From 9736fd28dd4c533928c9597d9860d8fc0609b60b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jtra <jtra@7c7fe9aa-52eb-4d9e-b0a8-ba7d787348e9>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 10:46:47 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Included new fftw wrapper routines Included poisson solver
 that depends on the new fftw wrappers

git-svn-id: 7c7fe9aa-52eb-4d9e-b0a8-ba7d787348e9
 src/fft/ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_bc2r_xy.f90 | 117 ++++
 src/fft/ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_c2c_z.f90   | 122 ++++
 src/fft/ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_fr2c_xy.f90 | 103 ++++
 src/fft/ppm_fft_normalize_c.f90         | 119 ++++
 src/fft/ppm_fft_normalize_r.f90         | 120 ++++
 src/fft/ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_bc2c_z.f90  | 145 +++++
 src/fft/ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_bc2r_xy.f90 | 149 +++++
 src/fft/ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_fc2c_z.f90  | 145 +++++
 src/fft/ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_fr2c_xy.f90 | 148 +++++
 src/poisson/ppm_poisson_fd.f90          | 144 +++++
 src/poisson/ppm_poisson_init_predef.f90 | 414 ++++++++++++++
 src/poisson/ppm_poisson_solve.f90       | 712 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/ppm_define.h                        |   2 +
 src/ppm_module_fft.f90                  | 154 +++++
 src/ppm_module_poisson.f90              | 195 +++++++
 15 files changed, 2789 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/fft/ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_bc2r_xy.f90
 create mode 100644 src/fft/ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_c2c_z.f90
 create mode 100644 src/fft/ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_fr2c_xy.f90
 create mode 100644 src/fft/ppm_fft_normalize_c.f90
 create mode 100644 src/fft/ppm_fft_normalize_r.f90
 create mode 100644 src/fft/ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_bc2c_z.f90
 create mode 100644 src/fft/ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_bc2r_xy.f90
 create mode 100644 src/fft/ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_fc2c_z.f90
 create mode 100644 src/fft/ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_fr2c_xy.f90
 create mode 100644 src/poisson/ppm_poisson_fd.f90
 create mode 100644 src/poisson/ppm_poisson_init_predef.f90
 create mode 100644 src/poisson/ppm_poisson_solve.f90
 create mode 100644 src/ppm_module_fft.f90
 create mode 100644 src/ppm_module_poisson.f90

diff --git a/src/fft/ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_bc2r_xy.f90 b/src/fft/ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_bc2r_xy.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..427f434
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fft/ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_bc2r_xy.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Subroutine   : ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_bc2r_xy
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Copyright (c) 2010 CSE Lab (ETH Zurich), MOSAIC Group (ETH Zurich),
+      !                    Center for Fluid Dynamics (DTU)
+      !
+      ! FFTW execute wrapper for 3d arrays, 2d complex to real
+      ! (backward) FFT in the xy directions
+      ! The routine does not work with fields that include ghost layers
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if __KIND == __SINGLE
+#define __ROUTINE ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_bc2r_xy_s
+#define __PREC ppm_kind_single
+#elif __KIND == __DOUBLE
+#define __ROUTINE ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_bc2r_xy_d
+#define __PREC ppm_kind_double
+      SUBROUTINE __ROUTINE(topoid,meshid,ppmplan,infield,outfield,info)
+      !!! FFTW execute wrapper for 3d arrays, 2d complex to real
+      !!! (backward) FFT in the xy directions
+      !!! Before calling this routine a ppm_fft_plan_ routine must be called
+      !!! The routine does not work with fields that include ghost layers
+      USE ppm_module_substart
+      USE ppm_module_substop
+      USE ppm_module_typedef
+      USE ppm_module_topo_get
+      USE ppm_module_write
+      USE ppm_module_data,ONLY:ppm_rank,ppm_kind_single,ppm_kind_double
+      INCLUDE 'fftw3.f'
+      ! if debug check if dimensions are 2a 3b 5c 7d 11e 13f
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Arguments
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !!!topology identifier of target
+      INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                                             :: topoid
+      !!!id of the mesh
+      INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                                             :: meshid
+      !!!ppm fft plan type
+      TYPE(ppm_fft_plan),INTENT(INOUT)                               :: ppmplan
+      !!!input field to fourier transform
+      !COMPLEX(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER,INTENT(INOUT)     :: infield
+      COMPLEX(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER                   :: infield
+      !!!output field for the result of the fourier transform
+      !REAL(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER,INTENT(INOUT)        :: outfield
+      REAL(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER                      :: outfield
+      !!!Returns status, 0 upon success
+      INTEGER,INTENT(OUT)                                            :: info
+      !in time perhaps an argument for alternate directions
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Local variables
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      REAL(__PREC)                  :: t0
+      INTEGER                       :: i,k
+      INTEGER                       :: isub,isubl
+      INTEGER                       :: nsubs
+      INTEGER,DIMENSION(:),POINTER  :: isublist
+      TYPE(ppm_t_topo),POINTER      :: topology
+      TYPE(ppm_t_equi_mesh)         :: mesh
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Initialise routine
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL substart('ppm_fft_exec',t0,info)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Get topology and mesh values
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL ppm_topo_get(topoid,topology,info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+         CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_fft_exec','Failed to get topology.',isub)
+         GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      nsubs = topology%nsublist
+      ALLOCATE(isublist(nsubs))
+      DO isub=1,nsubs
+        isublist(isub) = topology%isublist(isub)
+      ENDDO
+      mesh  = topology%mesh(meshid)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Execute plan
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      DO isub=1,nsubs
+         isubl=isublist(isub)
+         DO k=1,mesh%nnodes(3,isubl) !@ add '-1' to exclude n+1 slabs
+            CALL dfftw_execute_dft_c2r(ppmplan%plan(isub),&
+            & infield(1,1,1,k,isub),outfield(1,1,1,k,isub))
+            !-------------------------------------------------------------------
+            ! Copy periodic layer back - only for periodic 'N' vertex points
+            !-------------------------------------------------------------------
+            DO i=1,mesh%nnodes(1,isubl)
+               outfield(1,i,mesh%nnodes(2,isubl),k,isub) = outfield(1,i,1,k,isub)
+               outfield(2,i,mesh%nnodes(2,isubl),k,isub) = outfield(2,i,1,k,isub)
+               outfield(3,i,mesh%nnodes(2,isubl),k,isub) = outfield(3,i,1,k,isub)
+            END DO
+            DO i=1,mesh%nnodes(2,isubl)
+               outfield(1,mesh%nnodes(1,isubl),i,k,isub) = outfield(1,1,i,k,isub)
+               outfield(2,mesh%nnodes(1,isubl),i,k,isub) = outfield(2,1,i,k,isub)
+               outfield(3,mesh%nnodes(1,isubl),i,k,isub) = outfield(3,1,i,k,isub)
+            END DO
+         END DO
+      END DO
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Return
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL substop('ppm_fft_exec',t0,info)
+      RETURN
diff --git a/src/fft/ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_c2c_z.f90 b/src/fft/ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_c2c_z.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f307aab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fft/ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_c2c_z.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Subroutine   : ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_c2c_z
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Copyright (c) 2010 CSE Lab (ETH Zurich), MOSAIC Group (ETH Zurich),
+      !                    Center for Fluid Dynamics (DTU)
+      !
+      ! FFTW execute wrapper for 3d arrays, 1d complex to complex 
+      ! (forward and backward) FFT in the z direction
+      ! The routine does not work with fields that include ghost layers
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if __KIND == __SINGLE
+#define __ROUTINE ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_c2c_z_s
+#define __PREC ppm_kind_single
+#elif __KIND == __DOUBLE
+#define __ROUTINE ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_c2c_z_d
+#define __PREC ppm_kind_double
+      SUBROUTINE __ROUTINE(topoid,meshid,ppmplan,infield,outfield,info)
+      !!! FFTW execute wrapper for 3d arrays, 1d complex to complex 
+      !!! (forward and backward) FFT in the z direction
+      !!! Before calling this routine a ppm_fft_plan_ routine must be called
+      !!! The routine does not work with fields that include ghost layers
+      USE ppm_module_substart
+      USE ppm_module_substop
+      USE ppm_module_typedef
+      USE ppm_module_topo_get
+      USE ppm_module_write
+      USE ppm_module_data,ONLY:ppm_rank,ppm_kind_single,ppm_kind_double
+      INCLUDE 'fftw3.f'
+      ! if debug check if dimensions are 2a 3b 5c 7d 11e 13f
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Arguments
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !!!topology identifier of target
+      INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                                             :: topoid
+      !!!id of the mesh
+      INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                                             :: meshid
+      !!!ppm fft plan type
+      TYPE(ppm_fft_plan),INTENT(INOUT)                               :: ppmplan
+      !!!input field to fourier transform
+      !COMPLEX(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER,INTENT(INOUT)     :: infield
+      COMPLEX(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER                   :: infield
+      !!!output field for the result of the fourier transform
+      !COMPLEX(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER,INTENT(INOUT)     :: outfield
+      COMPLEX(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER                   :: outfield
+      !!!Returns status, 0 upon success
+      INTEGER,INTENT(OUT)                                            :: info
+      !in time perhaps an argument for alternate directions
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Local variables
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      REAL(__PREC)                  :: t0
+      INTEGER                       :: i,j
+      INTEGER                       :: isub,isubl
+      INTEGER                       :: nsubs
+      INTEGER,DIMENSION(:),POINTER  :: isublist
+      TYPE(ppm_t_topo),POINTER      :: topology
+      TYPE(ppm_t_equi_mesh)         :: mesh
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Initialise routine
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL substart('ppm_fft_exec',t0,info)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Get topology and mesh values
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL ppm_topo_get(topoid,topology,info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+         CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_fft_exec','Failed to get topology.',isub)
+         GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      nsubs = topology%nsublist
+      ALLOCATE(isublist(nsubs))
+      DO isub=1,nsubs
+        isublist(isub) = topology%isublist(isub)
+      ENDDO
+      mesh  = topology%mesh(meshid)
+      !outfield = 0.0_ppm_kind_double !@
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Execute plan
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      DO isub=1,nsubs
+         isubl=isublist(isub)
+         DO j=1,mesh%nnodes(2,isubl) !@ add '-1' to exclude n+1 points
+            DO i=1,mesh%nnodes(1,isubl) !@ add '-1' to exclude n+1 points
+               CALL dfftw_execute_dft(ppmplan%plan(isub),&
+               & infield(1,i,j,1,isub),outfield(1,i,j,1,isub))
+            END DO
+         END DO
+      END DO
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Copy periodic - this is only for the periodic 'N+1' vertex points
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      IF (ppmplan%sign .EQ. FFTW_BACKWARD) THEN
+         DO isub=1,nsubs
+           isubl=isublist(isub)
+            DO j=1,mesh%nnodes(2,isubl) !@ add '-1' to exclude n+1 points
+               DO i=1,mesh%nnodes(1,isubl) !@ add '-1' to exclude n+1 points
+                  outfield(1,i,j,mesh%nnodes(3,isubl),isub) = outfield(1,i,j,1,isub)
+                  outfield(2,i,j,mesh%nnodes(3,isubl),isub) = outfield(2,i,j,1,isub)
+                  outfield(3,i,j,mesh%nnodes(3,isubl),isub) = outfield(3,i,j,1,isub)
+               END DO
+            END DO
+         END DO
+      ENDIF
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Return
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL substop('ppm_fft_exec',t0,info)
+      RETURN
diff --git a/src/fft/ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_fr2c_xy.f90 b/src/fft/ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_fr2c_xy.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82ea0e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fft/ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_fr2c_xy.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Subroutine   : ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_fr2c_xy
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Copyright (c) 2010 CSE Lab (ETH Zurich), MOSAIC Group (ETH Zurich),
+      !                    Center for Fluid Dynamics (DTU)
+      !
+      ! FFTW execute wrapper for 3d arrays, 2d real to complex 
+      ! (forward) FFT in the xy directions
+      ! The routine does not work with fields that include ghost layers
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if __KIND == __SINGLE
+#define __ROUTINE ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_fr2c_xy_s
+#define __PREC ppm_kind_single
+#elif __KIND == __DOUBLE
+#define __ROUTINE ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_fr2c_xy_d
+#define __PREC ppm_kind_double
+      SUBROUTINE __ROUTINE(topoid,meshid,ppmplan,infield,outfield,info)
+      !!! FFTW execute wrapper for 3d arrays, 2d real to complex 
+      !!! (forward) FFT in the xy directions
+      !!! Before calling this routine a ppm_fft_plan_ routine must be called
+      !!! The routine does not work with fields that include ghost layers
+      USE ppm_module_substart
+      USE ppm_module_substop
+      USE ppm_module_typedef
+      USE ppm_module_topo_get
+      USE ppm_module_write
+      USE ppm_module_data,ONLY:ppm_rank,ppm_kind_single,ppm_kind_double
+      INCLUDE 'fftw3.f'
+      ! if debug check if dimensions are 2a 3b 5c 7d 11e 13f
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Arguments
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !!!topology identifier of target
+      INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                                             :: topoid
+      !!!id of the mesh
+      INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                                             :: meshid
+      !!!ppm fft plan type
+      TYPE(ppm_fft_plan),INTENT(INOUT)                               :: ppmplan
+      !!!input field to fourier transform
+      !REAL(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER,INTENT(INOUT)        :: infield
+      REAL(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER                      :: infield
+      !!!output field for the result of the fourier transform
+      !COMPLEX(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER,INTENT(INOUT)     :: outfield
+      COMPLEX(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER                   :: outfield
+      !!!Returns status, 0 upon success
+      INTEGER,INTENT(OUT)                                            :: info
+      !in time perhaps an argument for alternate directions
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Local variables
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      REAL(__PREC)                  :: t0
+      INTEGER                       :: k
+      INTEGER                       :: isub,isubl
+      INTEGER                       :: nsubs
+      INTEGER,DIMENSION(:),POINTER  :: isublist
+      TYPE(ppm_t_topo),POINTER      :: topology
+      TYPE(ppm_t_equi_mesh)         :: mesh
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Initialise routine
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL substart('ppm_fft_exec',t0,info)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Get topology and mesh values
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL ppm_topo_get(topoid,topology,info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+         CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_fft_exec','Failed to get topology.',isub)
+         GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      nsubs    = topology%nsublist
+      ALLOCATE(isublist(nsubs))
+      DO isub=1,nsubs
+        isublist(isub) = topology%isublist(isub)
+      ENDDO
+      mesh     = topology%mesh(meshid)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Execute plan
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      DO isub=1,nsubs
+         isubl=isublist(isub)
+         DO k=1,mesh%nnodes(3,isubl) !@ add '-1' to exclude n+1 slabs
+            CALL dfftw_execute_dft_r2c(ppmplan%plan(isub),&
+            & infield(1,1,1,k,isub),outfield(1,1,1,k,isub))
+         END DO
+      END DO
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Return
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL substop('ppm_fft_exec',t0,info)
+      RETURN
diff --git a/src/fft/ppm_fft_normalize_c.f90 b/src/fft/ppm_fft_normalize_c.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9d18bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fft/ppm_fft_normalize_c.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Subroutine   : ppm_fft_normalize_c
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Copyright (c) 2010 CSE Lab (ETH Zurich), MOSAIC Group (ETH Zurich),
+      !                    Center for Fluid Dynamics (DTU)
+      !
