#### Release Notes
##### Data
1. Attribute for Protein Presence in Biomolecular and Synthetic Condensates
2. Removed description of synthetic condensates from "llps_db"
3. Proteins general property "functional_type" will be retired (no more used)
4. All proteins in proteins collection which are "regulator" to be removed
5. Regulator proteins (754) to be added to condensates (53) as a general property, but no more identified as proteome member
6. Condensate's protein `driver_criterion` value "self_ps" has been removed
7. Internal bug fixes in Sync task
##### Frontend
1. Frontend contribution controls for `driver_criterion` and `functional_type` updated
2. Functional Type re-labelled to `Role in Condensate` with two options: `driver` or `member`
3. Species image for biomolecular and test-tube image for synthetic condensates detail page
4. CC-by-SA license added in the footer
5. New page for release notes