# -*- Autoconf -*- # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. ## Take all the options with the exception of --enable-install-req AC_PREREQ(2.59) AC_INIT(FULL-PACKAGE-NAME, VERSION, BUG-REPORT-ADDRESS) AC_CANONICAL_SYSTEM AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/main.cpp]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE AC_CONFIG_HEADER([src/config/config.h]) m4_ifdef([ACX_PTHREAD],,[m4_include([m4/acx_pthread.m4])]) m4_ifdef([ACX_MPI],,[m4_include([m4/acx_mpi.m4])]) m4_ifdef([AX_OPENMP],,[m4_include([m4/ax_openmp.m4])]) m4_ifdef([AX_CUDA],,[m4_include([m4/ax_cuda.m4])]) m4_ifdef([IMMDX_LIB_METIS],,[m4_include([m4/immdx_lib_metis.m4])]) m4_ifdef([IMMDX_LIB_PARMETIS],,[m4_include([m4/immdx_lib_parmetis.m4])]) m4_ifdef([AX_BOOST_BASE],,[m4_include([m4/ax_boost_base.m4])]) m4_ifdef([AX_BOOST_IOSTREAMS],,[m4_include([m4/ax_boost_iostreams.m4])]) m4_ifdef([AX_BOOST_PROGRAM_OPTIONS],,[m4_include([m4/ax_boost_program_options.m4])]) m4_ifdef([AX_BOOST_UNIT_TEST_FRAMEWORK],,[m4_include([m4/ax_boost_unit_test_framework.m4])]) m4_ifdef([AX_BLAS],,[m4_include([m4/ax_blas.m4])]) m4_ifdef([AX_LAPACK],,[m4_include([m4/ax_lapack.m4])]) m4_ifdef([AX_SUITESPARSE],,[m4_include([m4/ax_suitesparse.m4])]) m4_ifdef([AX_EIGEN],,[m4_include([m4/ax_eigen.m4])]) m4_ifdef([AX_LIB_HDF5],,[m4_include([m4/ax_lib_hdf5.m4])]]) case $host_os in *cygwin*) # Do something specific for cygwin CXXFLAGS+=" --std=gnu++11 " ;; *) #Default Case CXXFLAGS+=" --std=c++11 " ;; esac NVCCFLAGS=" " INCLUDES_PATH=" " # set default prefix if test "$prefix" = "NONE"; then prefix="/usr/local" fi # Add openfpm_numerics to prefix forlder (if prefix end if openfpm_pdata remove that path) if [ echo "$prefix" | grep -qE "/openfpm_pdata$" ]; then prefix=$(echo "$prefix" | sed 's/\(.*\)\/openfpm_pdata$/\1/g') fi prefix="$prefix/openfpm_numerics" echo "Installation dir is: $prefix" # Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CXX # Checks g++ flags AC_CANONICAL_HOST # Check that the compiler support mpi AC_LANG_PUSH([C++]) AC_CHECK_HEADER(mpi.h,[],[echo "mpi.h not found" exit 200]) AC_LANG_POP([C++]) # Check target architetture #AX_GCC_ARCHFLAG([], [CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $ax_cv_gcc_archflag"], []) ###### Check for debug compilation AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build with debug information) debuger=no AC_ARG_ENABLE(debug, AC_HELP_STRING( [--enable-debug], [enable debug data generation (def=no)] ), debuger="$enableval" ) AC_MSG_RESULT($debuger) if test x"$debuger" = x"yes"; then AC_DEFINE([DEBUG_MODE],[],[Debug]) AC_DEFINE([DEBUG],[],[Debug]) CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -g3 -Wall -O0 " NVCCFLAGS+="$NVCCFLAGS -g -O0 " else CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -Wall -O3 -g3 -funroll-loops " NVCCFLAGS+="$NVCCFLAGS -O3 " fi ######### ## Check for Metis ####### include openfpm_devices include path IMMDX_LIB_METIS([],[echo "Cannot detect metis, use the --with-metis option if it is not installed in the default location" exit 201]) ## Check for parMetis IMMDX_LIB_PARMETIS([],[echo "Cannot detect parmetis, use the --with-parmetis option if it is not installed in the default location" exit 203]) ######### ## Check for HDF5 AX_LIB_HDF5([parallel]) if test x"$with_hdf5" = x"no"; then echo "Cannot detect hdf5, use the --with-hdf5 option if it is not installed in the default location" exit 207 fi ####### include OpenFPM_numerics include path" INCLUDES_PATH+=" -I/usr/local/include -I. -Iconfig -I../../openfpm_devices/src -I../../openfpm_data/src -I../../openfpm_io/src -I../../openfpm_vcluster/src -I../../src" ###### Check for se-class1 AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build with security enhancement class1) se_class1=no AC_ARG_ENABLE(se-class1, AC_HELP_STRING( [--enable-se-class1], [enable security enhancement class1] ), se_class1="$enableval" ) AC_MSG_RESULT($se_class1) if test x"$se_class1" = x"yes"; then AC_DEFINE([SE_CLASS1],[],[Security enhancement class 1]) fi ###### Check for se-class 2 AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build with security enhancement class 2) se_class2=no AC_ARG_ENABLE(se-class2, AC_HELP_STRING( [--enable-se-class2], [enable security enhancement class 2] ), se_class2="$enableval" ) AC_MSG_RESULT($se_class2) if test x"$se_class2" = x"yes"; then AC_DEFINE([SE_CLASS2],[],[Security enhancement class 2]) fi ###### Check for se-class 3 AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build with security enhancement