From d6103d352373c320d9febba98ae4256bf6372690 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: odemirel <odemirel@7c7fe9aa-52eb-4d9e-b0a8-ba7d787348e9>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 09:58:33 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Jens' numerics is merged and modified for the new topology

git-svn-id: 7c7fe9aa-52eb-4d9e-b0a8-ba7d787348e9
 src/ppm_hamjac_ext_step_3d.f          |    3 +-
 src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_2d.f            |   67 +-
 src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_3d.f            |   80 +-
 src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_3d.f        |  257 +++
 src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_step_3d.f   |  371 ++++
 src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_ref_3d.f        |   74 +-
 src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_russo_3d.f      |   38 +-
 src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_russo_step_3d.f |   36 +-
 src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_2d.f       |   77 +-
 src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_3d.f       |  130 +-
 src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_ref_3d.f   |   84 +-
 src/ppm_mg_alloc_field.f              |   52 +-
 src/ppm_mg_finalize.f                 |   11 +-
 src/ppm_mg_init.f                     | 2290 ++++++++++++++-----------
 src/ppm_mg_res_coarse.f               |  377 ++--
 src/ppm_mg_res_fine.f                 |  247 ++-
 src/ppm_mg_restrict.f                 | 1437 +++++++++-------
 src/ppm_mg_smooth_coarse.f            | 2210 ++++++++++++++----------
 src/ppm_mg_smooth_fine.f              |  914 ++++++----
 src/ppm_mg_solv.f                     |  849 +++++----
 src/ppm_module_data_mg.f              |  624 ++++---
 src/ppm_module_mg_core.f              |    4 +-
 src/ppm_module_user_numerics.f        |    2 +
 23 files changed, 6379 insertions(+), 3855 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_3d.f
 create mode 100644 src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_step_3d.f

diff --git a/src/ppm_hamjac_ext_step_3d.f b/src/ppm_hamjac_ext_step_3d.f
index d83fc5f..733cd5e 100644
--- a/src/ppm_hamjac_ext_step_3d.f
+++ b/src/ppm_hamjac_ext_step_3d.f
@@ -120,7 +120,6 @@
         meshid = mesh%ID
         nsublist = topo%nsublist
         ndata    => mesh%nnodes
-        !  COMMENT Thu May 26 19:39:51 PDT 2005:  experimental
         isublist => topo%isublist
         min_phys => topo%min_physs
@@ -161,7 +160,7 @@
                     phimid(3) = phi(i,j,k+1,isub)-phi(i,j,k-1,isub)
                     sij       = phi(i,j,k,isub) &
                          &       /SQRT(phi(i,j,k,isub)**2+dxavg**2)
-                    n         = phimid / SQRT(SUM(phimid**2)+1.0e-6_MK)
+                    n         = phimid / SQRT(SUM(phimid**2))
 #if   __MODE == __SCA
                     dphi_dt    = &
                          & MAX(n(1)*sij,0.0_mk)*dxi(1)*          &
diff --git a/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_2d.f b/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_2d.f
index 032e8d6..1eeeb01 100644
--- a/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_2d.f
+++ b/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_2d.f
@@ -18,11 +18,8 @@
       !     Revisions    :
       !     $Log: ppm_hamjac_reinit_2d.f,v $
-      !     Revision  2007/07/13 10:18:55  ivos
-      !     CBL version of the PPM library
-      !
-      !     Revision 1.2  2006/06/29 11:56:00  pchatela
-      !     Added a MPI_Allreduce for the loop exit
+      !     Revision  2006/07/25 15:18:19  menahel
+      !     initial import
       !     Revision 1.1  2005/07/25 00:34:02  ivos
       !     Initial check-in.
@@ -33,6 +30,8 @@
       !     ETH Zentrum, Hirschengraben 84
       !     CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
 #if   __MODE == __SCA
       SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_2ds (phi, trgt, tol, maxstep, &
@@ -44,25 +43,24 @@
 #elif __MODE == __VEC
-      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      !  Modules 
-      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
         USE ppm_module_data
         USE ppm_module_data_mesh
-        USE ppm_module_substart
-        USE ppm_module_substop
         USE ppm_module_error
+        USE ppm_module_write
+        USE ppm_module_substart
         USE ppm_module_alloc
+        USE ppm_module_substop
+        USE ppm_module_map
         USE ppm_module_typedef
-        INCLUDE 'mpif.h'
         INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_single
 #elif  __KIND == __DOUBLE_PRECISION       
         INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_double
         !  Arguments
@@ -72,6 +70,7 @@
         INTEGER, INTENT(inout)                :: info
         INTEGER, INTENT(in)                   :: maxstep
         REAL(mk), INTENT(in)                  :: tol, trgt
         !  Aliases
@@ -79,19 +78,22 @@
         REAL(mk), DIMENSION(:,:,:  ), POINTER :: tphi
         INTEGER                               :: nsublist
         INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER      :: ndata
-        INTEGER                               :: meshid
-        REAL(mk), DIMENSION(:), POINTER     :: min_phys, max_phys
+        INTEGER                               :: topoid,meshid
+        REAL(MK), DIMENSION(:), POINTER       :: min_phys, max_phys
         TYPE(ppm_t_topo),      POINTER        :: topo
         TYPE(ppm_t_equi_mesh), POINTER        :: mesh
         !  standard stuff
         INTEGER                               :: isub,isubl,i,j,k,maptype,istep,iopt
         INTEGER                               :: ldl(3), ldu(3), ndata_max(2)
         REAL(mk)                              :: len_phys(2)
-        REAL(mk)                              :: t0, lres, gres
+        REAL(mk)                              :: t0, res
         CHARACTER(len=256)                    :: msg
         CALL substart('ppm_hamjac_reinit_2d',t0,info)
         !  Get the mesh data
@@ -100,7 +102,6 @@
         meshid = mesh%ID
         nsublist = topo%nsublist
         ndata    => mesh%nnodes
-        !  COMMENT Thu May 26 19:39:51 PDT 2005:  experimental
         isublist => topo%isublist
         min_phys => topo%min_physs
@@ -109,6 +110,13 @@
         min_phys => topo%min_physd
         max_phys => topo%max_physd
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
+        !  RATIONALE Thu May 26 20:51:19 PDT 2005:
+        !  loop ghostmap doit. easy.
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
         !  allocate temporary storage
@@ -126,9 +134,11 @@
                 &        'temp storage for hamjac',__LINE__,info)
            GOTO 9999
         END IF
         !--- ready to blast
         maptype = ppm_param_map_init
         CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(phi,topo_id,mesh_id,ghostsize,maptype,info)
         !--- COMMENT Thu May 26 21:05:23 PDT 2005:  simple euler here, do TVD
         DO istep=1,maxstep
            !--- map the gowas
@@ -140,7 +150,8 @@
            CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(phi,topo_id,mesh_id,ghostsize,maptype,info)
            maptype = ppm_param_map_pop
            CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(phi,topo_id,mesh_id,ghostsize,maptype,info)
-           CALL ppm_hamjac_reinit_step(phi,tphi,trgt,lres,topo_id,mesh_id&
+           CALL ppm_hamjac_reinit_step(phi,tphi,trgt,res,topo_id,mesh_id&
                 &,                  ghostsize,info)
            DO isub=1,nsublist
               isubl = isublist(isub)
@@ -148,15 +159,18 @@
                  phi(i,j,isub) = tphi(i,j,isub)
               END DO; END DO
            END DO
-           CALL MPI_Allreduce(lres,gres,1,MPTYPE,MPI_MAX,ppm_comm,info)
-           WRITE(msg,*) 'iteration #',istep,' res=',gres
+           WRITE(msg,*) 'iteration #',istep,' res=',res
            IF(MOD(istep,10).EQ.0) CALL ppm_write(ppm_Rank,'ppm_hamjac',msg,info)
-           IF(gres.LT.tol) GOTO 666
+           IF(res.LT.tol) GOTO 666
         END DO
         info = ppm_error_warning
         CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_converge,'ppm_hamjac_reinit_2d', &
              &         'failed to reach target residual',__LINE__,info)
 666     CONTINUE
         iopt = ppm_param_dealloc
         CALL ppm_alloc(tphi,ldl,ldu,iopt,info)
         IF(info.NE.0) THEN
@@ -165,10 +179,21 @@
                 &        'temp storage for hamjac not freed',__LINE__,info)
            GOTO 9999
         END IF
 9999    CONTINUE
         CALL substop('ppm_hamjac_reinit_2d',t0,info)
       END SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_2ds 
       END SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_2dd 
diff --git a/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_3d.f b/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_3d.f
index a22c012..9dad18d 100644
--- a/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_3d.f
+++ b/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_3d.f
@@ -18,11 +18,8 @@
       !     Revisions    :
       !     $Log: ppm_hamjac_reinit_3d.f,v $
-      !     Revision  2007/07/13 10:18:55  ivos
-      !     CBL version of the PPM library
-      !
-      !     Revision 1.3  2006/06/29 11:56:00  pchatela
-      !     Added a MPI_Allreduce for the loop exit
+      !     Revision  2006/07/25 15:18:19  menahel
+      !     initial import
       !     Revision 1.2  2005/08/25 16:48:50  ivos
       !     Fixed format string. pgf90 barked.
@@ -36,6 +33,8 @@
       !     ETH Zentrum, Hirschengraben 84
       !     CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
 #if   __MODE == __SCA
       SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_3ds (phi, trgt, tol, maxstep, &
@@ -53,25 +52,24 @@
            &                     topo_id, mesh_id, ghostsize, info)
-      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      !  Modules 
-      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
         USE ppm_module_data
         USE ppm_module_data_mesh
-        USE ppm_module_substart
-        USE ppm_module_substop
         USE ppm_module_error
+        USE ppm_module_write
+        USE ppm_module_substart
         USE ppm_module_alloc
+        USE ppm_module_substop
+        USE ppm_module_map
         USE ppm_module_typedef
-        INCLUDE 'mpif.h'        
         INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_single
+#elif  __KIND == __DOUBLE_PRECISION       
         INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_double
         !  Arguments
@@ -86,6 +84,7 @@
         INTEGER, INTENT(inout)                :: info
         INTEGER, INTENT(in)                   :: maxstep
         REAL(mk), INTENT(in)                  :: tol, trgt
         !  Aliases
@@ -93,10 +92,11 @@
         REAL(mk), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), POINTER :: tphi
         INTEGER                               :: nsublist
         INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER      :: ndata
-        INTEGER                               :: meshid
-        REAL(mk), DIMENSION(:), POINTER       :: min_phys, max_phys
+        INTEGER                               :: topoid,meshid
+        REAL(MK), DIMENSION(:), POINTER       :: min_phys, max_phys
         TYPE(ppm_t_topo),      POINTER        :: topo
         TYPE(ppm_t_equi_mesh), POINTER        :: mesh
         !  standard stuff
@@ -104,9 +104,11 @@
         INTEGER                               :: maptype,istep,iopt
         INTEGER                               :: ldl(4), ldu(4), ndata_max(3)
         REAL(mk)                              :: len_phys(3)
-        REAL(mk)                              :: t0, lres, gres
+        REAL(mk) :: t0, res
         CHARACTER(LEN=ppm_char)               :: cbuf
         CALL substart('ppm_hamjac_reinit_3d',t0,info)
         !  Get the mesh data
@@ -115,7 +117,6 @@
         meshid = mesh%ID
         nsublist = topo%nsublist
         ndata    => mesh%nnodes
-        !  COMMENT Thu May 26 19:39:51 PDT 2005:  experimental
         isublist => topo%isublist
         min_phys => topo%min_physs
@@ -124,6 +125,12 @@
         min_phys => topo%min_physd
         max_phys => topo%max_physd
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
+        !  RATIONALE Thu May 26 20:51:19 PDT 2005:
+        !  loop ghostmap doit. easy.
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
         !  allocate temporary storage
@@ -143,6 +150,7 @@
                 &        'temp storage for hamjac',__LINE__,info)
            GOTO 9999
         END IF
         !--- ready to blast
         maptype = ppm_param_map_init
 #if   __MODE == __SCA
@@ -150,6 +158,10 @@
 #elif __MODE == __VEC
         CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(phi,lda,topo_id,mesh_id,ghostsize,maptype,info)
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
+        !  COMMENT Thu May 26 21:05:23 PDT 2005:  simple euler here, DO TVD
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
         DO istep=1,maxstep
            !--- map the gowas
 #if   __MODE == __SCA
@@ -161,7 +173,7 @@
            CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(phi,topo_id,mesh_id,ghostsize,maptype,info)
            maptype = ppm_param_map_pop
            CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(phi,topo_id,mesh_id,ghostsize,maptype,info)
-           CALL ppm_hamjac_reinit_step(phi,tphi,trgt,lres,topo_id,mesh_id&
+           CALL ppm_hamjac_reinit_step(phi,tphi,trgt,res,topo_id,mesh_id&
                 &,                  ghostsize,info)
 #elif __MODE == __VEC
            maptype = ppm_param_map_ghost_get
@@ -176,9 +188,16 @@
            maptype = ppm_param_map_pop
            CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(phi,lda,topo_id,mesh_id,ghostsize, &
                 & maptype,info)
-           CALL ppm_hamjac_reinit_step(phi,idx,tphi,trgt,lres,topo_id,mesh_id,&
+           CALL ppm_hamjac_reinit_step(phi,idx,tphi,trgt,res,topo_id,mesh_id,&
                 & ghostsize,info)
+           !-----------------------------------------------------
+           !  maybe put a if(debug)then
+           !-----------------------------------------------------
+           IF(ppm_debug.GT.0) THEN
+              WRITE(cbuf,'(A,I4,A,E12.5)') 'Iteration ',istep,' Residual: ',res
+              CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_hamjac_reinit_3d',cbuf,info)
+           END IF
            !  copy the data back
@@ -192,19 +211,16 @@
               END DO; END DO; END DO
            END DO
-           CALL MPI_Allreduce(lres,gres,1,MPTYPE,MPI_MAX,ppm_comm,info)
-           !-----------------------------------------------------
-           !  maybe put a if(debug)then
-           !-----------------------------------------------------
-           WRITE(cbuf,'(A,I4,A,E12.5)') 'Iteration ',istep,' Residual: ',gres
-           IF (ppm_rank.EQ.0) CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_hamjac_reinit_3d',cbuf,info)
-           IF(gres.LT.tol) GOTO 666
+           IF(res.LT.tol) GOTO 666
         END DO
         info = ppm_error_warning
         CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_converge,'ppm_hamjac_reinit_3d', &
              &         'failed to reach target residual',__LINE__,info)
         info = ppm_param_success
 666     CONTINUE
         iopt = ppm_param_dealloc
         CALL ppm_alloc(tphi,ldl,ldu,iopt,info)
         IF(info.NE.0) THEN
@@ -213,7 +229,10 @@
                 &        'temp storage for hamjac not freed',__LINE__,info)
            GOTO 9999
         END IF
 9999    CONTINUE
 #if   __MODE == __SCA
       END SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_3ds 
@@ -227,3 +246,10 @@
       END SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_3ddV 
diff --git a/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_3d.f b/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_3d.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9878e44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_3d.f
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !     Subroutine   :                 ppm_hamjac_reinit_3d
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !     
+      !     Purpose      : Solve Hamilton-Jacobi for Gowas reinit
+      !      
+      !     Input        : 
+      !                    
+      !     Input/Output : 
+      !                    
+      !     Output       : 
+      !      
+      !     Remarks      : 
+      !                    
+      !     
+      !     References   :
+      !     
+      !     Revisions    :
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !     $Log: ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_3d.f,v $
+      !     Revision  2006/07/25 15:18:19  menahel
+      !     initial import
+      !
+      !     Revision 1.2  2005/08/25 16:48:50  ivos
+      !     Fixed format string. pgf90 barked.
+      !
+      !     Revision 1.1  2005/07/25 00:34:02  ivos
+      !     Initial check-in.
+      !
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !     Parallel Particle Mesh Library (PPM)
+      !     Institute of Computational Science
+      !     ETH Zentrum, Hirschengraben 84
+      !     CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if   __MODE == __SCA
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_3ds (phi, iloc, np, trgt, tol, maxstep,&
+     &                                      topo_id, mesh_id, ghostsize, info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_3dd (phi, iloc, np, trgt, tol, maxstep,&
+     &                                      topo_id, mesh_id, ghostsize, info)
+#elif __MODE == __VEC
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_3dsV(phi, lda, iloc, np, idx, trgt,tol,&
+     &                                maxstep,topo_id, mesh_id, ghostsize,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_3ddV(phi, lda, iloc, np, idx, trgt,tol,&
+     &                                maxstep,topo_id, mesh_id, ghostsize,info)
+        USE ppm_module_data
+        USE ppm_module_data_mesh
+        USE ppm_module_error
+        USE ppm_module_write
+        USE ppm_module_substart
+        USE ppm_module_alloc
+        USE ppm_module_substop
+        USE ppm_module_map
+        USE ppm_module_typedef
+        INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_single
+#elif  __KIND == __DOUBLE_PRECISION       
+        INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_double
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
+        !  Arguments
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
+#if __MODE == __SCA
+        REAL(MK), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), POINTER :: phi
+#elif __MODE == __VEC
+        REAL(MK), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:), POINTER :: phi
+        INTEGER, INTENT(in)                     :: idx, lda
+        INTEGER, INTENT(in)                   :: topo_id, mesh_id
+        INTEGER, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(in)     :: ghostsize
+        INTEGER, INTENT(inout)                :: info
+        INTEGER, INTENT(in)                   :: maxstep
+        REAL(mk), INTENT(in)                  :: tol, trgt
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
+        !  Aliases
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
+        INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER        :: isublist
+        INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)   :: iloc
+        INTEGER                               :: np, p
+        REAL(mk), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), POINTER :: tphi
+        INTEGER                               :: nsublist
+        INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER      :: ndata
+        INTEGER                               :: topoid,meshid
+        REAL(MK), DIMENSION(:), POINTER       :: min_phys, max_phys
+        TYPE(ppm_t_topo),      POINTER        :: topo
+        TYPE(ppm_t_equi_mesh), POINTER        :: mesh
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
+        !  standard stuff
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
+        INTEGER                               :: isub,isubl,i,j,k
+        INTEGER                               :: maptype,istep,iopt
+        INTEGER                               :: ldl(4),ldu(4),ndata_max(3)
+        REAL(mk)                              :: len_phys(3)
+        REAL(mk) :: t0, res
+        CHARACTER(LEN=ppm_char)               :: cbuf
+        CALL substart('ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_3d',t0,info)
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
+        !  Get the mesh data
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
+        topo => ppm_topo(topo_id)%t
+        mesh => topo%mesh(mesh_id)
+        meshid = mesh%ID
+        nsublist = topo%nsublist
+        ndata    => mesh%nnodes
+        isublist => topo%isublist
+        min_phys => topo%min_physs
+        max_phys => topo%max_physs
+#elif  __KIND == __DOUBLE_PRECISION       
+        min_phys => topo%min_physd
+        max_phys => topo%max_physd
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
+        !  RATIONALE Thu May 26 20:51:19 PDT 2005:
+        !  loop ghostmap doit. easy.
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
+        !  allocate temporary storage
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
+        ldl(1:3) = 1 - ghostsize(1:3); ldl(4) = 1
+        ndata_max(1) = MAXVAL(ndata(1,1:nsublist))
+        ndata_max(2) = MAXVAL(ndata(2,1:nsublist))
+        ndata_max(3) = MAXVAL(ndata(3,1:nsublist))
+        ldu(1)   = ndata_max(1) + ghostsize(1)
+        ldu(2)   = ndata_max(2) + ghostsize(2)
+        ldu(3)   = ndata_max(3) + ghostsize(3)
+        ldu(4)   = nsublist
+        iopt     = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+        CALL ppm_alloc(tphi,ldl,ldu,iopt,info)
+        IF(info.NE.0) THEN
+           info = ppm_error_fatal
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_3d', &
+                &        'temp storage for hamjac',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        END IF
+        !--- ready to blast
+        maptype = ppm_param_map_init
+#if   __MODE == __SCA
+        CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(phi,topo_id,mesh_id,ghostsize,maptype,info)
+#elif __MODE == __VEC
+        CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(phi,lda,topo_id,mesh_id,ghostsize,maptype,info)
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
+        !  COMMENT Thu May 26 21:05:23 PDT 2005:  simple euler here, DO TVD
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
+        DO istep=1,maxstep
+           !--- map the gowas
+#if   __MODE == __SCA
+           maptype = ppm_param_map_ghost_get
+           CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(phi,topo_id,mesh_id,ghostsize,maptype,info)
+           maptype = ppm_param_map_push
+           CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(phi,topo_id,mesh_id,ghostsize,maptype,info)
+           maptype = ppm_param_map_send
+           CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(phi,topo_id,mesh_id,ghostsize,maptype,info)
+           maptype = ppm_param_map_pop
+           CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(phi,topo_id,mesh_id,ghostsize,maptype,info)
+           CALL ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_step(phi,tphi,iloc,np,trgt,res,topo_id,&
+                &                  mesh_id,ghostsize,info)
+#elif __MODE == __VEC
+           maptype = ppm_param_map_ghost_get
+           CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(phi,lda,topo_id,mesh_id,ghostsize, &
+                & maptype,info)
+           maptype = ppm_param_map_push
+           CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(phi,lda,topo_id,mesh_id,ghostsize, &
+                & maptype,info)
+           maptype = ppm_param_map_send
+           CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(phi,lda,topo_id,mesh_id,ghostsize, &
+                & maptype,info)
+           maptype = ppm_param_map_pop
+           CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(phi,lda,topo_id,mesh_id,ghostsize, &
+                & maptype,info)
+           CALL ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_step(phi,idx,tphi,iloc,np,trgt,res,topo_id,&
+                & mesh_id,ghostsize,info)
+           !-----------------------------------------------------
+           !  maybe put a if(debug)then
+           !-----------------------------------------------------
+           WRITE(cbuf,'(A,I4,A,E12.5)') 'Iteration ',istep,' Residual: ',res
+           CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_3d',cbuf,info)
+           !-----------------------------------------------------
+           !  copy the data back
+           !-----------------------------------------------------
+           DO p=1,np
+              isub = iloc(4,p)
+              i = iloc(1,p)
+              j = iloc(2,p)
+              k = iloc(3,p)
+#if   __MODE == __SCA
+                 phi(i,j,k,isub) = tphi(i,j,k,isub)
+#elif __MODE == __VEC
+                 phi(idx,i,j,k,isub) = tphi(i,j,k,isub)
+           END DO
+           IF(res.LT.tol) GOTO 666
+        END DO
+        info = ppm_error_warning
+        CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_converge,'ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_3d', &
+             &         'failed to reach target residual',__LINE__,info)
+        info = ppm_param_success
+666     CONTINUE
+        iopt = ppm_param_dealloc
+        CALL ppm_alloc(tphi,ldl,ldu,iopt,info)
+        IF(info.NE.0) THEN
+           info = ppm_error_error
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_dealloc,'ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_3d', &
+                &        'temp storage for hamjac not freed',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        END IF
+9999    CONTINUE
+#if   __MODE == __SCA
+      END SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_3ds 
+      END SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_3dd 
+#elif __MODE == __VEC
+      END SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_3dsV 
+      END SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_3ddV 
diff --git a/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_step_3d.f b/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_step_3d.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1b449d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_step_3d.f
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !     Subroutine   :           ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_3d
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !     
+      !     Purpose      : Solve Hamilton-Jacobi for Gowas reinit
+      !      
+      !     Input        : 
+      !                    
+      !     Input/Output : 
+      !                    
+      !     Output       : 
+      !      
+      !     Remarks      : 
+      !                    
+      !     
+      !     References   :
+      !     
+      !     Revisions    :
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !     $Log: ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_step_3d.f,v $
+      !     Revision  2006/07/25 15:18:19  menahel
+      !     initial import
+      !
+      !     Revision 1.2  2005/08/12 14:38:01  ivos
+      !     bugfix: index bounds in loop corrected.
+      !
+      !     Revision 1.1  2005/07/25 00:34:05  ivos
+      !     Initial check-in.
+      !
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !     Parallel Particle Mesh Library (PPM)
+      !     Institute of Computational Science
+      !     ETH Zentrum, Hirschengraben 84
+      !     CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if   __MODE == __SCA
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_step_3ds(phi,tphi,iloc,np,trgt,res, &
+     &                                     topo_id,mesh_id,ghostsize,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_step_3dd(phi,tphi,iloc,np,trgt,res, &
+     &                                     topo_id,mesh_id,ghostsize,info)
+#elif __MODE == __VEC
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_step_3dsV(phi,idx,tphi,iloc,np,trgt,&
+     &                                     res,topo_id,mesh_id,ghostsize,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_step_3ddV(phi,idx,tphi,iloc,np,trgt,&
+     &                                     res,topo_id,mesh_id,ghostsize,info)
+        USE ppm_module_data
+        USE ppm_module_data_mesh
+        USE ppm_module_error
+        USE ppm_module_substart
+        USE ppm_module_substop
+        USE ppm_module_typedef
+        INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_single
+#elif  __KIND == __DOUBLE_PRECISION       
+        INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_double
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
+        !  Arguments
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
+#if __MODE == __SCA
+        REAL(MK), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), POINTER :: phi
+#elif __MODE == __VEC
+        REAL(MK), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:), POINTER :: phi
+        REAL(MK), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), POINTER :: tphi
+        INTEGER, INTENT(in)                   :: topo_id, mesh_id
+        INTEGER, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(in)     :: ghostsize
+        INTEGER, INTENT(inout)                :: info
+        REAL(mk), INTENT(out)                 :: res
+#if __MODE == __VEC
+        INTEGER, INTENT(in)                   :: idx
+        REAL(mk), INTENT(in)                  :: trgt
+        INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)   :: iloc
+        INTEGER                               :: np, p
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
+        !  Aliases
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
+        INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER        :: isublist
+        INTEGER                               :: nsublist
+        INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER      :: ndata
+        INTEGER                               :: topoid, meshid
+        REAL(MK), DIMENSION(:), POINTER       :: min_phys, max_phys
+        TYPE(ppm_t_topo),      POINTER        :: topo
+        TYPE(ppm_t_equi_mesh), POINTER        :: mesh
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
+        !  standard stuff
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
+        INTEGER                               :: isub,isubl,i,j,k
+        REAL(MK)                              :: len_phys(3)
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
+        !  WENO stuff
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
+        REAL(mk) :: oneg(3), opos(3), wenoeps, wenotau, pbs
+        REAL(mk) :: laps(-1:1,3), rpos(3), rneg(3), dx(3), dxi(3)
+        REAL(mk) :: phip(3), phin(3), phimid(3), rms, dphi_dt
+        INTEGER  :: ilap
+        INTEGER, PARAMETER, DIMENSION(3,3) :: offs &
+             & = RESHAPE((/2,1,0,1,0,-1,0,-1,-2/),(/3,3/))
+        REAL(mk) :: t0
+        CALL substart('ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_step_3d',t0,info)
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
+        !  Get the mesh data
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
+        topo => ppm_topo(topo_id)%t
+        mesh => topo%mesh(mesh_id)
+        meshid = mesh%ID
+        nsublist = topo%nsublist
+        ndata    => mesh%nnodes
+        isublist => topo%isublist
+        min_phys => topo%min_physs
+        max_phys => topo%max_physs
+#elif  __KIND == __DOUBLE_PRECISION       
+        min_phys => topo%min_physd
+        max_phys => topo%max_physd
+        len_phys(1) = max_phys(1) - min_phys(1)
+        len_phys(2) = max_phys(2) - min_phys(2)
+        len_phys(3) = max_phys(3) - min_phys(3)
+        dx(1)       = len_phys(1)/REAL(mesh%Nm(1)-1,mk)
+        dx(2)       = len_phys(2)/REAL(mesh%Nm(2)-1,mk)
+        dx(3)       = len_phys(3)/REAL(mesh%Nm(3)-1,mk)
+        dxi(1)      = 1.0_mk/dx(1)
+        dxi(2)      = 1.0_mk/dx(2)
+        dxi(3)      = 1.0_mk/dx(3)
+        wenoeps = 1.0e-6_mk
+        wenotau = 0.25_mk*MINVAL(dx)
+        rms = -HUGE(rms)
+           DO p=1,np
+              isub = iloc(4,p)
+              i = iloc(1,p)
+              j = iloc(2,p)
+              k = iloc(3,p)
+                    ! hack
+#if __MODE == __SCA                    
+!                    IF(phi(i+1,j,k,isub).EQ.phi(i-1,j,k,isub).AND. &
+!                         & phi(i,j+1,k,isub).EQ.phi(i,j-1,k,isub).AND. &
+!                         & phi(i,j,k+1,isub).EQ.phi(i,j,k-1,isub).AND.ABS(phi(i&
+!                         &,j,k,isub)).LT.14.0_mk*dx(1)) CYCLE
+#if __MODE == __SCA
+                    phimid(1) = phi(i+1,j,k,isub)-phi(i-1,j,k,isub)
+                    phimid(2) = phi(i,j+1,k,isub)-phi(i,j-1,k,isub)
+                    phimid(3) = phi(i,j,k+1,isub)-phi(i,j,k-1,isub)
+                    phimid(1) = phi(idx,i+1,j,k,isub)-phi(idx,i-1,j,k,isub)
+                    phimid(2) = phi(idx,i,j+1,k,isub)-phi(idx,i,j-1,k,isub)
+                    phimid(3) = phi(idx,i,j,k+1,isub)-phi(idx,i,j,k-1,isub)
+#if __MODE == __SCA
+                       laps(2-3,1) = phi(i+offs(1,3),j,k,isub)   &
+                            & -2.0_mk * phi(i+offs(2,3),j,k,isub) &
+                            &       + phi(i+offs(3,3),j,k,isub)
+                       laps(2-3,2) = phi(i,j+offs(1,3),k,isub)   &
+                            & -2.0_mk * phi(i,j+offs(2,3),k,isub) &
+                            &       + phi(i,j+offs(3,3),k,isub)
+                       laps(2-3,3) = phi(i,j,k+offs(1,3),isub)   &
+                            & -2.0_mk * phi(i,j,k+offs(2,3),isub) &
+                            &       + phi(i,j,k+offs(3,3),isub)
+                       laps(2-2,1) = phi(i+offs(1,2),j,k,isub)   &
+                            & -2.0_mk * phi(i+offs(2,2),j,k,isub) &
+                            &       + phi(i+offs(3,2),j,k,isub)
+                       laps(2-2,2) = phi(i,j+offs(1,2),k,isub)   &
+                            & -2.0_mk * phi(i,j+offs(2,2),k,isub) &
+                            &       + phi(i,j+offs(3,2),k,isub)
+                       laps(2-2,3) = phi(i,j,k+offs(1,2),isub)   &
+                            & -2.0_mk * phi(i,j,k+offs(2,2),isub) &
+                            &       + phi(i,j,k+offs(3,2),isub)
+                       laps(2-1,1) = phi(i+offs(1,1),j,k,isub)   &
+                            & -2.0_mk * phi(i+offs(2,1),j,k,isub) &
+                            &       + phi(i+offs(3,1),j,k,isub)
+                       laps(2-1,2) = phi(i,j+offs(1,1),k,isub)   &
+                            & -2.0_mk * phi(i,j+offs(2,1),k,isub) &
+                            &       + phi(i,j+offs(3,1),k,isub)
+                       laps(2-1,3) = phi(i,j,k+offs(1,1),isub)   &
+                            & -2.0_mk * phi(i,j,k+offs(2,1),isub) &
+                            &       + phi(i,j,k+offs(3,1),isub)
+#elif __MODE == __VEC
+                    DO ilap=1,3
+                       laps(2-ilap,1) = phi(idx,i+offs(1,ilap),j,k,isub)   &
+                            & -2.0_mk * phi(idx,i+offs(2,ilap),j,k,isub) &
+                            &       + phi(idx,i+offs(3,ilap),j,k,isub)
+                       laps(2-ilap,2) = phi(idx,i,j+offs(1,ilap),k,isub)   &
+                            & -2.0_mk * phi(idx,i,j+offs(2,ilap),k,isub) &
+                            &       + phi(idx,i,j+offs(3,ilap),k,isub)
+                       laps(2-ilap,3) = phi(idx,i,j,k+offs(1,ilap),isub)   &
+                            & -2.0_mk * phi(idx,i,j,k+offs(2,ilap),isub) &
+                            &       + phi(idx,i,j,k+offs(3,ilap),isub)
+                    END DO
+                    rpos(1) = (wenoeps + laps( 1,1)**2)/(wenoeps + laps(0,1)**2)
+                    rneg(1) = (wenoeps + laps(-1,1)**2)/(wenoeps + laps(0,1)**2)
+                    rpos(2) = (wenoeps + laps( 1,2)**2)/(wenoeps + laps(0,2)**2)
+                    rneg(2) = (wenoeps + laps(-1,2)**2)/(wenoeps + laps(0,2)**2)
+                    rpos(3) = (wenoeps + laps( 1,3)**2)/(wenoeps + laps(0,3)**2)
+                    rneg(3) = (wenoeps + laps(-1,3)**2)/(wenoeps + laps(0,3)**2)
+                    opos(1) = 1.0_mk/(1.0_mk+2.0_mk*rpos(1)**2)
+                    opos(2) = 1.0_mk/(1.0_mk+2.0_mk*rpos(2)**2)
+                    opos(3) = 1.0_mk/(1.0_mk+2.0_mk*rpos(3)**2)
+                    oneg(1) = 1.0_mk/(1.0_mk+2.0_mk*rneg(1)**2)
+                    oneg(2) = 1.0_mk/(1.0_mk+2.0_mk*rneg(2)**2)
+                    oneg(3) = 1.0_mk/(1.0_mk+2.0_mk*rneg(3)**2)
+#if __MODE == __SCA
+                    phip(1) = 0.5_mk*(phimid(1) - &
+                         & opos(1)*( &
+                         &         phi(i+2,j,k,isub) - &
+                         & 3.0_mk*(phi(i+1,j,k,isub) - phi(i  ,j,k,isub)) - &
+                         &         phi(i-1,j,k,isub)))*dxi(1)
+                    phip(2) = 0.5_mk*(phimid(2) - &
+                         & opos(2)*( &
+                         &         phi(i,j+2,k,isub) - &
+                         & 3.0_mk*(phi(i,j+1,k,isub) - phi(i  ,j,k,isub)) - &
+                         &         phi(i,j-1,k,isub)))*dxi(2)
+                    phip(3) = 0.5_mk*(phimid(3) - &
+                         & opos(3)*( &
+                         &         phi(i,j,k+2,isub) - &
+                         & 3.0_mk*(phi(i,j,k+1,isub) - phi(i  ,j,k,isub)) - &
+                         &         phi(i,j,k-1,isub)))*dxi(3)
+                    phin(1) = 0.5_mk*(phimid(1) - &
+                         & oneg(1)*( &
+                         &         phi(i+1,j,k,isub) - &
+                         & 3.0_mk*(phi(i  ,j,k,isub) - phi(i-1,j,k,isub)) - &
+                         &         phi(i-2,j,k,isub)))*dxi(1)
+                    phin(2) = 0.5_mk*(phimid(2) - &
+                         & oneg(2)*( &
+                         &         phi(i,j+1,k,isub) - &
+                         & 3.0_mk*(phi(i,j  ,k,isub) - phi(i,j-1,k,isub)) - &
+                         &         phi(i,j-2,k,isub)))*dxi(2)
+                    phin(3) = 0.5_mk*(phimid(3) - &
+                         & oneg(3)*( &
+                         &         phi(i,j,k+1,isub) - &
+                         & 3.0_mk*(phi(i,j,k  ,isub) - phi(i,j,k-1,isub)) - &
+                         &         phi(i,j,k-2,isub)))*dxi(3)
+                    phip(1) = 0.5_mk*(phimid(1) - &
+                         & opos(1)*( &
+                         &         phi(idx,i+2,j,k,isub) - &
+                         & 3.0_mk*(phi(idx,i+1,j,k,isub)-phi(idx,i,j,k,isub))-&
+                         &         phi(idx,i-1,j,k,isub)))*dxi(1)
+                    phip(2) = 0.5_mk*(phimid(2) - &
+                         & opos(2)*( &
+                         &         phi(idx,i,j+2,k,isub) - &
+                         & 3.0_mk*(phi(idx,i,j+1,k,isub)-phi(idx,i,j,k,isub))-&
+                         &         phi(idx,i,j-1,k,isub)))*dxi(2)
+                    phip(3) = 0.5_mk*(phimid(3) - &
+                         & opos(3)*( &
+                         &         phi(idx,i,j,k+2,isub) - &
+                         & 3.0_mk*(phi(idx,i,j,k+1,isub)-phi(idx,i,j,k,isub))-&
+                         &         phi(idx,i,j,k-1,isub)))*dxi(3)
+                    phin(1) = 0.5_mk*(phimid(1) - &
+                         & oneg(1)*( &
+                         &         phi(idx,i+1,j,k,isub) - &
+                         & 3.0_mk*(phi(idx,i  ,j,k,isub)-phi(idx,i-1,j,k,isub))-&
+                         &         phi(idx,i-2,j,k,isub)))*dxi(1)
+                    phin(2) = 0.5_mk*(phimid(2) - &
+                         & oneg(2)*( &
+                         &         phi(idx,i,j+1,k,isub) - &
+                         & 3.0_mk*(phi(idx,i,j  ,k,isub)-phi(idx,i,j-1,k,isub))-&
+                         &         phi(idx,i,j-2,k,isub)))*dxi(2)
+                    phin(3) = 0.5_mk*(phimid(3) - &
+                         & oneg(3)*( &
+                         &         phi(idx,i,j,k+1,isub) - &
+                         & 3.0_mk*(phi(idx,i,j,k  ,isub)-phi(idx,i,j,k-1,isub))-&
+                         &         phi(idx,i,j,k-2,isub)))*dxi(3)
+#if __MODE == __SCA                    
+                    !--- collect
+                    IF(phi(i,j,k,isub).GT.0.0_mk) THEN
+                       pbs = SQRT( &
+                            & MAX(-MIN(phip(1),0.0_mk),MAX(phin(1),0.0_mk))**2+&
+                            & MAX(-MIN(phip(2),0.0_mk),MAX(phin(2),0.0_mk))**2+&
+                            & MAX(-MIN(phip(3),0.0_mk),MAX(phin(3),0.0_mk))**2)&
+                            & - trgt
+                    ELSEIF(phi(i,j,k,isub).LT.0.0_mk) THEN
+                       pbs = SQRT( &
+                            & MAX(MAX(phip(1),0.0_mk),-MIN(phin(1),0.0_mk))**2+&
+                            & MAX(MAX(phip(2),0.0_mk),-MIN(phin(2),0.0_mk))**2+&
+                            & MAX(MAX(phip(3),0.0_mk),-MIN(phin(3),0.0_mk))**2)&
+                            & - trgt
+                    ELSE
+                       pbs = 0.0_mk
+                    END IF
+                    dphi_dt =  pbs * phi(i,j,k,isub) / &
+                         & SQRT(phi(i,j,k,isub)**2+0.25_mk*SUM(phimid**2)) 
+                    tphi(i,j,k,isub) = phi(i,j,k,isub) - wenotau * dphi_dt
+                    !--- collect
+                    IF(phi(idx,i,j,k,isub).GT.0.0_mk) THEN
+                       pbs = SQRT( &
+                            & MAX(-MIN(phip(1),0.0_mk),MAX(phin(1),0.0_mk))**2+&
+                            & MAX(-MIN(phip(2),0.0_mk),MAX(phin(2),0.0_mk))**2+&
+                            & MAX(-MIN(phip(3),0.0_mk),MAX(phin(3),0.0_mk))**2)&
+                            & - trgt
+                    ELSEIF(phi(idx,i,j,k,isub).LT.0.0_mk) THEN
+                       pbs = SQRT( &
+                            & MAX(MAX(phip(1),0.0_mk),-MIN(phin(1),0.0_mk))**2+&
+                            & MAX(MAX(phip(2),0.0_mk),-MIN(phin(2),0.0_mk))**2+&
+                            & MAX(MAX(phip(3),0.0_mk),-MIN(phin(3),0.0_mk))**2)&
+                            & - trgt
+                    ELSE
+                       pbs = 0.0_mk
+                    END IF
+                    dphi_dt =  pbs * phi(idx,i,j,k,isub) / &
+                         & SQRT(phi(idx,i,j,k,isub)**2+0.25_mk*SUM(phimid**2)) 
+                    tphi(i,j,k,isub) = phi(idx,i,j,k,isub) - wenotau * dphi_dt
+                    rms = MAX(rms,ABS(dphi_dt))
+        END DO
+        res = rms
+        CALL substop('ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_step_3d',t0,info)
+#if   __MODE == __SCA
+      END SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_step_3ds 
+      END SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_step_3dd 
+#elif __MODE == __VEC
+      END SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_step_3dsV 
+      END SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_loc_step_3ddV 
diff --git a/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_ref_3d.f b/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_ref_3d.f
index 3043ff8..8d822bf 100644
--- a/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_ref_3d.f
+++ b/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_ref_3d.f
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
       !     Revisions    :
       !     $Log: ppm_hamjac_reinit_ref_3d.f,v $
-      !     Revision  2007/07/13 10:18:55  ivos
-      !     CBL version of the PPM library
+      !     Revision  2006/07/25 15:18:19  menahel
+      !     initial import
       !     Revision 1.1  2005/07/25 00:34:03  ivos
       !     Initial check-in.
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
       !     ETH Zentrum, Hirschengraben 84
       !     CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
 #if   __MODE == __SCA
       SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_ref_3ds (phi, chi, trgt, tol, maxstep, &
@@ -41,22 +43,24 @@
 #elif __MODE == __VEC
-      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      !  Modules 
-      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      USE ppm_module_data
-      USE ppm_module_data_mesh
-      USE ppm_module_substart
-      USE ppm_module_substop
-      USE ppm_module_error
-      USE ppm_module_alloc
-      USE ppm_module_typedef
+        USE ppm_module_data
+        USE ppm_module_data_mesh
+        USE ppm_module_error
+        USE ppm_module_write
+        USE ppm_module_substart
+        USE ppm_module_alloc
+        USE ppm_module_substop
+        USE ppm_module_map
+        USE ppm_module_typedef
         INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_single
 #elif  __KIND == __DOUBLE_PRECISION       
         INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_double
         !  Arguments
@@ -67,6 +71,7 @@
         INTEGER, INTENT(inout)                :: info
         INTEGER, INTENT(in)                   :: maxstep
         REAL(mk), INTENT(in)                  :: tol, trgt
         !  Aliases
@@ -74,20 +79,22 @@
         REAL(mk), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), POINTER :: tphi
         INTEGER                               :: nsublist
         INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER      :: ndata
-        INTEGER                               :: meshid
-        REAL(mk), DIMENSION(:), POINTER       :: min_phys, max_phys
+        INTEGER                               :: topoid,meshid
+        REAL(MK), DIMENSION(:), POINTER       :: min_phys, max_phys
         TYPE(ppm_t_topo),      POINTER        :: topo
         TYPE(ppm_t_equi_mesh), POINTER        :: mesh
         !  standard stuff
-        INTEGER                               :: isub,isubl,i,j,k,maptype
-        INTEGER                               :: istep,iopt
-        INTEGER                               :: ldl(4), ldu(4),ndata_max(3)
+        INTEGER                               :: isub,isubl,i,j,k,maptype,istep,iopt
+        INTEGER                               :: ldl(4), ldu(4), ndata_max(3)
         REAL(mk)                              :: len_phys(3)
         REAL(mk) :: t0, res
         CHARACTER(LEN=ppm_char)               :: cbuf
         CALL substart('ppm_hamjac_reinit_ref_3d',t0,info)
         !  Get the mesh data
@@ -96,7 +103,6 @@
         meshid = mesh%ID
         nsublist = topo%nsublist
         ndata    => mesh%nnodes
-        !  COMMENT Thu May 26 19:39:51 PDT 2005:  experimental
         isublist => topo%isublist
         min_phys => topo%min_physs
@@ -105,6 +111,14 @@
         min_phys => topo%min_physd
         max_phys => topo%max_physd
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
+        !  RATIONALE Thu May 26 20:51:19 PDT 2005:
+        !  loop ghostmap doit. easy.
+        !-----------------------------------------------------
         !  allocate temporary storage
@@ -124,9 +138,11 @@
                 &        'temp storage for hamjac',__LINE__,info)
            GOTO 9999
         END IF
         !--- ready to blast
         maptype = ppm_param_map_init
         CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(phi,topo_id,mesh_id,ghostsize,maptype,info)
         !--- map the map
         maptype = ppm_param_map_ghost_get
         CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(chi,3,topo_id,mesh_id,ghostsize,maptype,info)
@@ -136,6 +152,8 @@
         CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(chi,3,topo_id,mesh_id,ghostsize,maptype,info)
         maptype = ppm_param_map_pop
         CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(chi,3,topo_id,mesh_id,ghostsize,maptype,info)
         !--- COMMENT Thu May 26 21:05:23 PDT 2005:  simple euler here, do TVD
         DO istep=1,maxstep
            !--- map the gowas
@@ -147,13 +165,16 @@
            CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(phi,topo_id,mesh_id,ghostsize,maptype,info)
            maptype = ppm_param_map_pop
            CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(phi,topo_id,mesh_id,ghostsize,maptype,info)
            CALL ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_ref(phi,chi,tphi,trgt,res,topo_id,   &
      &         mesh_id,ghostsize,info)
            ! IF (ppm_debug .GT. 0) THEN
-           WRITE(cbuf,'(A,I4,A,E5.2)') 'Iteration ',istep,' Residual: ',res
+           !TODO Uncomment WRITE statement
+           !WRITE(cbuf,'(A,I4,A,ES)') 'Iteration ',istep,' Residual: ', res
            CALL ppm_write(ppm_rank,'ppm_hamjac_reinit_ref_3d',cbuf,info)
            ! ENDIF
            DO isub=1,nsublist
               isubl = isublist(isub)
               DO k=1,ndata(3,isubl);DO j=1,ndata(2,isubl);DO i=1,ndata(1,isubl)
@@ -162,11 +183,14 @@
            END DO
            IF(res.LT.tol) GOTO 666
         END DO
         info = ppm_error_warning
         CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_converge,'ppm_hamjac_reinit_ref_3d', &
              &         'failed to reach target residual',__LINE__,info)
         info = ppm_param_success
 666     CONTINUE
         iopt = ppm_param_dealloc
         CALL ppm_alloc(tphi,ldl,ldu,iopt,info)
         IF(info.NE.0) THEN
@@ -175,6 +199,8 @@
                 &        'temp storage for hamjac not freed',__LINE__,info)
            GOTO 9999
         END IF
 9999    CONTINUE
@@ -182,3 +208,11 @@
       END SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_ref_3dd 
diff --git a/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_russo_3d.f b/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_russo_3d.f
index 9fbd1a5..b4f9d1f 100644
--- a/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_russo_3d.f
+++ b/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_russo_3d.f
@@ -82,9 +82,11 @@
         INTEGER                               :: nsublist
         INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER      :: ndata
         INTEGER                               :: topoid,meshid
-        REAL(mk), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER     :: min_phys, max_phys
-		INTEGER, DIMENSION(6)                  :: orgbcdef
+        REAL(mk), DIMENSION(:), POINTER       :: min_phys, max_phys
+		INTEGER, DIMENSION(6)                 :: orgbcdef
         INTEGER								  :: s2didx, mpi_prec
+        TYPE(ppm_t_topo),      POINTER        :: topo
+        TYPE(ppm_t_equi_mesh), POINTER        :: mesh
         !  standard stuff
@@ -112,27 +114,27 @@
         !  Get the mesh data
-        topoid = ppm_internal_topoid(topo_id)
-        meshid = ppm_meshid(topoid)%internal(mesh_id)
-        nsublist = ppm_nsublist(topoid)
-        ndata    => ppm_cart_mesh(meshid,topoid)%nnodes
-        isublist => ppm_isublist(:,topoid)
+        topo => ppm_topo(topo_id)%t
+        mesh => topo%mesh(mesh_id)
+        meshid = mesh%ID
+        nsublist = topo%nsublist
+        ndata    => mesh%nnodes
+        isublist => topo%isublist
-        min_phys => ppm_min_physs
-        max_phys => ppm_max_physs
+        min_phys => topo%min_physs
+        max_phys => topo%max_physs
 #elif  __KIND == __DOUBLE_PRECISION       
-        min_phys => ppm_min_physd
-        max_phys => ppm_max_physd
+        min_phys => topo%min_physd
+        max_phys => topo%max_physd
-        len_phys(1) = max_phys(1,topoid) - min_phys(1,topoid)
-        len_phys(2) = max_phys(2,topoid) - min_phys(2,topoid)
-		len_phys(3) = max_phys(3,topoid) - min_phys(3,topoid)
+        len_phys(1) = max_phys(1) - min_phys(1)
+        len_phys(2) = max_phys(2) - min_phys(2)
+		len_phys(3) = max_phys(3) - min_phys(3)
-        dx(1)       = len_phys(1)/REAL(ppm_cart_mesh(meshid,topoid)%nm(1)-1,mk)
-        dx(2)       = len_phys(2)/REAL(ppm_cart_mesh(meshid,topoid)%nm(2)-1,mk)
-		dx(3)       = len_phys(3)/REAL(ppm_cart_mesh(meshid,topoid)%nm(3)-1,mk)	
+        dx(1)       = len_phys(1)/REAL(mesh%Nm(1)-1,mk)
+        dx(2)       = len_phys(2)/REAL(mesh%Nm(2)-1,mk)
+		dx(3)       = len_phys(3)/REAL(mesh%Nm(3)-1,mk)
 		! timestep
 		tau = 0.25_mk*MINVAL(dx)
diff --git a/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_russo_step_3d.f b/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_russo_step_3d.f
index 2c0cbbd..079b6fc 100644
--- a/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_russo_step_3d.f
+++ b/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_russo_step_3d.f
@@ -76,7 +76,9 @@
         INTEGER                               :: nsublist
         INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER      :: ndata
         INTEGER                               :: topoid, meshid
-        REAL(mk), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER     :: min_phys, max_phys
+        REAL(mk), DIMENSION(:), POINTER       :: min_phys, max_phys
+        TYPE(ppm_t_topo),      POINTER        :: topo
+        TYPE(ppm_t_equi_mesh), POINTER        :: mesh
         !  standard stuff
@@ -101,27 +103,27 @@
         !  Get the mesh data
-        topoid = ppm_internal_topoid(topo_id)
-        meshid = ppm_meshid(topoid)%internal(mesh_id)
-        nsublist = ppm_nsublist(topoid)
-        ndata    => ppm_cart_mesh(meshid,topoid)%nnodes
-        !  COMMENT Thu May 26 19:39:51 PDT 2005:  experimental
-        isublist => ppm_isublist(:,topoid)
+        topo => ppm_topo(topo_id)%t
+        mesh => topo%mesh(mesh_id)
+        meshid = mesh%ID
+        nsublist = topo%nsublist
+        ndata    => mesh%nnodes
+        isublist => topo%isublist
-        min_phys => ppm_min_physs
-        max_phys => ppm_max_physs
+        min_phys => topo%min_physs
+        max_phys => topo%max_physs
 #elif  __KIND == __DOUBLE_PRECISION       
-        min_phys => ppm_min_physd
-        max_phys => ppm_max_physd
+        min_phys => topo%min_physd
+        max_phys => topo%max_physd
-        len_phys(1) = max_phys(1,topoid) - min_phys(1,topoid)
-        len_phys(2) = max_phys(2,topoid) - min_phys(2,topoid)
-		len_phys(3) = max_phys(3,topoid) - min_phys(3,topoid)
+        len_phys(1) = max_phys(1) - min_phys(1)
+        len_phys(2) = max_phys(2) - min_phys(2)
+		len_phys(3) = max_phys(3) - min_phys(3)
-        dx(1)       = len_phys(1)/REAL(ppm_cart_mesh(meshid,topoid)%nm(1)-1,mk)
-        dx(2)       = len_phys(2)/REAL(ppm_cart_mesh(meshid,topoid)%nm(2)-1,mk)
-		dx(3)       = len_phys(3)/REAL(ppm_cart_mesh(meshid,topoid)%nm(3)-1,mk)		
+        dx(1)       = len_phys(1)/REAL(mesh%Nm(1)-1,mk)
+        dx(2)       = len_phys(2)/REAL(mesh%Nm(2)-1,mk)
+		dx(3)       = len_phys(3)/REAL(mesh%Nm(3)-1,mk)
         dxi(1)      = 1.0_mk/dx(1)
         dxi(2)      = 1.0_mk/dx(2)
 		dxi(3)		= 1.0_mk/dx(3)
diff --git a/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_2d.f b/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_2d.f
index f92091d..cce894a 100644
--- a/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_2d.f
+++ b/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_2d.f
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
       !     Revisions    :
       !     $Log: ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_2d.f,v $
-      !     Revision  2007/07/13 10:18:55  ivos
-      !     CBL version of the PPM library
+      !     Revision  2006/07/25 15:18:19  menahel
+      !     initial import
       !     Revision 1.1  2005/07/25 00:34:04  ivos
       !     Initial check-in.
