# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import time #from dectris import albula from PyQt4 import QtCore from PyQt4.QtCore import SIGNAL, QThread, QMutex import zmq class LiveView(QThread): FILETYPE_CBF = 0 FILETYPE_TIF = 1 FILETYPE_HDF5 = 2 alive = False path = "" filetype = 0 interval = 0.5 #s stoptimer = -1.0 viewer = None subframe = None mutex = None zmqIp = "haspp11eval01.desy.de" zmqPort = "50021" zmqContext = None zmqSocket = None def __init__(self, path=None, filetype=None, interval=None, parent=None): QThread.__init__(self, parent) if path is not None: self.path = path if filetype is not None: self.filetype = filetype if interval is not None: self.interval = interval self.zmqContext, self.zmqSocket = createZmqSocket(self.zmqIp, self.zmqPort) self.mutex = QMutex() def start(self, path=None, filetype=None, interval=None): if path is not None: self.path = path if filetype is not None: self.filetype = filetype if interval is not None: self.interval = interval QThread.start(self) def stop(self, interval=0.0): if self.stoptimer < 0.0 and interval > 0.0: print "Live view thread: Stopping in %d seconds"%interval self.stoptimer = interval return print "Live view thread: Stopping thread" self.alive = False self.wait() # waits until run stops on his own # close ZeroMQ socket and destroy ZeroMQ context stopZmq(self.zmqSocket, self.zmqContext) def run(self): self.alive = True print "Live view thread: started" suffix = [".cbf", ".tif", ".hdf5"] if self.filetype in [LiveView.FILETYPE_CBF, LiveView.FILETYPE_TIF]: # open viewer while self.alive: # find latest image self.mutex.lock() # get latest file from reveiver try: received_file = communicateWithReceiver(self.zmqSocket) print "===received_file", received_file except zmq.error.ZMQError: received_file = None print "ZMQError" break # display image # try: # self.subframe.loadFile(receiived_file) # viewer or subframe has been closed by the user # except: # self.mutex.unlock() # time.sleep(0.1) # try: # self.subframe = self.viewer.openSubFrame() # except: # self.viewer = albula.openMainFrame() # self.subframe = self.viewer.openSubFrame() # continue self.mutex.unlock() # wait interval interval = 0.0 while interval < self.interval and self.alive: if self.stoptimer > 0.0: self.stoptimer -= 0.05 if self.stoptimer < 0.0: self.stoptimer = -1.0 self.alive = False time.sleep(0.05) interval += 0.05 elif self.filetype == LiveView.FILETYPE_HDF5: print "Live view thread: HDF5 not supported yet" print "Live view thread: Thread for Live view died" self.alive = False def setPath(self, path=None): self.mutex.lock() if path is not None: self.path = path self.mutex.unlock() def setFiletype(self, filetype=None): restart = False if self.alive: restart = True self.stop() if filetype is not None: self.filetype = filetype if restart: self.start() def setInterval(self, interval=None): if interval is not None: self.interval = interval def createZmqSocket(zmqIp, zmqPort): context = zmq.Context() # assert isinstance(context, zmq.sugar.context.Context) socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ) connectionStrSocket = "tcp://{ip}:{port}".format(ip=zmqIp, port=zmqPort) socket.connect(connectionStrSocket) return context, socket def communicateWithReceiver(socket): print "Asking for next file" socket.send ("NextFile") # Get the reply. message = socket.recv() print "Next file: ", message return message def stopZmq(zmqSocket, zmqContext): try: print "closing zmqSocket..." zmqSocket.close(linger=0) print "closing zmqSocket...done." except Exception as e: print "closing zmqSocket...failed." print e try: print"closing zmqContext..." zmqContext.destroy() "closing zmqContext...done." except Exception as e: print "closing zmqContext...failed." print e if __name__ == '__main__': import sys from threading import Thread lv = LiveView() lv.start() time.sleep(100) lv.stop()