+      ! The routine does not work with fields that include ghost layers.
+      ! Fields are noralized in the 1/N - fashion that scales fields to the
+      ! proper level after being FFTed and iFFTed
+      ! The routines are not meant for production code as the normalization can
+      ! be done for all dimensions in one pass - which may and should be done
+      ! in a routine (looping through the data anyway) following the FFTs.
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if __KIND == __SINGLE
+#define __ROUTINE ppm_fft_normalize_cs
+#define __PREC ppm_kind_single
+#elif __KIND == __DOUBLE
+#define __ROUTINE ppm_fft_normalize_cd
+#define __PREC ppm_kind_double
+      SUBROUTINE __ROUTINE(topoid,meshid,ppmplan,infield,info)
+      !!! The routine does not work with fields that include ghost layers.
+      !!! Fields are noralized in the 1/N - fashion that scales fields to the
+      !!! proper level after being FFTed and iFFTed
+      !!! The routines are not meant for production code as the normalization 
+      !!! can be done for all dimensions in one pass - which may and should be 
+      !!! done in a routine (looping through the data anyway) following the FFTs
+      USE ppm_module_substart
+      USE ppm_module_substop
+      USE ppm_module_typedef
+      USE ppm_module_topo_get
+      USE ppm_module_write
+      USE ppm_module_data,ONLY:ppm_rank,ppm_kind_single,ppm_kind_double
+      INCLUDE 'fftw3.f'
+      ! if debug check if dimensions are 2a 3b 5c 7d 11e 13f
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Arguments
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !!!topology identifier of target
+      INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                                             :: topoid
+      !!!id of the mesh
+      INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                                             :: meshid
+      !!!ppm fft plan type
+      TYPE(ppm_fft_plan),INTENT(INOUT)                               :: ppmplan
+      !!!input field to normalize
+      COMPLEX(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER                   :: infield
+      !!!Returns status, 0 upon success
+      INTEGER,INTENT(OUT)                                            :: info
+      !in time perhaps an argument for alternate directions
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Local variables
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !timer
+      INTEGER,PARAMETER             :: MK = ppm_kind_double
+      REAL(__PREC)                  :: t0
+      !normalization factor
+      REAL(MK)                      :: fac
+      INTEGER                       :: i,j,k
+      INTEGER                       :: isub,isubl
+      INTEGER                       :: nsubs
+      INTEGER,DIMENSION(:),POINTER  :: isublist
+      TYPE(ppm_t_topo),POINTER      :: topology
+      TYPE(ppm_t_equi_mesh)         :: mesh
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Initialise routine
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL substart('ppm_fft_normalize',t0,info)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Get topology and mesh values
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL ppm_topo_get(topoid,topology,info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+         CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_fft_plan','Failed to get topology.',isub)
+         GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      nsubs = topology%nsublist
+      ALLOCATE(isublist(nsubs))
+      DO isub=1,nsubs
+        isublist(isub) = topology%isublist(isub)
+      ENDDO
+      mesh  = topology%mesh(meshid)
+      DO isub=1,nsubs
+         isubl=isublist(isub)
+         !determine normalization factor
+         IF (ppmplan%rank .EQ. 1) THEN
+            fac = 1.0_MK/REAL((mesh%nm(3)-1),MK)
+         ELSE IF (ppmplan%rank .EQ. 2) THEN
+            fac = 1.0_MK/REAL((mesh%nm(1)-1)*(mesh%nm(2)-1),MK)
+         ENDIF
+         DO k=1,mesh%nnodes(3,isubl)
+            DO j=1,mesh%nnodes(2,isubl)
+               DO i=1,mesh%nnodes(1,isubl)
+                  infield(1,i,j,k,isub) = fac*infield(1,i,j,k,isub)
+                  infield(2,i,j,k,isub) = fac*infield(2,i,j,k,isub)
+                  infield(3,i,j,k,isub) = fac*infield(3,i,j,k,isub)
+               END DO
+            END DO
+         END DO
+      END DO
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Return
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL substop('ppm_fft_normalize',t0,info)
+      RETURN
diff --git a/src/fft/ppm_fft_normalize_r.f90 b/src/fft/ppm_fft_normalize_r.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0591d33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fft/ppm_fft_normalize_r.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Subroutine   : ppm_fft_normalize_r
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Copyright (c) 2010 CSE Lab (ETH Zurich), MOSAIC Group (ETH Zurich),
+      !                    Center for Fluid Dynamics (DTU)
+      !
+      ! The routine does not work with fields that include ghost layers.
+      ! Fields are noralized in the 1/N - fashion that scales fields to the
+      ! proper level after being FFTed and iFFTed
+      ! The routines are not meant for production code as the normalization can
+      ! be done for all dimensions in one pass - which may and should be done
+      ! in a routine (looping through the data anyway) following the FFTs.
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if __KIND == __SINGLE
+#define __ROUTINE ppm_fft_normalize_rs
+#define __PREC ppm_kind_single
+#elif __KIND == __DOUBLE
+#define __ROUTINE ppm_fft_normalize_rd
+#define __PREC ppm_kind_double
+      SUBROUTINE __ROUTINE(topoid,meshid,ppmplan,infield,info)
+      !!! The routine does not work with fields that include ghost layers.
+      !!! Fields are noralized in the 1/N - fashion that scales fields to the
+      !!! proper level after being FFTed and iFFTed
+      !!! The routines are not meant for production code as the normalization
+      !!! can be done for all dimensions in one pass - which may and should be
+      !!! done in a routine (looping through the data anyway) following the FFTs
+      USE ppm_module_substart
+      USE ppm_module_substop
+      USE ppm_module_typedef
+      USE ppm_module_topo_get
+      USE ppm_module_write
+      USE ppm_module_data,ONLY:ppm_rank,ppm_kind_single,ppm_kind_double
+      INCLUDE 'fftw3.f'
+      ! if debug check if dimensions are 2a 3b 5c 7d 11e 13f
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Arguments
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !!!topology identifier of target
+      INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                                             :: topoid
+      !!!id of the mesh
+      INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                                             :: meshid
+      !!!ppm fft plan type
+      TYPE(ppm_fft_plan),INTENT(INOUT)                               :: ppmplan
+      !!!input field to normalize
+      !REAL(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER,INTENT(INOUT)        :: infield
+      REAL(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER                      :: infield
+      !!!Returns status, 0 upon success
+      INTEGER,INTENT(OUT)                                            :: info
+      !in time perhaps an argument for alternate directions
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Local variables
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !timer
+      INTEGER,PARAMETER             :: MK = ppm_kind_double
+      REAL(__PREC)                  :: t0
+      !normalization factor
+      REAL(MK)                      :: fac
+      INTEGER                       :: i,j,k
+      INTEGER                       :: isub,isubl
+      INTEGER                       :: nsubs
+      INTEGER,DIMENSION(:),POINTER  :: isublist
+      TYPE(ppm_t_topo),POINTER      :: topology
+      TYPE(ppm_t_equi_mesh)         :: mesh
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Initialise routine
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL substart('ppm_fft_normalize',t0,info)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Get topology and mesh values
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL ppm_topo_get(topoid,topology,info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+         CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_fft_plan','Failed to get topology.',isub)
+         GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      nsubs = topology%nsublist
+      ALLOCATE(isublist(nsubs))
+      DO isub=1,nsubs
+        isublist(isub) = topology%isublist(isub)
+      ENDDO
+      mesh  = topology%mesh(meshid)
+      DO isub=1,nsubs
+         isubl=isublist(isub)
+         !determine normalization factor
+         IF (ppmplan%rank .EQ. 1) THEN
+            fac = 1.0_MK/REAL((mesh%nm(3)-1),MK)
+         ELSE IF (ppmplan%rank .EQ. 2) THEN
+            fac = 1.0_MK/REAL((mesh%nm(1)-1)*(mesh%nm(2)-1),MK)
+         ENDIF
+         DO k=1,mesh%nnodes(3,isubl)
+            DO j=1,mesh%nnodes(2,isubl)
+               DO i=1,mesh%nnodes(1,isubl)
+                  infield(1,i,j,k,isub) = fac*infield(1,i,j,k,isub)
+                  infield(2,i,j,k,isub) = fac*infield(2,i,j,k,isub)
+                  infield(3,i,j,k,isub) = fac*infield(3,i,j,k,isub)
+               END DO
+            END DO
+         END DO
+      END DO
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Return
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL substop('ppm_fft_normalize',t0,info)
+      RETURN
diff --git a/src/fft/ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_bc2c_z.f90 b/src/fft/ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_bc2c_z.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c08e3a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fft/ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_bc2c_z.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Subroutine   : ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_bc2c_z
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Copyright (c) 2010 CSE Lab (ETH Zurich), MOSAIC Group (ETH Zurich),
+      !                    Center for Fluid Dynamics (DTU)
+      !
+      ! FFTW plan wrapper for 3d arrays, 1d complex to complex
+      ! (backward) FFT in the z direction
+      ! The routine does not work with fields that include ghost layers
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if __KIND == __SINGLE
+#define __ROUTINE ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_bc2c_z_s
+#define __PREC ppm_kind_single
+#elif __KIND == __DOUBLE
+#define __ROUTINE ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_bc2c_z_d
+#define __PREC ppm_kind_double
+      SUBROUTINE __ROUTINE(topoid,meshid,ppmplan,infield,outfield,info)
+      !!! FFTW plan wrapper for 3d arrays, 1d complex to complex
+      !!! (backward) FFT in the z direction
+      !!! The routine does not work with fields that include ghost layers
+      USE ppm_module_substart
+      USE ppm_module_substop
+      USE ppm_module_typedef
+      USE ppm_module_topo_get
+      USE ppm_module_write
+      USE ppm_module_data,ONLY:ppm_rank,ppm_kind_single,ppm_kind_double
+      INCLUDE 'fftw3.f'
+      ! if debug check if dimensions are 2a 3b 5c 7d 11e 13f
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Arguments
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !!!topology identifier of target
+      INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                                             :: topoid
+      !!!id of the mesh
+      INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                                             :: meshid
+      !!!ppm fft plan type
+      TYPE(ppm_fft_plan),INTENT(INOUT)                               :: ppmplan
+      !!!input field to fourier transform
+      !COMPLEX(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER,INTENT(INOUT)     :: infield
+      COMPLEX(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER                   :: infield
+      !!!output field for the result of the fourier transform
+      !COMPLEX(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER,INTENT(INOUT)     :: outfield
+      COMPLEX(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER                   :: outfield
+      !!!Returns status, 0 upon success
+      INTEGER,INTENT(OUT)                                            :: info
+      !in time perhaps an argument for alternate directions
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Local variables
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      REAL(__PREC)                  :: t0
+      INTEGER                       :: isub,isubl
+      INTEGER                       :: nsubs
+      INTEGER,DIMENSION(:),POINTER  :: isublist
+      TYPE(ppm_t_topo),POINTER      :: topology
+      TYPE(ppm_t_equi_mesh)         :: mesh
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Initialise routine
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL substart('ppm_fft_plan',t0,info)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Get topology and mesh values
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL ppm_topo_get(topoid,topology,info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+         CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_fft_plan','Failed to get topology.',isub)
+         GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      nsubs = topology%nsublist
+      ALLOCATE(isublist(nsubs))
+      DO isub=1,nsubs
+        isublist(isub) = topology%isublist(isub)
+      ENDDO
+      mesh  = topology%mesh(meshid)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Setup parameters for this particular routine
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !the dimension of the FFT (1D/2D/3D)
+      ppmplan%rank=1
+      !the number of points along each direction of the piece to be transformed
+      ALLOCATE(ppmplan%nx(ppmplan%rank,nsubs))
+      !the direction of the transform
+      ppmplan%sign=FFTW_BACKWARD
+      !the method to setup the optimal plan
+      ppmplan%flag=FFTW_MEASURE
+      !the number of components to transform - 3 component vector
+      ppmplan%howmany=3
+      !the size of the input array - full size (assuming LBOUND=1 thus UBOUND)
+      ALLOCATE(ppmplan%inembed(ppmplan%rank))
+      ppmplan%inembed(1) = UBOUND(infield,4)
+      !the size of the output array - full size (assuming LBOUND=1 thus UBOUND)
+      ALLOCATE(ppmplan%onembed(ppmplan%rank))
+      ppmplan%onembed(1) = UBOUND(outfield,4)
+      !istride tells how the same componenet data points are spaced in memory
+      !e.g. z values recur every x-dim*y-dim*component values
+      ppmplan%istride = UBOUND(infield,2) *UBOUND(infield,3)*3
+      ppmplan%ostride = UBOUND(outfield,2)*UBOUND(outfield,3)*3
+      !idist tells how multiple arrays are spaced in memory. I.e. a memory 
+      !offset. e.g. vector components (idist=1) or scalar 2D arrays in 
+      !3D array(idist=NxNy)
+      ppmplan%idist = 1
+      ppmplan%odist = 1
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Allocate plan array
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      IF(ASSOCIATED(ppmplan%plan)) THEN
+         DEALLOCATE(ppmplan%plan,stat=info)
+         IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+            CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_fft_plan','Failed to deallocate plan-array.',isub)
+            GOTO 9999
+         ENDIF
+      END IF
+      ALLOCATE(ppmplan%plan(nsubs))
+      DO isub=1,nsubs
+         isubl=isublist(isub)
+         !@ maybe the -1 needs to be removed when doing cell data
+         !we subtract the -1 to avoid the periodic vertex point
+         ppmplan%nx(1,isub) = mesh%nnodes(3,isubl)-1
+         CALL dfftw_plan_many_dft(ppmplan%plan(isub),ppmplan%rank,&
+         & ppmplan%nx(:,isub),ppmplan%howmany,infield(1,1,1,1,isub),&
+         & ppmplan%inembed(1),ppmplan%istride,ppmplan%idist,&
+         & outfield(1,1,1,1,isub),ppmplan%onembed(1),ppmplan%ostride,&
+         & ppmplan%odist,ppmplan%sign,ppmplan%flag)
+      END DO
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Return
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL substop('ppm_fft_plan',t0,info)
+      RETURN
diff --git a/src/fft/ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_bc2r_xy.f90 b/src/fft/ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_bc2r_xy.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5655a6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fft/ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_bc2r_xy.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Subroutine   : ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_bc2r_xy
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Copyright (c) 2010 CSE Lab (ETH Zurich), MOSAIC Group (ETH Zurich),
+      !                    Center for Fluid Dynamics (DTU)
+      !