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
       !     ETH Zentrum, Hirschengraben 84
       !     CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
 #if   __MODE == __SCA
       SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_2ds (phi, tphi, trgt, res, &
@@ -40,22 +42,22 @@
 #elif __MODE == __VEC
-      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      !  Modules 
-      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      USE ppm_module_data
-      USE ppm_module_data_mesh
-      USE ppm_module_substart
-      USE ppm_module_substop
-      USE ppm_module_error
-      USE ppm_module_alloc
-      USE ppm_module_typedef
+        USE ppm_module_data
+        USE ppm_module_data_mesh
+        USE ppm_module_error
+        USE ppm_module_substart
+        USE ppm_module_substop
+        USE ppm_module_typedef
         INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_single
 #elif  __KIND == __DOUBLE_PRECISION       
         INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_double
         !  Arguments
@@ -65,21 +67,23 @@
         INTEGER, INTENT(inout)                :: info
         REAL(mk),INTENT(out)                  :: res
         REAL(mk), INTENT(in)                  :: trgt
         !  Aliases
         INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER        :: isublist
         INTEGER                               :: nsublist
         INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER      :: ndata
-        INTEGER                               :: meshid
-        REAL(mk), DIMENSION(:),  POINTER      :: min_phys, max_phys
+        INTEGER                               :: topoid, meshid
+        REAL(MK), DIMENSION(:), POINTER       :: min_phys, max_phys
         TYPE(ppm_t_topo),      POINTER        :: topo
         TYPE(ppm_t_equi_mesh), POINTER        :: mesh
         !  standard stuff
         INTEGER                               :: isub,isubl,i,j,k
-        REAL(mk)                              :: len_phys(2)
+        REAL(MK)                              :: len_phys(2)
         !  WENO stuff
@@ -90,7 +94,10 @@
         INTEGER, PARAMETER, DIMENSION(3,3) :: offs &
              & = RESHAPE((/2,1,0,1,0,-1,0,-1,-2/),(/3,3/))
         REAL(mk) :: t0
         CALL substart('ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_2d',t0,info)
         !  Get the mesh data
@@ -99,7 +106,6 @@
         meshid = mesh%ID
         nsublist = topo%nsublist
         ndata    => mesh%nnodes
-        !  COMMENT Thu May 26 19:39:51 PDT 2005:  experimental
         isublist => topo%isublist
         min_phys => topo%min_physs
@@ -108,19 +114,23 @@
         min_phys => topo%min_physd
         max_phys => topo%max_physd
         len_phys(1) = max_phys(1) - min_phys(1)
         len_phys(2) = max_phys(2) - min_phys(2)
-        dx(1)       = len_phys(1)/REAL(mesh%nm(1)-1,mk)
-        dx(2)       = len_phys(2)/REAL(mesh%nm(2)-1,mk)
+        dx(1)       = len_phys(1)/REAL(mesh%Nm(1)-1,mk)
+        dx(2)       = len_phys(2)/REAL(mesh%Nm(2)-1,mk)
         dxi(1)      = 1.0_mk/dx(1)
         dxi(2)      = 1.0_mk/dx(2)
         wenoeps = 1.0e-6_mk
         wenotau = 0.25_mk*MINVAL(dx)
         rms = -HUGE(rms)
         DO isub=1,nsublist
            isubl = isublist(isub)
            DO j=1,ndata(2,isubl)
               DO i=1,ndata(1,isubl)
                  !DO ilap=1,3
                  !   laps(2-ilap,1) = phi(i+offs(1,ilap),j,isub)   &
                  !        & -2.0_mk * phi(i+offs(2,ilap),j,isub) &
@@ -147,16 +157,22 @@
                  laps(-1,2) = phi(i,j,isub)   &
                       & -2.0_mk * phi(i,j-1,isub) &
                       &       + phi(i,j-2,isub)
                  rpos(1) = (wenoeps + laps( 1,1)**2)/(wenoeps + laps(0,1)**2)
                  rneg(1) = (wenoeps + laps(-1,1)**2)/(wenoeps + laps(0,1)**2)
                  rpos(2) = (wenoeps + laps( 1,2)**2)/(wenoeps + laps(0,2)**2)
                  rneg(2) = (wenoeps + laps(-1,2)**2)/(wenoeps + laps(0,2)**2)
                  opos(1) = 1.0_mk/(1.0_mk+2.0_mk*rpos(1)**2)
                  opos(2) = 1.0_mk/(1.0_mk+2.0_mk*rpos(2)**2)
                  oneg(1) = 1.0_mk/(1.0_mk+2.0_mk*rneg(1)**2)
                  oneg(2) = 1.0_mk/(1.0_mk+2.0_mk*rneg(2)**2)
                  phimid(1) = phi(i+1,j,isub)-phi(i-1,j,isub)
                  phimid(2) = phi(i,j+1,isub)-phi(i,j-1,isub)
                  phip(1) = 0.5_mk*(phimid(1) - &
                       & opos(1)*( &
                       &         phi(i+2,j,isub) - &
@@ -177,6 +193,7 @@
                       &         phi(i,j+1,isub) - &
                       & 3.0_mk*(phi(i,j  ,isub) - phi(i,j-1,isub)) - &
                       &         phi(i,j-2,isub)))*dxi(2)
                  !--- collect
                  IF(phi(i,j,isub).GT.0.0_mk) THEN
                     pbs = SQRT( &
@@ -196,10 +213,17 @@
                  tphi(i,j,isub) = phi(i,j,isub) - wenotau * dphi_dt
                  rms = MAX(rms,ABS(dphi_dt))
               END DO
            END DO
         END DO
         res = rms
         CALL substop('ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_2d',t0,info)
@@ -207,3 +231,18 @@
       END SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_2dd 
diff --git a/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_3d.f b/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_3d.f
index 55b163d..c21f053 100644
--- a/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_3d.f
+++ b/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_3d.f
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
       !     Revisions    :
       !     $Log: ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_3d.f,v $
-      !     Revision  2007/07/13 10:18:55  ivos
-      !     CBL version of the PPM library
+      !     Revision  2006/07/25 15:18:19  menahel
+      !     initial import
       !     Revision 1.2  2005/08/12 14:38:01  ivos
       !     bugfix: index bounds in loop corrected.
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
       !     ETH Zentrum, Hirschengraben 84
       !     CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
 #if   __MODE == __SCA
       SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_3ds (phi, tphi, trgt, res, &
@@ -50,22 +51,22 @@
            &                          topo_id, mesh_id, ghostsize, info)
-      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      !  Modules 
-      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
         USE ppm_module_data
         USE ppm_module_data_mesh
+        USE ppm_module_error
         USE ppm_module_substart
         USE ppm_module_substop
-        USE ppm_module_error
-        USE ppm_module_alloc
         USE ppm_module_typedef
         INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_single
 #elif  __KIND == __DOUBLE_PRECISION       
         INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_double
         !  Arguments
@@ -83,21 +84,23 @@
         INTEGER, INTENT(in)                   :: idx
         REAL(mk), INTENT(in)                  :: trgt
         !  Aliases
         INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER        :: isublist
         INTEGER                               :: nsublist
         INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER      :: ndata
-        INTEGER                               :: meshid
-        REAL(mk), DIMENSION(:), POINTER       :: min_phys, max_phys
-        TYPE(ppm_t_topo),      POINTER   :: topo
-        TYPE(ppm_t_equi_mesh), POINTER   :: mesh
+        INTEGER                               :: topoid, meshid
+        REAL(MK), DIMENSION(:), POINTER       :: min_phys, max_phys
+        TYPE(ppm_t_topo),      POINTER        :: topo
+        TYPE(ppm_t_equi_mesh), POINTER        :: mesh
         !  standard stuff
         INTEGER                               :: isub,isubl,i,j,k
-        REAL(mk)                              :: len_phys(3)
+        REAL(MK)                              :: len_phys(3)
         !  WENO stuff
@@ -108,7 +111,10 @@
         INTEGER, PARAMETER, DIMENSION(3,3) :: offs &
              & = RESHAPE((/2,1,0,1,0,-1,0,-1,-2/),(/3,3/))
         REAL(mk) :: t0
         CALL substart('ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_3d',t0,info)
         !  Get the mesh data
@@ -117,7 +123,6 @@
         meshid = mesh%ID
         nsublist = topo%nsublist
         ndata    => mesh%nnodes
-        !  COMMENT Thu May 26 19:39:51 PDT 2005:  experimental
         isublist => topo%isublist
         min_phys => topo%min_physs
@@ -126,34 +131,72 @@
         min_phys => topo%min_physd
         max_phys => topo%max_physd
         len_phys(1) = max_phys(1) - min_phys(1)
         len_phys(2) = max_phys(2) - min_phys(2)
         len_phys(3) = max_phys(3) - min_phys(3)
-        dx(1)       = len_phys(1)/REAL(mesh%nm(1)-1,mk)
-        dx(2)       = len_phys(2)/REAL(mesh%nm(2)-1,mk)
-        dx(3)       = len_phys(3)/REAL(mesh%nm(3)-1,mk)
+        dx(1)       = len_phys(1)/REAL(mesh%Nm(1)-1,mk)
+        dx(2)       = len_phys(2)/REAL(mesh%Nm(2)-1,mk)
+        dx(3)       = len_phys(3)/REAL(mesh%Nm(3)-1,mk)
         dxi(1)      = 1.0_mk/dx(1)
         dxi(2)      = 1.0_mk/dx(2)
         dxi(3)      = 1.0_mk/dx(3)
         wenoeps = 1.0e-6_mk
         wenotau = 0.25_mk*MINVAL(dx)
         rms = -HUGE(rms)
         DO isub=1,nsublist
            isubl = isublist(isub)
            DO k=1,ndata(3,isubl)
               DO j=1,ndata(2,isubl)
                  DO i=1,ndata(1,isubl)
+                    ! hack
+#if __MODE == __SCA                    
+!                    IF(phi(i+1,j,k,isub).EQ.phi(i-1,j,k,isub).AND. &
+!                         & phi(i,j+1,k,isub).EQ.phi(i,j-1,k,isub).AND. &
+!                         & phi(i,j,k+1,isub).EQ.phi(i,j,k-1,isub).AND.ABS(phi(i&
+!                         &,j,k,isub)).LT.14.0_mk*dx(1)) CYCLE
+#if __MODE == __SCA
+                    phimid(1) = phi(i+1,j,k,isub)-phi(i-1,j,k,isub)
+                    phimid(2) = phi(i,j+1,k,isub)-phi(i,j-1,k,isub)
+                    phimid(3) = phi(i,j,k+1,isub)-phi(i,j,k-1,isub)
+                    phimid(1) = phi(idx,i+1,j,k,isub)-phi(idx,i-1,j,k,isub)
+                    phimid(2) = phi(idx,i,j+1,k,isub)-phi(idx,i,j-1,k,isub)
+                    phimid(3) = phi(idx,i,j,k+1,isub)-phi(idx,i,j,k-1,isub)
                     DO ilap=1,3
 #if __MODE == __SCA
-                       laps(2-ilap,1) = phi(i+offs(1,ilap),j,k,isub)   &
-                            & -2.0_mk * phi(i+offs(2,ilap),j,k,isub) &
-                            &       + phi(i+offs(3,ilap),j,k,isub)
-                       laps(2-ilap,2) = phi(i,j+offs(1,ilap),k,isub)   &
-                            & -2.0_mk * phi(i,j+offs(2,ilap),k,isub) &
-                            &       + phi(i,j+offs(3,ilap),k,isub)
-                       laps(2-ilap,3) = phi(i,j,k+offs(1,ilap),isub)   &
-                            & -2.0_mk * phi(i,j,k+offs(2,ilap),isub) &
-                            &       + phi(i,j,k+offs(3,ilap),isub)
+                       laps(2-3,1) = phi(i+offs(1,3),j,k,isub)   &
+                            & -2.0_mk * phi(i+offs(2,3),j,k,isub) &
+                            &       + phi(i+offs(3,3),j,k,isub)
+                       laps(2-3,2) = phi(i,j+offs(1,3),k,isub)   &
+                            & -2.0_mk * phi(i,j+offs(2,3),k,isub) &
+                            &       + phi(i,j+offs(3,3),k,isub)
+                       laps(2-3,3) = phi(i,j,k+offs(1,3),isub)   &
+                            & -2.0_mk * phi(i,j,k+offs(2,3),isub) &
+                            &       + phi(i,j,k+offs(3,3),isub)
+                       laps(2-2,1) = phi(i+offs(1,2),j,k,isub)   &
+                            & -2.0_mk * phi(i+offs(2,2),j,k,isub) &
+                            &       + phi(i+offs(3,2),j,k,isub)
+                       laps(2-2,2) = phi(i,j+offs(1,2),k,isub)   &
+                            & -2.0_mk * phi(i,j+offs(2,2),k,isub) &
+                            &       + phi(i,j+offs(3,2),k,isub)
+                       laps(2-2,3) = phi(i,j,k+offs(1,2),isub)   &
+                            & -2.0_mk * phi(i,j,k+offs(2,2),isub) &
+                            &       + phi(i,j,k+offs(3,2),isub)
+                       laps(2-1,1) = phi(i+offs(1,1),j,k,isub)   &
+                            & -2.0_mk * phi(i+offs(2,1),j,k,isub) &
+                            &       + phi(i+offs(3,1),j,k,isub)
+                       laps(2-1,2) = phi(i,j+offs(1,1),k,isub)   &
+                            & -2.0_mk * phi(i,j+offs(2,1),k,isub) &
+                            &       + phi(i,j+offs(3,1),k,isub)
+                       laps(2-1,3) = phi(i,j,k+offs(1,1),isub)   &
+                            & -2.0_mk * phi(i,j,k+offs(2,1),isub) &
+                            &       + phi(i,j,k+offs(3,1),isub)
 #elif __MODE == __VEC
                        laps(2-ilap,1) = phi(idx,i+offs(1,ilap),j,k,isub)   &
                             & -2.0_mk * phi(idx,i+offs(2,ilap),j,k,isub) &
@@ -166,27 +209,21 @@
                             &       + phi(idx,i,j,k+offs(3,ilap),isub)
                     END DO
                     rpos(1) = (wenoeps + laps( 1,1)**2)/(wenoeps + laps(0,1)**2)
                     rneg(1) = (wenoeps + laps(-1,1)**2)/(wenoeps + laps(0,1)**2)
                     rpos(2) = (wenoeps + laps( 1,2)**2)/(wenoeps + laps(0,2)**2)
                     rneg(2) = (wenoeps + laps(-1,2)**2)/(wenoeps + laps(0,2)**2)
                     rpos(3) = (wenoeps + laps( 1,3)**2)/(wenoeps + laps(0,3)**2)
                     rneg(3) = (wenoeps + laps(-1,3)**2)/(wenoeps + laps(0,3)**2)
                     opos(1) = 1.0_mk/(1.0_mk+2.0_mk*rpos(1)**2)
                     opos(2) = 1.0_mk/(1.0_mk+2.0_mk*rpos(2)**2)
                     opos(3) = 1.0_mk/(1.0_mk+2.0_mk*rpos(3)**2)
                     oneg(1) = 1.0_mk/(1.0_mk+2.0_mk*rneg(1)**2)
                     oneg(2) = 1.0_mk/(1.0_mk+2.0_mk*rneg(2)**2)
                     oneg(3) = 1.0_mk/(1.0_mk+2.0_mk*rneg(3)**2)
-#if __MODE == __SCA
-                    phimid(1) = phi(i+1,j,k,isub)-phi(i-1,j,k,isub)
-                    phimid(2) = phi(i,j+1,k,isub)-phi(i,j-1,k,isub)
-                    phimid(3) = phi(i,j,k+1,isub)-phi(i,j,k-1,isub)
-                    phimid(1) = phi(idx,i+1,j,k,isub)-phi(idx,i-1,j,k,isub)
-                    phimid(2) = phi(idx,i,j+1,k,isub)-phi(idx,i,j-1,k,isub)
-                    phimid(3) = phi(idx,i,j,k+1,isub)-phi(idx,i,j,k-1,isub)
 #if __MODE == __SCA
                     phip(1) = 0.5_mk*(phimid(1) - &
                          & opos(1)*( &
@@ -250,6 +287,7 @@
                          & 3.0_mk*(phi(idx,i,j,k  ,isub) - phi(idx,i,j,k-1,isub)) - &
                          &         phi(idx,i,j,k-2,isub)))*dxi(3)
 #if __MODE == __SCA                    
                     !--- collect
                     IF(phi(i,j,k,isub).GT.0.0_mk) THEN
@@ -270,6 +308,7 @@
                     dphi_dt =  pbs * phi(i,j,k,isub) / &
                          & SQRT(phi(i,j,k,isub)**2+0.25_mk*SUM(phimid**2)) 
                     tphi(i,j,k,isub) = phi(i,j,k,isub) - wenotau * dphi_dt
                     !--- collect
                     IF(phi(idx,i,j,k,isub).GT.0.0_mk) THEN
@@ -290,13 +329,21 @@
                     dphi_dt =  pbs * phi(idx,i,j,k,isub) / &
                          & SQRT(phi(idx,i,j,k,isub)**2+0.25_mk*SUM(phimid**2)) 
                     tphi(i,j,k,isub) = phi(idx,i,j,k,isub) - wenotau * dphi_dt
                     rms = MAX(rms,ABS(dphi_dt))
                  END DO
               END DO
            END DO
         END DO
         res = rms
         CALL substop('ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_3d',t0,info)
 #if   __MODE == __SCA
@@ -311,3 +358,18 @@
       END SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_3ddV 
diff --git a/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_ref_3d.f b/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_ref_3d.f
index a801351..6c65762 100644
--- a/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_ref_3d.f
+++ b/src/ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_ref_3d.f
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
       !     Revisions    :
       !     $Log: ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_ref_3d.f,v $
-      !     Revision  2007/07/13 10:18:55  ivos
-      !     CBL version of the PPM library
+      !     Revision  2006/07/25 15:18:19  menahel
+      !     initial import
       !     Revision 1.2  2005/08/12 14:38:01  ivos
       !     bugfix: index bounds in loop corrected.
@@ -34,32 +34,33 @@
       !     ETH Zentrum, Hirschengraben 84
       !     CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
 #if   __MODE == __SCA
       SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_ref_3ds (phi, chi, tphi, trgt, res, &
-           &                          topo_id, mesh_id, ghostsize, info)
+     &                                topo_id, mesh_id, ghostsize, info)
-      SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_ref_3dd (phi, chi, tphi, trgt, res, topo_id, mesh_id, ghostsize, info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_ref_3dd (phi, chi, tphi, trgt, res, &
+     &                                topo_id, mesh_id, ghostsize, info)
 #elif __MODE == __VEC
-      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      !  Modules 
-      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      USE ppm_module_data
-      USE ppm_module_data_mesh
-      USE ppm_module_substart
-      USE ppm_module_substop
-      USE ppm_module_error
-      USE ppm_module_alloc
-      USE ppm_module_typedef
+        USE ppm_module_data
+        USE ppm_module_data_mesh
+        USE ppm_module_error
+        USE ppm_module_substart
+        USE ppm_module_substop
+        USE ppm_module_typedef
         INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_single
 #elif  __KIND == __DOUBLE_PRECISION       
         INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_double
         !  Arguments
@@ -70,22 +71,23 @@
         INTEGER, INTENT(inout)                :: info
         real(mk),INTENT(out)                  :: res
         REAL(mk), INTENT(in)                  :: trgt
         !  Aliases
         INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER        :: isublist
         INTEGER                               :: nsublist
         INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER      :: ndata
-        INTEGER                               :: meshid
-        REAL(mk), DIMENSION(:), POINTER       :: min_phys, max_phys
+        INTEGER                               :: topoid, meshid
+        REAL(MK), DIMENSION(:), POINTER       :: min_phys, max_phys
         TYPE(ppm_t_topo),      POINTER        :: topo
         TYPE(ppm_t_equi_mesh), POINTER        :: mesh
         !  standard stuff
         INTEGER                               :: isub,isubl,i,j,k
-        REAL(mk)                              :: len_phys(3)
+        REAL(MK)                              :: len_phys(3)
         !  WENO stuff
@@ -99,7 +101,10 @@
         INTEGER, PARAMETER, DIMENSION(3,3) :: offs &
              & = RESHAPE((/2,1,0,1,0,-1,0,-1,-2/),(/3,3/))
         REAL(mk) :: t0
         CALL substart('ppm_hamjac_step_3d',t0,info)
         !  Get the mesh data
@@ -108,7 +113,6 @@
         meshid = mesh%ID
         nsublist = topo%nsublist
         ndata    => mesh%nnodes
-        !  COMMENT Thu May 26 19:39:51 PDT 2005:  experimental
         isublist => topo%isublist
         min_phys => topo%min_physs
@@ -117,12 +121,13 @@
         min_phys => topo%min_physd
         max_phys => topo%max_physd
         len_phys(1) = max_phys(1) - min_phys(1)
         len_phys(2) = max_phys(2) - min_phys(2)
         len_phys(3) = max_phys(3) - min_phys(3)
-        dx(1)       = len_phys(1)/REAL(mesh%nm(1)-1,mk)
-        dx(2)       = len_phys(2)/REAL(mesh%nm(2)-1,mk)
-        dx(3)       = len_phys(3)/REAL(mesh%nm(3)-1,mk)
+        dx(1)       = len_phys(1)/REAL(mesh%Nm(1)-1,mk)
+        dx(2)       = len_phys(2)/REAL(mesh%Nm(2)-1,mk)
+        dx(3)       = len_phys(3)/REAL(mesh%Nm(3)-1,mk)
         dxi(1)      = 1.0_mk/dx(1)
         dxi(2)      = 1.0_mk/dx(2)
         dxi(3)      = 1.0_mk/dx(3)
@@ -132,14 +137,18 @@
         dxitwelve   = dxi(1)/12.0_mk
         dyitwelve   = dxi(2)/12.0_mk
         dzitwelve   = dxi(3)/12.0_mk
         wenoeps = 1.0e-6_mk
         wenotau = 0.5_mk*MINVAL(dx)
         rms = -HUGE(rms)
         DO isub=1,nsublist
            isubl = isublist(isub)
            DO k=1,ndata(3,isubl)
               DO j=1,ndata(2,isubl)
                  DO i=1,ndata(1,isubl)
                     DO ilap=1,3
                        laps(2-ilap,1) = phi(i+offs(1,ilap),j,k,isub)   &
                             & -2.0_mk * phi(i+offs(2,ilap),j,k,isub) &
@@ -151,21 +160,25 @@
                             & -2.0_mk * phi(i,j,k+offs(2,ilap),isub) &
                             &       + phi(i,j,k+offs(3,ilap),isub)
                     END DO
                     rpos(1) = (wenoeps + laps( 1,1)**2)/(wenoeps + laps(0,1)**2)
                     rneg(1) = (wenoeps + laps(-1,1)**2)/(wenoeps + laps(0,1)**2)
                     rpos(2) = (wenoeps + laps( 1,2)**2)/(wenoeps + laps(0,2)**2)
                     rneg(2) = (wenoeps + laps(-1,2)**2)/(wenoeps + laps(0,2)**2)
                     rpos(3) = (wenoeps + laps( 1,3)**2)/(wenoeps + laps(0,3)**2)
                     rneg(3) = (wenoeps + laps(-1,3)**2)/(wenoeps + laps(0,3)**2)
                     opos(1) = 1.0_mk/(1.0_mk+2.0_mk*rpos(1)**2)
                     opos(2) = 1.0_mk/(1.0_mk+2.0_mk*rpos(2)**2)
                     opos(3) = 1.0_mk/(1.0_mk+2.0_mk*rpos(3)**2)
                     oneg(1) = 1.0_mk/(1.0_mk+2.0_mk*rneg(1)**2)
                     oneg(2) = 1.0_mk/(1.0_mk+2.0_mk*rneg(2)**2)
                     oneg(3) = 1.0_mk/(1.0_mk+2.0_mk*rneg(3)**2)
                     phimid(1) = phi(i+1,j,k,isub)-phi(i-1,j,k,isub)
                     phimid(2) = phi(i,j+1,k,isub)-phi(i,j-1,k,isub)
                     phimid(3) = phi(i,j,k+1,isub)-phi(i,j,k-1,isub)
                     phip(1) = 0.5_mk*(phimid(1) - &
                          & opos(1)*( &
                          &         phi(i+2,j,k,isub) - &
@@ -199,12 +212,15 @@
                     jsub = isub
 #include ""
                     phinx(1) = jac(1,1)*phin(1)+jac(2,1)*phin(2)+jac(3,1)*phin(3)
                     phinx(2) = jac(1,2)*phin(1)+jac(2,2)*phin(2)+jac(3,2)*phin(3)
                     phinx(3) = jac(1,3)*phin(1)+jac(2,3)*phin(2)+jac(3,3)*phin(3)
                     phipx(1) = jac(1,1)*phip(1)+jac(2,1)*phip(2)+jac(3,1)*phip(3)
                     phipx(2) = jac(1,2)*phip(1)+jac(2,2)*phip(2)+jac(3,2)*phip(3)
                     phipx(3) = jac(1,3)*phip(1)+jac(2,3)*phip(2)+jac(3,3)*phip(3)
                     !--- collect
                     IF(phi(i,j,k,isub).GT.0.0_mk) THEN
                        pbs = SQRT( &
@@ -224,12 +240,19 @@
                     dphi_dt =  pbs * phi(i,j,k,isub) / &
                          & SQRT(phi(i,j,k,isub)**2+0.25_mk*SUM(phimid**2)) 
                     tphi(i,j,k,isub) = phi(i,j,k,isub) - wenotau * dphi_dt
                     rms = MAX(rms,ABS(dphi_dt))
                  END DO
               END DO
            END DO
         END DO
         res = rms
         CALL substop('ppm_hamjac_step_3d',t0,info)
@@ -237,3 +260,18 @@
       END SUBROUTINE ppm_hamjac_reinit_step_ref_3dd 
diff --git a/src/ppm_mg_alloc_field.f b/src/ppm_mg_alloc_field.f
index 9f73850..19c7e8c 100644
--- a/src/ppm_mg_alloc_field.f
+++ b/src/ppm_mg_alloc_field.f
@@ -27,11 +27,8 @@
       !  Revisions    :
       !  $Log: ppm_mg_alloc_field.f,v $
-      !  Revision  2007/07/13 10:18:56  ivos
-      !  CBL version of the PPM library
-      !
-      !  Revision 1.8  2006/07/21 11:30:57  kotsalie
-      !  FRIDAY
+      !  Revision  2006/07/25 15:18:20  menahel
+      !  initial import
       !  Revision 1.7  2004/10/01 16:33:39  ivos
       !  cosmetics.
@@ -89,6 +86,7 @@
       !  Includes
@@ -101,7 +99,6 @@
       USE ppm_module_substart
       USE ppm_module_substop
       USE ppm_module_error
-      USE ppm_module_alloc
       INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_single
@@ -113,7 +110,6 @@
       INTEGER                 , DIMENSION(:  ), INTENT(IN   ) :: lda
       INTEGER                                 , INTENT(IN   ) :: iopt
-      INTEGER                                 , INTENT(  OUT) :: info
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
@@ -143,13 +139,16 @@
+      INTEGER                           , INTENT(  OUT) :: info
       !  Local variables 
-      INTEGER               :: i,j
+      INTEGER            :: i,j
       INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: ldc
       REAL(MK)              :: t0
-      LOGICAL               :: lcopy,lalloc,lrealloc,ldealloc
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
@@ -179,6 +178,8 @@
+      LOGICAL            :: lcopy,lalloc,lrealloc,ldealloc
       !  Externals 
@@ -187,6 +188,7 @@
       !  Initialise 
       CALL substart('ppm_mg_alloc_field',t0,info)
       !  Check arguments
@@ -210,6 +212,7 @@
               GOTO 9999
       !  Check allocation type
@@ -288,6 +291,7 @@
               ldealloc = .TRUE.
       !  Perform the actual alloc action
@@ -307,10 +311,13 @@
+                  NULLIFY(work_field(i,j)%mask_red)
+                  NULLIFY(work_field(i,j)%mask_black)
       IF (lcopy) THEN
           !  Save the old contents
@@ -320,10 +327,13 @@
                   work_field(i,j)%uc => field(i,j)%uc
                   work_field(i,j)%fc => field(i,j)%fc
                   work_field(i,j)%err => field(i,j)%err
+                  work_field(i,j)%mask_red => field(i,j)%mask_red
+                  work_field(i,j)%mask_black => field(i,j)%mask_black
                   work_field(i,j)%bcvalue => field(i,j)%bcvalue
       IF (ldealloc) THEN
           !  Deallocate the old contents
@@ -357,6 +367,24 @@
+                  IF (ASSOCIATED(field(i,j)%mask_red)) THEN
+                      DEALLOCATE(field(i,j)%mask_red,STAT=info)
+                      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+                          info = ppm_error_error
+                          CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_dealloc,'ppm_mg_alloc_field',&
+     &                       'MASK FIELD%MASK_RED',__LINE__,info)
+                      ENDIF
+                      NULLIFY(field(i,j)%mask_red)
+                  ENDIF
+                  IF (ASSOCIATED(field(i,j)%mask_black)) THEN
+                      DEALLOCATE(field(i,j)%mask_black,STAT=info)
+                      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+                          info = ppm_error_error
+                          CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_dealloc,'ppm_mg_alloc_field',&
+     &                       'MASK FIELD%MASK_BLACK',__LINE__,info)
+                      ENDIF
+                      NULLIFY(field(i,j)%mask_black)
+                  ENDIF
                   IF (ASSOCIATED(field(i,j)%bcvalue)) THEN
                       IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
@@ -369,6 +397,7 @@
       IF (lrealloc) THEN
           !  Deallocate old pointer array
@@ -381,19 +410,20 @@
       IF (lalloc) THEN
           !  Point result to new array
           field => work_field
       !  Return 
       CALL substop('ppm_mg_alloc_field',t0,info)
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
@@ -423,3 +453,5 @@
diff --git a/src/ppm_mg_finalize.f b/src/ppm_mg_finalize.f
index eeaf382..71e8ec3 100644
--- a/src/ppm_mg_finalize.f
+++ b/src/ppm_mg_finalize.f
@@ -197,8 +197,6 @@
       iopt = ppm_param_dealloc
       CALL ppm_alloc(start,lda3,iopt,info)
-      CALL ppm_alloc(istop,lda3,iopt,info)
-      istat=istat+info  
       CALL ppm_alloc(lboundary,lda2,iopt,info)
       CALL ppm_alloc(max_node,lda2,iopt,info)
@@ -220,6 +218,15 @@
       CALL ppm_mg_alloc(mgfield,lda2,iopt,info)
       istat = istat +info
+#if __DIM == __SFIELD
+#if __MESH_DIM == __2D
+       CALL ppm_alloc(mask_dummy_2d,lda3,iopt,info)
+       istat=istat+info  
+#elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
+       CALL ppm_alloc(mask_dummy_3d,lda4,iopt,info)
+       istat=istat+info  
       IF (istat .NE. 0) THEN
           WRITE(mesg,'(A,I3,A)') 'for ',istat,' mgr arrays.Pble memory leak.'
           info = ppm_error_error
diff --git a/src/ppm_mg_init.f b/src/ppm_mg_init.f
index ab1dae0..fafb138 100644
--- a/src/ppm_mg_init.f
+++ b/src/ppm_mg_init.f
@@ -1,1176 +1,1448 @@
-       !------------------------------------------------------------------------
-       !  Subroutine   :                    ppm_mg_init
-       !------------------------------------------------------------------------
-       !
-       !  Purpose      : This routine initializes the solver for 
-       !                 2D and 3D problems
-       !
-       !  Input        :  equation   (I)  :  KIND OF EQUATION TO BE SOLVED 
-       !                                     FOR THE MOMENT ONLY POISSON
-       !                  ighostsize (I)  :  GHOSTSIZE  
-       !                                   
-       !                  smoother   (I)  :  NOW GAUSS-SEIDEL
-       !
-       !                  [lda]     (I)   : LEADING DIMENSION, ONLY TO BE
-       !                                    GIVEN FOR VECTOR CASES
-       !                
-       !                  ibcdef     (I)  : ARRAY OF BOUNDARY CONDITION 
-       !
-       !
-       !                  bcvalue   (F)   : ARRAY WHERE THE VALUES OF THE BC
-       !                                    ARE STORED.IN CASE OF PERIODIC 
-       !                                    JUST GIVE ANY KIND OF VALUE
-       !
-       !                  limlev    (I)    :Number of levels that the user 
-       !                                    wants to coarse.
-       !                
-       !                  wcycle    (L)    : TRUE if the user wants W-cycle.
-       !                                    OTHERWISE FALSE
-       !                  lprint    (L)    : TRUE IF YOU WANT TO DUMP OUT
-       !                                     INFORMATION
-       !                  
-       !                   omega     (F)    : relaxation parameter for SOR
-       !
-       !  
-       !  Input/output :     
-       !
-       !  Output       : info       (I) return status. 0 upon success.
-       !
-       !                  FURTHER A MESH IT SHOULD BE DIVISIBLE WITH 2.
-       !                  IF YOU WANT TO SOLVE DIFFERENT EQUATIONS 
-       !                  PROBLEM. A FUTURE IMPROVEMENT WOULD BE
-       !                  TO USE A GENERAL STENCIL.      
-       !
-       !  References   :
-       !
-       !  Revisions    :
-       !------------------------------------------------------------------------
-       !  $Log: ppm_mg_init.f,v $
-       !  Revision  2007/07/13 10:18:56  ivos
-       !  CBL version of the PPM library
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.17  2006/09/26 16:01:22  ivos
-       !  Fixed wrongly indented CPP directives. Remember: they have to start in
-       !  Col 1, otherwise it does not compile on certain systems. In fact, this
-       !  code did NOT compile as it was!!
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.16  2006/09/05 08:01:27  pchatela
-       !  Proper scaling for REAL comparisons
-       !  Added module_alloc to ppm_decomp_boxsplit
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.15  2006/07/21 11:30:54  kotsalie
-       !  FRIDAY
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.13  2006/06/08 08:38:18  kotsalie
-       !  Cosmetics
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.12  2006/06/08 08:27:37  kotsalie
-       !  changed bcvalue to support different BCs on the same face but different sub
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.8  2006/05/15 14:44:26  kotsalie
-       !  cosmetics
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.7  2006/02/03 09:34:03  ivos
-       !  Fixed bug 00015: ppm_subs_bc was only allocated and stored for the
-       !  local subs in topo_store. Several mapping routines however need the
-       !  info about all (global) subs.
-       !  Changed subs_bc to hold now the GLOBAL subid and adjusted all
-       !  occurrences.
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.6  2005/12/08 12:43:16  kotsalie
-       !  commiting dirichlet
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.5  2005/01/04 09:47:45  kotsalie
-       !  ghostsize=2 for scalar case
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.4  2004/10/29 15:59:14  kotsalie
-       !  RED BLACK SOR FOR 3d vec case. 2d will soon follow.
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.3  2004/09/28 14:04:49  kotsalie
-       !  Changes concerning 4th order finite differences
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.2  2004/09/23 09:38:30  kotsalie
-       !  added details in the header
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.1  2004/09/22 18:27:09  kotsalie
-       !  MG new version
-       !
-       !------------------------------------------------------------------------
-       !  Parallel Particle Mesh Library (PPM)
-       !  Institute of Computational Science
-       !  ETH Zentrum, Hirschengraben 84
-       !  CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
-       !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Subroutine   :                    ppm_mg_init
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !
+      !  Purpose      : This routine initializes the solver for 
+      !                 2D and 3D problems
+      !
+      !  Input        :  equation   (I)  :  KIND OF EQUATION TO BE SOLVED 
+      !                                     FOR THE MOMENT ONLY POISSON
+      !                  order      (I)  :  ORDER OF FINITE DIFFERENCES
+      !                                     NOW SECOND. THE GHOSTSIZE IS 
+      !                                     AUTOMATICALLY ADJUSTED 
+      !                  smoother   (I)  :  NOW GAUSS-SEIDEL
+      !
+      !                  [lda]     (I)   : LEADING DIMENSION, ONLY TO BE
+      !                                    GIVEN FOR VECTOR CASES
+      !                
+      !                  ibcdef     (I)  : ARRAY OF BOUNDARY CONDITION 
+      !
+      !
+      !                  bcvalue   (F)   : ARRAY WHERE THE VALUES OF THE BC
+      !                                    ARE STORED.IN CASE OF PERIODIC 
+      !                                    JUST GIVE ANY KIND OF VALUE
+      !
+      !                  EPSU      (F)   : STOPPING CRITERIUM. DETAIL:SHOULD
+      !                                    BE SCALED WITH THE MAXIMUM VALUE           !                                    OF THE RHS.
+      !                  
+      !                  limlev    (I)    :Number of levels that the user 
+      !                                    wants to coarse.
+      !                
+      !                  wcycle    (L)    : TRUE if the user wants W-cycle.
+      !                                    OTHERWISE FALSE
+      !                  lprint    (L)    : TRUE IF YOU WANT TO DUMP OUT
+      !                                     INFORMATION
+      !                  
+      !                   omega     (F)    : relaxation parameter for SOR
+      !
+      !  
+      !  Input/output :     
+      !
+      !  Output       : info       (I) return status. 0 upon success.
+      !
+      !                  FURTHER A MESH IT SHOULD BE DIVISIBLE WITH 2.
+      !                  PROBLEM. A FUTURE IMPROVEMENT WOULD BE
+      !                  TO USE A GENERAL STENCIL.      
+      !
+      !  References   :
+      !
+      !  Revisions    :
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  $Log: ppm_mg_init.f,v $
+      !  Revision 1.2  2006/08/22 15:54:37  pchatela
+      !  Added a hopefully appropriate scaling factor in the comparisons against
+      !  lmyeps
+      !
+      !  Revision  2006/07/25 15:18:20  menahel
+      !  initial import
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.7  2006/02/03 09:34:03  ivos
+      !  Fixed bug 00015: ppm_subs_bc was only allocated and stored for the
+      !  local subs in topo_store. Several mapping routines however need the
+      !  info about all (global) subs.
+      !  Changed subs_bc to hold now the GLOBAL subid and adjusted all
+      !  occurrences.
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.6  2005/12/08 12:43:16  kotsalie
+      !  commiting dirichlet
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.5  2005/01/04 09:47:45  kotsalie
+      !  ghostsize=2 for scalar case
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.4  2004/10/29 15:59:14  kotsalie
+      !  RED BLACK SOR FOR 3d vec case. 2d will soon follow.
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.3  2004/09/28 14:04:49  kotsalie
+      !  Changes concerning 4th order finite differences
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.2  2004/09/23 09:38:30  kotsalie
+      !  added details in the header
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.1  2004/09/22 18:27:09  kotsalie
+      !  MG new version
+      !
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Parallel Particle Mesh Library (PPM)
+      !  Institute of Computational Science
+      !  ETH Zentrum, Hirschengraben 84
+      !  CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM  == __2D
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_2d_sca_s(ft,equation,ighostsize,smoother,ibcdef,&
-      &          bcvalue,mesh_id,limlev,wcycle,lprint,omega,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_2d_sca_s(topo_id,equation,iorder,smoother,ibcdef,&
+     &          bcvalue,EPSU,mesh_id,limlev,wcycle,lprint,omega,info)
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_2d_sca_d(ft,equation,ighostsize,smoother,ibcdef,&
-      &                          bcvalue,mesh_id,limlev,wcycle,lprint,omega,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_2d_sca_d(topo_id,equation,iorder,smoother,ibcdef,&
+     &          bcvalue,EPSU,mesh_id,limlev,wcycle,lprint,omega,info)
 #elif  __MESH_DIM  == __3D
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_3d_sca_s(ft,equation,ighostsize,smoother,ibcdef,&
-      &                         bcvalue,mesh_id,limlev,wcycle,lprint,omega,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_3d_sca_s(topo_id,equation,iorder,smoother,ibcdef,&
+     &                         bcvalue,EPSU,mesh_id,limlev,wcycle,lprint,omega,info)
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_3d_sca_d(ft,equation,ighostsize,smoother,ibcdef,&
-      &                         bcvalue,mesh_id,limlev,wcycle,lprint,omega,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_3d_sca_d(topo_id,equation,iorder,smoother,ibcdef,&
+     &                         bcvalue,EPSU,mesh_id,limlev,wcycle,lprint,omega,info)
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM  == __2D
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_2d_vec_s(ft,equation,ighostsize,smoother,lda,&
-      &    ibcdef,bcvalue,mesh_id,limlev,wcycle,lprint,omega,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_2d_vec_s(topo_id,equation,iorder,smoother,lda,ibcdef,&
+     &    bcvalue,EPSU,mesh_id,limlev,wcycle,lprint,omega,info)
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_2d_vec_d(ft,equation,ighostsize,smoother,lda,&
-      &   ibcdef,bcvalue,mesh_id,limlev,wcycle,lprint,omega,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_2d_vec_d(topo_id,equation,iorder,smoother,lda,ibcdef,&
+     &   bcvalue,EPSU,mesh_id,limlev,wcycle,lprint,omega,info)
 #elif  __MESH_DIM  == __3D
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_3d_vec_s(ft,equation,ighostsize,smoother,lda,&
-      &             ibcdef,bcvalue,mesh_id,limlev,wcycle,lprint,omega,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_3d_vec_s(topo_id,equation,iorder,smoother,lda,ibcdef,&
+     &              bcvalue,EPSU,mesh_id,limlev,wcycle,lprint,omega,info)
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_3d_vec_d(ft,equation,ighostsize,smoother,lda,&
-      &              ibcdef,bcvalue,mesh_id,limlev,wcycle,lprint,omega,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_3d_vec_d(topo_id,equation,iorder,smoother,lda,ibcdef,&
+     &                    bcvalue,EPSU,mesh_id,limlev,wcycle,lprint,omega,info)
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !  Includes
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !  Includes
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 #include "ppm_define.h"
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !  Modules 
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         USE ppm_module_data
-         USE ppm_module_data_mesh
-         USE ppm_module_data_mg
-         USE ppm_module_mg_alloc
-         USE ppm_module_substart
-         USE ppm_module_substop
-         USE ppm_module_error
-         USE ppm_module_alloc
-         USE ppm_module_typedef
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !  Modules 
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        USE ppm_module_data
+        USE ppm_module_data_mesh
+        USE ppm_module_data_mg
+        USE ppm_module_alloc
+        USE ppm_module_mg_alloc
+        USE ppm_module_error
+        USE ppm_module_mesh_derive
+        USE ppm_module_substart
+        USE ppm_module_substop 
+        USE ppm_module_typedef
-         INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_single
+        INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_single
-         INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_double
+        INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_double
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !  Arguments     
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: equation
-         INTEGER,DIMENSION(:),INTENT(IN)                    :: ighostsize
-         INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: smoother
-         ! field topoid
-         INTEGER,                   INTENT(IN)              :: ft
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------  
+        !  Arguments     
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: equation
+        INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: iorder  
+        INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: smoother
 #if __DIM == __VFIELD
-         INTEGER,              INTENT(IN)                   ::  lda  
+        INTEGER,              INTENT(IN)                   ::  lda  
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         INTEGER,DIMENSION(:)                               ::  ibcdef
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:)                          ::  bcvalue
+        INTEGER,DIMENSION(:)                               ::  ibcdef
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:)                            ::  bcvalue
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         INTEGER,DIMENSION(:)                               ::  ibcdef
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:)                        ::  bcvalue
+        INTEGER,DIMENSION(:)                               ::  ibcdef
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:)                          ::  bcvalue
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         INTEGER,DIMENSION(:,:)                               ::  ibcdef
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:)                          ::  bcvalue
+        INTEGER,DIMENSION(:,:)                               ::  ibcdef
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:)                            ::  bcvalue
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         INTEGER,DIMENSION(:,:)                               ::  ibcdef
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:)                        ::  bcvalue
+        INTEGER,DIMENSION(:,:)                               ::  ibcdef
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:)                          ::  bcvalue
-         INTEGER,  INTENT(IN)                               :: mesh_id
-         INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                                 :: limlev
-         LOGICAL,INTENT(IN)                                 :: wcycle
-         LOGICAL,INTENT(IN)                                 :: lprint
-         REAL(MK),INTENT(IN)                                :: omega
-         INTEGER, INTENT(OUT)                               :: info
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !  Local variables 
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         REAL(MK)                             :: t0
-         REAL(MK)                             :: lmyeps
-         INTEGER                              :: meshid,mlev,isub 
-         INTEGER                              :: idom
-         INTEGER                              ::  count,ilda,iface
-         INTEGER                              :: i,j,k
-         INTEGER                              :: kk
+        INTEGER,  INTENT(IN)                               :: mesh_id,topo_id
+        REAL(MK),INTENT(IN)                                :: EPSU
+        INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                                 :: limlev
+        LOGICAL,INTENT(IN)                                 :: wcycle
+        LOGICAL,INTENT(IN)                                 :: lprint
+        REAL(MK),INTENT(IN)                                :: omega
+        INTEGER, INTENT(OUT)                               :: info
+        !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !  Local variables 
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        REAL(MK)                             :: t0
+        REAL(MK)                             :: lmyeps
+        INTEGER                              :: meshid,mlev,isub 
+        INTEGER                              :: idom
+        INTEGER                              ::  count,ilda,iface
+        INTEGER                              :: i,j,k
+        INTEGER                              :: kk
+        TYPE(ppm_t_topo),      POINTER       :: topo
+        TYPE(ppm_t_equi_mesh), POINTER       :: mesh
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         INTEGER                              :: dir
+        INTEGER                              :: dir
-         INTEGER                              :: iter1,iter2,ix,iy
-         INTEGER                              :: ipoint,jpoint 
-         INTEGER                              :: newmeshid,lmesh_id
-         INTEGER , DIMENSION(1)               :: ldu1
-         INTEGER , DIMENSION(2)               :: ldu2,ldl2 ,direc
-         INTEGER , DIMENSION(3)               :: ldu3,ldl3 
+        INTEGER                              :: iter1,iter2,ix,iy
+        INTEGER                              :: ipoint,jpoint 
+        INTEGER                              :: newmeshid,lmesh_id
+        INTEGER , DIMENSION(1)               :: ldu1
+        INTEGER , DIMENSION(2)               :: ldu2,ldl2 ,direc
+        INTEGER , DIMENSION(3)               :: ldu3,ldl3 
 #if __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         INTEGER                              :: dir1,dir2,jj,iz
-         INTEGER , DIMENSION(4)               :: ldu4,ldl4
+        INTEGER                              :: dir1,dir2,jj,iz
+        INTEGER , DIMENSION(4)               :: ldu4,ldl4
-         INTEGER , DIMENSION(ppm_dim)         :: Nml 
-         REAL(MK), DIMENSION(ppm_dim)         :: min_phys,max_phys
-         REAL(MK), DIMENSION(ppm_dim,ppm_topo(ft)%t%nsubs) &
-              &                               :: min_sub,max_sub
-         INTEGER                              :: iopt,topoid
-         TYPE(ppm_t_topo),      POINTER       :: topo
-         TYPE(ppm_t_equi_mesh), POINTER       :: mesh
+        INTEGER , DIMENSION(ppm_dim)         :: Nml 
+        REAL(MK), DIMENSION(ppm_dim)         :: min_phys,max_phys
+        REAL(MK), DIMENSION(ppm_dim,ppm_topo(topo_id)%t%nsubs) &
+             &                               :: min_sub,max_sub
+        INTEGER                              :: iopt,topoid
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         TYPE(mg_field_2d_sca_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_2d_sca_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
-         TYPE(mg_field_2d_sca_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_2d_sca_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         TYPE(mg_field_3d_sca_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_3d_sca_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
-         TYPE(mg_field_3d_sca_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_3d_sca_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         TYPE(mg_field_2d_vec_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_2d_vec_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
-         TYPE(mg_field_2d_vec_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_2d_vec_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         TYPE(mg_field_3d_vec_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_3d_vec_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
-         TYPE(mg_field_3d_vec_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_3d_vec_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-      REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: tuc
-      REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: terr
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-      REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: tuc
-      REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: terr
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-      REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: tuc
-      REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: terr
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-      REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER :: tuc
-      REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER :: terr
+REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER :: terr
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !  Externals 
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !  Initialize 
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         CALL substart('ppm_mg_init',t0,info)
-         topo => ppm_topo(ft)%t
-         mesh => topo%mesh(mesh_id)
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !  Check arguments
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-           IF (ppm_debug.GT.0) THEN
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------       
+        !  Externals 
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !  Initialize 
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        CALL substart('ppm_mg_init',t0,info)
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------  
+        !  Check arguments
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+          IF (ppm_debug.GT.0) THEN
 #if __DIM == __VFIELD
-           IF (lda.LE.0) THEN
-               info = ppm_error_error
-               CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',  &
-      &            'lda must be >0',__LINE__,info)
-               GOTO 9999
-           ENDIF
+          IF (lda.LE.0) THEN
+              info = ppm_error_error
+              CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',  &
+     &            'lda must be >0',__LINE__,info)
+              GOTO 9999
+          ENDIF
-         ENDIF
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         ! Definition of necessary variables and allocation of arrays
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+          IF (EPSU.LE.0.0_MK) THEN
+             info = ppm_error_error
+             CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',  &
+    &            'EPSU must be >0',__LINE__,info)
+             GOTO 9999
+          ENDIF
+        ENDIF
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+        ! Definition of necessary variables and allocation of arrays
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
-         vecdim = 1
+        vecdim = 1
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
-         vecdim = lda
+        vecdim = lda
-         w_cycle=wcycle
-         l_print=lprint
+        w_cycle=wcycle
+        l_print=lprint
+        topoid = topo_id
+        topo => ppm_topo(topo_id)%t
+        mesh => topo%mesh(mesh_id)
+        nsubs  = topo%nsublist
+        !PRINT *,'nsub:',nsubs 
+        meshid = mesh%ID
+        lmesh_id = mesh_id
-         topoid = ft
-         nsubs  = topo%nsublist
-         meshid = mesh%ID
-         lmesh_id = mesh_id
-         min_phys(:)=topo%min_physs(:)
-         max_phys(:)=topo%max_physs(:)
-         min_sub = topo%min_subs
-         max_sub = topo%max_subs
-         omega_s=omega
-         lmyeps=ppm_myepss 
+      min_phys(:)=topo%min_physs(:)
+      max_phys(:)=topo%max_physs(:)
+      min_sub(:,:)=topo%min_subs(:,:)
+      max_sub(:,:)=topo%max_subs(:,:)
+      EPSU_s = EPSU
+      omega_s=omega
+      lmyeps=ppm_myepss
-         min_phys(:)=topo%min_physd(:)
-         max_phys(:)=topo%max_physd(:)
-         min_sub = topo%min_subd
-         max_sub = topo%max_subd
-         omega_d=omega
-         lmyeps=ppm_myepsd 
+      min_phys(:)=topo%min_physd(:)
+      max_phys(:)=topo%max_physd(:)
+      min_sub(:,:)=topo%min_subd(:,:)
+      max_sub(:,:)=topo%max_subd(:,:)
+      EPSU_d = EPSU
+      omega_d=omega
+      lmyeps=ppm_myepsd
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         Nml(1) = mesh%Nm(1)
-         Nml(2) = mesh%Nm(2)
-         maxlev = INT(log10(Nml(1)*Nml(2)*REAL(ppm_nproc,MK))/log10(2.0_MK))
-         IF (maxlev.GT.limlev) THEN
-          maxlev=limlev
-         ENDIF 
+        Nml(1) = mesh%Nm(1)
+        Nml(2) = mesh%Nm(2)
+        maxlev = INT(log10(Nml(1)*Nml(2)*REAL(ppm_nproc,MK))/log10(2.0_MK))
+        IF (maxlev.GT.limlev) THEN
+         maxlev=limlev
+        ENDIF 
-         dx_s = (max_phys(1)-min_phys(1))/REAL((Nml(1)-1),MK) 
-         dy_s = (max_phys(2)-min_phys(2))/REAL((Nml(2)-1),MK) 
-         rdx2_s  = 1.0_MK/(dx_s*dx_s)
-         rdy2_s  = 1.0_MK/(dy_s*dy_s) 
+        dx_s = (max_phys(1)-min_phys(1))/(Nml(1)-1) 
+        dy_s = (max_phys(2)-min_phys(2))/(Nml(2)-1) 
+        rdx2_s  = 1/(dx_s*dx_s)
+        rdy2_s  = 1/(dy_s*dy_s) 
-         dx_d = (max_phys(1)-min_phys(1))/REAL((Nml(1)-1),MK) 
-         dy_d = (max_phys(2)-min_phys(2))/REAL((Nml(2)-1),MK) 
+        dx_d = (max_phys(1)-min_phys(1))/(Nml(1)-1) 
+        dy_d = (max_phys(2)-min_phys(2))/(Nml(2)-1) 
-         rdx2_d  = 1.0_MK/(dx_d*dx_d)
-         rdy2_d  = 1.0_MK/(dy_d*dy_d) 
+        rdx2_d  = 1/(dx_d*dx_d)
+        rdy2_d  = 1/(dy_d*dy_d) 
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         Nml(1) = mesh%Nm(1)
-         Nml(2) = mesh%Nm(2)
-         Nml(3) = mesh%Nm(3)
-         maxlev = INT(log10(Nml(1)*Nml(2)*Nml(3)* &
-      &           REAL(ppm_nproc,MK))/log10(2.0_MK))
-         IF (maxlev.GT.limlev) THEN
-          maxlev=limlev
-         ENDIF 
+        Nml(1) = mesh%Nm(1)
+        Nml(2) = mesh%Nm(2)
+        Nml(3) = mesh%Nm(3)
+        maxlev = INT(log10(Nml(1)*Nml(2)*Nml(3)* &
+     &           REAL(ppm_nproc,MK))/log10(2.0_MK))
+        IF (maxlev.GT.limlev) THEN
+         maxlev=limlev
+        ENDIF 
-         dx_s = (max_phys(1)-min_phys(1))/REAL((Nml(1)-1),MK) 
-         dy_s = (max_phys(2)-min_phys(2))/REAL((Nml(2)-1),MK) 
-         dz_s = (max_phys(3)-min_phys(3))/REAL((Nml(3)-1),MK) 
-         rdx2_s = 1.0_MK/(dx_s*dx_s)
-         rdy2_s = 1.0_MK/(dy_s*dy_s) 
-         rdz2_s = 1.0_MK/(dz_s*dz_s)
+        dx_s = (max_phys(1)-min_phys(1))/(Nml(1)-1) 
+        dy_s = (max_phys(2)-min_phys(2))/(Nml(2)-1) 
+        dz_s = (max_phys(3)-min_phys(3))/(Nml(3)-1) 
+        rdx2_s = 1/(dx_s*dx_s)
+        rdy2_s = 1/(dy_s*dy_s) 
+        rdz2_s = 1/(dz_s*dz_s)
-         dx_d = (max_phys(1)-min_phys(1))/REAL((Nml(1)-1),MK) 
-         dy_d = (max_phys(2)-min_phys(2))/REAL((Nml(2)-1),MK) 
-         dz_d = (max_phys(3)-min_phys(3))/REAL((Nml(3)-1),MK) 
-         rdx2_d = 1.0_MK/(dx_d*dx_d)
-         rdy2_d = 1.0_MK/(dy_d*dy_d) 
-         rdz2_d = 1.0_MK/(dz_d*dz_d)
+        dx_d = (max_phys(1)-min_phys(1))/(Nml(1)-1) 
+        dy_d = (max_phys(2)-min_phys(2))/(Nml(2)-1) 
+        dz_d = (max_phys(3)-min_phys(3))/(Nml(3)-1) 
+        rdx2_d = 1/(dx_d*dx_d)
+        rdy2_d = 1/(dy_d*dy_d) 
+        rdz2_d = 1/(dz_d*dz_d)
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
-         iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit    
-         ldu2(1) = nsubs
-         ldu2(2) = 2*ppm_dim
-         CALL ppm_alloc(bcdef_sca,ldu2,iopt,info)
-         IF (info .NE. 0) THEN 
-            info = ppm_error_fatal
-            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',  &
-      &                   'Boundary condiotions',__LINE__,info)
-            GOTO 9999
+!Print *,'SField'
+        iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit    
+        ldu2(1) = nsubs
+        ldu2(2) = 2*ppm_dim
+        CALL ppm_alloc(bcdef_sca,ldu2,iopt,info)
+        IF (info .NE. 0) THEN 
+           info = ppm_error_fatal
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',  &
+     &                   'Boundary condiotions',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        ENDIF
+        bcdef_sca(:,:)=0
+        !---------------------------------------------------------
+        !MICHAEL
+        !--------------------------------------------------------
+        DO isub=1,nsubs 
+         idom=topo%isublist(isub)
+         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+         !  compare the west boundary
+         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+         IF (ABS(min_sub(1,idom)-min_phys(1)) .LT. lmyeps*(max_sub(1,i)-min_sub(1,i))) THEN
+            bcdef_sca(isub,1)=ibcdef(1)
-         bcdef_sca(:,:)=0
-         DO isub=1,nsubs 
-          idom=ppm_topo(topoid)%t%isublist(isub)
-          !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-          !  compare the west boundary
-          !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-          IF (ABS(min_sub(1,idom)-min_phys(1)) .LT. &
-      &       lmyeps*(max_sub(1,i)-min_sub(1,i))) THEN
-             bcdef_sca(isub,1)=ibcdef(1)
-          ENDIF
-          !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-          !  compare the east boundary
-          !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-          IF (ABS(max_sub(1,idom)-max_phys(1)) .LT. &
-      &       lmyeps*(max_sub(1,i)-min_sub(1,i))) THEN
-             bcdef_sca(isub,2)=ibcdef(2)
-          ENDIF
-          !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-          !  compare the south boundary
-          !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-          IF (ABS(min_sub(2,idom)-min_phys(2)) .LT. &
-      &       lmyeps*(max_sub(2,i)-min_sub(2,i))) THEN
-             bcdef_sca(isub,3)=ibcdef(3)
-          ENDIF
-          !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-          !  compare the north boundary
-          !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-          IF (ABS(max_sub(2,idom)-max_phys(2)) .LT. &
-      &       lmyeps*(max_sub(2,i)-min_sub(2,i))) THEN
-             bcdef_sca(isub,4)=ibcdef(4)
-          ENDIF
-          !-----------------------------------------------------------------
-          !  compare the south boundary
-          !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-#if __MESH_DIM == __3D
-          IF (ABS(min_sub(3,idom)-min_phys(3)) .LT. &
-      &       lmyeps*(max_sub(3,i)-min_sub(3,i))) THEN
-             bcdef_sca(isub,5)=ibcdef(5)
-          ENDIF
-          !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-          !  compare the north boundary
-          !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-          IF (ABS(max_sub(3,idom)-max_phys(3)) .LT. &
-      &       lmyeps*(max_sub(3,i)-min_sub(3,i))) THEN
-             bcdef_sca(isub,6)=ibcdef(6)
-          ENDIF
+         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+         !  compare the east boundary
+         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+         IF (ABS(max_sub(1,idom)-max_phys(1)) .LT. lmyeps*(max_sub(1,i)-min_sub(1,i))) THEN
+            bcdef_sca(isub,2)=ibcdef(2)
+         ENDIF
+         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+         !  compare the south boundary
+         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+         IF (ABS(min_sub(2,idom)-min_phys(2)) .LT. lmyeps*(max_sub(2,i)-min_sub(2,i))) THEN
+            bcdef_sca(isub,3)=ibcdef(3)
+         ENDIF
+         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+         !  compare the north boundary
+         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+         IF (ABS(max_sub(2,idom)-max_phys(2)) .LT. lmyeps*(max_sub(2,i)-min_sub(2,i))) THEN
+            bcdef_sca(isub,4)=ibcdef(4)
+         ENDIF
+	 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+         !  compare the south boundary
+         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+         IF (ABS(min_sub(3,idom)-min_phys(3)) .LT. lmyeps*(max_sub(3,i)-min_sub(3,i))) THEN
+            bcdef_sca(isub,5)=ibcdef(5)
+         ENDIF
+         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+         !  compare the north boundary
+         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+         IF (ABS(max_sub(3,idom)-max_phys(3)) .LT. lmyeps*(max_sub(3,i)-min_sub(3,i))) THEN
+            bcdef_sca(isub,6)=ibcdef(6)
+         ENDIF
+        ENDDO  
+        lperiodic=.TRUE.  
