# API to receive NeXus files __version__ = '0.0.1' import zmq import socket import logging import json import errno import os import cPickle import traceback import multiprocessing import time class loggingFunction(): def out(self, x, exc_info = None): if exc_info: print x, traceback.format_exc() else: print x def __init__(self): self.debug = lambda x, exc_info=None: self.out(x, exc_info) self.info = lambda x, exc_info=None: self.out(x, exc_info) self.warning = lambda x, exc_info=None: self.out(x, exc_info) self.error = lambda x, exc_info=None: self.out(x, exc_info) self.critical = lambda x, exc_info=None: self.out(x, exc_info) class StopPolling(): def __init__(self, controlPort, useLog = False, context = None): if useLog: self.log = logging.getLogger("nexusTransferAPI") else: self.log = loggingFunction() self.extHost = "" self.localhost = "localhost" self.controlPort = controlPort if context: self.context = context self.externalContext = True else: self.context = zmq.Context() self.externalContext = False self.controlSend = self.context.socket(zmq.PUSH) # connectionStr = "inproc://control" connectionStr = "tcp://" + str(self.localhost) + ":" + str(self.controlPort) try: self.controlSend.connect(connectionStr) self.log.info("contolSend started (connect) for '" + connectionStr + "'") except: self.log.error("Failed to start controlSend (conntect): '" + connectionStr + "'", exc_info=True) self.run() def run(self): try: while True: time.sleep(2) except: self.log.debug("Exception detected") finally: self.log.debug("Sending stop control signal") self.controlSend.send("STOP") self.log.debug("Sending stop control signal..done") self.stop() def stop(self): try: if self.controlSend: self.log.info("closing controlSend socket...") self.controlSend.close(linger=1) self.controlSend = None except: self.log.error("closing ZMQ Sockets...failed.", exc_info=True) # if the context was created inside this class, # it has to be destroyed also within the class if not self.externalContext and self.context: try: self.log.info("Closing ZMQ context...") self.context.destroy() self.context = None self.log.info("Closing ZMQ context...done.") except: self.log.error("Closing ZMQ context...failed.", exc_info=True) def __exit__(self): self.stop() def __del__(self): self.stop() class nexusTransfer(): def __init__(self, signalHost = None, useLog = False, context = None): if useLog: self.log = logging.getLogger("nexusTransferAPI") else: self.log = loggingFunction() # ZMQ applications always start by creating a context, # and then using that for creating sockets # (source: ZeroMQ, Messaging for Many Applications by Pieter Hintjens) if context: self.context = context self.externalContext = True else: self.context = zmq.Context() self.externalContext = False self.extHost = "" self.localhost = "localhost" self.signalPort = "50050" self.dataPort = "50100" self.signalSocket = None self.dataSocket = None self.numberOfStreams = None self.recvdCloseFrom = [] self.replyToSignal = False self.allCloseRecvd = False self.controlPort = "50200" self.StopPollingThread = multiprocessing.Process (target = StopPolling, args = (self.controlPort, useLog, context)) self.StopPollingThread.start() self.__createSockets() def __createSockets(self): self.signalSocket = self.context.socket(zmq.REP) connectionStr = "tcp://" + str(self.extHost) + ":" + str(self.signalPort) try: self.signalSocket.bind(connectionStr) self.log.info("signalSocket started (bind) for '" + connectionStr + "'") except: self.log.error("Failed to start signalSocket (bind): '" + connectionStr + "'", exc_info=True) self.dataSocket = self.context.socket(zmq.PULL) connectionStr = "tcp://" + str(self.extHost) + ":" + str(self.dataPort) try: self.dataSocket.bind(connectionStr) self.log.info("dataSocket started (bind) for '" + connectionStr + "'") except: self.log.error("Failed to start dataSocket (bind): '" + connectionStr + "'", exc_info=True) self.controlRecv = self.context.socket(zmq.PULL) # connectionStr = "inproc://control" connectionStr = "tcp://" + str(self.extHost) + ":" + str(self.controlPort) try: self.controlRecv.bind(connectionStr) self.log.info("contolRecv started (bind) for '" + connectionStr + "'") except: self.log.error("Failed to start controlRecv (bind): '" + connectionStr + "'", exc_info=True) self.poller = zmq.Poller() self.poller.register(self.signalSocket, zmq.POLLIN) self.poller.register(self.dataSocket, zmq.POLLIN) self.poller.register(self.controlRecv, zmq.POLLIN) def read(self): while True: self.log.debug("polling") socks = dict(self.poller.poll()) if self.signalSocket in socks and socks[self.signalSocket] == zmq.POLLIN: self.log.debug("signalSocket is polling") message = self.signalSocket.recv() self.log.debug("signalSocket recv: " + message) if message == b"CLOSE_FILE" and not self.allCloseRecvd: self.replyToSignal = message else: self.signalSocket.send(message) self.log.debug("signalSocket send: " + message) return message if self.dataSocket in socks and socks[self.dataSocket] == zmq.POLLIN: self.log.debug("dataSocket is polling") try: return self.__getMultipartMessage() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.log.debug("Keyboard interrupt detected. Stopping to receive.") raise except: self.log.error("Unknown error while receiving files. Need to abort.", exc_info=True) return None, None if self.controlRecv in socks and socks[self.controlRecv] == zmq.POLLIN: self.log.debug("controlRecv is polling") self.controlRecv.recv() # self.log.debug("Control signal received. Stopping.") raise Exception("Control signal received. Stopping.") def __getMultipartMessage(self): try: multipartMessage = self.dataSocket.recv_multipart() self.log.debug("multipartMessage=" + str(multipartMessage)) except: self.log.error("Could not receive data due to unknown error.", exc_info=True) if len(multipartMessage) < 2: self.log.error("Received mutipart-message is too short. Either config or file content is missing.") self.log.debug("multipartMessage=" + str(mutipartMessage)) #TODO return errorcode if multipartMessage[0] == b"CLOSE_FILE": id = multipartMessage[1] self.recvdCloseFrom.append(id) self.log.debug("Received close-file-signal from DataDispatcher-" + id) # get number of signals to wait for if not self.numberOfStreams: self.numberOfStreams = int(id.split("/")[1]) # have all signals arrived? if len(self.recvdCloseFrom) == self.numberOfStreams: self.log.info("All close-file-signals arrived") self.allCloseRecvd = True if self.replyToSignal: self.signalSocket.send(self.replyToSignal) self.log.debug("signalSocket send: " + self.replyToSignal) self.replyToSignal = False else: pass return "CLOSE_FILE" else: #extract multipart message try: metadata = cPickle.loads(multipartMessage[0]) except: self.log.error("Could not extract metadata from the multipart-message.", exc_info=True) metadata = None #TODO validate multipartMessage (like correct dict-values for metadata) try: payload = multipartMessage[1:] except: self.log.warning("An empty file was received within the multipart-message", exc_info=True) payload = None return [metadata, payload] ## # # Send signal that the displayer is quitting, close ZMQ connections, destoying context # ## def stop(self): # self.StopPollingThread.join() self.log.debug("closing sockets...") try: if self.signalSocket: self.log.info("closing signalSocket...") self.signalSocket.close(linger=0) self.signalSocket = None if self.dataSocket: self.log.info("closing dataSocket...") self.dataSocket.close(linger=0) self.dataSocket = None except: self.log.error("closing ZMQ Sockets...failed.", exc_info=True) # if the context was created inside this class, # it has to be destroyed also within the class if not self.externalContext and self.context: try: self.log.info("Closing ZMQ context...") self.context.destroy() self.context = None self.log.info("Closing ZMQ context...done.") except: self.log.error("Closing ZMQ context...failed.", exc_info=True) def __exit__(self): self.stop() def __del__(self): self.stop()