From d597b6888b20b74838cdca5b6f5c4fd40e3f8159 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Manuela Kuhn <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2015 15:11:47 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Removed remains of cleaner

 ZeroMQTunnel/ | 43 ++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ZeroMQTunnel/ b/ZeroMQTunnel/
index b0d6b877..b6b84531 100644
--- a/ZeroMQTunnel/
+++ b/ZeroMQTunnel/
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ import sys
 import json
 import traceback
 from multiprocessing import Process, freeze_support
+import subprocess
+import json
@@ -24,20 +26,16 @@ class WorkerProcess():
     logfileFullPath     = None
     zmqContextForWorker = None
     zmqMessageChunkSize = None
-    zmqCleanerIp        = None              # responsable to delete files
-    zmqCleanerPort      = None              # responsable to delete files
     fileWaitTime_inMs   = None
     fileMaxWaitTime_InMs= None
-    def __init__(self, id, dataStreamIp, dataStreamPort, logfileFullPath, chunkSize, zmqCleanerIp, zmqCleanerPort,
+    def __init__(self, id, dataStreamIp, dataStreamPort, logfileFullPath, chunkSize,
                  fileWaitTimeInMs=2000.0, fileMaxWaitTimeInMs=10000.0):                   = id
         self.dataStreamIp         = dataStreamIp
         self.dataStreamPort       = dataStreamPort
         self.logfileFullPath      = logfileFullPath
         self.zmqMessageChunkSize  = chunkSize
-        self.zmqCleanerIp         = zmqCleanerIp
-        self.zmqCleanerPort       = zmqCleanerPort
         self.fileWaitTime_inMs    = fileWaitTimeInMs
         self.fileMaxWaitTime_InMs = fileMaxWaitTimeInMs
@@ -98,12 +96,6 @@ class WorkerProcess():
         jobCount = 0
-        #init Cleaner message-pipe
-        cleanerSocket = zmqContextForWorker.socket(zmq.PUSH)
-        connectionStringCleanerSocket = "tcp://{ip}:{port}".format(ip=self.zmqCleanerIp, port=self.zmqCleanerPort)
-        cleanerSocket.connect(connectionStringCleanerSocket)
         while processingJobs:
             #sending a "ready"-signal to the router.
             #the reply will contain the actual job/task.
@@ -162,21 +154,6 @@ class WorkerProcess():
-            #send remove-request to message pipe
-            try:
-                #sending to pipe
-                logging.debug("send file-event to cleaner-pipe...")
-                cleanerSocket.send(workload)
-                logging.debug("send file-event to cleaner-pipe...success.")
-                #TODO: remember workload. append to list?
-                # can be used to verify files which have been processed twice or more
-            except Exception, e:
-                errorMessage = "Unable to notify Cleaner-pipe to delete file: " + str(filename)
-                logging.error(errorMessage)
-                logging.debug("fileEventMessageDict=" + str(fileEventMessageDict))
     def getFileWaitTimeInMs(self):
         waitTime = 2000.0
         return waitTime
@@ -398,6 +375,7 @@ class FileMover():
     dataStreamPort        = "6061"       # port number of dataStream-socket to push new files to
     fileWaitTimeInMs      = None
     fileMaxWaitTimeInMs   = None
+    pipe_name             = "/tmp/zeromqllpipe_resp"
     currentZmqDataStreamSocketListIndex = None # Index-Number of a socket used to send datafiles to
     logfileFullPath = None
@@ -535,6 +513,19 @@ class FileMover():
+        # inform lsyncd wrapper that the file can be moved
+#        if not os.path.exists(self.pipe_name):
+#                os.mkfifo(self.pipe_name)
+#        messageToPipe = json.loads ( fileEventMessage )
+#        messageToPipe = messageToPipe["sourcePath"] + os.sep + messageToPipe["filename"]
+#        my_cmd = 'echo "' + messageToPipe + '"  > ' + self.pipe_name
+#        p = subprocess.Popen ( my_cmd, shell=True )
+#        p.communicate()
         logging.debug("passing job to workerThread...done.")