diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 26b87bc7452a83fcb6c777b8afbf836ce913f394..30a8bc6e99b57166ba128ebd439a09434f60efdb 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8 FATAL_ERROR)
 project(openfpm_pdata LANGUAGES C CXX)
 if (POLICY CMP0074)
-  cmake_policy(SET CMP0074 NEW)
+        cmake_policy(SET CMP0074 OLD)
+endif ()
 set(BOOST_INCLUDE ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR} CACHE PATH "Include directory for BOOST")
 set(PETSC_ROOT CACHE PATH "If compiling with linear algebra indicate the PETSC root directory")
@@ -43,29 +41,28 @@ set(ENV{PATH} "$ENV{PATH}:${HDF5_ROOT}/bin")
-	enable_language(CUDA)
-	find_package(CUDA)
+        enable_language(CUDA)
+        find_package(CUDA)
                 message("CUDA is compatible")
                 set(WARNING_SUPPRESSION_AND_OPTION_NVCC  -Xcudafe "--display_error_number --diag_suppress=611 --diag_suppress=2885 --diag_suppress=2886  --diag_suppress=2887  --diag_suppress=2888 --diag_suppress=186 --diag_suppress=111" --expt-extended-lambda)
+                FILE(WRITE cuda_options " -Xcudafe \"--display_error_number --diag_suppress=611 --diag_suppress=2885 --diag_suppress=2886  --diag_suppress=2887  --diag_suppress=2888 --diag_suppress=186 --diag_suppress=111\" --expt-extended-lambda ")
                 message("CUDA is compatible")
-                set(WARNING_SUPPRESSION_AND_OPTION_NVCC -Xcudafe "--display_error_number --diag_suppress=611 --diag_suppress=2885 --diag_suppress=2886  --diag_suppress=2887  --diag_suppress=2888 --diag_suppress=186 --diag_suppress=111 --diag_suppress=2928 --diag_suppress=2931 --diag_suppress=2929 --diag_suppress=2930" --expt-extended-lambda)
+                set(WARNING_SUPPRESSION_AND_OPTION_NVCC  -Xcudafe "--display_error_number --diag_suppress=2915 --diag_suppress=2914 --diag_suppress=2912 --diag_suppress=2913 --diag_suppress=111 --diag_suppress=186 --diag_suppress=611 " --expt-extended-lambda )
+                FILE(WRITE cuda_options "-Xcudafe \"--display_error_number --diag_suppress=2915 --diag_suppress=2914  --diag_suppress=2912 --diag_suppress=2913 --diag_suppress=111 --diag_suppress=186 --diag_suppress=611 \" --expt-extended-lambda")
                 message("CUDA is compatible")
-                set(WARNING_SUPPRESSION_AND_OPTION_NVCC  -Xcudafe "--display_error_number --diag_suppress=2976 --diag_suppress=2977 --diag_suppress=2978 --diag_suppress=2979 --diag_suppress=1835 --diag_suppress=611 --diag_suppress=186 --diag_suppress=128" --expt-extended-lambda)
-                set(WARNING_SUPPRESSION_AND_OPTION_NVCC_TEXT  "-Xcudafe \"--display_error_number --diag_suppress=2976 --diag_suppress=2977 --diag_suppress=2978 --diag_suppress=2979 --diag_suppress=1835 --diag_suppress=611 --diag_suppress=186 --diag_suppress=128\" --expt-extended-lambda")
+                set(WARNING_SUPPRESSION_AND_OPTION_NVCC  -Xcudafe "--display_error_number --diag_suppress=2976 --diag_suppress=2977  --diag_suppress=2979 --diag_suppress=186" --expt-extended-lambda)
-                message(FATAL_ERROR "CUDA is incompatible, version 9.2 is only supported")
+                message(FATAL_ERROR "CUDA is incompatible, version 9.2 and 10.1 is only supported")
-find_package(Boost 1.68.0 COMPONENTS unit_test_framework iostreams program_options)
+find_package(Boost 1.72.0 REQUIRED COMPONENTS unit_test_framework iostreams program_options)
+find_package(MPI REQUIRED)
@@ -137,6 +134,10 @@ else()
 	message( FATAL_ERROR "MPI is required in order to install OpenFPM" )
+        set(DEFINE_HAVE_PETSC "#define HAVE_PETSC")
 if (Boost_FOUND)
@@ -163,11 +164,20 @@ if(EIGEN3_FOUND)
+        set(DEFINE_HAVE_EIGEN "#define HAVE_EIGEN")
-	file(WRITE error_code "210")
-	message( FATAL_ERROR "LibHilbert is required in order to install OpenFPM")
+        file(WRITE error_code "210")
+        message( FATAL_ERROR "LibHilbert is required in order to install OpenFPM")
diff --git a/run.sh b/run.sh
index 4c12da58244a9423c4fecb37b488ade6c14adba7..3a89ffd91f60673986531980885855179d53fd5c 100755
--- a/run.sh
+++ b/run.sh
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ echo "RUN numerics test"
 cd ..
 source $HOME/openfpm_vars_$branch
 cd openfpm_numerics
 mpirun -np $3 ../build/openfpm_numerics/src/numerics
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index afcedf063889fc0fff8c1bca74d0474c72fbf193..e161c5d69fbf09fc8509623920ed2e8b564147a1 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -2,8 +2,29 @@ cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8 FATAL_ERROR)
 ########################### Executables
-add_executable(numerics main.cpp Matrix/SparseMatrix_unit_tests.cpp interpolation/interpolation_unit_tests.cpp  Vector/Vector_unit_tests.cpp  Solvers/petsc_solver_unit_tests.cpp FiniteDifference/FDScheme_unit_tests.cpp FiniteDifference/eq_unit_test_3d.cpp FiniteDifference/eq_unit_test.cpp  Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_unit_tests.cpp ../../openfpm_vcluster/src/VCluster/VCluster.cpp ../../openfpm_devices/src/memory/CudaMemory.cu  ../../openfpm_devices/src/memory/HeapMemory.cpp ../../openfpm_devices/src/memory/PtrMemory.cpp ../../openfpm_devices/src/Memleak_check.cpp)
+	set(CUDA_SOURCES Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_unit_tests.cu
+					 Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_apply_kernel_unit_tests.cu)
+add_executable(numerics ${OPENFPM_INIT_FILE} ${CUDA_SOURCES}
+						main.cpp 
+						Matrix/SparseMatrix_unit_tests.cpp
+						interpolation/interpolation_unit_tests.cpp
+						Vector/Vector_unit_tests.cpp  
+						Solvers/petsc_solver_unit_tests.cpp 
+						FiniteDifference/FDScheme_unit_tests.cpp 
+						FiniteDifference/eq_unit_test_3d.cpp 
+						FiniteDifference/eq_unit_test.cpp  
+						Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_unit_tests.cpp 
+						Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_apply_kernel_unit_tests.cpp
+						../../openfpm_vcluster/src/VCluster/VCluster.cpp 
+						../../openfpm_devices/src/memory/CudaMemory.cu  
+						../../openfpm_devices/src/memory/HeapMemory.cpp 
+						../../openfpm_devices/src/memory/PtrMemory.cpp 
+						../../openfpm_devices/src/Memleak_check.cpp
+						../../src/lib/pdata.cpp)
@@ -16,9 +37,12 @@ endif()
+<<<<<<< HEAD
         if (TEST_COVERAGE)
                 target_compile_options(numerics PRIVATE $<$<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:CUDA>: -Xcompiler "-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage" >)
+>>>>>>> sparse_cl
 target_include_directories (numerics PUBLIC ${CUDA_INCLUDE_DIRS})
@@ -34,14 +58,22 @@ target_include_directories (numerics PUBLIC ${METIS_ROOT}/include)
 target_include_directories (numerics PUBLIC ${HDF5_ROOT}/include)
 target_include_directories (numerics PUBLIC ${LIBHILBERT_INCLUDE_DIRS})
 target_include_directories (numerics PUBLIC ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS})
+target_include_directories (numerics PUBLIC ${Vc_INCLUDE_DIR})
 	target_include_directories (numerics PUBLIC ${EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR})
+link_directories(${PARMETIS_ROOT} ${METIS_ROOT})
 target_link_libraries(numerics ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 target_link_libraries(numerics -L${PARMETIS_ROOT}/lib parmetis)
 target_link_libraries(numerics ${HDF5_LIBRARIES})
+target_link_libraries(numerics ${PARMETIS_LIBRARIES})
+target_link_libraries(numerics -L${HDF5_ROOT}/lib hdf5 hdf5_hl)
+>>>>>>> sparse_cl
 target_link_libraries(numerics -L${LIBHILBERT_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${LIBHILBERT_LIBRARIES})
+target_link_libraries(numerics ${Vc_LIBRARIES})
 	target_include_directories (numerics PUBLIC ${PETSC_INCLUDES})
 	target_link_libraries(numerics ${PETSC_LIBRARIES})
diff --git a/src/FiniteDifference/eq_unit_test_3d.cpp b/src/FiniteDifference/eq_unit_test_3d.cpp
index 9456a8e87af08fccb179110086d2a425bf0c1054..760b276b25960183fcc0f032c47999ca2678fa4f 100644
--- a/src/FiniteDifference/eq_unit_test_3d.cpp
+++ b/src/FiniteDifference/eq_unit_test_3d.cpp
@@ -214,7 +214,12 @@ template<typename solver_type,typename lid_nn_3d> void lid_driven_cavity_3d()
-	#if __GNUC__ == 7
+	#if __GNUC__ == 8
+        std::string file1 = std::string("test/") + s + "lid_driven_cavity_3d_p" + std::to_string(v_cl.getProcessingUnits()) + "_grid_" + std::to_string(v_cl.getProcessUnitID()) + "_test_GCC8.vtk";
+        std::string file2 = s + "lid_driven_cavity_3d_p" + std::to_string(v_cl.getProcessingUnits()) + "_grid_" + std::to_string(v_cl.getProcessUnitID()) + ".vtk";
+	#elif __GNUC__ == 7
         std::string file1 = std::string("test/") + s + "lid_driven_cavity_3d_p" + std::to_string(v_cl.getProcessingUnits()) + "_grid_" + std::to_string(v_cl.getProcessUnitID()) + "_test_GCC7.vtk";
         std::string file2 = s + "lid_driven_cavity_3d_p" + std::to_string(v_cl.getProcessingUnits()) + "_grid_" + std::to_string(v_cl.getProcessUnitID()) + ".vtk";
diff --git a/src/Operators/Vector/cuda/vector_dist_operators_cuda.cuh b/src/Operators/Vector/cuda/vector_dist_operators_cuda.cuh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..22fab49438e1918939b2aecd66bfbd75407caaec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Operators/Vector/cuda/vector_dist_operators_cuda.cuh
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+ * vector_dist_operators_cuda.cuh
+ *
+ *  Created on: May 31, 2019
+ *      Author: i-bird
+ */
+constexpr unsigned int PROP_POS =(unsigned int)-1;
+/*! \brief selector for position or properties left side expression
+ *
+ * \tparam vector type of the original vector
+ *
+ * \tparam prp property id
+ *
+ */
+template <typename vector, unsigned int prp>
+struct pos_or_propL
+	//! return the value (position or property) of the particle k in the vector v
+	static inline auto value(vector & v, const vect_dist_key_dx & k) -> decltype(v.template getProp<prp>(k))
+	{
+		return v.template getProp<prp>(k);
+	}
+/*! \brief selector for position or properties left side expression
+ *
+ * \tparam vector type of the original vector
+ *
+ * \tparam prp property id
+ *
+ */
+template <typename vector, unsigned int prp>
+struct pos_or_propL_ker
+	//! return the value (position or property) of the particle k in the vector v
+	__device__ static inline auto value(vector & v, const unsigned int & k) -> decltype(v.template getProp<prp>(k))
+	{
+		return v.template getProp<prp>(k);
+	}
+/*! \brief selector for position or properties left side
+ *
+ * \tparam vector type of the original vector
+ *
+ * \tparam prp property id
+ *
+ */
+template <typename vector>
+struct pos_or_propL<vector,PROP_POS>
+#ifdef SE_CLASS3
+	//! return the value (position or property) of the particle k in the vector v
+	static inline auto value(vector & v, const vect_dist_key_dx & k) -> decltype(getExprL(v.getPos(k).getReference()))
+	{
+		return getExprL(v.getPos(k).getReference());
+	}
+	//! return the value (position or property) of the particle k in the vector v
+	static inline auto value(vector & v, const vect_dist_key_dx & k) -> decltype(ger<vector::dims,typename vector::stype>::getExprL(v.getPos(k)))
+	{
+		return ger<vector::dims,typename vector::stype>::getExprL(v.getPos(k));
+	}
+/*! \brief selector for position or properties left side
+ *
+ * \tparam vector type of the original vector
+ *
+ * \tparam prp property id
+ *
+ */
+template <typename vector>
+struct pos_or_propL_ker<vector,PROP_POS>
+#ifdef SE_CLASS3
+	//! return the value (position or property) of the particle k in the vector v
+	static inline auto value(vector & v, const vect_dist_key_dx & k) -> decltype(getExprL(v.getPos(k).getReference()))
+	{
+		return getExprL(v.getPos(k).getReference());
+	}
+	//! return the value (position or property) of the particle k in the vector v
+	__device__ static inline auto value(vector & v, const unsigned int & k) -> decltype(ger<vector::dims,typename vector::stype>::getExprL(v.getPos(k)))
+	{
+		return ger<vector::dims,typename vector::stype>::getExprL(v.getPos(k));
+	}
+/*! \brief selector for position or properties right side position
+ *
+ * \tparam vector type of the original vector
+ *
+ * \tparam prp property id
+ *
+ */
+template <typename vector, unsigned int prp>
+struct pos_or_propR
+	//! return the value (position or property) of the particle k in the vector v
+	__device__ __host__ static inline auto value(vector & v, const vect_dist_key_dx & k) -> decltype(v.template getProp<prp>(k))
+	{
+		return v.template getProp<prp>(k);
+	}
+	//! return the value (position or property) of the particle k in the vector v
+	__device__ __host__ static inline auto value(vector & v, const unsigned int & k) -> decltype(v.template getProp<prp>(k))
+	{
+		return v.template getProp<prp>(k);
+	}
+/*! \brief selector for position or properties right side
+ *
+ * \tparam vector type of the original vector
+ *
+ * \tparam prp property id
+ *
+ */
+template <typename vector>
+struct pos_or_propR<vector,PROP_POS>
+	//! return the value (position or property) of the particle k in the vector v
+	__device__ __host__ static inline auto value(vector & v, const vect_dist_key_dx & k) -> decltype(ger<vector::dims,typename vector::stype>::getExprR(v.getPos(k)))
+	{
+		return ger<vector::dims,typename vector::stype>::getExprR(v.getPos(k));
+	}
+	//! return the value (position or property) of the particle k in the vector v
+	__device__ __host__ static inline auto value(vector & v, const unsigned int & k) -> decltype(ger<vector::dims,typename vector::stype>::getExprR(v.getPos(k)))
+	{
+		return ger<vector::dims,typename vector::stype>::getExprR(v.getPos(k));
+	}
+template<unsigned int prp ,bool is_sort, int impl>
+struct vector_dist_op_compute_op
+	template<typename vector, typename expr>
+	static void compute_expr(vector & v,expr & v_exp)
+	{}
+	template<typename vector>
+	static void compute_const(vector & v,double d)
+	{}
+template<unsigned int prp>
+struct vector_dist_op_compute_op<prp,false,comp_host>
+	template<typename vector, typename expr>
+	static void compute_expr(vector & v,expr & v_exp)
+	{
+		v_exp.init();
+		auto it = v.getDomainIterator();
+		while (it.isNext())
+		{
+			auto key = it.get();
+			pos_or_propL<vector,prp>::value(v,key) = v_exp.value(key);
+			++it;
+		}
+	}
+	template<typename vector>
+	static void compute_const(vector & v,double d)
+	{
+		auto it = v.getDomainIterator();
+		while (it.isNext())
+		{
+			auto key = it.get();
+			pos_or_propL<vector,prp>::value(v,key) = d;
+			++it;
+		}
+	}
+#ifdef __NVCC__
+template<unsigned int prp, unsigned int dim ,typename vector, typename expr>
+__global__ void compute_expr_ker_vv(vector vd, expr v_exp)
+	int p = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
+	if (p >= vd.size())	{return;}
+	for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < dim ; i++)
+	{
+		vd.template get<prp>(p)[i] = v_exp.value(p).get(i);
+	}
+template<unsigned int prp, typename vector, typename expr>
+__global__ void compute_expr_ker_v(vector vd, expr v_exp)
+	int p = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
+	if (p >= vd.size())	{return;}
+	vd.template get<prp>(p) = v_exp.value(p);
+template<unsigned int prp, typename vector, typename expr>
+__global__ void compute_expr_ker(vector vd, expr v_exp)
+	int p = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
+	if (p >= vd.size_local())	{return;}
+	pos_or_propL_ker<vector,prp>::value(vd,p) = v_exp.value(p);
+template<unsigned int prp, typename vector>
+__global__ void compute_double_ker(vector vd, double d)
+	int p = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
+	if (p >= vd.size_local())	{return;}
+	pos_or_propL_ker<vector,prp>::value(vd,p) = d;
+/////////// SORTED VERSION //
+template<unsigned int prp, unsigned int dim ,typename vector, typename NN_type, typename expr>
+__global__ void compute_expr_ker_sort_vv(vector vd, NN_type NN, expr v_exp)
+	int p;
+	for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < dim ; i++)
+	{
+		vd.template get<prp>(p)[i] = v_exp.value(p).get(i);
+	}
+template<unsigned int prp, typename vector, typename NN_type, typename expr>
+__global__ void compute_expr_ker_sort_v(vector vd, NN_type NN, expr v_exp)
+	int p;
+	vd.template get<prp>(p) = v_exp.value(p);
+template<unsigned int prp, typename vector, typename expr, typename NN_type>
+__global__ void compute_expr_ker_sort(vector vd, NN_type NN, expr v_exp)
+	int p;
+	pos_or_propL_ker<vector,prp>::value(vd,p) = v_exp.value(p);
+template<unsigned int prp>
+struct vector_dist_op_compute_op<prp,false,comp_dev>
+	template<typename vector, typename expr>
+	static void compute_expr(vector & v,expr & v_exp)
+	{
+		v_exp.init();
+		auto ite  = v.getDomainIteratorGPU(256);
+		compute_expr_ker<prp><<<ite.wthr,ite.thr>>>(v,v_exp);
+	}
+	template<typename vector, typename expr>
+	static void compute_expr_v(vector & v,expr & v_exp)
+	{
+		v_exp.init();
+		auto ite  = v.getGPUIterator(256);
+		compute_expr_ker_v<prp><<<ite.wthr,ite.thr>>>(v,v_exp);
+	}
+	template<unsigned int dim, typename vector, typename expr>
+	static void compute_expr_vv(vector & v,expr & v_exp)
+	{
+		v_exp.init();
+		auto ite  = v.getGPUIterator(256);
+		compute_expr_ker_vv<prp,dim><<<ite.wthr,ite.thr>>>(v,v_exp);
+	}
+	template<typename vector>
+	static void compute_const(vector & v,double d)
+	{
+		auto ite  = v.getDomainIteratorGPU(256);
+		compute_double_ker<prp><<<ite.wthr,ite.thr>>>(v,d);
+	}
+template<unsigned int prp>
+struct vector_dist_op_compute_op<prp,true,comp_dev>
+	template<typename vector, typename expr>
+	static void compute_expr(vector & v,expr & v_exp)
+	{
+		v_exp.init();
+		auto ite  = v.getDomainIteratorGPU(256);
+		auto NN = v_exp.getNN();
+		compute_expr_ker_sort<prp><<<ite.wthr,ite.thr>>>(v,*NN,v_exp);
+	}
+	template<typename vector, typename expr>
+	static void compute_expr_v(vector & v,expr & v_exp)
+	{
+		v_exp.init();
+		auto ite  = v.getGPUIterator(256);
+		auto NN = v_exp.getNN();
+		compute_expr_ker_sort_v<prp><<<ite.wthr,ite.thr>>>(v,*NN,v_exp);
+	}
+	template<unsigned int dim, typename vector, typename expr>
+	static void compute_expr_vv(vector & v,expr & v_exp)
+	{
+		v_exp.init();
+		auto ite  = v.getGPUIterator(256);
+		auto NN = v_exp.getNN();
+		compute_expr_ker_sort_vv<prp,dim><<<ite.wthr,ite.thr>>>(v,*NN,v_exp);
+	}
diff --git a/src/Operators/Vector/tests/vector_dist_operators_tests_util.hpp b/src/Operators/Vector/tests/vector_dist_operators_tests_util.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9c3cb7afff400f9c91309b1a41cf86a371fab208
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Operators/Vector/tests/vector_dist_operators_tests_util.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1898 @@
+ * vector_dist_operators_tests_util.hpp
+ *
+ *  Created on: May 31, 2019
+ *      Author: i-bird
+ */
+#include "Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators.hpp"
+#include "Space/Shape/Point.hpp"
+constexpr int A = 0;
+constexpr int B = 1;
+constexpr int C = 2;
+constexpr int VA = 3;
+constexpr int VB = 4;
+constexpr int VC = 5;
+constexpr int TA = 6;
+//////////////////// Here we define all the function to checl the operators
+template <unsigned int prp, unsigned int impl, typename vector>
+bool check_values(vector & v,float a)
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{v.template deviceToHostProp<prp>();}
+	bool ret = true;
+	auto it = v.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		ret &= v.template getProp<prp>(it.get()) == a;
+		++it;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <unsigned int impl, typename vector>
+bool check_values_complex_expr(vector & vd)
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{vd.template deviceToHostProp<A,B,C>();}
+	bool ret = true;
+	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto key = it.get();
+		float base1 = vd.template getProp<B>(key) + 2.0 + vd.template getProp<B>(key) - 2.0*vd.template getProp<C>(key) / 5.0;
+		float base2 = vd.template getProp<A>(key);
+		ret &=  base1 == base2;
+		++it;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C, unsigned int impl>
+bool check_values_pos_sum(vector & vd, const rtype & p)
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{vd.template deviceToHostProp<A>();}
+	bool ret = true;
+	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto key = it.get();
+		Point<vector::dims,typename vector::stype> xp = vd.getPos(key);
+		rtype base1 = rtype(xp) + p;
+		rtype base2 = vd.template getProp<A>(key);
+		ret &=  base1 == base2;
+		++it;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C, unsigned int impl>
+bool check_values_pos_sub(vector & vd, const rtype & p)
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{vd.template deviceToHostProp<A>();}
+	bool ret = true;
+	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto key = it.get();
+		Point<vector::dims,typename vector::stype> xp = vd.getPos(key);
+		rtype base1 = rtype(xp) - p;
+		rtype base2 = vd.template getProp<A>(key);
+		ret &=  base1 == base2;
+		++it;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C, unsigned int impl>
+bool check_values_pos_sub_minus(vector & vd, const rtype & p)
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{vd.template deviceToHostProp<A>();}
+	bool ret = true;
+	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto key = it.get();
+		Point<vector::dims,typename vector::stype> xp = vd.getPos(key);
+		rtype base1 = -(rtype(xp) - p);
+		rtype base2 = vd.template getProp<A>(key);
+		ret &=  base1 == base2;
+		++it;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C, unsigned int impl>
+bool check_values_point_sub(vector & vd, const rtype & p)
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{vd.template deviceToHostProp<A,B>();}
+	bool ret = true;
+	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto key = it.get();
+		rtype base1 = -vd.template getProp<B>(key);
+		rtype base2 = vd.template getProp<A>(key);
+		ret &=  base1 == base2;
