and add a USE
+      ! statement for it above. In order to use several Verlet lists, move
+      ! these declarations to the client program and add vlist and nvlist
+      ! to the argument list of this routine.
+      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER, SAVE     :: vlist
+      INTEGER, DIMENSION(  :), POINTER, SAVE     :: nvlist
+      ! counters
+      INTEGER                                    :: jpart,ip,jp
+      ! coordinate differences
+      REAL(MK)                                   :: dx,dy,dz
+      ! square of inter particle distance
+      REAL(MK)                                   :: dij
+      ! cutoff squared
+      REAL(MK)                                   :: cut2
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Externals 
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Initialise
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      info = 0
+      cut2 = cutoff*cutoff
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Check arguments.
+      !  USER: You might want to make this conditional on the debug level of
+      !  your application...
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      IF (cutoff .LE. 0.0_MK) THEN
+          WRITE(*,'(2A)') '(ppm_template_comp_pp_verlet): ',  &
+     &        'cutoff must be >0'
+          info = -1
+          GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      IF (skin .LT. 0.0_MK) THEN
+          WRITE(*,'(2A)') '(ppm_template_comp_pp_verlet): ',  &
+     &        'skin must be >0'
+          info = -1
+          GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      IF (Np .LE. 0) THEN
+          WRITE(*,'(2A)') '(ppm_template_comp_pp_verlet):',  &
+     &        'Np must be >0'
+          info = -1
+          GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  If imode = -1, destroy Verlet lists and return.
+      !  USER: This could also be done by your client directly. The code is
+      !  just here as a template.
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      IF (imode .EQ. -1) THEN
+          DEALLOCATE(vlist,nvlist,STAT=info)
+          IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+              WRITE(*,'(2A,I)') '(ppm_template_comp_pp_verlet): ',  &
+     &            'DEALLOCATE failed on line ',__LINE__
+              info = -1
+          ENDIF  
+          GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Build new Verlet lists if needed.
+      !  USER: This could also be done by your client program calling
+      !  ppm_neighlist_vlist directly. The code is just here as a template.
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      IF (imode .EQ. 1) THEN
+          !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+          !  Generate Verlet lists
+          !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+          CALL ppm_neighlist_vlist(xp,Np,cutoff,skin,lsymm,vlist,nvlist,info)
+          IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+              WRITE(*,'(2A,I)') '(ppm_template_comp_pp_verlet): ',&
+     &            'Building Verlet lists failed on line ',__LINE__
+              info = -1
+          ENDIF
+          GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      IF (lsymm) THEN
+          DO ip=1,Np
+              DO jpart=1,nvlist(ip)
+                  jp = vlist(jpart,ip)
+                  !-------------------------------------------------------------
+                  !  Calculate the square of the distance between the two 
+                  !  particles. It will always be .LE. (cutoff+skin)**2 by 
+                  !  construction of the Verlet list.
+                  !-------------------------------------------------------------
+                  dx  = xp(1,ip) - xp(1,jp)
+                  dy  = xp(2,ip) - xp(2,jp)
+                  IF (dimens .GT. 2) THEN
+                      dz  = xp(3,ip) - xp(3,jp)
+                      dij = (dx*dx) + (dy*dy) + (dz*dz)
+                  ELSE
+                      dz = 0.0_MK
+                      dij = (dx*dx) + (dy*dy)
+                  ENDIF
+                  ! skip this interaction if the particles are further
+                  ! apart than the given cutoff
+                  IF (dij .GT. cut2) CYCLE
+                  !-------------------------------------------------------------
+                  ! Particle ip interacts with particle jp here... and
+                  ! vice versa to use symmetry.
+                  !-------------------------------------------------------------
+                  !
+                  ! USER CODE HERE:
+                  ! dpd(:,ip) = f(pdata(:,ip),pdata(:,jp),dx,dy,dz)
+                  ! dpd(:,jp) = -dpd(:,ip)
+              ENDDO
+          ENDDO
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  PARTICLE-PARTICLE INTERACTIONS not using symmetry
+      !  This will not vectorize and has therefore been moved into a
+      !  separate loop !!
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ELSE
+          DO ip=1,Np
+              DO jpart=1,nvlist(ip)
+                  jp = vlist(jpart,ip)
+                  !-------------------------------------------------------------
+                  !  Calculate the square of the distance between the two 
+                  !  particles. It will always be .LE. (cutoff+skin)**2 by 
+                  !  construction of the Verlet list.
+                  !-------------------------------------------------------------
+                  dx  = xp(1,ip) - xp(1,jp)
+                  dy  = xp(2,ip) - xp(2,jp)
+                  IF (dimens .GT. 2) THEN
+                      dz  = xp(3,ip) - xp(3,jp)
+                      dij = (dx*dx) + (dy*dy) + (dz*dz)
+                  ELSE
+                      dz = 0.0_MK
+                      dij = (dx*dx) + (dy*dy)
+                  ENDIF
+                  ! skip this interaction if the particles are further
+                  ! apart than the given cutoff
+                  IF (dij .GT. cut2) CYCLE
+                  !-------------------------------------------------------------
+                  ! Particle ip interacts with particle jp.
+                  !-------------------------------------------------------------
+                  !
+                  ! USER CODE HERE:
+                  ! dpd(:,ip) = f(pdata(:,ip),pdata(:,jp),dx,dy,dz
+              ENDDO
+          ENDDO
+      ENDIF
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Return
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      RETURN
+      END SUBROUTINE ppm_template_comp_pp_verlet