+        DO isub=1,nsubs  
+         DO i=1,2*ppm_dim
+          IF (bcdef_sca(isub,i).NE.ppm_param_bcdef_periodic) THEN
+           lperiodic=.FALSE.  
+           EXIT  
+          ENDIF 
-         lperiodic=.TRUE.  
-         DO isub=1,nsubs  
-           DO i=1,2*ppm_dim
-             IF (bcdef_sca(isub,i).NE.ppm_param_bcdef_periodic) THEN
-               lperiodic=.FALSE.  
-               EXIT  
-             ENDIF 
-           ENDDO  
-         ENDDO 
+        ENDDO 
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
-         iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-         ldu3(1) = vecdim
-         ldu3(2) = nsubs
-         ldu3(3) = 2*ppm_dim
-         CALL ppm_alloc(bcdef_vec,ldu3,iopt,info)
-         IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-            info = ppm_error_fatal
-            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',  &
-      &                   'Boundary condiotions',__LINE__,info)
-            GOTO 9999
-         ENDIF
-         bcdef_vec(:,:,:)=0
-         DO isub=1,nsubs
-           idom=ppm_topo(topoid)%t%isublist(isub)
-           DO ilda=1,vecdim
-           !------------------------------------------------------------------
-           !  compare the west boundary
-           !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-           IF (ABS(min_sub(1,idom)-min_phys(1)) .LT. &
-      &       lmyeps*(max_sub(1,i)-min_sub(1,i))) THEN
-             bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,1)=ibcdef(ilda,1)
-           ENDIF
-           !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-           !  compare the east boundary
-           !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-           IF (ABS(max_sub(1,idom)-max_phys(1)) .LT. &
-       &       lmyeps*(max_sub(1,i)-min_sub(1,i))) THEN
-             bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,2)=ibcdef(ilda,2)
-          ENDIF
-          !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-          !  compare the south boundary
-          !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-          IF (ABS(min_sub(2,idom)-min_phys(2)) .LT. &
-      &       lmyeps*(max_sub(2,i)-min_sub(2,i))) THEN
-             bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,3)=ibcdef(ilda,3)
-          ENDIF
-          !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-          !  compare the north boundary
-          !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-          IF (ABS(max_sub(2,idom)-max_phys(2)) .LT. &
-      &       lmyeps*(max_sub(2,i)-min_sub(2,i))) THEN
-             bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,4)=ibcdef(ilda,4)
-          ENDIF
-#if __MESH_DIM == __3D
-          !-----------------------------------------------------------------
-          !  compare the south boundary
-          !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-          IF (ABS(min_sub(3,idom)-min_phys(3)) .LT. &
-      &       lmyeps*(max_sub(3,i)-min_sub(3,i))) THEN
-             bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,5)=ibcdef(ilda,5)
-          ENDIF
-          !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-          !  compare the north boundary
-          !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-          IF (ABS(max_sub(3,idom)-max_phys(3)) .LT. &
-      &       lmyeps*(max_sub(3,i)-min_sub(3,i))) THEN
-             bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,6)=ibcdef(ilda,6)
-          ENDIF
-         enddo
-         enddo
-         lperiodic=.TRUE.
-         Do isub=1,nsubs
-           DO i=1,2*ppm_dim
-            DO ilda=1,vecdim
-             IF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,i).NE.ppm_param_bcdef_periodic) Then
-                 lperiodic=.FALSE.
-                 EXIT
-             ENDIF
-            ENDDO
-           ENDDO
-         ENDDO
-      !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      !Allocation of the ghostsize
-      !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-         iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit    
-         ldu1(1) = ppm_dim
-         CALL ppm_alloc(ghostsize,ldu1,iopt,info)
-         IF (info .NE. 0) THEN 
-            info = ppm_error_fatal
-            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',  &
-      &                   'ghostsize',__LINE__,info)
-            GOTO 9999
+!print *,'Vfiedl'
+        iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+        ldu3(1) = vecdim
+        ldu3(2) = nsubs
+        ldu3(3) = 2*ppm_dim
+        CALL ppm_alloc(bcdef_vec,ldu3,iopt,info)
+        IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+           info = ppm_error_fatal
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',  &
+     &                   'Boundary condiotions',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        ENDIF
+	bcdef_vec(:,:,:)=0
+	Do isub=1,nsubs
+	  idom=topo%isublist(isub)
+	  Do ilda=1,vecdim
+	    !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+         !  compare the west boundary
+         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+         IF (ABS(min_sub(1,idom)-min_phys(1)) .LT. lmyeps*(max_sub(1,i)-min_sub(1,i))) THEN
+            bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,1)=ibcdef(ilda,1)
-         ghostsize=ighostsize
-      !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-         iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit    
-         ldu1(1) = ppm_dim
-         CALL ppm_alloc(factor,ldu1,iopt,info)
-         IF (info .NE. 0) THEN 
-            info = ppm_error_fatal
-            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',  &
-      &                   'factor',__LINE__,info)
-            GOTO 9999
+         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+         !  compare the east boundary
+         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+         IF (ABS(max_sub(1,idom)-max_phys(1)) .LT. lmyeps*(max_sub(1,i)-min_sub(1,i))) THEN
+            bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,2)=ibcdef(ilda,2)
-      !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-         iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit    
-         ldu1(1) = maxlev
-         CALL ppm_alloc(meshid_g,ldu1,iopt,info)
-         IF (info .NE. 0) THEN 
-            info = ppm_error_fatal
-            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',  &
-       &                  'meshid_g',__LINE__,info)
-            GOTO 9999
+         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+         !  compare the south boundary
+         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+         IF (ABS(min_sub(2,idom)-min_phys(2)) .LT. lmyeps*(max_sub(2,i)-min_sub(2,i))) THEN
+            bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,3)=ibcdef(ilda,3)
-      !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-         iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit    
-         ldu1(1) = maxlev
-         CALL ppm_alloc(mesh_id_g,ldu1,iopt,info)
-         IF (info .NE. 0) THEN 
-            info = ppm_error_fatal
-            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',  &
-       &                  'mesh_id_g',__LINE__,info)
-            GOTO 9999
+         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+         !  compare the north boundary
+         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+         IF (ABS(max_sub(2,idom)-max_phys(2)) .LT. lmyeps*(max_sub(2,i)-min_sub(2,i))) THEN
+            bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,4)=ibcdef(ilda,4)
-         iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-         ldu3(1) = ppm_dim
-         ldu3(2) = nsubs
-         ldu3(3) = maxlev
-         CALL ppm_alloc(start,ldu3,iopt,info)
-         IF (info .NE. 0) THEN   
-            info = ppm_error_fatal
-            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',  &
-      &             'starting indices when updating the field',__LINE__,info)
-            GOTO 9999
+	 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+         !  compare the south boundary
+         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+         IF (ABS(min_sub(3,idom)-min_phys(3)) .LT. lmyeps*(max_sub(3,i)-min_sub(3,i))) THEN
+            bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,5)=ibcdef(ilda,5)
-         iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-         ldu3(1) = ppm_dim
-         ldu3(2) = nsubs
-         ldu3(3) = maxlev
-         CALL ppm_alloc(istop,ldu3,iopt,info)
-         IF (info .NE. 0) THEN   
-            info = ppm_error_fatal
-            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
-      &        'istopping indices when updating the field',__LINE__,info)
-            GOTO 9999
+         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+         !  compare the north boundary
+         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+         IF (ABS(max_sub(3,idom)-max_phys(3)) .LT. lmyeps*(max_sub(3,i)-min_sub(3,i))) THEN
+            bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,6)=ibcdef(ilda,6)
+	enddo
+	enddo
+	lperiodic=.TRUE.
+	Do isub=1,nsubs
+	  DO i=1,2*ppm_dim
+	   DO ilda=1,vecdim
+	    IF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,i).NE.ppm_param_bcdef_periodic) Then
+		lperiodic=.FALSE.
+	    ENDIF
+	   ENDDO
+        iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit    
+        ldu1(1) = ppm_dim
+        CALL ppm_alloc(ghostsize,ldu1,iopt,info)
+        IF (info .NE. 0) THEN 
+           info = ppm_error_fatal
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',  &
+     &                   'ghostsize',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        ENDIF
+        IF (iorder.EQ.ppm_param_order_2) THEN
+         ghostsize(:)=1
+         order=iorder
+        ELSEIF (iorder.EQ.ppm_param_order_4) THEN
+         ghostsize(:)=2
+         order=ppm_param_order_4
+        ENDIF 
+        iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit    
+        ldu1(1) = ppm_dim
+        CALL ppm_alloc(factor,ldu1,iopt,info)
+        IF (info .NE. 0) THEN 
+           info = ppm_error_fatal
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',  &
+     &                   'factor',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        ENDIF
+        iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit    
+        ldu1(1) = maxlev
+        CALL ppm_alloc(meshid_g,ldu1,iopt,info)
+        IF (info .NE. 0) THEN 
+           info = ppm_error_fatal
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',  &
+      &                  'meshid_g',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        ENDIF
+        iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit    
+        ldu1(1) = maxlev
+        CALL ppm_alloc(mesh_id_g,ldu1,iopt,info)
+        IF (info .NE. 0) THEN 
+           info = ppm_error_fatal
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',  &
+      &                  'mesh_id_g',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        ENDIF
+        iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+        ldu3(1) = ppm_dim
+        ldu3(2) = nsubs
+        ldu3(3) = maxlev
+        CALL ppm_alloc(start,ldu3,iopt,info)
+        IF (info .NE. 0) THEN   
+           info = ppm_error_fatal
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',  &
+     &             'starting indices when updating the field',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        ENDIF
+        iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+        ldu3(1) = ppm_dim
+        ldu3(2) = nsubs
+        ldu3(3) = maxlev
+        CALL ppm_alloc(stop,ldu3,iopt,info)
+        IF (info .NE. 0) THEN   
+           info = ppm_error_fatal
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
+     &        'stopping indices when updating the field',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        ENDIF
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-         ldu2(1) = nsubs
-         ldu2(2) = maxlev
-         CALL ppm_mg_alloc(mgfield_2d_sca_s,ldu2,iopt,info)
-         IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-            info = ppm_error_fatal
-            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',   &
-      &        'Multigrid fields used on the different levels',__LINE__,info)
-            GOTO 9999
-         ENDIF
-         mgfield => mgfield_2d_sca_s
+        iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+        ldu2(1) = nsubs
+        ldu2(2) = maxlev
+        CALL ppm_mg_alloc(mgfield_2d_sca_s,ldu2,iopt,info)
+        IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+           info = ppm_error_fatal
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',   &
+     &        'Multigrid fields used on the different levels',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        ENDIF
+        mgfield => mgfield_2d_sca_s
-         iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-         ldu2(1) = nsubs
-         ldu2(2) = maxlev
-         CALL ppm_mg_alloc(mgfield_2d_sca_d,ldu2,iopt,info)
-         IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-            info = ppm_error_fatal
-            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',   &
-      &        'Multigrid fields used on the different levels',__LINE__,info)
-            GOTO 9999
-         ENDIF
-         mgfield => mgfield_2d_sca_d
+        iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+        ldu2(1) = nsubs
+        ldu2(2) = maxlev
+        CALL ppm_mg_alloc(mgfield_2d_sca_d,ldu2,iopt,info)
+        IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+           info = ppm_error_fatal
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',   &
+     &        'Multigrid fields used on the different levels',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        ENDIF
+        mgfield => mgfield_2d_sca_d
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-         ldu2(1) = nsubs
-         ldu2(2) = maxlev
-         CALL ppm_mg_alloc(mgfield_3d_sca_s,ldu2,iopt,info)
-         IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-            info = ppm_error_fatal
-            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',   &
-                 &        'Multigrid fields used on the different levels',__LINE__,info)
-            GOTO 9999
-         ENDIF
-         mgfield => mgfield_3d_sca_s
+        iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+        ldu2(1) = nsubs
+        ldu2(2) = maxlev
+        CALL ppm_mg_alloc(mgfield_3d_sca_s,ldu2,iopt,info)
+        IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+           info = ppm_error_fatal
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',   &
+                &        'Multigrid fields used on the different levels',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        ENDIF
+        mgfield => mgfield_3d_sca_s
-         iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-         ldu2(1) = nsubs
-         ldu2(2) = maxlev
-         CALL ppm_mg_alloc(mgfield_3d_sca_d,ldu2,iopt,info)
-         IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-            info = ppm_error_fatal
-            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',   &
-      &        'Multigrid fields used on the different levels',__LINE__,info)
-            GOTO 9999
-         ENDIF
-         mgfield => mgfield_3d_sca_d 
+        iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+        ldu2(1) = nsubs
+        ldu2(2) = maxlev
+        CALL ppm_mg_alloc(mgfield_3d_sca_d,ldu2,iopt,info)
+        IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+           info = ppm_error_fatal
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',   &
+     &        'Multigrid fields used on the different levels',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        ENDIF
+        mgfield => mgfield_3d_sca_d 
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-         ldu2(1) = nsubs
-         ldu2(2) = maxlev
-         CALL ppm_mg_alloc(mgfield_2d_vec_s,ldu2,iopt,info)
-         IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-            info = ppm_error_fatal
-            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',   &
-      &        'Multigrid fields used on the different levels',__LINE__,info)
-            GOTO 9999
-         ENDIF
-         mgfield => mgfield_2d_vec_s
+        iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+        ldu2(1) = nsubs
+        ldu2(2) = maxlev
+        CALL ppm_mg_alloc(mgfield_2d_vec_s,ldu2,iopt,info)
+        IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+           info = ppm_error_fatal
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',   &
+     &        'Multigrid fields used on the different levels',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        ENDIF
+        mgfield => mgfield_2d_vec_s
-         iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-         ldu2(1) = nsubs
-         ldu2(2) = maxlev
-         CALL ppm_mg_alloc(mgfield_2d_vec_d,ldu2,iopt,info)
-         IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-            info = ppm_error_fatal
-            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',   &
-      &        'Multigrid fields used on the different levels',__LINE__,info)
-            GOTO 9999
-         ENDIF
-         mgfield => mgfield_2d_vec_d
+        iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+        ldu2(1) = nsubs
+        ldu2(2) = maxlev
+        CALL ppm_mg_alloc(mgfield_2d_vec_d,ldu2,iopt,info)
+        IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+           info = ppm_error_fatal
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',   &
+     &        'Multigrid fields used on the different levels',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        ENDIF
+        mgfield => mgfield_2d_vec_d
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-         ldu2(1) = nsubs
-         ldu2(2) = maxlev
-         CALL ppm_mg_alloc(mgfield_3d_vec_s,ldu2,iopt,info)
-         IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-            info = ppm_error_fatal
-            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',   &
-                 &        'Multigrid fields used on the different levels',__LINE__,info)
-            GOTO 9999
-         ENDIF
-         mgfield => mgfield_3d_vec_s
+        iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+        ldu2(1) = nsubs
+        ldu2(2) = maxlev
+        CALL ppm_mg_alloc(mgfield_3d_vec_s,ldu2,iopt,info)
+        IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+           info = ppm_error_fatal
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',   &
+                &        'Multigrid fields used on the different levels',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        ENDIF
+        mgfield => mgfield_3d_vec_s
-         iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-         ldu2(1) = nsubs
-         ldu2(2) = maxlev
-         CALL ppm_mg_alloc(mgfield_3d_vec_d,ldu2,iopt,info)
-         IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-            info = ppm_error_fatal
-            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',   &
-      &        'Multigrid fields used on the different levels',__LINE__,info)
-            GOTO 9999
-         ENDIF
-         mgfield => mgfield_3d_vec_d 
+        iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+        ldu2(1) = nsubs
+        ldu2(2) = maxlev
+        CALL ppm_mg_alloc(mgfield_3d_vec_d,ldu2,iopt,info)
+        IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+           info = ppm_error_fatal
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',   &
+     &        'Multigrid fields used on the different levels',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        ENDIF
+        mgfield => mgfield_3d_vec_d 
-         iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-         ldu2(1) = 2*ppm_dim
-         ldu2(2) = nsubs
-         CALL ppm_alloc(lboundary,ldu2,iopt,info)
-         IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-            info = ppm_error_fatal
-            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
-      &        'Problem with the boundary alloc.',__LINE__,info)
-            GOTO 9999
-         ENDIF
-         iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-         ldu2(1) = ppm_dim
-         ldu2(2) = maxlev
-         CALL ppm_alloc(max_node,ldu2,iopt,info)
-         IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-            info = ppm_error_fatal
-            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
-      &        'Problem with a maximum number alloc.',__LINE__,info)
-            GOTO 9999
-         ENDIF
-         max_node(:,:)=0
-         lboundary(:,:)=.FALSE.
-         start(:,:,:)=1
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         ! Derive coarser meshes 
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+        ldu2(1) = 2*ppm_dim
+        ldu2(2) = nsubs
+        CALL ppm_alloc(lboundary,ldu2,iopt,info)
+        IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+           info = ppm_error_fatal
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
+     &        'Problem with the boundary alloc.',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        ENDIF
+        iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+        ldu2(1) = ppm_dim
+        ldu2(2) = maxlev
+        CALL ppm_alloc(max_node,ldu2,iopt,info)
+        IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+           info = ppm_error_fatal
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
+     &        'Problem with a maximum number alloc.',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        ENDIF
+        max_node(:,:)=0
+        lboundary(:,:)=.FALSE.
+        start(:,:,:)=1
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        ! Derive coarser meshes 
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
         DO mlev=1,maxlev
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-            !-------------------------------------------------------------------
-            ! Go through the subs, define the istopping indices on each mesh,
-            ! check and store if it is on the boundary, allocate the 
-            ! multigrid fields, pass the boundary values.
-            !-------------------------------------------------------------------
-            DO i=1,nsubs
+           !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+           ! Go through the subs, define the stopping indices on each mesh,
+           ! check and store if it is on the boundary, allocate the 
+           ! multigrid fields, pass the boundary values.
+           !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+           DO i=1,nsubs
-              istop(:,i,mlev)= mesh%nnodes(:,idom)
+               stop(:,i,mlev)= mesh%nnodes(:,idom)
               DO j=1,ppm_dim
-                 IF (max_node(j,mlev).LT.istop(j,i,mlev)) THEN
-                    max_node(j,mlev)=istop(j,i,mlev)  
+                 IF (max_node(j,mlev).LT.stop(j,i,mlev)) THEN
+                    max_node(j,mlev)=stop(j,i,mlev)  
-               !----------------------------------------------------------------
-               ! Allocate the function correction, the restricted errors,
-               ! the residuals and the values on the boundary on each level.
-               !----------------------------------------------------------------
+              !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+              ! Allocate the function correction, the restricted errors,
+              ! the residuals and the values on the boundary on each level.
+              !----------------------------------------------------------------
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
-               iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-               ldl2(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
-               ldl2(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
-               ldu2(1) = mesh%nnodes(1,idom)+ghostsize(1)
-               ldu2(2) = mesh%nnodes(2,idom)+ghostsize(2)
-               CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%uc,ldl2,ldu2,iopt,info)
-               IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-                  info = ppm_error_fatal
-                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
-      &        'Problem with the function corr. alloc.',__LINE__,info)
-                  GOTO 9999
-               ENDIF            
-               tuc=>mgfield(i,mlev)%uc
-               tuc=0.0_MK 
-               iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-               ldu2(1) = mesh%nnodes(1,idom)
-               ldu2(2) = mesh%nnodes(2,idom)
-               CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%fc,ldu2,iopt,info)
-               IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-                  info = ppm_error_fatal
-                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
-          &        'Problem with the restricted err. alloc.',__LINE__,info)
-                  GOTO 9999
-               ENDIF
+              iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+              ldl2(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+              ldl2(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+              ldu2(1) = mesh%nnodes(1,idom)+ghostsize(1)
+              ldu2(2) = mesh%nnodes(2,idom)+ghostsize(2)
+              CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%uc,ldl2,ldu2,iopt,info)
+              IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+                 info = ppm_error_fatal
+                 CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
+     &        'Problem with the function corr. alloc.',__LINE__,info)
+                 GOTO 9999
+              ENDIF            
+              tuc=>mgfield(i,mlev)%uc
+              tuc(:,:)=0.0_MK 
+              iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+              ldu2(1) = mesh%nnodes(1,idom)
+              ldu2(2) = mesh%nnodes(2,idom)
+              CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%fc,ldu2,iopt,info)
+              IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+                 info = ppm_error_fatal
+                 CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
+         &        'Problem with the restricted err. alloc.',__LINE__,info)
+                 GOTO 9999
+              ENDIF
-               iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-               ldl2(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
-               ldl2(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
-               ldu2(1) = mesh%nnodes(1,idom)+ghostsize(1)
-               ldu2(2) = mesh%nnodes(2,idom)+ghostsize(2)
-               CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%err,ldl2,ldu2,iopt,info)
-               IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-                  info = ppm_error_fatal
-                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
-      &        'Problem with the residual alloc.',__LINE__,info)
-                  GOTO 9999
-               ENDIF
-               terr=>mgfield(i,mlev)%err  
-               terr(:,:)=0.0_MK
+              iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+              ldl2(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+              ldl2(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+              ldu2(1) = mesh%nnodes(1,idom)+ghostsize(1)
+              ldu2(2) = mesh%nnodes(2,idom)+ghostsize(2)
+              CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%err,ldl2,ldu2,iopt,info)
+              IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+                 info = ppm_error_fatal
+                 CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
+     &        'Problem with the residual alloc.',__LINE__,info)
+                 GOTO 9999
+              ENDIF
+              terr=>mgfield(i,mlev)%err  
+              terr(:,:)=0.0_MK
+              !------------------------------------------------------------------
+              !MICHAEL
+              !------------------------------------------------------------------ 
-              !PRINT *,'LPERIODIC:',lperiodic
-              IF (.NOT.lperiodic) THEN
-               iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-               ldu1(1) = 2*ppm_dim
-               CALL ppm_mg_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue,ldu1,iopt,info)
-               IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-                  info = ppm_error_fatal
-                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
-      &        'Problem with the BOUNDARY alloc.',__LINE__,info)
-                  GOTO 9999
-               ENDIF
+             !PRINT *,'LPERIODIC:',lperiodic
+             IF (.NOT.lperiodic) THEN
+              iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+              ldu1(1) = 2*ppm_dim
+              CALL ppm_mg_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue,ldu1,iopt,info)
+              IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+                 info = ppm_error_fatal
+                 CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
+     &        'Problem with the BOUNDARY alloc.',__LINE__,info)
+                 GOTO 9999
+              ENDIF
               !ALLOCATE THE PBCVALUE 
-              DO iface=1,2*ppm_dim 
-               iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-               IF (iface.EQ.1.OR.iface.EQ.2) THEN
-                ldu1(1) = max_node(2,mlev)
-               ELSE
-                ldu1(1) = max_node(1,mlev)
-               ENDIF
-               CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue,ldu1,iopt,info)
-               IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-                  info = ppm_error_fatal
-                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
-      &        'Problem with the BOUNDARY alloc.',__LINE__,info)
-                  GOTO 9999
-               ENDIF 
-              ENDDO
-              DO iface=1,2*ppm_dim
-                IF (iface.EQ.1.OR.iface.EQ.2) THEN 
-                     direc(1)=2
-                ELSEIF (iface.EQ.3.OR.iface.EQ.4) then
-                         direc(1)=1
-                ENDIF
-                  DO ipoint=1,max_node(direc(1),mlev)
-                   IF (mlev.EQ.1) THEN                         
-                      mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ipoint)=bcvalue(i,iface,ipoint)
-                           ELSE
-                    IF(bcdef_sca(i,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_neumann) THEN 
-                     mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ipoint)=&
-                &            mgfield(i,mlev-1)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(2*ipoint-1) 
-                    ELSE
-                      !NO CORRECTIONS FOR THE DIRICHLET  
-                                  mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ipoint)=0.0_MK
-                    ENDIF  
-                   ENDIF
-                  ENDDO
-              ENDDO!faces 
-          ENDIF!lperiodic
+             DO iface=1,2*ppm_dim 
+              iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+              IF (iface.EQ.1.OR.iface.EQ.2) THEN
+               ldu1(1) = max_node(2,mlev)
+              ELSE
+               ldu1(1) = max_node(1,mlev)
+              ENDIF
+              CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue,ldu1,iopt,info)
+	      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+                 info = ppm_error_fatal
+                 CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
+     &        'Problem with the BOUNDARY alloc.',__LINE__,info)
+                 GOTO 9999
+              ENDIF 
+             ENDDO
+             DO iface=1,2*ppm_dim
+               IF (iface.EQ.1.OR.iface.EQ.2) THEN 
+	       	direc(1)=2
+		elseif (iface.EQ.3.OR.iface.EQ.4) then
+	  	direc(1)=1
+		endif
+                 DO ipoint=1,max_node(direc(1),mlev)
+                  IF (mlev.EQ.1) THEN                         
+		     mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ipoint)=bcvalue(iface,ipoint)
+		          ELSE
+                   IF(bcdef_sca(i,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_neumann) THEN 
+                    mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ipoint)=&
+               &            mgfield(i,mlev-1)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(2*ipoint-1) 
+                   ELSE
+                   ! mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ipoint)=0.0_MK
+			         mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ipoint)=0.0_MK
+                   ENDIF  
+                  ENDIF
+                 ENDDO
+               \
+             ENDDO!faces 
+         ENDIF!lperiodic
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
-               iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-               ldl3(1) = 1
-               ldl3(2) = 1-ghostsize(1)
-               ldl3(3) = 1-ghostsize(2)
-               ldu3(1) = vecdim
-               ldu3(2) = mesh%nnodes(1,idom)+ghostsize(1)
-               ldu3(3) = mesh%nnodes(2,idom)+ghostsize(2)
-               CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%uc,ldl3,ldu3,iopt,info)
-               IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-                  info = ppm_error_fatal
-                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
-      &        'Problem with the function corr. alloc.',__LINE__,info)
-                  GOTO 9999
-               ENDIF
-               tuc=>mgfield(i,mlev)%uc
-               tuc=0.0_MK
-               iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-               ldu3(1) = vecdim  
-               ldu3(2) = mesh%nnodes(1,idom)
-               ldu3(3) = mesh%nnodes(2,idom)
-               CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%fc,ldu3,iopt,info)
-               IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-                  info = ppm_error_fatal
-                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
-      &        'Problem with the restricted err. alloc.',__LINE__,info)
-                  GOTO 9999
-               ENDIF
+              iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+              ldl3(1) = 1
+              ldl3(2) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+              ldl3(3) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+              ldu3(1) = vecdim
+              ldu3(2) = mesh%nnodes(1,idom)+ghostsize(1)
+              ldu3(3) = mesh%nnodes(2,idom)+ghostsize(2)
+              CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%uc,ldl3,ldu3,iopt,info)
+              IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+                 info = ppm_error_fatal
+                 CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
+     &        'Problem with the function corr. alloc.',__LINE__,info)
+                 GOTO 9999
+              ENDIF
+              tuc=>mgfield(i,mlev)%uc
+              tuc(:,:,:)=0.0_MK
+              iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+              ldu3(1) = vecdim  
+              ldu3(2) = mesh%nnodes(1,idom)
+              ldu3(3) = mesh%nnodes(2,idom)
+              CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%fc,ldu3,iopt,info)
+              IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+                 info = ppm_error_fatal
+                 CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
+     &        'Problem with the restricted err. alloc.',__LINE__,info)
+                 GOTO 9999
+              ENDIF
-               iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-               ldl3(1) = 1
-               ldl3(2) = 1-ghostsize(1)
-               ldl3(3) = 1-ghostsize(2)
-               ldu3(1) = vecdim
-               ldu3(2) = mesh%nnodes(1,idom)+ghostsize(1)
-               ldu3(3) = mesh%nnodes(2,idom)+ghostsize(2)
-               CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%err,ldl3,ldu3,iopt,info)
-               IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-                  info = ppm_error_fatal
-                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
-      &        'Problem with the residual alloc.',__LINE__,info)
-                  GOTO 9999
-               ENDIF
-               terr=>mgfield(i,mlev)%err  
-               terr(:,:,:)=0.0_MK
+              iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+              ldl3(1) = 1
+              ldl3(2) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+              ldl3(3) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+              ldu3(1) = vecdim
+              ldu3(2) = mesh%nnodes(1,idom)+ghostsize(1)
+              ldu3(3) = mesh%nnodes(2,idom)+ghostsize(2)
+              CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%err,ldl3,ldu3,iopt,info)
+              IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+                 info = ppm_error_fatal
+                 CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
+     &        'Problem with the residual alloc.',__LINE__,info)
+                 GOTO 9999
+              ENDIF
+              terr=>mgfield(i,mlev)%err  
+              terr(:,:,:)=0.0_MK
-            ENDDO!DO 1,nsubs
+              iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit  
+              ldl2(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+              ldl2(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+              ldu2(1) = mesh%nnodes(1,idom)+ghostsize(1)
+              ldu2(2) = mesh%nnodes(2,idom)+ghostsize(2)
+              CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%mask_red,ldl2,ldu2,iopt,info)
+              IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+                 info = ppm_error_fatal
+                 CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
+     &        'Problem with the mask  alloc.',__LINE__,info)
+                 GOTO 9999
+              ENDIF
+              iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit  
+              ldl2(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+              ldl2(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+              ldu2(1) = mesh%nnodes(1,idom)+ghostsize(1)
+              ldu2(2) = mesh%nnodes(2,idom)+ghostsize(2)
+              CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%mask_black,ldl2,ldu2,iopt,info)
+              IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+                 info = ppm_error_fatal
+                 CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
+     &        'Problem with mask alloc.',__LINE__,info)
+                 GOTO 9999
+              ENDIF
+              !---------------------------------------------------------------- 
+              !Filling the mask for communication (red black) 
+              !----------------------------------------------------------------
+              DO iy=1-ghostsize(2),mesh%nnodes(2,idom)+ghostsize(2)
+                 DO ix=1-ghostsize(1),mesh%nnodes(1,idom)+ghostsize(1)
+                    IF (MOD(ix+iy,2).EQ.0) THEN  
+                       mgfield(i,mlev)%mask_red(ix,iy)=.TRUE.      
+                       mgfield(i,mlev)%mask_black(ix,iy)=.FALSE.      
+                    ELSE 
+                       mgfield(i,mlev)%mask_red(ix,iy)   = .FALSE.      
+                       mgfield(i,mlev)%mask_black(ix,iy) = .TRUE.      
+                    ENDIF
+                 ENDDO
+              ENDDO
+           ENDDO!DO 1,nsubs
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D 
-            DO i=1,nsubs
-               idom=topo%isublist(i)
-               istop(:,i,mlev) = mesh%nnodes(:,idom)
-               DO j=1,ppm_dim
-                  IF (max_node(j,mlev).LT.istop(j,i,mlev)) THEN
-                     max_node(j,mlev)=istop(j,i,mlev)  
-                  ENDIF
-               ENDDO
-               IF (topo%subs_bc(1,idom).EQ.1) THEN
-                  lboundary(1,i)=.TRUE.          
-               ELSEIF (topo%subs_bc(3,idom).EQ.1) THEN
-                  lboundary(3,i)=.TRUE.
-               ELSEIF (topo%subs_bc(2,idom).EQ.1) THEN
-                  lboundary(2,i)=.TRUE.  
-               ELSEIF (topo%subs_bc(4,idom).EQ.1) THEN
-                  lboundary(4,i)=.TRUE.
-               ELSEIF (topo%subs_bc(5,idom).EQ.1) THEN
-                  lboundary(5,i)=.TRUE. 
-               ELSEIF (topo%subs_bc(6,idom).EQ.1) THEN
-                  lboundary(6,i)=.TRUE.
-               ENDIF
-               !----------------------------------------------------------------
-               ! Allocate the function correction, the restricted errors and the 
-               !residuals on each level.
-               !----------------------------------------------------------------
-#if __DIM == __SFIELD
-               iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-               ldl3(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
-               ldl3(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
-               ldl3(3) = 1-ghostsize(3)
-               ldu3(1) = mesh%nnodes(1,idom)+ghostsize(1)
-               ldu3(2) = mesh%nnodes(2,idom)+ghostsize(2)
-               ldu3(3) = mesh%nnodes(3,idom)+ghostsize(3)
-               CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%uc,ldl3,ldu3,iopt,info)
-               IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-                  info = ppm_error_fatal
-                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
-      &        'Problem with the function corr. alloc.',__LINE__,info)
-                  GOTO 9999
-               ENDIF
-               tuc=>mgfield(i,mlev)%uc
-               tuc=0.0_MK              
-               iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-               ldu3(1) = mesh%nnodes(1,idom)
-               ldu3(2) = mesh%nnodes(2,idom)
-               ldu3(3) = mesh%nnodes(3,idom)
-               CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%fc,ldu3,iopt,info)
-               IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-                  info = ppm_error_fatal
-                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
-      &        'Problem with the restricted err. alloc.',__LINE__,info)
-                  GOTO 9999
-               ENDIF
-               mgfield(i,mlev)%fc=0.0_MK
-               iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-               ldl3(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
-               ldl3(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
-               ldl3(3) = 1-ghostsize(3)
-               ldu3(1) = mesh%nnodes(1,idom)+ghostsize(1)
-               ldu3(2) = mesh%nnodes(2,idom)+ghostsize(2)
-               ldu3(3) = mesh%nnodes(3,idom)+ghostsize(3)
-               CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%err,ldl3,ldu3,iopt,info)
-               IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-                  info = ppm_error_fatal
-                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
-      &        'Problem with the residual alloc.',__LINE__,info)
-                  GOTO 9999
-               ENDIF
-               terr=>mgfield(i,mlev)%err  
-               terr=0.0_MK 
-              IF (.NOT.lperiodic) THEN
-               iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-               ldu1(1) = 2*ppm_dim
-               CALL ppm_mg_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue,ldu1,iopt,info)
-               IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-                  info = ppm_error_fatal
-                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
-      &        'Problem with the BOUNDARY alloc.',__LINE__,info)
-                  GOTO 9999
-               ENDIF
-                !ALLOCATE THE PBCVALUE 
-              DO iface=1,2*ppm_dim 
-               iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-               IF (iface.EQ.1.OR.iface.EQ.2) THEN
-                ldu2(1) = max_node(2,mlev)
-                    ldu2(2)= max_node(3,mlev)
-               ELSEif (iface.EQ.3.OR. iface.EQ.4) then         
-                ldu2(1) = max_node(1,mlev)
-                    ldu2(2)=max_node(3,mlev)
-                    else
-                     ldu2(1)=max_node(1,mlev)
-                     ldu2(2)=max_node(2,mlev)
-               ENDIF
-               CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue,ldu2,iopt,info)
-               !Print *,size(mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue,1)
-               IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-                  info = ppm_error_fatal
-                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
-      &        'Problem with the BOUNDARY alloc.',__LINE__,info)
-                  GOTO 9999
-               ENDIF 
+           DO i=1,nsubs
+              idom=topo%isublist(i)
+              stop(:,i,mlev) = mesh%nnodes(:,idom)
+              DO j=1,ppm_dim
+                 IF (max_node(j,mlev).LT.stop(j,i,mlev)) THEN
+                    max_node(j,mlev)=stop(j,i,mlev)  
+                 ENDIF
-               DO iface=1,2*ppm_dim
-                IF (iface.EQ.1.OR.iface.EQ.2) THEN  
-                         direc(1)=2
-                             direc(2)=3
-                       elseif (iface.EQ.3.OR.iface.EQ.4) THEN
-                         direc(1)=1
-                         direc(2)=3
-                       else
-                         direc(1)=1
-                         direc(2)=2
-                       endif
-                  DO ipoint=1,max_node(direc(1),mlev)
-                   DO jpoint=1,max_node(direc(2),mlev)
-                    IF (mlev.EQ.1) THEN                         
-                       mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ipoint,jpoint)=bcvalue(i,iface,ipoint,jpoint)
-                             ELSE
-                     IF(bcdef_sca(i,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_neumann) THEN 
-                            mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ipoint,jpoint)=&
-                &           mgfield(i,mlev-1)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(2*ipoint-1,2*jpoint-1) 
-                     ELSE
-                    !NO CORRECTIONS FOR THE DIRICHLET  
-                                 mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ipoint,jpoint)=0.0_MK
-                    ENDIF  
-                   ENDIF
-                  ENDDO
-                ENDDO                              
-              ENDDO!faces 
-          endif !lperiodic
+              IF (topo%subs_bc(1,idom).EQ.1) THEN
+                 lboundary(1,i)=.TRUE.          
+              ELSEIF (topo%subs_bc(3,idom).EQ.1) THEN
+                 lboundary(3,i)=.TRUE.
+              ELSEIF (topo%subs_bc(2,idom).EQ.1) THEN
+                 lboundary(2,i)=.TRUE.  
+              ELSEIF (topo%subs_bc(4,idom).EQ.1) THEN
+                 lboundary(4,i)=.TRUE.
+              ELSEIF (topo%subs_bc(5,idom).EQ.1) THEN
+                 lboundary(5,i)=.TRUE. 
+              ELSEIF (topo%subs_bc(6,idom).EQ.1) THEN
+                 lboundary(6,i)=.TRUE.
+              ENDIF
+              !----------------------------------------------------------------
+              ! Allocate the function correction, the restricted errors and the 
+              !residuals on each level.
+              !----------------------------------------------------------------
+#if __DIM == __SFIELD
+              iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+              ldl3(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+              ldl3(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+              ldl3(3) = 1-ghostsize(3)
+              ldu3(1) = mesh%nnodes(1,idom)+ghostsize(1)
+              ldu3(2) = mesh%nnodes(2,idom)+ghostsize(2)
+              ldu3(3) = mesh%nnodes(3,idom)+ghostsize(3)
+              CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%uc,ldl3,ldu3,iopt,info)
+              IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+                 info = ppm_error_fatal
+                 CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
+     &        'Problem with the function corr. alloc.',__LINE__,info)
+                 GOTO 9999
+              ENDIF
+              tuc=>mgfield(i,mlev)%uc
+              tuc(:,:,:)=0.0_MK              
+              iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+              ldu3(1) = mesh%nnodes(1,idom)
+              ldu3(2) = mesh%nnodes(2,idom)
+              ldu3(3) = mesh%nnodes(3,idom)
+              CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%fc,ldu3,iopt,info)
+              IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+                 info = ppm_error_fatal
+                 CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
+     &        'Problem with the restricted err. alloc.',__LINE__,info)
+                 GOTO 9999
+              ENDIF
+              mgfield(i,mlev)%fc(:,:,:)=0.0_MK
+              iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+              ldl3(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+              ldl3(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+              ldl3(3) = 1-ghostsize(3)
+              ldu3(1) = mesh%nnodes(1,idom)+ghostsize(1)
+              ldu3(2) = mesh%nnodes(2,idom)+ghostsize(2)
+              ldu3(3) = mesh%nnodes(3,idom)+ghostsize(3)
+              CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%err,ldl3,ldu3,iopt,info)
+              IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+                 info = ppm_error_fatal
+                 CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
+     &        'Problem with the residual alloc.',__LINE__,info)
+                 GOTO 9999
+              ENDIF
+	      terr=>mgfield(i,mlev)%err  
+              terr(:,:,:)=0.0_MK 
+             !PRINT *,'LPERIODIC:',lperiodic
+             IF (.NOT.lperiodic) THEN
+              iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+              ldu1(1) = 2*ppm_dim
+              CALL ppm_mg_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue,ldu1,iopt,info)
+              IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+                 info = ppm_error_fatal
+                 CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
+     &        'Problem with the BOUNDARY alloc.',__LINE__,info)
+                 GOTO 9999
+              ENDIF
+             DO iface=1,2*ppm_dim 
+              iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+              IF (iface.EQ.1.OR.iface.EQ.2) THEN
+               ldu2(1) = max_node(2,mlev)
+	       ldu2(2)= max_node(3,mlev)
+              ELSEif (iface.EQ.3.OR. iface.EQ.4) then	      
+               ldu2(1) = max_node(1,mlev)
+	       ldu2(2)=max_node(3,mlev)
+	      else
+	       ldu2(1)=max_node(1,mlev)
+	       ldu2(2)=max_node(2,mlev)
+              ENDIF
+              CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue,ldu2,iopt,info)
+	      !Print *,size(mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue,1)
+	      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+                 info = ppm_error_fatal
+                 CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
+     &        'Problem with the BOUNDARY alloc.',__LINE__,info)
+                 GOTO 9999
+              ENDIF 
+             ENDDO
+	      DO iface=1,2*ppm_dim
+               IF (iface.EQ.1.OR.iface.EQ.2) THEN  
+	       		direc(1)=2
+			direc(2)=3
+		elseif (iface.EQ.3.OR.iface.EQ.4) THEN
+			direc(1)=1
+			direc(2)=3
+		else
+			direc(1)=1
+			direc(2)=2
+		endif
+                 DO ipoint=1,max_node(direc(1),mlev)
+                  DO jpoint=1,max_node(direc(2),mlev)
+                   IF (mlev.EQ.1) THEN                         
+                      mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ipoint,jpoint)=bcvalue(iface,ipoint,jpoint)
+		   ELSE
+                    IF(bcdef_sca(i,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_neumann) THEN 
+                           mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ipoint,jpoint)=&
+               &           mgfield(i,mlev-1)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(2*ipoint-1,2*jpoint-1) 
+                    ELSE
+			mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ipoint,jpoint)=0.0_MK
+!			If (mlev.EQ.5) then
+!				Print *,ipoint,jpoint,mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ipoint,jpoint)
+!			endif
+                   ENDIF  
+                  ENDIF
+                 ENDDO
+		enddo 	       		          
+             ENDDO!faces 
+         endif !lperiodic
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
-               iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-               ldl4(1) = 1
-               ldl4(2) = 1-ghostsize(1)
-               ldl4(3) = 1-ghostsize(2)
-               ldl4(4) = 1-ghostsize(3)
-               ldu4(1) = vecdim
-               ldu4(2) = mesh%nnodes(1,idom)+ghostsize(1)
-               ldu4(3) = mesh%nnodes(2,idom)+ghostsize(2)
-               ldu4(4) = mesh%nnodes(3,idom)+ghostsize(3)
-               CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%uc,ldl4,ldu4,iopt,info)
-               IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-                  info = ppm_error_fatal
-                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
-      &        'Problem with the function corr. alloc.',__LINE__,info)
-                  GOTO 9999
-               ENDIF
-               tuc=>mgfield(i,mlev)%uc
-               tuc=0.0_MK              
-               iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-               ldu4(1) = vecdim
-               ldu4(2) = mesh%nnodes(1,idom)
-               ldu4(3) = mesh%nnodes(2,idom)
-               ldu4(4) = mesh%nnodes(3,idom)
-               CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%fc,ldu4,iopt,info)
-               IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-                  info = ppm_error_fatal
-                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
-      &        'Problem with the restricted err. alloc.',__LINE__,info)
-                  GOTO 9999
-               ENDIF
-               mgfield(i,mlev)%fc=0.0_MK
-               iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-               ldl4(1) = 1
-               ldl4(2) = 1-ghostsize(1)
-               ldl4(3) = 1-ghostsize(2)
-               ldl4(4) = 1-ghostsize(3)
-               ldu4(1) = vecdim
-               ldu4(2) = mesh%nnodes(1,idom)+ghostsize(1)
-               ldu4(3) = mesh%nnodes(2,idom)+ghostsize(2)
-               ldu4(4) = mesh%nnodes(3,idom)+ghostsize(3)
-               CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%err,ldl4,ldu4,iopt,info)
-               IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-                  info = ppm_error_fatal
-                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
-      &        'Problem with the residual alloc.',__LINE__,info)
-                  GOTO 9999
-               ENDIF
-               terr=>mgfield(i,mlev)%err  
-               terr=0.0_MK
-                !ALLOCATE THE BCVALUE(IT IS A TYPE!!)