+		++it;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C, unsigned int impl>
+bool check_values_sum(vector & vd, double d)
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{vd.template deviceToHostProp<A,B>();}
+	bool ret = true;
+	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto key = it.get();
+		rtype base1 = vd.template getProp<B>(key) + d;
+		rtype base2 = vd.template getProp<A>(key);
+		ret &=  base1 == base2;
+		++it;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C, unsigned int impl>
+bool check_values_sum(vector & vd1, vector & vd2)
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{
+		vd1.template deviceToHostProp<A,B>();
+		vd2.template deviceToHostProp<C>();
+	}
+	bool ret = true;
+	auto it = vd1.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto key = it.get();
+		rtype base1 = vd1.template getProp<B>(key) + vd2.template getProp<C>(key);
+		rtype base2 = vd1.template getProp<A>(key);
+		ret &=  base1 == base2;
+		++it;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C, unsigned int impl>
+bool check_values_sum_3(vector & vd1)
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{vd1.template deviceToHostProp<A,B>();}
+	bool ret = true;
+	auto it = vd1.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto key = it.get();
+		rtype base1 = vd1.template getProp<B>(key) + vd1.template getProp<C>(key) + vd1.template getProp<B>(key);
+		rtype base2 = vd1.template getProp<A>(key);
+		ret &=  base1 == base2;
+		++it;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C, unsigned int impl>
+bool check_values_sum_4(vector & vd1)
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{vd1.template deviceToHostProp<A,B,C>();}
+	bool ret = true;
+	auto it = vd1.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto key = it.get();
+		rtype base1 = (vd1.template getProp<B>(key) + vd1.template getProp<C>(key)) + (vd1.template getProp<B>(key) + vd1.template getProp<C>(key));
+		rtype base2 = vd1.template getProp<A>(key);
+		ret &=  base1 == base2;
+		++it;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C, unsigned int impl>
+bool check_values_sub(vector & vd, double d)
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{vd.template deviceToHostProp<A,B>();}
+	bool ret = true;
+	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto key = it.get();
+		rtype base1 = vd.template getProp<B>(key) - d;
+		rtype base2 = vd.template getProp<A>(key);
+		ret &=  base1 == base2;
+		++it;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C, unsigned int impl>
+bool check_values_sub(double d, vector & vd)
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{vd.template deviceToHostProp<A,B>();}
+	bool ret = true;
+	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto key = it.get();
+		rtype base1 = d - vd.template getProp<B>(key);
+		rtype base2 = vd.template getProp<A>(key);
+		ret &=  base1 == base2;
+		++it;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C, unsigned int impl>
+bool check_values_sub(vector & vd1, vector & vd2)
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{
+		vd1.template deviceToHostProp<A,C>();
+		vd2.template deviceToHostProp<B>();
+	}
+	bool ret = true;
+	auto it = vd1.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto key = it.get();
+		rtype base1 = vd1.template getProp<C>(key) - vd2.template getProp<B>(key);
+		rtype base2 = vd1.template getProp<A>(key);
+		ret &=  base1 == base2;
+		++it;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C, unsigned int impl>
+bool check_values_sub_31(vector & vd1)
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{vd1.template deviceToHostProp<A,C>();}
+	bool ret = true;
+	auto it = vd1.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto key = it.get();
+		rtype base1 = vd1.template getProp<B>(key) - (vd1.template getProp<C>(key) + vd1.template getProp<B>(key));
+		rtype base2 = vd1.template getProp<A>(key);
+		ret &=  base1 == base2;
+		++it;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C, unsigned int impl>
+bool check_values_sub_32(vector & vd1)
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{vd1.template deviceToHostProp<A,B,C>();}
+	bool ret = true;
+	auto it = vd1.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto key = it.get();
+		rtype base1 = (vd1.template getProp<C>(key) + vd1.template getProp<B>(key)) - vd1.template getProp<B>(key);
+		rtype base2 = vd1.template getProp<A>(key);
+		ret &=  base1 == base2;
+		++it;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C, unsigned int impl>
+bool check_values_sub_4(vector & vd1)
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{vd1.template deviceToHostProp<A,B,C>();}
+	bool ret = true;
+	auto it = vd1.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto key = it.get();
+		rtype base1 = (vd1.template getProp<C>(key) + vd1.template getProp<B>(key)) - (vd1.template getProp<C>(key) + vd1.template getProp<B>(key));
+		rtype base2 = vd1.template getProp<A>(key);
+		if (impl == comp_dev)
+		{
+			ret &= (double)norm(base1 - base2) < 0.00001;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			ret &= base1 == base2;
+		}
+		++it;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C, unsigned int impl>
+bool check_values_mul(vector & vd, double d)
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{vd.template deviceToHostProp<A,B>();}
+	bool ret = true;
+	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto key = it.get();
+		rtype base1 = vd.template getProp<B>(key) * d;
+		rtype base2 = vd.template getProp<A>(key);
+			ret &= base1 == base2;
+		++it;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C, unsigned int impl>
+bool check_values_mul(vector & vd1, vector & vd2)
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{
+		vd1.template deviceToHostProp<A,C>();
+		vd2.template deviceToHostProp<B>();
+	}
+	bool ret = true;
+	auto it = vd1.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto key = it.get();
+		rtype base1 = vd1.template getProp<C>(key) * vd2.template getProp<B>(key);
+		rtype base2 = vd1.template getProp<A>(key);
+		if (impl == comp_dev)
+		{
+			ret &= (double)norm(base1 - base2) < 0.00001;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			ret &= base1 == base2;
+		}
+		++it;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C, unsigned int impl>
+bool check_values_mul_3(vector & vd1)
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{vd1.template deviceToHostProp<A,B,C>();}
+	bool ret = true;
+	auto it = vd1.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto key = it.get();
+		rtype base1 = vd1.template getProp<B>(key) * (vd1.template getProp<B>(key) + vd1.template getProp<C>(key));
+		rtype base2 = vd1.template getProp<A>(key);
+		if (impl == comp_dev)
+		{
+			ret &= (double)norm(base1 - base2) < 0.00001;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			ret &= base1 == base2;
+		}
+		++it;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C, unsigned int impl>
+bool check_values_mul_4(vector & vd1)
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{vd1.template deviceToHostProp<A,B,C>();}
+	bool ret = true;
+	auto it = vd1.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto key = it.get();
+		rtype base1 = (vd1.template getProp<B>(key) + vd1.template getProp<C>(key)) * (vd1.template getProp<B>(key) + vd1.template getProp<C>(key));
+		rtype base2 = vd1.template getProp<A>(key);
+		if (impl == comp_dev)
+		{
+			ret &= (double)norm(base1 - base2) < 0.00001;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			ret &= base1 == base2;
+		}
+		++it;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C, unsigned int impl>
+bool check_values_div(vector & vd, double d)
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{vd.template deviceToHostProp<A,B>();}
+	bool ret = true;
+	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto key = it.get();
+		rtype base1 = vd.template getProp<B>(key) / d;
+		rtype base2 = vd.template getProp<A>(key);
+		ret &=  base1 == base2;
+		++it;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C, unsigned int impl>
+bool check_values_div(double d, vector & vd)
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{vd.template deviceToHostProp<A,B>();}
+	bool ret = true;
+	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto key = it.get();
+		rtype base1 = d / vd.template getProp<B>(key);
+		rtype base2 = vd.template getProp<A>(key);
+		ret &=  base1 == base2;
+		++it;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C, unsigned int impl>
+bool check_values_div(vector & vd1, vector & vd2)
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{
+		vd1.template deviceToHostProp<A,C>();
+		vd2.template deviceToHostProp<B>();
+	}
+	bool ret = true;
+	auto it = vd1.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto key = it.get();
+		rtype base1 = vd1.template getProp<C>(key) / vd2.template getProp<B>(key);
+		rtype base2 = vd1.template getProp<A>(key);
+		ret &=  base1 == base2;
+		++it;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C, unsigned int impl>
+bool check_values_div_31(vector & vd1)
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{vd1.template deviceToHostProp<A,B,C>();}
+	bool ret = true;
+	auto it = vd1.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto key = it.get();
+		rtype base1 = vd1.template getProp<B>(key) / (vd1.template getProp<B>(key) + vd1.template getProp<C>(key));
+		rtype base2 = vd1.template getProp<A>(key);
+		ret &=  base1 == base2;
+		++it;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C, unsigned int impl>
+bool check_values_div_32(vector & vd1)
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{vd1.template deviceToHostProp<A,B,C>();}
+	bool ret = true;
+	auto it = vd1.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto key = it.get();
+		rtype base1 = (vd1.template getProp<C>(key) + vd1.template getProp<B>(key)) / vd1.template getProp<B>(key);
+		rtype base2 = vd1.template getProp<A>(key);
+		ret &=  base1 == base2;
+		++it;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C, unsigned int impl>
+bool check_values_div_4(vector & vd1)
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{vd1.template deviceToHostProp<A,B,C>();}
+	bool ret = true;
+	auto it = vd1.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto key = it.get();
+		rtype base1 = (vd1.template getProp<B>(key) + vd1.template getProp<C>(key)) / (vd1.template getProp<B>(key) + vd1.template getProp<C>(key));
+		rtype base2 = vd1.template getProp<A>(key);
+		ret &=  base1 == base2;
+		++it;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <unsigned int impl, typename vector>
+bool check_values_scal_norm_dist(vector & vd)
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{vd.template deviceToHostProp<A,VB,VC>();}
+	bool ret = true;
+	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto key = it.get();
+		float base1 = vd.template getProp<VB>(key) * vd.template getProp<VC>(key) + norm(vd.template getProp<VC>(key) + vd.template getProp<VB>(key)) + distance(vd.template getProp<VC>(key),vd.template getProp<VB>(key));
+		float base2 = vd.template getProp<A>(key);
+		if (impl == comp_dev)
+		{
+			ret &= (double)norm(base1 - base2) < 0.00001;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			ret &= base1 == base2;
+		}
+		++it;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <unsigned int impl,typename vector>
+void fill_values(vector & v)
+	auto it = v.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it.isNext())
+	{
+		auto p = it.get();
+		v.getPos(p)[0] = (float)rand() / RAND_MAX;
+		v.getPos(p)[1] = (float)rand() / RAND_MAX;
+		v.getPos(p)[2] = (float)rand() / RAND_MAX;
+		v.template getProp<A>(p) = fabs(sin(p.getKey()+1.0));
+		v.template getProp<B>(p) = fabs(sin(2.0*p.getKey()+3.0));
+		v.template getProp<C>(p) = fabs(sin(3.0*p.getKey()+18.0));
+		for (size_t k = 0 ; k < 3 ; k++)
+		{
+			v.template getProp<VA>(p)[k] = fabs(sin(p.getKey()+1.0+k));
+			v.template getProp<VB>(p)[k] = fabs(sin(2.0*p.getKey()+1.0+3.0));
+			v.template getProp<VC>(p)[k] = fabs(sin(3.0*p.getKey()+1.0+k));
+		}
+		++it;
+	}
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{
+		v.template hostToDeviceProp<A,B,C,VA,VB,VC>();
+		v.hostToDevicePos();
+	}
+template<unsigned int impl,typename vector_type,
+		 typename vA_type,
+		 typename vB_type,
+		 typename vC_type,
+		 typename vVA_type,
+		 typename vVB_type,
+		 typename vVC_type,
+		 typename vPOS_type>
+void check_all_expressions_imp(vector_type & vd,
+						   vA_type vA,
+						   vB_type vB,
+						   vC_type vC,
+						   vVA_type vVA,
+						   vVB_type vVB,
+						   vVC_type vVC,
+						   vPOS_type vPOS)
+	// vector type
+	typedef vector_type vtype;
+	vA = 1.0;
+	vB = 2.0f;
+	vC = 3.0;
+	check_values<A,impl>(vd,1.0);
+	check_values<B,impl>(vd,2.0);
+	check_values<C,impl>(vd,3.0);
+	vA = vB;
+	check_values<A,impl>(vd,2.0);
+	fill_values<impl>(vd);
+	vA = vB + 2.0 + vB - 2.0*vC / 5.0;
+	check_values_complex_expr<impl>(vd);
+	// Various combination of 2 operator
+	vA = vB + 2.0;
+	check_values_sum<float,vtype,A,B,C,impl>(vd,2.0);
+	vA = 2.0 + vB;
+	check_values_sum<float,vtype,A,B,C,impl>(vd,2.0);
+	vA = vC + vB;
+	check_values_sum<float,vtype,A,B,C,impl>(vd,vd);
+	vA = vB - 2.0;
+	check_values_sub<float,vtype,A,B,C,impl>(vd,2.0);
+	vA = 2.0 - vB;
+	check_values_sub<float,vtype,A,B,C,impl>(2.0,vd);
+	vA = vC - vB;
+	check_values_sub<float,vtype,A,B,C,impl>(vd,vd);
+	vA = vB * 2.0;
+	check_values_mul<float,vtype,A,B,C,impl>(vd,2.0);
+	vA = 2.0 * vB;
+	check_values_mul<float,vtype,A,B,C,impl>(vd,2.0);
+	vA = vC * vB;
+	check_values_mul<float,vtype,A,B,C,impl>(vd,vd);
+	vA = vB / 2.0;
+	check_values_div<float,vtype,A,B,C,impl>(vd,2.0);
+	vA = 2.0 / vB;
+	check_values_div<float,vtype,A,B,C,impl>(2.0,vd);
+	vA = vC / vB;
+	check_values_div<float,vtype,A,B,C,impl>(vd,vd);
+	// Variuos combination 3 operator
+	vA = vB + (vC + vB);
+	check_values_sum_3<float,vtype,A,B,C,impl>(vd);
+	vA = (vC + vB) + vB;
+	check_values_sum_3<float,vtype,A,B,C,impl>(vd);
+	vA = (vC + vB) + (vC + vB);
+	check_values_sum_4<float,vtype,A,B,C,impl>(vd);
+	vA = vB - (vC + vB);
+	check_values_sub_31<float,vtype,A,B,C,impl>(vd);
+	vA = (vC + vB) - vB;
+	check_values_sub_32<float,vtype,A,B,C,impl>(vd);
+	vA = (vC + vB) - (vC + vB);
+	check_values_sub_4<float,vtype,A,B,C,impl>(vd);
+	vA = vB * (vC + vB);
+	check_values_mul_3<float,vtype,A,B,C,impl>(vd);
+	vA = (vC + vB) * vB;
+	check_values_mul_3<float,vtype,A,B,C,impl>(vd);
+	vA = (vC + vB) * (vC + vB);
+	check_values_mul_4<float,vtype,A,B,C,impl>(vd);
+	vA = vB / (vC + vB);
+	check_values_div_31<float,vtype,A,B,C,impl>(vd);
+	vA = (vC + vB) / vB;
+	check_values_div_32<float,vtype,A,B,C,impl>(vd);
+	vA = (vC + vB) / (vC + vB);
+	check_values_div_4<float,vtype,A,B,C,impl>(vd);
+	if (impl == comp_host)
+	{
+		auto test = vC + vB;
+		auto & v = test.getVector();
+		BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL((void *)&v,(void *)&vd);
+	}
+	// We try with vectors
+	// Various combination of 2 operator
+	vVA = vVB + 2.0;
+	check_values_sum<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC,impl>(vd,2.0f);
+	vVA = 2.0 + vVB;
+	check_values_sum<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC,impl>(vd,2.0f);
+	vVA = vVC + vVB;
+	check_values_sum<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC,impl>(vd,vd);
+	vVA = vVB - 2.0;
+	check_values_sub<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC,impl>(vd,2.0f);
+	vVA = 2.0 - vVB;
+	check_values_sub<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC,impl>(2.0f,vd);
+	vVA = vVC - vVB;
+	check_values_sub<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC,impl>(vd,vd);
+	vVA = vVB * 2.0;
+	check_values_mul<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC,impl>(vd,2.0f);
+	vVA = 2.0 * vVB;
+	check_values_mul<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC,impl>(vd,2.0f);
+	vVA = vVC * vVB;
+	check_values_mul<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC,impl>(vd,vd);
+	vVA = vVB / 2.0;
+	check_values_div<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC,impl>(vd,2.0f);
+	vVA = 2.0 / vVB;
+	check_values_div<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC,impl>(2.0f,vd);
+	vVA = vVC / vVB;
+	check_values_div<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC,impl>(vd,vd);
+	if (impl == comp_host)
+	{
+		auto test = vVB / 2.0;
+		auto & v = test.getVector();
+		BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL((void *)&v,(void *)&vd);
+	}
+	// Variuos combination 3 operator
+	vVA = vVB + (vVC + vVB);
+	check_values_sum_3<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC,impl>(vd);
+	vVA = (vVC + vVB) + vVB;
+	check_values_sum_3<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC,impl>(vd);
+	vVA = (vVC + vVB) + (vVC + vVB);
+	check_values_sum_4<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC,impl>(vd);
+	vVA = vVB - (vVC + vVB);
+	check_values_sub_31<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC,impl>(vd);
+	vVA = (vVC + vVB) - vVB;
+	check_values_sub_32<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC,impl>(vd);
+	vVA = (vVC + vVB) - (vVC + vVB);
+	check_values_sub_4<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC,impl>(vd);
+	vVA = vVB * (vVC + vVB);
+	check_values_mul_3<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC,impl>(vd);
+	vVA = (vVC + vVB) * vVB;
+	check_values_mul_3<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC,impl>(vd);
+	vVA = (vVC + vVB) * (vVC + vVB);
+	check_values_mul_4<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC,impl>(vd);
+	vA = vVB * (vVC + vVB);
+	check_values_mul_3<float,vtype,A,VB,VC,impl>(vd);
+	vA = (vVC + vVB) * vVB;
+	check_values_mul_3<float,vtype,A,VB,VC,impl>(vd);
+	vA = (vVC + vVB) * (vVC + vVB);
+	check_values_mul_4<float,vtype,A,VB,VC,impl>(vd);
+	if (impl == comp_host)
+	{
+		auto test = (vVC + vVB) * (vVC + vVB);
+		auto & v = test.getVector();
+		BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL((void *)&v,(void *)&vd);
+	}
+	vVA = vVB / (vVC + vVB);
+	check_values_div_31<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC,impl>(vd);
+	vVA = (vVC + vVB) / vVB;
+	check_values_div_32<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC,impl>(vd);
+	vVA = (vVC + vVB) / (vVC + vVB);
+	check_values_div_4<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC,impl>(vd);
+	// normalization function
+	vA = vVB * vVC + norm(vVC + vVB) + openfpm::distance(vVC,vVB);
+	check_values_scal_norm_dist<impl>(vd);
+	Point<3,float> p0({2.0,2.0,2.0});
+	auto p0_e = getVExpr(p0);
+	vVA = vPOS + p0_e;
+	check_values_pos_sum<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC,impl>(vd,p0);
+	vVA = vPOS - p0_e;
+	check_values_pos_sub<Point<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC,impl>(vd,p0);
+	vVA = -(vPOS - p0_e);
+	check_values_pos_sub_minus<Point<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC,impl>(vd,p0);
+	vVA = -vVB;
+	check_values_point_sub<Point<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC,impl>(vd,p0);
+	if (impl == comp_host)
+	{
+		auto test = vPOS + p0_e;
+		auto & v = test.getVector();
+		BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL((void *)&v,(void *)&vd);
+	}
+	// Just check it compile testing it will test the same code
+	// as the previuous one
+	vVC = exp(vVB);
+	vA = norm(vPOS);
+	vVA = vPOS + 2.0;
+	vVA = 2.0 + vPOS;
+	vVA = vPOS + vPOS;
+	vVA = vPOS - 2.0f;
+	vVA = 2.0 - vPOS;
+	vVA = vPOS - vPOS;
+	if (impl == comp_host)
+	{
+		auto test = exp(vVB);
+		auto & v = test.getVector();
+		BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL((void *)&v,(void *)&vd);
+	}
+	vVA = vPOS * 2.0;
+	vVA = 2.0 * vPOS;
+	vVA = vPOS * vPOS;
+	vVA = vPOS / 2.0f;
+	vVA = 2.0f / vPOS;
+	vVA = vPOS / vPOS;
+	// Variuos combination 3 operator
+	vVA = vPOS + (vPOS + vPOS);
+	vVA = (vPOS + vPOS) + vPOS;
+	vVA = (vPOS + vPOS) + (vPOS + vPOS);
+	vVA = vPOS - (vPOS + vPOS);
+	vVA = (vPOS + vPOS) - vPOS;
+	vVA = (vVC + vPOS) - (vPOS + vPOS);
+	vVA = vPOS * (vPOS + vPOS);
+	vVA = (vPOS + vPOS) * vPOS;
+	vVA = (vPOS + vPOS) * (vPOS + vPOS);
+	vA = vPOS * (vPOS + vPOS);
+	vA = (vPOS + vPOS) * vPOS;
+	vA = (vPOS + vPOS) * (vPOS + vPOS);
+	vVA = vPOS / (vPOS + vPOS);
+	vVA = (vPOS + vPOS) / vPOS;
+	vVA = (vPOS + vPOS) / (vPOS + vPOS);
+template<unsigned int impl>
+struct check_all_expressions
+	template<typename vector_type> static void check(vector_type & vd)
+	{
+		auto vA = getV<A>(vd);
+		auto vB = getV<B>(vd);
+		auto vC = getV<C>(vd);
+		auto vVA = getV<VA>(vd);
+		auto vVB = getV<VB>(vd);
+		auto vVC = getV<VC>(vd);
+		auto vPOS = getV<PROP_POS>(vd);
+		check_all_expressions_imp<impl>(vd,vA,vB,vC,vVA,vVB,vVC,vPOS);
+	}
+struct check_all_expressions<comp_dev>
+	template<typename vector_type> static void check(vector_type & vd)
+	{
+		auto vdk = vd.toKernel();
+		auto vA = getV<A>(vdk);
+		auto vB = getV<B>(vdk);
+		auto vC = getV<C>(vdk);
+		auto vVA = getV<VA>(vdk);
+		auto vVB = getV<VB>(vdk);
+		auto vVC = getV<VC>(vdk);
+		auto vPOS = getV<PROP_POS>(vdk);
+		check_all_expressions_imp<comp_dev>(vd,vA,vB,vC,vVA,vVB,vVC,vPOS);
+	}
+template <unsigned impl, typename vector,typename Kernel, typename NN_type>
+bool check_values_apply_kernel(vector & vd, Kernel & ker, NN_type & NN)
+	bool ret = true;
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{
+		vd.template deviceToHostProp<A,C,VB,VC>();
+		vd.deviceToHostPos();
+	}
+	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	auto it2 = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it2.isNext())
+	{
+		float base2 = 0.0;
+		auto p = it2.get();
+		Point<3,float> xp = vd.getPos(p);
+		float base1 = vd.template getProp<A>(p);
+		float prp_x = vd.template getProp<VC>(p) * vd.template getProp<VB>(p) + norm(vd.template getProp<VB>(p));
+		// For each neighborhood particle
+		auto Np = NN.template getNNIterator<NO_CHECK>(NN.getCell(xp));
+		while (Np.isNext())
+		{
