# API to communicate with a data transfer unit __version__ = '2.1.1' import zmq import socket import logging import json import errno import os import cPickle import traceback from zmq.auth.thread import ThreadAuthenticator class loggingFunction: def out (self, x, exc_info = None): if exc_info: print x, traceback.format_exc() else: print x def __init__ (self): self.debug = lambda x, exc_info=None: self.out(x, exc_info) self.info = lambda x, exc_info=None: self.out(x, exc_info) self.warning = lambda x, exc_info=None: self.out(x, exc_info) self.error = lambda x, exc_info=None: self.out(x, exc_info) self.critical = lambda x, exc_info=None: self.out(x, exc_info) class noLoggingFunction: def out (self, x, exc_info = None): pass def __init__ (self): self.debug = lambda x, exc_info=None: self.out(x, exc_info) self.info = lambda x, exc_info=None: self.out(x, exc_info) self.warning = lambda x, exc_info=None: self.out(x, exc_info) self.error = lambda x, exc_info=None: self.out(x, exc_info) self.critical = lambda x, exc_info=None: self.out(x, exc_info) class NotSupported(Exception): pass class FormatError(Exception): pass class ConnectionFailed(Exception): pass class VersionError(Exception): pass class AuthenticationFailed(Exception): pass class CommunicationFailed(Exception): pass class DataSavingError(Exception): pass class dataTransfer(): def __init__ (self, connectionType, signalHost = None, useLog = False, context = None): if useLog: self.log = logging.getLogger("dataTransferAPI") elif useLog == None: self.log = noLoggingFunction() else: self.log = loggingFunction() # ZMQ applications always start by creating a context, # and then using that for creating sockets # (source: ZeroMQ, Messaging for Many Applications by Pieter Hintjens) if context: self.context = context self.extContext = True else: self.context = zmq.Context() self.extContext = False self.signalHost = signalHost self.signalPort = "50000" self.requestPort = "50001" self.dataHost = None self.dataPort = None self.signalSocket = None self.dataSocket = None self.requestSocket = None self.poller = zmq.Poller() self.auth = None self.targets = None self.supportedConnections = ["stream", "streamMetadata", "queryNext", "queryMetadata"] self.signalExchanged = None self.streamStarted = None self.queryNextStarted = None self.socketResponseTimeout = 1000 if connectionType in self.supportedConnections: self.connectionType = connectionType else: raise NotSupported("Chosen type of connection is not supported.") # targets: [host, port, prio] or [[host, port, prio], ...] def initiate (self, targets): if type(targets) != list: self.stop() raise FormatError("Argument 'targets' must be list.") if not self.context: self.context = zmq.Context() self.extContext = False signal = None # Signal exchange if self.connectionType == "stream": signalPort = self.signalPort signal = "START_STREAM" elif self.connectionType == "streamMetadata": signalPort = self.signalPort signal = "START_STREAM_METADATA" elif self.connectionType == "queryNext": signalPort = self.signalPort signal = "START_QUERY_NEXT" elif self.connectionType == "queryMetadata": signalPort = self.signalPort signal = "START_QUERY_METADATA" self.log.debug("Create socket for signal exchange...") if self.signalHost: self.__createSignalSocket(signalPort) else: self.stop() raise ConnectionFailed("No host to send signal to specified." ) self.targets = [] # [host, port, prio] if len(targets) == 3 and type(targets[0]) != list and type(targets[1]) != list and type(targets[2]) != list: host, port, prio = targets self.targets = [[host + ":" + port, prio]] # [[host, port, prio], ...] else: for t in targets: if type(t) == list and len(t) == 3: host, port, prio = t self.targets.append([host + ":" + port, prio]) else: self.stop() self.log.debug("targets=" + str(targets)) raise FormatError("Argument 'targets' is of wrong format.") # if type(dataPort) == list: # self.dataHost = str([socket.gethostname() for i in dataPort]) # else: # self.dataHost = socket.gethostname() message = self.