-              IF (.NOT.lperiodic) THEN
-               iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-                   ldu1=2*ppm_dim
-               CALL ppm_mg_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue,ldu1,iopt,info)
-               IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-                  info = ppm_error_fatal
-                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
-      &        'Problem with the BOUNDARY alloc.',__LINE__,info)
-                  GOTO 9999
-               ENDIF
-                !ALLOCATE THE PBCVALUE 
-              DO iface=1,2*ppm_dim 
-               iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-                   ldu3(1)=vecdim
-               IF (iface.EQ.1.OR.iface.EQ.2) THEN
-                 ldu3(2) = max_node(2,mlev)
-                  ldu3(3)= max_node(3,mlev)
-               ELSEIF (iface.EQ.3.OR. iface.EQ.4) then         
-                 ldu3(2) = max_node(1,mlev)
-                 ldu3(3)=max_node(3,mlev)
-               ELSE
-                    ldu3(2)=max_node(1,mlev)
-                    ldu3(3)=max_node(2,mlev)
-               ENDIF
-               CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue,ldu3,iopt,info)
-               IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+              iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+              ldl4(1) = 1
+              ldl4(2) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+              ldl4(3) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+              ldl4(4) = 1-ghostsize(3)
+              ldu4(1) = vecdim
+              ldu4(2) = mesh%nnodes(1,idom)+ghostsize(1)
+              ldu4(3) = mesh%nnodes(2,idom)+ghostsize(2)
+              ldu4(4) = mesh%nnodes(3,idom)+ghostsize(3)
+              CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%uc,ldl4,ldu4,iopt,info)
+              IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
                  info = ppm_error_fatal
                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
-      &        'Problem with the BOUNDARY alloc.',__LINE__,info)
+     &        'Problem with the function corr. alloc.',__LINE__,info)
                  GOTO 9999
-                ENDIF 
-              ENDDO
-              DO iface=1,2*ppm_dim
-                  IF (iface.EQ.1.OR.iface.EQ.2) THEN  
-                         direc(1)=2
-                         direc(2)=3
-                  elseif (iface.EQ.3.OR.iface.EQ.4) THEN
-                         direc(1)=1
-                         direc(2)=3
-                  else
-                         direc(1)=1
-                         direc(2)=2
-                  endif
+              ENDIF
+              tuc=>mgfield(i,mlev)%uc
+              tuc(:,:,:,:)=0.0_MK              
+              iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+              ldu4(1) = vecdim
+              ldu4(2) = mesh%nnodes(1,idom)
+              ldu4(3) = mesh%nnodes(2,idom)
+              ldu4(4) = mesh%nnodes(3,idom)
+              CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%fc,ldu4,iopt,info)
+              IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+                 info = ppm_error_fatal
+                 CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
+     &        'Problem with the restricted err. alloc.',__LINE__,info)
+                 GOTO 9999
+              ENDIF
+              mgfield(i,mlev)%fc(:,:,:,:)=0.0_MK
+              iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+              ldl4(1) = 1
+              ldl4(2) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+              ldl4(3) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+              ldl4(4) = 1-ghostsize(3)
+              ldu4(1) = vecdim
+              ldu4(2) = mesh%nnodes(1,idom)+ghostsize(1)
+              ldu4(3) = mesh%nnodes(2,idom)+ghostsize(2)
+              ldu4(4) = mesh%nnodes(3,idom)+ghostsize(3)
+              CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%err,ldl4,ldu4,iopt,info)
+              IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+                 info = ppm_error_fatal
+                 CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
+     &        'Problem with the residual alloc.',__LINE__,info)
+                 GOTO 9999
+              ENDIF
+              terr=>mgfield(i,mlev)%err  
+              terr(:,:,:,:)=0.0_MK
+             !PRINT *,'LPERIODIC:',lperiodic
+             IF (.NOT.lperiodic) THEN
+              iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+	      ldu1=2*ppm_dim
+	      !ldu2(1)=vecdim
+              !ldu2(2) = 2*ppm_dim
+	      !allocate(mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(3,6))
+              CALL ppm_mg_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue,ldu1,iopt,info)
+              IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+                 info = ppm_error_fatal
+                 CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
+     &        'Problem with the BOUNDARY alloc.',__LINE__,info)
+                 GOTO 9999
+              ENDIF
+             DO iface=1,2*ppm_dim 
+              iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+	      ldu3(1)=vecdim
+              IF (iface.EQ.1.OR.iface.EQ.2) THEN
+               ldu3(2) = max_node(2,mlev)
+	       ldu3(3)= max_node(3,mlev)
+              ELSEif (iface.EQ.3.OR. iface.EQ.4) then	      
+               ldu3(2) = max_node(1,mlev)
+	       ldu3(3)=max_node(3,mlev)
+	      else
+	       ldu3(2)=max_node(1,mlev)
+	       ldu3(3)=max_node(2,mlev)
+              ENDIF
+	      CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue,ldu3,iopt,info)
+	      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+                 info = ppm_error_fatal
+                 CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
+     &        'Problem with the BOUNDARY alloc.',__LINE__,info)
+                 GOTO 9999
+              ENDIF 
+             ENDDO
+	      DO iface=1,2*ppm_dim
+                 IF (iface.EQ.1.OR.iface.EQ.2) THEN  
+	       	     	direc(1)=2
+		         	direc(2)=3
+	             elseif (iface.EQ.3.OR.iface.EQ.4) THEN
+			        direc(1)=1
+			        direc(2)=3
+		         else
+			        direc(1)=1
+			        direc(2)=2
+		         endif
                DO ipoint=1,max_node(direc(1),mlev)
-                   DO jpoint=1,max_node(direc(2),mlev)
-                        DO ilda=1,vecdim
-                            IF (mlev.EQ.1) THEN                         
-                                 mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ilda,ipoint,jpoint) &
-     &                           =bcvalue(ilda,i,iface,ipoint,jpoint)
-                            ELSE     
-                                IF(bcdef_vec(ilda,i,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_neumann) THEN 
-                                    mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ilda,ipoint,jpoint)=&
-     &           mgfield(i,mlev-1)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ilda,2*ipoint-1,2*jpoint-1) 
-                            ELSE
-                           !NO CORRECTIONS FOR THE DIRICHLET  
-                                   mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ilda,ipoint,jpoint)=0.0_MK
-                         ENDIF  
-                       ENDIF
-                     ENDDO
-                  ENDDO
-                ENDDO                             
-              ENDDO 
-           ENDIF !lperiodic
+                  DO jpoint=1,max_node(direc(2),mlev)
+		           DO ilda=1,vecdim
+                   IF (mlev.EQ.1) THEN                         
+                       !PRINT *,'bcef',ilda,iface,bcvalue(ilda,iface,ipoint,jpoint)	
+			        mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ilda,ipoint,jpoint)=bcvalue(ilda,iface,ipoint,jpoint)
+            !PRINT *,ipoint,jpoint,iface,ilda,bcvalue(ilda,iface,ipoint,jpoint),mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ilda,ipoint,jpoint)
+	!	Print*,'Boundariu',bcvalue(ilda,iface,ipoint,jpoint)	
+		           ELSE	    
+                    IF(bcdef_vec(ilda,i,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_neumann) THEN 
+                           mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ilda,ipoint,jpoint)=&
+               &           mgfield(i,mlev-1)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ilda,2*ipoint-1,2*jpoint-1) 
+                    ELSE
+		        	mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ilda,ipoint,jpoint)=0.0_MK
+!			If (mlev.EQ.5) then
+!				Print *,ipoint,jpoint,mgfield(i,mlev)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ipoint,jpoint)
+!			endif
+                   ENDIF  
+                  ENDIF
+                 ENDDO
+		enddo 	       		          
+             ENDDO!faces 
+	   ENDIF !lperiodic
-       ENDDO!DO i=1,nsubs
+              iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit  
+              ldl3(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+              ldl3(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+              ldl3(3) = 1-ghostsize(3)
+              ldu3(1) = mesh%nnodes(1,idom)+ghostsize(1)
+              ldu3(2) = mesh%nnodes(2,idom)+ghostsize(2)
+              ldu3(3) = mesh%nnodes(3,idom)+ghostsize(3)
+              CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%mask_red,ldl3,ldu3,iopt,info)
+              IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+                 info = ppm_error_fatal
+                 CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
+     &        'Problem with the mask  alloc.',__LINE__,info)
+                 GOTO 9999
+              ENDIF
+              iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit  
+              ldl3(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+              ldl3(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+              ldl3(3) = 1-ghostsize(3)
+              ldu3(1) = mesh%nnodes(1,idom)+ghostsize(1)
+              ldu3(2) = mesh%nnodes(2,idom)+ghostsize(2)
+              ldu3(3) = mesh%nnodes(3,idom)+ghostsize(3)
+              CALL ppm_alloc(mgfield(i,mlev)%mask_black,ldl3,ldu3,iopt,info)
+              IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+                 info = ppm_error_fatal
+                 CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_poiss_mg_init',    &
+                      &        'Problem with mask alloc.',__LINE__,info)
+                 GOTO 9999
+              ENDIF
+              !----------------------------------------------------------------
+              !Filling the mask for communication (red black) 
+              !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+              DO iz=1-ghostsize(3),&
+               mesh%nnodes(3,idom)+ghostsize(3)
+                 DO iy=1-ghostsize(2),&
+                   & mesh%nnodes(2,idom)+ghostsize(2)
+                    DO ix=1-ghostsize(1),&
+                   &  mesh%nnodes(1,idom)+ghostsize(1)
+                       IF (MOD(ix+iy+iz,2).EQ.0) THEN  
+                          mgfield(i,mlev)%mask_red(ix,iy,iz)=.TRUE.      
+                          mgfield(i,mlev)%mask_black(ix,iy,iz)=.FALSE.      
+                          !mgfield(i,mlev)%mask_black(ix,iy,iz)=.TRUE.      
+                       ELSE 
+                          mgfield(i,mlev)%mask_red(ix,iy,iz)   = .FALSE.      
+                          mgfield(i,mlev)%mask_black(ix,iy,iz) = .TRUE.      
+                      ENDIF
+                    ENDDO
+                 ENDDO
+              ENDDO
+           ENDDO!DO i=1,nsubs
-            factor(:)=2
-            mesh_id_g(mlev)=lmesh_id
-            meshid_g(mlev)=meshid
-            newmeshid=-1
-            IF (mlev.LT.maxlev) THEN 
-              CALL ppm_mesh_derive(topoid,meshid,ppm_param_mesh_coarsen,factor,&
-      &                          newmeshid,info)
-              lmesh_id = newmeshid
-              meshid = ppm_meshid(topoid)%internal(lmesh_id)
-            ENDIF 
-         ENDDO!DO mlev=1,maxlev 
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !  Return 
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 9999    CONTINUE
-         CALL substop('ppm_mg_init',t0,info)
-         RETURN
+           factor(:)=2
+           mesh_id_g(mlev)=lmesh_id
+           meshid_g(mlev)=meshid
+           newmeshid=-1
+           IF (mlev.LT.maxlev) THEN 
+	    !Print *,'dfj',meshid,ppm_param_mesh_coarsen,factor,newmeshid
+            CALL ppm_mesh_derive(topoid,meshid,newmeshid,&
+     &                           ppm_param_mesh_coarsen,factor,info)
+            lmesh_id = newmeshid
+            meshid = topo%mesh(lmesh_id)%ID
+           ENDIF 
+        ENDDO!DO mlev=1,maxlev 
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !  Return 
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 9999   CONTINUE
+        CALL substop('ppm_mg_init',t0,info)
+        RETURN
 #if    __DIM       == __SFIELD
 #if    __MESH_DIM  == __2D
-       END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_2d_sca_s
+      END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_2d_sca_s
-       END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_2d_sca_d
+      END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_2d_sca_d
 #elif  __MESH_DIM == __3D
-       END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_3d_sca_s
+      END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_3d_sca_s
-       END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_3d_sca_d
+      END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_3d_sca_d
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if    __MESH_DIM  == __2D
-       END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_2d_vec_s
+      END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_2d_vec_s
-       END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_2d_vec_d
+      END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_2d_vec_d
 #elif  __MESH_DIM == __3D
-       END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_3d_vec_s
+      END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_3d_vec_s
-       END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_3d_vec_d
+      END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_init_3d_vec_d
diff --git a/src/ppm_mg_res_coarse.f b/src/ppm_mg_res_coarse.f
index a41f1c2..b212e6f 100644
--- a/src/ppm_mg_res_coarse.f
+++ b/src/ppm_mg_res_coarse.f
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 !  Subroutine   :            ppm_mg_res 
 !  Purpose      : In this routine we compute the residula in each level
@@ -16,13 +16,10 @@
 !  References   :
 !  Revisions    :
 !  $Log: ppm_mg_res_coarse.f,v $
-!  Revision  2007/07/13 10:18:56  ivos
-!  CBL version of the PPM library
-!  Revision 1.8  2006/07/21 11:30:56  kotsalie
+!  Revision  2006/07/25 15:18:20  menahel
+!  initial import
 !  Revision 1.6  2006/02/08 19:56:24  kotsalie
 !  fixed multiple domains
@@ -42,69 +39,75 @@
 !  Revision 1.1  2004/09/22 18:47:32  kotsalie
 !  MG new version
 !  Parallel Particle Mesh Library (PPM)
 !  Institute of Computational Science
 !  ETH Zentrum, Hirschengraben 84
 !  CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_coarse_2D_sca_s(f_topoid,mlev,c1,c2,c3,c4,E,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_coarse_2D_sca_s(topo_id,mlev,c1,c2,c3,c4,E,info)
-      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_coarse_2D_sca_d(f_topoid,mlev,c1,c2,c3,c4,E,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_coarse_2D_sca_d(topo_id,mlev,c1,c2,c3,c4,E,info)
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_coarse_3D_sca_s(f_topoid,mlev,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,&
-     & E,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_coarse_3D_sca_s(topo_id,mlev,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,&
+     &                                      E,info)
-      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_coarse_3D_sca_d(f_topoid,mlev,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,&
-     & E,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_coarse_3D_sca_d(topo_id,mlev,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,&
+     &                                      E,info)
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_coarse_2D_vec_s(f_topoid,mlev,c1,c2,c3,c4,E,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_coarse_2D_vec_s(topo_id,mlev,c1,c2,c3,c4,E,info)
-      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_coarse_2D_vec_d(f_topoid,mlev,c1,c2,c3,c4,E,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_coarse_2D_vec_d(topo_id,mlev,c1,c2,c3,c4,E,info)
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_coarse_3D_vec_s(f_topoid,mlev,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,&
-     & E,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_coarse_3D_vec_s(topo_id,mlev,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,&
+     &                                      E,info)
-      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_coarse_3D_vec_d(f_topoid,mlev,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,&
-     & E,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_coarse_3D_vec_d(topo_id,mlev,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,&
+     &                                      E,info)
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
         !  Includes
-        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 #include "ppm_define.h"
-        !-------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-------------------------------------------------------------------    
         !  Modules 
-        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !--------------------------------------------------------------------
         USE ppm_module_data
+        USE ppm_module_write
         USE ppm_module_data_mg
-        USE ppm_module_data_mesh
         USE ppm_module_substart
         USE ppm_module_substop
         USE ppm_module_error
         USE ppm_module_alloc
+        USE ppm_module_data_mesh
         INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_single
         INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_double
-        !-------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-------------------------------------------------------------------    
         !  Arguments     
-        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-        INTEGER,                   INTENT(IN)      ::  mlev, f_topoid
+        !-------------------------------------------------------------------
+        INTEGER,                   INTENT(IN)      ::  mlev, topo_id
         REAL(MK),                  INTENT(OUT)     ::  E
 #if  __MESH_DIM == __2D
         REAL(MK),                  INTENT(IN)      ::  c1,c2,c3,c4 
@@ -112,9 +115,9 @@
         REAL(MK),                  INTENT(IN)      ::  c1,c2,c3,c4,c5 
         INTEGER,                   INTENT(INOUT)   ::  info
-        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------  
         !  Local variables 
-        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
         CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cbuf
         INTEGER                                    ::  i,j,isub,color
         INTEGER                                    ::  ilda,isweep,count
@@ -162,19 +165,7 @@
-#if __DIM == __SFIELD
-#if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-     REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: tuc
-#elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-     REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: tuc
-#elif __DIM == __VFIELD
-#if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-     REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: tuc
-#elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-     REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER :: tuc
@@ -182,11 +173,13 @@
         CALL substart('ppm_mg_res',t0,info)
         IF (l_print) THEN
          WRITE(cbuf,*) 'RESIDUAL in LEVEL:',mlev
          CALL PPM_WRITE(ppm_rank,'mg_res_coarse',cbuf,info)
         !  Check arguments
@@ -221,7 +214,9 @@
         !Definition of necessary variables and allocation of arrays
-        topoid=f_topoid
+        topoid=topo_id
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
@@ -251,42 +246,101 @@
 #if  __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if  __MESH_DIM == __2D
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+        IF (order.EQ.ppm_param_order_2) THEN
+                 DO isub=1,nsubs
+                   aa=0
+                   bb=0
+                   cc=0
+                   dd=0
+                IF (.NOT.lperiodic) THEN
+                 DO iface=1,4
+                    IF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_periodic) THEN
+                   !DO NOTHING
+                    ELSEIF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_dirichlet) THEN
+                      IF (iface.EQ.1) THEN
+                        aa=1
+                      ELSEIF (iface.EQ.2) THEN
+                        bb=1
+                      ELSEIF (iface.EQ.3) THEN
+                       cc=1
+                      ELSEIF (iface.EQ.4) THEN
+                       dd=1
+		             ENDIF
+                     ENDIF 
+                    ENDDO !iface
+	              endif !periodic
+             ENDDO
           DO isub=1,nsubs
-            tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc      
-            DO j=start(2,isub,mlev),istop(2,isub,mlev)
-               DO i=start(1,isub,mlev),istop(1,isub,mlev)
-                     res =(tuc(i-1,j)+&
-     &                     tuc(i+1,j))*c2 + &
-     &                    (tuc(i,j-1)+    &
-     &                     tuc(i,j+1))*c3 - &
-     &                     tuc(i,j)*c4 - &
+            DO j=start(2,isub,mlev)+cc,stop(2,isub,mlev)-dd
+               DO i=start(1,isub,mlev)+aa,stop(1,isub,mlev)-bb
+                     res =(mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i-1,j)+&
+     &                     mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i+1,j))*c2 + &
+     &                    (mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i,j-1)+    &
+     &                     mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i,j+1))*c3 - &
+     &                     mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i,j)*c4 - &
      &                     mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc(i,j)
+        ELSEIF (order.EQ.ppm_param_order_4) THEN  
+        c22=c2/12.0_MK
+        c33=c3/12.0_MK
+        c44=c4*1.25_MK
+         E=-HUGE(E)
+          DO isub=1,nsubs
+            DO j=start(2,isub,mlev),stop(2,isub,mlev)
+               DO i=start(1,isub,mlev),stop(1,isub,mlev)
+                     res =(16.0_MK*mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i-1,j)+&
+     &                     16.0_MK*mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i+1,j)-&
+     &                     mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i-2,j)-&
+     &                     mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i+2,j))*c22 + &
+     &                    (16.0_MK*mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i,j-1)+    &
+     &                     16.0_MK*mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i,j+1)-&
+     &                     mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i,j-2)-&
+     &                     mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i,j+2))*c33 - &
+     &                     mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i,j)*c44 - &
+     &                     mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc(i,j)
+                     E=MAX(ABS(res),E)
+                     mgfield(isub,mlev)%err(i,j)=-res
+               ENDDO
+            ENDDO
+          ENDDO
+        ENDIF 
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-          E=-HUGE(E)
-             DO isub=1,nsubs
-               tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc      
-               aa=0
-               bb=0
-               cc=0
-               dd=0
-               ee=0
-               gg=0
-               IF (.NOT.lperiodic) THEN
+                 DO isub=1,nsubs
+                   aa=0
+                   bb=0
+                   cc=0
+                   dd=0
+                   ee=0
+                   gg=0
+                IF (.NOT.lperiodic) THEN
                  DO iface=1,6
-                    IF (bcdef_sca(isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_periodic) THEN
+                    IF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_periodic) THEN
                    !DO NOTHING
-                    ELSEIF (bcdef_sca(isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_dirichlet) THEN
+                    ELSEIF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_dirichlet) THEN
                       IF (iface.EQ.1) THEN
                       ELSEIF (iface.EQ.2) THEN
@@ -299,47 +353,81 @@
                       ELSEIF (iface.EQ.6) Then
-                             ENDIF
+		             ENDIF
                     ENDDO !iface
-                  endif !periodic
+	              endif !periodic
+             ENDDO
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-        DO k=start(3,isub,mlev)+ee,istop(3,isub,mlev)-gg
-            DO j=start(2,isub,mlev)+cc,istop(2,isub,mlev)-dd
-               DO i=start(1,isub,mlev)+aa,istop(1,isub,mlev)-bb
-                     res =(tuc(i-1,j,k)+&
-     &                       tuc(i+1,j,k))*c2 + &
-     &                      (tuc(i,j-1,k)+    &
-     &                       tuc(i,j+1,k))*c3 +&
-     &                      (tuc(i,j,k-1)+    &
-     &                       tuc(i,j,k+1))*c4 -&
-     &                       tuc(i,j,k)*c5 - &
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+        E=-HUGE(E)
+          DO isub=1,nsubs
+           DO k=start(3,isub,mlev)+ee,stop(3,isub,mlev)-gg
+              DO j=start(2,isub,mlev)+cc,stop(2,isub,mlev)-dd
+                 DO i=start(1,isub,mlev)+aa,stop(1,isub,mlev)-bb
+                       res =(mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i-1,j,k)+&
+     &                       mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i+1,j,k))*c2 + &
+     &                      (mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i,j-1,k)+    &
+     &                       mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i,j+1,k))*c3 +&
+     &                      (mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i,j,k-1)+    &
+     &                       mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i,j,k+1))*c4 -&
+     &                       mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i,j,k)*c5 - &
      &                       mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc(i,j,k)
-                     E=MAX(ABS(res),E)
-                     mgfield(isub,mlev)%err(i,j,k)=-res
+                       E=MAX(ABS(res),E)
+                       mgfield(isub,mlev)%err(i,j,k)=-res
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if  __MESH_DIM == __2D
+                 DO isub=1,nsubs
+                   DO ilda=1,vecdim
+                   aa=0
+                   bb=0
+                   cc=0
+                   dd=0
+                IF (.NOT.lperiodic) THEN
+                 DO iface=1,4
+                    IF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_periodic) THEN
+                   !DO NOTHING
+                    ELSEIF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_dirichlet) THEN
+                      IF (iface.EQ.1) THEN
+                        aa=1
+                      ELSEIF (iface.EQ.2) THEN
+                        bb=1
+                      ELSEIF (iface.EQ.3) THEN
+                       cc=1
+                      ELSEIF (iface.EQ.4) THEN
+                       dd=1
+		             ENDIF
+                     ENDIF 
+                    ENDDO !iface
+	              endif !periodic
+                 ENDDO
+             ENDDO
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-        E=-HUGE(E)
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  E=-HUGE(E)
         DO isub=1,nsubs
-           tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc      
-           DO j=start(2,isub,mlev),istop(2,isub,mlev)
-              DO i=start(1,isub,mlev),istop(1,isub,mlev)
+           DO j=start(2,isub,mlev)+cc,stop(2,isub,mlev)-dd
+              DO i=start(1,isub,mlev)+aa,stop(1,isub,mlev)-bb
                DO ilda=1,vecdim
-                    res =(tuc(ilda,i-1,j)+&
-     &                    tuc(ilda,i+1,j))*c2 + &
-     &                   (tuc(ilda,i,j-1)+    &
-     &                    tuc(ilda,i,j+1))*c3 - &
-     &                    tuc(ilda,i,j)*c4 - &
+                    res =(mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(ilda,i-1,j)+&
+     &                    mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(ilda,i+1,j))*c2 + &
+     &                   (mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(ilda,i,j-1)+    &
+     &                    mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(ilda,i,j+1))*c3 - &
+     &                    mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(ilda,i,j)*c4 - &
      &                    mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc(ilda,i,j)
@@ -347,20 +435,26 @@
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-               E=-HUGE(E)
-               DO isub=1,nsubs
-                   tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc      
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+     IF (order.EQ.ppm_param_order_2) THEN
+                 DO isub=1,nsubs
-                DO ilda=1,vecdim
+                   DO ilda=1,vecdim
                 IF (.NOT.lperiodic) THEN
                  DO iface=1,6
                     IF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_periodic) THEN
@@ -378,54 +472,61 @@
                       ELSEIF (iface.EQ.6) Then
-                             ENDIF
+		             ENDIF
                     ENDDO !iface
-                      endif !periodic
+	              endif !periodic
-             DO k=start(3,isub,mlev)+ee,istop(3,isub,mlev)-gg
-               DO j=start(2,isub,mlev)+cc,istop(2,isub,mlev)-dd
-                  DO i=start(1,isub,mlev)+aa,istop(1,isub,mlev)-bb
+             !ENDDO
+            E=-HUGE(E)
+            !DO isub=1,nsubs
+             DO k=start(3,isub,mlev)+ee,stop(3,isub,mlev)-gg
+               DO j=start(2,isub,mlev)+cc,stop(2,isub,mlev)-dd
+                  DO i=start(1,isub,mlev)+aa,stop(1,isub,mlev)-bb
 #ifdef __VECTOR
-                        res =(tuc(1,i-1,j,k)+&
-     &                        tuc(1,i+1,j,k))*c2 + &
-     &                       (tuc(1,i,j-1,k)+    &
-     &                        tuc(1,i,j+1,k))*c3 +&
-     &                       (tuc(1,i,j,k-1)+    &
-     &                        tuc(1,i,j,k+1))*c4 -&
-     &                        tuc(1,i,j,k)*c5 - &
+                        res =(mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(1,i-1,j,k)+&
+     &                        mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(1,i+1,j,k))*c2 + &
+     &                       (mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(1,i,j-1,k)+    &
+     &                        mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(1,i,j+1,k))*c3 +&
+     &                       (mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(1,i,j,k-1)+    &
+     &                        mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(1,i,j,k+1))*c4 -&
+     &                        mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(1,i,j,k)*c5 - &
      &                        mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc(1,i,j,k)
-                        res =(tuc(2,i-1,j,k)+&
-     &                        tuc(2,i+1,j,k))*c2 + &
-     &                       (tuc(2,i,j-1,k)+    &
-     &                        tuc(2,i,j+1,k))*c3 +&
-     &                       (tuc(2,i,j,k-1)+    &
-     &                        tuc(2,i,j,k+1))*c4 -&
-     &                        tuc(2,i,j,k)*c5 - &
+                        res =(mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(2,i-1,j,k)+&
+     &                        mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(2,i+1,j,k))*c2 + &
+     &                       (mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(2,i,j-1,k)+    &
+     &                        mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(2,i,j+1,k))*c3 +&
+     &                       (mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(2,i,j,k-1)+    &
+     &                        mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(2,i,j,k+1))*c4 -&
+     &                        mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(2,i,j,k)*c5 - &
      &                        mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc(2,i,j,k)
-                        res =(tuc(3,i-1,j,k)+&
-     &                        tuc(3,i+1,j,k))*c2 + &
-     &                       (tuc(3,i,j-1,k)+    &
-     &                        tuc(3,i,j+1,k))*c3 +&
-     &                       (tuc(3,i,j,k-1)+    &
-     &                        tuc(3,i,j,k+1))*c4 -&
-     &                        tuc(3,i,j,k)*c5 - &
+                        res =(mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(3,i-1,j,k)+&
+     &                        mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(3,i+1,j,k))*c2 + &
+     &                       (mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(3,i,j-1,k)+    &
+     &                        mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(3,i,j+1,k))*c3 +&
+     &                       (mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(3,i,j,k-1)+    &
+     &                        mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(3,i,j,k+1))*c4 -&
+     &                        mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(3,i,j,k)*c5 - &
      &                        mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc(3,i,j,k)
                    DO ilda=1,vecdim
-                        res =(tuc(ilda,i-1,j,k)+&
-     &                        tuc(ilda,i+1,j,k))*c2 + &
-     &                       (tuc(ilda,i,j-1,k)+    &
-     &                        tuc(ilda,i,j+1,k))*c3 +&
-     &                       (tuc(ilda,i,j,k-1)+    &
-     &                        tuc(ilda,i,j,k+1))*c4 -&
-     &                        tuc(ilda,i,j,k)*c5 - &
+                        res =(mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(ilda,i-1,j,k)+&
+     &                        mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(ilda,i+1,j,k))*c2 + &
+     &                       (mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(ilda,i,j-1,k)+    &
+     &                        mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(ilda,i,j+1,k))*c3 +&
+     &                       (mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(ilda,i,j,k-1)+    &
+     &                        mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(ilda,i,j,k+1))*c4 -&
+     &                        mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(ilda,i,j,k)*c5 - &
      &                        mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc(ilda,i,j,k)
@@ -435,15 +536,21 @@
+     ELSEIF (order.EQ.ppm_param_order_4) THEN
+     ENDIF
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
         !  Return 
-        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 9999    CONTINUE
         CALL substop('ppm_mg_res',t0,info)
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if   __MESH_DIM   == __2D
@@ -473,3 +580,7 @@
diff --git a/src/ppm_mg_res_fine.f b/src/ppm_mg_res_fine.f
index 6c5c03b..c01bfbf 100644
--- a/src/ppm_mg_res_fine.f
+++ b/src/ppm_mg_res_fine.f
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 !  Subroutine   :            ppm_mg_res 
 !  Purpose      : In this routine we compute the residual in each level
@@ -15,13 +15,10 @@
 !  References   :
 !  Revisions    :
 !  $Log: ppm_mg_res_fine.f,v $
-!  Revision  2007/07/13 10:18:56  ivos
-!  CBL version of the PPM library
-!  Revision 1.7  2006/07/21 11:30:56  kotsalie
+!  Revision  2006/07/25 15:18:20  menahel
+!  initial import
 !  Revision 1.5  2006/02/08 19:56:02  kotsalie
 !  fixed multiple domains
@@ -38,67 +35,72 @@
 !  Revision 1.1  2004/09/22 18:46:21  kotsalie
 !  MG new version
 !  Parallel Particle Mesh Library (PPM)
 !  Institute of Computational Science
 !  ETH Zentrum, Hirschengraben 84
 !  CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_fine_2D_sca_s(f_topoid,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,E,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_fine_2D_sca_s(topo_id,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,E,info)
-      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_fine_2D_sca_d(f_topoid,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,E,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_fine_2D_sca_d(topo_id,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,E,info)
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_fine_3D_sca_s(f_topoid,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,E,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_fine_3D_sca_s(topo_id,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,&
+     &                                    E,info)
-      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_fine_3D_sca_d(f_topoid,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,E,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_fine_3D_sca_d(topo_id,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,&
+     &                                    E,info)
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_fine_2D_vec_s(f_topoid,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,E,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_fine_2D_vec_s(topo_id,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,E,info)
-      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_fine_2D_vec_d(f_topoid,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,E,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_fine_2D_vec_d(topo_id,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,E,info)
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_fine_3D_vec_s(f_topoid,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,E,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_fine_3D_vec_s(topo_id,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,&
+     &                                    E,info)
-      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_fine_3D_vec_d(f_topoid,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,E,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_res_fine_3D_vec_d(topo_id,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,&
+     &                                    E,info)
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
         !  Includes
-        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 #include "ppm_define.h"
-        !-------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-------------------------------------------------------------------    
         !  Modules 
-        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !--------------------------------------------------------------------
         USE ppm_module_data
         USE ppm_module_data_mg
-        USE ppm_module_data_mesh
         USE ppm_module_substart
         USE ppm_module_substop
         USE ppm_module_error
         USE ppm_module_alloc
-        USE ppm_module_typedef
+        USE ppm_module_data_mesh
         INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_single
         INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_double
-        !-------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-------------------------------------------------------------------    
         !  Arguments     
-        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-        INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                   :: f_topoid
+        !-------------------------------------------------------------------
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER     ::  u
@@ -123,9 +125,10 @@
         REAL(MK),                  INTENT(OUT)     ::  E
         INTEGER,                   INTENT(INOUT)   ::  info
-        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+        INTEGER,                   INTENT(IN   )   ::  topo_id
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------  
         !  Local variables 
-        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
         CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cbuf
         INTEGER                                    ::  i,j,isub,color
         INTEGER                                    ::  ilda,isweep,count
@@ -173,6 +176,7 @@
@@ -180,7 +184,10 @@
         CALL substart('ppm_mg_res',t0,info)
         !  Check arguments
@@ -221,7 +228,9 @@
         !Definition of necessary variables and allocation of arrays
-        topoid=f_topoid
+        topoid=topo_id
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
@@ -251,29 +260,90 @@
 #if  __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if  __MESH_DIM == __2D
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+         IF (order.EQ.ppm_param_order_2) THEN
+                 DO isub=1,nsubs
+                   aa=0
+                   bb=0
+                   cc=0
+                   dd=0
+                IF (.NOT.lperiodic) THEN
+                 DO iface=1,4
+                    IF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_periodic) THEN
+                   !DO NOTHING
+                    ELSEIF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_dirichlet) THEN
+                      IF (iface.EQ.1) THEN
+                        aa=1
+                      ELSEIF (iface.EQ.2) THEN
+                        bb=1
+                      ELSEIF (iface.EQ.3) THEN
+                       cc=1
+                      ELSEIF (iface.EQ.4) THEN
+                       dd=1
+		             ENDIF
+                     ENDIF 
+                    ENDDO !iface
+               ENDIF !periodic
+            ENDDO
           E =-HUGE(E)
           DO isub=1,nsubs
-            DO j=start(2,isub,1),istop(2,isub,1)
-               DO i=start(1,isub,1),istop(1,isub,1)
+            DO j=start(2,isub,1)+cc,stop(2,isub,1)-dd
+               DO i=start(1,isub,1)+aa,stop(1,isub,1)-bb
                      res  = (u(i-1,j,isub)+u(i+1,j,isub))*c2 + &
      &                      (u(i,j-1,isub)+u(i,j+1,isub))*c3 - &
      &                       u(i,j,isub)*c4-f(i,j,isub)
+                     E   = MAX(E,abs(res))
+                     mgfield(isub,1)%err(i,j)=-res
+                     mgfield(isub,1)%uc(i,j)=u(i,j,isub)
+               ENDDO
+            ENDDO
+          ENDDO
+         ELSEIF (order.EQ.ppm_param_order_4) THEN
+        c22=c2/12.0_MK
+        c33=c3/12.0_MK
+        c44=c4*1.25_MK
+          E =-HUGE(E)
+          DO isub=1,nsubs
+            DO j=start(2,isub,1),stop(2,isub,1)
+               DO i=start(1,isub,1),stop(1,isub,1)
+                     res  = (16.0_MK*u(i-1,j,isub)+&
+     &                       16.0_MK*u(i+1,j,isub)-&
+     &                       u(i-2,j,isub)-u(i+2,j,isub))*c22 + &
+     &                      (16.0_MK*u(i,j-1,isub)+16.0_MK*u(i,j+1,isub)-&
+     &                       u(i,j-2,isub)-u(i,j+2,isub))*c33 - &
+     &                       u(i,j,isub)*c44-f(i,j,isub)
                      E   = MAX(E,abs(res))
+         ENDIF
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-                 E =-HUGE(E)
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                  DO isub=1,nsubs
@@ -281,11 +351,12 @@
                 IF (.NOT.lperiodic) THEN
                  DO iface=1,6
-                    IF (bcdef_sca(isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_periodic) THEN
+                    IF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_periodic) THEN
                    !DO NOTHING
-                    ELSEIF (bcdef_sca(isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_dirichlet) THEN
+                    ELSEIF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_dirichlet) THEN
                       IF (iface.EQ.1) THEN
                       ELSEIF (iface.EQ.2) THEN
@@ -298,13 +369,17 @@
                       ELSEIF (iface.EQ.6) Then
-                             ENDIF
+		             ENDIF
                     ENDDO !iface
                ENDIF !periodic
-           DO k=start(3,isub,1)+ee,istop(3,isub,1)-gg
-              DO j=start(2,isub,1)+cc,istop(2,isub,1)-dd
-                DO i=start(1,isub,1)+aa,istop(1,isub,1)-bb
+            ENDDO
+        E =-HUGE(E)
+        DO isub=1,nsubs
+           DO k=start(3,isub,1)+ee,stop(3,isub,1)-gg
+              DO j=start(2,isub,1)+cc,stop(2,isub,1)-dd
+                DO i=start(1,isub,1)+aa,stop(1,isub,1)-bb
                        res  = (u(i-1,j,k,isub)+u(i+1,j,k,isub))*c2 + &
      &                        (u(i,j-1,k,isub)+u(i,j+1,k,isub))*c3 + &
      &                        (u(i,j,k-1,isub)+u(i,j,k+1,isub))*c4 - &
@@ -316,20 +391,51 @@
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if  __MESH_DIM == __2D
+                 DO isub=1,nsubs
+                   DO ilda=1,vecdim
+                   aa=0
+                   bb=0
+                   cc=0
+                   dd=0
+                IF (.NOT.lperiodic) THEN
+                 DO iface=1,4
+                    IF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_periodic) THEN
+                   !DO NOTHING
+                    ELSEIF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_dirichlet) THEN
+                      IF (iface.EQ.1) THEN
+                        aa=1
+                      ELSEIF (iface.EQ.2) THEN
+                        bb=1
+                      ELSEIF (iface.EQ.3) THEN
+                       cc=1
+                      ELSEIF (iface.EQ.4) THEN
+                       dd=1
+		             ENDIF
+                     ENDIF 
+                    ENDDO !iface
+               ENDIF !periodic
+              ENDDO
+            ENDDO
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
         E =-HUGE(E)
         DO isub=1,nsubs
-           DO j=start(2,isub,1),istop(2,isub,1)
-              DO i=start(1,isub,1),istop(1,isub,1)
+           DO j=start(2,isub,1)+cc,stop(2,isub,1)-dd
+              DO i=start(1,isub,1)+aa,stop(1,isub,1)-bb
                DO ilda=1,vecdim
                     res  = (u(ilda,i-1,j,isub)+u(ilda,i+1,j,isub))*c2 + &
      &                     (u(ilda,i,j-1,isub)+u(ilda,i,j+1,isub))*c3 - &
      &                      u(ilda,i,j,isub)*c4-f(ilda,i,j,isub)
                     E   = MAX(E,abs(res))
@@ -337,11 +443,18 @@
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-                 E =-HUGE(E)
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+      IF (order.EQ.ppm_param_order_2) THEN 
                  DO isub=1,nsubs
@@ -350,6 +463,7 @@
                    DO ilda=1,vecdim
                 IF (.NOT.lperiodic) THEN
                  DO iface=1,6
                     IF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_periodic) THEN
@@ -367,43 +481,60 @@
                       ELSEIF (iface.EQ.6) Then
-                      ENDIF
+		             ENDIF
                     ENDDO !iface
                ENDIF !periodic
-           DO k=start(3,isub,1)+ee,istop(3,isub,1)-gg
-              DO j=start(2,isub,1)+cc,istop(2,isub,1)-dd
-                DO i=start(1,isub,1)+aa,istop(1,isub,1)-bb
+            !ENDDO
+        E =-HUGE(E)
+        !DO isub=1,nsubs
+           DO k=start(3,isub,1)+ee,stop(3,isub,1)-gg
+              DO j=start(2,isub,1)+cc,stop(2,isub,1)-dd
+                DO i=start(1,isub,1)+aa,stop(1,isub,1)-bb
 #ifdef __VECTOR
                        res  = (u(1,i-1,j,k,isub)+u(1,i+1,j,k,isub))*c2 +&
      &                        (u(1,i,j-1,k,isub)+u(1,i,j+1,k,isub))*c3 +&
      &                        (u(1,i,j,k-1,isub)+u(1,i,j,k+1,isub))*c4 -&
      &                         u(1,i,j,k,isub)*c5-f(1,i,j,k,isub)
                        E   = MAX(E,abs(res))
                        res  = (u(2,i-1,j,k,isub)+u(2,i+1,j,k,isub))*c2 +&
      &                        (u(2,i,j-1,k,isub)+u(2,i,j+1,k,isub))*c3 +&
      &                        (u(2,i,j,k-1,isub)+u(2,i,j,k+1,isub))*c4 -&
      &                         u(2,i,j,k,isub)*c5-f(2,i,j,k,isub)
                        E   = MAX(E,abs(res))
                        res  = (u(3,i-1,j,k,isub)+u(3,i+1,j,k,isub))*c2 +&
      &                        (u(3,i,j-1,k,isub)+u(3,i,j+1,k,isub))*c3 +&
      &                        (u(3,i,j,k-1,isub)+u(3,i,j,k+1,isub))*c4 -&
      &                         u(3,i,j,k,isub)*c5-f(3,i,j,k,isub)
                        E   = MAX(E,abs(res))
                  DO ilda=1,vecdim
                        res  = (u(ilda,i-1,j,k,isub)+u(ilda,i+1,j,k,isub))*c2 +&
      &                        (u(ilda,i,j-1,k,isub)+u(ilda,i,j+1,k,isub))*c3 +&
      &                        (u(ilda,i,j,k-1,isub)+u(ilda,i,j,k+1,isub))*c4 -&
      &                         u(ilda,i,j,k,isub)*c5-f(ilda,i,j,k,isub)
                        E   = MAX(E,abs(res))
+                       IF (ilda.EQ.1.AND.ABS(res).GT.0.0) THEN
+                           !PRINT *,'RES:',res,i,j,k,isub
+                       ENDIF
@@ -412,15 +543,21 @@
+       ELSEIF (order.EQ.ppm_param_order_4) THEN 
+      ENDIF 
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
         !  Return 
-        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 9999    CONTINUE
         CALL substop('ppm_mg_res',t0,info)
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if   __MESH_DIM   == __2D
@@ -450,3 +587,7 @@
diff --git a/src/ppm_mg_restrict.f b/src/ppm_mg_restrict.f
index 1a95e8f..cf042e0 100644
--- a/src/ppm_mg_restrict.f
+++ b/src/ppm_mg_restrict.f
@@ -1,120 +1,118 @@
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !  Subroutine   :            ppm_mg_restrict  
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !  Purpose      : In this routine we restrict the error from finer
-         !                 to coarser levels
-         !                    
-         !  
-         !  Input        :
-         !  
-         !  Input/output :
-         ! 
-         !  Output       : info       (I) return status. 0 upon success
-         !
-         !  Remarks      :
-         !
-         !  References   :
-         !
-         !  Revisions    :
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !  $Log: ppm_mg_restrict.f,v $
-         !  Revision  2007/07/13 10:18:56  ivos
-         !  CBL version of the PPM library
-         !
-         !  Revision 1.12  2006/09/26 16:01:23  ivos
-         !  Fixed wrongly indented CPP directives. Remember: they have to start in
-         !  Col 1, otherwise it does not compile on certain systems. In fact, this
-         !  code did NOT compile as it was!!
-         !
-         !  Revision 1.11  2006/07/21 11:30:55  kotsalie
-         !  FRIDAY
-         !
-         !  Revision 1.9  2006/02/08 19:55:29  kotsalie
-         !  fixed multiple domains
-         !
-         !  Revision 1.8  2006/02/02 18:00:19  michaebe
-         !  corrected bug in the log
-         !
-         !  Revision 1.7  2006/02/02 16:32:28  kotsalie
-         !  corrected for mixed BC''s
-         !
-         !  Revision 1.6  2005/12/08 12:44:45  kotsalie
-         !  commiting dirichlet
-         !
-         !  Revision 1.4  2005/03/14 13:18:22  kotsalie
-         !
-         !  Revision 1.3  2004/11/05 15:20:01  kotsalie
-         !  Commited the changes for speedup
-         !
-         !  Revision 1.2  2004/09/23 12:16:50  kotsalie
-         !  Added USE statement
-         !
-         !  Revision 1.1  2004/09/22 18:38:03  kotsalie
-         !  MG new version
-         !
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !  Parallel Particle Mesh Library (PPM)
-         !  Institute of Computational Science
-         !  ETH Zentrum, Hirschengraben 84
-         !  CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Subroutine   :            ppm_mg_restrict  
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Purpose      : In this routine we restrict the error from finer
+      !                 to coarser levels
+      !                    
+      !  
+      !  Input        :
+      !  
+      !  Input/output :
+      ! 
+      !  Output       : info       (I) return status. 0 upon success
+      !
+      !  Remarks      :
+      !
+      !  References   :
+      !
+      !  Revisions    :
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  $Log: ppm_mg_restrict.f,v $
+      !  Revision  2006/07/25 15:18:20  menahel
+      !  initial import
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.9  2006/02/08 19:55:29  kotsalie
+      !  fixed multiple domains
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.8  2006/02/02 18:00:19  michaebe
+      !  corrected bug in the log
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.7  2006/02/02 16:32:28  kotsalie
+      !  corrected for mixed BC''s
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.6  2005/12/08 12:44:45  kotsalie
+      !  commiting dirichlet
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.4  2005/03/14 13:18:22  kotsalie
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.3  2004/11/05 15:20:01  kotsalie
+      !  Commited the changes for speedup
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.2  2004/09/23 12:16:50  kotsalie
+      !  Added USE statement
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.1  2004/09/22 18:38:03  kotsalie
+      !  MG new version
+      !