+			// Neighborhood particle q
+			auto q = Np.get();
+			if (q == p.getKey())	{++Np; continue;};
+			// position q
+			Point<3,float> xq = vd.getPos(q);
+			float prp_y = vd.template getProp<VC>(q) * vd.template getProp<VB>(q) + norm(vd.template getProp<VB>(q));
+			base2 += ker.value(xp,xq,prp_x,prp_y);
+			++Np;
+		}
+		base2 += vd.template getProp<C>(p);
+		if (impl == comp_host)
+		{ret &= base1 == base2;}
+		else
+		{ret &= fabs(base1 - base2) < 0.0001;}
+		++it2;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <unsigned int impl, typename vector,typename Kernel, typename NN_type>
+bool check_values_apply_kernel_reduce(vector & vd, Kernel & ker, NN_type & NN)
+	bool ret = true;
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{
+		vd.template deviceToHostProp<A,C,VB,VC>();
+		vd.deviceToHostPos();
+	}
+	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	float base1 = 0.0;
+	float base2 = 0.0;
+	float base3 = 0.0;
+	auto it2 = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it2.isNext())
+	{
+		auto p = it2.get();
+		Point<3,float> xp = vd.getPos(p);
+		float ker_accu = 0.0;
+		float prp_x = vd.template getProp<VC>(p) * vd.template getProp<VB>(p) + norm(vd.template getProp<VB>(p));
+		// For each neighborhood particle
+		auto Np = NN.template getNNIterator<NO_CHECK>(NN.getCell(xp));
+		while (Np.isNext())
+		{
+			// Neighborhood particle q
+			auto q = Np.get();
+			if (q == p.getKey())	{++Np; continue;};
+			// position q
+			Point<3,float> xq = vd.getPos(q);
+			float prp_y = vd.template getProp<VC>(q) * vd.template getProp<VB>(q) + norm(vd.template getProp<VB>(q));
+			ker_accu += ker.value(xp,xq,prp_x,prp_y);
+			++Np;
+		}
+		base2 += ker_accu;
+		++it2;
+	}
+	auto it3 = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it3.isNext())
+	{
+		auto p = it3.get();
+		base1 = vd.template getProp<A>(p);
+		base3 = vd.template getProp<C>(p) + base2;
+		if (impl == comp_host)
+		{ret &= base1 == base3;}
+		else
+		{ret &= fabs(base1 - base3) < 0.001;}
+		++it3;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <unsigned int impl, typename vector,typename Kernel, typename NN_type>
+bool check_values_apply_kernel2(vector & vd, Kernel & ker, NN_type & NN)
+	bool ret = true;
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{
+		vd.template deviceToHostProp<VA,VB,VC>();
+		vd.deviceToHostPos();
+	}
+	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	// ### WIKI 13 ###
+	//
+	// Check that apply kernel work
+	//
+	auto it2 = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it2.isNext())
+	{
+		Point<3,float> base2 = 0.0;
+		auto p = it2.get();
+		Point<3,float> xp = vd.getPos(p);
+		Point<3,float> base1 = vd.template getProp<VA>(p);
+		Point<3,float> prp_x = 2.0 * vd.template getProp<VC>(p) + vd.template getProp<VB>(p);
+		// For each neighborhood particle
+		auto Np = NN.template getNNIterator<NO_CHECK>(NN.getCell(xp));
+		while (Np.isNext())
+		{
+			// Neighborhood particle q
+			auto q = Np.get();
+			if (q == p.getKey())	{++Np; continue;};
+			// position q
+			Point<3,float> xq = vd.getPos(q);
+			Point<3,float> prp_y = 2.0 * vd.template getProp<VC>(q) + vd.template getProp<VB>(q);
+			base2 += ker.value(xp,xq,prp_x,prp_y);
+			++Np;
+		}
+		base2 += vd.template getProp<VC>(p);
+		if (impl == comp_host)
+		{ret &= base1 == base2;}
+		else
+		{
+			for (size_t i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
+			{ret &= fabs(base1.get(i) - base2.get(i)) < 0.0001;}
+		}
+		++it2;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <unsigned int impl, typename vector,typename Kernel, typename NN_type>
+bool check_values_apply_kernel3(vector & vd, Kernel & ker, NN_type & NN)
+	bool ret = true;
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{
+		vd.template deviceToHostProp<VA,VC>();
+		vd.deviceToHostPos();
+	}
+	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	// ### WIKI 13 ###
+	//
+	// Check that apply kernel work
+	//
+	auto it2 = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it2.isNext())
+	{
+		Point<3,float> base2 = 0.0;
+		auto p = it2.get();
+		Point<3,float> xp = vd.getPos(p);
+		Point<3,float> base1 = vd.template getProp<VA>(p);
+		Point<3,float> prp_x = vd.template getProp<VC>(p);
+		// For each neighborhood particle
+		auto Np = NN.template getNNIterator<NO_CHECK>(NN.getCell(xp));
+		while (Np.isNext())
+		{
+			// Neighborhood particle q
+			auto q = Np.get();
+			if (q == p.getKey())	{++Np; continue;};
+			// position q
+			Point<3,float> xq = vd.getPos(q);
+			Point<3,float> prp_y = vd.template getProp<VC>(q);
+			base2 += ker.value(xp,xq,prp_x,prp_y);
+			++Np;
+		}
+		base2 += vd.template getProp<VC>(p);
+		if (impl == comp_host)
+		{ret &= base1 == base2;}
+		else
+		{
+			for (size_t i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
+			{ret &= fabs(base1.get(i) - base2.get(i)) < 0.0001;}
+		}
+		++it2;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <unsigned int impl, typename vector,typename Kernel, typename NN_type>
+bool check_values_apply_kernel2_reduce(vector & vd, Kernel & ker, NN_type & NN)
+	bool ret = true;
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{
+		vd.template deviceToHostProp<VA,VB,VC>();
+		vd.deviceToHostPos();
+	}
+	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	Point<3,float> base1 = 0.0;
+	Point<3,float> base2 = 0.0;
+	Point<3,float> base3 = 0.0;
+	auto it2 = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it2.isNext())
+	{
+		auto p = it2.get();
+		Point<3,float> xp = vd.getPos(p);
+		Point<3,float> ker_accu = 0.0;
+		Point<3,float> prp_x = 2.0f*vd.template getProp<VC>(p) + vd.template getProp<VB>(p);
+		// For each neighborhood particle
+		auto Np = NN.template getNNIterator<NO_CHECK>(NN.getCell(xp));
+		while (Np.isNext())
+		{
+			// Neighborhood particle q
+			auto q = Np.get();
+			if (q == p.getKey())	{++Np; continue;};
+			// position q
+			Point<3,float> xq = vd.getPos(q);
+			Point<3,float> prp_y = 2.0f*vd.template getProp<VC>(q) + vd.template getProp<VB>(q);
+			ker_accu += ker.value(xp,xq,prp_x,prp_y);
+			++Np;
+		}
+		base2 += ker_accu;
+		++it2;
+	}
+	auto it3 = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it3.isNext())
+	{
+		auto p = it3.get();
+		base1 = vd.template getProp<VA>(p);
+		base3 = vd.template getProp<VC>(p) + base2;
+		if (impl == comp_host)
+		{ret &= base1 == base3;}
+		else
+		{
+			for (size_t i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
+			{ret &= fabs(base1.get(i) - base3.get(i)) < 0.002;}
+			if (ret == false)
+			{
+				int debug = 0;
+				debug++;
+			}
+		}
+		++it3;
+	}
+	return ret;
+template <unsigned int impl, typename vector,typename Kernel, typename NN_type>
+bool check_values_apply_kernel3_reduce(vector & vd, Kernel & ker, NN_type & NN, const Point<2,float> & p)
+	bool ret = true;
+	if (impl == comp_dev)
+	{
+		vd.deviceToHostPos();
+	}
+	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	Point<2,float> base2 = 0.0;
+	auto it2 = vd.getDomainIterator();
+	while (it2.isNext())
+	{
+		auto p = it2.get();
+		Point<3,float> xp = vd.getPos(p);
+		Point<2,float> ker_accu = 0.0;
+		// For each neighborhood particle
+		auto Np = NN.template getNNIterator<NO_CHECK>(NN.getCell(xp));
+		while (Np.isNext())
+		{
+			// Neighborhood particle q
+			auto q = Np.get();
+			if (q == p.getKey())	{++Np; continue;};
+			// position q
+			Point<3,float> xq = vd.getPos(q);
+			ker_accu += ker.value(xp,xq);
+			++Np;
+		}
+		base2 += ker_accu;
+		++it2;
+	}
+	if (impl == comp_host)
+	{
+		BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(p.get(0),base2.get(0));
+		BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(p.get(1),base2.get(1));
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		BOOST_REQUIRE(fabs(p.get(0) - base2.get(0)) < 0.001);
+		BOOST_REQUIRE(fabs(p.get(1) - base2.get(1)) < 0.001);
+	}
+	return ret;
+typedef vector_dist<3,float,aggregate<float,float,float,VectorS<3,float>,VectorS<3,float>,VectorS<3,float>,float>> vector_type;
+#ifdef CUDA_GPU
+typedef vector_dist_ker<3,float,aggregate<float,float,float,VectorS<3,float>,VectorS<3,float>,VectorS<3,float>,float>> vector_type_ker;
+//! Exponential kernel
+struct exp_kernel
+	//! variance of the exponential kernel
+	float var;
+	//! Exponential kernel giving variance
+	exp_kernel(float var)
+	:var(var)
+	{}
+	/*! \brief Result of the exponential kernel
+	 *
+	 * \param p position of the particle p
+	 * \param q position of the particle q
+	 * \param pA property value at p
+	 * \param pB property value at q
+	 *
+	 * \return the result
+	 *
+	 */
+	__device__ __host__ inline float value(const Point<3,float> & p, const Point<3,float> & q,float pA,float pB)
+	{
+		float dist = norm(p-q);
+		return (pA + pB) * exp(dist * dist / var);
+	}
+	/*! \brief Result of the exponential kernel
+	 *
+	 * \param p position of the particle p
+	 * \param q position of the particle q
+	 * \param pA property value at p
+	 * \param pB property value at q
+	 *
+	 * \return the result
+	 *
+	 */
+	__device__ __host__ inline Point<3,float> value(const Point<3,float> & p, const Point<3,float> & q,const Point<3,float> & pA, const Point<3,float> & pB)
+	{
+		float dist = norm(p-q);
+		return (pA + pB) * exp(dist * dist / var);
+	}
+	/*! \brief Result of the exponential kernel
+	 *
+	 * \param p position of the particle p
+	 * \param q position of the particle q
+	 * \param pA property value at p
+	 * \param pB property value at q
+	 * \param vd1 original vector
+	 *
+	 * \return the result
+	 *
+	 */
+	template<typename vector_t>
+	__host__ __device__ inline float value(size_t p, size_t q, float pA, float pB, const vector_t & vd1)
+	{
+		Point<3,float> pp = vd1.getPos(p);
+		Point<3,float> pq = vd1.getPos(q);
+		float dist = norm(pp-pq);
+		return (pA + pB) * exp(dist * dist / var);
+	}
+#ifdef CUDA_GPU
+	/*! \brief Result of the exponential kernel
+	 *
+	 * \param p position of the particle p
+	 * \param q position of the particle q
+	 * \param pA property value at p
+	 * \param pB property value at q
+	 * \param vd1 original vector
+	 *
+	 * \return the result
+	 *
+	 */
+	__device__ inline float value(size_t p, size_t q, float pA, float pB, const vector_type_ker & vd1)
+	{
+		Point<3,float> pp = vd1.getPos(p);
+		Point<3,float> pq = vd1.getPos(q);
+		float dist = norm(pp-pq);
+		return (pA + pB) * exp(dist * dist / var);
+	}
+	/*! \brief Result of the exponential kernel
+	 *
+	 * \param p position of the particle p
+	 * \param q position of the particle q
+	 * \param pA property value at p
+	 * \param pB property value at q
+	 * \param vd1 original vector
+	 *
+	 * \return the result
+	 *
+	 */
+	__host__ inline Point<3,float> value(size_t p, size_t q, const Point<3,float> & pA, const Point<3,float> & pB , const vector_type & vd1)
+	{
+		Point<3,float> pp = vd1.getPos(p);
+		Point<3,float> pq = vd1.getPos(q);
+		float dist = norm(pp-pq);
+		return (pA + pB) * exp(dist * dist / var);
+	}
+	/*! \brief Result of the exponential kernel
+	 *
+	 * \param p position of the particle p
+	 * \param q position of the particle q
+	 * \param pA property value at p
+	 * \param pB property value at q
+	 * \param vd1 original vector
+	 *
+	 * \return the result
+	 *
+	 */
+	template<typename vector_t>
+	__host__ inline Point<3,float> value(size_t p, size_t q, const Point<3,float> & pA, const Point<3,float> & pB , const vector_t & vd1)
+	{
+		Point<3,float> pp = vd1.getPos(p);
+		Point<3,float> pq = vd1.getPos(q);
+		float dist = norm(pp-pq);
+		return (pA + pB) * exp(dist * dist / var);
+	}
+#ifdef CUDA_GPU
+	/*! \brief Result of the exponential kernel
+	 *
+	 * \param p position of the particle p
+	 * \param q position of the particle q
+	 * \param pA property value at p
+	 * \param pB property value at q
+	 * \param vd1 original vector
+	 *
+	 * \return the result
+	 *
+	 */
+	__device__ inline Point<3,float> value(size_t p, size_t q, const Point<3,float> & pA, const Point<3,float> & pB , const vector_type_ker & vd1)
+	{
+		Point<3,float> pp = vd1.getPos(p);
+		Point<3,float> pq = vd1.getPos(q);
+		float dist = norm(pp-pq);
+		return (pA + pB) * exp(dist * dist / var);
+	}
+	/*! \brief Result of the exponential kernel
+	 *
+	 * \param p position of the particle p
+	 * \param q position of the particle q
+	 *
+	 * \return the result
+	 *
+	 */
+	__device__ __host__ inline Point<2,float> value(const Point<3,float> & p, const Point<3,float> & q)
+	{
+		float dist = norm(p-q);
+		return exp(dist * dist / var);
+	}
+template<unsigned int impl,typename vector,
+		 typename vA_type,
+		 typename vC_type,
+		 typename vVA_type,
+		 typename vVB_type,
+		 typename vVC_type>
+void vector_dist_op_ap_ker_impl(vector & vd, vA_type & vA,
+											 vC_type & vC,
+											 vVA_type & vVA,
+											 vVB_type & vVB,
+											 vVC_type & vVC,
+											 unsigned int opt)
+	// we apply an exponential kernel to calculate something
+	auto cl = vd.template getCellListDev<impl>(0.05);
+	auto cl_host = vd.template getCellListDev<comp_host>(0.05);
+	exp_kernel ker(0.2);
+	vA = applyKernel_in(vVC * vVB + norm(vVB),vd,cl,ker) + vC;
+	check_values_apply_kernel<impl>(vd,ker,cl_host);
+	vVA = applyKernel_in(2.0*vVC + vVB ,vd,cl,ker) + vVC;
+	check_values_apply_kernel2<impl>(vd,ker,cl_host);
+	vA = rsum(applyKernel_in(vVC * vVB + norm(vVB),vd,cl,ker)) + vC;
+	check_values_apply_kernel_reduce<impl>(vd,ker,cl_host);
+	vVA = rsum(applyKernel_in(2.0*vVC + vVB ,vd,cl,ker)) + vVC;
+	check_values_apply_kernel2_reduce<impl>(vd,ker,cl_host);
+	vA = applyKernel_in_gen(vVC * vVB + norm(vVB),vd,cl,ker) + vC;
+	check_values_apply_kernel<impl>(vd,ker,cl_host);
+	vVA = applyKernel_in_gen(2.0*vVC + vVB ,vd,cl,ker) + vVC;
+	check_values_apply_kernel2<impl>(vd,ker,cl_host);
+	vA = rsum(applyKernel_in_gen(vVC * vVB + norm(vVB),vd,cl,ker)) + vC;
+	check_values_apply_kernel_reduce<impl>(vd,ker,cl_host);
+	vVA = rsum(applyKernel_in_gen(2.0*vVC + vVB ,vd,cl,ker)) + vVC;
+	check_values_apply_kernel2_reduce<impl>(vd,ker,cl_host);
+	// Check it compile the code is the same
+	vVA = applyKernel_in_gen(vVC,vd,cl,ker) + vVC;
+	check_values_apply_kernel3<impl>(vd,ker,cl_host);
+	vVA = applyKernel_in    (vVC,vd,cl,ker) + vVC;
+	check_values_apply_kernel3<impl>(vd,ker,cl_host);
+	Point<2,float> p = rsum(applyKernel_in_sim(vd,cl,ker)).get();
+	check_values_apply_kernel3_reduce<impl>(vd,ker,cl_host,p);
+template<typename vector,
+		 typename vA_type,
+		 typename vC_type,
+		 typename vVA_type,
+		 typename vVB_type,
+		 typename vVC_type>
+void vector_dist_op_ap_ker_impl_sort(vector & vd, vA_type & vA,
+											 vC_type & vC,
+											 vVA_type & vVA,
+											 vVB_type & vVB,
+											 vVC_type & vVC,
+											 unsigned int opt)
+	// we apply an exponential kernel to calculate something
+	auto cl_gpu = vd.getCellListGPU(0.05);
+	auto cl = cl_gpu.toKernel();
+	auto cl_host = vd.template getCellListDev<comp_host>(0.05);
+	exp_kernel ker(0.2);
+	vA = applyKernel_in_sort(vVC * vVB + norm(vVB),vd,cl,ker) + vC;
+	vd.template merge_sort<A>(cl_gpu);
+	check_values_apply_kernel<comp_dev>(vd,ker,cl_host);
+	vVA = applyKernel_in_sort(2.0*vVC + vVB ,vd,cl,ker) + vVC;
+	vd.template merge_sort<VA>(cl_gpu);
+	check_values_apply_kernel2<comp_dev>(vd,ker,cl_host);
+/*	vA = rsum(applyKernel_in_sort(vVC * vVB + norm(vVB),vd,cl,ker)) + vC;
+	vd.template merge_sort<A>(cl_gpu);
+	check_values_apply_kernel_reduce<comp_dev>(vd,ker,cl_host);
+	vVA = rsum(applyKernel_in_sort(2.0*vVC + vVB ,vd,cl,ker)) + vVC;
+	vd.template merge_sort<VA>(cl_gpu);
+	check_values_apply_kernel2_reduce<comp_dev>(vd,ker,cl_host);*/
+	vA = applyKernel_in_gen_sort(vVC * vVB + norm(vVB),vd,cl,ker) + vC;
+	vd.template merge_sort<A>(cl_gpu);
+	check_values_apply_kernel<comp_dev>(vd,ker,cl_host);
+	vVA = applyKernel_in_gen_sort(2.0*vVC + vVB ,vd,cl,ker) + vVC;
+	vd.template merge_sort<VA>(cl_gpu);
+	check_values_apply_kernel2<comp_dev>(vd,ker,cl_host);
+/*	vA = rsum(applyKernel_in_gen_sort(vVC * vVB + norm(vVB),vd,cl,ker)) + vC;
+	vd.template merge_sort<A>(cl_gpu);
+	check_values_apply_kernel_reduce<comp_dev>(vd,ker,cl_host);
+	vVA = rsum(applyKernel_in_gen_sort(2.0*vVC + vVB ,vd,cl,ker)) + vVC;
+	vd.template merge_sort<VA>(cl_gpu);
+	check_values_apply_kernel2_reduce<comp_dev>(vd,ker,cl_host);*/
+	// Check it compile the code is the same
+	vVA = applyKernel_in_gen_sort(vVC,vd,cl,ker) + vVC;
+	vd.template merge_sort<VA>(cl_gpu);
+	check_values_apply_kernel3<comp_dev>(vd,ker,cl_host);
+	vVA = applyKernel_in_sort(vVC,vd,cl,ker) + vVC;
+	vd.template merge_sort<VA>(cl_gpu);
+	check_values_apply_kernel3<comp_dev>(vd,ker,cl_host);
+/*	Point<2,float> p = rsum(applyKernel_in_sim_sort(vd,cl,ker)).get();
+	check_values_apply_kernel3_reduce<comp_dev>(vd,ker,cl_host,p);*/
+template<unsigned int impl>
+struct check_all_apply_ker
+	template<typename vector_type> static void check(vector_type & vd)
+	{
+		// fill vd with some value
+		fill_values<impl>(vd);
+		vd.map();
+		vd.template ghost_get<0,1,2,3,4,5,6>();
+		auto vA = getV<A>(vd);
+		auto vC = getV<C>(vd);
+		auto vVA = getV<VA>(vd);
+		auto vVB = getV<VB>(vd);
+		auto vVC = getV<VC>(vd);
+		vector_dist_op_ap_ker_impl<impl>(vd,vA,vC,vVA,vVB,vVC,NONE);
+	}
+struct check_all_apply_ker<comp_dev>
+	template<typename vector_type> static void check(vector_type & vd)
+	{
+		auto vA = getV<A,comp_dev>(vd);
+		auto vC = getV<C,comp_dev>(vd);
+		auto vVA = getV<VA,comp_dev>(vd);
+		auto vVB = getV<VB,comp_dev>(vd);
+		auto vVC = getV<VC,comp_dev>(vd);
+		// fill vd with some value
+		fill_values<comp_dev>(vd);
+		vd.map(RUN_ON_DEVICE);
+		vd.template ghost_get<0,1,2,3,4,5,6>(RUN_ON_DEVICE);
+		vd.template deviceToHostProp<0,1,2,3,4,5,6>();
+		vd.deviceToHostPos();
+		vector_dist_op_ap_ker_impl<comp_dev>(vd,vA,vC,vVA,vVB,vVC,RUN_ON_DEVICE);
+	}
+struct check_all_apply_ker_sort
+	template<typename vector_type> static void check(vector_type & vd)
+	{
+		auto vA = getV_sort<A>(vd);
+		auto vC = getV_sort<C>(vd);
+		auto vVA = getV_sort<VA>(vd);
+		auto vVB = getV_sort<VB>(vd);
+		auto vVC = getV_sort<VC>(vd);
+		// fill vd with some value
+		fill_values<comp_dev>(vd);
+		vd.map(RUN_ON_DEVICE);
+		vd.template ghost_get<0,1,2,3,4,5,6>(RUN_ON_DEVICE);
+		vd.template deviceToHostProp<0,1,2,3,4,5,6>();
+		vd.deviceToHostPos();
+		vector_dist_op_ap_ker_impl_sort(vd,vA,vC,vVA,vVB,vVC,RUN_ON_DEVICE);
+	}
diff --git a/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators.hpp b/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators.hpp
index 62f80d886524bfd7d0bedfa77ed05b54e95d3404..bbbb30fc893a9725b96fea003eb063a636d0574c 100644
--- a/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators.hpp
+++ b/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators.hpp
@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@
 #include "Vector/vector_dist.hpp"
+#include "lib/pdata.hpp"
+#include "cuda/vector_dist_operators_cuda.cuh"
-#define PROP_POS (unsigned int)-1
 #define PROP_CUSTOM (unsigned int)-2
 #define VECT_SUM 1
@@ -28,6 +29,10 @@
 #define VECT_NORM 56
 #define VECT_NORM2 57
 #define VECT_ABS 58
@@ -127,6 +132,86 @@ class vector_dist_expression_op
+template<typename v1_type, typename v2_type>
+struct vector_result
+	typedef v1_type type;
+	template<typename exp1, typename exp2>
+	static const type & getVector(const exp1 & o1, const exp2 & o2)
+	{
+		return o1.getVector();
+	}
+	template<typename exp1>
+	static const type & getVector(const exp1 & o1)
+	{
+		return o1.getVector();
+	}
+template<typename v2_type>
+struct vector_result<void,v2_type>
+	typedef v2_type type;
+	template<typename exp1, typename exp2>
+	static const type & getVector(const exp1 & o1, const exp2 & o2)
+	{
+		return o2.getVector();
+	}
+	template<typename exp2>
+	static const type & getVector(exp2 & o2)
+	{
+		return o2.getVector();
+	}
+template<typename NN1_type, typename NN2_type>
+struct nn_type_result
+	typedef NN1_type type;
+	template<typename exp1, typename exp2>
+	static type * getNN(exp1 & o1, exp2 & o2)
+	{
+		return o1.getNN();
+	}
+	template<typename exp1>
+	static type * getNN(exp1 & o1)
+	{
+		return o1.getNN();
+	}
+template<typename NN2_type>
+struct nn_type_result<void,NN2_type>
+	typedef NN2_type type;
+	template<typename exp1, typename exp2>
+	static type * getNN(exp1 & o1, exp2 & o2)
+	{
+		return o2.getNN();
+	}
+	template<typename exp2>
+	static type * getNN(exp2 & o2)
+	{
+		return o2.getNN();
+	}
+template<bool s1, bool s2>
+struct vector_is_sort_result
+	typedef boost::mpl::bool_<s1 | s2> type;
 /*! \brief Sum operation
  * \tparam exp1 expression1
@@ -144,11 +229,43 @@ class vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2,VECT_SUM>
+	//! indicate if this vector is kernel type
+	typedef typename exp1::is_ker is_ker;
+	//! return the vector type on which this expression operate
+	typedef typename vector_result<typename exp1::vtype,typename exp2::vtype>::type vtype;
+	//! result for is sort
+	typedef typename vector_is_sort_result<exp1::is_sort::value,exp2::is_sort::value>::type is_sort;
+	//! NN_type
+	typedef typename nn_type_result<typename exp1::NN_type,typename exp2::NN_type>::type NN_type;
 	//! constructor of the expression to sum two expression
 	inline vector_dist_expression_op(const exp1 & o1, const exp2 & o2)
+	/*! \brief get the NN object
+	 *
+	 * \return the NN object
+	 *
+	 */
+	inline NN_type * getNN() const
+	{
+		return nn_type_result<typename exp1::NN_type,typename exp2::NN_type>::getNN(o1,o2);
+	}
+	/*! \brief Return the underlying vector
+	 *
+	 * \return the vector
+	 *
+	 */
+	const vtype & getVector() const
+	{
+		return vector_result<typename exp1::vtype,typename exp2::vtype>::getVector(o1,o2);
+	}
 	/*! \brief This function must be called before value
 	 * it initialize the expression if needed
@@ -173,6 +290,19 @@ public:
 		return o1.value(key) + o2.value(key);
+	/*! \brief Evaluate the expression
+	 *
+	 * \param key where to evaluate the expression
+	 *
+	 * \return return the result of the expression