+      ! FFTW plan wrapper for 3d arrays, 2d complex to real
+      ! (backward) FFT in the xy directions
+      ! The routine does not work with fields that include ghost layers
+      !
+      ! For the C2R inverse transform FFTW always destroys the input data
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if __KIND == __SINGLE
+#define __ROUTINE ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_bc2r_xy_s
+#define __PREC ppm_kind_single
+#elif __KIND == __DOUBLE
+#define __ROUTINE ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_bc2r_xy_d
+#define __PREC ppm_kind_double
+      SUBROUTINE __ROUTINE(topoid,meshid,ppmplan,infield,outfield,info)
+      !!! FFTW plan wrapper for 3d arrays, 2d complex to real
+      !!! (backward) FFT in the xy directions
+      !!! The routine does not work with fields that include ghost layers
+      USE ppm_module_substart
+      USE ppm_module_substop
+      USE ppm_module_typedef
+      USE ppm_module_topo_get
+      USE ppm_module_write
+      USE ppm_module_data,ONLY:ppm_rank,ppm_kind_single,ppm_kind_double
+      INCLUDE 'fftw3.f'
+      ! if debug check if dimensions are 2a 3b 5c 7d 11e 13f
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Arguments
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !!!topology identifier of target
+      INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                                             :: topoid
+      !!!id of the mesh
+      INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                                             :: meshid
+      !!!ppm fft plan type
+      TYPE(ppm_fft_plan),INTENT(INOUT)                               :: ppmplan
+      !!!input field to fourier transform
+      !COMPLEX(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER,INTENT(INOUT)     :: infield
+      COMPLEX(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER                   :: infield
+      !!!output field for the result of the fourier transform
+      !REAL(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER,INTENT(INOUT)        :: outfield
+      REAL(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER                      :: outfield
+      !!!Returns status, 0 upon success
+      INTEGER,INTENT(OUT)                                            :: info
+      !in time perhaps an argument for alternate directions
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Local variables
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      REAL(__PREC)                  :: t0
+      INTEGER                       :: isub,isubl
+      INTEGER                       :: nsubs
+      INTEGER,DIMENSION(:),POINTER  :: isublist
+      TYPE(ppm_t_topo),POINTER      :: topology
+      TYPE(ppm_t_equi_mesh)         :: mesh
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Initialise routine
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL substart('ppm_fft_plan',t0,info)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Get topology and mesh values
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL ppm_topo_get(topoid,topology,info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+         CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_fft_plan','Failed to get topology.',isub)
+         GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      nsubs = topology%nsublist
+      ALLOCATE(isublist(nsubs))
+      DO isub=1,nsubs
+        isublist(isub) = topology%isublist(isub)
+      ENDDO
+      mesh  = topology%mesh(meshid)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Setup parameters for this particular routine
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !the dimension of the FFT (1D/2D/3D)
+      ppmplan%rank=2
+      !the number of points along each direction of the piece to be transformed
+      ALLOCATE(ppmplan%nx(ppmplan%rank,nsubs))
+      !the direction of the transform
+      ppmplan%sign=FFTW_BACKWARD
+      !the method to setup the optimal plan
+      ppmplan%flag=FFTW_MEASURE
+      !the number of components to transform - 3 component vector
+      ppmplan%howmany=3
+      !the size of the input array - full size (assuming LBOUND=1 thus UBOUND)
+      ALLOCATE(ppmplan%inembed(ppmplan%rank))
+      ppmplan%inembed(1) = UBOUND(infield,2)
+      ppmplan%inembed(2) = UBOUND(infield,3)
+      !the size of the output array - full size (assuming LBOUND=1 thus UBOUND)
+      ALLOCATE(ppmplan%onembed(ppmplan%rank))
+      ppmplan%onembed(1) = UBOUND(outfield,2)
+      ppmplan%onembed(2) = UBOUND(outfield,3)
+      !istride tells how the same componenet data points are spaced in memory
+      !e.g. for 2/3 component vector istride = 2/3 or for scalar istride = 1
+      ppmplan%istride = 3
+      ppmplan%ostride = 3
+      !idist tells how multiple arrays are spaced in memory. I.e. a memory 
+      !offset. e.g. vector components (idist=1) or scalar 2D arrays 
+      !in 3D array(idist=NxNy)
+      ppmplan%idist = 1
+      ppmplan%odist = 1
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Allocate plan array
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      IF(ASSOCIATED(ppmplan%plan)) THEN
+         DEALLOCATE(ppmplan%plan,stat=info)
+         IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+            CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_fft_plan','Failed to deallocate plan-array.',isub)
+            GOTO 9999
+         ENDIF
+      END IF
+      ALLOCATE(ppmplan%plan(nsubs))
+      DO isub=1,nsubs
+         isubl=isublist(isub)
+         !@ maybe the -1 needs to be removed when doing cell data
+         !we subtract the -1 to avoid the periodic vertex point
+         ppmplan%nx(1,isub) = mesh%nnodes(1,isubl)-1
+         ppmplan%nx(2,isub) = mesh%nnodes(2,isubl)-1
+         CALL dfftw_plan_many_dft_c2r(ppmplan%plan(isub),ppmplan%rank,&
+         & ppmplan%nx,ppmplan%howmany,infield(1,1,1,1,isub),ppmplan%inembed(1),&
+         & ppmplan%istride,ppmplan%idist,outfield(1,1,1,1,isub),&
+         & ppmplan%onembed(1),ppmplan%ostride,ppmplan%odist,ppmplan%flag)
+      END DO
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Return
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL substop('ppm_fft_plan',t0,info)
+      RETURN
diff --git a/src/fft/ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_fc2c_z.f90 b/src/fft/ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_fc2c_z.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45be5da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fft/ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_fc2c_z.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Subroutine   : ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_fc2c_z
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Copyright (c) 2010 CSE Lab (ETH Zurich), MOSAIC Group (ETH Zurich),
+      !                    Center for Fluid Dynamics (DTU)
+      !
+      ! FFTW plan wrapper for 3d arrays, 1d complex to complex
+      ! (forward) FFT in the xy directions
+      ! The routine does not work with fields that include ghost layers
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if __KIND == __SINGLE
+#define __ROUTINE ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_fc2c_z_s
+#define __PREC ppm_kind_single
+#elif __KIND == __DOUBLE
+#define __ROUTINE ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_fc2c_z_d
+#define __PREC ppm_kind_double
+      SUBROUTINE __ROUTINE(topoid,meshid,ppmplan,infield,outfield,info)
+      !!! FFTW plan wrapper for 3d arrays, 1d complex to complex
+      !!! (forward) FFT in the xy directions
+      !!! The routine does not work with fields that include ghost layers
+      USE ppm_module_substart
+      USE ppm_module_substop
+      USE ppm_module_typedef
+      USE ppm_module_topo_get
+      USE ppm_module_write
+      USE ppm_module_data,ONLY:ppm_rank,ppm_kind_single,ppm_kind_double
+      INCLUDE 'fftw3.f'
+      ! if debug check if dimensions are 2a 3b 5c 7d 11e 13f
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Arguments
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !!!topology identifier of target
+      INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                                             :: topoid
+      !!!id of the mesh
+      INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                                             :: meshid
+      !!!ppm fft plan type
+      TYPE(ppm_fft_plan),INTENT(INOUT)                               :: ppmplan
+      !!!input field to fourier transform
+      !COMPLEX(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER,INTENT(INOUT)     :: infield
+      COMPLEX(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER                   :: infield
+      !!!output field for the result of the fourier transform
+      !COMPLEX(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER,INTENT(INOUT)     :: outfield
+      COMPLEX(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER                   :: outfield
+      !!!Returns status, 0 upon success
+      INTEGER,INTENT(OUT)                                            :: info
+      !in time perhaps an argument for alternate directions
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Local variables
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      REAL(__PREC)                  :: t0
+      INTEGER                       :: isub,isubl
+      INTEGER                       :: nsubs
+      INTEGER,DIMENSION(:),POINTER  :: isublist
+      TYPE(ppm_t_topo),POINTER      :: topology
+      TYPE(ppm_t_equi_mesh)         :: mesh
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Initialise routine
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL substart('ppm_fft_plan',t0,info)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Get topology and mesh values
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL ppm_topo_get(topoid,topology,info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+         CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_fft_plan','Failed to get topology.',isub)
+         GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      nsubs = topology%nsublist
+      ALLOCATE(isublist(nsubs))
+      DO isub=1,nsubs
+        isublist(isub) = topology%isublist(isub)
+      ENDDO
+      mesh  = topology%mesh(meshid)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Setup parameters for this particular routine
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !the dimension of the FFT (1D/2D/3D)
+      ppmplan%rank=1
+      !the number of points along each direction of the piece to be transformed
+      ALLOCATE(ppmplan%nx(ppmplan%rank,nsubs))
+      !the direction of the transform
+      ppmplan%sign=FFTW_FORWARD
+      !the method to setup the optimal plan
+      ppmplan%flag=FFTW_MEASURE
+      !the number of components to transform - 3 component vector
+      ppmplan%howmany=3
+      !the size of the input array - full size (assuming LBOUND=1 thus UBOUND)
+      ALLOCATE(ppmplan%inembed(ppmplan%rank))
+      ppmplan%inembed(1) = UBOUND(infield,4)
+      !the size of the output array - full size (assuming LBOUND=1 thus UBOUND)
+      ALLOCATE(ppmplan%onembed(ppmplan%rank))
+      ppmplan%onembed(1) = UBOUND(outfield,4)
+      !istride tells how the same componenet data points are spaced in memory
+      !e.g. for 2/3 component vector istride = 2/3 or for scalar istride = 1
+      ppmplan%istride = UBOUND(infield,2) *UBOUND(infield,3)*3
+      ppmplan%ostride = UBOUND(outfield,2)*UBOUND(outfield,3)*3
+      !idist tells how multiple arrays are spaced in memory. I.e. a memory 
+      !offset. e.g. vector components (idist=1) or scalar 2D arrays in 
+      !3D array(idist=NxNy)
+      ppmplan%idist = 1
+      ppmplan%odist = 1
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Allocate plan array
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      IF(ASSOCIATED(ppmplan%plan)) THEN
+         DEALLOCATE(ppmplan%plan,stat=info)
+         IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+            CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_fft_plan','Failed to deallocate plan-array.',isub)
+            GOTO 9999
+         ENDIF
+      END IF
+      ALLOCATE(ppmplan%plan(nsubs))
+      DO isub=1,nsubs
+         isubl=isublist(isub)
+         !@ maybe the -1 needs to be removed when doing cell data
+         !we subtract the -1 to avoid the periodic vertex point
+         ppmplan%nx(1,isub) = mesh%nnodes(3,isubl)-1
+         CALL dfftw_plan_many_dft(ppmplan%plan(isub),ppmplan%rank,&
+         & ppmplan%nx(:,isub),ppmplan%howmany,infield(1,1,1,1,isub),&
+         & ppmplan%inembed(1),ppmplan%istride,ppmplan%idist,&
+         & outfield(1,1,1,1,isub),ppmplan%onembed(1),ppmplan%ostride,&
+         & ppmplan%odist,ppmplan%sign,ppmplan%flag)
+      END DO
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Return
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL substop('ppm_fft_plan',t0,info)
+      RETURN
diff --git a/src/fft/ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_fr2c_xy.f90 b/src/fft/ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_fr2c_xy.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79f4a81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fft/ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_fr2c_xy.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Subroutine   : ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_fr2c_xy
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Copyright (c) 2010 CSE Lab (ETH Zurich), MOSAIC Group (ETH Zurich),
+      !                    Center for Fluid Dynamics (DTU)
+      !