__sendSignal(signal) if message and message == "VERSION_CONFLICT": self.stop() raise VersionError("Versions are conflicting.") elif message and message == "NO_VALID_HOST": self.stop() raise AuthenticationFailed("Host is not allowed to connect.") elif message and message == "CONNECTION_ALREADY_OPEN": self.stop() raise CommunicationFailed("Connection is already open.") elif message and message == "NO_VALID_SIGNAL": self.stop() raise CommunicationFailed("Connection type is not supported for this kind of sender.") # if there was no response or the response was of the wrong format, the receiver should be shut down elif message and message.startswith(signal): self.log.info("Received confirmation ...") self.signalExchanged = signal else: raise CommunicationFailed("Sending start signal ...failed.") def __createSignalSocket (self, signalPort): # To send a notification that a Displayer is up and running, a communication socket is needed # create socket to exchange signals with Sender self.signalSocket = self.context.socket(zmq.REQ) # time to wait for the sender to give a confirmation of the signal # self.signalSocket.RCVTIMEO = self.socketResponseTimeout connectionStr = "tcp://" + str(self.signalHost) + ":" + str(signalPort) try: self.signalSocket.connect(connectionStr) self.log.info("signalSocket started (connect) for '" + connectionStr + "'") except: self.log.error("Failed to start signalSocket (connect): '" + connectionStr + "'") raise # using a Poller to implement the signalSocket timeout (in older ZMQ version there is no option RCVTIMEO) self.poller.register(self.signalSocket, zmq.POLLIN) def __sendSignal (self, signal): if not signal: return # Send the signal that the communication infrastructure should be established self.log.info("Sending Signal") sendMessage = [__version__, signal] trg = cPickle.dumps(self.targets) sendMessage.append(trg) # sendMessage = [__version__, signal, self.dataHost, self.dataPort] self.log.debug("Signal: " + str(sendMessage)) try: self.signalSocket.send_multipart(sendMessage) except: self.log.error("Could not send signal") raise message = None try: socks = dict(self.poller.poll(self.socketResponseTimeout)) except: self.log.error("Could not poll for new message") raise # if there was a response if self.signalSocket in socks and socks[self.signalSocket] == zmq.POLLIN: try: # Get the reply. message = self.signalSocket.recv() self.log.info("Received answer to signal: " + str(message) ) except: self.log.error("Could not receive answer to signal") raise return message def start (self, dataSocket = False, whitelist = None): # Receive data only from whitelisted nodes if whitelist: if type(whitelist) == list: self.auth = ThreadAuthenticator(self.context) self.auth.start() for host in whitelist: try: if host == "localhost": ip = [socket.gethostbyname(host)] else: hostname, tmp, ip = socket.gethostbyaddr(host) self.log.debug("Allowing host " + host + " (" + str(ip[0]) + ")") self.auth.allow(ip[0]) except: self.log.error("Error was: ", exc_info=True) raise AuthenticationFailed("Could not get IP of host " + host) else: raise FormatError("Whitelist has to be a list of IPs") socketIdToConnect = self.streamStarted or self.queryNextStarted if socketIdToConnect: self.log.info("Reopening already started connection.") else: ip = "" #TODO use IP of hostname? host = "" port = "" if dataSocket: if type(dataSocket) == list: socketIdToConnect = dataSocket[0] + ":" + dataSocket[1] host = dataSocket[0] ip = socket.gethostbyaddr(host)[2][0] port = dataSocket[1] else: port = str(dataSocket) host = socket.gethostname() socketId = host + ":" + port ipFromHost = socket.gethostbyaddr(host)[2] if len(ipFromHost) == 1: ip = ipFromHost[0] elif len(self.targets) == 1: host, port = self.targets[0][0].split(":") ipFromHost = socket.gethostbyaddr(host)[2] if len(ipFromHost) == 1: ip = ipFromHost[0] else: raise FormatError("Multipe possible ports. Please choose which one to use.") socketId = host + ":" + port socketIdToConnect = ip + ":" + port # socketIdToConnect = "[" + ip + "]:" + port self.dataSocket = self.context.socket(zmq.PULL) # An additional socket is needed to establish the data retriving mechanism connectionStr = "tcp://" + socketIdToConnect self.dataSocket.zap_domain = b'global' try: # self.dataSocket.ipv6 = True self.dataSocket.bind(connectionStr) # self.dataSocket.bind("tcp://[2003:ce:5bc0:a600:fa16:54ff:fef4:9fc0]:50102") self.log.info("Data