+	 *
+	 */
+	template<typename r_type=typename std::remove_reference<decltype(o1.value(0) + o2.value(0))>::type >
+	__device__ __host__ inline r_type value(const unsigned int & key) const
+	{
+		return o1.value(key) + o2.value(key);
+	}
 /*! \brief Subtraction operation
@@ -192,11 +322,42 @@ class vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2,VECT_SUB>
+	typedef typename exp1::is_ker is_ker;
+	//! return the vector type on which this expression operate
+	typedef typename vector_result<typename exp1::vtype,typename exp2::vtype>::type vtype;
+	//! result for is sort
+	typedef typename vector_is_sort_result<exp1::is_sort::value,exp2::is_sort::value>::type is_sort;
+	//! NN_type
+	typedef typename nn_type_result<typename exp1::NN_type,typename exp2::NN_type>::type NN_type;
 	//! Costruct a subtraction expression out of two expressions
 	inline vector_dist_expression_op(const exp1 & o1, const exp2 & o2)
+	/*! \brief get the NN object
+	 *
+	 * \return the NN object
+	 *
+	 */
+	inline NN_type * getNN() const
+	{
+		return nn_type_result<typename exp1::NN_type,typename exp2::NN_type>::getNN(o1,o2);
+	}
+	/*! \brief Return the underlying vector
+	 *
+	 * \return the vector
+	 *
+	 */
+	const vtype & getVector()
+	{
+		return vector_result<typename exp1::vtype,typename exp2::vtype>::getVector(o1,o2);
+	}
 	/*! \brief This function must be called before value
 	 * it initialize the expression if needed
@@ -215,7 +376,21 @@ public:
 	 * \return the result of the expression
-	template<typename r_type=typename std::remove_reference<decltype(o1.value(vect_dist_key_dx()) - o2.value(vect_dist_key_dx()))>::type > inline r_type value(const vect_dist_key_dx & key) const
+	template<typename r_type=typename std::remove_reference<decltype(o1.value(vect_dist_key_dx()) - o2.value(vect_dist_key_dx()))>::type >
+	inline r_type value(const vect_dist_key_dx & key) const
+	{
+		return o1.value(key) - o2.value(key);
+	}
+	/*! \brief Evaluate the expression
+	 *
+	 * \param key where to evaluate the expression
+	 *
+	 * \return the result of the expression
+	 *
+	 */
+	template<typename r_type=typename std::remove_reference<decltype(o1.value(vect_dist_key_dx()) - o2.value(vect_dist_key_dx()))>::type >
+	__device__ __host__ inline r_type value(const unsigned int & key) const
 		return o1.value(key) - o2.value(key);
@@ -238,11 +413,32 @@ class vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2,VECT_MUL>
+	typedef typename exp1::is_ker is_ker;
+	//! return the vector type on which this expression operate
+	typedef typename vector_result<typename exp1::vtype,typename exp2::vtype>::type vtype;
+	//! result for is sort
+	typedef typename vector_is_sort_result<exp1::is_sort::value,exp2::is_sort::value>::type is_sort;
+	//! NN_type
+	typedef typename nn_type_result<typename exp1::NN_type,typename exp2::NN_type>::type NN_type;
 	//! constructor from two expressions
 	vector_dist_expression_op(const exp1 & o1, const exp2 & o2)
+	/*! \brief Return the underlying vector
+	 *
+	 * \return the vector
+	 *
+	 */
+	const vtype & getVector()
+	{
+		return vector_result<typename exp1::vtype,typename exp2::vtype>::getVector(o1,o2);
+	}
 	/*! \brief This function must be called before value
 	 * it initialize the expression if needed
@@ -265,6 +461,19 @@ public:
 		return o1.value(key) * o2.value(key);
+	/*! \brief Evaluate the expression
+	 *
+	 * \param key where to evaluate the expression
+	 *
+	 * \return the result of the expression
+	 *
+	 */
+	template<typename r_type=typename std::remove_reference<decltype(o1.value(vect_dist_key_dx()) * o2.value(vect_dist_key_dx()))>::type >
+	__device__ __host__ inline r_type value(const unsigned int & key) const
+	{
+		return o1.value(key) * o2.value(key);
+	}
 /*! \brief Division operation
@@ -284,11 +493,42 @@ class vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2,VECT_DIV>
+	typedef typename exp1::is_ker is_ker;
+	//! return the vector type on which this expression operate
+	typedef typename vector_result<typename exp1::vtype,typename exp2::vtype>::type vtype;
+	//! result for is sort
+	typedef typename vector_is_sort_result<exp1::is_sort::value,exp2::is_sort::value>::type is_sort;
+	//! NN_type
+	typedef typename nn_type_result<typename exp1::NN_type,typename exp2::NN_type>::type NN_type;
 	//! constructor from two expressions
 	vector_dist_expression_op(const exp1 & o1, const exp2 & o2)
+	/*! \brief get the NN object
+	 *
+	 * \return the NN object
+	 *
+	 */
+	inline NN_type * getNN() const
+	{
+		return nn_type_result<typename exp1::NN_type,typename exp2::NN_type>::getNN(o1,o2);
+	}
+	/*! \brief Return the underlying vector
+	 *
+	 * \return the vector
+	 *
+	 */
+	const vtype & getVector()
+	{
+		return vector_result<typename exp1::vtype,typename exp2::vtype>::getVector(o1,o2);
+	}
 	/*! \brief This function must be called before value
 	 * it initialize the expression if needed
@@ -311,85 +551,18 @@ public:
 		return o1.value(key) / o2.value(key);
-/*! \brief selector for position or properties left side expression
- *
- * \tparam vector type of the original vector
- *
- * \tparam prp property id
- *
- */
-template <typename vector, unsigned int prp>
-struct pos_or_propL
-	//! return the value (position or property) of the particle k in the vector v
-	static inline auto value(vector & v, const vect_dist_key_dx & k) -> decltype(v.template getProp<prp>(k))
-	{
-		return v.template getProp<prp>(k);
-	}
-/*! \brief selector for position or properties right side position
- *
- * \tparam vector type of the original vector
- *
- * \tparam prp property id
- *
- */
-template <typename vector, unsigned int prp>
-struct pos_or_propR
-	//! return the value (position or property) of the particle k in the vector v
-	static inline auto value(vector & v, const vect_dist_key_dx & k) -> decltype(v.template getProp<prp>(k))
-	{
-		return v.template getProp<prp>(k);
-	}
-/*! \brief selector for position or properties left side
- *
- * \tparam vector type of the original vector
- *
- * \tparam prp property id
- *
- */
-template <typename vector>
-struct pos_or_propL<vector,PROP_POS>
-#ifdef SE_CLASS3
-	//! return the value (position or property) of the particle k in the vector v
-	static inline auto value(vector & v, const vect_dist_key_dx & k) -> decltype(getExprL(v.getPos(k).getReference()))
-	{
-		return getExprL(v.getPos(k).getReference());
-	}
-	//! return the value (position or property) of the particle k in the vector v
-	static inline auto value(vector & v, const vect_dist_key_dx & k) -> decltype(getExprL(v.getPos(k)))
-	{
-		return getExprL(v.getPos(k));
-	}
-/*! \brief selector for position or properties right side
- *
- * \tparam vector type of the original vector
- *
- * \tparam prp property id
- *
- */
-template <typename vector>
-struct pos_or_propR<vector,PROP_POS>
-	//! return the value (position or property) of the particle k in the vector v
-	static inline auto value(vector & v, const vect_dist_key_dx & k) -> decltype(getExprR(v.getPos(k)))
+	/*! \brief Evaluate the expression
+	 *
+	 * \param key where to evaluate the expression
+	 *
+	 * \return the result of the expression
+	 *
+	 */
+	template<typename r_type=typename std::remove_reference<decltype(o1.value(vect_dist_key_dx()) / o2.value(vect_dist_key_dx()))>::type >
+	__device__ __host__ inline r_type value(const unsigned int & key) const
-		return getExprR(v.getPos(k));
+		return o1.value(key) / o2.value(key);
@@ -405,11 +578,42 @@ class vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,void,VECT_SUB_UNI>
+	typedef typename exp1::is_ker is_ker;
+	//! return the vector type on which this expression operate
+	typedef typename vector_result<typename exp1::vtype,void>::type vtype;
+	//! result for is sort
+	typedef typename vector_is_sort_result<exp1::is_sort::value,false>::type is_sort;
+	//! NN_type
+	typedef typename nn_type_result<typename exp1::NN_type,void>::type NN_type;
 	//! constructor from an expresssion
 	vector_dist_expression_op(const exp1 & o1)
+	/*! \brief get the NN object
+	 *
+	 * \return the NN object
+	 *
+	 */
+	inline NN_type * getNN() const
+	{
+		return nn_type_result<typename exp1::NN_type,void>::getNN(o1);
+	}
+	/*! \brief Return the underlying vector
+	 *
+	 * \return the vector
+	 *
+	 */
+	const vtype & getVector()
+	{
+		return vector_result<typename exp1::vtype,void>::getVector(o1);
+	}
 	//! initialize the expression tree
 	inline void init() const
@@ -421,6 +625,57 @@ public:
 		return -(o1.value(key));
+	//! return the result of the expression
+	template<typename r_type=typename std::remove_reference<decltype(-(o1.value(vect_dist_key_dx(0))))>::type >
+	__device__ __host__ inline r_type value(const unsigned int & key) const
+	{
+		return -(o1.value(key));
+	}
+/*! \brief Expression implementation computation selector
+ *
+ *
+ */
+template<int impl, bool vect_ker>
+struct vector_dist_expression_comp_sel
+	typedef boost::mpl::int_<impl> type;
+struct vector_dist_expression_comp_sel<comp_host,true>
+	typedef boost::mpl::int_<-1> type;
+struct vector_dist_expression_comp_sel<comp_dev,false>
+	typedef boost::mpl::int_<-1> type;
+template<typename vector, bool is_ker = has_vector_kernel<vector>::type::value>
+struct vector_expression_transform
+	typedef vector& type;
+template<typename vector>
+struct vector_expression_transform<vector,true>
+	typedef vector type;
+template<typename vector>
+struct v_mem_mutable
+	vector v;
+	v_mem_mutable(vector & v)
+	:v(v)
+	{}
 /*! \brief Main class that encapsulate a vector properties operand to be used for expressions construction
@@ -433,21 +688,61 @@ template<unsigned int prp, typename vector>
 class vector_dist_expression
 	//! The vector
-	vector & v;
+	mutable v_mem_mutable<typename vector_expression_transform<vector>::type> v;
+	vector_dist_ker_list<vector> * vdl;
+	typedef typename has_vector_kernel<vector>::type is_ker;
 	//! The type of the internal vector
 	typedef vector vtype;
+	//! result for is sort
+	typedef boost::mpl::bool_<false> is_sort;
+	//! NN_type
+	typedef void NN_type;
 	//! Property id of the point
 	static const unsigned int prop = prp;
 	//! constructor for an external vector
 	vector_dist_expression(vector & v)
-	:v(v)
+	:v(v),vdl(NULL)
+	//! constructor for an external vector
+	~vector_dist_expression()
+	{
+		if (vdl != NULL)
+		{vdl->remove(v.v);}
+	}
+	/*! \brief get the NN object
+	 *
+	 * \return the NN object
+	 *
+	 */
+	inline void * getNN() const
+	{
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	/*! \brief Return the vector on which is acting
+	 *
+	 * It return the vector used in getVExpr, to get this object
+	 *
+	 * \return the vector
+	 *
+	 */
+	__device__ __host__ const vector & getVector() const
+	{
+		return v.v;
+	}
 	/*! \brief Return the vector on which is acting
 	 * It return the vector used in getVExpr, to get this object
@@ -455,9 +750,20 @@ public:
 	 * \return the vector
-	vector & getVector()
+	__device__ __host__ vector & getVector()
+	{
+		return v.v;
+	}
+	/*! \brief set vector_dist_ker_list
+	 *
+	 * \param vdkl vector_dist_ker_list
+	 *
+	 */
+	void set_vector_dist_ker_list(vector_dist_ker_list<vector> & vdkl, bool is_sort)
-		return v;
+		vdkl.add(v.v,is_sort);
+		vdl = &vdkl;
 	/*! \brief This function must be called before value
@@ -475,9 +781,21 @@ public:
 	 * \return the result of the expression
-	inline auto value(const vect_dist_key_dx & k) const -> decltype(pos_or_propR<vector,prp>::value(v,k))
+	__host__ inline auto value(const vect_dist_key_dx & k) const -> decltype(pos_or_propR<vector,prp>::value(v.v,k))
-		return pos_or_propR<vector,prp>::value(v,k);
+		return pos_or_propR<vector,prp>::value(v.v,k);
+	}
+	/*! \brief Evaluate the expression
+	 *
+	 * \param k where to evaluate the expression
+	 *
+	 * \return the result of the expression
+	 *
+	 */
+	__device__ inline auto value(const unsigned int & k) const -> decltype(pos_or_propR<vector,prp>::value(v.v,k))
+	{
+		return pos_or_propR<vector,prp>::value(v.v,k);
 	/*! \brief Fill the vector property with the evaluated expression
@@ -489,20 +807,20 @@ public:
 	template<unsigned int prp2> vector & operator=(const vector_dist_expression<prp2,vector> & v_exp)
-		v_exp.init();
-		auto it = v.getDomainIterator();
-		while (it.isNext())
+		if (has_vector_kernel<vector>::type::value == false)
-			auto key = it.get();
-			pos_or_propL<vector,prp>::value(v,key) = v_exp.value(key);
-			++it;
+			vector_dist_op_compute_op<prp,false,vector_dist_expression_comp_sel<comp_host,
+																	   	  has_vector_kernel<vector>::type::value>::type::value>
+			::compute_expr(v.v,v_exp);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			vector_dist_op_compute_op<prp,false,vector_dist_expression_comp_sel<comp_dev,
+		   	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  has_vector_kernel<vector>::type::value>::type::value>
+			::compute_expr(v.v,v_exp);
-		return v;
+		return v.v;
 	/*! \brief Fill the vector property with the evaluated expression
@@ -512,22 +830,27 @@ public:
 	 * \return itself
-	template<typename exp1, typename exp2, unsigned int op> vector & operator=(const vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2,op> & v_exp)
+	template<typename exp1, typename exp2, unsigned int op>
+	vector & operator=(const vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2,op> & v_exp)
-		v_exp.init();
-		auto it = v.getDomainIterator();
-		while (it.isNext())
+		if (has_vector_kernel<vector>::type::value == false)
-			auto key = it.get();
-			pos_or_propL<vector,prp>::value(v,key) = v_exp.value(key);
-			++it;
+			vector_dist_op_compute_op<prp,
+									  vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2,op>::is_sort::value,
+									  vector_dist_expression_comp_sel<comp_host,
+																	  has_vector_kernel<vector>::type::value>::type::value>
+			::compute_expr(v.v,v_exp);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			vector_dist_op_compute_op<prp,
+									  vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2,op>::is_sort::value,
+									  vector_dist_expression_comp_sel<comp_dev,
+		   	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  has_vector_kernel<vector>::type::value>::type::value>
+			::compute_expr(v.v,v_exp);
-		return v;
+		return v.v;
 	/*! \brief Fill the vector property with the double
@@ -539,18 +862,51 @@ public:
 	vector & operator=(double d)
-		auto it = v.getDomainIterator();
-		while (it.isNext())
+		if (has_vector_kernel<vector>::type::value == false)
+		{
+			vector_dist_op_compute_op<prp,
+									  false,
+									  vector_dist_expression_comp_sel<comp_host,
+																	  has_vector_kernel<vector>::type::value>::type::value>
+			::compute_const(v.v,d);
+		}
+		else
-			auto key = it.get();
+			vector_dist_op_compute_op<prp,
+									  false,
+									  vector_dist_expression_comp_sel<comp_dev,
+		   	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  has_vector_kernel<vector>::type::value>::type::value>
+			::compute_const(v.v,d);
+		}
-			pos_or_propL<vector,prp>::value(v,key) = d;
+		return v.v;
+	}
-			++it;
-		}
+template<typename vector, unsigned int impl>
+struct switcher_get_v
+	typedef vector type;
+	static vector & get(vector & v)	{return v;};
+	template<typename exp_type, typename vector_klist>
+	static void register_vector(exp_type & exp_v, vector_klist & v,bool is_sort)
+	{
+	}
+template<typename vector>
+struct switcher_get_v<vector,comp_dev>
+	typedef decltype(std::declval<vector>().toKernel()) type;
+	static type get(vector & v)	{return v.toKernel();};
-		return v;
+	template<typename exp_type, typename vector_klist>
+	static void register_vector(exp_type & exp_v, vector_klist & v,bool is_sort)
+	{
+		exp_v.set_vector_dist_ker_list(v.private_get_vector_dist_ker_list(),is_sort);
@@ -560,9 +916,31 @@ public:
  * \param v
-template <unsigned int prp,typename vector> inline vector_dist_expression<prp,vector > getV(vector & v)
+template <unsigned int prp,unsigned int impl = comp_host, typename vector>
+inline vector_dist_expression<prp,typename switcher_get_v<vector,impl>::type > getV(vector & v)
-	vector_dist_expression<prp,vector > exp_v(v);
+	decltype(switcher_get_v<vector,impl>::get(v)) vk = switcher_get_v<vector,impl>::get(v);
+	vector_dist_expression<prp,typename switcher_get_v<vector,impl>::type > exp_v(vk);
+	switcher_get_v<vector,impl>::register_vector(exp_v,v,false);
+	return exp_v;
+/*! \Create an expression from a vector property
+ *
+ * \tpatam prp property
+ * \param v
+ *
+ */
+template <unsigned int prp,typename vector>
+inline vector_dist_expression<prp, typename switcher_get_v<vector,comp_dev>::type > getV_sort(vector & v)
+	auto vk = v.toKernel_sorted();
+	vector_dist_expression<prp,typename switcher_get_v<vector, comp_dev>::type > exp_v(vk);
+	exp_v.set_vector_dist_ker_list(v.private_get_vector_dist_ker_list(),true);
 	return exp_v;
@@ -580,6 +958,15 @@ class vector_dist_expression<prp,double>
+	typedef std::false_type is_ker;
+	typedef void vtype;
+	//! result for is sort
+	typedef boost::mpl::bool_<false> is_sort;
+	typedef void NN_type;
 	//! constructor from a constant expression
 	inline vector_dist_expression(const double & d)
@@ -606,6 +993,20 @@ public:
 		return d;
+	/*! \brief Evaluate the expression
+	 *
+	 * \param k ignored position in the vector
+	 *
+	 * It just return the value set in the constructor
+	 *
+	 * \return the constant value
+	 *
+	 */
+	__host__ __device__ inline double value(const unsigned int & k) const
+	{
+		return d;
+	}
 /*! \brief Main class that encapsulate a float constant
@@ -621,8 +1022,15 @@ class vector_dist_expression<prp,float>
+	typedef std::false_type is_ker;
 	//! type of object the structure return then evaluated
-	typedef float vtype;
+	typedef void vtype;
+	//! result for is sort
+	typedef boost::mpl::bool_<false> is_sort;
+	typedef void NN_type;
 	//! constrictor from constant value
 	inline vector_dist_expression(const float & d)
@@ -650,6 +1058,20 @@ public:
 		return d;
+	/*! \brief Evaluate the expression
+	 *
+	 * \param k ignored position in the vector
+	 *
+	 * It just return the value set in the constructor
+	 *
+	 * \return the constant value set in the constructor
+	 *
+	 */
+	__device__ __host__ inline float value(const unsigned int & k) const
+	{
+		return d;
+	}
 /* \brief sum two distributed vector expression
@@ -1186,4 +1608,5 @@ operator/(const vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2,op1> & va, const vector_dist
 #include "vector_dist_operators_extensions.hpp"
 #include "Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operator_assign.hpp"
diff --git a/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_apply_kernel.hpp b/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_apply_kernel.hpp
index 80ed67c6c76d5a9e673c25e51efa0ede2f8d6f3d..f9c322b10cbd3b19aa95311db65dfe5fbb1c792c 100644
--- a/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_apply_kernel.hpp
+++ b/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_apply_kernel.hpp
@@ -77,11 +77,34 @@ struct set_zero<Point<dim,T>>
+constexpr int NN_index_sort = 1;
+constexpr int NN_index_unsort = 0;
+template<unsigned int impl>
+struct NN_index
+	template<typename NN_type>
+	__device__ __host__ static auto get(NN_type & NN) -> decltype(NN.get())
+	{
+		return NN.get();
+	}
+struct NN_index<NN_index_sort>
+	template<typename NN_type>
+	__device__ __host__ static auto get(NN_type & NN) -> decltype(NN.get_sort())
+	{
+		return NN.get_sort();
+	}
 /*! \brief Apply the kernel to particle differently that is a number or is an expression
-template<typename T, typename vector, typename exp,typename NN_type, typename Kernel, typename rtype, bool is_exp=is_expression<T>::value>
+template<unsigned int impl, typename T, typename vector, typename exp,typename NN_type, typename Kernel, typename rtype, bool is_exp=is_expression<T>::value>
 struct apply_kernel_is_number_or_expression
 	/*! \brief Apply the kernel expression to a particle
@@ -95,7 +118,7 @@ struct apply_kernel_is_number_or_expression
 	 * \return the result of apply the kernel on the particle key
-	inline static typename std::remove_reference<rtype>::type apply(const vector & vd, NN_type & cl, const exp & v_exp, const vect_dist_key_dx & key, Kernel & lker)
+	__host__ __device__ inline static typename std::remove_reference<rtype>::type apply(const vector & vd, NN_type & cl, const exp & v_exp, const vect_dist_key_dx & key, Kernel & lker)
 	    // accumulator
 		typename std::remove_reference<rtype>::type pse = set_zero<typename std::remove_reference<rtype>::type>::create();
@@ -110,7 +133,7 @@ struct apply_kernel_is_number_or_expression
 	    auto NN = cl.template getNNIterator<NO_CHECK>(cl.getCell(p));
-	    	auto nnp = NN.get();
+	    	auto nnp = NN_index<impl>::get(NN);
 	    	// Calculate contribution given by the kernel value at position p,
 	    	// given by the Near particle, exclude itself
@@ -141,7 +164,7 @@ struct apply_kernel_is_number_or_expression
-template<typename vector, typename exp,typename NN_type, typename Kernel, typename rtype>
+template<unsigned int impl, typename vector, typename exp,typename NN_type, typename Kernel, typename rtype>
 struct apply_kernel_is_number_or_expression_sim
 	/*! \brief Apply the kernel expression to a particle
@@ -154,7 +177,7 @@ struct apply_kernel_is_number_or_expression_sim
 	 * \return the result of apply the kernel on the particle key
-	inline static typename std::remove_reference<rtype>::type apply(const vector & vd, NN_type & cl, const vect_dist_key_dx & key, Kernel & lker)
+	__device__ __host__ inline static typename std::remove_reference<rtype>::type apply(const vector & vd, NN_type & cl, const vect_dist_key_dx & key, Kernel & lker)
 	    // accumulator
 		typename std::remove_reference<rtype>::type pse = set_zero<typename std::remove_reference<rtype>::type>::create();
@@ -166,7 +189,7 @@ struct apply_kernel_is_number_or_expression_sim