+      ! FFTW plan wrapper for 3d arrays, 2d real to complex
+      ! (forward) FFT in the xy directions
+      ! The routine does not work with fields that include ghost layers
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if __KIND == __SINGLE
+#define __ROUTINE ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_fr2c_xy_s
+#define __PREC ppm_kind_single
+#elif __KIND == __DOUBLE
+#define __ROUTINE ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_fr2c_xy_d
+#define __PREC ppm_kind_double
+      SUBROUTINE __ROUTINE(topoid,meshid,ppmplan,infield,outfield,info)
+      !!! FFTW plan wrapper for 3d arrays, 2d real to complex
+      !!! (forward) FFT in the xy directions
+      !!! The routine does not work with fields that include ghost layers
+      USE ppm_module_substart
+      USE ppm_module_substop
+      USE ppm_module_typedef
+      USE ppm_module_topo_get
+      USE ppm_module_write
+      USE ppm_module_data,ONLY:ppm_rank,ppm_kind_single,ppm_kind_double
+      INCLUDE 'fftw3.f'
+      ! if debug check if dimensions are 2a 3b 5c 7d 11e 13f
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Arguments
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !!!topology identifier of target
+      INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                                             :: topoid
+      !!!id of the mesh
+      INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                                             :: meshid
+      !!!ppm fft plan type
+      TYPE(ppm_fft_plan),INTENT(INOUT)                               :: ppmplan
+      !!!input field to fourier transform
+      !REAL(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER,INTENT(INOUT)        :: infield
+      REAL(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER                      :: infield
+      !!!output field for the result of the fourier transform
+      !COMPLEX(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER,INTENT(INOUT)     :: outfield
+      COMPLEX(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER                   :: outfield
+      !!!Returns status, 0 upon success
+      INTEGER,INTENT(OUT)                                            :: info
+      !in time perhaps an argument for alternate directions
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Local variables
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      REAL(__PREC)                  :: t0
+      INTEGER                       :: isub,isubl
+      INTEGER                       :: nsubs
+      INTEGER,DIMENSION(:),POINTER  :: isublist
+      TYPE(ppm_t_topo),POINTER      :: topology
+      TYPE(ppm_t_equi_mesh)         :: mesh
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Initialise routine
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL substart('ppm_fft_plan',t0,info)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Get topology and mesh values
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL ppm_topo_get(topoid,topology,info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+         CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_fft_plan','Failed to get topology.',isub)
+         GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      nsubs = topology%nsublist
+      ALLOCATE(isublist(nsubs))
+      DO isub=1,nsubs
+        isublist(isub) = topology%isublist(isub)
+      ENDDO
+      mesh  = topology%mesh(meshid)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Setup parameters for this particular routine
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !the dimension of the FFT (1D/2D/3D)
+      ppmplan%rank=2
+      !the number of points along each direction of the piece to be transformed
+      ALLOCATE(ppmplan%nx(ppmplan%rank,nsubs))
+      !the direction of the transform
+      ppmplan%sign=FFTW_FORWARD
+      !the method to setup the optimal plan
+      ppmplan%flag=FFTW_MEASURE
+      !the number of components to transform - 3 component vector
+      ppmplan%howmany=3
+      !the size of the input array - full size (assuming LBOUND=1 thus UBOUND)
+      ALLOCATE(ppmplan%inembed(ppmplan%rank))
+      ppmplan%inembed(1) = UBOUND(infield,2)
+      ppmplan%inembed(2) = UBOUND(infield,3)
+      !the size of the output array - full size (assuming LBOUND=1 thus UBOUND)
+      ALLOCATE(ppmplan%onembed(ppmplan%rank))
+      ppmplan%onembed(1) = UBOUND(outfield,2)
+      ppmplan%onembed(2) = UBOUND(outfield,3)
+      !istride tells how the same componenet data points are spaced in memory
+      !e.g. for 2/3 component vector istride = 2/3 or for scalar istride = 1
+      ppmplan%istride = 3
+      ppmplan%ostride = 3
+      !idist tells how multiple arrays are spaced in memory. I.e. a memory 
+      !offset. e.g. vector components (idist=1) or scalar 2D arrays in 
+      !3D array(idist=NxNy)
+      ppmplan%idist = 1
+      ppmplan%odist = 1
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Allocate plan array
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      IF(ASSOCIATED(ppmplan%plan)) THEN
+         DEALLOCATE(ppmplan%plan,stat=info)
+         IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+            CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_fft_plan','Failed to deallocate plan-array.',isub)
+            GOTO 9999
+         ENDIF
+      END IF
+      ALLOCATE(ppmplan%plan(nsubs))
+      DO isub=1,nsubs
+         isubl=isublist(isub)
+         !@ maybe the -1 needs to be removed when doing cell data
+         !we subtract the -1 to avoid the periodic vertex point
+         ppmplan%nx(1,isub) = mesh%nnodes(1,isubl)-1
+         ppmplan%nx(2,isub) = mesh%nnodes(2,isubl)-1
+         CALL dfftw_plan_many_dft_r2c(ppmplan%plan(isub),ppmplan%rank,&
+         & ppmplan%nx(:,isub),ppmplan%howmany,infield(1,1,1,1,isub),&
+         & ppmplan%inembed(1),ppmplan%istride,ppmplan%idist,&
+         & outfield(1,1,1,1,isub),ppmplan%onembed(1),ppmplan%ostride,&
+         & ppmplan%odist,ppmplan%flag)
+      END DO
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Return
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL substop('ppm_fft_plan',t0,info)
+      RETURN
diff --git a/src/poisson/ppm_poisson_fd.f90 b/src/poisson/ppm_poisson_fd.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16a5cfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/poisson/ppm_poisson_fd.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! ppm_poisson_fd.f90
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      #define __ROUTINE ppm_poisson_fd
+      #define __DIM  3
+      #define __NCOM  3
+      #define __ZEROSI (/0,0,0/)
+      SUBROUTINE __ROUTINE(topoid,meshid,fieldin,fieldout,dtype,info)
+      USE ppm_module_topo_get
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Arguments
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                         :: topoid
+      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                         :: meshid
+      REAL(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER                   :: fieldin
+      REAL(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER                   :: fieldout
+      !INTEGER,DIMENSION(__DIM),INTENT(IN)                         :: gstw
+      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                         :: dtype
+      INTEGER, INTENT(OUT)                                        :: info
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Local variables
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      INTEGER,PARAMETER                 :: MK = __PREC
+      REAL(__PREC)                      :: t0
+      TYPE(ppm_t_topo),POINTER          :: topology
+      TYPE(ppm_t_equi_mesh)             :: mesh
+      REAL(__PREC)                      :: dx,dy,dz
+      REAL(__PREC)                      :: facx,facy,facz
+      INTEGER                           :: isub,isubl
+      INTEGER                           :: i,j,k
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Initialise routine
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL substart('ppm_poisson_fd',t0,info)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Get topology and mesh values
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL ppm_topo_get(topoid,topology,info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+        CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_poisson_init_predef','Failed to get topology.',isub)
+        GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      mesh  = topology%mesh(meshid)
+      dx = (topology%max_physd(1)-topology%min_physd(1))/REAL(mesh%nm(1)-1)
+      dy = (topology%max_physd(2)-topology%min_physd(2))/REAL(mesh%nm(2)-1)
+      dz = (topology%max_physd(3)-topology%min_physd(3))/REAL(mesh%nm(3)-1)
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Do the finite difference calculation
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Curl, 2nd order FD
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      IF (dtype .EQ. ppm_poisson_drv_curl_fd2) THEN
+        facx = 1.0_MK/(2.0_MK*dx)
+        facy = 1.0_MK/(2.0_MK*dy)
+        facz = 1.0_MK/(2.0_MK*dz)
+        DO isub=1,topology%nsublist
+          isubl=topology%isublist(isub)
+          DO k=1,mesh%nnodes(3,isubl)
+            DO j=1,mesh%nnodes(2,isubl)
+              DO i=1,mesh%nnodes(1,isubl)
+                fieldout(1,i,j,k,isub) = &
+                &  facz*(fieldin(2,i  ,j  ,k+1,isub)- &
+                       & fieldin(2,i  ,j  ,k-1,isub)) &
+                & -facy*(fieldin(3,i  ,j+1,k  ,isub)- &
+                       & fieldin(3,i  ,j-1,k  ,isub))
+                fieldout(2,i,j,k,isub) = &
+                &  facx*(fieldin(3,i+1,j  ,k  ,isub)- &
+                       & fieldin(3,i-1,j  ,k  ,isub)) &
+                & -facz*(fieldin(1,i  ,j  ,k+1,isub)- &
+                       & fieldin(1,i  ,j  ,k-1,isub))
+                fieldout(3,i,j,k,isub) = &
+                &  facy*(fieldin(1,i  ,j+1,k  ,isub)- &
+                       & fieldin(1,i  ,j-1,k  ,isub)) &
+                & -facx*(fieldin(2,i+1,j  ,k  ,isub)- &
+                       & fieldin(2,i-1,j  ,k  ,isub))
+              ENDDO
+            ENDDO
+          ENDDO
+        ENDDO
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Curl, 4th order FD - untested
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ELSE IF (dtype .EQ. ppm_poisson_drv_curl_fd4) THEN
+        facx = 1.0_MK/(12.0_MK*dx)
+        facy = 1.0_MK/(12.0_MK*dy)
+        facz = 1.0_MK/(12.0_MK*dz)
+        DO isub=1,topology%nsublist
+          isubl=topology%isublist(isub)
+          DO k=1,mesh%nnodes(3,isubl)
+            DO j=1,mesh%nnodes(2,isubl)
+              DO i=1,mesh%nnodes(1,isubl)
+                fieldout(1,i,j,k,isub) = &
+                &  facz*(         -fieldin(2,i  ,j  ,k+2,isub)  &
+                       &   +8.0_MK*fieldin(2,i  ,j  ,k+1,isub)  &
+                       &   -8.0_MK*fieldin(2,i  ,j  ,k-1,isub)  &
+                       &          +fieldin(2,i  ,j  ,k-2,isub)) &
+                & -facy*(         -fieldin(3,i  ,j+2,k  ,isub)  &
+                       &   +8.0_MK*fieldin(3,i  ,j+1,k  ,isub)  &
+                       &   -8.0_MK*fieldin(3,i  ,j-1,k  ,isub)  &
+                       &          +fieldin(3,i  ,j-2,k  ,isub))
+                fieldout(2,i,j,k,isub) = &
+                &  facx*(         -fieldin(3,i+2,j  ,k  ,isub)  &
+                       &   +8.0_MK*fieldin(3,i+1,j  ,k  ,isub)  &
+                       &   -8.0_MK*fieldin(3,i-1,j  ,k  ,isub)  &
+                       &          +fieldin(3,i-2,j  ,k  ,isub)) &
+                & -facz*(         -fieldin(1,i  ,j  ,k+2,isub)  &
+                       &   +8.0_MK*fieldin(1,i  ,j  ,k+1,isub)  &
+                       &   -8.0_MK*fieldin(1,i  ,j  ,k-1,isub)  &
+                       &          +fieldin(1,i  ,j  ,k-2,isub))
+                fieldout(3,i,j,k,isub) = &
+                &  facy*(         -fieldin(1,i  ,j+2,k  ,isub)  &
+                       &   +8.0_MK*fieldin(1,i  ,j+1,k  ,isub)  &
+                       &   -8.0_MK*fieldin(1,i  ,j-1,k  ,isub)  &
+                       &          +fieldin(1,i  ,j-2,k  ,isub)) &
+                & -facx*(         -fieldin(2,i+2,j  ,k  ,isub)  &
+                       &   +8.0_MK*fieldin(2,i+1,j  ,k  ,isub)  &
+                       &   -8.0_MK*fieldin(2,i-1,j  ,k  ,isub)  &
+                       &          +fieldin(2,i-2,j  ,k  ,isub))
+              ENDDO
+            ENDDO
+          ENDDO
+        ENDDO
+      ENDIF
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Return
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL substop('ppm_poisson_fd',t0,info)
+      RETURN
diff --git a/src/poisson/ppm_poisson_init_predef.f90 b/src/poisson/ppm_poisson_init_predef.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e3f695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/poisson/ppm_poisson_init_predef.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! ppm_poisson_init_predef.f90
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Routine to initialise the convolution using build in Greens function
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define __PREC ppm_kind_double
+!!#define __CMPLXDEF DCMPLX
+#define __DIM  3
+#define __ZEROSI (/0,0,0/)
+#define __ROUTINE ppm_poisson_init_predef
+      SUBROUTINE __ROUTINE(topoid,meshid,ppmpoisson,fieldin,fieldout,green,info&
+                                &,bc,derive)
+      USE ppm_module_mktopo
+      USE ppm_module_topo_get
+      USE ppm_module_mesh_define
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Arguments
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                         :: topoid
+      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                         :: meshid
+      TYPE(ppm_poisson_plan),INTENT(INOUT)                        :: ppmpoisson
+      !@ strictly speaking fieldin is not being used in the init routine
+      REAL(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER                   :: fieldin
+      REAL(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER                   :: fieldout
+      !REAL(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER                   :: green
+      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                         :: green
+      !!!flag to select build-in Greens functions:
+      !!!ppm_poisson_grn_pois_per - Poisson equation, periodic boundaries
+      !!!ppm_poisson_grn_pois_fre - Poisson equation, freespace boundaries (not implemented)
+      !!!ppm_poisson_grn_reprojec - Do vorticity reprojection to kill divergence
+      INTEGER, INTENT(OUT)                                        :: info
+      INTEGER,INTENT(IN),OPTIONAL                                 :: bc
+      !!!boundary condition for the convolution. Can be on of the following:
+      !!!ppm_poisson_grn_pois_per, ppm_poisson_grn_pois_fre.
+      !!!One could argue that this is redundant in the build-in case
+      !!!@ Isnt this redundant because of green?
+      INTEGER,INTENT(IN),OPTIONAL                                 :: derive
+      !!!flag to toggle various derivatives of the solution (not to be used with
+      !!!green=ppm_poisson_grn_reprojec):
+      !!!ppm_poisson_drv_none
+      !!!ppm_poisson_drv_curl_fd (not implemented)
+      !!!ppm_poisson_drv_grad_fd (not implemented)
+      !!!ppm_poisson_drv_lapl_fd (not implemented)
+      !!!ppm_poisson_drv_curl_sp (not implemented)
+      !!!ppm_poisson_drv_grad_sp (not implemented)
+      !!!ppm_poisson_drv_lapl_sp (not implemented)
+      !!!The spectral derivatives can only be computed in this routine. Since 
+      !!!the flag exists finite difference derivatives have also been included.
