from __builtin__ import open, type __author__ = 'Manuela Kuhn <>', 'Marco Strutz <>' import zmq import os import logging import traceback import json # # -------------------------- class: WorkerProcess -------------------------------------- # class WorkerProcess(): id = None dataStreamIp = None dataStreamPort = None zmqContextForWorker = None externalContext = None # if the context was created outside this class or not zmqMessageChunkSize = None cleanerIp = None # responsable to delete/move files cleanerPort = None # responsable to delete/move files liveViewerIp = None liveViewerPort = None ondaIp = None ondaPort = None routerSocket = None cleanerSocket = None dataStreamSocket = None liveViewerSocket = None ondaComSocket = None useDataStream = False # boolian to inform if the data should be send to the data stream pipe (to the storage system) useLiveViewer = False # boolian to inform if the receiver for the live viewer is running useRealTimeAnalysis = False # boolian to inform if the receiver for realtime-analysis is running requestFromOnda = False # to get the logging only handling this class log = None def __init__(self, id, dataStreamIp, dataStreamPort, chunkSize, cleanerIp, cleanerPort, ondaIp, ondaPort, useDataStream, context = None): = id self.dataStreamIp = dataStreamIp self.dataStreamPort = dataStreamPort self.zmqMessageChunkSize = chunkSize self.cleanerIp = cleanerIp self.cleanerPort = cleanerPort self.ondaIp = ondaIp self.ondaPort = ondaPort self.useDataStream = useDataStream #initialize router if context: self.zmqContextForWorker = context self.externalContext = True else: self.zmqContextForWorker = zmq.Context() self.externalContext = False self.log = self.getLogger() self.log.debug("new workerProcess started. id=" + str( if self.useDataStream: self.dataStreamSocket = self.zmqContextForWorker.socket(zmq.PUSH) connectionStr = "tcp://{ip}:{port}".format(ip=self.dataStreamIp, port=self.dataStreamPort) self.dataStreamSocket.connect(connectionStr)"dataStreamSocket started (connect) for '" + connectionStr + "'") # initialize sockets routerIp = "" routerPort = "50002" self.routerSocket = self.zmqContextForWorker.socket(zmq.REQ) self.routerSocket.identity = u"worker-{ID}".format("ascii") connectionStrRouterSocket = "tcp://{ip}:{port}".format(ip=routerIp, port=routerPort) self.routerSocket.connect(connectionStrRouterSocket) self.log.debug("routerSocket started (connect) for '" + connectionStrRouterSocket + "'") #init Cleaner message-pipe self.cleanerSocket = self.zmqContextForWorker.socket(zmq.PUSH) connectionStrCleanerSocket = "tcp://{ip}:{port}".format(ip=self.cleanerIp, port=self.cleanerPort) self.cleanerSocket.connect(connectionStrCleanerSocket) self.log.debug("cleanerSocket started (connect) for '" + connectionStrCleanerSocket + "'") # Poller to get either messages from the watcher or communication messages to stop sending data to the live viewer self.poller = zmq.Poller() #TODO do I need to register the routerSocket in here? self.poller.register(self.routerSocket, zmq.POLLIN) try: self.process() except KeyboardInterrupt: # trace = traceback.format_exc() self.log.debug("KeyboardInterrupt detected. Shutting down workerProcess " + str( + ".") except: trace = traceback.format_exc() self.log.error("Stopping workerProcess due to unknown error condition.") self.log.debug("Error was: " + str(trace)) finally: self.stop() def process(self): """ sends a 'ready' to a broker and receives a 'job' to process. The 'job' will be to pass the file of an fileEvent to the dataPipe. Why? -> the simulated "onClosed" event waits for a file for being not modified within a certain period of time. Instead of processing file after file the work will be spreaded to many workerProcesses. So each process can wait individual periods of time for a file without blocking new file events - as new file events will be handled by another workerProcess. """ """ takes the fileEventMessage, reading and passing the new file to a separate data-messagePipe. Afterwards the original file will be removed. """ processingJobs = True jobCount = 0 while processingJobs: #sending a "ready"-signal to the router. #the reply will contain the actual job/task. self.log.debug("worker-"+str(": sending ready signal") self.routerSocket.send(b"READY") # Get workload from router, until finished self.log.debug("worker-"+str(": waiting for new job") workload = self.routerSocket.recv() self.log.debug("worker-"+str(": new job received") finished = workload == b"END" if