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------  
+      !  Parallel Particle Mesh Library (PPM)
+      !  Institute of Computational Science
+      !  ETH Zentrum, Hirschengraben 84
+      !  CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
+      !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_restrict_2d_sca_s(field_topoid,mlev,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_restrict_2d_sca_s(topo_id,mlev,info)
-         SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_restrict_2d_sca_d(field_topoid,mlev,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_restrict_2d_sca_d(topo_id,mlev,info)
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_restrict_3d_sca_s(field_topoid,mlev,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_restrict_3d_sca_s(topo_id,mlev,info)
-         SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_restrict_3d_sca_d(field_topoid,mlev,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_restrict_3d_sca_d(topo_id,mlev,info)
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_restrict_2d_vec_s(field_topoid,mlev,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_restrict_2d_vec_s(topo_id,mlev,info)
-         SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_restrict_2d_vec_d(field_topoid,mlev,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_restrict_2d_vec_d(topo_id,mlev,info)
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_restrict_3d_vec_s(field_topoid,mlev,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_restrict_3d_vec_s(topo_id,mlev,info)
-         SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_restrict_3d_vec_d(field_topoid,mlev,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_restrict_3d_vec_d(topo_id,mlev,info)
-        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
         !  Includes
-        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------
 #include "ppm_define.h"
-        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
         !  Modules 
         USE ppm_module_data
-        USE ppm_module_data_mg
+        USE ppm_module_write
         USE ppm_module_substart
         USE ppm_module_substop
+        USE ppm_module_data_mg
         USE ppm_module_error
         USE ppm_module_alloc
+        USE ppm_module_map
-           INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_single
+        INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_single
-           INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_double
+        INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_double
-        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
         !  Arguments     
-        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-        INTEGER,                   INTENT(IN)      ::  mlev,field_topoid
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        INTEGER,                   INTENT(IN)      ::  mlev, topo_id
         INTEGER,                   INTENT(INOUT)   ::  info
-        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
         !  Local variables 
-        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
         CHARACTER(LEN=256)                         :: cbuf
         INTEGER                                    :: isub,j,j2,i,i2
         INTEGER                                    :: mlevm1,ilda,iface
@@ -122,92 +120,100 @@
         INTEGER,DIMENSION(4)                       :: ldl4,ldu4
         INTEGER,DIMENSION(3)                       :: ldl3,ldu3
         INTEGER                                    :: iopt,topoid
-        INTEGER                                    :: a,b,c,d,e,f,g  
+        INTEGER                                    :: a,b,c,d,e,f,g
 #if __MESH_DIM == __3D
         INTEGER                                    :: k,k2
         REAL(MK)                                   :: t0 
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-           TYPE(mg_field_2d_sca_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_2d_sca_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
-           TYPE(mg_field_2d_sca_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_2d_sca_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-           TYPE(mg_field_3d_sca_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_3d_sca_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
-           TYPE(mg_field_3d_sca_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_3d_sca_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-           TYPE(mg_field_2d_vec_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_2d_vec_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
-           TYPE(mg_field_2d_vec_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_2d_vec_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-           TYPE(mg_field_3d_vec_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_3d_vec_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
-           TYPE(mg_field_3d_vec_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_3d_vec_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-           REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: uc_dummy
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: uc_dummy
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-           REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER :: uc_dummy
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER :: uc_dummy
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-           REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER :: uc_dummy
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER :: uc_dummy
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-           REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER :: uc_dummy
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER :: uc_dummy
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-           REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: terr
-           REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: pfc
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: terr
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: pfc
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-          REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: terr
-           REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: pfc
+       REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: terr
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: pfc
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: terr
-           REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: pfc
+      REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: terr
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: pfc
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER :: terr
-           REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER :: pfc
+      REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER :: terr
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER :: pfc
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-           CALL substart('ppm_mg_restrict',t0,info)
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        CALL substart('ppm_mg_restrict',t0,info)
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
         !  Check arguments
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-           IF (ppm_debug .GT. 0) THEN
-               IF (mlev.LE.1) THEN
-                     info = ppm_error_error
-                     CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_restrict',  &
-        &                'level must be >1',__LINE__,info)
-                     GOTO 9999
-               ENDIF
-           ENDIF
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        IF (ppm_debug .GT. 0) THEN
+            IF (mlev.LE.1) THEN
+                  info = ppm_error_error
+                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_restrict',  &
+     &                'level must be >1',__LINE__,info)
+                  GOTO 9999
+            ENDIF
+        ENDIF
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
         !Definition of necessary variables and allocation of arrays
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
@@ -237,580 +243,709 @@
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-           mlevm1=mlev-1
-           IF (l_print) THEN
-            WRITE(cbuf,*) 'WELCOME TO THE RESTRICTION LEVEL:',mlev
-            CALL PPM_WRITE(ppm_rank,'mg_restrict',cbuf,info)
-           ENDIF 
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        mlevm1=mlev-1
+        IF (l_print) THEN
+         CALL PPM_WRITE(ppm_rank,'mg_restrict',cbuf,info)
+        ENDIF 
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
         !Restriction using a 9-point operator(bilinear interpolation)
         !linear is not accurate enough
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-           topoid=field_topoid
-           iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-           ldl3(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
-           ldl3(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
-           ldl3(3) = 1
-           ldu3(1) = max_node(1,mlevm1)+ghostsize(1)
-           ldu3(2) = max_node(2,mlevm1)+ghostsize(2)
-           ldu3(3) = nsubs
-           CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl3,ldu3,iopt,info)
-           IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-              info = ppm_error_fatal
-              CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'restrict',    &
-        &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
-              GOTO 9999
-           ENDIF
-          DO isub=1,nsubs
-            terr=>mgfield(isub,mlevm1)%err 
-            DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlevm1)+ghostsize(1)
-              DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlevm1)+ghostsize(2)
-                uc_dummy(i,j,isub)=&
-        &                             terr(i,j)
-              ENDDO
-            ENDDO   
-          ENDDO 
-              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
-        &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info)
-              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
-        &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info)
-              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
-        &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info)
-              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
-        &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info)
-          DO isub=1,nsubs
-            terr=>mgfield(isub,mlevm1)%err 
-            pfc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc 
-            DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlevm1)+ghostsize(1)
-              DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlevm1)+ghostsize(2)
-               terr(i,j)=&
-        &                             uc_dummy(i,j,isub)
-             ENDDO
-           ENDDO   
-           DO j=start(2,isub,mlev),istop(2,isub,mlev)
-               j2=2*j 
-               DO i=start(1,isub,mlev),istop(1,isub,mlev)
-                    i2=2*i
-                       pfc(i,j)= &
-        &                   0.25_MK * terr(i2-1,j2-1) + &
-        &                   0.125_MK * (terr(i2,j2-1) + &
-        &                              terr(i2-2,j2-1)+ &
-        &                              terr(i2-1,j2) + &
-        &                              terr(i2-1,j2-2))+&
-        &                   0.0625_MK * (terr(i2,j2-2)+&
-        &                               terr(i2-2,j2) +  &
-        &                               terr(i2-2,j2-2)&
-        &                               + terr(i2,j2)) 
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+        topoid=topo_id
+        iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+        ldl3(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+        ldl3(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+        ldl3(3) = 1
+        ldu3(1) = max_node(1,mlevm1)+ghostsize(1)
+        ldu3(2) = max_node(2,mlevm1)+ghostsize(2)
+        ldu3(3) = nsubs
+        CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl3,ldu3,iopt,info)
+        IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+           info = ppm_error_fatal
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'restrict',    &
+     &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        ENDIF
+       DO isub=1,nsubs
+        terr=>mgfield(isub,mlevm1)%err 
+        uc_dummy(:,:,isub)=&
+     &                             terr(:,:)
+       ENDDO 
+           CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info)
+           CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info)
+           CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info)
+           CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
+     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info)
+         DO isub=1,nsubs
+        terr=>mgfield(isub,mlevm1)%err 
+        pfc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc 
+            terr(:,:)=uc_dummy(&
+     &                 :,:,isub)
+               !----------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               !MICHAEL
+               !----------------------------------------------------------------
+                a=0
+                b=0
+                c=0
+                d=0
+                IF (.NOT.lperiodic) THEN
+                 DO iface=1,2*ppm_dim
+                  IF (bcdef_sca(isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_periodic) THEN
+                   !DO NOTHING
+                  ELSEIF (bcdef_sca(isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_dirichlet) THEN
+                    IF (iface.EQ.1) THEN
+                       a=1
+                    ELSEIF (iface.EQ.2) THEN
+                       b=1
+                    ELSEIF (iface.EQ.3)  THEN
+                      c=1
+                    ELSEIF (iface.EQ.4) THEN
+                      d=1
+                    ENDIF
+                 ELSEIF (bcdef_sca(isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_neumann) THEN
+                 ENDIF
+                ENDDO
+               ENDIF
+           DO j=start(2,isub,mlev)+c,stop(2,isub,mlev)-d
+              j2=2*j 
+              DO i=start(1,isub,mlev)+a,stop(1,isub,mlev)-b
+                 i2=2*i
+                    pfc(i,j)= &
+     &                   0.25_MK * terr(i2-1,j2-1) + &
+     &                   0.125_MK * (terr(i2,j2-1) + &
+     &                              terr(i2-2,j2-1)+ &
+     &                              terr(i2-1,j2) + &
+     &                              terr(i2-1,j2-2))+&
+     &                   0.0625_MK * (terr(i2,j2-2)+&
+     &                               terr(i2-2,j2) +  &
+     &                               terr(i2-2,j2-2)&
+     &                               + terr(i2,j2)) 
-                 ENDDO
-           iopt = ppm_param_dealloc
-           ldl3(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
-           ldl3(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
-           ldl3(3) = 1
-           ldu3(1) = max_node(1,mlevm1)+ghostsize(1)
-           ldu3(2) = max_node(2,mlevm1)+ghostsize(2)
-           ldu3(3) = nsubs
-           CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl3,ldu3,iopt,info)
-           IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-              info = ppm_error_fatal
-              CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'restrict',    &
-        &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
-              GOTO 9999
-           ENDIF
+        ENDDO
+        iopt = ppm_param_dealloc
+        ldl3(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+        ldl3(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+        ldl3(3) = 1
+        ldu3(1) = max_node(1,mlevm1)+ghostsize(1)
+        ldu3(2) = max_node(2,mlevm1)+ghostsize(2)
+        ldu3(3) = nsubs
+        CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl3,ldu3,iopt,info)
+        IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+           info = ppm_error_fatal
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'restrict',    &
+     &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        ENDIF
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-           topoid=field_topoid
-           iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-           ldl4(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
-           ldl4(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
-           ldl4(3) = 1-ghostsize(3)
-           ldl4(4) = 1
-           ldu4(1) = max_node(1,mlevm1)+ghostsize(1)
-           ldu4(2) = max_node(2,mlevm1)+ghostsize(2)
-           ldu4(3) = max_node(3,mlevm1)+ghostsize(3)
-           ldu4(4) = nsubs
-           CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl4,ldu4,iopt,info)
-           IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-              info = ppm_error_fatal
-              CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'restrict',    &
-        &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
-              GOTO 9999
-           ENDIF
-          DO isub=1,nsubs
+        topoid=topo_id
+        iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+        ldl4(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+        ldl4(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+        ldl4(3) = 1-ghostsize(3)
+        ldl4(4) = 1
+        ldu4(1) = max_node(1,mlevm1)+ghostsize(1)
+        ldu4(2) = max_node(2,mlevm1)+ghostsize(2)
+        ldu4(3) = max_node(3,mlevm1)+ghostsize(3)
+        ldu4(4) = nsubs
+        CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl4,ldu4,iopt,info)
+        IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+           info = ppm_error_fatal
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'restrict',    &
+     &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        ENDIF
+       DO isub=1,nsubs
+        terr=>mgfield(isub,mlevm1)%err 
+	uc_dummy(:,:,:,isub)=&
+     &                             terr(:,:,:)
+!         DO k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlevm1)+ghostsize(3)
+!        DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlevm1)+ghostsize(2)
+!         DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlevm1)+ghostsize(1)
+!            uc_dummy(i,j,k,isub)=&
+!     &                             terr(i,j,k)
+!         ENDDO
+!        ENDDO
+!       ENDDO
+       ENDDO 
+           CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info)
+           CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info)
+           CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info)
+           CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
+     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info)
+         DO isub=1,nsubs
-           DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlevm1)+ghostsize(1)
-            DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlevm1)+ghostsize(2)
-              DO k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlevm1)+ghostsize(3)
-                 uc_dummy(i,j,k,isub)=&
-        &                             terr(i,j,k)
-              ENDDO
-            ENDDO   
-           ENDDO
-          ENDDO 
-              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
-        &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info)
-              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
-        &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info)
-              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
-        &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info)
-              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
-        &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info)
-            DO isub=1,nsubs
-              terr=>mgfield(isub,mlevm1)%err 
-              pfc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc 
-           DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlevm1)+ghostsize(1)
-            DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlevm1)+ghostsize(2)
-                DO k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlevm1)+ghostsize(3)
-                 terr(i,j,k)=&
-        &                             uc_dummy(i,j,k,isub)
+           pfc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc 
+            terr(:,:,:)=uc_dummy(&
+     &                 :,:,:,isub)
+!       DO k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlevm1)+ghostsize(3)
+!        DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlevm1)+ghostsize(2)
+!         DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlevm1)+ghostsize(1)
+!           terr(i,j,k)=&
+!        &            uc_dummy(i,j,k,isub)
+!         ENDDO
+!        ENDDO
+!       ENDDO
+       ! Input Boundary conditions
+       a=0
+       b=0
+       c=0
+       d=0
+       e=0
+       f=0
+       IF (.NOT.lperiodic) THEN
+                 DO iface=1,2*ppm_dim
+                  IF (bcdef_sca(isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_periodic) THEN
+                   !DO NOTHING
+                  ELSEIF (bcdef_sca(isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_dirichlet) THEN
+                    IF (iface.EQ.1) THEN
+                       a=1
+                    ELSEIF (iface.EQ.2) THEN
+                       b=1
+                    ELSEIF (iface.EQ.3)  THEN
+                      c=1
+                    ELSEIF (iface.EQ.4) THEN
+                      d=1
+		    ELSEIF (iface.EQ.5) Then
+		      e=1
+		    ELSEIF (iface.EQ.6) THEN
+		      f=1
+                    ENDIF
+                 ELSEIF (bcdef_sca(isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_neumann) THEN
+                 ENDIF
-            ENDDO
-        ENDDO
-              DO k=start(3,isub,mlev),istop(3,isub,mlev)
-                 k2=2*k
-                 DO j=start(2,isub,mlev),istop(2,isub,mlev)
-                      j2=2*j 
-                    DO i=start(1,isub,mlev),istop(1,isub,mlev)
-                       i2=2*i
-                          pfc(i,j,k)= &
-        &                        0.125_MK * &
-        &                                   terr(i2-1,j2-1,k2-1) + &
-        &                        0.0625_MK * (&
-        &                                     terr(i2,j2-1,k2-1) +&
-        &                                     terr(i2-2,j2-1,k2-1)+ &
-        &                                     terr(i2-1,j2,k2-1) + &
-        &                                     terr(i2-1,j2-2,k2-1))+&
-        &                       0.03125_MK * (&
-        &                                    terr(i2,j2-2,k2-1)+ &
-        &                                    terr(i2-2,j2,k2-1) +  &
-        &                                    terr(i2-2,j2-2,k2-1) +&
-        &                                    terr(i2,j2,k2-1)) 
-                          pfc(i,j,k)= &
-        &                                   pfc(i,j,k)+&
-        &                         0.0625_MK * &
-        &                                    terr(i2-1,j2-1,k2) + &
-        &                         0.03125_MK * (&
-                                             terr(i2,j2-1,k2) +&
-        &                                    terr(i2-2,j2-1,k2)+ &
-        &                                    terr(i2-1,j2,k2) +&
-        &                                    terr(i2-1,j2-2,k2))+&
-        &                       0.015625_MK * (&
-        &                                     terr(i2,j2-2,k2)+ &
-        &                                     terr(i2-2,j2,k2) +  &
-        &                                     terr(i2-2,j2-2,k2) + &
-        &                                     terr(i2,j2,k2)) 
-                          pfc(i,j,k)= &
-        &                                  pfc(i,j,k) +&
-        &                      0.0625_MK * &
-        &                                 terr(i2-1,j2-1,k2-2) + &
-        &                      0.03125_MK *(&
-        &                                 terr(i2,j2-1,k2-2) +&
-        &                                 terr(i2-2,j2-1,k2-2)+ &
-        &                                 terr(i2-1,j2,k2-2)+&
-        &                                 terr(i2-1,j2-2,k2-2))+&
-        &                     0.015625_MK*(&
-        &                                 terr(i2,j2-2,k2-2)+&
-        &                                 terr(i2-2,j2,k2-2) +  &
-        &                                 terr(i2-2,j2-2,k2-2)+&
-        &                                 terr(i2,j2,k2-2)) 
-                    ENDDO
-                 ENDDO
+               ENDIF
+           DO k=start(3,isub,mlev)+a,stop(3,isub,mlev)-b
+              k2=2*k
+              DO j=start(2,isub,mlev)+c,stop(2,isub,mlev)-d
+                   j2=2*j 
+                 DO i=start(1,isub,mlev)+e,stop(1,isub,mlev)-f
+                    i2=2*i
+                       pfc(i,j,k)= &
+     &                        0.125_MK * &
+     &                                   terr(i2-1,j2-1,k2-1) + &
+     &                        0.0625_MK * (&
+     &                                     terr(i2,j2-1,k2-1) +&
+     &                                     terr(i2-2,j2-1,k2-1)+ &
+     &                                     terr(i2-1,j2,k2-1) + &
+     &                                     terr(i2-1,j2-2,k2-1))+&
+     &                       0.03125_MK * (&
+     &                                    terr(i2,j2-2,k2-1)+ &
+     &                                    terr(i2-2,j2,k2-1) +  &
+     &                                    terr(i2-2,j2-2,k2-1) +&
+     &                                    terr(i2,j2,k2-1)) 
+                       pfc(i,j,k)= &
+     &                                   pfc(i,j,k)+&
+     &                         0.0625_MK * &
+     &                                    terr(i2-1,j2-1,k2) + &
+     &                         0.03125_MK * (&
+                                          terr(i2,j2-1,k2) +&
+     &                                    terr(i2-2,j2-1,k2)+ &
+     &                                    terr(i2-1,j2,k2) +&
+     &                                    terr(i2-1,j2-2,k2))+&
+     &                       0.015625_MK * (&
+     &                                     terr(i2,j2-2,k2)+ &
+     &                                     terr(i2-2,j2,k2) +  &
+     &                                     terr(i2-2,j2-2,k2) + &
+     &                                     terr(i2,j2,k2)) 
+                       pfc(i,j,k)= &
+     &                                  pfc(i,j,k) +&
+     &                      0.0625_MK * &
+     &                                 terr(i2-1,j2-1,k2-2) + &
+     &                      0.03125_MK *(&
+     &                                 terr(i2,j2-1,k2-2) +&
+     &                                 terr(i2-2,j2-1,k2-2)+ &
+     &                                 terr(i2-1,j2,k2-2)+&
+     &                                 terr(i2-1,j2-2,k2-2))+&
+     &                     0.015625_MK*(&
+     &                                 terr(i2,j2-2,k2-2)+&
+     &                                 terr(i2-2,j2,k2-2) +  &
+     &                                 terr(i2-2,j2-2,k2-2)+&
+     &                                 terr(i2,j2,k2-2)) 
-           iopt = ppm_param_dealloc
-           ldl4(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
-           ldl4(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
-           ldl4(3) = 1-ghostsize(3)
-           ldl4(4) = 1
-           ldu4(1) = max_node(1,mlevm1)+ghostsize(1)
-           ldu4(2) = max_node(2,mlevm1)+ghostsize(2)
-           ldu4(3) = max_node(3,mlevm1)+ghostsize(3)
-           ldu4(4) = nsubs
-           CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl4,ldu4,iopt,info)
-           IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-              info = ppm_error_fatal
-              CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'restrict',    &
-        &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
-              GOTO 9999
-           ENDIF
+        ENDDO
+        iopt = ppm_param_dealloc
+        ldl4(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+        ldl4(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+        ldl4(3) = 1-ghostsize(3)
+        ldl4(4) = 1
+        ldu4(1) = max_node(1,mlevm1)+ghostsize(1)
+        ldu4(2) = max_node(2,mlevm1)+ghostsize(2)
+        ldu4(3) = max_node(3,mlevm1)+ghostsize(3)
+        ldu4(4) = nsubs
+        CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl4,ldu4,iopt,info)
+        IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+           info = ppm_error_fatal
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'restrict',    &
+     &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        ENDIF
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
         !Restriction using a 9-point operator(bilinear interpolation)
         !linear is not accurate enough
-        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-           topoid=field_topoid
-           iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-           ldl4(1) = 1
-           ldl4(2) = 1-ghostsize(1)
-           ldl4(3) = 1-ghostsize(2)
-           ldl4(4) = 1
-           ldu4(1) = vecdim
-           ldu4(2) = max_node(1,mlevm1)+ghostsize(1)
-           ldu4(3) = max_node(2,mlevm1)+ghostsize(2)
-           ldu4(4) = nsubs
-           CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl4,ldu4,iopt,info)
-           IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-              info = ppm_error_fatal
-              CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'restrict',    &
-        &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
-              GOTO 9999
-           ENDIF
-          DO isub=1,nsubs
-           terr=>mgfield(isub,mlevm1)%err
-            DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlevm1)+ghostsize(1)
-             DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlevm1)+ghostsize(2)
-              DO ilda=1,vecdim
-                uc_dummy(ilda,i,j,isub)=&
-        &                             terr(ilda,i,j)
-              ENDDO
-             ENDDO   
-            ENDDO
-          ENDDO 
-              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
-        &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info)
-              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
-        &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info)
-              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
-        &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info)
-              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
-        &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info)
-          DO isub=1,nsubs
-            terr=>mgfield(isub,mlevm1)%err
-            pfc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc
-            DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlevm1)+ghostsize(1)
-              DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlevm1)+ghostsize(2)
-                DO ilda=1,vecdim
-                  terr(ilda,i,j)=&
-        &                     uc_dummy(ilda,i,j,isub)
-                ENDDO
-              ENDDO   
-            ENDDO
-            DO j=start(2,isub,mlev),istop(2,isub,mlev)
-               j2=2*j 
-               DO i=start(1,isub,mlev),istop(1,isub,mlev)
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+        topoid=topo_id
+        iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+        ldl4(1) = 1
+        ldl4(2) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+        ldl4(3) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+        ldl4(4) = 1
+        ldu4(1) = vecdim
+        ldu4(2) = max_node(1,mlevm1)+ghostsize(1)
+        ldu4(3) = max_node(2,mlevm1)+ghostsize(2)
+        ldu4(4) = nsubs
+        CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl4,ldu4,iopt,info)
+        IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+           info = ppm_error_fatal
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'restrict',    &
+     &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        ENDIF
+       DO isub=1,nsubs
+        terr=>mgfield(isub,mlevm1)%err
+        uc_dummy(:,:,:,isub)=&
+     &                             terr(:,:,:)
+       ENDDO 
+           CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info)
+           CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info)
+           CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info)
+           CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
+     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info)
+         DO isub=1,nsubs
+         terr=>mgfield(isub,mlevm1)%err
+         pfc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc
+            terr(:,:,:)=uc_dummy(&
+     &                 :,:,:,isub)
+           DO j=start(2,isub,mlev),stop(2,isub,mlev)
+              j2=2*j 
+              DO i=start(1,isub,mlev),stop(1,isub,mlev)
-                 DO ilda=1,vecdim
-                   pfc(ilda,i,j)= &
-        &                   0.25_MK * terr(ilda,i2-1,j2-1) + &
-        &                   0.125_MK * (terr(ilda,i2,j2-1) + &
-        &                              terr(ilda,i2-2,j2-1)+ &
-        &                              terr(ilda,i2-1,j2) + &
-        &                              terr(ilda,i2-1,j2-2))+&
-        &                   0.0625_MK * (terr(ilda,i2,j2-2)+&
-        &                               terr(ilda,i2-2,j2) +  &
-        &                               terr(ilda,i2-2,j2-2)&
-        &                               + terr(ilda,i2,j2)) 
-                ENDDO
+                DO ilda=1,vecdim
+                    pfc(ilda,i,j)= &
+     &                   0.25_MK * terr(ilda,i2-1,j2-1) + &
+     &                   0.125_MK * (terr(ilda,i2,j2-1) + &
+     &                              terr(ilda,i2-2,j2-1)+ &
+     &                              terr(ilda,i2-1,j2) + &
+     &                              terr(ilda,i2-1,j2-2))+&
+     &                   0.0625_MK * (terr(ilda,i2,j2-2)+&
+     &                               terr(ilda,i2-2,j2) +  &
+     &                               terr(ilda,i2-2,j2-2)&
+     &                               + terr(ilda,i2,j2)) 
+               ENDDO
-            ENDDO
-          ENDDO
-          iopt = ppm_param_dealloc
-          ldl4(1) = 1
-          ldl4(2) = 1-ghostsize(1)
-          ldl4(3) = 1-ghostsize(2)
-          ldl4(4) = 1
-          ldu4(1) = vecdim
-          ldu4(2) = max_node(1,mlevm1)+ghostsize(1)
-          ldu4(3) = max_node(2,mlevm1)+ghostsize(2)
-          ldu4(4) = nsubs
-          CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl4,ldu4,iopt,info)
-          IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-             info = ppm_error_fatal
-             CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'restrict',    &
-        &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
-             GOTO 9999
-           ENDIF
+           ENDDO
+        ENDDO
+        iopt = ppm_param_dealloc
+        ldl4(1) = 1
+        ldl4(2) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+        ldl4(3) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+        ldl4(4) = 1
+        ldu4(1) = vecdim
+        ldu4(2) = max_node(1,mlevm1)+ghostsize(1)
+        ldu4(3) = max_node(2,mlevm1)+ghostsize(2)
+        ldu4(4) = nsubs
+        CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl4,ldu4,iopt,info)
+        IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+           info = ppm_error_fatal
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'restrict',    &
+     &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        ENDIF
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-           topoid=field_topoid
-           iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-           ldl5(1) = 1
-           ldl5(2) = 1-ghostsize(1)
-           ldl5(3) = 1-ghostsize(2)
-           ldl5(4) = 1-ghostsize(3)
-           ldl5(5) = 1
-           ldu5(1) = vecdim
-           ldu5(2) = max_node(1,mlevm1)+ghostsize(1)
-           ldu5(3) = max_node(2,mlevm1)+ghostsize(2)
-           ldu5(4) = max_node(3,mlevm1)+ghostsize(3)
-           ldu5(5) = nsubs
-           CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl5,ldu5,iopt,info)
-           IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-              info = ppm_error_fatal
-              CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'restrict',    &
-        &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
-              GOTO 9999
-           ENDIF
-          DO isub=1,nsubs
-            terr=>mgfield(isub,mlevm1)%err
-            DO k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlevm1)+ghostsize(3)
-              DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlevm1)+ghostsize(2)
-                DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlevm1)+ghostsize(1)
+        topoid=topo_id
+        iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+        ldl5(1) = 1
+        ldl5(2) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+        ldl5(3) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+        ldl5(4) = 1-ghostsize(3)
+        ldl5(5) = 1
+        ldu5(1) = vecdim
+        ldu5(2) = max_node(1,mlevm1)+ghostsize(1)
+        ldu5(3) = max_node(2,mlevm1)+ghostsize(2)
+        ldu5(4) = max_node(3,mlevm1)+ghostsize(3)
+        ldu5(5) = nsubs
+        CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl5,ldu5,iopt,info)
+        IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+           info = ppm_error_fatal
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'restrict',    &
+     &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        ENDIF
+       DO isub=1,nsubs
+         terr=>mgfield(isub,mlevm1)%err
+       DO k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlevm1)+ghostsize(3)
+        DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlevm1)+ghostsize(2)
+         DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlevm1)+ghostsize(1)
 #ifdef __VECTOR
-                  uc_dummy(1,i,j,k,isub)=&
-        &                             terr(1,i,j,k)
-                  uc_dummy(2,i,j,k,isub)=&
-        &                             terr(2,i,j,k)
-                  uc_dummy(3,i,j,k,isub)=&
-        &                             terr(3,i,j,k)
+            uc_dummy(1,i,j,k,isub)=&
+     &                             terr(1,i,j,k)
+            uc_dummy(2,i,j,k,isub)=&
+     &                             terr(2,i,j,k)
+            uc_dummy(3,i,j,k,isub)=&
+     &                             terr(3,i,j,k)
-             DO ilda=1,vecdim
-               uc_dummy(ilda,i,j,k,isub)=&
-        &                             terr(ilda,i,j,k)
+          DO ilda=1,vecdim
+            uc_dummy(ilda,i,j,k,isub)=&
+     &                             terr(ilda,i,j,k)
-                ENDDO
-              ENDDO
-            ENDDO
-          ENDDO  
-        ENDDO 
-        CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
-       &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info)
-        CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
-       &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info)
-        CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
-       &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info)
-        CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
-       &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info)
+          ENDDO
+         ENDDO
+        ENDDO
+       ENDDO  
+       ENDDO 
+           CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info)
+           CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info)
+           CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info)
+           CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlevm1),&
+     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info)
          DO isub=1,nsubs
-           terr=>mgfield(isub,mlevm1)%err
-           pfc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc
+         terr=>mgfield(isub,mlevm1)%err
+         pfc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc
-           DO k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlevm1)+ghostsize(3)
-             DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlevm1)+ghostsize(2)
-               DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlevm1)+ghostsize(1)
+       DO k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlevm1)+ghostsize(3)
+        DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlevm1)+ghostsize(2)
+         DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlevm1)+ghostsize(1)
 #ifdef __VECTOR
-                 terr(1,i,j,k)=&
-           &            uc_dummy(1,i,j,k,isub)
-              terr(2,i,j,k)=&
-           &            uc_dummy(2,i,j,k,isub)
-              terr(3,i,j,k)=&
-           &            uc_dummy(3,i,j,k,isub)
+           terr(1,i,j,k)=&
+        &            uc_dummy(1,i,j,k,isub)
+           terr(2,i,j,k)=&
+        &            uc_dummy(2,i,j,k,isub)
+           terr(3,i,j,k)=&
+        &            uc_dummy(3,i,j,k,isub)
-             DO ilda=1,vecdim
-               terr(ilda,i,j,k)=&
-           &            uc_dummy(ilda,i,j,k,isub)
+          DO ilda=1,vecdim
+           terr(ilda,i,j,k)=&
+        &            uc_dummy(ilda,i,j,k,isub)
-             ENDDO
-            ENDDO
-           ENDDO
-          DO k=start(3,isub,mlev),istop(3,isub,mlev)
-             k2=2*k
-                DO j=start(2,isub,mlev),istop(2,isub,mlev)
-                    j2=2*j 
-                    DO i=start(1,isub,mlev),istop(1,isub,mlev)
-                       i2=2*i
+         ENDDO
+        ENDDO
+       ENDDO
+       a=0
+       b=0
+       c=0
+       d=0
+       e=0
+       g=0
+       Do ilda=1,vecdim
+       IF (.NOT.lperiodic) THEN
+                 DO iface=1,2*ppm_dim
+                  IF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_periodic) THEN
+                   !DO NOTHING
+                  ELSEIF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_dirichlet) THEN
+                    IF (iface.EQ.1) THEN
+                       a=0
+                    ELSEIF (iface.EQ.2) THEN
+                       b=0
+                    ELSEIF (iface.EQ.3)  THEN
+                      c=0
+                    ELSEIF (iface.EQ.4) THEN
+                      d=0
+		            ELSEIF (iface.EQ.5) Then
+		              e=0
+		            ELSEIF (iface.EQ.6) THEN
+		              g=0
+                    ENDIF
+                 ELSEIF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_neumann) THEN
+                 ENDIF
+                ENDDO
+               ENDIF
+	      ENDDO
+           DO k=start(3,isub,mlev)+e,stop(3,isub,mlev)-g
+              k2=2*k
+              DO j=start(2,isub,mlev)+c,stop(2,isub,mlev)-d
+                 j2=2*j 
+                 DO i=start(1,isub,mlev)+a,stop(1,isub,mlev)-b
+                    i2=2*i
 #ifdef __VECTOR
-                          pfc(1,i,j,k)= &
-        &                        0.125_MK * &
-        &                                   terr(1,i2-1,j2-1,k2-1) + &
-        &                        0.0625_MK * (&
-        &                                     terr(1,i2,j2-1,k2-1) +&
-        &                                     terr(1,i2-2,j2-1,k2-1)+ &
-        &                                     terr(1,i2-1,j2,k2-1) + &
-        &                                     terr(1,i2-1,j2-2,k2-1))+&
-        &                       0.03125_MK * (&
-        &                                    terr(1,i2,j2-2,k2-1)+ &
-        &                                    terr(1,i2-2,j2,k2-1) +  &
-        &                                    terr(1,i2-2,j2-2,k2-1) +&
-        &                                    terr(1,i2,j2,k2-1)) 
-                          pfc(1,i,j,k)= &
-        &                                   pfc(1,i,j,k)+&
-        &                         0.0625_MK * &
-        &                                    terr(1,i2-1,j2-1,k2) + &
-        &                         0.03125_MK * (&
-                                             terr(1,i2,j2-1,k2) +&
-        &                                    terr(1,i2-2,j2-1,k2)+ &
-        &                                    terr(1,i2-1,j2,k2) +&
-        &                                    terr(1,i2-1,j2-2,k2))+&
-        &                       0.015625_MK * (&
-        &                                     terr(1,i2,j2-2,k2)+ &
-        &                                     terr(1,i2-2,j2,k2) +  &
-        &                                     terr(1,i2-2,j2-2,k2) + &
-        &                                     terr(1,i2,j2,k2)) 
-                          pfc(1,i,j,k)= &
-        &                                  pfc(1,i,j,k) +&
-        &                      0.0625_MK * &
-        &                                 terr(1,i2-1,j2-1,k2-2) + &
-        &                      0.03125_MK *(&
-        &                                 terr(1,i2,j2-1,k2-2) +&
-        &                                 terr(1,i2-2,j2-1,k2-2)+ &
-        &                                 terr(1,i2-1,j2,k2-2)+&
-        &                                 terr(1,i2-1,j2-2,k2-2))+&
-        &                     0.015625_MK*(&
-        &                                 terr(1,i2,j2-2,k2-2)+&
-        &                                 terr(1,i2-2,j2,k2-2) +  &
-        &                                 terr(1,i2-2,j2-2,k2-2)+&
-        &                                 terr(1,i2,j2,k2-2)) 
-                          pfc(2,i,j,k)= &
-        &                        0.125_MK * &
-        &                                   terr(2,i2-1,j2-1,k2-1) + &
-        &                        0.0625_MK * (&
-        &                                     terr(2,i2,j2-1,k2-1) +&
-        &                                     terr(2,i2-2,j2-1,k2-1)+ &
-        &                                     terr(2,i2-1,j2,k2-1) + &
-        &                                     terr(2,i2-1,j2-2,k2-1))+&
-        &                       0.03125_MK * (&
-        &                                    terr(2,i2,j2-2,k2-1)+ &
-        &                                    terr(2,i2-2,j2,k2-1) +  &
-        &                                    terr(2,i2-2,j2-2,k2-1) +&
-        &                                    terr(2,i2,j2,k2-1)) 
-                          pfc(2,i,j,k)= &
-        &                                   pfc(2,i,j,k)+&
-        &                         0.0625_MK * &
-        &                                    terr(2,i2-1,j2-1,k2) + &
-        &                         0.03125_MK * (&
-                                             terr(2,i2,j2-1,k2) +&
-        &                                    terr(2,i2-2,j2-1,k2)+ &
-        &                                    terr(2,i2-1,j2,k2) +&
-        &                                    terr(2,i2-1,j2-2,k2))+&
-        &                       0.015625_MK * (&
-        &                                     terr(2,i2,j2-2,k2)+ &
-        &                                     terr(2,i2-2,j2,k2) +  &
-        &                                     terr(2,i2-2,j2-2,k2) + &
-        &                                     terr(2,i2,j2,k2)) 
-                          pfc(2,i,j,k)= &
-        &                                  pfc(2,i,j,k) +&
-        &                      0.0625_MK * &
-        &                                 terr(2,i2-1,j2-1,k2-2) + &
-        &                      0.03125_MK *(&
-        &                                 terr(2,i2,j2-1,k2-2) +&
-        &                                 terr(2,i2-2,j2-1,k2-2)+ &
-        &                                 terr(2,i2-1,j2,k2-2)+&
-        &                                 terr(2,i2-1,j2-2,k2-2))+&
-        &                     0.015625_MK*(&
-        &                                 terr(2,i2,j2-2,k2-2)+&
-        &                                 terr(2,i2-2,j2,k2-2) +  &
-        &                                 terr(2,i2-2,j2-2,k2-2)+&
-        &                                 terr(2,i2,j2,k2-2)) 
-                          pfc(3,i,j,k)= &
-        &                        0.125_MK * &
-        &                                   terr(3,i2-1,j2-1,k2-1) + &
-        &                        0.0625_MK * (&
-        &                                     terr(3,i2,j2-1,k2-1) +&
-        &                                     terr(3,i2-2,j2-1,k2-1)+ &
-        &                                     terr(3,i2-1,j2,k2-1) + &
-        &                                     terr(3,i2-1,j2-2,k2-1))+&
-        &                       0.03125_MK * (&
-        &                                    terr(3,i2,j2-2,k2-1)+ &
-        &                                    terr(3,i2-2,j2,k2-1) +  &
-        &                                    terr(3,i2-2,j2-2,k2-1) +&
-        &                                    terr(3,i2,j2,k2-1)) 
-                          pfc(3,i,j,k)= &
-        &                                   pfc(3,i,j,k)+&
-        &                         0.0625_MK * &
-        &                                    terr(3,i2-1,j2-1,k2) + &
-        &                         0.03125_MK * (&
-                                             terr(3,i2,j2-1,k2) +&
-        &                                    terr(3,i2-2,j2-1,k2)+ &
-        &                                    terr(3,i2-1,j2,k2) +&
-        &                                    terr(3,i2-1,j2-2,k2))+&
-        &                       0.015625_MK * (&
-        &                                     terr(3,i2,j2-2,k2)+ &
-        &                                     terr(3,i2-2,j2,k2) +  &
-        &                                     terr(3,i2-2,j2-2,k2) + &
-        &                                     terr(3,i2,j2,k2)) 
-                          pfc(3,i,j,k)= &
-        &                                  pfc(3,i,j,k) +&
-        &                      0.0625_MK * &
-        &                                 terr(3,i2-1,j2-1,k2-2) + &
-        &                      0.03125_MK *(&
-        &                                 terr(3,i2,j2-1,k2-2) +&
-        &                                 terr(3,i2-2,j2-1,k2-2)+ &
-        &                                 terr(3,i2-1,j2,k2-2)+&
-        &                                 terr(3,i2-1,j2-2,k2-2))+&
-        &                     0.015625_MK*(&
-        &                                 terr(3,i2,j2-2,k2-2)+&
-        &                                 terr(3,i2-2,j2,k2-2) +  &
-        &                                 terr(3,i2-2,j2-2,k2-2)+&
-        &                                 terr(3,i2,j2,k2-2)) 
+                       pfc(1,i,j,k)= &
+     &                        0.125_MK * &
+     &                                   terr(1,i2-1,j2-1,k2-1) + &
+     &                        0.0625_MK * (&
+     &                                     terr(1,i2,j2-1,k2-1) +&
+     &                                     terr(1,i2-2,j2-1,k2-1)+ &
+     &                                     terr(1,i2-1,j2,k2-1) + &
+     &                                     terr(1,i2-1,j2-2,k2-1))+&
+     &                       0.03125_MK * (&
+     &                                    terr(1,i2,j2-2,k2-1)+ &
+     &                                    terr(1,i2-2,j2,k2-1) +  &
+     &                                    terr(1,i2-2,j2-2,k2-1) +&
+     &                                    terr(1,i2,j2,k2-1)) 
+                       pfc(1,i,j,k)= &
+     &                                   pfc(1,i,j,k)+&
+     &                         0.0625_MK * &
+     &                                    terr(1,i2-1,j2-1,k2) + &
+     &                         0.03125_MK * (&
+                                          terr(1,i2,j2-1,k2) +&
+     &                                    terr(1,i2-2,j2-1,k2)+ &
+     &                                    terr(1,i2-1,j2,k2) +&
+     &                                    terr(1,i2-1,j2-2,k2))+&
+     &                       0.015625_MK * (&
+     &                                     terr(1,i2,j2-2,k2)+ &
+     &                                     terr(1,i2-2,j2,k2) +  &
+     &                                     terr(1,i2-2,j2-2,k2) + &
+     &                                     terr(1,i2,j2,k2)) 
+                       pfc(1,i,j,k)= &
+     &                                  pfc(1,i,j,k) +&
+     &                      0.0625_MK * &
+     &                                 terr(1,i2-1,j2-1,k2-2) + &
+     &                      0.03125_MK *(&
+     &                                 terr(1,i2,j2-1,k2-2) +&
+     &                                 terr(1,i2-2,j2-1,k2-2)+ &
+     &                                 terr(1,i2-1,j2,k2-2)+&
+     &                                 terr(1,i2-1,j2-2,k2-2))+&
+     &                     0.015625_MK*(&
+     &                                 terr(1,i2,j2-2,k2-2)+&
+     &                                 terr(1,i2-2,j2,k2-2) +  &
+     &                                 terr(1,i2-2,j2-2,k2-2)+&
+     &                                 terr(1,i2,j2,k2-2)) 
+                       pfc(2,i,j,k)= &
+     &                        0.125_MK * &
+     &                                   terr(2,i2-1,j2-1,k2-1) + &
+     &                        0.0625_MK * (&
+     &                                     terr(2,i2,j2-1,k2-1) +&
+     &                                     terr(2,i2-2,j2-1,k2-1)+ &
+     &                                     terr(2,i2-1,j2,k2-1) + &
+     &                                     terr(2,i2-1,j2-2,k2-1))+&
+     &                       0.03125_MK * (&
+     &                                    terr(2,i2,j2-2,k2-1)+ &
+     &                                    terr(2,i2-2,j2,k2-1) +  &
+     &                                    terr(2,i2-2,j2-2,k2-1) +&
+     &                                    terr(2,i2,j2,k2-1)) 
+                       pfc(2,i,j,k)= &
+     &                                   pfc(2,i,j,k)+&
+     &                         0.0625_MK * &
+     &                                    terr(2,i2-1,j2-1,k2) + &
+     &                         0.03125_MK * (&
+                                          terr(2,i2,j2-1,k2) +&
+     &                                    terr(2,i2-2,j2-1,k2)+ &
+     &                                    terr(2,i2-1,j2,k2) +&
+     &                                    terr(2,i2-1,j2-2,k2))+&
+     &                       0.015625_MK * (&
+     &                                     terr(2,i2,j2-2,k2)+ &
+     &                                     terr(2,i2-2,j2,k2) +  &
+     &                                     terr(2,i2-2,j2-2,k2) + &
+     &                                     terr(2,i2,j2,k2)) 
+                       pfc(2,i,j,k)= &
+     &                                  pfc(2,i,j,k) +&
+     &                      0.0625_MK * &
+     &                                 terr(2,i2-1,j2-1,k2-2) + &
+     &                      0.03125_MK *(&
+     &                                 terr(2,i2,j2-1,k2-2) +&
+     &                                 terr(2,i2-2,j2-1,k2-2)+ &
+     &                                 terr(2,i2-1,j2,k2-2)+&
+     &                                 terr(2,i2-1,j2-2,k2-2))+&
+     &                     0.015625_MK*(&
+     &                                 terr(2,i2,j2-2,k2-2)+&
+     &                                 terr(2,i2-2,j2,k2-2) +  &
+     &                                 terr(2,i2-2,j2-2,k2-2)+&
+     &                                 terr(2,i2,j2,k2-2)) 
+                       pfc(3,i,j,k)= &
+     &                        0.125_MK * &
+     &                                   terr(3,i2-1,j2-1,k2-1) + &
+     &                        0.0625_MK * (&
+     &                                     terr(3,i2,j2-1,k2-1) +&
+     &                                     terr(3,i2-2,j2-1,k2-1)+ &
+     &                                     terr(3,i2-1,j2,k2-1) + &
+     &                                     terr(3,i2-1,j2-2,k2-1))+&
+     &                       0.03125_MK * (&
+     &                                    terr(3,i2,j2-2,k2-1)+ &
+     &                                    terr(3,i2-2,j2,k2-1) +  &
+     &                                    terr(3,i2-2,j2-2,k2-1) +&
+     &                                    terr(3,i2,j2,k2-1)) 
+                       pfc(3,i,j,k)= &
+     &                                   pfc(3,i,j,k)+&
+     &                         0.0625_MK * &
+     &                                    terr(3,i2-1,j2-1,k2) + &
+     &                         0.03125_MK * (&
+                                          terr(3,i2,j2-1,k2) +&
+     &                                    terr(3,i2-2,j2-1,k2)+ &
+     &                                    terr(3,i2-1,j2,k2) +&
+     &                                    terr(3,i2-1,j2-2,k2))+&
+     &                       0.015625_MK * (&
+     &                                     terr(3,i2,j2-2,k2)+ &
+     &                                     terr(3,i2-2,j2,k2) +  &
+     &                                     terr(3,i2-2,j2-2,k2) + &
+     &                                     terr(3,i2,j2,k2)) 
+                       pfc(3,i,j,k)= &
+     &                                  pfc(3,i,j,k) +&
+     &                      0.0625_MK * &
+     &                                 terr(3,i2-1,j2-1,k2-2) + &
+     &                      0.03125_MK *(&
+     &                                 terr(3,i2,j2-1,k2-2) +&
+     &                                 terr(3,i2-2,j2-1,k2-2)+ &
+     &                                 terr(3,i2-1,j2,k2-2)+&
+     &                                 terr(3,i2-1,j2-2,k2-2))+&
+     &                     0.015625_MK*(&
+     &                                 terr(3,i2,j2-2,k2-2)+&
+     &                                 terr(3,i2-2,j2,k2-2) +  &
+     &                                 terr(3,i2-2,j2-2,k2-2)+&
+     &                                 terr(3,i2,j2,k2-2)) 
-                     DO ilda=1,vecdim
-                          pfc(ilda,i,j,k)= &
-        &                        0.125_MK * &
-        &                                   terr(ilda,i2-1,j2-1,k2-1) + &
-        &                        0.0625_MK * (&
-        &                                     terr(ilda,i2,j2-1,k2-1) +&
-        &                                     terr(ilda,i2-2,j2-1,k2-1)+ &
-        &                                     terr(ilda,i2-1,j2,k2-1) + &
-        &                                     terr(ilda,i2-1,j2-2,k2-1))+&
-        &                       0.03125_MK * (&
-        &                                    terr(ilda,i2,j2-2,k2-1)+ &
-        &                                    terr(ilda,i2-2,j2,k2-1) +  &
-        &                                    terr(ilda,i2-2,j2-2,k2-1) +&
-        &                                    terr(ilda,i2,j2,k2-1)) 
-                          pfc(ilda,i,j,k)= &
-        &                                   pfc(ilda,i,j,k)+&
-        &                         0.0625_MK * &
-        &                                    terr(ilda,i2-1,j2-1,k2) + &
-        &                         0.03125_MK * (&
-                                             terr(ilda,i2,j2-1,k2) +&
-        &                                    terr(ilda,i2-2,j2-1,k2)+ &
-        &                                    terr(ilda,i2-1,j2,k2) +&
-        &                                    terr(ilda,i2-1,j2-2,k2))+&
-        &                       0.015625_MK * (&
-        &                                     terr(ilda,i2,j2-2,k2)+ &
-        &                                     terr(ilda,i2-2,j2,k2) +  &
-        &                                     terr(ilda,i2-2,j2-2,k2) + &
-        &                                     terr(ilda,i2,j2,k2)) 
-                          pfc(ilda,i,j,k)= &
-        &                                  pfc(ilda,i,j,k) +&
-        &                      0.0625_MK * &
-        &                                 terr(ilda,i2-1,j2-1,k2-2) + &
-        &                      0.03125_MK *(&
-        &                                 terr(ilda,i2,j2-1,k2-2) +&
-        &                                 terr(ilda,i2-2,j2-1,k2-2)+ &
-        &                                 terr(ilda,i2-1,j2,k2-2)+&
-        &                                 terr(ilda,i2-1,j2-2,k2-2))+&
-        &                     0.015625_MK*(&
-        &                                 terr(ilda,i2,j2-2,k2-2)+&
-        &                                 terr(ilda,i2-2,j2,k2-2) +  &
-        &                                 terr(ilda,i2-2,j2-2,k2-2)+&
-        &                                 terr(ilda,i2,j2,k2-2)) 
-                     ENDDO
-                    ENDDO
+                  DO ilda=1,vecdim
+                       pfc(ilda,i,j,k)= &
+     &                        0.125_MK * &
+     &                                   terr(ilda,i2-1,j2-1,k2-1) + &
+     &                        0.0625_MK * (&
+     &                                     terr(ilda,i2,j2-1,k2-1) +&
+     &                                     terr(ilda,i2-2,j2-1,k2-1)+ &
+     &                                     terr(ilda,i2-1,j2,k2-1) + &
+     &                                     terr(ilda,i2-1,j2-2,k2-1))+&
+     &                       0.03125_MK * (&
+     &                                    terr(ilda,i2,j2-2,k2-1)+ &
+     &                                    terr(ilda,i2-2,j2,k2-1) +  &
+     &                                    terr(ilda,i2-2,j2-2,k2-1) +&
+     &                                    terr(ilda,i2,j2,k2-1)) 
+                       pfc(ilda,i,j,k)= &
+     &                                   pfc(ilda,i,j,k)+&
+     &                         0.0625_MK * &
+     &                                    terr(ilda,i2-1,j2-1,k2) + &
+     &                         0.03125_MK * (&
+                                          terr(ilda,i2,j2-1,k2) +&
+     &                                    terr(ilda,i2-2,j2-1,k2)+ &
+     &                                    terr(ilda,i2-1,j2,k2) +&
+     &                                    terr(ilda,i2-1,j2-2,k2))+&
+     &                       0.015625_MK * (&
+     &                                     terr(ilda,i2,j2-2,k2)+ &
+     &                                     terr(ilda,i2-2,j2,k2) +  &
+     &                                     terr(ilda,i2-2,j2-2,k2) + &
+     &                                     terr(ilda,i2,j2,k2)) 
+                       pfc(ilda,i,j,k)= &
+     &                                  pfc(ilda,i,j,k) +&
+     &                      0.0625_MK * &
+     &                                 terr(ilda,i2-1,j2-1,k2-2) + &
+     &                      0.03125_MK *(&
+     &                                 terr(ilda,i2,j2-1,k2-2) +&
+     &                                 terr(ilda,i2-2,j2-1,k2-2)+ &
+     &                                 terr(ilda,i2-1,j2,k2-2)+&
+     &                                 terr(ilda,i2-1,j2-2,k2-2))+&
+     &                     0.015625_MK*(&
+     &                                 terr(ilda,i2,j2-2,k2-2)+&
+     &                                 terr(ilda,i2-2,j2,k2-2) +  &
+     &                                 terr(ilda,i2-2,j2-2,k2-2)+&
+     &                                 terr(ilda,i2,j2,k2-2)) 
+                  ENDDO
-           iopt = ppm_param_dealloc
-           ldl5(1) = 1
-           ldl5(2) = 1-ghostsize(1)
-           ldl5(3) = 1-ghostsize(2)
-           ldl5(4) = 1-ghostsize(3)
-           ldl5(5) = 1
-           ldu5(1) = vecdim
-           ldu5(2) = max_node(1,mlevm1)+ghostsize(1)
-           ldu5(3) = max_node(2,mlevm1)+ghostsize(2)
-           ldu5(4) = max_node(3,mlevm1)+ghostsize(3)
-           ldu5(5) = nsubs
-           CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl5,ldu5,iopt,info)
-           IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-              info = ppm_error_fatal
-              CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'restrict',    &
-        &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
-              GOTO 9999
-           ENDIF
+        ENDDO
+        iopt = ppm_param_dealloc
+        ldl5(1) = 1
+        ldl5(2) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+        ldl5(3) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+        ldl5(4) = 1-ghostsize(3)
+        ldl5(5) = 1
+        ldu5(1) = vecdim
+        ldu5(2) = max_node(1,mlevm1)+ghostsize(1)
+        ldu5(3) = max_node(2,mlevm1)+ghostsize(2)
+        ldu5(4) = max_node(3,mlevm1)+ghostsize(3)
+        ldu5(5) = nsubs
+        CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl5,ldu5,iopt,info)
+        IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+           info = ppm_error_fatal
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'restrict',    &
+     &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        ENDIF
         ! Return
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-   9999    CONTINUE
-           CALL substop('ppm_mg_restrict',t0,info)
-           RETURN
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------    
+9999    CONTINUE
+        CALL substop('ppm_mg_restrict',t0,info)
+        RETURN
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
diff --git a/src/ppm_mg_smooth_coarse.f b/src/ppm_mg_smooth_coarse.f
index b529f7d..4b5000d 100644
--- a/src/ppm_mg_smooth_coarse.f
+++ b/src/ppm_mg_smooth_coarse.f
@@ -1,1106 +1,1512 @@
- !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- !  Subroutine   :            ppm_mg_smooth_coarse    
- !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- !  Purpose      : In this routine we compute the corrections for
- !                 the function based on the Gauss-Seidel iteration
- !                  
- !  
- !  Input        : nsweep      (I) number of iterations(sweeps)
- !  Input/output :
- ! 
- !  Output       : info        (I) return status. 0 upon success
- !
- !  Remarks      :
- !
- !  References   :
- !
- !  Revisions    :
- !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- !  $Log: ppm_mg_smooth_coarse.f,v $
- !  Revision  2007/07/13 10:18:56  ivos
- !  CBL version of the PPM library
- !
- !  Revision 1.15  2006/09/26 16:01:24  ivos
- !  Fixed wrongly indented CPP directives. Remember: they have to start in
- !  Col 1, otherwise it does not compile on certain systems. In fact, this
- !  code did NOT compile as it was!!
- !
- !  Revision 1.14  2006/07/21 11:30:55  kotsalie
- !
- !  Revision 1.12  2006/02/08 19:55:05  kotsalie
- !  fixed multiple subdomains
- !
- !  Revision 1.11  2006/02/02 17:59:45  michaebe
- !  corrected a bug in the log comment
- !
- !  Revision 1.10  2006/02/02 16:33:19  kotsalie
- !  corrected for mixed bc''s
- !
- !  Revision 1.9  2005/12/08 12:44:46  kotsalie
- !  commiting dirichlet
- !
- !  Revision 1.8  2005/03/14 13:27:32  kotsalie
- !
- !  Revision 1.7  2005/01/04 09:45:29  kotsalie
- !  ghostsize=2
- !
- !  Revision 1.6  2004/11/05 18:09:49  kotsalie
- !
- !  Revision 1.4  2004/10/29 15:59:31  kotsalie
- !
- !  Revision 1.3  2004/09/28 14:05:31  kotsalie
- !  Changes concernig 4th order finite differences
- !
- !  Revision 1.2  2004/09/23 12:16:49  kotsalie
- !  Added USE statement
- !
- !  Revision 1.1  2004/09/22 18:42:39  kotsalie
- !  MG new version
- !
- !