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Local variables
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      REAL(__PREC)                            :: t0
+      REAL(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER     :: xp      !particle positions
+      TYPE(ppm_t_topo),POINTER                :: topology,topologyxy,topologyxyc,topologyz
+      TYPE(ppm_t_equi_mesh)                   :: mesh!!,meshtmp1,meshtmp2 !@
+      INTEGER ,DIMENSION(__DIM)               :: indl,indu
+      INTEGER,PARAMETER                       :: MK = __PREC
+      REAL(__PREC),PARAMETER                  :: PI=ACOS(-1.0_MK) !@ use ppm pi
+      !factor for the Green's function, including FFT normalization
+      REAL(__PREC)                            :: normfac
+      INTEGER                                 :: i,j,k
+      INTEGER                                 :: kx,ky,kz
+      INTEGER                                 :: isubl,isub
+      INTEGER,DIMENSION(__DIM*2)              :: bcdef
+      INTEGER                                 :: assigning
+      INTEGER                                 :: decomposition
+      INTEGER,SAVE                            :: ttopoid
+      INTEGER                                 :: tmeshid
+      REAL(__PREC),DIMENSION(__DIM)           :: tmpmin,tmpmax
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Initialise routine
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL substart('ppm_poisson_init_predef',t0,info)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Investigate optional arguments, setup routine accordingly
+      ! !@ Also check if the input/output and derivatives match
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      IF (green .EQ. ppm_poisson_grn_pois_per) THEN
+        ppmpoisson%case  = ppm_poisson_grn_pois_per
+      ELSE IF (green .EQ. ppm_poisson_grn_pois_fre) THEN
+        ppmpoisson%case  = ppm_poisson_grn_pois_fre
+      ELSE IF (green .EQ. ppm_poisson_grn_reprojec) THEN
+        ppmpoisson%case  = ppm_poisson_grn_reprojec
+      ENDIF
+      IF (PRESENT(derive)) THEN
+        !Create temporary arrays if necessary
+        IF (derive .EQ. ppm_poisson_drv_curl_fd2 .AND.&
+          & ppmpoisson%case  .EQ. ppm_poisson_grn_pois_per) THEN
+          ppmpoisson%derivatives = derive
+          ALLOCATE(ppmpoisson%drv_vr(LBOUND(fieldout,1):UBOUND(fieldout,1),&
+                                   & LBOUND(fieldout,2):UBOUND(fieldout,2),&
+                                   & LBOUND(fieldout,3):UBOUND(fieldout,3),&
+                                   & LBOUND(fieldout,4):UBOUND(fieldout,4),&
+                                   & LBOUND(fieldout,5):UBOUND(fieldout,5)))
+        ELSE IF (derive .EQ. ppm_poisson_drv_none) THEN
+          ppmpoisson%derivatives = ppm_poisson_drv_none
+        ELSE
+          CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_poisson_init_predef','Undefined derivation input.',isub)
+          GOTO 9999
+        ENDIF
+      ELSE
+        ppmpoisson%derivatives = ppm_poisson_drv_none
+      ENDIF
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Get topology and mesh values
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL ppm_topo_get(topoid,topology,info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+        CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_poisson_init_predef','Failed to get topology.',isub)
+        GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      !nsubs = topology%nsublist
+      mesh  = topology%mesh(meshid)
+      !Copy size of global mesh
+      ppmpoisson%nmxy (1) =  mesh%nm(1)
+      ppmpoisson%nmxy (2) =  mesh%nm(2)
+      ppmpoisson%nmxy (3) =  mesh%nm(3)
+      !ppmpoisson%nmxyc(1) = (mesh%nm(1)-1)/2+1
+      ppmpoisson%nmxyc(1) = (mesh%nm(1)) !tmp until meshid>1 works
+      ppmpoisson%nmxyc(2) =  mesh%nm(2)
+      ppmpoisson%nmxyc(3) =  mesh%nm(3)
+      !ppmpoisson%nmz  (1) = (mesh%nm(1)-1)/2+1!/2+1 !trying to reduce the number of points in matrix+1
+      ppmpoisson%nmz  (1) = (mesh%nm(1)) !tmp until meshid>1 works
+      ppmpoisson%nmz  (2) =  mesh%nm(2)
+      ppmpoisson%nmz  (3) =  mesh%nm(3)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Create new slab topology !@sofar periodic
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ttopoid = 0
+      tmeshid = -1
+      decomposition       = ppm_param_decomp_xy_slab
+      assigning           = ppm_param_assign_internal
+      bcdef               = ppm_param_bcdef_periodic
+      tmpmin              = topology%min_physd
+      tmpmax              = topology%max_physd
+      !!tmpmin2             = topology%min_physd
+      !!tmpmax2             = topology%max_physd
+      CALL ppm_mktopo(ttopoid,tmeshid,xp,0,&
+      & decomposition,assigning,&
+      !& topology%min_physd,topology%max_physd,bcdef,&
+      & tmpmin,tmpmax,bcdef,&
+      & __ZEROSI,ppmpoisson%costxy,ppmpoisson%istartxy,ppmpoisson%ndataxy,&
+      & ppmpoisson%nmxy,info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+        CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_poisson_init_predef','Failed to create xy-topology.',isub)
+        GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      ppmpoisson%topoidxy = ttopoid
+      ppmpoisson%meshidxy = tmeshid
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Create complex slab mesh
+      ! !@ not used until meshid>1 works
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ttopoid = ppmpoisson%topoidxy
+      tmeshid = -1
+      CALL ppm_mesh_define(ttopoid,tmeshid,&
+      & ppmpoisson%nmxy,ppmpoisson%istartxyc,ppmpoisson%ndataxyc,info) !@nmxyC
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+        CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_poisson_init_predef','Failed to create complex xy mesh definition.',isub)
+        GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      ppmpoisson%meshidxyc = tmeshid
+      !write(*,*) ppmpoisson%meshidxy,tmeshid,ttopoid,ppmpoisson%meshidxyc
+      !!write(*,*) ppmpoisson%istartxyc,ppmpoisson%ndataxyc
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Create new pencil topology !@sofar periodic
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ttopoid = 0
+      tmeshid = -1
+      bcdef           = ppm_param_bcdef_periodic
+      assigning       = ppm_param_assign_internal
+      decomposition   = ppm_param_decomp_zpencil
+      !tmpmin              = topology%min_physd
+      !tmpmax              = topology%max_physd
+      CALL ppm_mktopo(ttopoid,tmeshid,xp,0,&
+      & decomposition,assigning,&
+      !& topology%min_physd,topology%max_physd,bcdef,&
+      & tmpmin,tmpmax,bcdef,&
+      & __ZEROSI,ppmpoisson%costz,ppmpoisson%istartz,ppmpoisson%ndataz,&
+      & ppmpoisson%nmz,info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+        CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_poisson_init_predef','Failed to create z-topology.',isub)
+        GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      ppmpoisson%topoidz = ttopoid
+      ppmpoisson%meshidz = tmeshid
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Get the new topologies (slabs and pencils)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL ppm_topo_get(ppmpoisson%topoidxy,topologyxy,info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+        CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_poisson_init_predef','Failed to get xy topology.',isub)
+        GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      !!CALL ppm_topo_get(ppmpoisson%topoidxyc,topologyxyc,info)
+      !!IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+        !!CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_poisson_init_predef','Failed to get complex xy topology.',isub)
+        !!GOTO 9999
+      !!ENDIF
+      CALL ppm_topo_get(ppmpoisson%topoidz,topologyz,info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+        CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_poisson_init_predef','Failed to get z topology.',isub)
+        GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Copy data to ppm_poisson type
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ppmpoisson%nsublistxy  = topologyxy %nsublist
+      !!ppmpoisson%nsublistxyc = topologyxyc%nsublist
+      ppmpoisson%nsublistz   = topologyz  %nsublist
+      ALLOCATE(ppmpoisson%isublistxy (ppmpoisson%nsublistxy))
+      !!ALLOCATE(ppmpoisson%isublistxyc(ppmpoisson%nsublistxyc))
+      ALLOCATE(ppmpoisson%isublistz  (ppmpoisson%nsublistz))
+      DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistxy
+        ppmpoisson%isublistxy(isub)  = topologyxy%isublist(isub)
+      ENDDO
+      !!DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistxyc
+        !!ppmpoisson%isublistxyc(isub) = topologyxyc%isublist(isub)
+      !!ENDDO
+      DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistz
+        ppmpoisson%isublistz(isub)   = topologyz%isublist(isub)
+      ENDDO
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Set and get minimum and maximum indicies of xy slabs
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      indl(1) = 1
+      indl(2) = 1
+      indl(3) = 1
+      indu(1) = 0
+      indu(2) = 0
+      indu(3) = 0
+      DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistxy
+        isubl = ppmpoisson%isublistxy(isub)
+        indu(1) = MAX(indu(1),ppmpoisson%ndataxy(1,isubl))
+        indu(2) = MAX(indu(2),ppmpoisson%ndataxy(2,isubl))
+        indu(3) = MAX(indu(3),ppmpoisson%ndataxy(3,isubl))
+      ENDDO
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Allocate real xy slabs
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ALLOCATE(ppmpoisson%fldxyr(__DIM,&
+      & indl(1):indu(1),indl(2):indu(2),indl(3):indu(3),&
+      & 1:ppmpoisson%nsublistxy),stat=info)
+      !!ALLOCATE(ppmpoisson%fldxyc(__DIM,&
+      !!& indl(1):indu(1),indl(2):indu(2),indl(3):indu(3),&
+      !!& 1:ppmpoisson%nsublistxy),stat=info)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Set and get minimum and maximum indicies of COMPLEX xy slabs
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      indl(1) = 1
+      indl(2) = 1
+      indl(3) = 1
+      indu(1) = 0
+      indu(2) = 0
+      indu(3) = 0
+      DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistxy
+        isubl = ppmpoisson%isublistxy(isub)
+        indu(1) = MAX(indu(1),ppmpoisson%ndataxyc(1,isubl))
+        indu(2) = MAX(indu(2),ppmpoisson%ndataxyc(2,isubl))
+        indu(3) = MAX(indu(3),ppmpoisson%ndataxyc(3,isubl))
+      ENDDO
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Allocate real and complex xy slabs
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !!ALLOCATE(ppmpoisson%fldxyr(__DIM,&
+      !!& indl(1):indu(1),indl(2):indu(2),indl(3):indu(3),&
+      !!& 1:ppmpoisson%nsublistxy),stat=info)
+      ALLOCATE(ppmpoisson%fldxyc(__DIM,&
+      & indl(1):indu(1),indl(2):indu(2),indl(3):indu(3),&
+      & 1:ppmpoisson%nsublistxy),stat=info)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Set and get minimum and maximum indicies of z pencils
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      indl(1) = 1
+      indl(2) = 1
+      indl(3) = 1
+      indu(1) = 0
+      indu(2) = 0
+      indu(3) = 0
+      DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistz
+        isubl = ppmpoisson%isublistz(isub)
+        indu(1) = MAX(indu(1),ppmpoisson%ndataz(1,isubl))
+        indu(2) = MAX(indu(2),ppmpoisson%ndataz(2,isubl))
+        indu(3) = MAX(indu(3),ppmpoisson%ndataz(3,isubl))
+      ENDDO
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Allocate two complex z pencils + Greens fcn array !@check return vars.
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ALLOCATE(ppmpoisson%fldzc1(__DIM,&
+      & indl(1):indu(1),indl(2):indu(2),indl(3):indu(3),&
+      & 1:ppmpoisson%nsublistz),stat=info)
+      ALLOCATE(ppmpoisson%fldzc2(__DIM,&
+      & indl(1):indu(1),indl(2):indu(2),indl(3):indu(3),&
+      & 1:ppmpoisson%nsublistz),stat=info)
+      IF (green .EQ. ppm_poisson_grn_pois_per) THEN
+        ALLOCATE(ppmpoisson%fldgrnr(&
+        & indl(1):indu(1),indl(2):indu(2),indl(3):indu(3),&
+        & 1:ppmpoisson%nsublistz),stat=info)
+      ELSE IF (green .EQ. ppm_poisson_grn_pois_fre) THEN
+        !@ freespace solutions are not even remotely implemented
+        ALLOCATE(ppmpoisson%fldgrnc(3,&
+        & indl(1):indu(1),indl(2):indu(2),indl(3):indu(3),&
+        & 1:ppmpoisson%nsublistz),stat=info)
+      ENDIF
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Set up xy FFT plans
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL ppm_fft_forward_2d(ppmpoisson%topoidxy,ppmpoisson%meshidxy,&
+      & ppmpoisson%planfxy,ppmpoisson%fldxyr,&
+      & ppmpoisson%fldxyc,info)
+      CALL ppm_fft_backward_2d(ppmpoisson%topoidxy,ppmpoisson%meshidxy,&
+      & ppmpoisson%planbxy,ppmpoisson%fldxyc,&
+      & ppmpoisson%fldxyr,info)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Set up z FFT plans
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL ppm_fft_forward_1d(ppmpoisson%topoidz,ppmpoisson%meshidz,&
+      & ppmpoisson%planfz,ppmpoisson%fldzc1,&
+      & ppmpoisson%fldzc2,info)
+      CALL ppm_fft_backward_1d(ppmpoisson%topoidz,ppmpoisson%meshidz,&
+      & ppmpoisson%planbz,ppmpoisson%fldzc2,&
+      & ppmpoisson%fldzc1,info)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Compute Greens function. Analytic, periodic
+      !