 	    auto NN = cl.template getNNIterator<NO_CHECK>(cl.getCell(p));
-	    	auto nnp = NN.get();
+	    	auto nnp = NN_index<impl>::get(NN);
 	    	// Calculate contribution given by the kernel value at position p,
 	    	// given by the Near particle, exclude itself
@@ -192,7 +215,7 @@ struct apply_kernel_is_number_or_expression_sim
-template<typename T, typename vector, typename exp,typename NN_type, typename Kernel, typename rtype, bool is_exp=is_expression<T>::value>
+template<unsigned int impl, typename T, typename vector, typename exp,typename NN_type, typename Kernel, typename rtype, bool is_exp=is_expression<T>::value>
 struct apply_kernel_is_number_or_expression_gen
 	/*! \brief Apply the kernel expression to a particle
@@ -206,7 +229,7 @@ struct apply_kernel_is_number_or_expression_gen
 	 * \return the result of apply the kernel on the particle key
-	inline static typename std::remove_reference<rtype>::type apply(const vector & vd, NN_type & cl, const exp & v_exp, const vect_dist_key_dx & key, Kernel & lker)
+	__device__ __host__ inline static typename std::remove_reference<rtype>::type apply(const vector & vd, NN_type & cl, const exp & v_exp, const vect_dist_key_dx & key, Kernel & lker)
 	    // accumulator
 	    typename std::remove_reference<rtype>::type pse = set_zero<typename std::remove_reference<rtype>::type>::create();
@@ -221,7 +244,7 @@ struct apply_kernel_is_number_or_expression_gen
 	    auto NN = cl.template getNNIterator<NO_CHECK>(cl.getCell(p));
-	    	auto nnp = NN.get();
+	    	auto nnp = NN_index<impl>::get(NN);
 	    	// Calculate contribution given by the kernel value at position p,
 	    	// given by the Near particle, exclude itself
@@ -244,6 +267,37 @@ struct apply_kernel_is_number_or_expression_gen
+template<typename T, bool mm>
+struct mutable_or_not
+	T obj;
+	mutable_or_not(T & obj)
+	:obj(obj)
+	{}
+template<typename T>
+struct mutable_or_not<T,true>
+	mutable T obj;
+	mutable_or_not(T & obj)
+	:obj(obj)
+	{}
+template<typename T, bool is_reference = std::is_reference<T>::value>
+struct add_const_reference
+	typedef const T type;
+template<typename T>
+struct add_const_reference<T,true>
+	typedef typename std::remove_reference<T>::type const & type;
 /*! \brief Apply kernel operation
@@ -261,23 +315,62 @@ class vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,vector_type,VECT_APPLYKER_IN>
 	//! Get the type that contain the particle positions
 	typedef typename boost::mpl::at<vector_type,boost::mpl::int_<2>>::type vector_orig;
+	//! Return the type of the Cell-list
+	typedef typename std::remove_reference<NN>::type NN_nr;
+	//! Return the type of the kernel
+	typedef typename std::remove_reference<Kernel>::type Kernel_nr;
+	//! Return the vector containing the position of the particles
+	typedef typename std::remove_reference<vector_orig>::type vector_orig_nr;
 	//! expression
 	const exp1 o1;
 	//! Cell-list
-	NN & cl;
+	mutable_or_not<NN,is_gpu_celllist<NN>::type::value || is_gpu_ker_celllist<NN>::type::value> cl;
 	//! kernel
-	Kernel & ker;
+	mutable_or_not<Kernel,is_gpu_celllist<NN>::type::value || is_gpu_ker_celllist<NN>::type::value> ker;
 	//! The vector that contain the particles
-	const vector_orig & vd;
+	typename add_const_reference<vector_orig>::type vd;
 	//! Get the return type of applying the kernel to a particle
 	typedef typename apply_kernel_rtype<decltype(o1.value(vect_dist_key_dx()))>::rtype rtype;
+	//! indicate if this expression operate on kernel expression
+	typedef typename has_vector_kernel<vector_orig_nr>::type is_ker;
+	//! vector type on which this expression work
+	typedef vector_orig_nr vtype;
+	//! indicate that is apply_kernel is not a sorted version
+	typedef boost::mpl::bool_<false> is_sort;
+	//! type of NN structure
+	typedef NN_nr NN_type;
+	/*! \brief get the NN object
+	 *
+	 * \return the NN object
+	 *
+	 */
+	inline NN_nr * getNN() const
+	{
+		return &cl.obj;
+	}
+	/*! \brief get the vector
+	 *
+	 * \return the vector
+	 *
+	 */
+	inline const vtype & getVector() const
+	{
+		return vd;
+	}
 	/*! \brief This function must be called before value
 	 * it initialize the expression if needed
@@ -296,7 +389,120 @@ public:
 	 * \param vd vector containing the particle positions
-	vector_dist_expression_op(const exp1 & o1, NN & cl, Kernel & ker, const vector_orig & vd)
+	vector_dist_expression_op(const exp1 & o1, NN_nr & cl, Kernel & ker, const vector_orig_nr & vd)
+	:o1(o1),cl(cl),ker(ker),vd(vd)
+	{}
+	/*! \brief Evaluate the expression
+	 *
+	 * \param key where to evaluate the expression
+	 *
+	 * \return the result of the expression
+	 *
+	 */
+	__device__ __host__ inline typename std::remove_reference<rtype>::type value(const vect_dist_key_dx & key) const
+	{
+		return apply_kernel_is_number_or_expression<NN_index_unsort,
+													decltype(o1.value(key)),
+													vector_orig_nr,
+													exp1,
+													NN_nr,
+													Kernel_nr,
+													rtype>::apply(vd,cl.obj,o1,key,ker.obj);
+	}
+/*! \brief Apply kernel operation
+ *
+ * \tparam exp1 expression1
+ * \tparam NN list
+ *
+ */
+template <typename exp1,typename vector_type>
+class vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,vector_type,VECT_APPLYKER_IN_SORT>
+	//! Get the type of the Cell-list
+	typedef typename boost::mpl::at<vector_type,boost::mpl::int_<0>>::type NN;
+	//! Get the type of the kernel
+	typedef typename boost::mpl::at<vector_type,boost::mpl::int_<1>>::type Kernel;
+	//! Get the type that contain the particle positions
+	typedef typename boost::mpl::at<vector_type,boost::mpl::int_<2>>::type vector_orig;
+	//! Return the type of the Cell-list
+	typedef typename std::remove_reference<NN>::type NN_nr;
+	//! Return the type of the kernel
+	typedef typename std::remove_reference<Kernel>::type Kernel_nr;
+	//! Return the vector containing the position of the particles
+	typedef typename std::remove_reference<vector_orig>::type vector_orig_nr;
+	//! expression
+	const exp1 o1;
+	//! Cell-list
+	mutable_or_not<NN,is_gpu_celllist<NN>::type::value || is_gpu_ker_celllist<NN>::type::value> cl;
+	//! kernel
+	mutable_or_not<Kernel,is_gpu_celllist<NN>::type::value || is_gpu_ker_celllist<NN>::type::value> ker;
+	//! The vector that contain the particles
+	typename add_const_reference<vector_orig>::type vd;
+	//! Get the return type of applying the kernel to a particle
+	typedef typename apply_kernel_rtype<decltype(o1.value(vect_dist_key_dx()))>::rtype rtype;
+	//! indicate if this expression operate on kernel expression
+	typedef typename has_vector_kernel<vector_orig_nr>::type is_ker;
+	//! vector type on which this expression work
+	typedef vector_orig_nr vtype;
+	//! indicate that is apply_kernel is not a sorted version
+	typedef boost::mpl::bool_<true> is_sort;
+	//! type of NN structure
+	typedef NN_nr NN_type;
+	/*! \brief get the NN object
+	 *
+	 * \return the NN object
+	 *
+	 */
+	inline NN_nr * getNN() const
+	{
+		return &cl.obj;
+	}
+	/*! \brief get the vector
+	 *
+	 * \return the vector
+	 *
+	 */
+	inline const vtype & getVector() const
+	{
+		return vd;
+	}
+	/*! \brief This function must be called before value
+	 *
+	 * it initialize the expression if needed
+	 *
+	 */
+	inline void init() const
+	{
+		o1.init();
+	}
+	/*! \brief Constructor
+	 *
+	 * \param o1 expression
+	 * \param cl Cell-list
+	 * \param ker kernel function
+	 * \param vd vector containing the particle positions
+	 *
+	 */
+	vector_dist_expression_op(const exp1 & o1, NN_nr & cl, Kernel & ker, const vector_orig_nr & vd)
@@ -307,9 +513,15 @@ public:
 	 * \return the result of the expression
-	inline typename std::remove_reference<rtype>::type value(const vect_dist_key_dx & key) const
+	__device__ __host__ inline typename std::remove_reference<rtype>::type value(const vect_dist_key_dx & key) const
-		return apply_kernel_is_number_or_expression<decltype(o1.value(key)),vector_orig,exp1,NN,Kernel,rtype>::apply(vd,cl,o1,key,ker);
+		return apply_kernel_is_number_or_expression<NN_index_sort,
+													decltype(o1.value(key)),
+													vector_orig_nr,
+													exp1,
+													NN_nr,
+													Kernel_nr,
+													rtype>::apply(vd,cl.obj,o1,key,ker.obj);
@@ -329,19 +541,60 @@ class vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,vector_type,VECT_APPLYKER_IN_SIM>
 	//! Return the vector containing the position of the particles
 	typedef typename boost::mpl::at<vector_type,boost::mpl::int_<2>>::type vector_orig;
+	//! Return the type of the Cell-list
+	typedef typename std::remove_reference<NN>::type NN_nr;
+	//! Return the type of the kernel
+	typedef typename std::remove_reference<Kernel>::type Kernel_nr;
+	//! Return the vector containing the position of the particles
+	typedef typename std::remove_reference<vector_orig>::type vector_orig_nr;
 	//! Cell-list
-	NN & cl;
+	mutable_or_not<NN,is_gpu_celllist<NN>::type::value || is_gpu_ker_celllist<NN>::type::value> cl;
 	//! kernel
-	Kernel & ker;
+	mutable_or_not<Kernel,is_gpu_celllist<NN>::type::value || is_gpu_ker_celllist<NN>::type::value> ker;
 	//! vector with the particle positions
-	const vector_orig & vd;
+	const vector_orig vd;
 	//! Get the return type of the expression
-	typedef typename apply_kernel_rtype<decltype(std::declval<Kernel>().value(Point<vector_orig::dims,typename vector_orig::stype>(0.0), Point<vector_orig::dims,typename vector_orig::stype>(0.0) ) )>::rtype rtype;
+	typedef typename apply_kernel_rtype<decltype(std::declval<Kernel_nr>().value(Point<vector_orig_nr::dims,typename vector_orig_nr::stype>(0.0), Point<vector_orig_nr::dims,typename vector_orig_nr::stype>(0.0) ) )>::rtype rtype;
+	//! indicate if this expression operate on kernel expression
+	typedef typename has_vector_kernel<vector_orig_nr>::type is_ker;
+	//! vector type on which this expression work
+	typedef vector_orig_nr vtype;
+	//! indicate that is apply_kernel is not a sorted version
+	typedef boost::mpl::bool_<false> is_sort;
+	//! type of NN structure
+	typedef NN_nr NN_type;
+	/*! \brief get the NN object
+	 *
+	 * \return the NN object
+	 *
+	 */
+	inline NN_nr * getNN() const
+	{
+		return &cl.obj;
+	}
+	/*! \brief get the vector
+	 *
+	 * \return the vector
+	 *
+	 */
+	inline const vtype & getVector() const
+	{
+		return vd;
+	}
 	/*! \brief This function must be called before value
 	 * it initialize the expression if needed
@@ -369,12 +622,124 @@ public:
 	 * \return the result produced by the expression
-	inline typename std::remove_reference<rtype>::type value(const vect_dist_key_dx & key) const
+	__device__ __host__ inline typename std::remove_reference<rtype>::type value(const vect_dist_key_dx & key) const
-		return apply_kernel_is_number_or_expression_sim<vector_orig,exp1,NN,Kernel,rtype>::apply(vd,cl,key,ker);
+		return apply_kernel_is_number_or_expression_sim<NN_index_unsort,
+														vector_orig_nr,
+														exp1,
+														NN_nr,
+														Kernel_nr,
+														rtype>::apply(vd,cl.obj,key,ker.obj);
+/*! \brief Apply kernel operation
+ *
+ * \tparam exp1 expression1
+ * \tparam NN list
+ *
+ */
+template <typename exp1,typename vector_type>
+class vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,vector_type,VECT_APPLYKER_IN_SIM_SORT>
+	//! Return the type of the Cell-list
+	typedef typename boost::mpl::at<vector_type,boost::mpl::int_<0>>::type NN;
+	//! Return the type of the kernel
+	typedef typename boost::mpl::at<vector_type,boost::mpl::int_<1>>::type Kernel;
+	//! Return the vector containing the position of the particles
+	typedef typename boost::mpl::at<vector_type,boost::mpl::int_<2>>::type vector_orig;
+	//! Return the type of the Cell-list
+	typedef typename std::remove_reference<NN>::type NN_nr;
+	//! Return the type of the kernel
+	typedef typename std::remove_reference<Kernel>::type Kernel_nr;
+	//! Return the vector containing the position of the particles
+	typedef typename std::remove_reference<vector_orig>::type vector_orig_nr;
+	//! Cell-list
+	mutable_or_not<NN,is_gpu_celllist<NN>::type::value || is_gpu_ker_celllist<NN>::type::value> cl;
+	//! kernel
+	mutable_or_not<Kernel,is_gpu_celllist<NN>::type::value || is_gpu_ker_celllist<NN>::type::value> ker;
+	//! vector with the particle positions
+	const vector_orig vd;
+	//! Get the return type of the expression
+	typedef typename apply_kernel_rtype<decltype(std::declval<Kernel_nr>().value(Point<vector_orig_nr::dims,typename vector_orig_nr::stype>(0.0), Point<vector_orig_nr::dims,typename vector_orig_nr::stype>(0.0) ) )>::rtype rtype;
+	//! indicate if this expression operate on kernel expression
+	typedef typename has_vector_kernel<vector_orig_nr>::type is_ker;
+	//! vector type on which this expression work
+	typedef vector_orig_nr vtype;
+	//! indicate that is apply_kernel is not a sorted version
+	typedef boost::mpl::bool_<true> is_sort;
+	//! type of NN structure
+	typedef NN_nr NN_type;
+	/*! \brief get the NN object
+	 *
+	 * \return the NN object
+	 *
+	 */
+	inline NN_nr * getNN() const
+	{
+		return &cl.obj;
+	}
+	/*! \brief get the vector
+	 *
+	 * \return the vector
+	 *
+	 */
+	inline const vtype & getVector() const
+	{
+		return vd;
+	}
+	/*! \brief This function must be called before value
+	 *
+	 * it initialize the expression if needed
+	 *
+	 */
+	inline void init() const
+	{
+	}
+	/*! \brief Constructor
+	 *
+	 * \param cl cell-list
+	 * \param ker kernel
+	 * \param vd Vector containing the particle positions
+	 *
+	 */
+	vector_dist_expression_op(NN & cl, Kernel & ker, const vector_orig & vd)
+	:cl(cl),ker(ker),vd(vd)
+	{}
+	/*! \brief Evaluate the expression
+	 *
+	 * \param key where to evaluate the expression
+	 *
+	 * \return the result produced by the expression
+	 *
+	 */
+	__device__ __host__ inline typename std::remove_reference<rtype>::type value(const vect_dist_key_dx & key) const
+	{
+		return apply_kernel_is_number_or_expression_sim<NN_index_sort,
+														vector_orig_nr,
+														exp1,
+														NN_nr,
+														Kernel_nr,
+														rtype>::apply(vd,cl.obj,key,ker.obj);
+	}
 /*! \brief Apply kernel operation
@@ -393,23 +758,62 @@ class vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,vector_type,VECT_APPLYKER_IN_GEN>
 	//! Get the type of the vector containing the set of particles
 	typedef typename boost::mpl::at<vector_type,boost::mpl::int_<2>>::type vector_orig;
+	//! Return the type of the Cell-list
+	typedef typename std::remove_reference<NN>::type NN_nr;
+	//! Return the type of the kernel
+	typedef typename std::remove_reference<Kernel>::type Kernel_nr;
+	//! Return the vector containing the position of the particles
+	typedef typename std::remove_reference<vector_orig>::type vector_orig_nr;
 	//! Expression
 	const exp1 o1;
-	//! Cell list
-	NN & cl;
+	//! Cell-list
+	mutable_or_not<NN,is_gpu_celllist<NN>::type::value || is_gpu_ker_celllist<NN>::type::value> cl;
-	//! Kernel
-	Kernel & ker;
+	//! kernel
+	mutable_or_not<Kernel,is_gpu_celllist<NN>::type::value || is_gpu_ker_celllist<NN>::type::value> ker;
 	//! Vector containing the particles
-	const vector_orig & vd;
+	const vector_orig vd;
 	//! Return type of the expression
 	typedef typename apply_kernel_rtype<decltype(o1.value(vect_dist_key_dx()))>::rtype rtype;
+	//! indicate if this expression operate on kernel expression
+	typedef typename has_vector_kernel<vector_orig_nr>::type is_ker;
+	//! vector type on which this expression work
+	typedef vector_orig_nr vtype;
+	//! indicate that is apply_kernel is not a sorted version
+	typedef boost::mpl::bool_<false> is_sort;
+	//! type of NN structure
+	typedef NN_nr NN_type;
+	/*! \brief get the NN object
+	 *
+	 * \return the NN object
+	 *
+	 */
+	inline NN_nr * getNN() const
+	{
+		return &cl.obj;
+	}
+	/*! \brief get the vector
+	 *
+	 * \return the vector
+	 *
+	 */
+	inline const vtype & getVector() const
+	{
+		return vd;
+	}
 	/*! \brief This function must be called before value
 	 * it initialize the expression if needed
@@ -439,9 +843,257 @@ public:
 	 * \return the result of the expression
-	inline typename std::remove_reference<rtype>::type value(const vect_dist_key_dx & key) const
+	__device__ __host__ inline typename std::remove_reference<rtype>::type value(const vect_dist_key_dx & key) const
-		return apply_kernel_is_number_or_expression_gen<decltype(o1.value(key)),vector_orig,exp1,NN,Kernel,rtype>::apply(vd,cl,o1,key,ker);
+		return apply_kernel_is_number_or_expression_gen<NN_index_unsort,
+														decltype(o1.value(key)),
+														vector_orig_nr,
+														exp1,
+														NN_nr,
+														Kernel_nr,
+														rtype>::apply(vd,cl.obj,o1,key,ker.obj);
+	}
+/*! \brief Apply kernel operation
+ *
+ * \tparam exp1 expression1
+ * \tparam NN list
+ *
+ */
+template <typename exp1,typename vector_type>
+class vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,vector_type,VECT_APPLYKER_IN_GEN_SORT>
+	//! Get the type of the Cell-list
+	typedef typename boost::mpl::at<vector_type,boost::mpl::int_<0>>::type NN;
+	//! Get the type of the kernel
+	typedef typename boost::mpl::at<vector_type,boost::mpl::int_<1>>::type Kernel;
+	//! Get the type of the vector containing the set of particles
+	typedef typename boost::mpl::at<vector_type,boost::mpl::int_<2>>::type vector_orig;
+	//! Return the type of the Cell-list
+	typedef typename std::remove_reference<NN>::type NN_nr;
+	//! Return the type of the kernel
+	typedef typename std::remove_reference<Kernel>::type Kernel_nr;
+	//! Return the vector containing the position of the particles
+	typedef typename std::remove_reference<vector_orig>::type vector_orig_nr;
+	//! Expression
+	const exp1 o1;
+	//! Cell-list
+	mutable_or_not<NN,is_gpu_celllist<NN>::type::value || is_gpu_ker_celllist<NN>::type::value> cl;
+	//! kernel
+	mutable_or_not<Kernel,is_gpu_celllist<NN>::type::value || is_gpu_ker_celllist<NN>::type::value> ker;
+	//! Vector containing the particles
+	const vector_orig vd;
+	//! Return type of the expression
+	typedef typename apply_kernel_rtype<decltype(o1.value(vect_dist_key_dx()))>::rtype rtype;
+	//! indicate if this expression operate on kernel expression
+	typedef typename has_vector_kernel<vector_orig_nr>::type is_ker;
+	//! vector type on which this expression work
+	typedef vector_orig_nr vtype;
+	//! indicate that is apply_kernel is not a sorted version
+	typedef boost::mpl::bool_<true> is_sort;
+	//! type of NN structure
+	typedef NN_nr NN_type;
+	/*! \brief get the NN object
+	 *
+	 * \return the NN object
+	 *
+	 */
+	inline NN_nr * getNN() const
+	{
+		return &cl.obj;
+	}
+	/*! \brief get the vector
+	 *
+	 * \return the vector
+	 *
+	 */
+	inline const vtype & getVector() const
+	{
+		return vd;
+	}
+	/*! \brief This function must be called before value
+	 *
+	 * it initialize the expression if needed
+	 *
+	 */
+	inline void init() const
+	{
+		o1.init();
+	}
+	/*! \brief Constructor
+	 *
+	 * \param o1 expression
+	 * \param cl Cell-list
+	 * \param ker Kernel
+	 * \param vd vector containing the set of particles
+	 *
+	 */
+	vector_dist_expression_op(const exp1 & o1, NN & cl, Kernel & ker, const vector_orig & vd)
+	:o1(o1),cl(cl),ker(ker),vd(vd)
+	{}
+	/*! \brief Evaluate the expression
+	 *
+	 * \param key where to evaluate the expression
+	 *
+	 * \return the result of the expression
+	 *
+	 */
+	__device__ __host__ inline typename std::remove_reference<rtype>::type value(const vect_dist_key_dx & key) const
+	{
+		return apply_kernel_is_number_or_expression_gen<NN_index_sort,
+														decltype(o1.value(key)),
+														vector_orig_nr,
+														exp1,
+														NN_nr,
+														Kernel_nr,
+														rtype>::apply(vd,cl.obj,o1,key,ker.obj);
+	}
+template<typename cl_type, int impl=2*is_gpu_celllist<cl_type>::type::value + is_gpu_ker_celllist<cl_type>::type::value >
+struct cl_selector_impl
+	typedef cl_type& ctype;
+	static ctype & get(cl_type & cl)
+	{
+		return cl;
+	}
+template<typename cl_type>
+struct cl_selector_impl<cl_type,2>
+	typedef decltype(std::declval<cl_type>().toKernel()) ctype;
+	static ctype get(cl_type & cl)
+	{
+		return cl.toKernel();
+	}
+template<typename cl_type>
+struct cl_selector_impl<cl_type,1>
+	typedef cl_type ctype;
+	static ctype & get(cl_type & cl)
+	{
+		return cl;
+	}
+template<typename kl_type, typename cl_type, int impl=2*is_gpu_celllist<cl_type>::type::value + is_gpu_ker_celllist<cl_type>::type::value >
+struct kl_selector_impl
+	typedef kl_type& ktype;
+template<typename kl_type, typename cl_type>
+struct kl_selector_impl<kl_type,cl_type,2>
+	typedef kl_type ktype;
+template<typename kl_type, typename cl_type>
+struct kl_selector_impl<kl_type,cl_type,1>
+	typedef kl_type ktype;
+template<bool is_sorted, bool uwk, typename T>
+struct unroll_with_to_kernel
+	typedef T type;
+	static T & get(T & v)
+	{
+		return v;
+	}
+template<typename T>
+struct unroll_with_to_kernel<false,true,T>
+	typedef decltype(std::declval<T>().toKernel()) type;
+	static type get(T & v)
+	{
+		return v.toKernel();
+	}
+template<typename T>
+struct unroll_with_to_kernel<true,true,T>
+	typedef decltype(std::declval<T>().toKernel_sorted()) type;
+	static type get(T & v)
+	{
+		return v.toKernel_sorted();
+	}
+template<bool is_sorted, typename vl_type, typename cl_type, int impl=2*is_gpu_celllist<cl_type>::type::value + is_gpu_ker_celllist<cl_type>::type::value>
+struct vl_selector_impl
+	typedef vl_type& vtype;
+	static vtype & get(vl_type & v)
+	{
+		return v;
+	}
+template<typename vl_type, typename cl_type>
+struct vl_selector_impl<false,vl_type,cl_type,2>
+	typedef decltype(std::declval<vl_type>().toKernel()) vtype;
+	static vtype & get(vl_type & v)
+	{
+		return v.toKernel();
+	}
+template<typename vl_type, typename cl_type>
+struct vl_selector_impl<true,vl_type,cl_type,2>
+	typedef decltype(std::declval<vl_type>().toKernel()) vtype;
+	static vtype & get(vl_type & v)
+	{
+		return v.toKernel_sorted();
