from __builtin__ import open, type __author__ = 'Manuela Kuhn <>', 'Marco Strutz <>' import time import argparse import zmq import os import logging import sys import json import traceback from multiprocessing import Process, freeze_support import subprocess import json import shutil import helperScript from RingBuffer import RingBuffer DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 1048576 # # -------------------------- class: Cleaner -------------------------------------- # class Cleaner(): """ * received cleaning jobs via zeromq, such as removing a file * Does regular checks on the watched directory, such as - deleting files which have been successfully send to target but still remain in the watched directory - poll the watched directory and reissue new files to fileMover which have not been detected yet """ bindingPortForSocket = None bindingIpForSocket = None zmqContextForCleaner = None externalContext = None # if the context was created outside this class or not zmqCleanerSocket = None # to get the logging only handling this class log = None useRealTimeAnalysis = True # boolian to inform if the receiver for the realtime analysis is running maxRingBufferSize = None ringBuffer = None def __init__(self, targetPath, bindingIp="", bindingPort="6062", maxRingBufferSize = None, context = None, verbose=False): self.bindingPortForSocket = bindingPort self.bindingIpForSocket = bindingIp self.targetPath = targetPath if context: self.zmqContextForCleaner = context self.externalContext = True else: self.zmqContextForCleaner = zmq.Context() self.externalContext = False if maxRingBufferSize: self.maxRingBufferSize = maxRingBufferSize # # TODO remove targetPath? # self.ringBuffer = RingBuffer(self.maxRingBufferSize, self.targetPath) self.ringBuffer = RingBuffer(self.maxRingBufferSize) self.log = self.getLogger() self.log.debug("Init") #bind to local port self.zmqCleanerSocket = self.zmqContextForCleaner.socket(zmq.PULL) connectionStrCleanerSocket = "tcp://" + self.bindingIpForSocket + ":%s" % self.bindingPortForSocket self.zmqCleanerSocket.bind(connectionStrCleanerSocket) self.log.debug("zmqCleanerSocket started for '" + connectionStrCleanerSocket + "'") try: self.process() except zmq.error.ZMQError: self.log.error("ZMQError: "+ str(e)) self.log.debug("Shutting down cleaner.") except KeyboardInterrupt:"KeyboardInterrupt detected. Shutting down cleaner.") except: trace = traceback.format_exc() self.log.error("Stopping cleanerProcess due to unknown error condition.") self.log.debug("Error was: " + str(trace)) self.stop() def getLogger(self): logger = logging.getLogger("cleaner") return logger def process(self): #processing messaging while True: #waiting for new jobs self.log.debug("Waiting for new jobs") try: workload = self.zmqCleanerSocket.recv() except Exception as e: self.log.error("Error in receiving job: " + str(e)) if workload == "STOP":"Stopping cleaner") self.stop() break elif workload == "START_REALTIME_ANALYSIS": self.useRealTimeAnalysis = True"Starting realtime analysis") break elif workload == "STOP_REALTIME_ANALYSIS": self.useRealTimeAnalysis = False"Stopping realtime analysis") break # transform to dictionary # metadataDict = { # "filename" : filename, # "filesize" : filesize, # "fileModificationTime" : fileModificationTime, # "sourcePath" : sourcePath, # "relativePath" : relativePath, # "chunkSize" : self.getChunkSize() # } try: workloadDict = json.loads(str(workload)) except: errorMessage = "invalid job received. skipping job" self.log.error(errorMessage) self.log.debug("workload=" + str(workload)) continue #extract fileEvent metadata try: #TODO validate fileEventMessageDict dict filename = workloadDict["filename"] sourcePath = workloadDict["sourcePath"] relativePath = workloadDict["relativePath"] if self.useRealTimeAnalysis: modTime = workloadDict["fileModificationTime"] # filesize = workloadDict["filesize"] except Exception, e: errorMessage = "Invalid fileEvent message received." self.log.error(errorMessage) self.log.debug("Error was: " + str(e)) self.log.debug("workloadDict=" + str(workloadDict)) #skip all further instructions and continue with next iteration continue #source file sourceFullpath = None try: #generate target filepath sourcePath = os.path.normpath(sourcePath + os.sep + relativePath) sourceFullPath = os.path.join(sourcePath,filename) targetFullPath = os.path.normpath(self.targetPath + relativePath) self.log.debug("sourcePath: " + str (sourcePath)) self.log.debug("filename: " + str (filename)) self.log.debug("targetPath: " + str (targetFullPath)) except Exception, e: self.log.error("Unable to generate file paths") trace = traceback.format_exc() self.log.error("Error was: " + str(trace)) #skip all further instructions and continue with next iteration continue if self.useRealTimeAnalysis: # copy file try: self.log.debug("Copying source file...") self.copyFile(sourcePath, filename, targetFullPath) self.log.debug("File copied: " + str(sourceFullPath)) self.log.debug("Copying source file...success.") except Exception, e: self.log.error("Unable to copy source file: " + str (sourceFullPath) ) trace = traceback.format_exc() self.log.error("Error was: " + str(trace)) self.log.debug("sourceFullpath="+str(sourceFullpath)) self.log.debug("Copying source file...failed.") #skip all further instructions and continue with next iteration continue # add file to ring buffer self.log.debug("Add new file to ring buffer: " + str(sourceFullPath) + ", " + str(modTime)) self.ringBuffer.add(sourceFullPath, modTime) else: try: self.log.debug("Moving source file...") self.moveFile(sourcePath, filename, targetFullPath) # self.removeFile(sourceFullpath) # #show filesystem statistics # try: # self.showFilesystemStatistics(sourcePath) # except Exception, f: # logging.warning("Unable to get filesystem statistics") # logging.debug("Error was: " + str(f)) self.log.debug("File moved: " + str(sourceFullPath)) self.log.debug("Moving source file...success.") except Exception, e: self.log.error("Unable to move source file: " + str (sourceFullPath) ) trace = traceback.format_exc() self.log.error("Error was: " + str(trace)) self.log.debug("sourceFullpath="+str(sourceFullpath)) self.log.debug("Moving source file...failed.") #skip all further instructions and continue with next iteration continue def copyFile(self, source, filename, target): maxAttemptsToCopyFile = 2 waitTimeBetweenAttemptsInMs = 500 iterationCount = 0"Copying file '" + str(filename) + "' from '" + str(source) + "' to '" + str(target) + "' (attempt " + str(iterationCount) + ")...success.") fileWasCopied = False while iterationCount <= maxAttemptsToCopyFile and not fileWasCopied: iterationCount+=1 try: # check if the directory exists before moving the file if not os.path.exists(target): try: os.makedirs(target) except OSError: pass # moving the file sourceFile = source + os.sep + filename targetFile = target + os.sep + filename self.log.debug("sourceFile: " + str(sourceFile)) self.log.debug("targetFile: " + str(targetFile)) shutil.copyfile(sourceFile, targetFile) fileWasCopied = True self.log.debug("Copying file '" + str(filename) + "' from '" + str(source) + "' to '" + str(target) + "' (attempt " + str(iterationCount) + ")...success.") except IOError: self.log.debug ("IOError: " + str(filename)) except Exception, e: trace = traceback.format_exc() warningMessage = "Unable to copy file {FILE}.".format(FILE=str(source) + str(filename)) self.log.warning(warningMessage) self.log.debug("trace=" + str(trace)) self.log.warning("will try again in {MS}ms.".format(MS=str(waitTimeBetweenAttemptsInMs))) if not fileWasCopied: self.log.error("Copying file '" + str(filename) + " from " + str(source) + " to " + str(target) + "' (attempt " + str(iterationCount) + ")...FAILED.") raise Exception("maxAttemptsToCopyFile reached (value={ATTEMPT}). Unable to move file '{FILE}'.".format(ATTEMPT=str(iterationCount), FILE=filename)) def moveFile(self, source, filename, target): maxAttemptsToMoveFile = 2 waitTimeBetweenAttemptsInMs = 500 iterationCount = 0"Moving file '" + str(filename) + "' from '" + str(source) + "' to '" + str(target) + "' (attempt " + str(iterationCount) + ")...success.") fileWasMoved = False while iterationCount <= maxAttemptsToMoveFile and not fileWasMoved: iterationCount+=1 try: # check if the directory exists before moving the file if not os.path.exists(target): try: os.makedirs(target) except OSError: pass # moving the file sourceFile = source + os.sep + filename targetFile = target + os.sep + filename self.log.debug("sourceFile: " + str(sourceFile)) self.log.debug("targetFile: " + str(targetFile)) shutil.move(sourceFile, targetFile) fileWasMoved = True self.log.debug("Moving file '" + str(filename) + "' from '" + str(source) + "' to '" + str(target) + "' (attempt " + str(iterationCount) + ")...success.") except IOError: self.log.debug ("IOError: " + str(filename)) except Exception, e: trace = traceback.format_exc() warningMessage = "Unable to move file {FILE}.".format(FILE=str(source) + str(filename)) self.log.warning(warningMessage) self.log.debug("trace=" + str(trace)) self.log.warning("will try again in {MS}ms.".format(MS=str(waitTimeBetweenAttemptsInMs))) if not fileWasMoved: self.log.error("Moving file '" + str(filename) + " from " + str(source) + " to " + str(target) + "' (attempt " + str(iterationCount) + ")...FAILED.") raise Exception("maxAttemptsToMoveFile reached (value={ATTEMPT}). Unable to move file '{FILE}'.".format(ATTEMPT=str(iterationCount), FILE=filename)) def removeFile(self, filepath): maxAttemptsToRemoveFile = 2 waitTimeBetweenAttemptsInMs = 500 iterationCount = 0"Removing file '" + str(filepath) + "' (attempt " + str(iterationCount) + ")...") fileWasRemoved = False while iterationCount <= maxAttemptsToRemoveFile and not fileWasRemoved: iterationCount+=1 try: os.remove(filepath) fileWasRemoved = True self.log.debug("Removing file '" + str(filepath) + "' (attempt " + str(iterationCount) + ")...success.") except Exception, e: trace = traceback.format_exc() warningMessage = "Unable to remove file {FILE}.".format(FILE=str(filepath)) self.log.warning(warningMessage) self.log.debug("trace=" + str(trace)) self.log.warning("will try again in {MS}ms.".format(MS=str(waitTimeBetweenAttemptsInMs))) if not fileWasRemoved: self.log.error("Removing file '" + str(filepath) + "' (attempt " + str(iterationCount) + ")...FAILED.") raise Exception("maxAttemptsToRemoveFile reached (value={ATTEMPT}). Unable to remove file '{FILE}'.".format(ATTEMPT=str(iterationCount), FILE=filepath)) def stop(self): self.log.debug("Closing socket") self.zmqCleanerSocket.close(0) if not self.externalContext: self.log.debug("Destroying context") self.zmqContextForCleaner.destroy()