+      ! (d2_/dx2 + d2_/dy2 + d2_/dz2)psi = -omega     =>
+      ! -4*pi2(kx2 + ky2 + kz2)PSI       = -OMEGA     =>
+      ! PSI                              = 1/(4*pi2)*1/(kx2 + ky2 + kz2)OMEGA
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Scaling the spectral koefficients... and normalisation of FFTs
+      normfac = -1.0_MK/(4.0_MK*PI*PI * &
+              & REAL((mesh%nm(1)-1)*(mesh%nm(2)-1)*(mesh%nm(3)-1),MK))
+      IF (green .EQ. ppm_poisson_grn_pois_per) THEN
+        DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistz
+          isubl=ppmpoisson%isublistz(isub)
+          DO k=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(3,isubl)
+            DO j=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(2,isubl)
+              DO i=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(1,isubl)
+                kx = i-1 + (ppmpoisson%istartz(1,isubl)-1)
+                ky = j-1 + (ppmpoisson%istartz(2,isubl)-1)
+                kz = k-1 + (ppmpoisson%istartz(3,isubl)-1)
+                !The integer division depends on mesh%nm to include N+1 points:
+                !This is a nasty way to do this but it is only done once so...:
+                IF (kx .GT. (mesh%nm(1)-1)/2) kx = kx-(mesh%nm(1)-1)
+                IF (ky .GT. (mesh%nm(2)-1)/2) ky = ky-(mesh%nm(2)-1)
+                IF (kz .GT. (mesh%nm(3)-1)/2) kz = kz-(mesh%nm(3)-1)
+                ppmpoisson%fldgrnr(i,j,k,isub) = &
+                      & normfac/(REAL(kx*kx+ky*ky+kz*kz,__PREC))
+                !Take care of singularity
+                !This is nasty as well
+                IF ((kx*kx+ky*ky+kz*kz) .EQ. 0) THEN
+                  ppmpoisson%fldgrnr(i,j,k,isub) = 0.0_MK
+                ENDIF
+              ENDDO
+            ENDDO
+          ENDDO
+        ENDDO
+      END IF
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Or alternatively FFT real Green from input
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Deallocate fields? !@
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Return
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL substop('ppm_poisson_init_predef',t0,info)
+      RETURN
diff --git a/src/poisson/ppm_poisson_solve.f90 b/src/poisson/ppm_poisson_solve.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6741625
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/poisson/ppm_poisson_solve.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! ppm_poisson_solve.f90
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !@mapping calls can be cleaned up
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      #define __ROUTINE ppm_poisson_solve
+      #define __DIM  3
+      #define __NCOM  3
+      #define __ZEROSI (/0,0,0/)
+      !#define __NOPE
+      SUBROUTINE __ROUTINE(topoid,meshid,ppmpoisson,fieldin,fieldout,gstw,info,&
+                         & tmpcase)
+      USE ppm_module_map_field
+      USE ppm_module_map_field_global
+      USE ppm_module_map
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Arguments
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                         :: topoid
+      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                         :: meshid
+      TYPE(ppm_poisson_plan),INTENT(INOUT)                        :: ppmpoisson
+      !REAL(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER,INTENT(INOUT)     :: fieldin
+      REAL(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER                   :: fieldin
+      !REAL(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER,INTENT(INOUT)     :: fieldout
+      REAL(__PREC),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER                   :: fieldout
+      INTEGER,DIMENSION(__DIM),INTENT(IN)                         :: gstw
+      INTEGER, INTENT(OUT)                                        :: info
+      INTEGER,OPTIONAL,INTENT(IN)                                 :: tmpcase
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Local variables
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      INTEGER,PARAMETER                 :: MK = __PREC
+      REAL(__PREC)                      :: t0
+      INTEGER                           :: isub,isubl
+      INTEGER                           :: i,j,k
+      INTEGER                           :: info2
+      INTEGER                           :: presentcase
+      REAL(__PREC)                      :: wdotk
+      INTEGER                           :: gi,gj,gk
+      REAL(__PREC)                      :: kx,ky,kz
+      REAL(__PREC)                      :: normfac
+#ifndef __NOPE
+INTEGER                           :: trank !@
+trank =0
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Initialise routine
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL substart('ppm_poisson_solve',t0,info)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Check if we run a different/temporary case
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      IF (PRESENT(tmpcase)) THEN
+        presentcase = tmpcase
+      ELSE
+        presentcase = ppmpoisson%case
+      ENDIF
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Perhaps allocate (and deallocate) arrays !@
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Map data globally to the slabs (XY)
+      !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !Initialise
+      CALL ppm_map_field_global(&
+      & topoid, &
+      & ppmpoisson%topoidxy, &
+      & meshid, &
+      & ppmpoisson%meshidxy,info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+        CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_poisson_solve','Failed to initialise field mapping.',info2)
+        GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      !Push the data
+      CALL ppm_map_field_push(&
+      & topoid, &
+      & meshid,fieldin,__NCOM,info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+        CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank, 'ppm_poisson_solve','Failed to push vector field.',info2)
+        GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      !Send
+      CALL ppm_map_field_send(info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+        CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank, 'ppm_poisson_solve','Failed to send field.',info2)
+        GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      !Retrieve
+      CALL ppm_map_field_pop(&
+      & ppmpoisson%topoidxy, &
+      & ppmpoisson%meshidxy,ppmpoisson%fldxyr, &
+      & __NCOM,__ZEROSI,info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+        CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank, 'ppm_poisson_solve','Failed to pop vector field.',info2)
+        GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      !!ppmpoisson%fldxyc= 0.0_MK
+      !!ppmpoisson%fldzc1= 0.0_MK
+      !!ppmpoisson%fldzc2= 0.0_MK
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Do slab FFT (XY) - use the non-reduced topology
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL ppm_fft_execute_2d(ppmpoisson%topoidxy,&
+      & ppmpoisson%meshidxy, ppmpoisson%planfxy, &
+      & ppmpoisson%fldxyr, ppmpoisson%fldxyc, &
+      & info)
+      !DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistxy
+        !isubl=ppmpoisson%isublistxy(isub)
+        !!Copy x/y boundaries
+        !DO k=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(3,isubl)-1
+          !DO i=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(1,isubl)
+            !ppmpoisson%fldxyc(1,i,1,k,isub) = ppmpoisson%fldxyc(1,i,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(2,isubl),k,isub)
+          !END DO
+          !DO j=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(2,isubl)
+            !ppmpoisson%fldxyc(1,1,j,k,isub) = ppmpoisson%fldxyc(1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(1,isubl),j,k,isub)
+          !END DO
+        !END DO
+      !END DO
+      !!ppmpoisson%fldxyr = 0.0_MK
+      !!fieldin           = 0.0_MK
+      #ifdef __NOPE
+      if (ppm_rank .EQ. trank)   THEN
+      write(*,*) 'Rfftx12', ppm_rank
+      DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistxy
+        isubl=ppmpoisson%isublistxy(isub)
+        DO k=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(3,isubl)-1
+          write(*,*) 'z',k
+            DO i=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(1,isubl)-1
+          DO j=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(2,isubl)-1
+              write(*,'(A,E12.4,A,$)') '  (',ppmpoisson%fldxyr(1,i,j,k,isub),')'
+            END DO
+            write(*,*)
+          END DO
+        END DO
+      END DO
+      write(*,*) 'Rffty12', ppm_rank
+      DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistxy
+        isubl=ppmpoisson%isublistxy(isub)
+        DO k=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(3,isubl)-1
+          write(*,*) 'z',k
+            DO i=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(1,isubl)-1
+          DO j=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(2,isubl)-1
+              write(*,'(A,E12.4,A,$)') '  (',ppmpoisson%fldxyr(2,i,j,k,isub),')'
+            END DO
+            write(*,*)
+          END DO
+        END DO
+      END DO
+      write(*,*) 'Rfftz12', ppm_rank
+      DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistxy
+        isubl=ppmpoisson%isublistxy(isub)
+        DO k=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(3,isubl)-1
+          write(*,*) 'z',k
+            DO i=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(1,isubl)-1
+          DO j=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(2,isubl)-1
+              write(*,'(A,E12.4,A,$)') '  (',ppmpoisson%fldxyr(3,i,j,k,isub),')'
+            END DO
+            write(*,*)
+          END DO
+        END DO
+      END DO
+      ENDIF
+      #endif
+      #ifdef __NOPE
+      if (ppm_rank .EQ. trank)   THEN
+      write(*,*) 'fftx12', ppm_rank
+      DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistxy
+        isubl=ppmpoisson%isublistxy(isub)
+        DO k=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(3,isubl)-1
+          write(*,*) 'z',k
+            DO i=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(1,isubl)-1
+          DO j=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(2,isubl)-1
+              write(*,'(A,E12.4,E12.4,A,$)') '  (',ppmpoisson%fldxyc(1,i,j,k,isub),')'
+            END DO
+            write(*,*)
+          END DO
+        END DO
+      END DO
+      write(*,*) 'ffty12', ppm_rank
+      DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistxy
+        isubl=ppmpoisson%isublistxy(isub)
+        DO k=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(3,isubl)-1
+          write(*,*) 'z',k
+            DO i=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(1,isubl)-1
+          DO j=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(2,isubl)-1
+              write(*,'(A,E12.4,E12.4,A,$)') '  (',ppmpoisson%fldxyc(2,i,j,k,isub),')'
+            END DO
+            write(*,*)
+          END DO
+        END DO
+      END DO
+      write(*,*) 'fftz12', ppm_rank
+      DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistxy
+        isubl=ppmpoisson%isublistxy(isub)
+        DO k=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(3,isubl)-1
+          write(*,*) 'z',k
+            DO i=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(1,isubl)-1
+          DO j=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(2,isubl)-1
+              write(*,'(A,E12.4,E12.4,A,$)') '  (',ppmpoisson%fldxyc(3,i,j,k,isub),')'
+            END DO
+            write(*,*)
+          END DO
+        END DO
+      END DO
+      ENDIF
+      #endif
+      !#ifdef __NOPE
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Map to the pencils (Z)
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !Initialise
+      CALL ppm_map_field_global(&
+      & ppmpoisson%topoidxy, &
+      & ppmpoisson%topoidz, &
+      !& ppmpoisson%meshidxyc, & !@to be used when meshid>1 works
+      & ppmpoisson%meshidxy, &
+      & ppmpoisson%meshidz,info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+        CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank, 'ppm_poisson_solve','Failed to initialise field mapping.',info2)
+        GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      !Push the data
+      CALL ppm_map_field_push(&
+      & ppmpoisson%topoidxy, &
+      & ppmpoisson%meshidxyc,ppmpoisson%fldxyc,__NCOM,info)
+      !& ppmpoisson%meshidxyc,ppmpoisson%fldxyc,__NCOM,info)!@to be used when meshid>1 works
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+        CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank, 'ppm_poisson_solve','Failed to push vector field.',info2)
+        GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      !Send
+      CALL ppm_map_field_send(info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+        CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank, 'ppm_poisson_solve','Failed to send field.',info2)
+        GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      !Retrieve
+      CALL ppm_map_field_pop(&
+      & ppmpoisson%topoidz, &
+      & ppmpoisson%meshidz,ppmpoisson%fldzc1, &
+      & __NCOM,__ZEROSI,info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+        CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank, 'ppm_poisson_solve','Failed to pop vector field.',info2)
+        GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Do pencil FFT (Z)
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL ppm_fft_execute_1d(ppmpoisson%topoidz,&
+      & ppmpoisson%meshidz, ppmpoisson%planfz, &
+      & ppmpoisson%fldzc1, ppmpoisson%fldzc2, &
+      & info)
+      #ifdef __NOPE
+      if (ppm_rank .EQ. trank)   THEN
+            write(*,*)
+            write(*,*)
+      !ppmpoisson%fldzc1 = 0.0_MK
+      write(*,*) 'fftx123', ppm_rank
+      DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistz
+        isubl=ppmpoisson%isublistz(isub)
+        DO k=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(3,isubl)-1
+          write(*,*) 'z',k
+            DO i=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(1,isubl)-1
+          DO j=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(2,isubl)-1
+              write(*,'(A,E12.4,E12.4,A,$)') '  (',ppmpoisson%fldzc2(1,i,j,k,isub),')'
+            END DO
+            write(*,*)
+          END DO
+        END DO
+      END DO
+      write(*,*) 'ffty123', ppm_rank
+      DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistz
+        isubl=ppmpoisson%isublistz(isub)
+        DO k=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(3,isubl)-1
+          write(*,*) 'z',k
+            DO i=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(1,isubl)-1
+          DO j=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(2,isubl)-1
+              write(*,'(A,E12.4,E12.4,A,$)') '  (',ppmpoisson%fldzc2(2,i,j,k,isub),')'
+            END DO
+            write(*,*)
+          END DO
+        END DO
+      END DO
+      write(*,*) 'fftz123', ppm_rank
+      DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistz
+        isubl=ppmpoisson%isublistz(isub)
+        DO k=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(3,isubl)-1
+          write(*,*) 'z',k
+            DO i=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(1,isubl)-1
+          DO j=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(2,isubl)-1
+              write(*,'(A,E12.4,E12.4,A,$)') '  (',ppmpoisson%fldzc2(3,i,j,k,isub),')'
+            END DO
+            write(*,*)
+          END DO
+        END DO
+      END DO
+      write(*,*)
+      write(*,*)
+      write(*,*) 'green', ppm_rank
+      DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistz
+        isubl=ppmpoisson%isublistz(isub)
+        DO k=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(3,isubl)-1
+          write(*,*) 'z',k
+            DO i=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(1,isubl)-1
+          DO j=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(2,isubl)-1
+              write(*,'(E12.4,$)') REAL(ppmpoisson%fldgrnr(i,j,k,isub))
+            END DO
+            write(*,*)
+          END DO
+        END DO
+      END DO
+      ENDIF
+      #endif
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Apply the Green's function
+      ! ... depending on the case
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !!kill?: ppmpoisson%fldgrnc = -10000000.0_MK
+      !!kill?: DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistz
+        !!kill?: isubl=ppmpoisson%isublistz(isub)