+	}
+template<bool is_sorted, typename vl_type, typename cl_type>
+struct vl_selector_impl<is_sorted, vl_type,cl_type,1>
+	typedef typename unroll_with_to_kernel<is_sorted,has_toKernel<vl_type>::type::value,vl_type>::type vtype;
+	static vtype get(vl_type & v)
+	{
+		return unroll_with_to_kernel<is_sorted,has_toKernel<vl_type>::type::value,vl_type>::get(v);
@@ -458,15 +1110,57 @@ public:
 template<typename exp1, typename exp2, unsigned int op1, typename NN, typename Kernel, typename vector_type>
-inline vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2,op1>,boost::mpl::vector<NN,Kernel,vector_type>,VECT_APPLYKER_IN>
+inline vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2,op1>,
+								 boost::mpl::vector<typename cl_selector_impl<NN>::ctype,
+								 	 	 	 	 	typename kl_selector_impl<Kernel,NN>::ktype,
+								 	 	 	 	 	typename vl_selector_impl<false,vector_type,NN>::vtype>,
 applyKernel_in(const vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2,op1> & va, vector_type & vd, NN & cl, Kernel & ker)
-	vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2,op1>,boost::mpl::vector<NN,Kernel,vector_type>,VECT_APPLYKER_IN> exp_sum(va,cl,ker,vd);
+	vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2,op1>,
+							  boost::mpl::vector<typename cl_selector_impl<NN>::ctype,
+							  	  	  	  	  	 typename kl_selector_impl<Kernel,NN>::ktype,
+							  	  	  	  	  	 typename vl_selector_impl<false,vector_type,NN>::vtype>,
+							  VECT_APPLYKER_IN> exp_sum(va,
+									  	  	  	  	  	cl_selector_impl<NN>::get(cl),
+									  	  	  	  	  	ker,
+									  	  	  	  	  	vl_selector_impl<false,vector_type,NN>::get(vd));
 	return exp_sum;
+///////////////////////////////////////////// Apply kernel operator ////
+/* \brief Apply kernel expression
+ *
+ * \param va vector expression one
+ * \param vb vector expression two
+ *
+ * \return an object that encapsulate the expression
+ *
+ */
+template<typename exp1, typename exp2, unsigned int op1, typename NN, typename Kernel, typename vector_type>
+inline vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2,op1>,
+								 boost::mpl::vector<typename cl_selector_impl<NN>::ctype,
+								 	 	 	 	 	typename kl_selector_impl<Kernel,NN>::ktype,
+								 	 	 	 	 	typename vl_selector_impl<true,vector_type,NN>::vtype>,
+applyKernel_in_sort(const vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2,op1> & va, vector_type & vd, NN & cl, Kernel & ker)
+	vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2,op1>,
+							  boost::mpl::vector<typename cl_selector_impl<NN>::ctype,
+							  	  	  	  	  	 typename kl_selector_impl<Kernel,NN>::ktype,
+							  	  	  	  	  	 typename vl_selector_impl<true,vector_type,NN>::vtype>,
+							  VECT_APPLYKER_IN_SORT> exp_sum(va,
+									  	  	  	  	  	cl_selector_impl<NN>::get(cl),
+									  	  	  	  	  	ker,
+									  	  	  	  	  	vl_selector_impl<true,vector_type,NN>::get(vd));
+	return exp_sum;
 /* \brief Apply kernel expression
  * \param va vector expression one
@@ -476,14 +1170,52 @@ applyKernel_in(const vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2,op1> & va, vector_type
 template<typename exp1, typename exp2, unsigned int op1, typename NN, typename Kernel, typename vector_type>
-inline vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2,op1>,boost::mpl::vector<NN,Kernel,vector_type>,VECT_APPLYKER_IN_GEN>
+inline vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2,op1>,
+								 boost::mpl::vector<typename cl_selector_impl<NN>::ctype,
+								 	 	 	 	 	typename kl_selector_impl<Kernel,NN>::ktype,
+								 	 	 	 	 	typename vl_selector_impl<false,vector_type,NN>::vtype>,
 applyKernel_in_gen(const vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2,op1> & va, vector_type & vd, NN & cl, Kernel & ker)
-	vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2,op1>,boost::mpl::vector<NN,Kernel,vector_type>,VECT_APPLYKER_IN_GEN> exp_sum(va,cl,ker,vd);
+	vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2,op1>,
+							  boost::mpl::vector<typename cl_selector_impl<NN>::ctype,
+							  	  	  	  	  	 typename kl_selector_impl<Kernel,NN>::ktype,
+							  	  	  	  	  	 typename vl_selector_impl<false,vector_type,NN>::vtype>,
+							  VECT_APPLYKER_IN_GEN> exp_sum(va,
+									  	  	  	  	  	  	cl_selector_impl<NN>::get(cl),
+									  	  	  	  	  	  	ker,
+									  	  	  	  	  	  	vl_selector_impl<false,vector_type,NN>::get(vd));
 	return exp_sum;
+/* \brief Apply kernel expression
+ *
+ * \param va vector expression one
+ * \param vb vector expression two
+ *
+ * \return an object that encapsulate the expression
+ *
+ */
+template<typename exp1, typename exp2, unsigned int op1, typename NN, typename Kernel, typename vector_type>
+inline vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2,op1>,
+								 boost::mpl::vector<typename cl_selector_impl<NN>::ctype,
+								 	 	 	 	 	typename kl_selector_impl<Kernel,NN>::ktype,
+								 	 	 	 	 	typename vl_selector_impl<true,vector_type,NN>::vtype>,
+applyKernel_in_gen_sort(const vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2,op1> & va, vector_type & vd, NN & cl, Kernel & ker)
+	vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2,op1>,
+							  boost::mpl::vector<typename cl_selector_impl<NN>::ctype,
+							  	  	  	  	  	 typename kl_selector_impl<Kernel,NN>::ktype,
+							  	  	  	  	  	 typename vl_selector_impl<true,vector_type,NN>::vtype>,
+							  VECT_APPLYKER_IN_GEN_SORT> exp_sum(va,
+									  	  	  	  	  	  	cl_selector_impl<NN>::get(cl),
+									  	  	  	  	  	  	ker,
+									  	  	  	  	  	  	vl_selector_impl<true,vector_type,NN>::get(vd));
+	return exp_sum;
 //////////////////////////////////////// For vector expression ///////////////////////
@@ -495,15 +1227,53 @@ applyKernel_in_gen(const vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2,op1> & va, vector_t
  * \return an object that encapsulate the expression
-template<unsigned int prp, typename NN, typename Kernel, typename vector_type>
-inline vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression<prp,vector_type>,boost::mpl::vector<NN,Kernel,vector_type>,VECT_APPLYKER_IN>
-applyKernel_in(const vector_dist_expression<prp,vector_type> & va, vector_type & vd, NN & cl, Kernel & ker)
+template<unsigned int prp, typename NN, typename Kernel, typename vector_type, typename vector_type_ker>
+inline vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression<prp,vector_type_ker>,
+								 boost::mpl::vector<typename cl_selector_impl<NN>::ctype,
+								 	 	 	 	 	typename kl_selector_impl<Kernel,NN>::ktype,
+								 	 	 	 	 	typename vl_selector_impl<false,vector_type,NN>::vtype>,
+applyKernel_in(const vector_dist_expression<prp,vector_type_ker> & va, vector_type & vd, NN & cl, Kernel & ker)
-	vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression<prp,vector_type>,boost::mpl::vector<NN,Kernel,vector_type>,VECT_APPLYKER_IN> exp_sum(va,cl,ker,vd);
+	vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression<prp,vector_type_ker>,
+							  boost::mpl::vector<typename cl_selector_impl<NN>::ctype,
+							  	  	  	  	  	 typename kl_selector_impl<Kernel,NN>::ktype,
+							  	  	  	  	  	 typename vl_selector_impl<false,vector_type,NN>::vtype>,
+							  VECT_APPLYKER_IN> exp_sum(va,
+									  	  	  	  	  	cl_selector_impl<NN>::get(cl),
+									  	  	  	  	  	ker,
+									  	  	  	  	  	vl_selector_impl<false,vector_type,NN>::get(vd));
 	return exp_sum;
+/* \brief Apply kernel expression
+ *
+ * \param va vector expression one
+ * \param vb vector expression two
+ *
+ * \return an object that encapsulate the expression
+ *
+ */
+template<unsigned int prp, typename NN, typename Kernel, typename vector_type, typename vector_type_ker>
+inline vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression<prp,vector_type_ker>,
+								 boost::mpl::vector<typename cl_selector_impl<NN>::ctype,
+								 	 	 	 	 	typename kl_selector_impl<Kernel,NN>::ktype,
+								 	 	 	 	 	typename vl_selector_impl<true,vector_type,NN>::vtype>,
+applyKernel_in_sort(const vector_dist_expression<prp,vector_type_ker> & va, vector_type & vd, NN & cl, Kernel & ker)
+	vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression<prp,vector_type_ker>,
+							  boost::mpl::vector<typename cl_selector_impl<NN>::ctype,
+							  	  	  	  	  	 typename kl_selector_impl<Kernel,NN>::ktype,
+							  	  	  	  	  	 typename vl_selector_impl<true,vector_type,NN>::vtype>,
+							  VECT_APPLYKER_IN_SORT> exp_sum(va,
+									  	  	  	  	  	cl_selector_impl<NN>::get(cl),
+									  	  	  	  	  	ker,
+									  	  	  	  	  	vl_selector_impl<true,vector_type,NN>::get(vd));
+	return exp_sum;
 /* \brief Apply kernel expression
@@ -513,15 +1283,53 @@ applyKernel_in(const vector_dist_expression<prp,vector_type> & va, vector_type &
  * \return an object that encapsulate the expression
-template<unsigned int prp, typename NN, typename Kernel, typename vector_type>
-inline vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression<prp,vector_type>,boost::mpl::vector<NN,Kernel,vector_type>,VECT_APPLYKER_IN_GEN>
-applyKernel_in_gen(const vector_dist_expression<prp,vector_type> & va, vector_type & vd, NN & cl, Kernel & ker)
+template<unsigned int prp, typename NN, typename Kernel, typename vector_type, typename vector_type_ker>
+inline vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression<prp,vector_type_ker>,
+								 boost::mpl::vector<typename cl_selector_impl<NN>::ctype,
+								 	 	 	 	 	typename kl_selector_impl<Kernel,NN>::ktype,
+								 	 	 	 	 	typename vl_selector_impl<false,vector_type,NN>::vtype>,
+applyKernel_in_gen(const vector_dist_expression<prp,vector_type_ker> & va, vector_type & vd, NN & cl, Kernel & ker)
-	vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression<prp,vector_type>,boost::mpl::vector<NN,Kernel,vector_type>,VECT_APPLYKER_IN_GEN> exp_sum(va,cl,ker,vd);
+	vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression<prp,vector_type_ker>,
+							  boost::mpl::vector<typename cl_selector_impl<NN>::ctype,
+							  	  	  	  	  	 typename kl_selector_impl<Kernel,NN>::ktype,
+							  	  	  	  	  	 typename vl_selector_impl<false,vector_type,NN>::vtype>,
+							  VECT_APPLYKER_IN_GEN> exp_sum(va,
+									  	  	  	  	  	  	cl_selector_impl<NN>::get(cl),
+									  	  	  	  	  	  	ker,
+									  	  	  	  	  	  	vl_selector_impl<false,vector_type,NN>::get(vd));
 	return exp_sum;
+/* \brief Apply kernel expression
+ *
+ * \param va vector expression one
+ * \param vb vector expression two
+ *
+ * \return an object that encapsulate the expression
+ *
+ */
+template<unsigned int prp, typename NN, typename Kernel, typename vector_type, typename vector_type_ker>
+inline vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression<prp,vector_type_ker>,
+								 boost::mpl::vector<typename cl_selector_impl<NN>::ctype,
+								 	 	 	 	 	typename kl_selector_impl<Kernel,NN>::ktype,
+								 	 	 	 	 	typename vl_selector_impl<true,vector_type,NN>::vtype>,
+applyKernel_in_gen_sort(const vector_dist_expression<prp,vector_type_ker> & va, vector_type & vd, NN & cl, Kernel & ker)
+	vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression<prp,vector_type_ker>,
+							  boost::mpl::vector<typename cl_selector_impl<NN>::ctype,
+							  	  	  	  	  	 typename kl_selector_impl<Kernel,NN>::ktype,
+							  	  	  	  	  	 typename vl_selector_impl<true,vector_type,NN>::vtype>,
+							  VECT_APPLYKER_IN_GEN_SORT> exp_sum(va,
+									  	  	  	  	  	  	cl_selector_impl<NN>::get(cl),
+									  	  	  	  	  	  	ker,
+									  	  	  	  	  	  	vl_selector_impl<true,vector_type,NN>::get(vd));
+	return exp_sum;
 /* \brief Apply kernel expression
@@ -532,13 +1340,49 @@ applyKernel_in_gen(const vector_dist_expression<prp,vector_type> & va, vector_ty
 template<typename NN, typename Kernel, typename vector_type>
-inline vector_dist_expression_op<void,boost::mpl::vector<NN,Kernel,vector_type>,VECT_APPLYKER_IN_SIM>
+inline vector_dist_expression_op<void,
+								 boost::mpl::vector<typename cl_selector_impl<NN>::ctype,
+								 	 	 	 	 	typename kl_selector_impl<Kernel,NN>::ktype,
+								 	 	 	 	 	typename vl_selector_impl<false,vector_type,NN>::vtype>,
 applyKernel_in_sim(vector_type & vd, NN & cl, Kernel & ker)
-	vector_dist_expression_op<void,boost::mpl::vector<NN,Kernel,vector_type>,VECT_APPLYKER_IN_SIM> exp_sum(cl,ker,vd);
+	vector_dist_expression_op<void,
+							  boost::mpl::vector<typename cl_selector_impl<NN>::ctype,
+							  	  	  	  	  	 typename kl_selector_impl<Kernel,NN>::ktype,
+							  	  	  	  	  	 typename vl_selector_impl<false,vector_type,NN>::vtype>,
+							  VECT_APPLYKER_IN_SIM> exp_sum(cl_selector_impl<NN>::get(cl),
+									  	  	  	  	  	  	ker,
+									  	  	  	  	  	  	vl_selector_impl<false,vector_type,NN>::get(vd));
 	return exp_sum;
+/* \brief Apply kernel expression
+ *
+ * \param va vector expression one
+ * \param vb vector expression two
+ *
+ * \return an object that encapsulate the expression
+ *
+ */
+template<typename NN, typename Kernel, typename vector_type>
+inline vector_dist_expression_op<void,
+								 boost::mpl::vector<typename cl_selector_impl<NN>::ctype,
+								 	 	 	 	 	typename kl_selector_impl<Kernel,NN>::ktype,
+								 	 	 	 	 	typename vl_selector_impl<true,vector_type,NN>::vtype>,
+applyKernel_in_sim_sort(vector_type & vd, NN & cl, Kernel & ker)
+	vector_dist_expression_op<void,
+							  boost::mpl::vector<typename cl_selector_impl<NN>::ctype,
+							  	  	  	  	  	 typename kl_selector_impl<Kernel,NN>::ktype,
+							  	  	  	  	  	 typename vl_selector_impl<true,vector_type,NN>::vtype>,
+							  VECT_APPLYKER_IN_SIM_SORT> exp_sum(cl_selector_impl<NN>::get(cl),
+									  	  	  	  	  	  	ker,
+									  	  	  	  	  	  	vl_selector_impl<true,vector_type,NN>::get(vd));
+	return exp_sum;
diff --git a/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_apply_kernel_unit_tests.cpp b/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_apply_kernel_unit_tests.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..add4d99cd2dae5eacb23d1c3b453b603f512aefc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_apply_kernel_unit_tests.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ * vector_dist_operators_apply_kernel_unit_tests.hpp
+ *
+ *  Created on: Jun 19, 2016
+ *      Author: i-bird
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include "Vector/vector_dist.hpp"
+#include "Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators.hpp"
+#include "Operators/Vector/tests/vector_dist_operators_tests_util.hpp"
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE( vector_dist_operators_apply_kernel_test_cpu )
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( vector_dist_operators_apply_kernel_test )
+	if (create_vcluster().getProcessingUnits() > 3)
+		return;
+	Box<3,float> box({0.0,0.0,0.0},{1.0,1.0,1.0});
+	// Boundary conditions
+	// ghost
+	Ghost<3,float> ghost(0.05);
+	vector_dist<3,float,aggregate<float,float,float,VectorS<3,float>,VectorS<3,float>,VectorS<3,float>,float>> vd(512,box,bc,ghost);
+	check_all_apply_ker<comp_host>::check(vd);
diff --git a/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_apply_kernel_unit_tests.cu b/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_apply_kernel_unit_tests.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a93b804bebeed681327d3111d8bb974c064846f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_apply_kernel_unit_tests.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ * vector_dist_operators_apply_kernel_unit_tests.hpp
+ *
+ *  Created on: Jun 19, 2016
+ *      Author: i-bird
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include "Vector/vector_dist.hpp"
+#include "Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators.hpp"
+#include "Operators/Vector/tests/vector_dist_operators_tests_util.hpp"
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE( vector_dist_operators_apply_kernel_test_gpu )
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( vector_dist_operators_apply_host_gpu_test )
+	if (create_vcluster().getProcessingUnits() > 3)
+		return;
+	Box<3,float> box({0.0,0.0,0.0},{1.0,1.0,1.0});
+	// Boundary conditions
+	// ghost
+	Ghost<3,float> ghost(0.05);
+	vector_dist_gpu<3,float,aggregate<float,float,float,VectorS<3,float>,VectorS<3,float>,VectorS<3,float>,float>> vd(512,box,bc,ghost);
+	check_all_apply_ker<comp_host>::check(vd);
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( vector_dist_operators_apply_kernel_gpu_test )
+	if (create_vcluster().getProcessingUnits() > 3)
+		return;
+	Box<3,float> box({0.0,0.0,0.0},{1.0,1.0,1.0});
+	// Boundary conditions
+	// ghost
+	Ghost<3,float> ghost(0.05);
+	vector_dist_gpu<3,float,aggregate<float,float,float,VectorS<3,float>,VectorS<3,float>,VectorS<3,float>,float>> vd(512,box,bc,ghost);
+	check_all_apply_ker<comp_dev>::check(vd);
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( vector_dist_operators_apply_kernel_gpu_sort_test )
+	if (create_vcluster().getProcessingUnits() > 3)
+		return;
+	Box<3,float> box({0.0,0.0,0.0},{1.0,1.0,1.0});
+	// Boundary conditions
+	// ghost
+	Ghost<3,float> ghost(0.05);
+	vector_dist_gpu<3,float,aggregate<float,float,float,VectorS<3,float>,VectorS<3,float>,VectorS<3,float>,float>> vd(512,box,bc,ghost);
+	check_all_apply_ker_sort::check(vd);
diff --git a/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_apply_kernel_unit_tests.hpp b/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_apply_kernel_unit_tests.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f45954def93a966bb8d137972d55b91e079d8feb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_apply_kernel_unit_tests.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
- * vector_dist_operators_apply_kernel_unit_tests.hpp
- *
- *  Created on: Jun 19, 2016
- *      Author: i-bird
- */
-template <typename vector,typename Kernel, typename NN_type> bool check_values_apply_kernel(vector & vd, Kernel & ker, NN_type & NN)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
-	// ### WIKI 13 ###
-	//
-	// Check that apply kernel work
-	//
-	auto it2 = vd.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it2.isNext())
-	{
-		float base2 = 0.0;
-		auto p = it2.get();
-		Point<3,float> xp = vd.getPos(p);
-		float base1 = vd.template getProp<A>(p);
-		float prp_x = vd.template getProp<VC>(p) * vd.template getProp<VB>(p) + norm(vd.template getProp<VB>(p));
-		// For each neighborhood particle
-		auto Np = NN.template getNNIterator<NO_CHECK>(NN.getCell(xp));
-		while (Np.isNext())
-		{
-			// Neighborhood particle q
-			auto q = Np.get();
-			if (q == p.getKey())	{++Np; continue;};
-			// position q
-			Point<3,float> xq = vd.getPos(q);
-			float prp_y = vd.template getProp<VC>(q) * vd.template getProp<VB>(q) + norm(vd.template getProp<VB>(q));
-			base2 += ker.value(xp,xq,prp_x,prp_y);
-			++Np;
-		}
-		base2 += vd.template getProp<C>(p);
-		ret &= base1 == base2;
-		++it2;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename vector,typename Kernel, typename NN_type> bool check_values_apply_kernel_reduce(vector & vd, Kernel & ker, NN_type & NN)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
-	float base1 = 0.0;
-	float base2 = 0.0;
-	float base3 = 0.0;
-	auto it2 = vd.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it2.isNext())
-	{
-		auto p = it2.get();
-		Point<3,float> xp = vd.getPos(p);
-		float ker_accu = 0.0;
-		float prp_x = vd.template getProp<VC>(p) * vd.template getProp<VB>(p) + norm(vd.template getProp<VB>(p));
-		// For each neighborhood particle
-		auto Np = NN.template getNNIterator<NO_CHECK>(NN.getCell(xp));
-		while (Np.isNext())
-		{
-			// Neighborhood particle q
-			auto q = Np.get();
-			if (q == p.getKey())	{++Np; continue;};
-			// position q
-			Point<3,float> xq = vd.getPos(q);
-			float prp_y = vd.template getProp<VC>(q) * vd.template getProp<VB>(q) + norm(vd.template getProp<VB>(q));
-			ker_accu += ker.value(xp,xq,prp_x,prp_y);
-			++Np;
-		}
-		base2 += ker_accu;
-		++it2;
-	}
-	auto it3 = vd.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it3.isNext())
-	{
-		auto p = it3.get();
-		base1 = vd.template getProp<A>(p);
-		base3 = vd.template getProp<C>(p) + base2;
-		ret &= base1 == base3;
-		++it3;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename vector,typename Kernel, typename NN_type> bool check_values_apply_kernel2(vector & vd, Kernel & ker, NN_type & NN)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
-	// ### WIKI 13 ###
-	//
-	// Check that apply kernel work
-	//
-	auto it2 = vd.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it2.isNext())
-	{
-		Point<3,float> base2 = 0.0;
-		auto p = it2.get();
-		Point<3,float> xp = vd.getPos(p);
-		Point<3,float> base1 = vd.template getProp<VA>(p);
-		Point<3,float> prp_x = 2.0 * vd.template getProp<VC>(p) + vd.template getProp<VB>(p);
-		// For each neighborhood particle
-		auto Np = NN.template getNNIterator<NO_CHECK>(NN.getCell(xp));
-		while (Np.isNext())
-		{
-			// Neighborhood particle q
-			auto q = Np.get();
-			if (q == p.getKey())	{++Np; continue;};
-			// position q
-			Point<3,float> xq = vd.getPos(q);
-			Point<3,float> prp_y = 2.0 * vd.template getProp<VC>(q) + vd.template getProp<VB>(q);
-			base2 += ker.value(xp,xq,prp_x,prp_y);
-			++Np;
-		}
-		base2 += vd.template getProp<VC>(p);
-		ret &= base1 == base2;
-		++it2;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename vector,typename Kernel, typename NN_type> bool check_values_apply_kernel3(vector & vd, Kernel & ker, NN_type & NN)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
-	// ### WIKI 13 ###
-	//
-	// Check that apply kernel work
-	//
-	auto it2 = vd.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it2.isNext())
-	{
-		Point<3,float> base2 = 0.0;
-		auto p = it2.get();
