Pietro Incardona authoredPietro Incardona authored
HeapMemory.hpp 3.27 KiB
* HeapMempory.hpp
* Created on: Aug 17, 2014
* Author: Pietro Incardona
#include "config.h"
#include "memory.hpp"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
typedef unsigned char byte;
#define MEM_ALIGNMENT 32
* \brief This class allocate, and destroy CPU memory
* ### Allocate memory
* \snippet HeapMemory_unit_tests.hpp Allocate some memory and fill with data
* ### Resize memory
* \snippet HeapMemory_unit_tests.hpp Resize the memory
* ### Shrink memory
* \snippet HeapMemory_unit_tests.hpp Shrink memory
class HeapMemory : public memory
//! memory alignment
size_t alignement;
//! Size of the memory
size_t sz;
//! device memory
byte * dm;
//! original pointer (before alignment)
byte * dmOrig;
//! Reference counter
long int ref_cnt;
//! copy from same Heap to Heap
bool copyDeviceToDevice(const HeapMemory & m);
//! copy from Pointer to Heap
bool copyFromPointer(const void * ptr, size_t sz);
//! Set alignment the memory will be aligned with this number
void setAlignment(size_t align);
//! allocate memory
virtual bool allocate(size_t sz);
//! destroy memory
virtual void destroy();
//! copy memory
virtual bool copy(const memory & m);
//! the the size of the allocated memory
virtual size_t size() const;
//! resize the memory allocated
virtual bool resize(size_t sz);
//! get a readable pointer with the data
virtual void * getPointer();
//! get a readable pointer with the data
virtual const void * getPointer() const;
//! Increment the reference counter
virtual void incRef()
//! Decrement the reference counter
virtual void decRef()
//! Return the reference counter
virtual long int ref()
return ref_cnt;
/*! \brief Allocated Memory is never initialized
* \return false
bool isInitialized()
return false;
// Copy the Heap memory
HeapMemory & operator=(const HeapMemory & mem)
return *this;
// Copy the Heap memory
HeapMemory(const HeapMemory & mem)
HeapMemory(HeapMemory && mem) noexcept
//! swap
alignement = mem.alignement;
sz = mem.sz;
dm = mem.dm;
dmOrig = mem.dmOrig;
ref_cnt = mem.ref_cnt;
// reset mem
mem.alignement = MEM_ALIGNMENT;
mem.sz = 0;
mem.dm = NULL;
mem.dmOrig = NULL;
mem.ref_cnt = 0;
//! Constructor, we choose a default alignment of 32 for avx
HeapMemory():alignement(MEM_ALIGNMENT),sz(0),dm(NULL),dmOrig(NULL),ref_cnt(0) {};
virtual ~HeapMemory()
if(ref_cnt == 0)
std::cerr << "Error: " << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << " destroying a live object" << "\n";
/*! \brief function to align a pointer equivalent to std::align
* function to align a pointer equivalent to std::align
inline void *align( std::size_t alignment, std::size_t size,
void *&ptr, std::size_t &space ) {
std::uintptr_t pn = reinterpret_cast< std::uintptr_t >( ptr );
std::uintptr_t aligned = ( pn + alignment - 1 ) & - alignment;
std::size_t padding = aligned - pn;
if ( space < size + padding ) return nullptr;
space -= padding;
return ptr = reinterpret_cast< void * >( aligned );