finished: processingJobs = False self.log.debug("router requested to shutdown worker-process. Worker processed: %d files" % jobCount) break jobCount += 1 # the live viewer is turned on startLV= workload.startswith("START_LIVE_VIEWER") # startLV = workload == b"START_LIVE_VIEWER" if startLV:"worker-"+str(": Received live viewer start command...") self.useLiveViewer = True try: workloadSplit = workload.split(',') self.liveViewerIp = workloadSplit[1] self.liveViewerPort = workloadSplit[2] except Exception as e: self.log.error("Could not encode command:" + worload + " ... live viewer not started") self.log.debug("Error was:" + str(e)) continue # create the socket to send data to the live viewer self.liveViewerSocket = self.zmqContextForWorker.socket(zmq.PUSH) connectionStr = "tcp://{ip}:{port}".format(ip=self.liveViewerIp, port=self.liveViewerPort) try: self.liveViewerSocket.connect(connectionStr)"liveViewerSocket started (connect) for '" + connectionStr + "'") except:"liveViewerSocket could not be started for '" + connectionStr + "'") continue # the live viewer is turned off stopLV = workload == b"STOP_LIVE_VIEWER" if stopLV:"worker-"+str(": Received live viewer stop command...") self.useLiveViewer = False # close the socket to send data to the live viewer self.liveViewerSocket.close(0)"liveViewerSocket closed") continue # the realtime-analysis is turned on startRTA = workload == b"START_REALTIME_ANALYSIS" if startRTA:"worker-"+str(": Received realtime-analysis start command...") self.useRealTimeAnalysis = True # create the socket to send data to the realtime analysis self.ondaComSocket = self.zmqContextForWorker.socket(zmq.REP) connectionStr = "tcp://{ip}:{port}".format(ip=self.ondaIp, port=self.ondaPort) self.ondaComSocket.bind(connectionStr)"ondaSocket started (bind) for '" + connectionStr + "'") self.poller.register(self.ondaComSocket, zmq.POLLIN) continue # the realtime-analysis is turned off stopRTA = workload == b"STOP_REALTIME_ANALYSIS" if stopRTA:"worker-"+str(": Received realtime-analysis stop command...stopping realtime analysis") self.useRealTimeAnalysis = False # close the socket to send data to the realtime analysis self.ondaComSocket.close(0)"ondaComSocket closed") continue if self.useDataStream or self.useLiveViewer or self.useRealTimeAnalysis: #convert fileEventMessage back to a dictionary fileEventMessageDict = None try: fileEventMessageDict = json.loads(str(workload)) self.log.debug("str(messageDict) = " + str(fileEventMessageDict) + " type(messageDict) = " + str(type(fileEventMessageDict))) except Exception, e: errorMessage = "Unable to convert message into a dictionary." self.log.error(errorMessage) self.log.debug("Error was: " + str(e)) #extract fileEvent metadata try: #TODO validate fileEventMessageDict dict filename = fileEventMessageDict["filename"] sourcePath = fileEventMessageDict["sourcePath"] relativePath = fileEventMessageDict["relativePath"] except Exception, e: self.log.error("Invalid fileEvent message received.") self.log.debug("Error was: " + str(e)) self.log.debug("fileEventMessageDict=" + str(fileEventMessageDict)) #skip all further instructions and continue with next iteration continue else: filename = None sourcePath = None relativePath = None # dict with all sockets to send data to (additionally to the dataStreamSocket) socketListToSendData = dict() if self.useLiveViewer: #passing file to data-messagPipe try: self.log.debug("worker-" + str( + ": passing new file to data-messagePipe...") socketListToSendData["liveViewer"] = self.liveViewerSocket self.log.debug("worker-" + str( + ": passing new file to data-messagePipe...success.") except Exception, e: self.log.error("Unable to pass new file to data-messagePipe.") self.log.error("Error was: " + str(e)) self.log.debug("worker-"+str(id) + ": passing new file to data-messagePipe...failed.") #skip all further instructions and continue with next iteration continue # else: # print "worker-"+str(": no data sent to live viewer" if self.useRealTimeAnalysis: socks = dict(self.poller.poll(0)) if self.ondaComSocket in socks and socks[self.ondaComSocket] == zmq.POLLIN: ondaWorkload = self.ondaComSocket.recv() self.log.debug("worker-"+str(": received new request from onda") request = ondaWorkload == b"NEXT_FILE" if request: self.requestFromOnda = True #passing file to data-messagPipe try: self.log.debug("worker-" + str( + ": passing new file to data-messagePipe...") socketListToSendData["onda"] = self.ondaComSocket