class 3) se_class3=no AC_ARG_ENABLE(se-class3, AC_HELP_STRING( [--enable-se-class3], [enable security enhancement class 3] ), se_class3="$enableval" ) AC_MSG_RESULT($se_class3) if test x"$se_class3" = x"yes"; then AC_DEFINE([SE_CLASS3],[],[Security enhancement class 3]) fi ###### Check for action on error action_on_e=continue AC_ARG_WITH([action-on-error], AS_HELP_STRING([--with-action-on-error=stop,throw,continue], [specify the action to do in case of error]), [action_on_e="$withval"], [action_on_e=continue]) if test x"$action_on_e" = x"stop"; then AC_DEFINE([STOP_ON_ERROR],[],[If an error occur stop the program]) fi if test x"$action_on_e" = x"throw"; then AC_DEFINE([THROW_ON_ERROR],[],[when an error accur continue but avoid unsafe operation]) fi ##### CHECK FOR BOOST ############## AX_BOOST_BASE([1.52],[],[echo "boost not found" exit 202]) AX_BOOST_UNIT_TEST_FRAMEWORK AX_BOOST_PROGRAM_OPTIONS AX_BOOST_IOSTREAMS if test x"$ax_cv_boost_unit_test_framework" = x"no"; then echo "Notify boost not usable" exit 202 fi if test x"$ax_cv_boost_iostreams" = x"no"; then echo "Notify boost not usable" exit 202 fi if test x"$ax_cv_boost_programs_options" = x"no"; then echo "Notify boost not usable" exit 202 fi ### Unfortunately a lot of linux distros install a pretty old MPI in the system wide folder, ### override such MPI with the installed one is extremely difficult and tricky, because we want ### to include "some" system library but exclude mpi. One possibility is to give specifically ### the wanted libmpi.so directly to the linker. But this is not possible because this lib is ### given by mpic++ in the form -L/path/to/mpi -lmpi, the other is completely eliminate every ### -L with a system default library ### # eliminate any /usr/lib and and /usr/include from $BOOST_LIB and $BOOST_INCLUDE BOOST_LDFLAGS=$(echo "$BOOST_LDFLAGS" | sed -e 's/ -L\/usr\/lib64[ \b]//g' | sed -e 's/ -L\/usr\/lib[ \b]//g') BOOST_CPPFLAGS=$(echo "$BOOST_CPPFLAGS" | sed -e 's/-I\/usr\/include[ \b]//g') AC_SUBST(BOOST_LDFLAGS) AC_SUBST(BOOST_CPPFLAGS) ###### Checking for OpenBLAS AX_BLAS([],[echo "blas not found" exit 204]) AX_LAPACK([],[echo "lapack not found" exit 204]) ###### Checking for SUITESPARSE AX_SUITESPARSE([],[echo "suitesparse not found" exit 205]) ###### Checking for EIGEN AX_EIGEN([],[echo "eigen not found" exit 206]) ###### Checking for compiler flags -fext-numeric-literals my_save_cflags="$CFLAGS" CFLAGS=-fext-numeric-literals AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether CXX supports -fext-numeric-literals]) AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([])], [AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])] [AM_CXXFLAGS=-fext-numeric-literals], [AC_MSG_RESULT([no])] ) CFLAGS="$my_save_cflags" AC_SUBST([AM_CXXFLAGS]) ####### Checking for GPU support AX_CUDA ## detect for NVCC if test x"$NVCC_EXIST" = x"yes"; then AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build with GPU support) gpu_support=yes AC_ARG_ENABLE(gpu, AC_HELP_STRING( [--enable-gpu], [enable gpu support] ), gpu_support="$enableval" ) AC_MSG_RESULT($gpu_support) if test x"$gpu_support" = x"yes"; then AC_DEFINE([GPU],[],[GPU support]) else CUDA_LIBS="" CUDA_CFLAGS="" fi else gpu_support=no fi if test x$gpu_support = x"no"; then CUDA_LIBS="" CUDA_CFLAGS="" fi # Set this conditional if cuda is wanted AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILDCUDA, test ! x$NVCC = x"no") ########################### # Define that there is MPI AC_DEFINE([HAVE_MPI],[],[MPI Enabled]) AC_SUBST(NVCCFLAGS) AC_SUBST(INCLUDES_PATH) # Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. # Checks for library functions. AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile src/Makefile ]) AC_OUTPUT echo "" echo "***********************************" echo "* *" if [ test x"$profiler" = x"yes" ]; then echo "* profiler: yes *" else echo "* profiler: no *" fi if [ test x"$memcheck" = x"yes" ]; then echo "* memcheck: yes *" else echo "* memcheck: no *" fi if [ test x"$debuger" = x"yes" ]; then echo "* debug: yes *" else echo "* debug: no *" fi if [ test x"$se_class1" = x"yes" ]; then echo "* se-class1: yes *" else echo "* se-class1: no *" fi if [ test x"$se_class2" = x"yes" ]; then echo "* se-class2: yes *" else echo "* se-class2: no *" fi if [ test x"$se_class3" = x"yes" ]; then echo "* se-class3: yes *" else echo "* se-class3: no *" fi if [ test x"$gpu_support" = x"no" ]; then echo "* gpu: no *" else echo "* gpu: yes *" fi echo "* *" echo "***********************************"