- !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- !  Parallel Particle Mesh Library (PPM)
- !  Institute of Computational Science
- !  ETH Zentrum, Hirschengraben 84
- !  CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
- !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+!  Subroutine   :            ppm_mg_smooth_coarse    
+!  Purpose      : In this routine we compute the corrections for
+!                 the function based on the Gauss-Seidel iteration
+!  Input        : nsweep      (I) number of iterations(sweeps)
+!  Input/output :
+!  Output       : info        (I) return status. 0 upon success
+!  Remarks      :
+!  References   :
+!  Revisions    :
+!  $Log: ppm_mg_smooth_coarse.f,v $
+!  Revision  2006/07/25 15:18:20  menahel
+!  initial import
+!  Revision 1.12  2006/02/08 19:55:05  kotsalie
+!  fixed multiple subdomains
+!  Revision 1.11  2006/02/02 17:59:45  michaebe
+!  corrected a bug in the log comment
+!  Revision 1.10  2006/02/02 16:33:19  kotsalie
+!  corrected for mixed bc''s
+!  Revision 1.9  2005/12/08 12:44:46  kotsalie
+!  commiting dirichlet
+!  Revision 1.8  2005/03/14 13:27:32  kotsalie
+!  Revision 1.7  2005/01/04 09:45:29  kotsalie
+!  ghostsize=2
+!  Revision 1.6  2004/11/05 18:09:49  kotsalie
+!  Revision 1.4  2004/10/29 15:59:31  kotsalie
+!  Revision 1.3  2004/09/28 14:05:31  kotsalie
+!  Changes concernig 4th order finite differences
+!  Revision 1.2  2004/09/23 12:16:49  kotsalie
+!  Added USE statement
+!  Revision 1.1  2004/09/22 18:42:39  kotsalie
+!  MG new version
+!  Parallel Particle Mesh Library (PPM)
+!  Institute of Computational Science
+!  ETH Zentrum, Hirschengraben 84
+!  CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_2D_sca_s(field_topoid,nsweep,mlev,c1,&
-     &                                          c2,c3,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_2D_sca_s(topo_id,nsweep,mlev,&
+     &                                         c1,c2,c3,info)
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_2D_sca_d(field_topoid,nsweep,mlev,c1,&
-     &                                          c2,c3,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_2D_sca_d(topo_id,nsweep,mlev,&
+     &                                         c1,c2,c3,info)
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_3D_sca_s(field_topoid,nsweep,mlev,c1,&
-     &                                          c2,c3,c4,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_3D_sca_s(topo_id,nsweep,mlev,&
+     &                                         c1,c2,c3,c4,info)
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_3D_sca_d(field_topoid,nsweep,mlev,c1,&
-     &                                          c2,c3,c4,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_3D_sca_d(topo_id,nsweep,mlev,&
+     &                                         c1,c2,c3,c4,info)
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_2D_vec_s(field_topoid,nsweep,mlev,c1,&
-     &                                          c2,c3,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_2D_vec_s(topo_id,nsweep,mlev,&
+     &                                         c1,c2,c3,info)
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_2D_vec_d(field_topoid,nsweep,mlev,c1,&
-     &                                          c2,c3,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_2D_vec_d(topo_id,nsweep,mlev,&
+     &                                         c1,c2,c3,info)
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_3D_vec_s(field_topoid,nsweep,mlev,c1,&
-     &                                          c2,c3,c4,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_3D_vec_s(topo_id,nsweep,mlev,&
+     &                                         c1,c2,c3,c4,info)
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_3D_vec_d(field_topoid,nsweep,mlev,c1,&
-     &                                          c2,c3,c4,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_3D_vec_d(topo_id,nsweep,mlev,&
+     &                                         c1,c2,c3,c4,info)
-         !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !  Includes
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+        !  Includes
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 #include "ppm_define.h"
-         !------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !  Modules 
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         USE ppm_module_data
-         USE ppm_module_data_mg
-         USE ppm_module_data_mesh
-         USE ppm_module_substart
-         USE ppm_module_substop
-         USE ppm_module_error
-         USE ppm_module_alloc
-         USE ppm_module_typedef
+        !-------------------------------------------------------------------    
+        !  Modules 
+        !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+        USE ppm_module_data
+        USE ppm_module_data_mg
+        USE ppm_module_substart
+        USE ppm_module_substop
+        USE ppm_module_error
+        USE ppm_module_alloc
+        USE ppm_module_map
+        USE ppm_module_data_mesh
+        USE ppm_module_write
-         INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_single
+        INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_single
-         INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_double
+        INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_double
-         !------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !  Arguments     
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         INTEGER,                   INTENT(IN)      ::  nsweep
-         INTEGER,                   INTENT(IN)      ::  mlev
-         INTEGER,                   INTENT(IN)      ::  field_topoid
+        !-------------------------------------------------------------------    
+        !  Arguments     
+        !-------------------------------------------------------------------
+        INTEGER,                   INTENT(IN)      ::  nsweep
+        INTEGER,                   INTENT(IN)      ::  mlev, topo_id
 #if  __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         REAL(MK),                  INTENT(IN)      ::  c1,c2,c3 
+        REAL(MK),                  INTENT(IN)      ::  c1,c2,c3 
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         REAL(MK),                  INTENT(IN)      ::  c1,c2,c3,c4 
+        REAL(MK),                  INTENT(IN)      ::  c1,c2,c3,c4 
-         INTEGER,                   INTENT(INOUT)   ::  info
-         !--------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !  Local variables 
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cbuf
-         INTEGER                                    ::  i,j,isub,color
-         INTEGER,DIMENSION(:),POINTER               ::  a,b,c,d,e,g 
-         REAL(MK)                                   ::  c11,c22,c33,c44 
-         INTEGER                                    ::  ilda,isweep,count
-         INTEGER                                    ::  k,idom
-         REAL(MK)                                   ::  x,y,dx,dy
-         REAL(MK)                                   ::  omega
-         INTEGER,DIMENSION(1)                       ::  ldu1,ldl1
-         LOGICAL                                    ::  valid
+        INTEGER,                   INTENT(INOUT)   ::  info
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------  
+        !  Local variables 
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+        CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cbuf
+        INTEGER                                    ::  i,j,isub,color
+        INTEGER,DIMENSION(:),POINTER               ::  a,b,c,d,e,f,g 
+        REAL(MK)                                   ::  c11,c22,c33,c44 
+        INTEGER                                    ::  ilda,isweep,count
+        INTEGER                                    ::  k,idom
+        REAL(MK)                                   ::  x,y,dx,dy
+        REAL(MK)                                   ::  omega
+        INTEGER,DIMENSION(1)                       ::  ldu1,ldl1
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         INTEGER,DIMENSION(4)                       ::  ldl4,ldu4
-         INTEGER,DIMENSION(3)                       ::  ldl3,ldu3
+        INTEGER,DIMENSION(4)                       ::  ldl4,ldu4
+        INTEGER,DIMENSION(3)                       ::  ldl3,ldu3
 #if __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         INTEGER,DIMENSION(5)                       ::  ldl5,ldu5
-         INTEGER,DIMENSION(4)                       ::  ldl4,ldu4
-         REAL(MK)                                   ::  dz
+        INTEGER,DIMENSION(5)                       ::  ldl5,ldu5
+        INTEGER,DIMENSION(4)                       ::  ldl4,ldu4
+        REAL(MK)                                   ::  dz
-         INTEGER                                    ::  iopt,iface,topoid
-         REAL(MK)                                   ::  t0
+        INTEGER                                    ::  iopt,iface,topoid
+        REAL(MK)                                   ::  t0
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         TYPE(mg_field_2d_sca_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_2d_sca_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
-         TYPE(mg_field_2d_sca_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_2d_sca_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
         TYPE(mg_field_3d_sca_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
-         TYPE(mg_field_3d_sca_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_3d_sca_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         TYPE(mg_field_2d_vec_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_2d_vec_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
-         TYPE(mg_field_2d_vec_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_2d_vec_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         TYPE(mg_field_3d_vec_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_3d_vec_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
-         TYPE(mg_field_3d_vec_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_3d_vec_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: uc_dummy  
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: uc_dummy  
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER :: uc_dummy  
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER :: uc_dummy  
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER :: uc_dummy  
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER :: uc_dummy  
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER :: uc_dummy  
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER :: uc_dummy  
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: oldu
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: oldu
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER :: oldu
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER :: oldu
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER :: oldu  
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER :: oldu  
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER :: oldu
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER :: oldu
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-      REAL(MK) :: moldu
+     REAL(MK) :: moldu
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-      REAL(MK) :: moldu
+     REAL(MK) :: moldu
 #elif  __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-      REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:),POINTER :: moldu
+     REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:),POINTER :: moldu
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-      REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:),POINTER :: moldu
+     REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:),POINTER :: moldu
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: tuc
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: tuc
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: tuc
+       REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: tuc
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-       REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: tuc
+      REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: tuc
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-       REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER :: tuc
+      REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER :: tuc
+#if __MESH_DIM == __2D
+        LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mask_red
+        LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mask_black
+#elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
+       LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: mask_red
+       LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: mask_black
-       omega=omega_s
-       dx=dx_s
-       dy=dy_s
+      omega=omega_s
+      dx=dx_s
+      dy=dy_s
 #if __MESH_DIM == __3D
-       dz=dz_s
+      dz=dz_s
-       omega=omega_d
-       dx=dx_d
-       dy=dy_d
+      omega=omega_d
+      dx=dx_d
+      dy=dy_d
 #if __MESH_DIM == __3D
-       dz=dz_d
+      dz=dz_d
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !Externals
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !Initialize
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         CALL substart('ppm_mg_smooth_coarse',t0,info)
-         IF (l_print) THEN 
-          WRITE (cbuf,*) 'SMOOTHER entering ','mlev:',mlev
-          CALL PPM_WRITE(ppm_rank,'mg_smooth',cbuf,info)
-         ENDIF
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !  Check arguments
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         IF (ppm_debug .GT. 0) THEN
-           IF (nsweep.LT.1) THEN
-               info = ppm_error_error
-               CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_smooth_coarse',  &
-      &            'nsweep must be >=1',__LINE__,info)
-               GOTO 9999
-           ENDIF
-           IF (mlev.LE.1) THEN
-               info = ppm_error_error
-               CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_smooth_coarse',  &
-      &            'level must be >1',__LINE__,info)
-               GOTO 9999
-           ENDIF
-           IF (c1.LE.0.0_MK) THEN
-               info = ppm_error_error
-               CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_smooth_coarse',  &
-      &            'Factor c1 must be >0',__LINE__,info)
-               GOTO 9999
-           ENDIF
-           IF (c2.LE.0.0_MK) THEN
-               info = ppm_error_error
-               CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_smooth_coarse',  &
-      &            'Factor c2 must be >0',__LINE__,info)
-               GOTO 9999
-           ENDIF
-           IF (c3.LE.0.0_MK) THEN
-               info = ppm_error_error
-               CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_smooth_coarse',  &
-      &            'Factor c3 must be >0',__LINE__,info)
-               GOTO 9999
-           ENDIF
-           IF (field_topoid .NE. ppm_param_topo_undefined) THEN
-              CALL ppm_check_topoid(field_topoid,valid,info)
-              IF (.NOT. valid) THEN
-                  info = ppm_error_error
-                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_map_part',  &
-     &                'Topology ID (to_topo) is invalid!',__LINE__,info)
-                  GOTO 9999
-              ENDIF
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !Externals
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !Initialize
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        CALL substart('ppm_mg_smooth_coarse',t0,info)
+        IF (l_print) THEN 
+         WRITE (cbuf,*) 'SMOOTHER entering ','mlev:',mlev
+         CALL PPM_WRITE(ppm_rank,'mg_smooth',cbuf,info)
+        ENDIF
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !  Check arguments
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        IF (ppm_debug .GT. 0) THEN
+          IF (nsweep.LT.1) THEN
+              info = ppm_error_error
+              CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_smooth_coarse',  &
+     &            'nsweep must be >=1',__LINE__,info)
+              GOTO 9999
-#if __MESH_DIM == __3D
-           IF (c4.LE.0.0_MK) THEN
-               info = ppm_error_error
-               CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_smooth_coarse',  &
-      &            'Factor c4 must be >0',__LINE__,info)
-               GOTO 9999
+          IF (mlev.LE.1) THEN
+              info = ppm_error_error
+              CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_smooth_coarse',  &
+     &            'level must be >1',__LINE__,info)
+              GOTO 9999
+          IF (c1.LE.0.0_MK) THEN
+              info = ppm_error_error
+              CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_smooth_coarse',  &
+     &            'Factor c1 must be >0',__LINE__,info)
+              GOTO 9999
+          ENDIF
+          IF (c2.LE.0.0_MK) THEN
+              info = ppm_error_error
+              CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_smooth_coarse',  &
+     &            'Factor c2 must be >0',__LINE__,info)
+              GOTO 9999
+          ENDIF
+          IF (c3.LE.0.0_MK) THEN
+              info = ppm_error_error
+              CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_smooth_coarse',  &
+     &            'Factor c3 must be >0',__LINE__,info)
+              GOTO 9999
+          ENDIF
+#if __MESH_DIM == __3D
+          IF (c4.LE.0.0_MK) THEN
+              info = ppm_error_error
+              CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_smooth_coarse',  &
+     &            'Factor c4 must be >0',__LINE__,info)
+              GOTO 9999
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !Definition of necessary variables and allocation of arrays
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         topoid=field_topoid
+        ENDIF
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !Definition of necessary variables and allocation of arrays
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        topoid=topo_id
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         mgfield=>mgfield_2d_sca_s
+        mgfield=>mgfield_2d_sca_s
-         mgfield=>mgfield_2d_sca_d
+        mgfield=>mgfield_2d_sca_d
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         mgfield=>mgfield_3d_sca_s
+        mgfield=>mgfield_3d_sca_s
-         mgfield=>mgfield_3d_sca_d
+        mgfield=>mgfield_3d_sca_d
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         mgfield=>mgfield_2d_vec_s
+        mgfield=>mgfield_2d_vec_s
-         mgfield=>mgfield_2d_vec_d
+        mgfield=>mgfield_2d_vec_d
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         mgfield=>mgfield_3d_vec_s
+        mgfield=>mgfield_3d_vec_s
-         mgfield=>mgfield_3d_vec_d
+        mgfield=>mgfield_3d_vec_d
-             iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-             ldl1(1) = 1
-             ldu1(1) = nsubs
-             CALL ppm_alloc(a,ldl1,ldu1,iopt,info)
-             CALL ppm_alloc(b,ldl1,ldu1,iopt,info)
-             CALL ppm_alloc(c,ldl1,ldu1,iopt,info)
-             CALL ppm_alloc(d,ldl1,ldu1,iopt,info)
-             CALL ppm_alloc(e,ldl1,ldu1,iopt,info)
-             CALL ppm_alloc(g,ldl1,ldu1,iopt,info)
-             IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-             info = ppm_error_fatal
-             CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
-       &                       'a',__LINE__,info)
-             GOTO 9999
-             ENDIF
+            iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+            ldl1(1) = 1
+            ldu1(1) = nsubs
+            CALL ppm_alloc(a,ldl1,ldu1,iopt,info)
+            CALL ppm_alloc(b,ldl1,ldu1,iopt,info)
+            CALL ppm_alloc(c,ldl1,ldu1,iopt,info)
+            CALL ppm_alloc(d,ldl1,ldu1,iopt,info)
+            CALL ppm_alloc(e,ldl1,ldu1,iopt,info)
+            CALL ppm_alloc(g,ldl1,ldu1,iopt,info)
+            IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+            info = ppm_error_fatal
+            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
+      &                       'a',__LINE__,info)
+            GOTO 9999
+            ENDIF
 #if  __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if  __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !Implementation
-         !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-             iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-             ldl3(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
-             ldl3(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
-             ldl3(3) = 1
-             ldu3(1) = max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
-             ldu3(2) = max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
-             ldu3(3) = nsubs
-             CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl3,ldu3,iopt,info)
-             IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-             info = ppm_error_fatal
-             CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
-       &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
-             GOTO 9999
-             ENDIF
-         DO isweep=1,nsweep
-            DO color=0,1
-               DO isub=1,nsubs
-                  tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
-                  uc_dummy(:,:,isub)=tuc(:,:)
-               ENDDO!DO isub 
-               !----------------------------------------------------------------
-               !Communicate
-               !----------------------------------------------------------------
-               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-      &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info) 
-               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-      &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info) 
-               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-      &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info) 
-               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-      &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info) 
-               DO isub=1,nsubs
-                  tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
-                           tuc(:,:)=uc_dummy(&
-      &                         :,:,isub)
-                DO j=start(2,isub,mlev),istop(2,isub,mlev)
-                   DO i=start(1,isub,mlev)+mod(j+color,2),&
-                         &istop(1,isub,mlev),2
-                           tuc(i,j) = c1*(&
-      &                                   (tuc(i-1,j)+ &
-      &                                tuc(i+1,j))*c2 + &
-      &                                 (tuc(i,j-1)+&
-      &                                  tuc(i,j+1))*c3-&
-      &                                         mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc(i,j))
-                     ENDDO
-                  ENDDO
-               ENDDO!isub
-               IF (isweep.EQ.nsweep) THEN   
-                IF (color.EQ.1) THEN
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !Implementation
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+            iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+            ldl3(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+            ldl3(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+            ldl3(3) = 1
+            ldu3(1) = max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+            ldu3(2) = max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+            ldu3(3) = nsubs
+            CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl3,ldu3,iopt,info)
+            IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+            info = ppm_error_fatal
+            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
+      &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
+            GOTO 9999
+            ENDIF
+        count = 0
+            iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+            ldl3(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+            ldl3(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+            ldl3(3) = 1
+            ldu3(1) = max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+            ldu3(2) = max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+            ldu3(3) = nsubs
+            CALL ppm_alloc(mask_dummy_2d,ldl3,ldu3,iopt,info)
+            IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+            info = ppm_error_fatal
+            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
+      &                       'mask_dummy_2d',__LINE__,info)
+            GOTO 9999
+            ENDIF
+        DO isweep=1,nsweep
+           DO color=0,1
+              DO isub=1,nsubs
+                 IF (color.EQ.0) THEN
+                    mask_red=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%mask_red 
+                    mask_dummy_2d(:,:,&
+     &                            isub)=mask_red(:,:)
+                 ELSE
+                    mask_black=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%mask_black
+                    mask_dummy_2d(:,:,&
+     &                             isub)=mask_black(:,:) 
+                 ENDIF
+                 tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
+                 uc_dummy(:,:,isub)=tuc(:,:)
+              ENDDO!DO isub 
+              !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+              !Communicate red(even) if color==0 or communicate black(odd) 
+              !if color==1 
+              !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info,mask_dummy_2d) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info,mask_dummy_2d) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info,mask_dummy_2d) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info,mask_dummy_2d) 
+              DO isub=1,nsubs
+                 tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
+                          tuc(:,:)=uc_dummy(&
+     &                         :,:,isub)
+                !----------------------------------------------------------------
+                !---------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                a=0
+                b=0
+                c=0
+                d=0 
+                IF (.NOT.lperiodic) THEN
+                 DO iface=1,4
+                  IF (bcdef_sca(isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_periodic) THEN
+                   !DO NOTHING 
+                  ELSEIF (bcdef_sca(isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_dirichlet) THEN
+                    IF (iface.EQ.1) THEN       
+                      !IF (color.EQ.1) THEN             
+                       a(isub)=1
+                      !ENDIF 
+                      i=1  
+                       DO j=1,max_node(2,mlev) 
+                        tuc(i,j)=0.0_MK
+                       ENDDO 
+                    ELSEIF (iface.EQ.2) THEN
+                      !IF (color.EQ.0) THEN             
+                       b(isub)=1
+                      !ENDIF 
+                      i=max_node(1,mlev)
+                       DO j=1,max_node(2,mlev) 
+                        tuc(i,j)=0.0_MK
+                       ENDDO
+                    ELSEIF (iface.EQ.3)  THEN
+                      c(isub)=1  
+                      j=1
+                       DO i=1,max_node(1,mlev) 
+                        tuc(i,j)=0.0_MK
+                       ENDDO
+                    ELSEIF (iface.EQ.4) THEN
+                      d(isub)=1 
+                      j=max_node(2,mlev) 
+                       DO j=1,max_node(2,mlev) 
+                        tuc(i,j)=0.0_MK
+                       ENDDO
+                    ENDIF                   
+                 ELSEIF (bcdef_sca(isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_neumann) THEN
+                   !NOT IMPLEMENTED YET 
+                 ENDIF 
+                ENDDO!iface 
+               ENDIF 
+               DO j=start(2,isub,mlev)+c(isub),stop(2,isub,mlev)-d(isub)
+                  DO i=start(1,isub,mlev)+a(isub)+mod(j+color,2),&
+		        &stop(1,isub,mlev)-b(isub)-mod(j+color,2),2
+                          mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i,j) = c1*(&
+     &                                   (mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i-1,j)+ &
+     &                                mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i+1,j))*c2 + &
+     &                                 (mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i,j-1)+&
+     &                                  mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i,j+1))*c3-&
+     &                                         mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc(i,j))
+                                !Print* ,j,i
+                    ENDDO
+                 ENDDO
+              ENDDO!isub
+              IF (isweep.EQ.nsweep) THEN   
+               IF (color.EQ.1) THEN
                  DO isub=1,nsubs
-                  tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
-                  uc_dummy(:,:,isub)=tuc(:,:) 
-                 ENDDO   
-                ENDIF
+                    mask_red=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%mask_red
+                    mask_dummy_2d(:,:,&
+     &                            isub)=mask_red(:,:)
+                 tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
+                 uc_dummy(:,:,isub)=tuc(:,:) 
+                ENDDO   
-              ENDDO!DO color   
-              IF (isweep.EQ.nsweep) THEN
-               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-      &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info)
-               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-      &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info)
-               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-      &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info)
-               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-      &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info)
-               DO isub=1,nsubs
-                  tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
-                           tuc(:,:)=uc_dummy(&
-      &                         :,:,isub)
-               ENDDO  
-             ENDIF
-            ENDDO!DO nsweep
-             iopt = ppm_param_dealloc
-             ldl3(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
-             ldl3(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
-             ldl3(3) = 1
-             ldu3(1) = max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
-             ldu3(2) = max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
-             ldu3(3) = nsubs
-             CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl3,ldu3,iopt,info)
-             IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-             info = ppm_error_fatal
-             CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
-       &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
-             GOTO 9999
-             ENDIF
+              ENDIF
+             ENDDO!DO color   
+             IF (isweep.EQ.nsweep) THEN
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info,mask_dummy_2d)
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info,mask_dummy_2d)
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info,mask_dummy_2d)
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info,mask_dummy_2d)
+              DO isub=1,nsubs
+                 tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
+                          tuc(:,:)=uc_dummy(&
+     &                         :,:,isub)
+              ENDDO  
+            ENDIF
+           ENDDO!DO nsweep
+            iopt = ppm_param_dealloc
+            ldl3(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+            ldl3(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+            ldl3(3) = 1
+            ldu3(1) = max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+            ldu3(2) = max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+            ldu3(3) = nsubs
+            CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl3,ldu3,iopt,info)
+            IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+            info = ppm_error_fatal
+            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
+      &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
+            GOTO 9999
+            ENDIF
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !Implementation
-         !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-             iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-             ldl4(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
-             ldl4(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
-             ldl4(3) = 1-ghostsize(3)
-             ldl4(4) = 1
-             ldu4(1) = max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
-             ldu4(2) = max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
-             ldu4(3) = max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
-             ldu4(4) = nsubs
-             CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl4,ldu4,iopt,info)
-             IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-             info = ppm_error_fatal
-             CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
-       &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
-             GOTO 9999
-             ENDIF
-         DO isweep=1,nsweep 
-            DO color=0,1
-               DO isub=1,nsubs
-                  tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc  
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !Implementation
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+            iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+            ldl4(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+            ldl4(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+            ldl4(3) = 1-ghostsize(3)
+            ldl4(4) = 1
+            ldu4(1) = max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+            ldu4(2) = max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+            ldu4(3) = max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
+            ldu4(4) = nsubs
+            CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl4,ldu4,iopt,info)
+            IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+            info = ppm_error_fatal
+            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
+      &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
+            GOTO 9999
+            ENDIF
+            iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+            ldl4(1)=1-ghostsize(1)
+            ldl4(2)=1-ghostsize(2)
+            ldl4(3)=1-ghostsize(3)
+            ldl4(4)=1
+            ldu4(1) = max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+            ldu4(2) = max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+            ldu4(3) = max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
+            ldu4(4) = nsubs
+            CALL ppm_alloc(mask_dummy_3d,ldl4,ldu4,iopt,info)
+            IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+            info = ppm_error_fatal
+            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
+      &                       'mask_dummy_3d',__LINE__,info)
+            GOTO 9999
+            ENDIF
+        DO isweep=1,nsweep 
+           DO color=0,1
+              DO isub=1,nsubs
+                 IF (color.EQ.0) THEN
+                    mask_red=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%mask_red
+                  DO k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
+                   DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+                    DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+                    mask_dummy_3d(i,j,k,isub)= &
+     &                                    mask_red(i,j,k)
+                    ENDDO
+                   ENDDO
+                  ENDDO  
+                 ELSE
+                    mask_black=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%mask_black  
                     DO k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
-                     DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
-                      DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
-                        uc_dummy(i,j,k,isub)=tuc(i,j,k)
-                      ENDDO
+                    DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+                     DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+                      mask_dummy_3d(i,j,k,isub)= &
+     &                                    mask_black(i,j,k)
-               ENDDO!DO isub 
-               !----------------------------------------------------------------
-               !Communicate
-               !----------------------------------------------------------------
-               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-      &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info) 
-               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-      &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info) 
-               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-      &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info) 
-               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-      &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info) 
-                 a=0
-                 b=0
-                 c=0
-                 d=0
-                 e=0
-                 g=0
-               DO isub=1,nsubs
-                  tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc  
-                    DO k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
-                     DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
-                      DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
-                          tuc(i,j,k)=uc_dummy(i,j,k,isub)
-                      ENDDO
+                   ENDDO
+                 ENDIF
+                 tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc  
+                   DO k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
+                    DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+                     DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+                       uc_dummy(i,j,k,isub)=tuc(i,j,k)
+                    ENDDO
-                 IF (.NOT.lperiodic) THEN
-                  DO iface=1,6
-                   IF (bcdef_sca(isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_periodic) THEN
-                    !DO NOTHING 
-                   ELSEIF (bcdef_sca(isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_dirichlet) THEN
-                     IF (iface.EQ.1) THEN
-                        a(isub)=1
-                        IF (bcdef_sca(isub,2).EQ.0) THEN
-                         b(isub)=-1  
-                        ENDIF 
-                       i=1
-                        DO j=1,max_node(2,mlev)
-                         DO k=1,max_node(3,mlev)
-                           tuc(i,j,k)=0.0_MK
-                         enddo
-                        ENDDO
-                     ELSEIF (iface.EQ.2) THEN
-                        b(isub)=1
-                        IF (bcdef_sca(isub,1).EQ.0) THEN
-                         a(isub)=-1  
-                        ENDIF 
-                       i=max_node(1,mlev)
-                        DO j=1,max_node(2,mlev)
-                         DO k=1,max_node(3,mlev)
+              ENDDO!DO isub 
+              !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+              !Communicate red(even) if color==0 or communicate black(odd) 
+              !if color==1 
+              !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info,mask_dummy_3d) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info,mask_dummy_3d) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info,mask_dummy_3d) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info,mask_dummy_3d) 
+              DO isub=1,nsubs
+                 tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc  
+                   DO k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
+                    DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+                     DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+                         tuc(i,j,k)=uc_dummy(i,j,k,isub)
+                     ENDDO
+                    ENDDO
+                  ENDDO
+		a=0
+		b=0
+		c=0
+		d=0
+		e=0
+		g=0
+		IF (.NOT.lperiodic) THEN
+                 DO iface=1,6
+		  IF (bcdef_sca(isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_periodic) THEN
+                   !DO NOTHING 
+                  ELSEIF (bcdef_sca(isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_dirichlet) THEN
+                    IF (iface.EQ.1) THEN
+                       a(isub)=1
+                      i=1
+                       DO j=1,max_node(2,mlev)
+                        DO k=1,max_node(3,mlev)
-                         ENDDO
-                     ELSEIF (iface.EQ.3) THEN
-                       c(isub)=1
-                        IF (bcdef_sca(isub,4).EQ.0) THEN
-                         d(isub)=-1  
-                        ENDIF 
-                       j=1
-                        DO i=1,max_node(1,mlev)
-                         Do k=1,max_node(3,mlev)
-                          tuc(i,j,k)=0.0_MK
-                         enddo
-                        ENDDO
-                     ELSEIF (iface.EQ.4) THEN
-                       d(isub)=1
-                        IF (bcdef_sca(isub,3).EQ.0) THEN
-                         c(isub)=-1  
-                        ENDIF 
-                       j=max_node(2,mlev)
-                        DO i=1,max_node(1,mlev)
-                         Do k=1,max_node(3,mlev)
-                          tuc(i,j,k)=0.0_MK
-                         enddo
-                        ENDDO
-                     ELSEIF (iface.EQ.5) Then
-                       e(isub)=1
-                        IF (bcdef_sca(isub,6).EQ.0) THEN
-                         g(isub)=-1  
-                        ENDIF 
-                       k=1
-                        DO i=1,max_node(1,mlev)
-                         Do j=1,max_node(2,mlev)
-                          tuc(i,j,k)=0.0_MK
-                         enddo
-                        ENDDO
-                              ELSEIF (iface.EQ.6) Then
-                       g(isub)=1
-                        IF (bcdef_sca(isub,5).EQ.0) THEN
-                         e(isub)=-1  
-                        ENDIF 
-                        k=max_node(3,mlev)
-                                DO i=1,max_node(1,mlev) 
-                                 Do j=1,max_node(2,mlev)
-                          tuc(i,j,k)=0.0_MK
-                                     enddo
+                       ENDDO
+                    ELSEIF (iface.EQ.2) THEN
+                       b(isub)=1
+                      i=max_node(1,mlev)
+                       DO j=1,max_node(2,mlev)
+                        DO k=1,max_node(3,mlev)
+                         tuc(i,j,k)=0.0_MK
-                               endif                  
-                  ENDIF 
-                 ENDDO!iface 
-                ENDIF 
-                  DO k=start(3,isub,mlev)+e(isub),istop(3,isub,mlev)-g(isub) 
-                     DO j=start(2,isub,mlev)+c(isub),istop(2,isub,mlev)-d(isub)
-                        DO i=start(1,isub,mlev)+mod(j+k+color,2)+a(isub), &
-      &                     istop(1,isub,mlev)-b(isub)-mod(j+k+color,2),2
-                          IF ((i.GE.1.AND.i.LE.max_node(1,mlev)).AND.(j.GE.1.AND.j.LE.max_node(2,mlev)) &
-      &                     .AND.(k.GE.1.AND.k.LE.max_node(3,mlev))) THEN
-                              moldu=tuc(i,j,k)
-                              tuc(i,j,k) = moldu+&
-      &                             omega*(&
-      &                             c1*((tuc(i-1,j,k)+ &
-      &                            tuc(i+1,j,k))*c2 + &
-      &                                 (tuc(i,j-1,k)+&
-      &                            tuc(i,j+1,k))*c3 + &
-      &                           (tuc(i,j,k-1)+&
-      &                            tuc(i,j,k+1))*c4 - &
-      &                                    mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc(i,j,k))&
-      &                            -moldu) 
-                         ENDIF
+                       enddo
+                    ELSEIF (iface.EQ.3) THEN
+                      c(isub)=1
+                      j=1
+                       DO i=1,max_node(1,mlev)
+                        Do k=1,max_node(3,mlev)
+                         tuc(i,j,k)=0.0_MK
+                        enddo
+                       ENDDO
+                    ELSEIF (iface.EQ.4) THEN
+                      d(isub)=1
+                      j=max_node(2,mlev)
+                       DO i=1,max_node(1,mlev)
+                        Do k=1,max_node(3,mlev)
+                         tuc(i,j,k)=0.0_MK
+                        enddo
+                       ENDDO
+                    ELSEIF (iface.EQ.5) Then
+                      e(isub)=1
+                      k=1
+                       DO i=1,max_node(1,mlev)
+                        Do j=1,max_node(2,mlev)
+                         tuc(i,j,k)=0.0_MK
+                        enddo
+                       ENDDO
+		             ELSEIF (iface.EQ.6) Then
+                      g(isub)=1
+		               DO i=1,max_node(1,mlev) 
+		                Do j=1,max_node(2,mlev)
+                         tuc(i,j,k)=0.0_MK
+			            enddo
+                       ENDDO
+		              endif                  
+                 ELSEIF (bcdef_sca(isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_neumann) THEN
+                   !NOT IMPLEMENTED YET 
+                 ENDIF 
+                ENDDO!iface 
+               ENDIF 
+                 DO k=start(3,isub,mlev)+g(isub),stop(3,isub,mlev)-e(isub) 
+                    DO j=start(2,isub,mlev)+c(isub),stop(2,isub,mlev)-d(isub)
+                       DO i=start(1,isub,mlev)+mod(j+k+color,2)+a(isub),&
+		           & stop(1,isub,mlev)-b(isub)-mod(j+k+color,2),2
+                            moldu=tuc(i,j,k)
+                             mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i,j,k) = moldu+&
+     &                             omega*(&
+     &                             c1*((mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i-1,j,k)+ &
+     &                            mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i+1,j,k))*c2 + &
+     &                                 (mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i,j-1,k)+&
+     &                            mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i,j+1,k))*c3 + &
+     &                           (mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i,j,k-1)+&
+     &                            mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i,j,k+1))*c4 - &
+     &                                    mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc(i,j,k))&
+     &                            -moldu) 
+                       ENDDO
+                    ENDDO
+                 ENDDO
+              ENDDO!isubs   
+                  IF (isweep.EQ.nsweep) THEN  
+                    IF (color.EQ.1) THEN
+                     DO isub=1,nsubs
+                      mask_red=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%mask_red
+                      DO k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
+                       DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+                        DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+                         mask_dummy_3d(i,j,k,isub)= &
+     &                                    mask_red(i,j,k)
-                     ENDDO
-                  ENDDO
-               ENDDO!isubs   
-                   IF (isweep.EQ.nsweep) THEN  
-                     IF (color.EQ.1) THEN
-                      DO isub=1,nsubs
-                       tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc  
-                       DO k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
-                        DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
-                         DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
-                          uc_dummy(i,j,k,isub)=tuc(i,j,k)
-                         ENDDO
+                       ENDDO
+                      ENDDO
+                      tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc  
+                      DO k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
+                       DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+                        DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+                         uc_dummy(i,j,k,isub)=tuc(i,j,k)
+                      ENDDO
-                     ENDDO!isub
+                    ENDDO!isub
-           ENDDO!DO color
-               IF (isweep.EQ.nsweep) THEN
-               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-      &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info) 
-               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-      &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info) 
-               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-      &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info) 
-               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-      &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info) 
-               ENDIF
-               DO isub=1,nsubs
-                  tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc  
-                    DO k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
-                     DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
-                      DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
-                          tuc(i,j,k)=uc_dummy(i,j,k,isub)
-                      ENDDO
+          ENDDO!DO color
+              IF (isweep.EQ.nsweep) THEN
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info,mask_dummy_3d) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info,mask_dummy_3d) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info,mask_dummy_3d) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info,mask_dummy_3d) 
+              ENDIF
+              DO isub=1,nsubs
+                 tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc  
+                   DO k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
+                    DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+                     DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+                         tuc(i,j,k)=uc_dummy(i,j,k,isub)
-                   ENDDO
-               ENDDO!isub
-         ENDDO!Do isweep
-             iopt = ppm_param_dealloc
-             ldl4(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
-             ldl4(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
-             ldl4(3) = 1-ghostsize(3)
-             ldl4(4) = 1
-             ldu4(1) = max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
-             ldu4(2) = max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
-             ldu4(3) = max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
-             ldu4(4) = nsubs
-             CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl4,ldu4,iopt,info)
-             IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-             info = ppm_error_fatal
-             CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
-       &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
-             GOTO 9999
-             ENDIF
+                    ENDDO
+                  ENDDO
+              ENDDO!isub
+        ENDDO!Do isweep
+            iopt = ppm_param_dealloc
+            ldl4(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+            ldl4(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+            ldl4(3) = 1-ghostsize(3)
+            ldl4(4) = 1
+            ldu4(1) = max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+            ldu4(2) = max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+            ldu4(3) = max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
+            ldu4(4) = nsubs
+            CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl4,ldu4,iopt,info)
+            IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+            info = ppm_error_fatal
+            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
+      &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
+            GOTO 9999
+            ENDIF
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if  __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !Implementation
-         !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-             iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-             ldl4(1) = 1
-             ldl4(2) = 1-ghostsize(1)
-             ldl4(3) = 1-ghostsize(2)
-             ldl4(4) = 1
-             ldu4(1) = vecdim
-             ldu4(2) = max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
-             ldu4(3) = max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
-             ldu4(4) = nsubs
-             CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl4,ldu4,iopt,info)
-             IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-             info = ppm_error_fatal
-             CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
-       &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
-             GOTO 9999
-             ENDIF
-         DO isweep=1,nsweep
-            DO color=0,1
-               DO isub=1,nsubs
-                  tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
-                  uc_dummy(:,:,:,isub)=tuc(:,:,:)
-               ENDDO!DO isub 
-               !----------------------------------------------------------------
-               !Communicate 
-               !----------------------------------------------------------------
-               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-      &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info) 
-               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-      &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info) 
-               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-      &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info) 
-               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-      &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info) 
-               DO isub=1,nsubs
-                  tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
-                  tuc(:,:,:)=uc_dummy(&
-      &                         :,:,:,isub)
-                  DO j=start(2,isub,mlev),istop(2,isub,mlev)
-                     DO i=start(1,isub,mlev)+mod(j+color,2),istop(1,isub,mlev),2
-                      DO ilda=1,vecdim
-                           tuc(ilda,i,j) = c1*(&
-      &                                   (tuc(ilda,i-1,j)+ &
-      &                                tuc(ilda,i+1,j))*c2 + &
-      &                                 (tuc(ilda,i,j-1)+&
-      &                                  tuc(ilda,i,j+1))*c3-&
-      &                                         mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc(ilda,i,j))
-                      ENDDO  
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !Implementation
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+            iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+            ldl4(1) = 1
+            ldl4(2) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+            ldl4(3) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+            ldl4(4) = 1
+            ldu4(1) = vecdim
+            ldu4(2) = max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+            ldu4(3) = max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+            ldu4(4) = nsubs
+            CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl4,ldu4,iopt,info)
+            IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+            info = ppm_error_fatal
+            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
+      &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
+            GOTO 9999
+            ENDIF
+            count = 0
+            iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+            ldl3(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+            ldl3(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+            ldl3(3) = 1
+            ldu3(1) = max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+            ldu3(2) = max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+            ldu3(3) = nsubs
+            CALL ppm_alloc(mask_dummy_2d,ldl3,ldu3,iopt,info)
+            IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+            info = ppm_error_fatal
+            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
+      &                       'mask_dummy_2d',__LINE__,info)
+            GOTO 9999
+            ENDIF
+        DO isweep=1,nsweep
+           DO color=0,1
+              DO isub=1,nsubs
+                 IF (color.EQ.0) THEN
+                    mask_red=>mask_red
+                    mask_dummy_2d(:,:,&
+     &                            isub)=mgfield(isub,mlev)%mask_red(:,:)
+                 ELSE
+                    mask_black=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%mask_black
+                    mask_dummy_2d(:,:,&
+     &                             isub)=mask_black(:,:) 
+                 ENDIF
+                 tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
+                 uc_dummy(:,:,:,isub)=tuc(:,:,:)
+              ENDDO!DO isub 
+              !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+              !Communicate red(even) if color==0 or communicate black(odd) 
+              !if color==1 
+              !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info,mask_dummy_2d) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info,mask_dummy_2d) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info,mask_dummy_2d) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info,mask_dummy_2d) 
+              DO isub=1,nsubs
+                 tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
+                 tuc(:,:,:)=uc_dummy(&
+     &                         :,:,:,isub)
+                 DO j=start(2,isub,mlev),stop(2,isub,mlev)
+                    DO i=start(1,isub,mlev)+mod(j+color,2),stop(1,isub,mlev),2
+                     DO ilda=1,vecdim
+                          mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(ilda,i,j) = c1*(&
+     &                                   (mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(ilda,i-1,j)+ &
+     &                                mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(ilda,i+1,j))*c2 + &
+     &                                 (mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(ilda,i,j-1)+&
+     &                                  mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(ilda,i,j+1))*c3-&
+     &                                         mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc(ilda,i,j))
+                     ENDDO  
+                    ENDDO
+                 ENDDO
+              ENDDO
+                   IF (isweep.EQ.nsweep) THEN
+                    IF (color.EQ.1) THEN
+                     DO isub=1,nsubs
+                      mask_red=>mask_red
+                      mask_dummy_2d(:,:,&
+     &                            isub)=mgfield(isub,mlev)%mask_red(:,:)
+                      tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
+                      uc_dummy(:,:,:,isub)=tuc(:,:,:)
-                  ENDDO
-               ENDDO
-                    IF (isweep.EQ.nsweep) THEN
-                     IF (color.EQ.1) THEN
-                      DO isub=1,nsubs
-                       tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
-                       uc_dummy(:,:,:,isub)=tuc(:,:,:)
-                      ENDDO
-                     ENDIF
-            ENDDO!DO color   
-              IF (isweep.EQ.nsweep) THEN
-               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-      &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info) 
-               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-      &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info) 
-               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-      &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info) 
-               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-      &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info) 
-               DO isub=1,nsubs
-                  tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
-                  tuc(:,:,:)=uc_dummy(&
-      &                         :,:,:,isub)
-               ENDDO
-              ENDIF 
-         ENDDO!DO nsweep
-             iopt = ppm_param_dealloc
-             ldl4(1) = 1
-             ldl4(2) = 1-ghostsize(1)
-             ldl4(3) = 1-ghostsize(2)
-             ldl4(4) = 1
-             ldu4(1) = vecdim
-             ldu4(2) = max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
-             ldu4(3) = max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
-             ldu4(4) = nsubs
-             CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl4,ldu4,iopt,info)
-             IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-             info = ppm_error_fatal
-             CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
-       &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
-             GOTO 9999
-             ENDIF
+                   ENDIF
+           ENDDO!DO color   
+             IF (isweep.EQ.nsweep) THEN
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info,mask_dummy_2d) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info,mask_dummy_2d) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info,mask_dummy_2d) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info,mask_dummy_2d) 
+              DO isub=1,nsubs
+                 tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
+                 tuc(:,:,:)=uc_dummy(&
+     &                         :,:,:,isub)
+              ENDDO
+             ENDIF 
+        ENDDO!DO nsweep
+            iopt = ppm_param_dealloc
+            ldl4(1) = 1
+            ldl4(2) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+            ldl4(3) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+            ldl4(4) = 1
+            ldu4(1) = vecdim
+            ldu4(2) = max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+            ldu4(3) = max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+            ldu4(4) = nsubs
+            CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl4,ldu4,iopt,info)
+            IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+            info = ppm_error_fatal
+            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
+      &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
+            GOTO 9999
+            ENDIF
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !Implementation
-         !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-             iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-             ldl5(1) = 1
-             ldl5(2) = 1-ghostsize(1)
-             ldl5(3) = 1-ghostsize(2)
-             ldl5(4) = 1-ghostsize(3)
-             ldl5(5) = 1
-             ldu5(1) = vecdim
-             ldu5(2) = max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
-             ldu5(3) = max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
-             ldu5(4) = max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
-             ldu5(5) = nsubs
-             CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl5,ldu5,iopt,info)
-             IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-             info = ppm_error_fatal
-             CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
-       &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
-             GOTO 9999
-             ENDIF
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !Implementation
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
             iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-            ldu1(1)=vecdim
-            CALL ppm_alloc(moldu,ldu1,iopt,info)
+            ldl5(1) = 1
+            ldl5(2) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+            ldl5(3) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+            ldl5(4) = 1-ghostsize(3)
+            ldl5(5) = 1
+            ldu5(1) = vecdim
+            ldu5(2) = max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+            ldu5(3) = max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+            ldu5(4) = max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
+            ldu5(5) = nsubs
+            CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl5,ldu5,iopt,info)
             IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-             info = ppm_error_fatal
-             CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
-       &                       'moldu',__LINE__,info)
-             GOTO 9999
+            info = ppm_error_fatal
+            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
+      &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
+            GOTO 9999
-         DO isweep=1,nsweep 
-            DO color=0,1
-              DO isub=1,nsubs
-                  !-------------------------------------------------------------
-                  !Impose boundaries 
-                  !-------------------------------------------------------------
-                  tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
+            iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+            ldl4(1)=1-ghostsize(1)
+            ldl4(2)=1-ghostsize(2)
+            ldl4(3)=1-ghostsize(3)
+            ldl4(4)=1
+            ldu4(1) = max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+            ldu4(2) = max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+            ldu4(3) = max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
+            ldu4(4) = nsubs
+            CALL ppm_alloc(mask_dummy_3d,ldl4,ldu4,iopt,info)
+            IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+            info = ppm_error_fatal
+            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
+      &                       'mask_dummy_3d',__LINE__,info)
+            GOTO 9999
+            ENDIF
+           iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+           ldu1(1)=vecdim
+           CALL ppm_alloc(moldu,ldu1,iopt,info)
+           IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+            info = ppm_error_fatal
+            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
+      &                       'moldu',__LINE__,info)
+            GOTO 9999
+           ENDIF
+        DO isweep=1,nsweep 
+           DO color=0,1
+            DO isub=1,nsubs
+                 !--------------------------------------------------------------
+                 !Impose boundaries on even if color=0 or odd if color=1
+                 !--------------------------------------------------------------
+                 IF (color.EQ.0) THEN
+                    mask_red=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%mask_red
                   DO k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
+                   DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+                    DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+                    mask_dummy_3d(i,j,k,isub)= &
+     &                                    mask_red(i,j,k)
+                    ENDDO
+                   ENDDO
+                  ENDDO   
+                 ELSE
+                    mask_black=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%mask_black
+                   DO k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
+                    DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+                     DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+                      mask_dummy_3d(i,j,k,isub)= &
+     &                                    mask_black(i,j,k)
+                     ENDDO
+                    ENDDO
+                   ENDDO 
+                 ENDIF
+                 tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
+                   DO k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
                     DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
-                      DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+                     DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
 #ifdef __VECTOR
-                        uc_dummy(1,i,j,k,isub)=tuc(1,i,j,k)
-                        uc_dummy(2,i,j,k,isub)=tuc(2,i,j,k)
-                        uc_dummy(3,i,j,k,isub)=tuc(3,i,j,k)
+                       uc_dummy(1,i,j,k,isub)=tuc(1,i,j,k)
+                       uc_dummy(2,i,j,k,isub)=tuc(2,i,j,k)
+                       uc_dummy(3,i,j,k,isub)=tuc(3,i,j,k)
-                       DO ilda=1,vecdim 
-                        uc_dummy(ilda,i,j,k,isub)=tuc(ilda,i,j,k)
-                       ENDDO 
+                      DO ilda=1,vecdim 
+                       uc_dummy(ilda,i,j,k,isub)=tuc(ilda,i,j,k)
+                      ENDDO 
-                      ENDDO
-                    ENDDO 
-               ENDDO!DO isub 
-               !----------------------------------------------------------------
-               !Communicate 
-               !----------------------------------------------------------------
-               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-      &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info) 
-               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-      &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info) 
-               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-      &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info) 
-               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-      &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info) 
-                 a=0
-                 b=0
-                 c=0
-                 d=0
-                 e=0
-                 g=0
-               DO isub=1,nsubs
-                  tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
-                    DO k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
-                     DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
-                      DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
-#ifdef __VECTOR
-                          tuc(1,i,j,k)=uc_dummy(1,i,j,k,isub)
-                          tuc(2,i,j,k)=uc_dummy(2,i,j,k,isub)
-                          tuc(3,i,j,k)=uc_dummy(3,i,j,k,isub)
+                    ENDDO
+                   ENDDO 
+              ENDDO!DO isub 
+              !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+              !Communicate red(even) if color==0 or communicate black(odd) 
+              !if color==1 
+              !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info) 
-                       DO ilda=1,vecdim 
-                          tuc(ilda,i,j,k)=uc_dummy(ilda,i,j,k,isub)
-                       ENDDO
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info,mask_dummy_3d) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info,mask_dummy_3d) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info,mask_dummy_3d) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info,mask_dummy_3d) 
+                a=0
+                b=0
+                c=0
+                d=0
+                e=0
+                g=0
+              DO isub=1,nsubs
+                 tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
+                   DO k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
+                    DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+                     DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+#ifdef __VECTOR
+                         tuc(1,i,j,k)=uc_dummy(1,i,j,k,isub)
+                         tuc(2,i,j,k)=uc_dummy(2,i,j,k,isub)
+                         tuc(3,i,j,k)=uc_dummy(3,i,j,k,isub)
+                      DO ilda=1,vecdim 
+                         tuc(ilda,i,j,k)=uc_dummy(ilda,i,j,k,isub)
-                   ENDDO
-                 DO  ilda=1,vecdim
-                  IF (.NOT.lperiodic) THEN
-                    DO iface=1,6
-                    IF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_periodic) THEN
-                     !DO NOTHING
-                    ELSEIF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_dirichlet) THEN
-                      IF (iface.EQ.1) THEN
-                        a(isub)=1
-                        IF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,2).EQ.0) THEN
-                          b(isub)=-1
-                        ENDIF
-                        i=1
-                        DO j=1,max_node(2,mlev)
-                          DO k=1,max_node(3,mlev)
-                             tuc(ilda,i,j,k)=0.0_MK
-                          ENDDO
-                        ENDDO
-                     ELSEIF (iface.EQ.2) THEN
-                        b(isub)=1
-                        IF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,1).EQ.0) THEN
-                          a(isub)=-1
-                        ENDIF
-                       i=max_node(1,mlev)
-                        DO j=1,max_node(2,mlev)
-                          DO k=1,max_node(3,mlev)
+                    ENDDO
+                  ENDDO
+		Do  ilda=1,vecdim
+                 IF (.NOT.lperiodic) THEN
+                  DO iface=1,6
+                   IF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_periodic) THEN
+                    !DO NOTHING
+                   ELSEIF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_dirichlet) THEN
+                    IF (iface.EQ.1) THEN
+                       a(isub)=1
+                       IF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,2).EQ.0) THEN
+                        b(isub)=-1
+                       ENDIF
+                      i=1
+                       DO j=1,max_node(2,mlev)
+                        DO k=1,max_node(3,mlev)
-                          ENDDO
-                        ENDDO
-                     ELSEIF (iface.EQ.3) THEN
-                       c(isub)=1
-                        IF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,4).EQ.0) THEN
-                         d(isub)=-1
-                        ENDIF
-                       j=1
-                        DO i=1,max_node(1,mlev)
-                         Do k=1,max_node(3,mlev)
-                              tuc(ilda,i,j,k)=0.0_MK
-                         enddo
-                        ENDDO
-                     ELSEIF (iface.EQ.4) THEN
-                       d(isub)=1
-                        IF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,3).EQ.0) THEN
-                         c(isub)=-1
-                        ENDIF
-                       j=max_node(2,mlev)
-                        DO i=1,max_node(1,mlev)
-                         Do k=1,max_node(3,mlev)
-                              tuc(ilda,i,j,k)=0.0_MK
-                         enddo
-                        ENDDO
-                     ELSEIF (iface.EQ.5) Then
-                       e(isub)=1
-                       IF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,6).EQ.0) THEN
-                         g(isub)=-1
+                        enddo
+                       ENDDO
+                    ELSEIF (iface.EQ.2) THEN
+                      !IF (color.EQ.0) THEN
+                       b(isub)=1
+                       IF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,1).EQ.0) THEN
+                        a(isub)=-1
-                       k=1
-                        DO i=1,max_node(1,mlev)
-                          DO j=1,max_node(2,mlev)
+                      !ENDIF
+                      i=max_node(1,mlev)
+                       DO j=1,max_node(2,mlev)
+                        DO k=1,max_node(3,mlev)
-                          ENDDO
-                      ELSEIF (iface.EQ.6) THEN
-                        g(isub)=1
-                        IF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,5).EQ.0) THEN
-                         e(isub)=-1
-                        ENDIF
-                        k=max_node(3,mlev)
-                        DO i=1,max_node(1,mlev)
-                         Do j=1,max_node(2,mlev)
+                       enddo
+                    ELSEIF (iface.EQ.3) THEN
+                      c(isub)=1
+                       IF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,4).EQ.0) THEN
+                        d(isub)=-1
+                       ENDIF
+                      j=1
+                       DO i=1,max_node(1,mlev)
+                        Do k=1,max_node(3,mlev)
-                         ENDDO
-                        ENDDO
-                      ENDIF
-                  ENDIF
-                 ENDDO!face
-                ENDIF
-                ENDDO!ilda
-                  DO k=start(3,isub,mlev)+e(isub),istop(3,isub,mlev)-g(isub)  
-                     DO j=start(2,isub,mlev)+c(isub),istop(2,isub,mlev)-d(isub)
-                        DO i=start(1,isub,mlev)+mod(j+k+color,2)+a(isub), &
-      &                 istop(1,isub,mlev)-b(isub)-mod(j+k+color,2),2
-                         IF ((i.GE.1.AND.i.LE.max_node(1,mlev)).AND.(j.GE.1.AND.j.LE.max_node(2,mlev)) &
-      &                    .AND.(k.GE.1.AND.k.LE.max_node(3,mlev))) THEN
+                        enddo
+                       ENDDO
+                    ELSEIF (iface.EQ.4) THEN
+                      d(isub)=1
+                       IF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,3).EQ.0) THEN
+                        c(isub)=-1
+                       ENDIF
+                      j=max_node(2,mlev)
+                       DO i=1,max_node(1,mlev)
+                        Do k=1,max_node(3,mlev)
+                             tuc(ilda,i,j,k)=0.0_MK
+                        enddo
+                       ENDDO
+                    ELSEIF (iface.EQ.5) Then
+                      e(isub)=1
+                       IF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,6).EQ.0) THEN
+                        g(isub)=-1
+                       ENDIF
+                      k=1
+                       DO i=1,max_node(1,mlev)
+                        Do j=1,max_node(2,mlev)
+                             tuc(ilda,i,j,k)=0.0_MK
+                        enddo
+                       ENDDO
+                     elseif (iface.EQ.6) THEN
+                       g(isub)=1
+                       IF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,5).EQ.0) THEN
+                        e(isub)=-1
+                       ENDIF
+                       k=max_node(3,mlev)
+                       DO i=1,max_node(1,mlev)
+                        Do j=1,max_node(2,mlev)
+                            tuc(ilda,i,j,k)=0.0_MK
+                        enddo
+                       ENDDO
+                     endif
+                 ELSEIF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_neumann) THEN
+                 ENDIF
+                ENDDO!face
+               ENDIF
+	       ENDDO!ilda
+		 DO k=start(3,isub,mlev)+e(isub),stop(3,isub,mlev)-g(isub)  
+		    DO j=start(2,isub,mlev)+c(isub),stop(2,isub,mlev)-d(isub)
+                       DO i=start(1,isub,mlev)+mod(j+k+color,2)+a(isub),stop(1,isub,mlev)-b(isub)-mod(j+k+color,2),2
+                        IF ((i.GE.1.AND.i.LE.max_node(1,mlev)).AND.&
+     &                      (j.GE.1.AND.j.LE.max_node(2,mlev)).AND.&
+     &                      (k.GE.1.AND.k.LE.max_node(3,mlev))) THEN
 #ifdef __VECTOR
-                         moldu(1) = tuc(1,i,j,k)
-                         moldu(2) = tuc(2,i,j,k)
-                         moldu(3) = tuc(3,i,j,k)
+                        moldu(1) = tuc(1,i,j,k)
+                        moldu(2) = tuc(2,i,j,k)
+                        moldu(3) = tuc(3,i,j,k)
-                      do ilda=1,vecdim
-                         moldu(ilda) = tuc(ilda,i,j,k)
-                      end do
+                     do ilda=1,vecdim
+                        moldu(ilda) = tuc(ilda,i,j,k)
+                     end do
 #ifdef __VECTOR
-                              tuc(1,i,j,k) = moldu(1)+&
-      &                             omega*(& 
-      &                             c1*((tuc(1,i-1,j,k)+ &
-      &                            tuc(1,i+1,j,k))*c2 + &
-      &                                 (tuc(1,i,j-1,k)+&
-      &                            tuc(1,i,j+1,k))*c3 + &
-      &                           (tuc(1,i,j,k-1)+&
-      &                            tuc(1,i,j,k+1))*c4 - &
-      &                            mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc(1,i,j,k))&
-      &                            -moldu(1))
-                              tuc(2,i,j,k) = moldu(2)+&
-      &                             omega*(& 
-      &                             c1*((tuc(2,i-1,j,k)+ &
-      &                            tuc(2,i+1,j,k))*c2 + &
-      &                                 (tuc(2,i,j-1,k)+&
-      &                            tuc(2,i,j+1,k))*c3 + &
-      &                           (tuc(2,i,j,k-1)+&
-      &                            tuc(2,i,j,k+1))*c4 - &
-      &                            mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc(2,i,j,k))&
-      &                            -moldu(2))
-                              tuc(3,i,j,k) = moldu(3)+&
-      &                             omega*(& 
-      &                             c1*((tuc(3,i-1,j,k)+ &
-      &                            tuc(3,i+1,j,k))*c2 + &
-      &                                 (tuc(3,i,j-1,k)+&
-      &                            tuc(3,i,j+1,k))*c3 + &
-      &                           (tuc(3,i,j,k-1)+&
-      &                            tuc(3,i,j,k+1))*c4 - &
-      &                            mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc(3,i,j,k))&
-      &                            -moldu(3))
+                             mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(1,i,j,k) = moldu(1)+&
+     &                             omega*(& 
+     &                             c1*((mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(1,i-1,j,k)+ &
+     &                            mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(1,i+1,j,k))*c2 + &
+     &                                 (mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(1,i,j-1,k)+&
+     &                            mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(1,i,j+1,k))*c3 + &
+     &                           (mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(1,i,j,k-1)+&
+     &                            mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(1,i,j,k+1))*c4 - &
+     &                            mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc(1,i,j,k))&
+     &                            -moldu(1))
+                             mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(2,i,j,k) = moldu(2)+&
+     &                             omega*(& 
+     &                             c1*((mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(2,i-1,j,k)+ &
+     &                            mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(2,i+1,j,k))*c2 + &
+     &                                 (mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(2,i,j-1,k)+&
+     &                            mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(2,i,j+1,k))*c3 + &
+     &                           (mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(2,i,j,k-1)+&
+     &                            mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(2,i,j,k+1))*c4 - &
+     &                            mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc(2,i,j,k))&
+     &                            -moldu(2))
+                             mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(3,i,j,k) = moldu(3)+&
+     &                             omega*(& 
+     &                             c1*((mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(3,i-1,j,k)+ &
+     &                            mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(3,i+1,j,k))*c2 + &
+     &                                 (mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(3,i,j-1,k)+&
+     &                            mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(3,i,j+1,k))*c3 + &
+     &                           (mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(3,i,j,k-1)+&
+     &                            mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(3,i,j,k+1))*c4 - &
+     &                            mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc(3,i,j,k))&
+     &                            -moldu(3))
-                      DO ilda=1,vecdim
-                              tuc(ilda,i,j,k) = moldu(ilda)+&
-      &                             omega*(& 
-      &                             c1*((tuc(ilda,i-1,j,k)+ &
-      &                            tuc(ilda,i+1,j,k))*c2 + &
-      &                                 (tuc(ilda,i,j-1,k)+&
-      &                            tuc(ilda,i,j+1,k))*c3 + &
-      &                           (tuc(ilda,i,j,k-1)+&
-      &                            tuc(ilda,i,j,k+1))*c4 - &
-      &                            mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc(ilda,i,j,k))&
-      &                            -moldu(ilda))
-                         ENDDO!ilda
+                     DO ilda=1,vecdim
+                             mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(ilda,i,j,k) = moldu(ilda)+&
+     &                             omega*(& 
+     &                             c1*((mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(ilda,i-1,j,k)+ &
+     &                            mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(ilda,i+1,j,k))*c2 + &
+     &                                 (mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(ilda,i,j-1,k)+&
+     &                            mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(ilda,i,j+1,k))*c3 + &
+     &                           (mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(ilda,i,j,k-1)+&
+     &                            mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(ilda,i,j,k+1))*c4 - &
+     &                            mgfield(isub,mlev)%fc(ilda,i,j,k))&
+     &                            -moldu(ilda))
+                        ENDDO!ilda
-                        ENDIF
-                        ENDDO!i
-                     ENDDO!j
-                  ENDDO!k
-               ENDDO!isubs   
-                   IF (isweep.EQ.nsweep) THEN
-                    IF (color.EQ.1) THEN
-                     DO isub=1,nsubs
-                       tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
-                       DO k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
-                         DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
-                           DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
-                             DO ilda=1,vecdim 
-                                 uc_dummy(ilda,i,j,k,isub)=tuc(ilda,i,j,k)
-                             ENDDO 
-                           ENDDO
-                         ENDDO
-                       ENDDO 
-                     ENDDO!isub   
+                       ENDIF
+                       ENDDO!i
+                    ENDDO!j
+                 ENDDO!k
-                    ENDIF
-                   ENDIF 
-           ENDDO!DO color
-          IF (isweep.EQ.nsweep) THEN
-           CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-        &             ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info) 
-           CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-        &                   ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info) 
-           CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-        &                   ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info) 
-           CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-        &                ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info) 
-                   DO isub=1,nsubs 
-                    tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
-                    DO k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
-                     DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
-                      DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
-                       DO ilda=1,vecdim 
-                          tuc(ilda,i,j,k)=uc_dummy(ilda,i,j,k,isub)
-                       ENDDO
+              ENDDO!isubs   
+                  IF (isweep.EQ.nsweep) THEN
+                   IF (color.EQ.1) THEN
+                    DO isub=1,nsubs
+                      tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
+                      DO k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
+                        DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+                          DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+                      	    DO ilda=1,vecdim 
+                       		uc_dummy(ilda,i,j,k,isub)=tuc(ilda,i,j,k)
+                            ENDDO 
+                          ENDDO
+                        ENDDO
+                      ENDDO 
+                    ENDDO!isub   
+                   ENDIF
+                  ENDIF 
+          ENDDO!DO color
+         IF (isweep.EQ.nsweep) THEN
+         !IF (.FALSE.) THEN
+          CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+       &             ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info) 
+          CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+       &                   ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info) 
+          CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+       &                   ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info) 
+          CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+       &                ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info) 
+                  DO isub=1,nsubs 
+                   tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
+                   DO k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
+                    DO j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+                     DO i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+                      DO ilda=1,vecdim 
+                         tuc(ilda,i,j,k)=uc_dummy(ilda,i,j,k,isub)
-          ENDIF
-         ENDDO!Do isweep
-             iopt = ppm_param_dealloc
-             ldl5(1) = 1
-             ldl5(2) = 1-ghostsize(1)
-             ldl5(3) = 1-ghostsize(2)
-             ldl5(4) = 1-ghostsize(3)
-             ldl5(5) = 1
-             ldu5(1) = vecdim
-             ldu5(2) = max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
-             ldu5(4) = max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
-             ldu5(4) = max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
-             ldu5(5) = nsubs
-             CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl5,ldu5,iopt,info)
-             IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-             info = ppm_error_fatal
-             CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
-       &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
-             GOTO 9999
-             ENDIF
+                  ENDDO
+         ENDIF
+        ENDDO!Do isweep
             iopt = ppm_param_dealloc
-            ldu1(1)=vecdim
-            CALL ppm_alloc(moldu,ldu1,iopt,info)
+            ldl5(1) = 1
+            ldl5(2) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+            ldl5(3) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+            ldl5(4) = 1-ghostsize(3)
+            ldl5(5) = 1
+            ldu5(1) = vecdim
+            ldu5(2) = max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+            ldu5(4) = max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+            ldu5(4) = max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
+            ldu5(5) = nsubs
+            CALL ppm_alloc(uc_dummy,ldl5,ldu5,iopt,info)
             IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
-             info = ppm_error_fatal
-             CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
-       &                       'moldu',__LINE__,info)
-             GOTO 9999
+            info = ppm_error_fatal
+            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
+      &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
+            GOTO 9999
+           iopt = ppm_param_dealloc
+           ldu1(1)=vecdim
+           CALL ppm_alloc(moldu,ldu1,iopt,info)
+           IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+            info = ppm_error_fatal
+            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
+      &                       'moldu',__LINE__,info)
+            GOTO 9999
+           ENDIF
-         !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !  Return 
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 9999    CONTINUE
-         CALL substop('ppm_mg_smooth_coarse',t0,info)
-         RETURN
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+        !  Return 
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+9999    CONTINUE
+        CALL substop('ppm_mg_smooth_coarse',t0,info)
+        RETURN
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if   __MESH_DIM   == __2D
-       END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_2D_sca_s
+      END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_2D_sca_s
-       END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_2D_sca_d
+      END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_2D_sca_d
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-       END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_3D_sca_s
+      END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_3D_sca_s
-       END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_3D_sca_d
+      END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_3D_sca_d
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if   __MESH_DIM   == __2D
-       END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_2D_vec_s
+      END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_2D_vec_s
-       END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_2D_vec_d
+      END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_2D_vec_d
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-       END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_3D_vec_s
+      END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_3D_vec_s
-       END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_3D_vec_d
+      END SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_coarse_3D_vec_d
diff --git a/src/ppm_mg_smooth_fine.f b/src/ppm_mg_smooth_fine.f
index 9f496e6..ba01d48 100644
--- a/src/ppm_mg_smooth_fine.f
+++ b/src/ppm_mg_smooth_fine.f
@@ -1,171 +1,168 @@
- !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- !  Subroutine   :            ppm_mg_smooth_fine
- !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- !  Purpose      : In this routine we compute the corrections for
- !                 the function based on the Gauss-Seidel iteration
- !