self.log.debug("worker-" + str( + ": passing new file to data-messagePipe...success.") except Exception, e: self.log.error("Unable to pass new file to data-messagePipe.") self.log.error("Error was: " + str(e)) self.log.debug("worker-"+str( + ": passing new file to data-messagePipe...failed.") #skip all further instructions and continue with next iteration continue elif self.requestFromOnda: #passing file to data-messagPipe try: self.log.debug("worker-" + str( + ": passing new file to data-messagePipe...") socketListToSendData["onda"] = self.ondaComSocket self.log.debug("worker-" + str( + ": passing new file to data-messagePipe...success.") except Exception, e: self.log.error("Unable to pass new file to data-messagePipe.") self.log.error("Error was: " + str(e)) self.log.debug("worker-"+str( + ": passing new file to data-messagePipe...failed.") #skip all further instructions and continue with next iteration continue return_value = self.passFileToDataStream(filename, sourcePath, relativePath, socketListToSendData) #send remove-request to message pipe try: #sending to pipe self.log.debug("send file-event for file to cleaner-pipe...") self.log.debug("workload = " + str(workload)) self.cleanerSocket.send(workload) self.log.debug("send file-event for file to cleaner-pipe...success.") #TODO: remember workload. append to list? # can be used to verify files which have been processed twice or more except Exception, e: errorMessage = "Unable to notify Cleaner-pipe to delete file: " + str(workload) self.log.error(errorMessage) self.log.debug("fileEventMessageDict=" + str(fileEventMessageDict)) def getLogger(self): logger = logging.getLogger("workerProcess") return logger def getFileContent(self, filePath, fileFormat): if fileFormat == "cbf": # initialize a cbfimage opject cbfFile = cbfimage() try: # load the cbf file # add the data to the metadata JSON content = cbfFile.header content[u"data"] = except Exception as e: self.log.error("Unable to read cbf-file") self.log.debug("Error was: " + str(e)) else: content = "None" return content def passFileToDataStream(self, filename, sourcePath, relativePath, socketDict): if self.useDataStream or socketDict: """filesizeRequested == filesize submitted by file-event. In theory it can differ to real file size""" # filename = "img.tiff" # filepath = "C:\dir" # # --> sourceFilePathFull = 'C:\\dir\img.tiff' sourceFilePath = os.path.normpath(sourcePath + os.sep + relativePath) sourceFilePathFull = os.path.join(sourceFilePath, filename) #reading source file into memory try: #for quick testing set filesize of file as chunksize self.log.debug("get filesize for '" + str(sourceFilePathFull) + "'...") filesize = os.path.getsize(sourceFilePathFull) fileModificationTime = os.stat(sourceFilePathFull).st_mtime chunksize = filesize #can be used later on to split multipart message self.log.debug("filesize(%s) = %s" % (sourceFilePathFull, str(filesize))) self.log.debug("fileModificationTime(%s) = %s" % (sourceFilePathFull, str(fileModificationTime))) except Exception, e: errorMessage = "Unable to get file metadata for '" + str(sourceFilePathFull) + "'." self.log.error(errorMessage) self.log.debug("Error was: " + str(e)) return None # raise Exception(e) try: self.log.debug("opening '" + str(sourceFilePathFull) + "'...") fileDescriptor = open(str(sourceFilePathFull), "rb") except Exception, e: errorMessage = "Unable to read source file '" + str(sourceFilePathFull) + "'." self.log.error(errorMessage) self.log.debug("Error was: " + str(e)) return None # raise Exception(e) #build payload for message-pipe by putting source-file into a message try: payloadMetadata = self.buildPayloadMetadata(filename, filesize, fileModificationTime, sourcePath, relativePath) except Exception, e: self.log.error("Unable to assemble multi-part message.") self.log.debug("Error was: " + str(e)) return None # raise Exception(e) #send message try: self.log.debug("Passing multipart-message for file " + str(sourceFilePathFull) + "...") chunkNumber = 0 stillChunksToRead = True payloadAll = [json.dumps(payloadMetadata.copy())] while stillChunksToRead: chunkNumber += 1 #read next chunk from file fileContentAsByteObject = #detect if end of file has been reached if not fileContentAsByteObject: stillChunksToRead = False #as chunk is empty decrease chunck-counter chunkNumber -= 1 break #assemble metadata for zmq-message chunkPayloadMetadata = payloadMetadata.copy() chunkPayloadMetadata["chunkNumber"] = chunkNumber chunkPayloadMetadataJson = json.dumps(chunkPayloadMetadata) chunkPayload = [] chunkPayload.append(chunkPayloadMetadataJson) chunkPayload.append(fileContentAsByteObject) if socketDict.has_key("onda"): payloadAll.append(fileContentAsByteObject) # send data to the data stream to store it in the storage system if self.useDataStream: tracker = self.dataStreamSocket.send_multipart(chunkPayload, copy=False, track=True) if not tracker.done:"Message part from file " + str(sourceFilePathFull) + " has not been sent yet, waiting...") tracker.wait()"Message part from file " + str(sourceFilePathFull) + " has not been sent yet, waiting...done") #send data to the live viewer if socketDict.has_key("liveViewer"): socketDict["liveViewer"].send_multipart(chunkPayload, zmq.NOBLOCK)"Sending message part from file " + str(sourceFilePathFull) + " to LiveViewer") # send data to onda if socketDict.has_key("onda"): socketDict["onda"].send_multipart(payloadAll, zmq.NOBLOCK)"Sending from file " + str(sourceFilePathFull) + " to OnDA") self.requestFromOnda = False #close file fileDescriptor.close() # self.liveViewerSocket.send_multipart(multipartMessage) self.log.debug("Passing multipart-message for file " + str(sourceFilePathFull) + "...done.") # except zmq.error.Again: # self.log.error("unable to send multiplart-message for file " + str(sourceFilePathFull)) # self.log.error("Receiver has disconnected") except Exception, e: self.log.error("Unable to send multipart-message for file " + str(sourceFilePathFull)) # self.log.debug("Error was: " + str(e)) trace = traceback.format_exc() self.log.debug("Error was: " + str(trace)) self.log.debug("Passing multipart-message...failed.") # raise Exception(e) return def appendFileChunksToPayload(self, payload, sourceFilePathFull, fileDescriptor, chunkSize): try: # chunksize = 16777216 #16MB self.log.debug("reading file '" + str(sourceFilePathFull)+ "' to memory") # FIXME: chunk is read-out as str. why not as bin? will probably add to much overhead to zmq-message fileContentAsByteObject = while fileContentAsByteObject != "": payload.append(fileContentAsByteObject) fileContentAsByteObject = except Exception, e: self.log("Error was: " + str(e)) # raise Exception(str(e)) def buildPayloadMetadata(self, filename, filesize, fileModificationTime, sourcePath, relativePath, fileFormat = None): """ builds metadata for zmq-multipart-message. should be used as first element for payload. :param filename: :param filesize: :param fileModificationTime: :param sourcePath: :param relativePath: :return: """ #add metadata to multipart self.log.debug("create metadata for source file...") metadataDict = { "filename" : filename, "filesize" : filesize, "fileModificationTime" : fileModificationTime, "sourcePath" : sourcePath, "relativePath" : relativePath, "chunkSize" : self.getChunkSize() } if fileFormat: metadataDict["fileFormat"] = fileFormat self.log.debug("metadataDict = " + str(metadataDict)) return metadataDict def getChunkSize(self): return self.zmqMessageChunkSize def showFilesystemStatistics(self, vfsPath): statvfs = os.statvfs(vfsPath) totalSize = statvfs.f_frsize * statvfs.f_blocks freeBytes = statvfs.f_frsize * statvfs.f_bfree freeSpaceAvailableForUser = statvfs.f_frsize * statvfs.f_bavail #in bytes freeSpaceAvailableForUser_gigabytes = freeSpaceAvailableForUser / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 freeUserSpaceLeft_percent = ( float(freeBytes) / float(totalSize) ) * 100 # print "{number:.{digits}f}".format(number=freeUserSpaceLeft_percent, digits=0) # print int(freeUserSpaceLeft_percent) self.log.debug("vfsstat: freeSpaceAvailableForUser=" + str(freeSpaceAvailableForUser_gigabytes)+ " Gigabytes " + " (" + str(int(freeUserSpaceLeft_percent)) + "% free disk space left)") #warn if disk space is running low highWaterMark = 85 if int(freeUserSpaceLeft_percent) >= int(highWaterMark): self.log.warning("Running low in disk space! " + str(int(freeUserSpaceLeft_percent)) + "% free disk space left.") def stop(self): self.log.debug("Sending stop signal to cleaner from worker-" + str( self.cleanerSocket.send("STOP") #no communication needed because cleaner detects KeyboardInterrupt signals self.log.debug("Closing sockets for worker " + str( if self.dataStreamSocket: self.dataStreamSocket.close(0) if self.liveViewerSocket: self.liveViewerSocket.close(0) if self.ondaComSocket: self.ondaComSocket.close(0) self.routerSocket.close(0) self.cleanerSocket.close(0) if not self.externalContext: self.log.debug("Destroying context") self.zmqContextForWorker.destroy()