-		Point<3,float> xp = vd.getPos(p);
-		Point<3,float> base1 = vd.template getProp<VA>(p);
-		Point<3,float> prp_x = vd.template getProp<VC>(p);
-		// For each neighborhood particle
-		auto Np = NN.template getNNIterator<NO_CHECK>(NN.getCell(xp));
-		while (Np.isNext())
-		{
-			// Neighborhood particle q
-			auto q = Np.get();
-			if (q == p.getKey())	{++Np; continue;};
-			// position q
-			Point<3,float> xq = vd.getPos(q);
-			Point<3,float> prp_y = vd.template getProp<VC>(q);
-			base2 += ker.value(xp,xq,prp_x,prp_y);
-			++Np;
-		}
-		base2 += vd.template getProp<VC>(p);
-		ret &= base1 == base2;
-		++it2;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename vector,typename Kernel, typename NN_type> bool check_values_apply_kernel2_reduce(vector & vd, Kernel & ker, NN_type & NN)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
-	Point<3,float> base1 = 0.0;
-	Point<3,float> base2 = 0.0;
-	Point<3,float> base3 = 0.0;
-	auto it2 = vd.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it2.isNext())
-	{
-		auto p = it2.get();
-		Point<3,float> xp = vd.getPos(p);
-		Point<3,float> ker_accu = 0.0;
-		Point<3,float> prp_x = 2.0f*vd.template getProp<VC>(p) + vd.template getProp<VB>(p);
-		// For each neighborhood particle
-		auto Np = NN.template getNNIterator<NO_CHECK>(NN.getCell(xp));
-		while (Np.isNext())
-		{
-			// Neighborhood particle q
-			auto q = Np.get();
-			if (q == p.getKey())	{++Np; continue;};
-			// position q
-			Point<3,float> xq = vd.getPos(q);
-			Point<3,float> prp_y = 2.0f*vd.template getProp<VC>(q) + vd.template getProp<VB>(q);
-			ker_accu += ker.value(xp,xq,prp_x,prp_y);
-			++Np;
-		}
-		base2 += ker_accu;
-		++it2;
-	}
-	auto it3 = vd.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it3.isNext())
-	{
-		auto p = it3.get();
-		base1 = vd.template getProp<VA>(p);
-		base3 = vd.template getProp<VC>(p) + base2;
-		ret &= base1 == base3;
-		++it3;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename vector,typename Kernel, typename NN_type> bool check_values_apply_kernel3_reduce(vector & vd, Kernel & ker, NN_type & NN, const Point<2,float> & p)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
-	Point<2,float> base2 = 0.0;
-	auto it2 = vd.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it2.isNext())
-	{
-		auto p = it2.get();
-		Point<3,float> xp = vd.getPos(p);
-		Point<2,float> ker_accu = 0.0;
-		// For each neighborhood particle
-		auto Np = NN.template getNNIterator<NO_CHECK>(NN.getCell(xp));
-		while (Np.isNext())
-		{
-			// Neighborhood particle q
-			auto q = Np.get();
-			if (q == p.getKey())	{++Np; continue;};
-			// position q
-			Point<3,float> xq = vd.getPos(q);
-			ker_accu += ker.value(xp,xq);
-			++Np;
-		}
-		base2 += ker_accu;
-		++it2;
-	}
-	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(p.get(0),base2.get(0));
-	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(p.get(1),base2.get(1));
-	return ret;
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( vector_dist_operators_apply_kernel_test )
-	if (create_vcluster().getProcessingUnits() > 3)
-		return;
-	Box<3,float> box({0.0,0.0,0.0},{1.0,1.0,1.0});
-	// Boundary conditions
-	// ghost
-	Ghost<3,float> ghost(0.05);
-	vector_dist<3,float,aggregate<float,float,float,VectorS<3,float>,VectorS<3,float>,VectorS<3,float>,float>> vd(512,box,bc,ghost);
-	auto vA = getV<A>(vd);
-	auto vC = getV<C>(vd);
-	auto vVA = getV<VA>(vd);
-	auto vVB = getV<VB>(vd);
-	auto vVC = getV<VC>(vd);
-	// fill vd with some value
-	fill_values(vd);
-	vd.map();
-	vd.ghost_get<0,1,2,3,4,5,6>();
-	// we apply an exponential kernel to calculate something
-	auto cl = vd.getCellList(0.05);
-	exp_kernel ker(0.2);
-	vA = applyKernel_in(vVC * vVB + norm(vVB),vd,cl,ker) + vC;
-	check_values_apply_kernel(vd,ker,cl);
-	vVA = applyKernel_in(2.0*vVC + vVB ,vd,cl,ker) + vVC;
-	check_values_apply_kernel2(vd,ker,cl);
-	vA = rsum(applyKernel_in(vVC * vVB + norm(vVB),vd,cl,ker),vd) + vC;
-	check_values_apply_kernel_reduce(vd,ker,cl);
-	vVA = rsum(applyKernel_in(2.0*vVC + vVB ,vd,cl,ker),vd) + vVC;
-	check_values_apply_kernel2_reduce(vd,ker,cl);
-	vA = applyKernel_in_gen(vVC * vVB + norm(vVB),vd,cl,ker) + vC;
-	check_values_apply_kernel(vd,ker,cl);
-	vVA = applyKernel_in_gen(2.0*vVC + vVB ,vd,cl,ker) + vVC;
-	check_values_apply_kernel2(vd,ker,cl);
-	vA = rsum(applyKernel_in_gen(vVC * vVB + norm(vVB),vd,cl,ker),vd) + vC;
-	check_values_apply_kernel_reduce(vd,ker,cl);
-	vVA = rsum(applyKernel_in_gen(2.0*vVC + vVB ,vd,cl,ker),vd) + vVC;
-	check_values_apply_kernel2_reduce(vd,ker,cl);
-	// Check it compile the code is the same
-	vVA = applyKernel_in_gen(vVC,vd,cl,ker) + vVC;
-	check_values_apply_kernel3(vd,ker,cl);
-	vVA = applyKernel_in    (vVC,vd,cl,ker) + vVC;
-	check_values_apply_kernel3(vd,ker,cl);
-	// just check it compile
-	Point<2,float> p = rsum(applyKernel_in_sim(vd,cl,ker),vd).get();
-	check_values_apply_kernel3_reduce(vd,ker,cl,p);
diff --git a/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_extensions.hpp b/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_extensions.hpp
index adf208df586d0d55d7ffc828dfea92ff4d6fb324..de12ba21eddbba66909a8c674bae3cfe8b63bfcb 100644
--- a/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_extensions.hpp
+++ b/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_extensions.hpp
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
  * \param v
-template <unsigned int dim, typename T> inline vector_dist_expression<16384,Point<dim,T> > getVExpr(Point<dim,T> & v)
+template <unsigned int dim, typename T>
+inline vector_dist_expression<16384,Point<dim,T> > getVExpr(Point<dim,T> & v)
 	vector_dist_expression<(unsigned int)16384,Point<dim,T>> exp_v(v);
@@ -36,6 +37,14 @@ class vector_dist_expression<16384,point>
+	typedef void vtype;
+	//! result for is sort
+	typedef boost::mpl::bool_<false> is_sort;
+	//! NN_type
+	typedef void NN_type;
 	//! vector expression from a constant point
 	vector_dist_expression(point p)
diff --git a/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_functions.hpp b/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_functions.hpp
index 6f8fe79e34d3d005a0bef52d129e2ecfb87d504b..64bf9c90c37e2bdb1fc41f7988f94f885fd04198 100644
--- a/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_functions.hpp
+++ b/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_functions.hpp
@@ -8,6 +8,11 @@
+#ifdef __NVCC__
+#include "util/cuda/moderngpu/kernel_reduce.hxx"
+#include "cuda/vector_dist_operators_cuda.cuh"
 /*! A macro to define single value function specialization that apply the function component-wise
  * \param fun function name
@@ -23,20 +28,51 @@ class vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,void,OP_ID>\
 	const exp1 o1;\
+	typedef typename exp1::is_ker is_ker;\
+	typedef typename vector_result<typename exp1::vtype,void>::type vtype;\
+	typedef typename vector_is_sort_result<exp1::is_sort::value,false>::type is_sort;\
+	typedef typename nn_type_result<typename exp1::NN_type,void>::type NN_type;\
 	vector_dist_expression_op(const exp1 & o1)\
+	inline NN_type * getNN()\
+	{\
+		return nn_type_result<typename exp1::NN_type,void>::getNN(o1);\
+	}\
+	const vtype & getVector()\
+	{\
+		return vector_result<typename exp1::vtype,void>::getVector(o1);\
+	}\
+	inline const exp1 & getExpr() const\
+	{\
+		return o1;\
+	}\
+	\
 	inline void init() const\
-	template<typename r_type=typename std::remove_reference<decltype(fun_base(o1.value(vect_dist_key_dx(0))))>::type > inline r_type value(const vect_dist_key_dx & key) const\
+	template<typename r_type=typename std::remove_reference<decltype(fun_base(o1.value(vect_dist_key_dx(0))))>::type > \
+	inline r_type value(const vect_dist_key_dx & key) const\
+	{\
+		return fun_base(o1.value(key));\
+	}\
+	template<typename r_type=typename std::remove_reference<decltype(fun_base(o1.value(vect_dist_key_dx(0))))>::type > \
+	__device__ __host__ inline r_type value(const unsigned int & key) const\
 		return fun_base(o1.value(key));\
@@ -112,6 +148,25 @@ class vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2,OP_ID>\
 	const exp2 o2;\
+	typedef std::integral_constant<bool,exp1::is_ker::value || exp1::is_ker::value> is_ker;\
+	typedef typename vector_result<typename exp1::vtype,typename exp2::vtype>::type vtype;\
+	typedef typename vector_is_sort_result<exp1::is_sort::value,exp2::is_sort::value>::type is_sort;\
+	typedef typename nn_type_result<typename exp1::NN_type,typename exp2::NN_type>::type NN_type;\
+	inline NN_type * getNN()\
+	{\
+		return nn_type_result<typename exp1::NN_type,typename exp2::NN_type>::getNN(o1,o2);\
+	}\
+	vtype & getVector()\
+	{\
+		return vector_result<typename exp1::vtype,typename exp2::vtype>::getVector(o1,o2);\
+	}\
 	vector_dist_expression_op(const exp1 & o1, const exp2 & o2)\
@@ -206,6 +261,77 @@ CREATE_VDIST_ARG2_FUNC(pmul,pmul,VECT_PMUL)
 ////////// Special function reduce /////////////////////////
+template<typename val_type, bool is_sort, bool is_scalar = is_Point<val_type>::type::value>
+struct point_scalar_process
+	typedef aggregate<val_type> type;
+	template<typename vector_type, typename expression>
+	static void process(val_type & val, vector_type & ve, expression & o1)
+	{
+#ifdef __NVCC__
+		auto vek = ve.toKernel();
+		vector_dist_op_compute_op<0,is_sort,comp_dev>::compute_expr_v(vek,o1);
+		exp_tmp2[0].resize(sizeof(val_type));
+		auto & v_cl = create_vcluster<CudaMemory>();
+		mgpu::reduce((val_type *)ve.template getDeviceBuffer<0>(), ve.size(), (val_type *)(exp_tmp2[0].getDevicePointer()), mgpu::plus_t<val_type>(), v_cl.getmgpuContext());
+		exp_tmp2[0].deviceToHost();
+		val = *(val_type *)(exp_tmp2[0].getPointer());
+		std::cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " error: to make expression work on GPU the file must be compiled on GPU" << std::endl;
+	}
+template<typename val_type, bool is_sort>
+struct point_scalar_process<val_type,is_sort,true>
+	typedef val_type type;
+	template<typename vector_type, typename expression>
+	static void process(val_type & val, vector_type & ve, expression & o1)
+	{
+#ifdef __NVCC__
+//		auto ite = ve.getGPUIterator(256);
+//		compute_expr_ker_vv<0,val_type::dims><<<ite.wthr,ite.thr>>>(ve.toKernel(),o1);
+		auto vek = ve.toKernel();
+		vector_dist_op_compute_op<0,is_sort,comp_dev>::template compute_expr_vv<val_type::dims>(vek,o1);
+		exp_tmp2[0].resize(sizeof(val_type));
+		size_t offset = 0;
+		auto & v_cl = create_vcluster<CudaMemory>();
+		for (size_t i = 0 ; i < val_type::dims ; i++)
+		{
+			mgpu::reduce(&((typename val_type::coord_type *)ve.template getDeviceBuffer<0>())[offset],
+						 ve.size(),
+						 (typename val_type::coord_type *)(exp_tmp2[0].getDevicePointer()),
+						 mgpu::plus_t<typename val_type::coord_type>(),
+						 v_cl.getmgpuContext());
+			exp_tmp2[0].deviceToHost();
+			val.get(i) = *(typename val_type::coord_type *)exp_tmp2[0].getPointer();
+			offset += ve.capacity();
+		}
+		std::cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " error: to make expression work on GPU the file must be compiled on GPU" << std::endl;
+	}
 /*! \brief expression that encapsulate a vector reduction expression
@@ -213,8 +339,8 @@ CREATE_VDIST_ARG2_FUNC(pmul,pmul,VECT_PMUL)
  * \tparam vector_type type of vector on which the expression is acting
-template <typename exp1, typename vector_type>
-class vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,vector_type,VECT_SUM_REDUCE>
+template <typename exp1>
+class vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,void,VECT_SUM_REDUCE>
 	//! expression on which apply the reduction
@@ -226,36 +352,87 @@ class vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,vector_type,VECT_SUM_REDUCE>
 	//! return type of the calculated value (without reference)
 	mutable typename std::remove_reference<rtype>::type val;
-	//! vector on which we apply the reduction expression
-	const vector_type & vd;
+	//! Indicate if it is an in kernel expression
+	typedef typename exp1::is_ker is_ker;
+	//! return the vector type on which this expression operate
+	typedef typename vector_result<typename exp1::vtype,void>::type vtype;
+	//! result for is sort
+	typedef typename vector_is_sort_result<exp1::is_sort::value,false>::type is_sort;
+	//! NN_type
+	typedef typename nn_type_result<typename exp1::NN_type,void>::type NN_type;
 	//! constructor from an epxression exp1 and a vector vd
-	vector_dist_expression_op(const exp1 & o1, const vector_type & vd)
-	:o1(o1),val(0),vd(vd)
+	vector_dist_expression_op(const exp1 & o1)
+	:o1(o1),val(0)
 	//! sum reduction require initialization where we calculate the reduction
 	// this produce a cache for the calculated value
 	inline void init() const
-		o1.init();
+		if (exp1::is_ker::value == true)
+		{
-		val = 0.0;
+#ifdef __NVCC__
+			typedef decltype(val) val_type;
-		auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
+			// we have to do it on GPU
-		while (it.isNext())
+			openfpm::vector<typename point_scalar_process<val_type,is_sort::value>::type,
+							CudaMemory,
+							typename memory_traits_inte<typename point_scalar_process<val_type,is_sort::value>::type>::type,
+							memory_traits_inte,
+							openfpm::grow_policy_identity> ve;
+			auto & orig_v = o1.getVector();
+			if (exp_tmp.ref() == 0)
+			{exp_tmp.incRef();}
+			ve.setMemory(exp_tmp);
+			ve.resize(orig_v.size_local());
+			point_scalar_process<val_type,is_sort::value>::process(val,ve,o1);
+			std::cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " error, to use expression on GPU you must compile with nvcc compiler " << std::endl;
+		}
+		else
-			auto key = it.get();
+			const auto & orig_v = o1.getVector();
-			val += o1.value(key);
+			o1.init();
-			++it;
+			val = 0.0;
+			auto it = orig_v.getDomainIterator();
+			while (it.isNext())
+			{
+				auto key = it.get();
+				val += o1.value(key);
+				++it;
+			}
+	/*! \brief get the NN object
+	 *
+	 * \return the NN object
+	 *
+	 */
+	inline NN_type * getNN() const
+	{
+		return nn_type_result<typename exp1::NN_type,void>::getNN(o1);
+	}
 	//! it return the result of the expression
 	inline typename std::remove_reference<rtype>::type get()
@@ -271,21 +448,21 @@ public:
 //! Reduce function (it generate an expression)
-template<typename exp1, typename exp2_, unsigned int op1, typename vector_type>
-inline vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2_,op1>,vector_type,VECT_SUM_REDUCE>
-rsum(const vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2_,op1> & va, const vector_type & vd)
+template<typename exp1, typename exp2_, unsigned int op1>
+inline vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2_,op1>,void,VECT_SUM_REDUCE>
+rsum(const vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2_,op1> & va)
-	vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2_,op1>,vector_type,VECT_SUM_REDUCE> exp_sum(va,vd);
+	vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression_op<exp1,exp2_,op1>,void,VECT_SUM_REDUCE> exp_sum(va);
 	return exp_sum;
 //! Reduce function (It generate an expression)
-template<unsigned int prp1, typename v1, typename vector_type>
-inline vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression<prp1,v1>,vector_type,VECT_SUM_REDUCE>
-rsum(const vector_dist_expression<prp1,v1> & va, const vector_type & vd)
+template<unsigned int prp1, typename v1>
+inline vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression<prp1,v1>,void,VECT_SUM_REDUCE>
+rsum(const vector_dist_expression<prp1,v1> & va)
-	vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression<prp1,v1>,vector_type,VECT_SUM_REDUCE> exp_sum(va,vd);
+	vector_dist_expression_op<vector_dist_expression<prp1,v1>,void,VECT_SUM_REDUCE> exp_sum(va);
 	return exp_sum;
diff --git a/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_unit_tests.cpp b/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_unit_tests.cpp
index 4215733d60b81ecf1193e5c4ac98af05e8f7dfa6..ce975c9be4ce5fd57fd05bd3b07048336db586b7 100644
--- a/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_unit_tests.cpp
+++ b/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_unit_tests.cpp
@@ -11,761 +11,13 @@
 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
-#include "Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators.hpp"
+#include "tests/vector_dist_operators_tests_util.hpp"
-constexpr int A = 0;
-constexpr int B = 1;
-constexpr int C = 2;
-constexpr int VA = 3;
-constexpr int VB = 4;
-constexpr int VC = 5;
-constexpr int TA = 6;
-//////////////////// Here we define all the function to checl the operators
-template <unsigned int prp, typename vector> bool check_values(vector & v,float a)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = v.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		ret &= v.template getProp<prp>(it.get()) == a;
-		++it;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename vector> bool check_values_complex_expr(vector & vd)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		auto key = it.get();
-		float base1 = vd.template getProp<B>(key) + 2.0 + vd.template getProp<B>(key) - 2.0*vd.template getProp<C>(key) / 5.0;
-		float base2 = vd.template getProp<A>(key);
-		ret &=  base1 == base2;
-		++it;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C> bool check_values_pos_sum(vector & vd, const rtype & p)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		auto key = it.get();
-		Point<vector::dims,typename vector::stype> xp = vd.getPos(key);
-		rtype base1 = rtype(xp) + p;
-		rtype base2 = vd.template getProp<A>(key);
-		ret &=  base1 == base2;
-		++it;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C> bool check_values_pos_sub(vector & vd, const rtype & p)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		auto key = it.get();
-		Point<vector::dims,typename vector::stype> xp = vd.getPos(key);
-		rtype base1 = rtype(xp) - p;
-		rtype base2 = vd.template getProp<A>(key);
-		ret &=  base1 == base2;
-		++it;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C> bool check_values_pos_sub_minus(vector & vd, const rtype & p)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		auto key = it.get();
-		Point<vector::dims,typename vector::stype> xp = vd.getPos(key);
-		rtype base1 = -(rtype(xp) - p);
-		rtype base2 = vd.template getProp<A>(key);
-		ret &=  base1 == base2;
-		++it;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C> bool check_values_point_sub(vector & vd, const rtype & p)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		auto key = it.get();
-		rtype base1 = -vd.template getProp<B>(key);
-		rtype base2 = vd.template getProp<A>(key);
-		ret &=  base1 == base2;
-		++it;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C> bool check_values_sum(vector & vd, double d)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		auto key = it.get();
-		rtype base1 = vd.template getProp<B>(key) + d;
-		rtype base2 = vd.template getProp<A>(key);
-		ret &=  base1 == base2;
-		++it;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C> bool check_values_sum(vector & vd1, vector & vd2)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd1.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		auto key = it.get();
-		rtype base1 = vd1.template getProp<B>(key) + vd2.template getProp<C>(key);
-		rtype base2 = vd1.template getProp<A>(key);
-		ret &=  base1 == base2;
-		++it;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C> bool check_values_sum_3(vector & vd1)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd1.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		auto key = it.get();
-		rtype base1 = vd1.template getProp<B>(key) + vd1.template getProp<C>(key) + vd1.template getProp<B>(key);
-		rtype base2 = vd1.template getProp<A>(key);
-		ret &=  base1 == base2;
-		++it;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C> bool check_values_sum_4(vector & vd1)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd1.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		auto key = it.get();
-		rtype base1 = (vd1.template getProp<B>(key) + vd1.template getProp<C>(key)) + (vd1.template getProp<B>(key) + vd1.template getProp<C>(key));
-		rtype base2 = vd1.template getProp<A>(key);
-		ret &=  base1 == base2;
-		++it;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C> bool check_values_sub(vector & vd, double d)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		auto key = it.get();
-		rtype base1 = vd.template getProp<B>(key) - d;
-		rtype base2 = vd.template getProp<A>(key);
-		ret &=  base1 == base2;
-		++it;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C> bool check_values_sub(double d, vector & vd)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		auto key = it.get();
-		rtype base1 = d - vd.template getProp<B>(key);
-		rtype base2 = vd.template getProp<A>(key);
-		ret &=  base1 == base2;
-		++it;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C> bool check_values_sub(vector & vd1, vector & vd2)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd1.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		auto key = it.get();
-		rtype base1 = vd1.template getProp<C>(key) - vd2.template getProp<B>(key);
-		rtype base2 = vd1.template getProp<A>(key);
-		ret &=  base1 == base2;
-		++it;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C> bool check_values_sub_31(vector & vd1)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd1.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		auto key = it.get();
-		rtype base1 = vd1.template getProp<B>(key) - (vd1.template getProp<C>(key) + vd1.template getProp<B>(key));
-		rtype base2 = vd1.template getProp<A>(key);
-		ret &=  base1 == base2;
-		++it;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C> bool check_values_sub_32(vector & vd1)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd1.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		auto key = it.get();
-		rtype base1 = (vd1.template getProp<C>(key) + vd1.template getProp<B>(key)) - vd1.template getProp<B>(key);