- !
- !  Input/output :
- !
- !  Output       : info        (I) return status. 0 upon success
- !
- !  Remarks      :
- !
- !  References   :
- !
- !  Revisions    :
- !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- !  $Log: ppm_mg_smooth_fine.f,v $
- !  Revision  2007/07/13 10:18:56  ivos
- !  CBL version of the PPM library
- !
- !  Revision 1.14  2006/09/26 16:01:23  ivos
- !  Fixed wrongly indented CPP directives. Remember: they have to start in
- !  Col 1, otherwise it does not compile on certain systems. In fact, this
- !  code did NOT compile as it was!!
- !
- !  Revision 1.13  2006/07/21 11:30:55  kotsalie
- !
- !  Revision 1.11  2006/03/13 10:13:12  ivos
- !  Removed a quote character from the comments. CPP does not like those!
- !
- !  Revision 1.10  2006/02/08 19:54:32  kotsalie
- !  fixed difficult bug for multiple subdomains
- !
- !  Revision 1.9  2006/02/02 16:32:54  kotsalie
- !  corrected for mixed bcs
- !
- !  Revision 1.8  2005/12/08 12:44:46  kotsalie
- !  commiting dirichlet
- !
- !  Revision 1.7  2005/03/14 13:25:48  kotsalie
- !
- !  Revision 1.6  2005/01/04 09:45:13  kotsalie
- !  ghostsize=2
- !
- !  Revision 1.5  2004/11/05 18:10:11  kotsalie
- !
- !  Revision 1.3  2004/10/29 15:59:46  kotsalie
- !
- !  Revision 1.2  2004/09/28 14:05:55  kotsalie
- !  Changes concerning 4th order finite differences
- !
- !  Revision 1.1  2004/09/22 18:44:11  kotsalie
- !  MG new version
- !
- !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- !  Parallel Particle Mesh Library (PPM)
- !  Institute of Computational Science
- !  ETH Zentrum, Hirschengraben 84
- !  CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
- !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+!  Subroutine   :            ppm_mg_smooth_fine    
+!  Purpose      : In this routine we compute the corrections for
+!                 the function based on the Gauss-Seidel iteration
+!  Input/output :
+!  Output       : info        (I) return status. 0 upon success
+!  Remarks      :
+!  References   :
+!  Revisions    :
+!  $Log: ppm_mg_smooth_fine.f,v $
+!  Revision  2006/07/25 15:18:20  menahel
+!  initial import
+!  Revision 1.11  2006/03/13 10:13:12  ivos
+!  Removed a quote character from the comments. CPP does not like those!
+!  Revision 1.10  2006/02/08 19:54:32  kotsalie
+!  fixed difficult bug for multiple subdomains
+!  Revision 1.9  2006/02/02 16:32:54  kotsalie
+!  corrected for mixed bcs
+!  Revision 1.8  2005/12/08 12:44:46  kotsalie
+!  commiting dirichlet
+!  Revision 1.7  2005/03/14 13:25:48  kotsalie
+!  Revision 1.6  2005/01/04 09:45:13  kotsalie
+!  ghostsize=2
+!  Revision 1.5  2004/11/05 18:10:11  kotsalie
+!  Revision 1.3  2004/10/29 15:59:46  kotsalie
+!  Revision 1.2  2004/09/28 14:05:55  kotsalie
+!  Changes concerning 4th order finite differences
+!  Revision 1.1  2004/09/22 18:44:11  kotsalie
+!  MG new version
+!  Parallel Particle Mesh Library (PPM)
+!  Institute of Computational Science
+!  ETH Zentrum, Hirschengraben 84
+!  CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_fine_2D_sca_s(field_topoid,u,f,nsweep,mlev, &
-     &                                        c1,c2,c3,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_fine_2D_sca_s(topo_id,u,f,nsweep,mlev,&
+     &                                       c1,c2,c3,info)
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_fine_2D_sca_d(field_topoid,u,f,nsweep,mlev, &
-     &                                        c1,c2,c3,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_fine_2D_sca_d(topo_id,u,f,nsweep,mlev,&
+     &                                       c1,c2,c3,info)
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_fine_3D_sca_s(field_topoid,u,f,nsweep,mlev, &
-     &                                        c1,c2,c3,c4,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_fine_3D_sca_s(topo_id,u,f,nsweep,mlev,&
+     &                                       c1,c2,c3,c4,info)
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_fine_3D_sca_d(field_topoid,u,f,nsweep,mlev, &
-     &                                        c1,c2,c3,c4,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_fine_3D_sca_d(topo_id,u,f,nsweep,mlev,&
+     &                                       c1,c2,c3,c4,info)
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_fine_2D_vec_s(field_topoid,u,f,nsweep,mlev, &
-     &                                        c1,c2,c3,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_fine_2D_vec_s(topo_id,u,f,nsweep,mlev,&
+     &                                       c1,c2,c3,info)
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_fine_2D_vec_d(field_topoid,u,f,nsweep,mlev, &
-     &                                        c1,c2,c3,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_fine_2D_vec_d(topo_id,u,f,nsweep,mlev,&
+     &                                       c1,c2,c3,info)
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_fine_3D_vec_s(field_topoid,u,f,nsweep,mlev, &
-     &                                        c1,c2,c3,c4,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_fine_3D_vec_s(topo_id,u,f,nsweep,mlev,&
+     &                                       c1,c2,c3,c4,info)
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_fine_3D_vec_d(field_topoid,u,f,nsweep,mlev, &
-     &                                        c1,c2,c3,c4,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_smooth_fine_3D_vec_d(topo_id,u,f,nsweep,mlev,&
+     &                                       c1,c2,c3,c4,info)
-         !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !  Includes
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+        !  Includes
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 #include "ppm_define.h"
-         !------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !  Modules
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         USE ppm_module_data
-         USE ppm_module_data_mg
-         USE ppm_module_data_mesh
-         USE ppm_module_substart
-         USE ppm_module_substop
-         USE ppm_module_error
-         USE ppm_module_alloc
-         USE ppm_module_typedef
+        !-------------------------------------------------------------------    
+        !  Modules 
+        !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+        USE ppm_module_data
+        USE ppm_module_data_mg
+        USE ppm_module_substart
+        USE ppm_module_substop
+        USE ppm_module_error
+        USE ppm_module_alloc
+        USE ppm_module_map
+        USE ppm_module_data_mesh
-         INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_single
+        INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_single
-         INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_double
+        INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_double
-         !------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !  Arguments
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-------------------------------------------------------------------    
+        !  Arguments     
+        !-------------------------------------------------------------------
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER     ::  u
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER     ::  f
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER     ::  u
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER     ::  f
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER   ::  u
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER   ::  f
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER   ::  u
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER   ::  f
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER     ::  u
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER     ::  f
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER     ::  u
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER     ::  f
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER   ::  u
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER   ::  f
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER   ::  u
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER   ::  f
-         INTEGER,                   INTENT(IN)      ::  nsweep
-         INTEGER,                   INTENT(IN)      ::  mlev
+        INTEGER,                   INTENT(IN)      ::  nsweep
+        INTEGER,                   INTENT(IN)      ::  mlev, topo_id
 #if  __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         REAL(MK),                  INTENT(IN)      ::  c1,c2,c3
+        REAL(MK),                  INTENT(IN)      ::  c1,c2,c3 
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         REAL(MK),                  INTENT(IN)      ::  c1,c2,c3,c4
-         INTEGER,                   INTENT(INOUT)   ::  info
-         !--------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !  Local variables
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cbuf
-         INTEGER                                    ::  i,j,isub,color
-         INTEGER                                    ::  ilda,isweep,count
-         REAL(MK)                                   ::  c11,c22,c33,c44
-         REAL(MK)                                   ::  dx,dy
-         INTEGER,DIMENSION(:),POINTER               ::  a,b,c,d,e,g
-         INTEGER                                    ::  k,idom
-         REAL(MK)                                   ::  x,y
-         REAL(MK)                                   ::  omega
-         INTEGER,DIMENSION(1)                       ::  ldl1,ldu1
-         INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                         ::  field_topoid
+        REAL(MK),                  INTENT(IN)      ::  c1,c2,c3,c4 
+        INTEGER,                   INTENT(INOUT)   ::  info
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------  
+        !  Local variables 
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+        CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cbuf
+        INTEGER                                    ::  i,j,isub,color
+        INTEGER                                    ::  ilda,isweep,count
+        REAL(MK)                                   ::  c11,c22,c33,c44 
+        REAL(MK)                                   ::  dx,dy
+        INTEGER,DIMENSION(:),POINTER               ::  a,b,c,d,e,g
+        INTEGER                                    ::  k,idom
+        REAL(MK)                                   ::  x,y
+        REAL(MK)                                   ::  omega
+        INTEGER,DIMENSION(1)                       ::  ldl1,ldu1
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         INTEGER,DIMENSION(4)                       ::  ldl4,ldu4
-         INTEGER,DIMENSION(3)                       ::  ldl3,ldu3
+        INTEGER,DIMENSION(4)                       ::  ldl4,ldu4
+        INTEGER,DIMENSION(3)                       ::  ldl3,ldu3
 #if __MESH_DIM == __3D
         REAL(MK)                                   ::  dz
@@ -203,6 +200,13 @@
+#if __MESH_DIM == __2D
+        LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mask_red
+        LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mask_black
+#elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
+       LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: mask_red
+       LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: mask_black
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
      REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: oldu
@@ -229,17 +233,23 @@
      REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:),POINTER :: moldu
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
         CALL substart('ppm_mg_smooth_fine',t0,info)
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
         !  Check arguments
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
         IF (ppm_debug .GT. 0) THEN
           IF (nsweep.LT.1) THEN
               info = ppm_error_error
@@ -280,10 +290,13 @@
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
         !Definition of necessary variables and allocation of arrays
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-        topoid=field_topoid
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        topoid=topo_id
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
@@ -313,6 +326,7 @@
@@ -328,6 +342,7 @@ dy=dy_d
             iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
             ldl1(1) = 1
             ldu1(1) = nsubs
@@ -343,85 +358,218 @@ dz=dz_d
       &                       'a',__LINE__,info)
             GOTO 9999
 #if  __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if  __MESH_DIM == __2D
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
         count = 0
+            iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+            ldl3(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
+            ldl3(2) = 1-ghostsize(2)
+            ldl3(3) = 1
+            ldu3(1) = max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+            ldu3(2) = max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+            ldu3(3) = nsubs
+            CALL ppm_alloc(mask_dummy_2d,ldl3,ldu3,iopt,info)
+            IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+            info = ppm_error_fatal
+            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
+      &                       'mask_dummy_2d',__LINE__,info)
+            GOTO 9999
+            ENDIF
         DO isweep=1,nsweep
            DO color=0,1
-              !----------------------------------------------------------------
-              !Communicate
-              !----------------------------------------------------------------
+              DO isub=1,nsubs
+                 IF (color.EQ.0) THEN
+                    mask_red=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%mask_red   
+                    mask_dummy_2d(:,:,&
+     &                            isub)=mask_red(:,:)
+                 ELSE
+                    mask_black=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%mask_black   
+                    mask_dummy_2d(:,:,&
+     &                             isub)=mask_black(:,:) 
+                 ENDIF
+              ENDDO!DO isub1 
+              !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+              !Communicate red(even) if color==0 or communicate black(odd) 
+              !if color==1 
+              !-----------------------------------------------------------------
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-     &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info)
+     &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info,mask_dummy_2d) 
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info)
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info,mask_dummy_2d) 
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info)
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info,mask_dummy_2d) 
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info)
+     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info,mask_dummy_2d) 
             DO isub=1,nsubs
-              DO j=start(2,isub,1),istop(2,isub,1)
-                 DO i=start(1,isub,1)+mod(j+color,2),istop(1,isub,1),2
+              a=0
+              b=0
+              c=0 
+              d=0 
+             IF (.NOT.lperiodic) THEN
+              !NEEDED FOR THE MAIN LOOP 
+              DO iface=1,4
+               IF (bcdef_sca(isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_periodic) THEN
+                 !DO NOTHING 
+               ELSEIF (bcdef_sca(isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_dirichlet) THEN
+                 IF (iface.EQ.1) THEN                    
+                    a(isub)=1
+                    i=1  
+                     DO j=1,max_node(2,1) 
+                      u(i,j,isub)=mgfield(isub,1)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(j)
+                     ENDDO
+                 ELSEIF (iface.EQ.2) THEN
+                    b(isub)=1
+                    i=max_node(2,1)
+                     DO j=1,max_node(2,1) 
+                      u(i,j,isub)=mgfield(isub,1)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(j)
+                     ENDDO
+                 ELSEIF (iface.EQ.3)  THEN
+                    c(isub)=1  
+                    j=1
+                     DO i=1,max_node(2,1) 
+                      u(i,j,isub)=mgfield(isub,1)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(i)
+	  		ENDDO
+                 ELSEIF (iface.EQ.4) THEN
+                    d(isub)=1  
+                    j=max_node(2,1) 
+                     DO i=1,max_node(2,1) 
+                      u(i,j,isub)=mgfield(isub,1)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(i)
+                 ENDIF                   
+               ELSEIF (bcdef_sca(isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_neumann) THEN
+                    !NOT IMPLEMENTED YET 
+               ENDIF 
+             ENDDO 
+            ENDIF 
+              DO j=start(2,isub,1)+c(isub),stop(2,isub,1)-d(isub)
+                 DO i=start(1,isub,1)+a(isub)+mod(j+color,2),stop(1,isub,1)-b(isub)-mod(j+color,2),2
      &                                       u(i+1,j,isub))*c2 &
      &                  +(u(i,j-1,isub)+u(i,j+1,isub))*c3 -  &
      &                                             f(i,j,isub))
              ENDDO !isub
+              IF (isweep.EQ.nsweep) THEN 
+               IF (color.EQ.1) THEN
+                DO isub=1,nsubs 
+                 mask_red=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%mask_red
+                     mask_dummy_2d(:,:,&
+     &                            isub)=mask_red(:,:)
+                ENDDO
+               ENDIF
+              ENDIF 
         ENDDO!DO color
-        IF (isweep.EQ.nsweep) THEN
+        IF (isweep.EQ.nsweep) THEN 
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-     &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info)
+     &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info,mask_dummy_2d)
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info)
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info,mask_dummy_2d)
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info)
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info,mask_dummy_2d)
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info)
+     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info,mask_dummy_2d)
+       ENDIF
-        ENDIF
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-        DO isweep=1,nsweep
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+            iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+            ldl4(1)=1-ghostsize(1)
+            ldl4(2)=1-ghostsize(2)
+            ldl4(3)=1-ghostsize(3)
+            ldl4(4)=1
+            ldu4(1) = max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+            ldu4(2) = max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+            ldu4(3) = max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
+            ldu4(4) = nsubs
+            CALL ppm_alloc(mask_dummy_3d,ldl4,ldu4,iopt,info)
+            IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+            info = ppm_error_fatal
+            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
+      &                       'mask_dummy_3d',__LINE__,info)
+            GOTO 9999
+            ENDIF
+        DO isweep=1,nsweep 
            DO color=0,1
-              a=0
-              b=0
-              c=0
-              d=0
-              e=0
-              g=0
               DO isub=1,nsubs
-                 !-------------------------------------------------------------
-                 !Impose boundaries on even if color=0 or odd if color=1
-                 !-------------------------------------------------------------
+                 !--------------------------------------------------------------
+                !Impose boundaries on even if color=0 or odd if color=1  
+                 !--------------------------------------------------------------
+                a=0
+                b=0
+                c=0
+                d=0
+                e=0
+                g=0
                 IF (.NOT.lperiodic) THEN
                  DO iface=1,6
                   IF (bcdef_sca(isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_periodic) THEN
                    !DO NOTHING
                   ELSEIF (bcdef_sca(isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_dirichlet) THEN
                     IF (iface.EQ.1) THEN
-                        a(isub)=1
-                       IF (bcdef_sca(isub,2).EQ.0) THEN
-                        b(isub)=-1
-                       ENDIF
+                      !IF (color.EQ.1) THEN
+                       a(isub)=1
+                      !ENDIF
                        DO j=1,max_node(2,mlev)
                         DO k=1,max_node(3,mlev)
-                        ENDDO
+                        enddo
                     ELSEIF (iface.EQ.2) THEN
+                      !IF (color.EQ.0) THEN
-                       IF (bcdef_sca(isub,1).EQ.0) THEN
-                        a(isub)=-1
-                       ENDIF
+                      !ENDIF
                        DO j=1,max_node(2,mlev)
                         DO k=1,max_node(3,mlev)
@@ -429,10 +577,7 @@ dz=dz_d
                     ELSEIF (iface.EQ.3) THEN
-                        c(isub)= 1
-                       IF (bcdef_sca(isub,4).EQ.0) THEN
-                        d(isub)=-1
-                       ENDIF
+                      c(isub)=1
                        DO i=1,max_node(1,mlev)
                         Do k=1,max_node(3,mlev)
@@ -441,9 +586,6 @@ dz=dz_d
                     ELSEIF (iface.EQ.4) THEN
-                       IF (bcdef_sca(isub,3).EQ.0) THEN
-                        c(isub)=-1
-                       ENDIF
                        DO i=1,max_node(1,mlev)
                         Do k=1,max_node(3,mlev)
@@ -451,11 +593,8 @@ dz=dz_d
                     ELSEIF (iface.EQ.5) Then
-                        e(isub)=1
-                       IF (bcdef_sca(isub,6).EQ.0) THEN
-                        g(isub)=-1
-                       ENDIF
-                       k=1
+                      e(isub)=1
+                      k=1
                        DO i=1,max_node(1,mlev)
                         Do j=1,max_node(2,mlev)
@@ -463,9 +602,6 @@ dz=dz_d
                      ELSEIF (iface.EQ.6) Then
-                       IF (bcdef_sca(isub,5).EQ.0) THEN
-                        e(isub)=-1
-                       ENDIF
                        DO i=1,max_node(1,mlev)
                         Do j=1,max_node(2,mlev)
@@ -473,31 +609,83 @@ dz=dz_d
+                 ELSEIF (bcdef_sca(isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_neumann) THEN
+                   !NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
-              ENDDO!iface
-           ENDIF
-         ENDDO!DO isub
-              !----------------------------------------------------------------
-              !Communicate red(even) if color==0 or communicate black(odd)
-              !if color==1
-              !----------------------------------------------------------------
+		ENDDO!iface
+		End if
+		IF (color.EQ.0) THEN  
+  		    mask_red=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%mask_red
+                    do k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
+                       do j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+                          do i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+                             mask_dummy_3d(i,j,k,isub)= mask_red(i,j,k)
+                          end do
+                       end do
+                    end do     
+                 ELSE
+                    mask_black=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%mask_black
+                    do k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
+                       do j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+                          do i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+                             mask_dummy_3d(i,j,k,isub)= mask_black(i,j,k)
+                          end do
+                       end do
+                    end do
+                 ENDIF
+              ENDDO!DO isub2 
+              !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+              !Communicate red(even) if color==0 or communicate black(odd) 
+              !if color==1 
+              !-----------------------------------------------------------------
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-     &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info)
+     &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info) 
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info)
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info) 
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info)
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info) 
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info)
+     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info,mask_dummy_3d) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info,mask_dummy_3d) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info,mask_dummy_3d) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info,mask_dummy_3d) 
               DO isub=1,nsubs
-              DO k=start(3,isub,1)+e(isub),istop(3,isub,1)-g(isub)
-                 DO j=start(2,isub,1)+c(isub),istop(2,isub,1)-d(isub)
-                    DO i=start(1,isub,1)+mod(j+k+color,2)+a(isub), &
-     &                istop(1,isub,1)-b(isub)-mod(j+k+color,2),2
-                        IF ((i.GE.1.AND.i.LE.max_node(1,mlev)).AND. &
-     & (j.GE.1.AND.j.LE.max_node(2,mlev)).AND.(k.GE.1.AND.k.LE.max_node(3,mlev))) THEN
+              DO k=start(3,isub,1)+g(isub),stop(3,isub,1)-e(isub)
+                 DO j=start(2,isub,1)+c(isub),stop(2,isub,1)-d(isub)
+                    DO i=start(1,isub,1)+mod(j+k+color,2)+a(isub),stop(1,isub,1)-b(isub)-mod(j+k+color,2),2
      &                     (&
      &                        c1*((u(i-1,j,k,isub)+ &
@@ -506,96 +694,198 @@ dz=dz_d
      &                  +(u(i,j,k-1,isub)+u(i,j,k+1,isub))*c4- &
      &                                                 f(i,j,k,isub))&
-                      ENDIF
-           ENDDO!subs
+           ENDDO!subs   
+            IF (isweep.EQ.nsweep) THEN
+             IF(color.EQ.1) THEN 
+              DO isub=1,nsubs
+                mask_red=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%mask_red    
+                    do k=1-ghostsize(3),max_node(3,mlev)+ghostsize(3)
+                       do j=1-ghostsize(2),max_node(2,mlev)+ghostsize(2)
+                          do i=1-ghostsize(1),max_node(1,mlev)+ghostsize(1)
+                           mask_dummy_3d(i,j,k,isub)= mask_red(i,j,k)
+                        end do
+                     end do
+                    end do
+              ENDDO    
+             ENDIF
+            ENDIF
         ENDDO!DO color
         IF (isweep.EQ.nsweep) THEN
-             CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-     &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info)
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info)
+     &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info) 
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info)
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info) 
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info)
-        ENDIF
-      ENDDO
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info,mask_dummy_3d) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info,mask_dummy_3d) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info,mask_dummy_3d) 
+              CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
+     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info,mask_dummy_3d) 
+        ENDIF 
+       ENDDO
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if  __MESH_DIM == __2D
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
         count = 0
+            iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
+            ldl3(1) = 0
+            ldl3(2) = 0
+            ldl3(3) = 1
+            ldu3(1) = max_node(1,mlev)+1
+            ldu3(2) = max_node(2,mlev)+1
+            ldu3(3) = nsubs
+            CALL ppm_alloc(mask_dummy_2d,ldl3,ldu3,iopt,info)
+            IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+            info = ppm_error_fatal
+            CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
+      &                       'mask_dummy_2d',__LINE__,info)
+            GOTO 9999
+            ENDIF
         DO isweep=1,nsweep
            DO color=0,1
-              !----------------------------------------------------------------
-              !Communicate red(even) if color==0 or communicate black(odd)
-              !if color==1
-              !----------------------------------------------------------------
+              DO isub=1,nsubs
+                 !-------------------------------------------------------------
+                 !Impose boundaries on even if color=0 or odd if color=1  
+                 !-------------------------------------------------------------
+                 IF (color.EQ.0) THEN
+                    mask_red=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%mask_red   
+                    mask_dummy_2d(:,:,isub)=mask_red(:,:)
+                 ELSE
+                    mask_black=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%mask_black   
+                    mask_dummy_2d(:,:,isub)=mask_black(:,:) 
+                 ENDIF
+              ENDDO!DO isub3 
+              !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+              !Communicate red(even) if color==0 or communicate black(odd) 
+              !if color==1 
+              !-----------------------------------------------------------------
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-     &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info)
+     &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info,mask_dummy_2d) 
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info)
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info,mask_dummy_2d) 
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info)
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info,mask_dummy_2d) 
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info)
+     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info,mask_dummy_2d) 
            DO isub=1,nsubs
-              DO j=start(2,isub,1),istop(2,isub,1)
-                 DO i=start(1,isub,1)+mod(j+color,2),istop(1,isub,1),2
+              DO j=start(2,isub,1),stop(2,isub,1)
+                 DO i=start(1,isub,1)+mod(j+color,2),stop(1,isub,1),2
                   DO ilda=1,vecdim
      &                                       u(ilda,i+1,j,isub))*c2 &
      &                  +(u(ilda,i,j-1,isub)+u(ilda,i,j+1,isub))*c3 -  &
      &                                             f(ilda,i,j,isub))
+                IF (isweep.EQ.nsweep) THEN
+                 IF (color.EQ.1) THEN
+                  DO isub=1,nsubs
+                    mask_red=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%mask_red   
+                    mask_dummy_2d(:,:,isub)=mask_red(:,:)
+                  ENDDO
+                ENDIF
+               ENDIF  
         ENDDO!DO color
         IF (isweep.EQ.nsweep) THEN
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-     &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info)
+     &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info,mask_dummy_2d) 
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info)
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info,mask_dummy_2d) 
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info)
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info,mask_dummy_2d) 
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info)
+     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info,mask_dummy_2d) 
-       ENDDO
+        ENDDO
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
             iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
-            CALL ppm_alloc(moldu,ldu1,iopt,info)
+            CALL ppm_alloc(moldu,ldu1,iopt,info) 
             IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
             info = ppm_error_fatal
             CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
       &                       'moldu',__LINE__,info)
             GOTO 9999
-        DO isweep=1,nsweep
+        DO isweep=1,nsweep 
            DO color=0,1
-              a=0
-              b=0
-              c=0
-              d=0
-              e=0
-              g=0
+                a=0
+                b=0
+                c=0
+                d=0
+                e=0
+                g=0
               DO isub=1,nsubs
                 DO ilda=1,vecdim
                 IF (.NOT.lperiodic) THEN
                  DO iface=1,6
                   IF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_periodic) THEN
                    !DO NOTHING
                   ELSEIF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_dirichlet) THEN
                     IF (iface.EQ.1) THEN
                        IF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,2).EQ.0) THEN
@@ -615,7 +905,7 @@ dz=dz_d
                        DO j=1,max_node(2,mlev)
                         DO k=1,max_node(3,mlev)
-                            u(ilda,i,j,k,isub)=mgfield(isub,1)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ilda,j,k)
+                            u(ilda,i,j,k,isub)=mgfield(isub,1)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ilda,j,k) 
                     ELSEIF (iface.EQ.3) THEN
@@ -629,6 +919,7 @@ dz=dz_d
                     ELSEIF (iface.EQ.4) THEN
                        IF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,3).EQ.0) THEN
@@ -637,7 +928,7 @@ dz=dz_d
                        DO i=1,max_node(1,mlev)
                         Do k=1,max_node(3,mlev)
-                           u(ilda,i,j,k,isub)=mgfield(isub,1)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ilda,i,k)
+                           u(ilda,i,j,k,isub)=mgfield(isub,1)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ilda,i,k) 
                     ELSEIF (iface.EQ.5) Then
@@ -648,7 +939,7 @@ dz=dz_d
                        DO i=1,max_node(1,mlev)
                         Do j=1,max_node(2,mlev)
-                            u(ilda,i,j,k,isub)=mgfield(isub,1)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ilda,i,j)
+                            u(ilda,i,j,k,isub)=mgfield(isub,1)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ilda,i,j) 
                      ELSEIF (iface.EQ.6) Then
@@ -659,38 +950,51 @@ dz=dz_d
                        DO i=1,max_node(1,mlev)
                         Do j=1,max_node(2,mlev)
-                             u(ilda,i,j,k,isub)=mgfield(isub,1)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ilda,i,j)
+                             u(ilda,i,j,k,isub)=mgfield(isub,1)%bcvalue(iface)%pbcvalue(ilda,i,j) 
-                    ENDIF
+		    ENDIF
+		 ELSEIF (bcdef_vec(ilda,isub,iface).EQ.ppm_param_bcdef_neumann) THEN
-                     ENddo !iface
-                endif !periodic
-              Enddo !ilda
-         ENDDO!DO isub
-              !----------------------------------------------------------------
-              !Communicate red(even) if color==0 or communicate black(odd)
-              !if color==1
-              !----------------------------------------------------------------
+		     ENddo !iface
+	        endif !periodic
+	      Enddo !ilda
+         ENDDO!DO isub4 
+              !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+              !Communicate red(even) if color==0 or communicate black(odd) 
+              !if color==1 
+              !-----------------------------------------------------------------
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-     &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info)
+     &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info) 
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info)
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_push,info) 
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info)
+     &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info) 
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
-     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info)
+     &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info) 
 #ifdef  __VECTOR
              DO isub=1,nsubs
-              DO k=start(3,isub,1)+e(isub),istop(3,isub,1)-g(isub)
-                 DO j=start(2,isub,1)+c(isub),istop(2,isub,1)-d(isub)
-                    DO i=start(1,isub,1)+mod(j+k+color,2)+a(isub), &
-     &                istop(1,isub,1)-b(isub)-mod(j+k+color,2),2
-                        IF ((i.GE.1.AND.i.LE.max_node(1,mlev)).AND. &
-     & (j.GE.1.AND.j.LE.max_node(2,mlev)).AND.(k.GE.1.AND.k.LE.max_node(3,mlev))) THEN
+              DO k=start(3,isub,1)+e(isub),stop(3,isub,1)-g(isub)
+                 DO j=start(2,isub,1)+c(isub),stop(2,isub,1)-d(isub)
+                    DO i=start(1,isub,1)+mod(j+k+color,2)+a(isub),stop(1,isub,1)-b(isub)-mod(j+k+color,2),2
                         moldu(1) = u(1,i,j,k,isub)
                         moldu(2) = u(2,i,j,k,isub)
                         moldu(3) = u(3,i,j,k,isub)
      &                           (&
                        &c1*((u(1,i-1,j,k,isub)+ &
@@ -698,7 +1002,8 @@ dz=dz_d
      &                  +(u(1,i,j-1,k,isub)+u(1,i,j+1,k,isub))*c3 &
      &                  +(u(1,i,j,k-1,isub)+u(1,i,j,k+1,isub))*c4- &
      &                                                 f(1,i,j,k,isub))&
      &                           (&
                        &c1*((u(2,i-1,j,k,isub)+ &
@@ -706,7 +1011,9 @@ dz=dz_d
      &                  +(u(2,i,j-1,k,isub)+u(2,i,j+1,k,isub))*c3 &
      &                  +(u(2,i,j,k-1,isub)+u(2,i,j,k+1,isub))*c4- &
      &                                                 f(2,i,j,k,isub))&
      &                           (&
                        &c1*((u(3,i-1,j,k,isub)+ &
@@ -714,23 +1021,40 @@ dz=dz_d
      &                  +(u(3,i,j-1,k,isub)+u(3,i,j+1,k,isub))*c3 &
      &                  +(u(3,i,j,k-1,isub)+u(3,i,j,k+1,isub))*c4- &
      &                                                 f(3,i,j,k,isub))&
-            ENDDO!subs
+            ENDDO!subs   
              DO isub=1,nsubs
-              DO k=start(3,isub,1)+e(isub),istop(3,isub,1)-g(isub)
-                 DO j=start(2,isub,1)+c(isub),istop(2,isub,1)-d(isub)
-                    DO i=start(1,isub,1)+mod(j+k+color,2)+a(isub), &
-     &                istop(1,isub,1)-b(isub)-mod(j+k+color,2),2
-                        IF ((i.GE.1.AND.i.LE.max_node(1,mlev)).AND. &
-     &                    (j.GE.1.AND.j.LE.max_node(2,mlev)).AND.(k.GE.1.AND.k.LE.max_node(3,mlev))) THEN
+              DO k=start(3,isub,1)+e(isub),stop(3,isub,1)-g(isub)
+                 DO j=start(2,isub,1)+c(isub),stop(2,isub,1)-d(isub)
+                    DO i=start(1,isub,1)+mod(j+k+color,2)+a(isub),stop(1,isub,1)-b(isub)-mod(j+k+color,2),2
+                        IF ((i.GE.1.AND.i.LE.max_node(1,mlev)).AND.&
+     &                      (j.GE.1.AND.j.LE.max_node(2,mlev)).AND.&
+     &                      (k.GE.1.AND.k.LE.max_node(3,mlev))) THEN
+                        !PRINT *,'ISUB:',isub,i,j,k,a(isub),b(isub),color
                      do ilda=1,vecdim
                         moldu(ilda) = u(ilda,i,j,k,isub)
                      end do
+                        IF (isub.GT.4) THEN
+                            !PRINT *,'k:',k
+                        ENDIF
                      DO ilda=1,vecdim
      &                           (&
                        &c1*((u(ilda,i-1,j,k,isub)+ &
@@ -738,16 +1062,23 @@ dz=dz_d
      &                  +(u(ilda,i,j-1,k,isub)+u(ilda,i,j+1,k,isub))*c3 &
      &                  +(u(ilda,i,j,k-1,isub)+u(ilda,i,j,k+1,isub))*c4- &
      &                                                 f(ilda,i,j,k,isub))&
+     &                  -moldu(ilda))
-                 ENDIF
+                 ENDIF!HACK
-            ENDDO!subs
+              !PRINT *,'AFTER:',u(1,:,:,17,6)
+            ENDDO!subs   
-          ENDDO!DO color
-            IF (isweep.EQ.nsweep) THEN
+           ENDDO!DO color
+            IF (isweep.EQ.nsweep) THEN  
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
      &                    ghostsize,ppm_param_map_ghost_get,info)
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
@@ -756,11 +1087,14 @@ dz=dz_d
      &                         ghostsize,ppm_param_map_send,info)
               CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(u,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(mlev),&
      &                          ghostsize,ppm_param_map_pop,info)
             iopt = ppm_param_dealloc
-            CALL ppm_alloc(moldu,ldu1,iopt,info)
+            CALL ppm_alloc(moldu,ldu1,iopt,info) 
             IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
             info = ppm_error_fatal
             CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'GSsolv',    &
@@ -769,13 +1103,13 @@ dz=dz_d
-        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-        !  Return
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+        !  Return 
 9999    CONTINUE
         CALL substop('ppm_mg_smooth_fine',t0,info)
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if   __MESH_DIM   == __2D
@@ -805,3 +1139,7 @@ dz=dz_d
diff --git a/src/ppm_mg_solv.f b/src/ppm_mg_solv.f
index d769841..c5cd3f6 100644
--- a/src/ppm_mg_solv.f
+++ b/src/ppm_mg_solv.f
@@ -1,269 +1,261 @@
-       !------------------------------------------------------------------------
-       !  Subroutine   :                  ppm_mg_solv 
-       !------------------------------------------------------------------------
-       !
-       !  Input        :    itera      (I)  :  initial smoothing sweeps 
-       !                                       in the finest level.
-       !              
-       !                    iterf      (I)  :  final smoothing sweeps
-       !                                       in the finest level
-       !
-       !                    iter1      (I)  :  AFTER EACH RESTRICTION   
-       !                                       SMOOTHING SWEEPS TAKE PLACE
-       !                                       IMPORTANT PARAMETER
-       !
-       !                    iter2      (I)  :  AFTER EACH PROLONGATION
-       !                                       SMOOTHING SWEEPS TAKE PLACE
-       !                                        
-       !
-       !  Input/Output :     u         (F)  :  THE FIELD OF THE SOLUTION
-       !                                       WITH GHOST VALUES!!
-       !                     f         (F)  :  THE FIELD OF THE RHS (NO GHOST
-       !                                         VALUES)
-       !  Output       :    info       (I)
-       !
-       !  Purpose      : 
-       !
-       !
-       !  References   :
-       !
-       !  Revisions    :
-       !------------------------------------------------------------------------
-       !  $Log: ppm_mg_solv.f,v $
-       !  Revision  2007/07/13 10:18:56  ivos
-       !  CBL version of the PPM library
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.17  2006/09/26 16:01:24  ivos
-       !  Fixed wrongly indented CPP directives. Remember: they have to start in
-       !  Col 1, otherwise it does not compile on certain systems. In fact, this
-       !  code did NOT compile as it was!!
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.16  2006/07/21 11:30:54  kotsalie
-       !  FRIDAY
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.14  2005/12/08 12:44:46  kotsalie
-       !  commiting dirichlet
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.13  2005/05/30 13:03:22  kotsalie
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.12  2005/03/14 13:24:03  kotsalie
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.11  2005/01/04 09:48:21  kotsalie
-       !  ghostsize=2 scalar case
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.10  2004/11/05 15:18:35  kotsalie
-       !  Made independent the initial and final smoothing steps
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.9  2004/10/13 16:02:03  kotsalie
-       !  Maximum residual between processors is communicated
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.8  2004/09/30 14:26:24  kotsalie
-       !  *** empty log message ***
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.7  2004/09/29 10:47:36  kotsalie
-       !  The user can now print the residual. THis should serve for him
-       !  as a istopping criterium
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.6  2004/09/23 13:50:54  kotsalie
-       !  Changed IF (w_cycle) to IF(.FALSE.) Now the recusrion goes up to level 2.
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.5  2004/09/23 12:41:16  kotsalie
-       !  MG new version
-       !
-       !------------------------------------------------------------------------
-       !  Parallel Particle Mesh Library (PPM)
-       !  Institute of Computational Science
-       !  ETH Zentrum, Hirschengraben 84
-       !  CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
-       !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Subroutine   :                  ppm_mg_solv 
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !
+      !  Input        :    itera      (I)  :  initial smoothing sweeps 
+      !                                       in the finest level.
+      !              
+      !                    iterf      (I)  :  final smoothing sweeps
+      !                                       in the finest level
+      !
+      !                    iter1      (I)  :  AFTER EACH RESTRICTION   
+      !                                       SMOOTHING SWEEPS TAKE PLACE
+      !                                       IMPORTANT PARAMETER
+      !
+      !                    iter2      (I)  :  AFTER EACH PROLONGATION
+      !                                       SMOOTHING SWEEPS TAKE PLACE
+      !                                        
+      !
+      !  Input/Output :     u         (F)  :  THE FIELD OF THE SOLUTION
+      !                                       WITH GHOST VALUES!!
+      !                     f         (F)  :  THE FIELD OF THE RHS (NO GHOST
+      !                                         VALUES)
+      !  Output       :    info       (I)
+      !
+      !  Purpose      : 
+      !
+      !
+      !  References   :
+      !
+      !  Revisions    :
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  $Log: ppm_mg_solv.f,v $
+      !  Revision  2006/07/25 15:18:20  menahel
+      !  initial import
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.14  2005/12/08 12:44:46  kotsalie
+      !  commiting dirichlet
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.13  2005/05/30 13:03:22  kotsalie
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.12  2005/03/14 13:24:03  kotsalie
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.11  2005/01/04 09:48:21  kotsalie
+      !  ghostsize=2 scalar case
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.10  2004/11/05 15:18:35  kotsalie
+      !  Made independent the initial and final smoothing steps
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.9  2004/10/13 16:02:03  kotsalie
+      !  Maximum residual between processors is communicated
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.8  2004/09/30 14:26:24  kotsalie
+      !  *** empty log message ***
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.7  2004/09/29 10:47:36  kotsalie
+      !  The user can now print the residual. THis should serve for him
+      !  as a stopping criterium
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.6  2004/09/23 13:50:54  kotsalie
+      !  Changed IF (w_cycle) to IF(.FALSE.) Now the recusrion goes up to level 2.
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.5  2004/09/23 12:41:16  kotsalie
+      !  MG new version
+      !
