__author__ = 'Manuela Kuhn <manuela.kuhn@desy.de>', 'Marco Strutz <marco.strutz@desy.de>' import time import zmq import logging import os import sys import traceback import copy from multiprocessing import Process from WorkerProcess import WorkerProcess #path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) SHARED_PATH = os.path.dirname ( os.path.dirname ( os.path.realpath ( __file__ ) ) ) + os.sep + "shared" if not SHARED_PATH in sys.path: sys.path.append ( SHARED_PATH ) del SHARED_PATH import helperScript # # -------------------------- class: SignalHandler -------------------------------------- # class SignalHandler(): def __init__(self, whiteList, comPort, signalFwPort, requestPort, context = None): # to get the logging only handling this class log = None self.context = context or zmq.Context() self.localhost = "" self.extIp = "" self.comPort = comPort self.signalFwPort = signalFwPort self.requestPort = requestPort self.openConnections = [] self.openRequVari = [] self.openRequPerm = [] self.allowedQueries = [] self.whiteList = [] #remove .desy.de from hostnames for host in whiteList: if host.endswith(".desy.de"): self.whiteList.append(host[:-8]) else: self.whiteList.append(host) # sockets self.comSocket = None self.signalFwSocket = None self.requestSocket = None self.log = self.getLogger() self.log.debug("Init") self.createSockets() try: self.run() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except: trace = traceback.format_exc() self.log.info("Stopping signalHandler due to unknown error condition.") self.log.debug("Error was: " + str(trace)) def getLogger(self): logger = logging.getLogger("SignalHandler") return logger def createSockets(self): # create zmq socket for signal communication with receiver self.comSocket = self.context.socket(zmq.REP) connectionStr = "tcp://{ip}:{port}".format(ip=self.extIp, port=self.comPort) try: self.comSocket.bind(connectionStr) self.log.info("comSocket started (bind) for '" + connectionStr + "'") except Exception as e: self.log.error("Failed to start comSocket (bind): '" + connectionStr + "'") self.log.debug("Error was:" + str(e)) # setting up router for load-balancing worker-processes. # each worker-process will handle a file event self.signalFwSocket = self.context.socket(zmq.REP) connectionStr = "tcp://{ip}:{port}".format(ip=self.localhost, port=self.signalFwPort) try: self.signalFwSocket.bind(connectionStr) self.log.debug("signalFwSocket started (bind) for '" + connectionStr + "'") except Exception as e: self.log.error("Failed to start signalFwSocket (bind): '" + connectionStr + "'") self.log.debug("Error was:" + str(e)) # create socket to receive requests self.requestSocket = self.context.socket(zmq.PULL) connectionStr = "tcp://{ip}:{port}".format(ip=self.extIp, port=self.requestPort) try: self.requestSocket.bind(connectionStr) self.log.debug("requestSocket started (bind) for '" + connectionStr + "'") except Exception as e: self.log.error("Failed to start requestSocket (bind): '" + connectionStr + "'") self.log.debug("Error was:" + str(e)) # Poller to distinguish between start/stop signals and queries for the next set of signals self.poller = zmq.Poller() self.poller.register(self.comSocket, zmq.POLLIN) self.poller.register(self.signalFwSocket, zmq.POLLIN) self.poller.register(self.requestSocket, zmq.POLLIN) def run(self): #run loop, and wait for incoming messages self.log.debug("Waiting for new signals or requests.") while True: socks = dict(self.poller.poll()) if self.signalFwSocket in socks and socks[self.signalFwSocket] == zmq.POLLIN: try: incomingMessage = self.signalFwSocket.recv() if incomingMessage == "STOP": self.signalFwSocket.send(incomingMessage) break self.log.debug("New request for signals received.") openRequests = self.openRequPerm + self.openRequVari self.openRequVari = [] if openRequests: self.signalFwSocket.send_multipart(openRequests) self.log.debug("Answered to request: " + str(openRequests)) else: openRequests = ["None"] self.signalFwSocket.send_multipart(openRequests) self.log.debug("Answered to request: " + str(openRequests)) except Exception, e: self.log.error("Failed to receive/answer new signal requests.") trace = traceback.format_exc() self.log.debug("Error was: " + str(trace)) continue if self.comSocket in socks and socks[self.comSocket] == zmq.POLLIN: incomingMessage = self.comSocket.recv_multipart() self.log.debug("Received signal: " + str(incomingMessage) ) checkStatus, signal, host, port = self.checkSignal(incomingMessage) if not checkStatus: continue self.reactToSignal(signal, host, port) if self.requestSocket in socks and socks[self.requestSocket] == zmq.POLLIN: incomingMessage = self.requestSocket.recv_multipart() self.log.debug("Received request: " + str(incomingMessage) ) if incomingMessage[1] in self.allowedQueries: self.openRequVari.append(incomingMessage[1]) self.log.debug("Add to openRequVari: " + incomingMessage[1] ) def checkSignal(self, incomingMessage): if len(incomingMessage) != 4: log.info("Received signal is of the wrong format") log.debug("Received signal is too short or too long: " + str(incomingMessage)) return False, None, None, None else: version, signal, host, port = incomingMessage if host.startswith("["): # remove "['" and "']" at the beginning and the end host = host[2:-2].split("', '") else: host = [host] if port.startswith("["): port = port[2:-2].split("', '") else: port = [port] if version: if helperScript.checkVersion(version, self.log): self.log.debug("Versions are compatible: " + str(version)) else: self.log.debug("Version