socket of type " + self.connectionType + " started (bind) for '" + connectionStr + "'") except: self.log.error("Failed to start Socket of type " + self.connectionType + " (bind): '" + connectionStr + "'", exc_info=True) raise self.poller.register(self.dataSocket, zmq.POLLIN) if self.connectionType in ["queryNext", "queryMetadata"]: self.requestSocket = self.context.socket(zmq.PUSH) # An additional socket is needed to establish the data retriving mechanism connectionStr = "tcp://" + self.signalHost + ":" + self.requestPort try: self.requestSocket.connect(connectionStr) self.log.info("Request socket started (connect) for '" + connectionStr + "'") except: self.log.error("Failed to start Socket of type " + self.connectionType + " (connect): '" + connectionStr + "'", exc_info=True) raise self.queryNextStarted = socketId else: self.streamStarted = socketId ## # # Receives or queries for new files depending on the connection initialized # # returns either # the newest file # (if connection type "queryNext" or "stream" was choosen) # the path of the newest file # (if connection type "queryMetadata" or "streamMetadata" was choosen) # ## def get (self, timeout=None): if not self.streamStarted and not self.queryNextStarted: self.log.info("Could not communicate, no connection was initialized.") return None, None if self.queryNextStarted : sendMessage = ["NEXT", self.queryNextStarted] try: self.requestSocket.send_multipart(sendMessage) except Exception as e: self.log.error("Could not send request to requestSocket", exc_info=True) return None, None # receive data if timeout: try: socks = dict(self.poller.poll(timeout)) except: self.log.error("Could not poll for new message") raise else: try: socks = dict(self.poller.poll()) except: self.log.error("Could not poll for new message") raise # if there was a response if self.dataSocket in socks and socks[self.dataSocket] == zmq.POLLIN: try: multipartMessage = self.dataSocket.recv_multipart() except: self.log.error("Receiving files..failed.") return [None, None] if len(multipartMessage) < 2: self.log.error("Received mutipart-message is too short. Either config or file content is missing.") self.log.debug("multipartMessage=" + str(mutipartMessage)) return [None, None] # extract multipart message try: metadata = cPickle.loads(multipartMessage[0]) except: self.log.error("Could not extract metadata from the multipart-message.", exc_info=True) metadata = None #TODO validate multipartMessage (like correct dict-values for metadata) try: payload = multipartMessage[1] except: self.log.warning("An empty file was received within the multipart-message", exc_info=True) payload = None return [metadata, payload] else: self.log.warning("Could not receive data in the given time.") if self.queryNextStarted : try: self.requestSocket.send_multipart(["CANCEL", self.queryNextStarted]) except Exception as e: self.log.error("Could not cancel the next query", exc_info=True) return [None, None] def store (self, targetBasePath, dataObject): if type(dataObject) is not list and len(dataObject) != 2: raise FormatError("Wrong input type for 'store'") payloadMetadata = dataObject[0] payload = dataObject[1] if type(payloadMetadata) is not dict: raise FormatError("payload: Wrong input format in 'store'") #save all chunks to file while True: #TODO check if payload != cPickle.dumps(None) ? if payloadMetadata and payload: #append to file try: self.log.debug("append to file based on multipart-message...") #TODO: save message to file using a thread (avoids blocking) #TODO: instead of open/close file for each chunk recyle the file-descriptor for all chunks opened self.