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Parallel Particle Mesh Library (PPM)
+      !  Institute of Computational Science
+      !  ETH Zentrum, Hirschengraben 84
+      !  CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
 #if   __DIM   == __SFIELD
 #if   __MESH_DIM   == __2D
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_solv_2d_sca_s(field_topoid,u,f,itera,iterf,iter1,&
-     &                                 iter2,Eu,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_solv_2d_sca_s(topo_id,u,f,itera,iterf,iter1,iter2,&
+     &                                Eu,info)
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_solv_2d_sca_d(field_topoid,u,f,itera,iterf,iter1,&
-     &                                 iter2,Eu,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_solv_2d_sca_d(topo_id,u,f,itera,iterf,iter1,iter2,&
+     &                                Eu,info)
 #elif __MESH_DIM   == __3D
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_solv_3d_sca_s(field_topoid,u,f,itera,iterf,iter1,&
-     &                                 iter2,Eu,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_solv_3d_sca_s(topo_id,u,f,itera,iterf,iter1,iter2,&
+     &                                Eu,info)
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_solv_3d_sca_d(field_topoid,u,f,itera,iterf,iter1,&
-     &                                 iter2,Eu,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_solv_3d_sca_d(topo_id,u,f,itera,iterf,iter1,iter2,&
+     &                                Eu,info)
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if   __MESH_DIM   == __2D
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_solv_2d_vec_s(field_topoid,u,f,lda,itera,iterf,iter1,&
-     &                                 iter2,Eu,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_solv_2d_vec_s(topo_id,u,f,lda,itera,iterf,iter1,iter2,&
+     &                                Eu,info)
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_solv_2d_vec_d(field_topoid,u,f,lda,itera,iterf,iter1,&
-     &                                 iter2,Eu,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_solv_2d_vec_d(topo_id,u,f,lda,itera,iterf,iter1,iter2,&
+     &                                Eu,info)
 #elif __MESH_DIM   == __3D
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_solv_3d_vec_s(field_topoid,u,f,lda,itera,iterf,iter1,&
-     &                                 iter2,Eu,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_solv_3d_vec_s(topo_id,u,f,lda,itera,iterf,iter1,iter2,&
+     &                                Eu,info)
-       SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_solv_3d_vec_d(field_topoid,u,f,lda,itera,iterf,iter1,&
-     &                                 iter2,Eu,info)
+      SUBROUTINE ppm_mg_solv_3d_vec_d(topo_id,u,f,lda,itera,iterf,iter1,iter2,&
+     &                                Eu,info)
 #include "ppm_define.h"
-         !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !  Modules 
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         USE ppm_module_data
-         USE ppm_module_data_mg
-         USE ppm_module_data_mesh
-         USE ppm_module_mg_core
-         USE ppm_module_mg_res
-         USE ppm_module_mg_prolong         
-         USE ppm_module_mg_smooth
-         USE ppm_module_substart
-         USE ppm_module_substop
-         USE ppm_module_error
-         USE ppm_module_alloc
-         USE ppm_module_typedef
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+        !  Modules 
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        USE ppm_module_data
+        USE ppm_module_data_mg
+        USE ppm_module_data_mesh
+        USE ppm_module_substart
+        USE ppm_module_substop
+        USE ppm_module_error
+        USE ppm_module_alloc
+        USE ppm_module_map
+        USE ppm_module_mg_core
+        USE ppm_module_mg_res
+        USE ppm_module_mg_prolong         
+        USE ppm_module_mg_smooth         
+        USE ppm_module_write
 #ifdef __MPI
-       INCLUDE  'mpif.h'
+      INCLUDE  'mpif.h'
-         INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_single
+        INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_single
-         INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_double
+        INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MK = ppm_kind_double
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !  Arguments (for u and f index: local mesh locations and isub) 
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !  Arguments (for u and f index: local mesh locations and isub) 
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER     ::  u
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER     ::  f
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER     ::  u
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER     ::  f
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER   ::  u
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER   ::  f
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER   ::  u
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER   ::  f
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER     ::  u
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER     ::  f
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER     ::  u
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER     ::  f
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER   ::  u
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER   ::  f
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER   ::  u
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER   ::  f
 #if __DIM == __VFIELD
-         INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                      :: lda           
+        INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                      :: lda           
-         INTEGER,                   INTENT(IN)   ::  itera,iterf,iter1,iter2
-         REAL(MK),                  INTENT(OUT)  ::  Eu  
-         INTEGER,                   INTENT(INOUT)::  info
-         INTEGER,                   INTENT(IN)   ::  field_topoid
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !  Local variables 
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         REAL(MK)                             :: t0
-         REAL(MK)                             :: E,res
-         INTEGER                              :: iface,count,k
-         INTEGER                              :: ix,iy  
-         CHARACTER(LEN=256)                   :: cbuf
-         INTEGER                              :: mlev,color,it
-         INTEGER                              :: ncalls=0
-         REAL(MK)                             :: c1,c2,c3,c4  
-         INTEGER                              :: isub,i,j
-         REAL(MK)                             :: x,y
-         REAL(MK)                             :: gEu 
-         INTEGER                              :: MPI_PREC
+        INTEGER,                   INTENT(IN)   ::  itera,iterf,iter1,iter2
+        REAL(MK),                  INTENT(OUT)  ::  Eu  
+        INTEGER,                   INTENT(INOUT)   ::  info
+        INTEGER,                   INTENT(IN   )   ::  topo_id
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !  Local variables 
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        REAL(MK)                             :: t0
+        REAL(MK)                             :: E,res
+        INTEGER                              :: iface,count,k
+        INTEGER                              :: ix,iy  
+        CHARACTER(LEN=256)                   :: cbuf
+        INTEGER                              :: mlev,color,it
+        INTEGER                              :: ncalls=0
+        REAL(MK)                             :: c1,c2,c3,c4  
+        INTEGER                              :: isub,i,j
+        REAL(MK)                             :: x,y
+        REAL(MK)                             :: gEu 
+        INTEGER                              :: MPI_PREC
+        TYPE(ppm_t_topo),      POINTER       :: topo
 #if __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         REAL(MK)                             :: c5,dz,rdz2
-         INTEGER,DIMENSION(4)                 :: ldl4,ldu4
-         INTEGER,DIMENSION(5)                 :: ldl5,ldu5
-         INTEGER                              :: ilda
-         REAL(MK)                             :: rdx2,rdy2
-         REAL(MK)                             :: dx,dy
+        REAL(MK)                             :: c5,dz,rdz2
+        INTEGER,DIMENSION(4)                 :: ldl4,ldu4
+        INTEGER,DIMENSION(5)                 :: ldl5,ldu5
+        INTEGER                              :: ilda
+        REAL(MK)                             :: rdx2,rdy2
+        REAL(MK)                             :: dx,dy
+        REAL(MK)                             :: EPSU
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         INTEGER,DIMENSION(3)                 :: ldl3,ldu3
-         INTEGER,DIMENSION(4)                 :: ldl4,ldu4
+        INTEGER,DIMENSION(3)                 :: ldl3,ldu3
+        INTEGER,DIMENSION(4)                 :: ldl4,ldu4
-         INTEGER                              :: topoid,iopt,idom
-         TYPE(ppm_t_topo), POINTER            :: topo
-         TYPE(ppm_t_equi_mesh), POINTER       :: mesh
+        INTEGER                              :: topoid,iopt,idom
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         TYPE(mg_field_2d_sca_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_2d_sca_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
-         TYPE(mg_field_2d_sca_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_2d_sca_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         TYPE(mg_field_3d_sca_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_3d_sca_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
-         TYPE(mg_field_3d_sca_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_3d_sca_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         TYPE(mg_field_2d_vec_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_2d_vec_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
-         TYPE(mg_field_2d_vec_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_2d_vec_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         TYPE(mg_field_3d_vec_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
+        TYPE(mg_field_3d_vec_s),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
-         TYPE(mg_field_3d_vec_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
-#if __DIM == __SFIELD
-#if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: uc_dummy
-#elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER :: uc_dummy
+        TYPE(mg_field_3d_vec_d),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: mgfield
-#elif __DIM == __VFIELD
-#if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER :: uc_dummy
-#elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-         REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER :: uc_dummy
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-     REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: tuc
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: uc_dummy
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-     REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: tuc
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER :: uc_dummy
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
-     REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: tuc
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER :: uc_dummy
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
-     REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER :: tuc
+        REAL(MK),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),POINTER :: uc_dummy
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !  Externals 
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !  Initialize 
-         !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-         CALL substart('ppm_mg_solv',t0,info)
-         topo => ppm_topo(field_topoid)%t
-         mesh => topo%mesh(meshid_g(1))
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !  Externals 
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !  Initialize 
+        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        CALL substart('ppm_mg_solv',t0,info)
 #ifdef __MPI
         IF (ppm_kind.EQ.ppm_kind_single) THEN
            MPI_PREC = MPI_REAL
@@ -271,9 +263,11 @@
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        topo => ppm_topo(topo_id)%t
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
         !  Check arguments
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
         IF (ppm_debug .GT. 0) THEN
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD        
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D        
@@ -283,18 +277,18 @@
      &             'solution exist on nsubs subdomains',__LINE__,info)        
               GOTO 9999
-           topoid=field_topoid
+           topoid=topo_id
            DO i=1,nsubs
-              IF (SIZE(u(:,:,i),1).LT. mesh%nnodes(1,idom)  &
-     &           +2*ghostsize(1)) THEN
+              IF (SIZE(u(:,:,i),1).LT.ppm_cart_mesh(meshid_g(1),  &
+     &           topoid)%nnodes(1,idom)+2) THEN
                  info = ppm_error_error
                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_solv',  &
      &             'solution mess with mesh points in x-dir!',__LINE__,info)  
                  GOTO 9999    
-              IF (SIZE(u(:,:,i),2).LT.mesh%nnodes(2,idom)  &
-     &           +2*ghostsize(2)) THEN
+              IF (SIZE(u(:,:,i),2).LT.ppm_cart_mesh(meshid_g(1),  &
+     &           topoid)%nnodes(2,idom)+2) THEN
                  info = ppm_error_error
                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_solv',  &
      &             'solution mess with mesh points in y-dir!',__LINE__,info)
@@ -307,17 +301,18 @@
      &             'rhs exist on nsubs subdomains!',__LINE__,info)  
               GOTO 9999
-           topoid=field_topoid
+           topoid=topo_id
            DO i=1,nsubs
-              IF (SIZE(f(:,:,i),1).LT.mesh%nnodes(1,idom)) THEN
+              IF (SIZE(f(:,:,i),1).LT.ppm_cart_mesh(meshid_g(1),  &
+     &                                  topoid)%nnodes(1,idom)) THEN
                  info = ppm_error_error
                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_solv',  &
      &             'rhs mess with mesh points in x-dir!',__LINE__,info)
                  GOTO 9999
-              IF (SIZE(f(:,:,i),2).LT.mesh%nnodes(2,idom)) THEN
+              IF (SIZE(f(:,:,i),2).LT.ppm_cart_mesh(meshid_g(1),  &
+     &           topoid)%nnodes(2,idom)) THEN
                  info = ppm_error_error
                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_solv',  &
      &             'rhs mess with mesh points in y-dir!',__LINE__,info)
@@ -331,25 +326,25 @@
      &             'solution exist on nsubs subdomains!',__LINE__,info)        
               GOTO 9999
-           topoid=field_topoid
+           topoid=topo_id
            DO i=1,nsubs
-              IF (SIZE(u(:,:,:,i),1).LT.mesh%nnodes(1,idom) &
-     &        +2*ghostsize(1)) THEN
+              IF (SIZE(u(:,:,:,i),1).LT.ppm_cart_mesh(meshid_g(1),  &
+     &                                   topoid)%nnodes(1,idom)+2) THEN
                  info = ppm_error_error
                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_solv',  &
      &             'solution mess with mesh points in x-dir!',__LINE__,info)  
                  GOTO 9999    
-              IF (SIZE(u(:,:,:,i),2).LT.mesh%nnodes(2,idom) &
-     &        +2*ghostsize(2)) THEN
+              IF (SIZE(u(:,:,:,i),2).LT.ppm_cart_mesh(meshid_g(1),  &
+     &           topoid)%nnodes(2,idom)+2) THEN
                  info = ppm_error_error
                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_solv',  &
      &             'solution mess with mesh points in y-dir!',__LINE__,info)
                  GOTO 9999
-              IF (SIZE(u(:,:,:,i),3).LT.mesh%nnodes(3,idom) &
-     &        +2*ghostsize(3)) THEN
+              IF (SIZE(u(:,:,:,i),3).LT.ppm_cart_mesh(meshid_g(1),  &
+     &                                   topoid)%nnodes(3,idom)+2) THEN
                  info = ppm_error_error
                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_solv',  &
      &             'solution mess with mesh points in z-dir!',__LINE__,info)
@@ -362,22 +357,25 @@
      &             'rhs exist on nsubs subdomains!',__LINE__,info)  
               GOTO 9999
-           topoid=field_topoid
+           topoid=topo_id
            DO i=1,nsubs
-              IF (SIZE(f(:,:,:,i),1).LT.mesh%nnodes(1,idom)) THEN
+              IF (SIZE(f(:,:,:,i),1).LT.ppm_cart_mesh(meshid_g(1),  &
+     &                                    topoid)%nnodes(1,idom)) THEN
                  info = ppm_error_error
                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_solv',  &
      &                   'rhs mess with mesh points in x-dir!',__LINE__,info)
                  GOTO 9999
-              IF (SIZE(f(:,:,:,i),2).LT.mesh%nnodes(2,idom)) THEN
+              IF (SIZE(f(:,:,:,i),2).LT.ppm_cart_mesh(meshid_g(1),  &
+     &                                          topoid)%nnodes(2,idom)) THEN
                  info = ppm_error_error
                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_solv',  &
      &            'rhs mess with mesh points in y-dir!',__LINE__,info)
                  GOTO 9999
-              IF (SIZE(f(:,:,:,i),3).LT.mesh%nnodes(3,idom)) THEN
+              IF (SIZE(f(:,:,:,i),3).LT.ppm_cart_mesh(meshid_g(1),  &
+     &                                         topoid)%nnodes(3,idom)) THEN
                  info = ppm_error_error
                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_solv',  &
      &             'rhs mess with mesh points in z-dir!',__LINE__,info)
@@ -393,16 +391,18 @@
      &             'solution exist on nsubs subdomains',__LINE__,info)        
               GOTO 9999
-           topoid=field_topoid
+           topoid=topo_id
            DO i=1,nsubs
-              IF (SIZE(u(:,:,:,i),2).LT.mesh%nnodes(1,idom)+2) THEN
+              IF (SIZE(u(:,:,:,i),2).LT.ppm_cart_mesh(meshid_g(1),  &
+     &           topoid)%nnodes(1,idom)+2) THEN
                  info = ppm_error_error
                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_solv',  &
      &             'solution mess with mesh points in x-dir!',__LINE__,info)  
                  GOTO 9999    
-              IF (SIZE(u(:,:,:,i),3).LT.mesh%nnodes(2,idom)+2) THEN
+              IF (SIZE(u(:,:,:,i),3).LT.ppm_cart_mesh(meshid_g(1),  &
+     &           topoid)%nnodes(2,idom)+2) THEN
                  info = ppm_error_error
                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_solv',  &
      &             'solution mess with mesh points in y-dir!',__LINE__,info)
@@ -415,16 +415,18 @@
      &             'rhs exist on nsubs subdomains!',__LINE__,info)  
               GOTO 9999
-           topoid=field_topoid
+           topoid=topo_id
            DO i=1,nsubs
-              IF (SIZE(f(:,:,:,i),2).LT.mesh%nnodes(1,idom)) THEN
+              IF (SIZE(f(:,:,:,i),2).LT.ppm_cart_mesh(meshid_g(1),  &
+     &                                  topoid)%nnodes(1,idom)) THEN
                  info = ppm_error_error
                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_solv',  &
      &             'rhs mess with mesh points in x-dir!',__LINE__,info)
                  GOTO 9999
-              IF (SIZE(f(:,:,:,i),3).LT.mesh%nnodes(2,idom)) THEN
+              IF (SIZE(f(:,:,:,i),3).LT.ppm_cart_mesh(meshid_g(1),  &
+     &           topoid)%nnodes(2,idom)) THEN
                  info = ppm_error_error
                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_solv',  &
      &             'rhs mess with mesh points in y-dir!',__LINE__,info)
@@ -432,31 +434,32 @@
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
+          PRINT *,'SIZE:',SIZE(u,5),nsubs,idom 
            IF (SIZE(u,5) .LT. nsubs) THEN
               info = ppm_error_error
               CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_solv',  &
      &             'solution exist on nsubs subdomains!',__LINE__,info)        
               GOTO 9999
-           topoid=field_topoid
+           topoid=topo_id
            DO i=1,nsubs
-              IF (SIZE(u(:,:,:,:,i),2).LT.mesh%nnodes(1,idom)&
-     &           +2*ghostsize(1)) THEN
+              IF (SIZE(u(:,:,:,:,i),2).LT.ppm_cart_mesh(meshid_g(1),  &
+     &                                   topoid)%nnodes(1,idom)+2) THEN
                  info = ppm_error_error
                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_solv',  &
      &             'solution mess with mesh points in x-dir!',__LINE__,info)  
                  GOTO 9999    
-              IF (SIZE(u(:,:,:,:,i),3).LT.mesh%nnodes(2,idom)&
-     &           +2*ghostsize(2)) THEN
+              IF (SIZE(u(:,:,:,:,i),3).LT.ppm_cart_mesh(meshid_g(1),  &
+     &           topoid)%nnodes(2,idom)+2) THEN
                  info = ppm_error_error
                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_solv',  &
      &             'solution mess with mesh points in y-dir!',__LINE__,info)
                  GOTO 9999
-              IF (SIZE(u(:,:,:,:,i),4).LT.mesh%nnodes(3,idom)&
-     &           +2*ghostsize(3)) THEN
+              IF (SIZE(u(:,:,:,:,i),4).LT.ppm_cart_mesh(meshid_g(1),  &
+     &                                   topoid)%nnodes(3,idom)+2) THEN
                  info = ppm_error_error
                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_solv',  &
      &             'solution mess with mesh points in z-dir!',__LINE__,info)
@@ -469,22 +472,25 @@
      &             'rhs exist on nsubs subdomains!',__LINE__,info)  
               GOTO 9999
-           topoid=field_topoid
+           topoid=topo_id
            DO i=1,nsubs
-              IF (SIZE(f(:,:,:,:,i),2).LT.mesh%nnodes(1,idom)) THEN
+              IF (SIZE(f(:,:,:,:,i),2).LT.ppm_cart_mesh(meshid_g(1),  &
+     &                                    topoid)%nnodes(1,idom)) THEN
                  info = ppm_error_error
                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_solv',  &
      &                   'rhs mess with mesh points in x-dir!',__LINE__,info)
                  GOTO 9999
-              IF (SIZE(f(:,:,:,:,i),3).LT.mesh%nnodes(2,idom)) THEN
+              IF (SIZE(f(:,:,:,:,i),3).LT.ppm_cart_mesh(meshid_g(1),  &
+     &                                          topoid)%nnodes(2,idom)) THEN
                  info = ppm_error_error
                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_solv',  &
      &            'rhs mess with mesh points in y-dir!',__LINE__,info)
                  GOTO 9999
-              IF (SIZE(f(:,:,:,:,i),4).LT.mesh%nnodes(3,idom)) THEN
+              IF (SIZE(f(:,:,:,:,i),4).LT.ppm_cart_mesh(meshid_g(1),  &
+     &                                         topoid)%nnodes(3,idom)) THEN
                  info = ppm_error_error
                  CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_argument,'ppm_mg_solv',  &
      &             'rhs mess with mesh points in z-dir!',__LINE__,info)
@@ -494,9 +500,10 @@
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
         !Definition of necessary variables and allocation of arrays
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
@@ -508,6 +515,7 @@
+        EPSU=EPSU_s
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
@@ -518,6 +526,7 @@
+        EPSU=EPSU_d
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
@@ -532,6 +541,7 @@
+        EPSU=EPSU_s
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
@@ -544,12 +554,17 @@
+        EPSU=EPSU_d
-     topoid=field_topoid
+        topoid=topo_id
      IF (ncalls.EQ.1) THEN
         DO i=1,maxlev
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
              iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
@@ -567,6 +582,7 @@
                GOTO 9999
 #elif __MESH_DIM ==__3D
              iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
              ldl4(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
@@ -584,10 +600,16 @@
       &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
                GOTO 9999
            CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,topoid,mesh_id_g(i),&
      &                             ghostsize,ppm_param_map_init,info) 
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
              iopt = ppm_param_dealloc
              ldl3(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
@@ -603,6 +625,7 @@
      &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
                GOTO 9999
 #elif __MESH_DIM ==__3D
              iopt = ppm_param_dealloc
              ldl4(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
@@ -620,6 +643,7 @@
       &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
                GOTO 9999
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
@@ -640,6 +664,7 @@
                GOTO 9999
 #elif __MESH_DIM ==__3D
              iopt = ppm_param_alloc_fit
              ldl5(1) = 1
@@ -659,10 +684,16 @@
       &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
                GOTO 9999
            CALL ppm_map_field_ghost(uc_dummy,vecdim,topoid,mesh_id_g(i),&
      &                             ghostsize,ppm_param_map_init,info) 
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
              iopt = ppm_param_dealloc
              ldl4(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
@@ -678,6 +709,7 @@
      &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
                GOTO 9999
 #elif __MESH_DIM ==__3D
              iopt = ppm_param_dealloc
              ldl5(1) = 1-ghostsize(1)
@@ -695,121 +727,178 @@
       &                       'uc_dummy',__LINE__,info)
                GOTO 9999
         !DO n1 initial sweeps in the finest mesh  with a GS-solver to get the 
         !initial solution 
 #if __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
         c1 = 1.0_MK/(2.0_MK*(rdx2+rdy2))  
         c2 = rdx2
         c3 = rdy2     
         c4 = 2.0_MK*c2+2.0_MK*c3
         count = 0
-        CALL ppm_mg_smooth_sca(ppm_param_topo_undefined,u,f,itera,1,c1,c2,c3,&
-     &                         info)
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        CALL ppm_mg_smooth_sca(topo_id,u,f,itera,1,c1,c2,c3,info)
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------
         ! Compute residual
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-        CALL ppm_mg_res_sca(ppm_param_topo_undefined,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,E,info)
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+        CALL ppm_mg_res_sca(topo_id,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,E,info)
 #ifdef __MPI
         CALL MPI_AllReduce(E,gEu,1,MPI_PREC,MPI_MAX,ppm_comm,info)
-      IF (info .NE. 0) THEN 
+        IF (info .NE. 0) THEN 
          GOTO 9999
-      ENDIF 
+        ENDIF 
       IF (l_print) THEN 
         WRITE(cbuf,*) 'Eu:',E
         CALL PPM_WRITE(ppm_rank,'mg_solv',cbuf,info)
-        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+        IF (E.GT.EPSU) THEN 
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
         !Initiation of the function correction. (We start on purpose with lev=2)
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
         DO mlev=2,maxlev
            DO isub=1,nsubs
-              tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
-              DO j=start(2,isub,mlev),istop(2,isub,mlev)
-                 DO i=start(1,isub,mlev),istop(1,isub,mlev)
-                       tuc(i,j)=0.0_MK
+              DO j=start(2,isub,mlev),stop(2,isub,mlev)
+                 DO i=start(1,isub,mlev),stop(1,isub,mlev)
+                       mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i,j)=0.0_MK
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
         CALL ppm_mg_core_2d_sca_s(2,iter1,iter2,info)  
+        CALL ppm_mg_prolong_2d_sca_s(1,info)
+        CALL ppm_mg_smooth_sca(topo_id,u,f,iterf,1,c1,c2,c3,info)
+        CALL ppm_mg_res_sca(topo_id,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,E,info)
+        CALL ppm_mg_core_2d_sca_s(2,iter1,iter2,info)  
         CALL ppm_mg_core_2d_sca_d(2,iter1,iter2,info)  
+        CALL ppm_mg_prolong_2d_sca_d(1,info)
+        CALL ppm_mg_smooth_sca(topo_id,u,f,iterf,1,c1,c2,c3,info)
+        CALL ppm_mg_res_sca(topo_id,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,E,info)
+        CALL ppm_mg_core_2d_sca_d(2,iter1,iter2,info)
         !PROLONG the solution to the finest grid
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
          CALL ppm_mg_prolong_2d_sca_s(1,info)
          CALL ppm_mg_prolong_2d_sca_d(1,info)
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
         DO isub=1,nsubs
-           tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
-           DO j=start(2,isub,1),istop(2,isub,1)   
-              DO i=start(1,isub,1),istop(1,isub,1)
-                    u(i,j,isub)=tuc(i,j) 
+           DO j=start(2,isub,1),stop(2,isub,1)   
+              DO i=start(1,isub,1),stop(1,isub,1)
+                    u(i,j,isub)=mgfield(isub,1)%uc(i,j) 
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     ENDIF
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
         !DO the final sweeps
-        !--------------------------------------------------------------------
-        CALL ppm_mg_smooth_sca(ppm_param_topo_undefined,u,f,iterf,1,c1,c2,c3,&
-     &                        info)
-        CALL ppm_mg_res_sca(ppm_param_topo_undefined,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,E,info)
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------  
+        iopt=ppm_param_alloc_fit
+        ldl3(1)=0
+        ldl3(2)=0
+        ldl3(3)=1   
+        ldu3(1)=max_node(1,1)+1
+        ldu3(2)=max_node(2,1)+1
+        ldu3(3)=nsubs
+        CALL ppm_alloc(mask_dummy_2d,ldl3,ldu3,iopt,info)
+        IF (info .NE. 0) THEN
+           info = ppm_error_fatal
+           CALL ppm_error(ppm_err_alloc,'ppm_mg_solv',    &
+     &                  'MASK',__LINE__,info)
+           GOTO 9999
+        ENDIF
+        CALL ppm_mg_smooth_sca(topo_id,u,f,iterf,1,c1,c2,c3,info)
+        CALL ppm_mg_res_sca(topo_id,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,E,info)
 #ifdef __MPI
         CALL MPI_AllReduce(E,gEu,1,MPI_PREC,MPI_MAX,ppm_comm,info)
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
         c1 = 1.0_MK/(2.0_MK*(rdx2+rdy2+rdz2))
         c2 = rdx2
         c3 = rdy2
         c4 = rdz2 
         c5 = 2.0_MK*c2+2.0_MK*c3+2.0_MK*c4
-        CALL ppm_mg_smooth_sca(ppm_param_topo_undefined,u,f,itera,1,c1,c2,c3,&
-     &                         c4,info)
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        CALL ppm_mg_smooth_sca(topo_id,u,f,itera,1,c1,c2,c3,c4,info)
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------
         ! Compute residual
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-        CALL ppm_mg_res_sca(ppm_param_topo_undefined,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,E,info)
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+        CALL ppm_mg_res_sca(topo_id,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,E,info)
 #ifdef __MPI
         CALL MPI_AllReduce(E,gEu,1,MPI_PREC,MPI_MAX,ppm_comm,info)
       IF (l_print) THEN 
         WRITE(cbuf,*) 'Eu:',E
         CALL PPM_WRITE(ppm_rank,'mg_solv',cbuf,info)
-         !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+        IF (E.GT.EPSU) THEN 
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
         !Initiation of the function correction. (We start on purpose with lev=2)
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
         DO mlev=2,maxlev
            DO isub=1,nsubs
-              tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
-              DO k=start(3,isub,mlev),istop(3,isub,mlev) 
-                 DO j=start(2,isub,mlev),istop(2,isub,mlev)
-                    DO i=start(1,isub,mlev),istop(1,isub,mlev)
-                          tuc(i,j,k)=0.0_MK
+              DO k=start(3,isub,mlev),stop(3,isub,mlev) 
+                 DO j=start(2,isub,mlev),stop(2,isub,mlev)
+                    DO i=start(1,isub,mlev),stop(1,isub,mlev)
+                          mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(i,j,k)=0.0_MK
@@ -817,40 +906,54 @@
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
         CALL ppm_mg_core_3d_sca_s(2,iter1,iter2,info)
+        IF (.FALSE.) THEN
+         CALL ppm_mg_prolong_3d_sca_s(1,info)
+         CALL ppm_mg_smooth_sca(topo_id,u,f,iterf,1,c1,c2,c3,c4,info)
+         CALL ppm_mg_res_sca(topo_id,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,E,info)
+         CALL ppm_mg_core_3d_sca_s(2,iter1,iter2,info)
+        ENDIF
         CALL ppm_mg_core_3d_sca_d(2,iter1,iter2,info)
+        IF (.FALSE.) THEN
+         CALL ppm_mg_prolong_3d_sca_d(1,info)
+         CALL ppm_mg_smooth_sca(topo_id,u,f,iterf,1,c1,c2,c3,c4,info)
+         CALL ppm_mg_res_sca(topo_id,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,E,info)
+         CALL ppm_mg_core_3d_sca_d(2,iter1,iter2,info)
+        ENDIF
         !PROLONG the solution to the finest grid
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
         CALL ppm_mg_prolong_3d_sca_s(1,info)
         CALL ppm_mg_prolong_3d_sca_d(1,info)
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
         DO isub=1,nsubs
-              tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
-           DO k=start(3,isub,1),istop(3,isub,1)
-              DO j=start(2,isub,1),istop(2,isub,1)
-                 DO i=start(1,isub,1),istop(1,isub,1)
-                       u(i,j,k,isub)=tuc(i,j,k)
+           DO k=start(3,isub,1),stop(3,isub,1)
+              DO j=start(2,isub,1),stop(2,isub,1)
+                 DO i=start(1,isub,1),stop(1,isub,1)
+                       u(i,j,k,isub)=mgfield(isub,1)%uc(i,j,k)
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+       ENDIF
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
         !DO the final sweeps
-          !--------------------------------------------------------------------
-        CALL ppm_mg_smooth_sca(ppm_param_topo_undefined,u,f,iterf,1,c1,c2,c3,&
-     &                         c4,info)
-        CALL ppm_mg_res_sca(ppm_param_topo_undefined,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,&
-     &                      E,info)
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------  
+        CALL ppm_mg_smooth_sca(topo_id,u,f,iterf,1,c1,c2,c3,c4,info)
+        CALL ppm_mg_res_sca(topo_id,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,E,info)
 #ifdef __MPI
         CALL MPI_AllReduce(E,gEu,1,MPI_PREC,MPI_MAX,ppm_comm,info)
@@ -860,36 +963,45 @@
 #elif __DIM == __VFIELD
 #if __MESH_DIM == __2D
         c1 = 1.0_MK/(2.0_MK*(rdx2+rdy2))  
         c2 = rdx2
         c3 = rdy2     
         c4 = 2.0_MK*c2+2.0_MK*c3
         count = 0
-        CALL ppm_mg_smooth_vec(ppm_param_topo_undefined,u,f,itera,1,c1,c2,c3,&
-     &                        info)
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        CALL ppm_mg_smooth_vec(topo_id,u,f,itera,1,c1,c2,c3,info)
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------
         ! Compute residual
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-        CALL ppm_mg_res_vec(ppm_param_topo_undefined,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,E,info)
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+        CALL ppm_mg_res_vec(topo_id,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,E,info)
 #ifdef __MPI
         CALL MPI_AllReduce(E,gEu,1,MPI_PREC,MPI_MAX,ppm_comm,info)
         IF (l_print) THEN 
          WRITE(cbuf,*) 'Eu:',E
          CALL PPM_WRITE(ppm_rank,'mg_solv',cbuf,info)
-         !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+        IF (E.GT.EPSU) THEN 
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
         !Initiation of the function correction. (We start on purpose with lev=2)
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
         DO mlev=2,maxlev
            DO isub=1,nsubs
-              tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
-              DO j=start(2,isub,mlev),istop(2,isub,mlev)
-                 DO i=start(1,isub,mlev),istop(1,isub,mlev)
+              DO j=start(2,isub,mlev),stop(2,isub,mlev)
+                 DO i=start(1,isub,mlev),stop(1,isub,mlev)
                   DO ilda=1,vecdim
-                       tuc(ilda,i,j)=0.0_MK
+                       mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(ilda,i,j)=0.0_MK
@@ -897,39 +1009,58 @@
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
         CALL ppm_mg_core_2d_vec_s(2,iter1,iter2,info)  
+        IF (.FALSE.) THEN
+         CALL ppm_mg_prolong_2d_vec_s(1,info)
+         CALL ppm_mg_smooth_vec(topo_id,u,f,iterf,1,c1,c2,c3,info)
+         CALL ppm_mg_res_vec(topo_id,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,E,info)
+         CALL ppm_mg_core_2d_vec_s(2,iter1,iter2,info)  
+        ENDIF
         CALL ppm_mg_core_2d_vec_d(2,iter1,iter2,info)  
+        IF (.FALSE.) THEN
+         CALL ppm_mg_prolong_2d_vec_d(1,info)
+         CALL ppm_mg_smooth_vec(topo_id,u,f,iterf,1,c1,c2,c3,info)
+         CALL ppm_mg_res_vec(topo_id,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,E,info)
+         CALL ppm_mg_core_2d_vec_d(2,iter1,iter2,info)  
+        ENDIF
         !PROLONG the solution to the finest grid
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
         CALL ppm_mg_prolong_2d_vec_s(1,info)
         CALL ppm_mg_prolong_2d_vec_d(1,info)
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
         DO isub=1,nsubs
-           tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
-           DO j=start(2,isub,1),istop(2,isub,1)   
-              DO i=start(1,isub,1),istop(1,isub,1)
+           DO j=start(2,isub,1),stop(2,isub,1)   
+              DO i=start(1,isub,1),stop(1,isub,1)
                DO ilda=1,vecdim
-                    u(ilda,i,j,isub)=tuc(ilda,i,j)
+                    u(ilda,i,j,isub)=mgfield(isub,1)%uc(ilda,i,j)
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     ENDIF
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
         !DO the final sweeps
-        !--------------------------------------------------------------------
-        CALL ppm_mg_smooth_vec(ppm_param_topo_undefined,u,f,iterf,1,c1,c2,c3,&
-     &                         info)
-        CALL ppm_mg_res_vec(ppm_param_topo_undefined,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,E,info)
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------  
+        CALL ppm_mg_smooth_vec(topo_id,u,f,iterf,1,c1,c2,c3,info)
+        CALL ppm_mg_res_vec(topo_id,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,E,info)
 #ifdef __MPI
         CALL MPI_AllReduce(E,gEu,1,MPI_PREC,MPI_MAX,ppm_comm,info)
@@ -937,42 +1068,51 @@
 #elif __MESH_DIM == __3D
         c1 = 1.0_MK/(2.0_MK*(rdx2+rdy2+rdz2))
         c2 = rdx2
         c3 = rdy2
         c4 = rdz2 
         c5 = 2.0_MK*c2+2.0_MK*c3+2.0_MK*c4
-        CALL ppm_mg_smooth_vec(ppm_param_topo_undefined,u,f,itera,1,c1,c2,c3,&
-     &                         c4,info)
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        CALL ppm_mg_smooth_vec(topo_id,u,f,itera,1,c1,c2,c3,c4,info)
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------
         ! Compute residual
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-        CALL ppm_mg_res_vec(ppm_param_topo_undefined,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,E,info)
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+        CALL ppm_mg_res_vec(topo_id,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,E,info)
 #ifdef __MPI
         CALL MPI_AllReduce(E,gEu,1,MPI_PREC,MPI_MAX,ppm_comm,info)
         IF (l_print) THEN 
          WRITE(cbuf,*) 'Eu:',E
          CALL PPM_WRITE(ppm_rank,'mg_solv',cbuf,info)
-        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+        IF (E.GT.EPSU) THEN 
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
         !Initiation of the function correction. (We start on purpose with lev=2)
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
         DO mlev=2,maxlev
            DO isub=1,nsubs
-              tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
-              DO k=start(3,isub,mlev),istop(3,isub,mlev) 
-                 DO j=start(2,isub,mlev),istop(2,isub,mlev)
-                    DO i=start(1,isub,mlev),istop(1,isub,mlev)
+              DO k=start(3,isub,mlev),stop(3,isub,mlev) 
+                 DO j=start(2,isub,mlev),stop(2,isub,mlev)
+                    DO i=start(1,isub,mlev),stop(1,isub,mlev)
 #ifdef __VECTOR
-                          tuc(1,i,j,k)=0.0_MK
-                          tuc(2,i,j,k)=0.0_MK
-                          tuc(3,i,j,k)=0.0_MK
+                          mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(1,i,j,k)=0.0_MK
+                          mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(2,i,j,k)=0.0_MK
+                          mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(3,i,j,k)=0.0_MK
                      DO ilda=1,vecdim 
-                          tuc(ilda,i,j,k)=0.0_MK
+                          mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc(ilda,i,j,k)=0.0_MK
@@ -982,48 +1122,63 @@
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
         CALL ppm_mg_core_3d_vec_s(2,iter1,iter2,info)
+        IF (.FALSE.) THEN
+        CALL ppm_mg_prolong_3d_vec_s(1,info)
+        CALL ppm_mg_smooth_vec(topo_id,u,f,iterf,1,c1,c2,c3,c4,info)
+        CALL ppm_mg_res_vec(topo_id,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,E,info)
+        CALL ppm_mg_core_3d_vec_s(2,iter1,iter2,info)
+        ENDIF
         CALL ppm_mg_core_3d_vec_d(2,iter1,iter2,info)
+        IF (.FALSE.) THEN 
+        CALL ppm_mg_prolong_3d_vec_d(1,info)
+        CALL ppm_mg_smooth_vec(topo_id,u,f,iterf,1,c1,c2,c3,c4,info)
+        CALL ppm_mg_res_vec(topo_id,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,E,info)
+        CALL ppm_mg_core_3d_vec_d(2,iter1,iter2,info)
+        ENDIF
         !PROLONG the solution to the finest grid
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
         CALL ppm_mg_prolong_3d_vec_s(1,info)
         CALL ppm_mg_prolong_3d_vec_d(1,info)
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
         DO isub=1,nsubs
-           tuc=>mgfield(isub,mlev)%uc
-           DO k=start(3,isub,1),istop(3,isub,1)
-              DO j=start(2,isub,1),istop(2,isub,1)
-                 DO i=start(1,isub,1),istop(1,isub,1)
+           DO k=start(3,isub,1),stop(3,isub,1)
+              DO j=start(2,isub,1),stop(2,isub,1)
+                 DO i=start(1,isub,1),stop(1,isub,1)
 #ifdef __VECTOR
-                       u(1,i,j,k,isub)=tuc(1,i,j,k)
-                       u(2,i,j,k,isub)=tuc(2,i,j,k)
-                       u(3,i,j,k,isub)=tuc(3,i,j,k)
+                       u(1,i,j,k,isub)=mgfield(isub,1)%uc(1,i,j,k)
+                       u(2,i,j,k,isub)=mgfield(isub,1)%uc(2,i,j,k)
+                       u(3,i,j,k,isub)=mgfield(isub,1)%uc(3,i,j,k)
                   DO ilda=1,vecdim
-                       u(ilda,i,j,k,isub)=tuc(ilda,i,j,k)
+                       u(ilda,i,j,k,isub)=mgfield(isub,1)%uc(ilda,i,j,k)
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+       ENDIF
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
         !DO the final sweeps
-        !--------------------------------------------------------------------
-        CALL ppm_mg_smooth_vec(ppm_param_topo_undefined,u,f,iterf,1,c1,c2,&
-     &                         c3,c4,info)
-        CALL ppm_mg_res_vec(ppm_param_topo_undefined,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,&
-     &                         E,info)
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------  
+        CALL ppm_mg_smooth_vec(topo_id,u,f,iterf,1,c1,c2,c3,c4,info)
+        CALL ppm_mg_res_vec(topo_id,u,f,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,E,info)
 #ifdef __MPI
         CALL MPI_AllReduce(E,gEu,1,MPI_PREC,MPI_MAX,ppm_comm,info)
@@ -1032,13 +1187,13 @@
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
         !  Return 
-        !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 9999    CONTINUE
         CALL substop('ppm_mg_solv',t0,info)
 #if    __DIM == __SFIELD
 #if    __MESH_DIM == __2D
diff --git a/src/ppm_module_data_mg.f b/src/ppm_module_data_mg.f
index 57839e3..a78864b 100644
--- a/src/ppm_module_data_mg.f
+++ b/src/ppm_module_data_mg.f
@@ -1,41 +1,38 @@
-       !------------------------------------------------------------------------
-       ! Module         :            ppm_module_data_mg
-       !------------------------------------------------------------------------
-       !
-       ! Purpose       : multigrid data module
-       !               
-       !
-       ! Remarks       :
-       !
-       ! References    : 
-       !
-       ! Revisions     :
-       !------------------------------------------------------------------------
-       !  $Log: ppm_module_data_mg.f,v $
-       !  Revision  2007/07/13 10:18:57  ivos
-       !  CBL version of the PPM library
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.6  2006/07/21 11:30:57  kotsalie
-       !  FRIDAY
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.5  2005/12/08 12:42:36  kotsalie
-       !  commiting dirichlet
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.4  2004/10/29 16:00:47  kotsalie
-       !  RED BLACK SOR
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.3  2004/09/28 14:18:19  kotsalie
-       !  Added 4th order
-       !
-       !  Revision 1.2  2004/09/22 18:40:26  kotsalie
-       !  MG new version
-       !
-       !------------------------------------------------------------------------
-       !  Parallel Particle Mesh Library (PPM)
-       !  Institute of Computational Science
-       !  ETH Zentrum, Hirschengraben 84
-       !  CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
-       !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Module         :            ppm_module_data_mg
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !
+      ! Purpose       : multigrid data module
+      !               
+      !
+      ! Remarks       :
+      !
+      ! References    : 
+      !
+      ! Revisions     :
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  $Log: ppm_module_data_mg.f,v $
+      !  Revision  2006/07/25 15:18:20  menahel
+      !  initial import
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.5  2005/12/08 12:42:36  kotsalie
+      !  commiting dirichlet
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.4  2004/10/29 16:00:47  kotsalie
+      !  RED BLACK SOR
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.3  2004/09/28 14:18:19  kotsalie
+      !  Added 4th order
+      !
+      !  Revision 1.2  2004/09/22 18:40:26  kotsalie
+      !  MG new version
+      !
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Parallel Particle Mesh Library (PPM)
+      !  Institute of Computational Science
+      !  ETH Zentrum, Hirschengraben 84
+      !  CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -45,129 +42,161 @@
 #define __2D               7
 #define __3D               8
 #define __SFIELD           9
-#define __VFIELD          10
- MODULE ppm_module_data_mg   
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   !Modules
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    USE ppm_module_data,ONLY:ppm_kind_single,ppm_kind_double
-    PRIVATE :: ppm_kind_single,ppm_kind_double
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   !The boundary condition values!!
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define __VFIELD          10 
+MODULE ppm_module_data_mg   
+  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !Modules
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   USE ppm_module_data,ONLY:ppm_kind_single,ppm_kind_double
+   PRIVATE :: ppm_kind_single,ppm_kind_double
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !The boundary condition values!!
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 #define __DIM __SFIELD
 #define __MESH_DIM __2D
-   TYPE bc_value_2d_sca_s
-      ! 1st index mesh position locally
-      REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:),POINTER   ::  pbcvalue
-   END TYPE bc_value_2d_sca_s
+  TYPE bc_value_2d_sca_s
+     ! 1st index mesh position locally
+     REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:),POINTER   ::  pbcvalue
+  END TYPE bc_value_2d_sca_s
 #undef  __KIND
-   TYPE bc_value_2d_sca_d
-      !1st index mesh position locally
-      REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:),POINTER   ::   pbcvalue
-   END TYPE bc_value_2d_sca_d
+  TYPE bc_value_2d_sca_d
+     !1st index mesh position locally
+     REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:),POINTER   ::   pbcvalue
+  END TYPE bc_value_2d_sca_d
 #undef __KIND
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   ! Our multigrid field with all its necessary components (Take a look at the 
-   ! theory)
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   TYPE mg_field_2d_sca_s
-      !function corrections, error restrictions, errors
-      !1st and 2nd index: mesh position(local)
-      REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER  ::  uc 
-      REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER  ::  fc 
-      REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER  ::  err  
-      !lets save the boundary condition.index:face of the subdomain(1:4)
-      TYPE(bc_value_2d_sca_s), DIMENSION(:), POINTER   ::  bcvalue   
-   END TYPE mg_field_2d_sca_s
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! Our multigrid field with all its necessary components (Take a look at the 
+  ! theory)
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  TYPE mg_field_2d_sca_s
+     !function corrections, error restrictions, errors
+     !1st and 2nd index: mesh position(local)
+     REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER  ::  uc 
+     REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER  ::  fc 
+     REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER  ::  err  
+     !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER                 :: mask_red 
+     !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER                 :: mask_black 
+     !lets save the boundary condition.index:face of the subdomain(1:4)
+     TYPE(bc_value_2d_sca_s), DIMENSION(:), POINTER   ::  bcvalue   
+  END TYPE mg_field_2d_sca_s
 #undef  __KIND
-#define __KIND  == __DOUBLE_PRECISION
-   TYPE mg_field_2d_sca_d
-      !function corrections, error restrictions, errors,
-      !1st:3rd index: mesh position(local)
-      REAL(ppm_kind_double), DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER  ::  uc  
-      REAL(ppm_kind_double), DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER  ::  fc  
-      REAL(ppm_kind_double), DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER  ::  err  
-      !lets save the boundary condition.index:face of the subdomain(1:4)
-      TYPE(bc_value_2d_sca_d), DIMENSION(:), POINTER   ::  bcvalue   
-   END TYPE mg_field_2d_sca_d
+#define __KIND  == __DOUBLE_PRECISION  
+  TYPE mg_field_2d_sca_d
+     !function corrections, error restrictions, errors,
+     !1st:3rd index: mesh position(local)
+     REAL(ppm_kind_double), DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER  ::  uc  
+     REAL(ppm_kind_double), DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER  ::  fc  
+     REAL(ppm_kind_double), DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER  ::  err  
+     !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER                 :: mask_red 
+     !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER                 :: mask_black 
+     !lets save the boundary condition.index:face of the subdomain(1:4)
+     TYPE(bc_value_2d_sca_d), DIMENSION(:), POINTER   ::  bcvalue   
+  END TYPE mg_field_2d_sca_d
 #undef  __KIND
-   !1st index: subdomain,2nd index : multigrid level
-   TYPE(mg_field_2d_sca_s), DIMENSION(:,:),              POINTER  ::   mgfield_2d_sca_s 
+  !1st index: subdomain,2nd index : multigrid level
+  TYPE(mg_field_2d_sca_s), DIMENSION(:,:),              POINTER  ::   mgfield_2d_sca_s 
 #undef __KIND
-   !1st index: subdomain,2nd index : multigrid level
-   TYPE(mg_field_2d_sca_d), DIMENSION(:,:),              POINTER  ::   mgfield_2d_sca_d 
+  !1st index: subdomain,2nd index : multigrid level
+  TYPE(mg_field_2d_sca_d), DIMENSION(:,:),              POINTER  ::   mgfield_2d_sca_d 
 #undef __KIND
 #undef __MESH_DIM
 #define __MESH_DIM __3D
-   TYPE bc_value_3d_sca_s
-      ! 1st-2nd index mesh position locally
-      REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER   ::  pbcvalue
-   END TYPE bc_value_3d_sca_s
+  TYPE bc_value_3d_sca_s
+     ! 1st-2nd index mesh position locally
+     REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER   ::  pbcvalue
+  END TYPE bc_value_3d_sca_s
 #undef  __KIND
-   TYPE bc_value_3d_sca_d
-      !1st-2nd index mesh position locally
-      REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER   ::   pbcvalue
-   END TYPE bc_value_3d_sca_d
+  TYPE bc_value_3d_sca_d
+     !1st-2nd index mesh position locally
+     REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER   ::   pbcvalue
+  END TYPE bc_value_3d_sca_d
 #undef __KIND
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   ! Our multigrid field with all its necessary components (Take a look at the 
-   ! theory)
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   TYPE mg_field_3d_sca_s
-      !function corrections, error restrictions, errors
-      !1st-3rd index: mesh position(local)
-      REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER  ::  uc 
-      REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER  ::  fc 
-      REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER  ::  err  
-      !lets save the boundary condition.index:face of the subdomain(1:6)
-      TYPE(bc_value_3d_sca_s), DIMENSION(:), POINTER   ::  bcvalue   
-   END TYPE mg_field_3d_sca_s
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! Our multigrid field with all its necessary components (Take a look at the 
+  ! theory)
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  TYPE mg_field_3d_sca_s
+     !function corrections, error restrictions, errors
+     !1st-3rd index: mesh position(local)
+     REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER  ::  uc 
+     REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER  ::  fc 
+     REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER  ::  err  
+     !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER                 :: mask_red 
+     !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER                 :: mask_black 
+     !lets save the boundary condition.index:face of the subdomain(1:6)
+     TYPE(bc_value_3d_sca_s), DIMENSION(:), POINTER   ::  bcvalue   
+  END TYPE mg_field_3d_sca_s
 #undef  __KIND
-#define __KIND  == __DOUBLE_PRECISION
-   TYPE mg_field_3d_sca_d
-      !function corrections, error restrictions, errors,
-      !1st:3rd index: mesh position(local)
-      REAL(ppm_kind_double), DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER  ::  uc  
-      REAL(ppm_kind_double), DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER  ::  fc  
-      REAL(ppm_kind_double), DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER  ::  err  
-      !lets save the boundary condition.index:face of the subdomain(1:6)
-      TYPE(bc_value_3d_sca_d), DIMENSION(:), POINTER   ::  bcvalue   
-   END TYPE mg_field_3d_sca_d
+#define __KIND  == __DOUBLE_PRECISION  
+  TYPE mg_field_3d_sca_d
+     !function corrections, error restrictions, errors,
+     !1st:3rd index: mesh position(local)
+     REAL(ppm_kind_double), DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER  ::  uc  
+     REAL(ppm_kind_double), DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER  ::  fc  
+     REAL(ppm_kind_double), DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER  ::  err  
+     !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER                 :: mask_red 
+     !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER                 :: mask_black 
+     !lets save the boundary condition.index:face of the subdomain(1:6)
+     TYPE(bc_value_3d_sca_d), DIMENSION(:), POINTER   ::  bcvalue   
+  END TYPE mg_field_3d_sca_d
 #undef  __KIND
-   !1st index: subdomain,2nd index : multigrid level
-   TYPE(mg_field_3d_sca_s), DIMENSION(:,:),              POINTER  ::   mgfield_3d_sca_s 
+  !1st index: subdomain,2nd index : multigrid level
+  TYPE(mg_field_3d_sca_s), DIMENSION(:,:),              POINTER  ::   mgfield_3d_sca_s 
 #undef __KIND
-   !1st index: subdomain,2nd index : multigrid level
-   TYPE(mg_field_3d_sca_d), DIMENSION(:,:),              POINTER  ::   mgfield_3d_sca_d 
+  !1st index: subdomain,2nd index : multigrid level
+  TYPE(mg_field_3d_sca_d), DIMENSION(:,:),              POINTER  ::   mgfield_3d_sca_d 
 #undef __KIND
 #undef __MESH_DIM
@@ -176,208 +205,249 @@
 #define __DIM __VFIELD
 #define __MESH_DIM __2D
-   TYPE bc_value_2d_vec_s
-      ! 1st index mesh position locally
-      REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:),POINTER   ::  pbcvalue
-   END TYPE bc_value_2d_vec_s
+  TYPE bc_value_2d_vec_s
+     ! 1st index mesh position locally
+     REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:),POINTER   ::  pbcvalue
+  END TYPE bc_value_2d_vec_s
 #undef  __KIND
-   TYPE bc_value_2d_vec_d
-      !1st index mesh position locally
-      REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:),POINTER   ::   pbcvalue
-   END TYPE bc_value_2d_vec_d
+  TYPE bc_value_2d_vec_d
+     !1st index mesh position locally
+     REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:),POINTER   ::   pbcvalue
+  END TYPE bc_value_2d_vec_d
 #undef __KIND
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   ! Our multigrid field with all its necessary components (Take a look at the 
-   ! theory)
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   TYPE mg_field_2d_vec_s
-      !function corrections, error restrictions, errors
-      !1st index component 2nd and 3rd index: mesh position(local)
-      REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER  ::  uc 
-      REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER  ::  fc 
-      REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER  ::  err  
-      !lets save the boundary condition.index:component,face of the subdomain(1:4)
-      TYPE(bc_value_2d_vec_s), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER   ::  bcvalue   
-   END TYPE mg_field_2d_vec_s
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! Our multigrid field with all its necessary components (Take a look at the 
+  ! theory)
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  TYPE mg_field_2d_vec_s
+     !function corrections, error restrictions, errors
+     !1st index component 2nd and 3rd index: mesh position(local)
+     REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER  ::  uc 
+     REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER  ::  fc 
+     REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER  ::  err  
+     !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER                 :: mask_red 
+     !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER                 :: mask_black 
+     !lets save the boundary condition.index:component,face of the subdomain(1:4)
+     TYPE(bc_value_2d_vec_s), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER   ::  bcvalue   
+  END TYPE mg_field_2d_vec_s
 #undef  __KIND
-#define __KIND  == __DOUBLE_PRECISION
-   TYPE mg_field_2d_vec_d
-      !function corrections, error restrictions, errors,
-      !1st index: component 2nd:3rd index: mesh position(local)
-      REAL(ppm_kind_double), DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER  ::  uc  
-      REAL(ppm_kind_double), DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER  ::  fc  
-      REAL(ppm_kind_double), DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER  ::  err  
-      !lets save the boundary condition.index:component,face of the subdomain(1:4)
-      TYPE(bc_value_2d_vec_d), DIMENSION(:), POINTER   ::  bcvalue   
-   END TYPE mg_field_2d_vec_d
+#define __KIND  == __DOUBLE_PRECISION  
+  TYPE mg_field_2d_vec_d
+     !function corrections, error restrictions, errors,
+     !1st index: component 2nd:3rd index: mesh position(local)
+     REAL(ppm_kind_double), DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER  ::  uc  
+     REAL(ppm_kind_double), DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER  ::  fc  
+     REAL(ppm_kind_double), DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER  ::  err  
+     !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER                 :: mask_red 
+     !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER                 :: mask_black 
+     !lets save the boundary condition.index:component,face of the subdomain(1:4)
+     TYPE(bc_value_2d_vec_d), DIMENSION(:), POINTER   ::  bcvalue   
+  END TYPE mg_field_2d_vec_d
 #undef  __KIND
-   !1st index: subdomain,2nd index : multigrid level
-   TYPE(mg_field_2d_vec_s), DIMENSION(:,:),              POINTER  ::   mgfield_2d_vec_s 
+  !1st index: subdomain,2nd index : multigrid level
+  TYPE(mg_field_2d_vec_s), DIMENSION(:,:),              POINTER  ::   mgfield_2d_vec_s 
 #undef __KIND
-   !1st index: subdomain,2nd index : multigrid level
-   TYPE(mg_field_2d_vec_d), DIMENSION(:,:),              POINTER  ::   mgfield_2d_vec_d 
+  !1st index: subdomain,2nd index : multigrid level
+  TYPE(mg_field_2d_vec_d), DIMENSION(:,:),              POINTER  ::   mgfield_2d_vec_d 
 #undef __KIND
 #undef __MESH_DIM
 #define __MESH_DIM __3D
-   TYPE bc_value_3d_vec_s
-      ! 1st-2nd index mesh position locally
-      REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER   ::  pbcvalue
-   END TYPE bc_value_3d_vec_s
+  TYPE bc_value_3d_vec_s
+     ! 1st-2nd index mesh position locally
+     REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER   ::  pbcvalue
+  END TYPE bc_value_3d_vec_s
 #undef  __KIND
-   TYPE bc_value_3d_vec_d
-      !1st-2nd index mesh position locally
-      REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER   ::   pbcvalue
-   END TYPE bc_value_3d_vec_d
+  TYPE bc_value_3d_vec_d
+     !1st-2nd index mesh position locally
+     REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER   ::   pbcvalue
+  END TYPE bc_value_3d_vec_d
 #undef __KIND
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   ! Our multigrid field with all its necessary components (Take a look at the 
-   ! theory)
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   TYPE mg_field_3d_vec_s
-      !function corrections, error restrictions, errors
-      !1st index: component 2nd-4th index: mesh position(local)
-      REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER  ::  uc 
-      REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER  ::  fc 
-      REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER  ::  err  
-      !lets save the boundary condition.index:component,face of the subdomain(1:6)
-      TYPE(bc_value_3d_vec_s), DIMENSION(:), POINTER   ::  bcvalue   
-   END TYPE mg_field_3d_vec_s
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! Our multigrid field with all its necessary components (Take a look at the 
+  ! theory)
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  TYPE mg_field_3d_vec_s
+     !function corrections, error restrictions, errors
+     !1st index: component 2nd-4th index: mesh position(local)
+     REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER  ::  uc 
+     REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER  ::  fc 
+     REAL(ppm_kind_single), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER  ::  err  
+     !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER                 :: mask_red 
+     !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER                 :: mask_black 
+     !lets save the boundary condition.index:component,face of the subdomain(1:6)
+     TYPE(bc_value_3d_vec_s), DIMENSION(:), POINTER   ::  bcvalue   
+  END TYPE mg_field_3d_vec_s
 #undef  __KIND
-#define __KIND  == __DOUBLE_PRECISION
-   TYPE mg_field_3d_vec_d
-      !function corrections, error restrictions, errors,
-      !1st index component,2nd:4th index: mesh position(local)
-      REAL(ppm_kind_double), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER  ::  uc  
-      REAL(ppm_kind_double), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER  ::  fc  
-      REAL(ppm_kind_double), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER  ::  err  
-      !lets save the boundary condition.index:face of the subdomain(1:6)
-      TYPE(bc_value_3d_vec_d), DIMENSION(:), POINTER   ::  bcvalue   
-   END TYPE mg_field_3d_vec_d
+#define __KIND  == __DOUBLE_PRECISION  
+  TYPE mg_field_3d_vec_d
+     !function corrections, error restrictions, errors,
+     !1st index component,2nd:4th index: mesh position(local)
+     REAL(ppm_kind_double), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER  ::  uc  
+     REAL(ppm_kind_double), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER  ::  fc  
+     REAL(ppm_kind_double), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER  ::  err  
+     !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER                 :: mask_red 
+     !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER                 :: mask_black 
+     !lets save the boundary condition.index:face of the subdomain(1:6)
+     TYPE(bc_value_3d_vec_d), DIMENSION(:), POINTER   ::  bcvalue   
+  END TYPE mg_field_3d_vec_d
 #undef  __KIND
-   !1st index: subdomain,2nd index : multigrid level
-   TYPE(mg_field_3d_vec_s), DIMENSION(:,:),              POINTER  ::   mgfield_3d_vec_s 
+  !1st index: subdomain,2nd index : multigrid level
+  TYPE(mg_field_3d_vec_s), DIMENSION(:,:),              POINTER  ::   mgfield_3d_vec_s 
 #undef __KIND
-   !1st index: subdomain,2nd index : multigrid level
-   TYPE(mg_field_3d_vec_d), DIMENSION(:,:),              POINTER  ::   mgfield_3d_vec_d 
+  !1st index: subdomain,2nd index : multigrid level
+  TYPE(mg_field_3d_vec_d), DIMENSION(:,:),              POINTER  ::   mgfield_3d_vec_d 
 #undef __KIND
 #undef __MESH_DIM
 #undef __DIM
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   !Starting  index for the iteration through the mesh points. 
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   INTEGER,  DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER  :: start
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   !Stopping index for the iteration through the mesh points.
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   INTEGER,  DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER  :: istop 
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   !Factor for coarsening the mesh
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   INTEGER,  DIMENSION(:),POINTER          :: factor
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   !Array with internal meshids
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   INTEGER,  DIMENSION(:),POINTER          :: meshid_g
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   !Array with external mesh_ids
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   INTEGER,  DIMENSION(:),POINTER          :: mesh_id_g
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   !Size of the ghostlayer. It is 1 for the multigrid since we do
-   !for the time being second order finite differences
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   INTEGER,  DIMENSION(:),POINTER       :: ghostsize
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   !BOUNDARY CONDITIONS of the computational domain.1st index:sub,2nd,face
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !Starting  index for the iteration through the mesh points. 
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  INTEGER,  DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER  :: start
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !Stopping index for the iteration through the mesh points.
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  INTEGER,  DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER  :: stop 
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !Factor for coarsening the mesh
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  INTEGER,  DIMENSION(:),POINTER          :: factor
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !Array with internal meshids
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  INTEGER,  DIMENSION(:),POINTER          :: meshid_g
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !Array with external mesh_ids
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  INTEGER,  DIMENSION(:),POINTER          :: mesh_id_g
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !Size of the ghostlayer. It is 1 for the multigrid since we do
+  !for the time being second order finite differences
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  INTEGER,  DIMENSION(:),POINTER       :: ghostsize
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !BOUNDARY CONDITIONS of the computational domain.1st index:sub,2nd,face
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 #define __DIM == __SFIELD
-   INTEGER,  DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER     :: bcdef_sca
+  INTEGER,  DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER     :: bcdef_sca
 #undef __DIM
 #define __DIM == __VFIELD
-   INTEGER,  DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER     :: bcdef_vec
+  INTEGER,  DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER     :: bcdef_vec
 #undef __DIM
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   !Is the face of the cell at the boundary? Yes or no?1st index face,2nd:isub
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   LOGICAL,  DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER  :: lboundary
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   LOGICAL                             :: w_cycle
-   LOGICAL                             :: l_print
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   LOGICAL                             :: lperiodic
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   !Order of the mg
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   INTEGER                             :: order
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   !number of levels (theoretical value)
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   INTEGER                              :: maxlev
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   !number of subs
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   INTEGER                              :: nsubs
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   !smoother              
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   INTEGER                              :: ismoother
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   !number of dimensions in the problem(if scalar fields=> vecdim=1)
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   INTEGER                              :: vecdim
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   !Array with the maximum number of mesh points on each processor
-   !Due to the load ballancing the waste of memory (if existed) is 
-   !minimal !!
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   INTEGER,DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: max_node
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !Is the face of the cell at the boundary? Yes or no?1st index face,2nd:isub
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  LOGICAL,  DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER  :: lboundary
+  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  LOGICAL                             :: w_cycle
+  LOGICAL                             :: l_print
+  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  LOGICAL                             :: lperiodic
+  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !Order of the mg
+  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  INTEGER                             :: order
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !number of levels (theoretical value)
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  INTEGER                              :: maxlev
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !number of subs
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  INTEGER                              :: nsubs
+  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !smoother              
+  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  INTEGER                              :: ismoother
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !number of dimensions in the problem(if scalar fields=> vecdim=1)
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  INTEGER                              :: vecdim
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define __MESH_DIM == __2D
+  LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: mask_dummy_2d   
+#undef __MESH_DIM                    
+#define __MESH_DIM == __3D
+  LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),POINTER :: mask_dummy_3d                       
+#undef __MESH_DIM
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !Array with the maximum number of mesh points on each processor
+  !Due to the load ballancing the waste of memory (if existed) is 
+  !minimal !!
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   REAL(ppm_kind_single)                        :: rdx2_s,rdy2_s,rdz2_s
-   REAL(ppm_kind_single)                        :: dx_s,dy_s,dz_s
-   REAL(ppm_kind_single)                        :: EPSU_s
-   REAL(ppm_kind_single)                        :: omega_s
+  REAL(ppm_kind_single)                        :: rdx2_s,rdy2_s,rdz2_s
+  REAL(ppm_kind_single)                        :: dx_s,dy_s,dz_s
+  REAL(ppm_kind_single)                        :: EPSU_s
+  REAL(ppm_kind_single)                        :: omega_s
 #undef __KIND
-   REAL(ppm_kind_double)                        :: rdx2_d,rdy2_d,rdz2_d
-   REAL(ppm_kind_double)                        :: dx_d,dy_d,dz_d
-   REAL(ppm_kind_double)                        :: EPSU_d
-   REAL(ppm_kind_double)                        :: omega_d
+  REAL(ppm_kind_double)                        :: rdx2_d,rdy2_d,rdz2_d
+  REAL(ppm_kind_double)                        :: dx_d,dy_d,dz_d
+  REAL(ppm_kind_double)                        :: EPSU_d
+  REAL(ppm_kind_double)                        :: omega_d
 #undef __KIND
- END MODULE ppm_module_data_mg
+END MODULE ppm_module_data_mg
diff --git a/src/ppm_module_mg_core.f b/src/ppm_module_mg_core.f
index aaef3fa..02434c6 100644
--- a/src/ppm_module_mg_core.f
+++ b/src/ppm_module_mg_core.f
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
       ! Revisions     :
       !  $Log: ppm_module_mg_core.f,v $
-      !  Revision  2007/07/13 10:19:00  ivos
-      !  CBL version of the PPM library
+      !  Revision  2006/07/25 15:18:20  menahel
+      !  initial import
       !  Revision 1.1  2004/09/22 18:31:04  kotsalie
       !  MG new version
diff --git a/src/ppm_module_user_numerics.f b/src/ppm_module_user_numerics.f
index e382ba1..3cd9560 100644
--- a/src/ppm_module_user_numerics.f
+++ b/src/ppm_module_user_numerics.f
@@ -31,5 +31,7 @@
          USE ppm_module_ode
          USE ppm_module_mg
          USE ppm_module_fmm
+         USE ppm_module_gmm
+         USE ppm_module_hamjac
       END MODULE ppm_module_user_numerics