are not compatible") self.sendResponse("VERSION_CONFLICT") return False, None, None, None if signal and host and port : # Checking signal sending host self.log.debug("Check if signal sending host is in WhiteList...") if helperScript.checkHost(host, self.whiteList, self.log): self.log.debug("Hosts are allowed to connect.") self.log.debug("hosts: " + str(host)) else: self.log.debug("One of the hosts is not allowed to connect.") self.log.debug("hosts: " + str(host)) self.sendResponse("NO_VALID_HOST") return False, None, None, None return True, signal, host, port def sendResponse(self, signal): self.log.debug("send confirmation back to receiver: " + str(signal) ) self.comSocket.send(signal, zmq.NOBLOCK) def reactToSignal(self, signal, host, port): # React to signal if signal == "START_STREAM": #FIXME host = host[0] port = port[0] socketId = host + ":" + port self.log.info("Received signal: " + signal + " to host " + str(socketId)) if socketId in self.openRequPerm: self.log.info("Connection to " + str(socketId) + " is already open") self.sendResponse("CONNECTION_ALREADY_OPEN") else: # send signal back to receiver self.sendResponse(signal) self.log.debug("Send response back: " + str(signal)) self.openRequPerm.append(socketId) return elif signal == "STOP_STREAM": #FIXME host = host[0] port = port[0] socketId = host + ":" + port self.log.info("Received signal: " + signal + " to host " + str(socketId)) if socketId in self.openRequPerm: # send signal back to receiver self.sendResponse(signal) self.log.debug("Send response back: " + str(signal)) self.openRequPerm.remove(socketId) else: self.log.info("No connection to close was found for " + str(socketId)) self.sendResponse("NO_OPEN_CONNECTION_FOUND") return elif signal == "START_QUERY_NEXT": self.log.info("Received signal to enable querying for data for hosts: " + str(host)) connectionFound = False tmpAllowed = [] for h in host: for p in port: socketId = h + ":" + p if socketId in self.allowedQueries: connectionFound = True self.log.info("Connection to " + str(socketId) + " is already open") self.sendResponse("CONNECTION_ALREADY_OPEN") elif socketId not in tmpAllowed: tmpAllowed.append(socketId) else: #TODO send notification (double entries in START_QUERY_NEXT) back? pass if not connectionFound: # send signal back to receiver self.sendResponse(signal) self.allowedQueries += tmpAllowed self.log.debug("Send response back: " + str(signal)) return elif signal == "STOP_QUERY_NEXT": self.log.info("Received signal to disable querying for data for hosts: " + str(host)) connectionNotFound = False for h in host: for p in port: socketId = h + ":" + p if socketId in self.allowedQueries: self.allowedQueries.remove(socketId) else: connectionNotFound = True if connectionNotFound: self.log.info("No connection to close was found for " + str(socketId)) self.sendResponse("NO_OPEN_CONNECTION_FOUND") else: # send signal back to receiver self.sendResponse(signal) self.log.debug("Send response back: " + str(signal)) return else: self.log.info("Received signal from host " + str(host) + " unkown: " + str(signal)) self.sendResponse("NO_VALID_SIGNAL") def stop(self): self.log.debug("Closing sockets") self.comSocket.close(0) self.signalFwSocket.close(0) self.requestSocket.close(0) def __exit__(self): self.stop() def __del__(self): self.stop() if __name__ == '__main__': from multiprocessing import Process import time helperScript.initLogging("/space/projects/live-viewer/logs/signalHandler.log", verbose=True, onScreenLogLevel="debug") whiteList = ["localhost", "zitpcx19282"] comPort = "6000" requestFwPort = "6001" requestPort = "6002" signalHandlerProcess = Process ( target = SignalHandler, args = (whiteList, comPort, requestFwPort, requestPort) ) signalHandlerProcess.start() def sendSignal(socket, signal, port): sendMessage = ["0.0.1", signal, "zitpcx19282", port] socket.send_multipart(sendMessage) receivedMessage = socket.recv() logging.info("=== Responce : " + receivedMessage ) def sendRequest(socket, socketId): sendMessage = ["NEXT", socketId] socket.send_multipart(sendMessage) logging.info("=== request sent: " + str(sendMessage)) def getRequests(socket): socket.send("") requests = socket.recv_multipart() logging.info("=== Requests: " + str(requests)) context = zmq.Context.instance() comSocket = context.socket(zmq.REQ) connectionStr = "tcp://zitpcx19282:" + comPort comSocket.connect(connectionStr) logging.info("=== comSocket connected to " + connectionStr) requestSocket = context.socket(zmq.PUSH) connectionStr = "tcp://zitpcx19282:" + requestPort requestSocket.connect(connectionStr) logging.info("=== requestSocket connected to " + connectionStr) requestFwSocket = context.socket(zmq.REQ) connectionStr = "tcp://localhost:" + requestFwPort requestFwSocket.connect(connectionStr) logging.info("=== requestFwSocket connected to " + connectionStr) sendSignal(comSocket, "START_STREAM", "6003") getRequests(requestFwSocket) sendSignal(comSocket, "START_STREAM", "6004") getRequests(requestFwSocket) sendSignal(comSocket, "STOP_STREAM", "6003") getRequests(requestFwSocket) sendRequest(requestSocket, "zitpcx19282:6006") getRequests(requestFwSocket) sendSignal(comSocket, "START_QUERY_NEXT", "6005") getRequests(requestFwSocket) sendRequest(requestSocket, "zitpcx19282:6005") getRequests(requestFwSocket) getRequests(requestFwSocket) requestFwSocket.send("STOP") requests = requestFwSocket.recv() logging.debug("=== Requests: " + requests) signalHandlerProcess.join() comSocket.close(0) requestSocket.close(0) requestFwSocket.close(0) context.destroy()