-		rtype base2 = vd1.template getProp<A>(key);
-		ret &=  base1 == base2;
-		++it;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C> bool check_values_sub_4(vector & vd1)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd1.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		auto key = it.get();
-		rtype base1 = (vd1.template getProp<C>(key) + vd1.template getProp<B>(key)) - (vd1.template getProp<C>(key) + vd1.template getProp<B>(key));
-		rtype base2 = vd1.template getProp<A>(key);
-		ret &=  base1 == base2;
-		++it;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C> bool check_values_mul(vector & vd, double d)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		auto key = it.get();
-		rtype base1 = vd.template getProp<B>(key) * d;
-		rtype base2 = vd.template getProp<A>(key);
-		ret &=  base1 == base2;
-		++it;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C> bool check_values_mul(vector & vd1, vector & vd2)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd1.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		auto key = it.get();
-		rtype base1 = vd1.template getProp<C>(key) * vd2.template getProp<B>(key);
-		rtype base2 = vd1.template getProp<A>(key);
-		ret &=  base1 == base2;
-		++it;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C> bool check_values_mul_3(vector & vd1)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd1.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		auto key = it.get();
-		rtype base1 = vd1.template getProp<B>(key) * (vd1.template getProp<B>(key) + vd1.template getProp<C>(key));
-		rtype base2 = vd1.template getProp<A>(key);
-		ret &=  base1 == base2;
-		++it;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C> bool check_values_mul_4(vector & vd1)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd1.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		auto key = it.get();
-		rtype base1 = (vd1.template getProp<B>(key) + vd1.template getProp<C>(key)) * (vd1.template getProp<B>(key) + vd1.template getProp<C>(key));
-		rtype base2 = vd1.template getProp<A>(key);
-		ret &=  base1 == base2;
-		++it;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C> bool check_values_div(vector & vd, double d)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		auto key = it.get();
-		rtype base1 = vd.template getProp<B>(key) / d;
-		rtype base2 = vd.template getProp<A>(key);
-		ret &=  base1 == base2;
-		++it;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C> bool check_values_div(double d, vector & vd)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		auto key = it.get();
-		rtype base1 = d / vd.template getProp<B>(key);
-		rtype base2 = vd.template getProp<A>(key);
-		ret &=  base1 == base2;
-		++it;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C> bool check_values_div(vector & vd1, vector & vd2)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd1.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		auto key = it.get();
-		rtype base1 = vd1.template getProp<C>(key) / vd2.template getProp<B>(key);
-		rtype base2 = vd1.template getProp<A>(key);
-		ret &=  base1 == base2;
-		++it;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C> bool check_values_div_31(vector & vd1)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd1.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		auto key = it.get();
-		rtype base1 = vd1.template getProp<B>(key) / (vd1.template getProp<B>(key) + vd1.template getProp<C>(key));
-		rtype base2 = vd1.template getProp<A>(key);
-		ret &=  base1 == base2;
-		++it;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C> bool check_values_div_32(vector & vd1)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd1.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		auto key = it.get();
-		rtype base1 = (vd1.template getProp<C>(key) + vd1.template getProp<B>(key)) / vd1.template getProp<B>(key);
-		rtype base2 = vd1.template getProp<A>(key);
-		ret &=  base1 == base2;
-		++it;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename rtype, typename vector, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C> bool check_values_div_4(vector & vd1)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd1.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		auto key = it.get();
-		rtype base1 = (vd1.template getProp<B>(key) + vd1.template getProp<C>(key)) / (vd1.template getProp<B>(key) + vd1.template getProp<C>(key));
-		rtype base2 = vd1.template getProp<A>(key);
-		ret &=  base1 == base2;
-		++it;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename vector> bool check_values_scal_norm_dist(vector & vd)
-	bool ret = true;
-	auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		auto key = it.get();
-		float base1 = vd.template getProp<VB>(key) * vd.template getProp<VC>(key) + norm(vd.template getProp<VC>(key) + vd.template getProp<VB>(key)) + distance(vd.template getProp<VC>(key),vd.template getProp<VB>(key));
-		float base2 = vd.template getProp<A>(key);
-		ret &=  base1 == base2;
-		++it;
-	}
-	return ret;
-template <typename vector> void fill_values(vector & v)
-	auto it = v.getDomainIterator();
-	while (it.isNext())
-	{
-		auto p = it.get();
-		v.getPos(p)[0] = (float)rand() / RAND_MAX;
-		v.getPos(p)[1] = (float)rand() / RAND_MAX;
-		v.getPos(p)[2] = (float)rand() / RAND_MAX;
-		v.template getProp<A>(p) = fabs(sin(p.getKey()+1.0));
-		v.template getProp<B>(p) = fabs(sin(2.0*p.getKey()+3.0));
-		v.template getProp<C>(p) = fabs(sin(3.0*p.getKey()+18.0));
-		for (size_t k = 0 ; k < 3 ; k++)
-		{
-			v.template getProp<VA>(p)[k] = fabs(sin(p.getKey()+1.0+k));
-			v.template getProp<VB>(p)[k] = fabs(sin(2.0*p.getKey()+1.0+3.0));
-			v.template getProp<VC>(p)[k] = fabs(sin(3.0*p.getKey()+1.0+k));
-		}
-		++it;
-	}
-typedef vector_dist<3,float,aggregate<float,float,float,VectorS<3,float>,VectorS<3,float>,VectorS<3,float>,float>> vector_type;
-//! Exponential kernel
-struct exp_kernel
-	//! variance of the exponential kernel
-	float var;
-	//! Exponential kernel giving variance
-	exp_kernel(float var)
-	:var(var)
-	{}
-	/*! \brief Result of the exponential kernel
-	 *
-	 * \param p position of the particle p
-	 * \param q position of the particle q
-	 * \param pA property value at p
-	 * \param pB property value at q
-	 *
-	 * \return the result
-	 *
-	 */
-	inline float value(const Point<3,float> & p, const Point<3,float> & q,float pA,float pB)
-	{
-		float dist = norm(p-q);
-		return (pA + pB) * exp(dist * dist / var);
-	}
-	/*! \brief Result of the exponential kernel
-	 *
-	 * \param p position of the particle p
-	 * \param q position of the particle q
-	 * \param pA property value at p
-	 * \param pB property value at q
-	 *
-	 * \return the result
-	 *
-	 */
-	inline Point<3,float> value(const Point<3,float> & p, const Point<3,float> & q,const Point<3,float> & pA, const Point<3,float> & pB)
-	{
-		float dist = norm(p-q);
-		return (pA + pB) * exp(dist * dist / var);
-	}
-	/*! \brief Result of the exponential kernel
-	 *
-	 * \param p position of the particle p
-	 * \param q position of the particle q
-	 * \param pA property value at p
-	 * \param pB property value at q
-	 * \param vd1 original vector
-	 *
-	 * \return the result
-	 *
-	 */
-	inline float value(size_t p, size_t q, float pA, float pB, const vector_type & vd1)
-	{
-		Point<3,float> pp = vd1.getPos(p);
-		Point<3,float> pq = vd1.getPos(q);
-		float dist = norm(pp-pq);
-		return (pA + pB) * exp(dist * dist / var);
-	}
-	/*! \brief Result of the exponential kernel
-	 *
-	 * \param p position of the particle p
-	 * \param q position of the particle q
-	 * \param pA property value at p
-	 * \param pB property value at q
-	 * \param vd1 original vector
-	 *
-	 * \return the result
-	 *
-	 */
-	inline Point<3,float> value(size_t p, size_t q, const Point<3,float> & pA, const Point<3,float> & pB , const vector_type & vd1)
-	{
-		Point<3,float> pp = vd1.getPos(p);
-		Point<3,float> pq = vd1.getPos(q);
-		float dist = norm(pp-pq);
-		return (pA + pB) * exp(dist * dist / var);
-	}
-	/*! \brief Result of the exponential kernel
-	 *
-	 * \param p position of the particle p
-	 * \param q position of the particle q
-	 *
-	 * \return the result
-	 *
-	 */
-	inline Point<2,float> value(const Point<3,float> & p, const Point<3,float> & q)
-	{
-		float dist = norm(p-q);
-		return exp(dist * dist / var);
-	}
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE( vector_dist_operators_test )
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( vector_dist_operators_test )
 	if (create_vcluster().getProcessingUnits() > 3)
@@ -784,222 +36,9 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( vector_dist_operators_test )
 	vector_dist<3,float,aggregate<float,float,float,VectorS<3,float>,VectorS<3,float>,VectorS<3,float>>> vd(100,box,bc,ghost);
-	auto vA = getV<A>(vd);
-	auto vB = getV<B>(vd);
-	auto vC = getV<C>(vd);
-	auto vVA = getV<VA>(vd);
-	auto vVB = getV<VB>(vd);
-	auto vVC = getV<VC>(vd);
-	auto vPOS = getV<PROP_POS>(vd);
-	vA = 1.0;
-	vB = 2.0f;
-	vC = 3.0;
-	check_values<A>(vd,1.0);
-	check_values<B>(vd,2.0);
-	check_values<C>(vd,3.0);
-	vA = vB;
-	check_values<A>(vd,2.0);
-	fill_values(vd);
-	vA = vB + 2.0 + vB - 2.0*vC / 5.0;
-	check_values_complex_expr(vd);
-	// Various combination of 2 operator
-	vA = vB + 2.0;
-	check_values_sum<float,vtype,A,B,C>(vd,2.0);
-	vA = 2.0 + vB;
-	check_values_sum<float,vtype,A,B,C>(vd,2.0);
-	vA = vC + vB;
-	check_values_sum<float,vtype,A,B,C>(vd,vd);
-	vA = vB - 2.0;
-	check_values_sub<float,vtype,A,B,C>(vd,2.0);
-	vA = 2.0 - vB;
-	check_values_sub<float,vtype,A,B,C>(2.0,vd);
-	vA = vC - vB;
-	check_values_sub<float,vtype,A,B,C>(vd,vd);
-	vA = vB * 2.0;
-	check_values_mul<float,vtype,A,B,C>(vd,2.0);
-	vA = 2.0 * vB;
-	check_values_mul<float,vtype,A,B,C>(vd,2.0);
-	vA = vC * vB;
-	check_values_mul<float,vtype,A,B,C>(vd,vd);
-	vA = vB / 2.0;
-	check_values_div<float,vtype,A,B,C>(vd,2.0);
-	vA = 2.0 / vB;
-	check_values_div<float,vtype,A,B,C>(2.0,vd);
-	vA = vC / vB;
-	check_values_div<float,vtype,A,B,C>(vd,vd);
-	// Variuos combination 3 operator
-	vA = vB + (vC + vB);
-	check_values_sum_3<float,vtype,A,B,C>(vd);
-	vA = (vC + vB) + vB;
-	check_values_sum_3<float,vtype,A,B,C>(vd);
-	vA = (vC + vB) + (vC + vB);
-	check_values_sum_4<float,vtype,A,B,C>(vd);
-	vA = vB - (vC + vB);
-	check_values_sub_31<float,vtype,A,B,C>(vd);
-	vA = (vC + vB) - vB;
-	check_values_sub_32<float,vtype,A,B,C>(vd);
-	vA = (vC + vB) - (vC + vB);
-	check_values_sub_4<float,vtype,A,B,C>(vd);
-	vA = vB * (vC + vB);
-	check_values_mul_3<float,vtype,A,B,C>(vd);
-	vA = (vC + vB) * vB;
-	check_values_mul_3<float,vtype,A,B,C>(vd);
-	vA = (vC + vB) * (vC + vB);
-	check_values_mul_4<float,vtype,A,B,C>(vd);
-	vA = vB / (vC + vB);
-	check_values_div_31<float,vtype,A,B,C>(vd);
-	vA = (vC + vB) / vB;
-	check_values_div_32<float,vtype,A,B,C>(vd);
-	vA = (vC + vB) / (vC + vB);
-	check_values_div_4<float,vtype,A,B,C>(vd);
-	// We try with vectors
-	// Various combination of 2 operator
-	vVA = vVB + 2.0;
-	check_values_sum<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC>(vd,2.0f);
-	vVA = 2.0 + vVB;
-	check_values_sum<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC>(vd,2.0f);
-	vVA = vVC + vVB;
-	check_values_sum<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC>(vd,vd);
-	vVA = vVB - 2.0;
-	check_values_sub<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC>(vd,2.0f);
-	vVA = 2.0 - vVB;
-	check_values_sub<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC>(2.0f,vd);
-	vVA = vVC - vVB;
-	check_values_sub<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC>(vd,vd);
-	vVA = vVB * 2.0;
-	check_values_mul<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC>(vd,2.0f);
-	vVA = 2.0 * vVB;
-	check_values_mul<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC>(vd,2.0f);
-	vVA = vVC * vVB;
-	check_values_mul<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC>(vd,vd);
-	vVA = vVB / 2.0;
-	check_values_div<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC>(vd,2.0f);
-	vVA = 2.0 / vVB;
-	check_values_div<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC>(2.0f,vd);
-	vVA = vVC / vVB;
-	check_values_div<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC>(vd,vd);
-	// Variuos combination 3 operator
-	vVA = vVB + (vVC + vVB);
-	check_values_sum_3<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC>(vd);
-	vVA = (vVC + vVB) + vVB;
-	check_values_sum_3<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC>(vd);
-	vVA = (vVC + vVB) + (vVC + vVB);
-	check_values_sum_4<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC>(vd);
-	vVA = vVB - (vVC + vVB);
-	check_values_sub_31<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC>(vd);
-	vVA = (vVC + vVB) - vVB;
-	check_values_sub_32<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC>(vd);
-	vVA = (vVC + vVB) - (vVC + vVB);
-	check_values_sub_4<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC>(vd);
-	vVA = vVB * (vVC + vVB);
-	check_values_mul_3<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC>(vd);
-	vVA = (vVC + vVB) * vVB;
-	check_values_mul_3<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC>(vd);
-	vVA = (vVC + vVB) * (vVC + vVB);
-	check_values_mul_4<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC>(vd);
-	vA = vVB * (vVC + vVB);
-	check_values_mul_3<float,vtype,A,VB,VC>(vd);
-	vA = (vVC + vVB) * vVB;
-	check_values_mul_3<float,vtype,A,VB,VC>(vd);
-	vA = (vVC + vVB) * (vVC + vVB);
-	check_values_mul_4<float,vtype,A,VB,VC>(vd);
-	vVA = vVB / (vVC + vVB);
-	check_values_div_31<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC>(vd);
-	vVA = (vVC + vVB) / vVB;
-	check_values_div_32<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC>(vd);
-	vVA = (vVC + vVB) / (vVC + vVB);
-	check_values_div_4<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC>(vd);
-	// normalization function
-	vA = vVB * vVC + norm(vVC + vVB) + openfpm::distance(vVC,vVB);
-	check_values_scal_norm_dist(vd);
-	Point<3,float> p0({2.0,2.0,2.0});
-	auto p0_e = getVExpr(p0);
-	vVA = vPOS + p0_e;
-	check_values_pos_sum<VectorS<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC>(vd,p0);
-	vVA = vPOS - p0_e;
-	check_values_pos_sub<Point<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC>(vd,p0);
-	vVA = -(vPOS - p0_e);
-	check_values_pos_sub_minus<Point<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC>(vd,p0);
-	vVA = -vVB;
-	check_values_point_sub<Point<3,float>,vtype,VA,VB,VC>(vd,p0);
-	// Just check it compile testing it will test the same code
-	// as the previuous one
-	vVC = exp(vVB);
-	vA = norm(vPOS);
-	vVA = vPOS + 2.0;
-	vVA = 2.0 + vPOS;
-	vVA = vPOS + vPOS;
-	vVA = vPOS - 2.0f;
-	vVA = 2.0 - vPOS;
-	vVA = vPOS - vPOS;
-	vVA = vPOS * 2.0;
-	vVA = 2.0 * vPOS;
-	vVA = vPOS * vPOS;
-	vVA = vPOS / 2.0f;
-	vVA = 2.0f / vPOS;
-	vVA = vPOS / vPOS;
-	// Variuos combination 3 operator
-	vVA = vPOS + (vPOS + vPOS);
-	vVA = (vPOS + vPOS) + vPOS;
-	vVA = (vPOS + vPOS) + (vPOS + vPOS);
-	vVA = vPOS - (vPOS + vPOS);
-	vVA = (vPOS + vPOS) - vPOS;
-	vVA = (vVC + vPOS) - (vPOS + vPOS);
-	vVA = vPOS * (vPOS + vPOS);
-	vVA = (vPOS + vPOS) * vPOS;
-	vVA = (vPOS + vPOS) * (vPOS + vPOS);
-	vA = vPOS * (vPOS + vPOS);
-	vA = (vPOS + vPOS) * vPOS;
-	vA = (vPOS + vPOS) * (vPOS + vPOS);
-	vVA = vPOS / (vPOS + vPOS);
-	vVA = (vPOS + vPOS) / vPOS;
-	vVA = (vPOS + vPOS) / (vPOS + vPOS);
+	check_all_expressions<comp_host>::check(vd);
-#include "vector_dist_operators_apply_kernel_unit_tests.hpp"
 void reset(vector_dist<3,float,aggregate<float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float>> & v1)
diff --git a/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_unit_tests.cu b/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_unit_tests.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a920282d4978802cf8d5558e295a2e2604c4d1df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_unit_tests.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+#include "config.h"
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include "VCluster/VCluster.hpp"
+#include "Vector/vector_dist.hpp"
+#include "Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators.hpp"
+#include "Operators/Vector/tests/vector_dist_operators_tests_util.hpp"
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE( vector_dist_operators_test_gpu )
+	if (create_vcluster().getProcessingUnits() > 3)
+		return;
+	Box<3,float> box({0.0,0.0,0.0},{1.0,1.0,1.0});
+	// Boundary conditions
+	// ghost
+	Ghost<3,float> ghost(0.2);
+	vector_dist_gpu<3,float,aggregate<float,float,float,VectorS<3,float>,VectorS<3,float>,VectorS<3,float>>> vd(127*create_vcluster().size(),box,bc,ghost);
+	typedef decltype(vd.toKernel()) vector_dist_kernel;
+	vector_dist_ker_list<vector_dist_kernel> & vdkl = vd.private_get_vector_dist_ker_list();
+	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(vdkl.n_entry(),0);
+	{
+		auto vA = getV<A,comp_dev>(vd);
+		BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(vdkl.n_entry(),1);
+		{
+			auto vB = getV<B,comp_dev>(vd);
+			auto vC = getV<C,comp_dev>(vd);
+			auto vVA = getV<VA,comp_dev>(vd);
+			auto vVB = getV<VB,comp_dev>(vd);
+			auto vVC = getV<VC,comp_dev>(vd);
+			BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(vdkl.n_entry(),6);
+			// fill vd with some value
+			fill_values<comp_dev>(vd);
+			vd.map(RUN_ON_DEVICE);
+			// check that the entry has been updated
+			BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(vdkl.check(vd.toKernel()),true);
+			vd.template ghost_get<0,1,2,3,4,5>(RUN_ON_DEVICE);
+			// check that the entry has been updated
+			BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(vdkl.check(vd.toKernel()),true);
+		}
+		BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(vdkl.n_entry(),1);
+	}
+	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(vdkl.n_entry(),0);
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( vector_dist_operators_gpu_test )
+	if (create_vcluster().getProcessingUnits() > 3)
+		return;
+	Box<3,float> box({0.0,0.0,0.0},{1.0,1.0,1.0});
+	// Boundary conditions
+	// ghost
+	Ghost<3,float> ghost(0.05);
+	// vector type
+	typedef vector_dist_gpu<3,float,aggregate<float,float,float,VectorS<3,float>,VectorS<3,float>,VectorS<3,float>>> vtype;
+	vector_dist_gpu<3,float,aggregate<float,float,float,VectorS<3,float>,VectorS<3,float>,VectorS<3,float>>> vd(100,box,bc,ghost);
+	check_all_expressions<comp_host>::check(vd);
+	check_all_expressions<comp_dev>::check(vd);
diff --git a/src/initialize/initialize_wrapper.hpp b/src/initialize/initialize_wrapper.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..79d8577c2ddd2a1c59eca4a8c2240896dcb175e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/initialize/initialize_wrapper.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ * initialize_vcl.hpp
+ *
+ *  Created on: Aug 21, 2018
+ *      Author: i-bird
+ */
+/*! \brief If openfpm has to work on GPU we have to be sure openfpm_init is called on a file compiled with NVCC
+ *
+ * There are two implementation initialize.cpp and initialize.cu. In configuration stage the second implementation is chosen
+ * if the test has to run on GPU
+ *
+ */
+void openfpm_init_wrapper(int * argc, char *** argv);
+void openfpm_finalize_wrapper();
+#endif /* INITIALIZE_VCL_HPP_ */
diff --git a/src/initialize/initialize_wrapper_cpu.cpp b/src/initialize/initialize_wrapper_cpu.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4d75490cdd25af1caecc5b4f17ad05b1fff129bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/initialize/initialize_wrapper_cpu.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#include "initialize_wrapper.hpp"
+#include "VCluster/VCluster.hpp"
+void openfpm_init_wrapper(int * argc, char *** argv)
+	openfpm_init(argc,argv);
+void openfpm_finalize_wrapper()
+	openfpm_finalize();
diff --git a/src/initialize/initialize_wrapper_cuda.cu b/src/initialize/initialize_wrapper_cuda.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e2a8e24a384b833151d7bf811930e6567ace6100
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/initialize/initialize_wrapper_cuda.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#include "initialize_wrapper.hpp"
+#include "VCluster/VCluster.hpp"
+void openfpm_init_wrapper(int * argc, char *** argv)
+	openfpm_init(argc,argv);
+void openfpm_finalize_wrapper()
+	openfpm_finalize();
diff --git a/src/interpolation/interpolation_unit_tests.cpp b/src/interpolation/interpolation_unit_tests.cpp
index ed795c1d0f794d016b39b418c255c532ee36b043..a51522d636044c42b3937fac020859fc814fe65a 100644
--- a/src/interpolation/interpolation_unit_tests.cpp
+++ b/src/interpolation/interpolation_unit_tests.cpp
@@ -335,8 +335,11 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( interpolation_full_single_test_3D )
 		auto p = it.get();
+		// coverty[dont_call]
 		vd.getPos(p)[0] = (double)rand()/RAND_MAX;
+		// coverty[dont_call]
 		vd.getPos(p)[1] = (double)rand()/RAND_MAX;
+		// coverty[dont_call]
 		vd.getPos(p)[2] = (double)rand()/RAND_MAX;
 		vd.getProp<0>(p) = 5.0;
diff --git a/src/unit_test_init_cleanup.hpp b/src/unit_test_init_cleanup.hpp
index 7cf89f01b1dac63dbc8753048851ff822e90f0fa..16c185431951a21ff099469e53bac17f6579c210 100644
--- a/src/unit_test_init_cleanup.hpp
+++ b/src/unit_test_init_cleanup.hpp
@@ -9,11 +9,12 @@
 #include "VCluster/VCluster.hpp"
+#include "initialize/initialize_wrapper.hpp"
 struct ut_start {
     ut_start()   { 
                    BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Initialize global VCluster"); 
-                   openfpm_init(&boost::unit_test::framework::master_test_suite().argc,&boost::unit_test::framework::master_test_suite().argv); 
+                   openfpm_init_wrapper(&boost::unit_test::framework::master_test_suite().argc,&boost::unit_test::framework::master_test_suite().argv); 
     ~ut_start()  { 
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