__appendChunksToFile(targetBasePath, payloadMetadata, payload) self.log.debug("append to file based on multipart-message...success.") except KeyboardInterrupt: self.log.info("KeyboardInterrupt detected. Unable to append multipart-content to file.") break except Exception, e: self.log.error("Unable to append multipart-content to file.", exc_info=True) self.log.debug("Append to file based on multipart-message...failed.") if len(payload) < payloadMetadata["chunkSize"] : #indicated end of file. Leave loop filename = self.generateTargetFilepath(targetBasePath, payloadMetadata) fileModTime = payloadMetadata["fileModTime"] self.log.info("New file with modification time " + str(fileModTime) + " received and saved: " + str(filename)) break try: [payloadMetadata, payload] = self.get() except: self.log.error("Getting data failed.", exc_info=True) break def __appendChunksToFile (self, targetBasePath, configDict, payload): #generate target filepath targetFilepath = self.generateTargetFilepath(targetBasePath, configDict) self.log.debug("new file is going to be created at: " + targetFilepath) #append payload to file try: newFile = open(targetFilepath, "a") except IOError, e: # errno.ENOENT == "No such file or directory" if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: try: #TODO do not create commissioning, current, local targetPath = self.__generateTargetPath(targetBasePath, configDict) os.makedirs(targetPath) newFile = open(targetFilepath, "w") self.log.info("New target directory created: " + str(targetPath)) except: self.log.error("Unable to save payload to file: '" + targetFilepath + "'") self.log.debug("targetPath:" + str(targetPath)) raise else: self.log.error("Failed to append payload to file: '" + targetFilepath + "'") raise except: self.log.error("Failed to append payload to file: '" + targetFilepath + "'") # self.log.debug("e.errno = " + str(e.errno) + " errno.EEXIST==" + str(errno.EEXIST)) raise #only write data if a payload exist try: if payload != None: newFile.write(payload) newFile.close() except: self.log.error("Unable to append data to file.") raise def generateTargetFilepath (self, basePath, configDict): """ generates full path where target file will saved to. """ if not configDict: return None filename = configDict["filename"] #TODO This is due to Windows path names, check if there has do be done anything additionally to work # e.g. check sourcePath if it's a windows path relativePath = configDict["relativePath"].replace('\\', os.sep) if relativePath is '' or relativePath is None: targetPath = basePath else: targetPath = os.path.normpath(basePath + os.sep + relativePath) filepath = os.path.join(targetPath, filename) return filepath def __generateTargetPath (self, basePath, configDict): """ generates path where target file will saved to. """ #TODO This is due to Windows path names, check if there has do be done anything additionally to work # e.g. check sourcePath if it's a windows path relativePath = configDict["relativePath"].replace('\\', os.sep) # if the relative path starts with a slash path.join will consider it as absolute path if relativePath.startswith("/"): relativePath = relativePath[1:] targetPath = os.path.join(basePath, relativePath) return targetPath ## # # Send signal that the displayer is quitting, close ZMQ connections, destoying context # ## def stop (self): if self.signalSocket and self.signalExchanged: self.log.info("Sending close signal") signal = None if self.streamStarted or ( "STREAM" in self.signalExchanged): signal = "STOP_STREAM" elif self.queryNextStarted or ( "QUERY" in self.signalExchanged): signal = "STOP_QUERY_NEXT" message = self.__sendSignal(signal) #TODO need to check correctness of signal? self.streamStarted = None self.queryNextStarted = None try: if self.signalSocket: self.log.info("closing signalSocket...") self.signalSocket.close(linger=0) self.signalSocket = None if self.dataSocket: self.log.info("closing dataSocket...") self.dataSocket.close(linger=0) self.dataSocket = None if self.requestSocket: self.log.info("closing requestSocket...") self.requestSocket.close(linger=0) self.requestSocket = None except: self.log.error("closing ZMQ Sockets...failed.", exc_info=True) if self.auth: try: self.auth.stop() self.auth = None self.log.info("Stopping authentication thread...done.") except: self.log.error("Stopping authentication thread...done.", exc_info=True) # if the context was created inside this class, # it has to be destroyed also within the class if not self.extContext and self.context: try: self.log.info("Closing ZMQ context...") self.context.destroy(0) self.context = None self.log.info("Closing ZMQ context...done.") except: self.log.error("Closing ZMQ context...failed.", exc_info=True) def __exit__ (self): self.stop() def __del__ (self): self.stop()