+        !!kill?: DO k=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(3,isubl)
+          !!kill?: DO j=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(2,isubl)
+            !!kill?: DO i=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(1,isubl)
+              !!kill?: ppmpoisson%fldgrnc(1,i,j,k,isub) = ppmpoisson%fldzc2(1,i,j,k,isub)
+              !!kill?: ppmpoisson%fldgrnc(2,i,j,k,isub) = ppmpoisson%fldzc2(2,i,j,k,isub)
+              !!kill?: ppmpoisson%fldgrnc(3,i,j,k,isub) = ppmpoisson%fldzc2(3,i,j,k,isub)
+              !!kill?: !ppmpoisson%fldzc2(1,i,j,k,isub) = ppmpoisson%fldgrnr(i,j,k,isub)
+              !!kill?: !ppmpoisson%fldzc2(2,i,j,k,isub) = ppmpoisson%fldgrnr(i,j,k,isub)
+              !!kill?: !ppmpoisson%fldzc2(3,i,j,k,isub) = ppmpoisson%fldgrnr(i,j,k,isub)
+              !!kill?: !!ppmpoisson%fldzc2(1,i,j,k,isub) = CMPLX((REAL(i*j*k)),0.0)
+              !!kill?: !!ppmpoisson%fldzc2(2,i,j,k,isub) = CMPLX((REAL(i*j*k)),0.0)
+              !!kill?: !!ppmpoisson%fldzc2(3,i,j,k,isub) = CMPLX((REAL(i*j*k)),0.0)
+              !!kill?: !fieldout(1,i,j,k,isub) = REAL(ppmpoisson%fldgrnr(i,j,k,isub))
+              !!kill?: !fieldout(2,i,j,k,isub) = REAL(ppmpoisson%fldgrnr(i,j,k,isub))
+              !!kill?: !fieldout(3,i,j,k,isub) = REAL(ppmpoisson%fldgrnr(i,j,k,isub))
+            !!kill?: ENDDO
+          !!kill?: ENDDO
+        !!kill?: ENDDO
+      !!kill?: ENDDO
+      IF (presentcase .EQ. ppm_poisson_grn_pois_per) THEN
+        DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistz
+          isubl=ppmpoisson%isublistz(isub)
+          DO k=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(3,isubl)
+            DO j=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(2,isubl)
+              DO i=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(1,isubl)
+                ppmpoisson%fldzc2(1,i,j,k,isub) = ppmpoisson%fldgrnr( i,j,k,isub)*&
+                                                & ppmpoisson%fldzc2(1,i,j,k,isub)
+                ppmpoisson%fldzc2(2,i,j,k,isub) = ppmpoisson%fldgrnr( i,j,k,isub)*&
+                                                & ppmpoisson%fldzc2(2,i,j,k,isub)
+                ppmpoisson%fldzc2(3,i,j,k,isub) = ppmpoisson%fldgrnr( i,j,k,isub)*&
+                                                & ppmpoisson%fldzc2(3,i,j,k,isub)
+              ENDDO
+            ENDDO
+          ENDDO
+        ENDDO
+      ELSE IF (presentcase .EQ. ppm_poisson_grn_reprojec) THEN
+        !remember to normalize the FFT
+        normfac = 1.0_MK/ REAL((ppmpoisson%nmz(1)-1)* &
+                              & (ppmpoisson%nmz(2)-1)* &
+                              & (ppmpoisson%nmz(3)-1),MK)
+        write(*,*) 'reprojection ppm style'
+        DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistz
+          isubl=ppmpoisson%isublistz(isub)
+          DO k=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(3,isubl)
+            gk = k - 1 + (ppmpoisson%istartz(3,isubl)-1)
+            IF (gk .GT. (ppmpoisson%nmz(3)-1)/2) gk = gk-(ppmpoisson%nmz(3)-1)
+            kz = REAL(gk,MK)
+            DO j=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(2,isubl)
+              gj = j - 1 + (ppmpoisson%istartz(2,isubl)-1)
+              IF (gj .GT. (ppmpoisson%nmz(2)-1)/2) gj = gj-(ppmpoisson%nmz(2)-1)
+              ky = REAL(gj,MK)
+              DO i=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(1,isubl)
+                gi = i - 1 + (ppmpoisson%istartz(1,isubl)-1)
+                IF (gi .GT. (ppmpoisson%nmz(1)-1)/2) gi = gi-(ppmpoisson%nmz(1)-1)
+                kx = REAL(gi,MK)
+                IF (gi .EQ. 0 .AND. gj .EQ. 0 .AND. gk .EQ. 0) THEN
+                  wdotk = 0.0_mk
+                ELSE
+                  wdotk = (ppmpoisson%fldzc2(1,i,j,k,isub) * kx +  &
+                        &  ppmpoisson%fldzc2(2,i,j,k,isub) * ky +  &
+                        &  ppmpoisson%fldzc2(3,i,j,k,isub) * kz) / &
+                        &  (kx*kx+ky*ky+kz*kz)
+                ENDIF
+                !!write(*,*) ppmpoisson%fldzc2(:,i,j,k,isub),wdotk
+                ppmpoisson%fldzc2(1,i,j,k,isub) = &
+                  & (ppmpoisson%fldzc2(1,i,j,k,isub) - wdotk*kx)*normfac
+                ppmpoisson%fldzc2(2,i,j,k,isub) = &
+                  & (ppmpoisson%fldzc2(2,i,j,k,isub) - wdotk*ky)*normfac
+                ppmpoisson%fldzc2(3,i,j,k,isub) = &
+                  & (ppmpoisson%fldzc2(3,i,j,k,isub) - wdotk*kz)*normfac
+                !!write(*,*) ppmpoisson%fldzc2(:,i,j,k,isub)
+              ENDDO
+            ENDDO
+          ENDDO
+        ENDDO
+      ENDIF
+      !write(*,*) ppmpoisson%fldzc2
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! IFFT pencil (Z)
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL ppm_fft_execute_1d(ppmpoisson%topoidz,&
+      & ppmpoisson%meshidz, ppmpoisson%planbz, &
+      & ppmpoisson%fldzc2, ppmpoisson%fldzc1, &
+      & info)
+      !!CALL ppm_fft_normalize(ppmpoisson%topoidz,&
+      !!& ppmpoisson%meshidz, ppmpoisson%planbz,__ZEROSI,&
+      !!& ppmpoisson%fldzc1, &
+      !!& info)
+      !write(*,*) ppmpoisson%fldzc1
+      #ifdef __NOPE
+      if (ppm_rank .EQ. trank)   THEN
+            write(*,*)
+            write(*,*)
+      !ppmpoisson%fldzc1 = 0.0_MK
+      write(*,*) 'ifftx12', ppm_rank
+      DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistz
+        isubl=ppmpoisson%isublistz(isub)
+        DO k=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(3,isubl)-1
+          write(*,*) 'z',k
+            DO i=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(1,isubl)-1
+          DO j=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(2,isubl)-1
+              write(*,'(A,E12.4,E12.4,A,$)') '  (',ppmpoisson%fldzc1(1,i,j,k,isub),')'
+            END DO
+            write(*,*)
+          END DO
+        END DO
+      END DO
+      write(*,*) 'iffty12', ppm_rank
+      DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistz
+        isubl=ppmpoisson%isublistz(isub)
+        DO k=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(3,isubl)-1
+          write(*,*) 'z',k
+            DO i=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(1,isubl)-1
+          DO j=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(2,isubl)-1
+              write(*,'(A,E12.4,E12.4,A,$)') '  (',ppmpoisson%fldzc1(2,i,j,k,isub),')'
+            END DO
+            write(*,*)
+          END DO
+        END DO
+      END DO
+      write(*,*) 'ifftz12', ppm_rank
+      DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistz
+        isubl=ppmpoisson%isublistz(isub)
+        DO k=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(3,isubl)-1
+          write(*,*) 'z',k
+            DO i=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(1,isubl)-1
+          DO j=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(2,isubl)-1
+              write(*,'(A,E12.4,E12.4,A,$)') '  (',ppmpoisson%fldzc1(3,i,j,k,isub),')'
+            END DO
+            write(*,*)
+          END DO
+        END DO
+      END DO
+      ENDIF
+      #endif
+      !AOK
+      !!IF (isubl .EQ. 1) THEN
+        !!ppmpoisson%fldzc1 = CMPLX(-1.0_MK,-1.0_MK,MK)
+      !!ELSE
+        !!ppmpoisson%fldzc1 = CMPLX(8.0_MK,8.0_MK,MK)
+        !!DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistz
+          !!isubl=ppmpoisson%isublistz(isub)
+            !!DO k=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(3,isubl)
+              !!DO j=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(2,isubl)
+                !!DO i=1,ppmpoisson%ndataz(1,isubl)
+                  !!ppmpoisson%fldzc1(1,i,j,k,isub) = REAL(k,MK)
+                !!END DO
+              !!END DO
+            !!END DO
+        !!END DO
+      !!ENDIF
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Map back to slabs (XY)
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !Initialise
+      CALL ppm_map_field_global(&
+      & ppmpoisson%topoidz, &
+      & ppmpoisson%topoidxy, &
+      & ppmpoisson%meshidz, &
+      & ppmpoisson%meshidxyc,info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+        CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank, 'ppm_poisson_solve','Failed to initialise field mapping.',info2)
+        GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      !Push the data
+      CALL ppm_map_field_push(&
+      & ppmpoisson%topoidz, &
+      & ppmpoisson%meshidz,ppmpoisson%fldzc1,__NCOM,info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+        CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank, 'ppm_poisson_solve','Failed to push vector field.',info2)
+        GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      !Send
+      CALL ppm_map_field_send(info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+        CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank, 'ppm_poisson_solve','Failed to send field.',info2)
+        GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+        !!ppmpoisson%fldxyc = CMPLX(-1.0_MK,-1.0_MK,MK)
+      !Retrieve
+      CALL ppm_map_field_pop(&
+      & ppmpoisson%topoidxy, &
+      & ppmpoisson%meshidxyc,ppmpoisson%fldxyc, &
+      & __NCOM,__ZEROSI,info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+        CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank, 'ppm_poisson_solve','Failed to pop vector field.',info2)
+        GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      !!write(*,*) 'ifftz slab'
+      !!DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistxy
+        !!isubl=ppmpoisson%isublistxy(isub)
+        !!IF (isubl.EQ.2) THEN
+        !!DO k=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(3,isubl)-1
+          !!write(*,*) 'z',k
+            !!DO i=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(1,isubl)-1
+          !!DO j=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(2,isubl)-1
+              !!write(*,'(A,E12.4,E12.4,A,$)') '(',ppmpoisson%fldxyc(1,i,j,k,isub),')'
+            !!END DO
+            !!write(*,*)
+          !!END DO
+        !!END DO
+      !!ENDIF
+      !!END DO
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! IFFT (XY) use the non-reduced topology
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL ppm_fft_execute_2d(ppmpoisson%topoidxy,&
+      & ppmpoisson%meshidxy, ppmpoisson%planbxy, &
+      & ppmpoisson%fldxyc, ppmpoisson%fldxyr, &
+      & info)
+      !!CALL ppm_fft_normalize(ppmpoisson%topoidxy,&
+      !!& ppmpoisson%meshidxy, ppmpoisson%planbxy, __ZEROSI,&
+      !!& ppmpoisson%fldxyr, &
+      !!& info)
+      #ifdef __NOPE
+      if (ppm_rank .EQ. trank)   THEN
+            write(*,*)
+            write(*,*)
+      write(*,*) 'ifftx', ppm_rank
+      DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistxy
+        isubl=ppmpoisson%isublistxy(isub)
+        DO k=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(3,isubl)-1
+          write(*,*) 'z',k
+            DO i=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(1,isubl)-1
+          DO j=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(2,isubl)-1
+              write(*,'(E12.4,$)') ppmpoisson%fldxyr(1,i,j,k,isub)
+            END DO
+            write(*,*)
+          END DO
+        END DO
+      END DO
+      write(*,*) 'iffty', ppm_rank
+      DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistxy
+        isubl=ppmpoisson%isublistxy(isub)
+        DO k=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(3,isubl)-1
+          write(*,*) 'z',k
+            DO i=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(1,isubl)-1
+          DO j=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(2,isubl)-1
+              write(*,'(E12.4,$)') ppmpoisson%fldxyr(2,i,j,k,isub)
+            END DO
+            write(*,*)
+          END DO
+        END DO
+      END DO
+      write(*,*) 'ifftz', ppm_rank
+      DO isub=1,ppmpoisson%nsublistxy
+        isubl=ppmpoisson%isublistxy(isub)
+        DO k=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(3,isubl)-1
+          write(*,*) 'z',k
+            DO i=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(1,isubl)-1
+          DO j=1,ppmpoisson%ndataxy(2,isubl)-1
+              write(*,'(E12.4,$)') ppmpoisson%fldxyr(3,i,j,k,isub)
+            END DO
+            write(*,*)
+          END DO
+        END DO
+      END DO
+      ENDIF
+      #endif
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Map back to standard topology (XYZ)
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !Initialise
+      CALL ppm_map_field_global(&
+      & ppmpoisson%topoidxy, &
+      & topoid, &
+      & ppmpoisson%meshidxy, &
+      & meshid,info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+        CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank, 'ppm_poisson_solve','Failed to initialise field mapping.',info2)
+        GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      !Push the data
+      CALL ppm_map_field_push(&
+      & ppmpoisson%topoidxy, &
+      & ppmpoisson%meshidxy,ppmpoisson%fldxyr,__NCOM,info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+        CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank, 'ppm_poisson_solve','Failed to push vector field.',info2)
+        GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      !Send
+      CALL ppm_map_field_send(info)
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+        CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank, 'ppm_poisson_solve','Failed to send field.',info2)
+        GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! FINAL RETRIEVE - Here we do different things depending on the task
+      ! i.e. the receiver varies
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      IF (ppmpoisson%derivatives .EQ. ppm_poisson_drv_curl_fd2 .AND.&
+          presentcase .EQ. ppm_poisson_grn_pois_per) THEN
+        CALL ppm_map_field_pop(&
+        & topoid, &
+        & meshid,ppmpoisson%drv_vr, &
+        & __NCOM,gstw,info) !!! gst
+        !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        ! Ghost the temporary array for derivatives (drv_vr)
+        !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        CALL ppm_map_field_ghost_get(topoid,meshid,gstw,info)
+        CALL ppm_map_field_push(topoid,meshid,ppmpoisson%drv_vr,__NCOM,info)
+        CALL ppm_map_field_send(info)
+        CALL ppm_map_field_pop(topoid,meshid,ppmpoisson%drv_vr,__NCOM,gstw,info)
+      ELSE
+        CALL ppm_map_field_pop(&
+        & topoid, &
+        & meshid,fieldout, &
+        & __NCOM,gstw,info) !!! gst
+      ENDIF
+      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+        CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank, 'ppm_poisson_solve','Failed to pop vector field.',info2)
+        GOTO 9999
+      ENDIF
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Optionally do derivatives
+      ! Perhaps make ppm_poisson_fd take _none as argument. Then maybe no
+      ! if-statement is required
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      IF (ppmpoisson%derivatives .EQ. ppm_poisson_drv_curl_fd2 .AND.&
+          presentcase  .EQ. ppm_poisson_grn_pois_per) THEN
+        CALL ppm_poisson_fd(topoid,meshid,ppmpoisson%drv_vr,fieldout,&
+                          & ppm_poisson_drv_curl_fd2,info)
+      ENDIF
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Finally ghost the velocity/stream function field before returning it
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL ppm_map_field_ghost_get(topoid,meshid,gstw,info)
+      CALL ppm_map_field_push(topoid,meshid,fieldout,__NCOM,info)
+      CALL ppm_map_field_send(info)
+      CALL ppm_map_field_pop(topoid,meshid,fieldout,__NCOM,gstw,info)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Perhaps allocate (and deallocate) arrays !@
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Return
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CALL substop('ppm_poisson_solve',t0,info)
+      RETURN
diff --git a/src/ppm_define.h b/src/ppm_define.h
index e69de29..aa0a6dc 100644
--- a/src/ppm_define.h
+++ b/src/ppm_define.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+#define __MPI
+#define __Linux
diff --git a/src/ppm_module_fft.f90 b/src/ppm_module_fft.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ddca4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ppm_module_fft.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Subroutine   : ppm_module_fft
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Copyright (c) 2010 CSE Lab (ETH Zurich), MOSAIC Group (ETH Zurich),
+      !                    Center for Fluid Dynamics (DTU)
+      !
+      ! This modules contains routines for creating FFTW plans and executing them
+      ! Plan routines are required for 
+      !  z   means fft in x (1D)
+      !  xy  means fft in xy (2D)
+      !  xyz means fft in xyz (3D)
+      !  sca means scalar
+      !  vec means vector
+      !  f   means forward fft
+      !  b   means backward fft
+      !  c   means complex
+      !  r   means real
+      !  s   means single precision
+      !  d   means double precision
+      !
+      !  e.g. 3d_vec_fr2c_xy_d: 3D vector array forward transform from
+      !                         real to complex and ffts in x and y directions
+      !                         (2d). For double data
+      !
+      !  The following variants have been implemented
+      !   3d_vec_fc2c_z_d
+      !   3d_vec_bc2c_z_d
+      !   3d_vec_fr2c_xy_d
+      !   3d_vec_bc2r_xy_d
+      !
+      !  a normalization routine exists for debugging purposes
+      !
+      !  sofar all fftw calls are to double precision routines!
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define __SINGLE 0
+#define __DOUBLE 1
+      MODULE ppm_module_fft
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! 1D transforms
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      INTERFACE ppm_fft_forward_1d
+         MODULE PROCEDURE ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_fc2c_z_s
+         MODULE PROCEDURE ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_fc2c_z_d
+      INTERFACE ppm_fft_backward_1d
+         MODULE PROCEDURE ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_bc2c_z_s
+         MODULE PROCEDURE ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_bc2c_z_d
+      INTERFACE ppm_fft_execute_1d
+         MODULE PROCEDURE ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_c2c_z_s
+         MODULE PROCEDURE ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_c2c_z_d
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! 2D transforms
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      INTERFACE ppm_fft_forward_2d
+         MODULE PROCEDURE ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_fr2c_xy_s
+         MODULE PROCEDURE ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_fr2c_xy_d
+      INTERFACE ppm_fft_backward_2d
+         MODULE PROCEDURE ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_bc2r_xy_s
+         MODULE PROCEDURE ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_bc2r_xy_d
+      INTERFACE ppm_fft_execute_2d
+         MODULE PROCEDURE ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_fr2c_xy_s
+         MODULE PROCEDURE ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_bc2r_xy_s
+         MODULE PROCEDURE ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_fr2c_xy_d
+         MODULE PROCEDURE ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_bc2r_xy_d
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Normalization
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      INTERFACE ppm_fft_normalize
+         MODULE PROCEDURE ppm_fft_normalize_rs
+         MODULE PROCEDURE ppm_fft_normalize_cs
+         MODULE PROCEDURE ppm_fft_normalize_rd
+         MODULE PROCEDURE ppm_fft_normalize_cd
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! PPM FFT plan type
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !!! Type containing the FFTW plan and its settings
+      TYPE ppm_fft_plan
+         !!!array of plan pointers, index for subs
+         INTEGER*8,DIMENSION(:),POINTER  :: plan => NULL()
+         !!!the dimension of the FFT (1D/2D/3D)
+         INTEGER                         :: rank
+         !!!number of points along each direction of the piece to be transformed
+         !!!index is for rank and subs
+         INTEGER,DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER  :: nx
+         !!!the direction of the transform (forward/backward)
+         INTEGER                         :: sign
+         !!!the method to setup the optimal plan
+         INTEGER                         :: flag
+         !!!the number of components to transform
+         INTEGER                         :: howmany
+         !!!the size of the input array, index is for rank
+         INTEGER,DIMENSION(:),POINTER    :: inembed
+         !!!the size of the output array, index is for rank
+         INTEGER,DIMENSION(:),POINTER    :: onembed
+         !!!istride tells how same component data points are spaced in memory
+         INTEGER                         :: istride
+         INTEGER                         :: ostride
+         !!!idist tells how multiple arrays are spaced. I.e. a memory offset
+         INTEGER                         :: idist
+         INTEGER                         :: odist
+      END TYPE ppm_fft_plan
+#define __KIND __SINGLE
+#include "fft/ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_fc2c_z.f90"
+#include "fft/ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_fr2c_xy.f90"
+#include "fft/ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_bc2c_z.f90"
+#include "fft/ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_bc2r_xy.f90"
+#include "fft/ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_c2c_z.f90"
+#include "fft/ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_fr2c_xy.f90"
+#include "fft/ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_bc2r_xy.f90"
+#include "fft/ppm_fft_normalize_r.f90"
+#include "fft/ppm_fft_normalize_c.f90"
+#undef __KIND
+#define __KIND __DOUBLE
+#include "fft/ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_fc2c_z.f90"
+#include "fft/ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_fr2c_xy.f90"
+#include "fft/ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_bc2c_z.f90"
+#include "fft/ppm_fft_plan_3d_vec_bc2r_xy.f90"
+#include "fft/ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_c2c_z.f90"
+#include "fft/ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_fr2c_xy.f90"
+#include "fft/ppm_fft_exec_3d_vec_bc2r_xy.f90"
+#include "fft/ppm_fft_normalize_r.f90"
+#include "fft/ppm_fft_normalize_c.f90"
+#undef __KIND
+      END MODULE ppm_module_fft
diff --git a/src/ppm_module_poisson.f90 b/src/ppm_module_poisson.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c7d8e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ppm_module_poisson.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Subroutine   : ppm_module_poisson
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Copyright (c) 2010 CSE Lab (ETH Zurich), MOSAIC Group (ETH Zurich),
+      !                    Center for Fluid Dynamics (DTU)
+      !
+      ! Notes on the init routine:
+      !   Arguments:
+      !     topoid
+      !     meshid
+      !     ppmpoisson
+      !     fieldin
+      !     fieldout
+      !     greens function: custom array, custom function, integer to build-in
+      !     info - return variable
+      !     periodic/freespace flag
+      !     real/fourier greens function (optional, only for custom array)
+      !     derivatives (optional): none,curl,gradient,laplace, - spectral/FD
+      !     possibly the option to de- and reallocate arrays of slabs/pencils
+      !
+      !
+      ! Add finalize routine
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define __SINGLE 0
+#define __DOUBLE 1
+#define __DIM 3
+      MODULE ppm_module_poisson
+      USE ppm_module_fft
+      USE ppm_module_substart
+      USE ppm_module_substop
+      USE ppm_module_write
+      USE ppm_module_data,ONLY:ppm_rank,ppm_kind_single,ppm_kind_double,&
+                          &ppm_t_topo,ppm_t_equi_mesh,&
+                          &ppm_param_assign_internal,ppm_param_bcdef_periodic,&
+                          &ppm_param_bcdef_freespace,&
+                          &ppm_param_decomp_xy_slab,ppm_param_decomp_zpencil
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! PPM Poisson type
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !!! Type containing the FFTW plan and its settings
+      TYPE ppm_poisson_plan
+         INTEGER                                              :: derivatives
+         INTEGER                                              :: case
+         INTEGER                                              :: topoidxy
+         !!!Topology id of xy topology
+         INTEGER                                              :: meshidxy
+         !!!mesh id for xy mesh
+         REAL(ppm_kind_double), DIMENSION(:),  POINTER        :: costxy=>NULL()
+         !!!sub cost for xy topology
+         INTEGER , DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER                     :: istartxy=>NULL()
+         !!!sub index start for xy topology
+         INTEGER, DIMENSION(__DIM)                            :: nmxy
+         !!!global number of grid points for xy topology
+         INTEGER , DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER                     :: ndataxy=>NULL()
+         !!!sub no. grid cells for xy topology
+         INTEGER,DIMENSION(:),POINTER                         :: isublistxy
+         !!!list of sub domains on current CPU on the xy topology
+         INTEGER                                              :: nsublistxy
+         !!!number of sub domains for current CPU on the xy topology
+         REAL(ppm_kind_double),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER   :: fldxyr=>NULL()
+         !!!real slab field (xy topology)
+         COMPLEX(ppm_kind_double),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER:: fldxyc=>NULL()
+         !!!complex slab field (xy topology)
+         INTEGER                                              :: topoidxyc
+         !!!Topology id of complex xy topology
+         INTEGER                                              :: meshidxyc
+         !!!mesh id for comple xy mesh
+         REAL(ppm_kind_double), DIMENSION(:),  POINTER        :: costxyc=>NULL()
+         !!!sub cost for xy topology
+         INTEGER , DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER                     :: istartxyc=>NULL()
+         !!!sub index start for complex xy topology
+         INTEGER, DIMENSION(__DIM)                            :: nmxyc
+         !!!global number of grid points for complex xy topology
+         INTEGER , DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER                     :: ndataxyc=>NULL()
+         !!!sub no. grid cells for complex xy topology
+         INTEGER,DIMENSION(:),POINTER                         :: isublistxyc
+         !!!list of sub domains on current CPU on the complex xy topology
+         INTEGER                                              :: nsublistxyc
+         !!!number of sub domains for current CPU on the complex xy topology
+         TYPE(ppm_fft_plan)                                   :: planfxy
+         !!!fft plans for r2c complex xy slab
+         TYPE(ppm_fft_plan)                                   :: planbxy
+         !!!fft plans for c2r complex xy slab
+         TYPE(ppm_fft_plan)                                   :: planfz
+         !!!fft plans for forward c2c z pencil
+         TYPE(ppm_fft_plan)                                   :: planbz
+         !!!fft plans for backward c2c z pencil
+         INTEGER                                              :: topoidz
+         !!!Topology id of z topology
+         INTEGER                                              :: meshidz
+         !!!mesh id for z mesh
+         REAL(ppm_kind_double), DIMENSION(:),  POINTER        :: costz =>NULL()
+         !!!sub cost for z topology
+         INTEGER , DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER                     :: istartz=>NULL()
+         !!!sub index start for z topology
+         INTEGER, DIMENSION(__DIM)                            :: nmz
+         !!!global number of grid points for z topology
+         INTEGER , DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER                     :: ndataz=>NULL()
+         !!!sub no. grid cells for z topology
+         INTEGER,DIMENSION(:),POINTER                         :: isublistz
+         !!!list of sub domains on current CPU on the z topology
+         INTEGER                                              :: nsublistz
+         !!!number of sub domains for current CPU on the z topology
+         COMPLEX(ppm_kind_double),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER:: fldzc1=>NULL()
+         !!!complex pencil field 1 (z topology)
+         COMPLEX(ppm_kind_double),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER:: fldzc2=>NULL()
+         !!!complex pencil field 2 (z topology)
+         INTEGER                                              :: topoidfr
+         !!!Topology id of freespace topology
+         INTEGER                                              :: meshidfr
+         !!!mesh id for freespace mesh
+         REAL(ppm_kind_double), DIMENSION(:),  POINTER        :: costfr=>NULL()
+         !!!sub cost
+         INTEGER , DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER                     :: istartfr=>NULL()
+         !!!sub index start
+         INTEGER, DIMENSION(__DIM)                            :: nmfr
+         !!!global number of grid points
+         INTEGER , DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER                     :: ndatafr=>NULL()
+         !!!sub no. grid cells
+         INTEGER,DIMENSION(:),POINTER                         :: isublistfr
+         !!!list of sub domains on current CPU on the freespace topology
+         INTEGER                                              :: nsublistfr
+         !!!number of sub domains for current CPU on the freespace topology
+         !These field are only allocated as necessary:
+         REAL(ppm_kind_double),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER     :: fldfrs=>NULL()
+         !!!dummy array for the right hand side, for free space, scalar fields
+         REAL(ppm_kind_double),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER   :: fldfrv=>NULL()
+         !!!dummy array for the right hand side, for free space, vector fields
+         REAL(ppm_kind_double),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER     :: fldgrnr=>NULL()
+         !!!real Greens field, z-pencils, scalar
+         COMPLEX(ppm_kind_double),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER  :: fldgrnc=>NULL() !@tmp
+         !!!complex Greens field, z-pencils, scalar
+         REAL(ppm_kind_double),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER   :: drv_vr=>NULL()
+         !!!dummy array for the right hand side, for free space, vector fields
+         ! COMPLEX(ppm_kind_double),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER:: fldgrnc3=>NULL()
+         ! !!!complex Greens 3 component vector field intended for spectral
+         ! !!!derivatives, z-pencils, scalar
+      END TYPE ppm_poisson_plan
+      INTEGER,PARAMETER                          :: ppm_poisson_drv_none    =0
+      INTEGER,PARAMETER                          :: ppm_poisson_drv_curl_sp =1
+      INTEGER,PARAMETER                          :: ppm_poisson_drv_grad_sp =2
+      INTEGER,PARAMETER                          :: ppm_poisson_drv_lapl_sp =3
+      INTEGER,PARAMETER                          :: ppm_poisson_drv_div_sp  =4
+      INTEGER,PARAMETER                          :: ppm_poisson_drv_curl_fd2=11
+      INTEGER,PARAMETER                          :: ppm_poisson_drv_grad_fd2=12
+      INTEGER,PARAMETER                          :: ppm_poisson_drv_lapl_fd2=13
+      INTEGER,PARAMETER                          :: ppm_poisson_drv_div_fd2 =14
+      INTEGER,PARAMETER                          :: ppm_poisson_drv_curl_fd4=21
+      INTEGER,PARAMETER                          :: ppm_poisson_drv_grad_fd4=22
+      INTEGER,PARAMETER                          :: ppm_poisson_drv_lapl_fd4=23
+      INTEGER,PARAMETER                          :: ppm_poisson_drv_div_fd4 =24
+      INTEGER,PARAMETER                          :: ppm_poisson_grn_pois_per =1
+      INTEGER,PARAMETER                          :: ppm_poisson_grn_pois_fre =2
+      INTEGER,PARAMETER                          :: ppm_poisson_grn_reprojec =3
+      INTERFACE ppm_poisson_init
+         MODULE PROCEDURE ppm_poisson_init_predef
+      INTERFACE ppm_poisson_solve
+         MODULE PROCEDURE ppm_poisson_solve
+      INTERFACE ppm_poisson_fd
+         MODULE PROCEDURE ppm_poisson_fd
+#define __KIND __SINGLE
+#include "poisson/ppm_poisson_init_predef.f90"
+#include "poisson/ppm_poisson_solve.f90"
+#include "poisson/ppm_poisson_fd.f90"
+#undef __KIND
+#define __KIND __DOUBLE
+#undef __KIND
+      END MODULE ppm_module_poisson