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  • mosaic/software/parallel-computing/openfpm/openfpm_devices
  • argupta/openfpm_devices
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......@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@
#if defined(CUDIFY_USE_CUDA)
#include "cudify/cuda/cudify_cuda.hpp"
#elif defined(CUDIFY_USE_ALPAKA)
......@@ -78,6 +80,7 @@ constexpr int default_kernel_wg_threads_ = 1024;
static void init_wrappers() {}
......@@ -3,8 +3,13 @@
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <boost/preprocessor.hpp>
constexpr int default_kernel_wg_threads_ = 1024;
constexpr size_t default_kernel_wg_threads_ = static_cast<size_t>(DEFAULT_CUDA_THREADS);
constexpr size_t default_kernel_wg_threads_ = static_cast<size_t>(1024);
#if CUDART_VERSION >= 11000 && defined(__NVCC__)
#include "cub/util_type.cuh"
......@@ -29,6 +34,118 @@ __global__ void kernel_launch_lambda_tls(lambda_f f)
* @brief Find appropriate grid and block size based on statistics of register usage during compilation
* @note
* - According to
* This can greatly simplify the task of frameworks (such as Thrust), that must launch user-defined kernels. This is
* also handy for kernels that are not primary performance bottlenecks, where the programmer just wants a simple way
* to run the kernel with correct results, rather than hand-tuning the execution configuration.
* -For advanced kernel hand-tuning depending on compute capability, the launchbox feature of moderngpu
* ( should be considered.
template<typename dim3Type, typename... Args>
void FixConfigLaunch(void (* _kernel)(Args...), dim3Type & wthr, dim3Type & thr) {
if (thr.x != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
int blockSize = 0; // The launch configurator returned block size
int minGridSize; // The minimum grid size needed to achieve the
// maximum occupancy for a full device launch
cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize(&minGridSize, &blockSize, *_kernel, 0, 0);
int dim = (wthr.x != 0) + (wthr.y != 0) + (wthr.z != 0);
if (dim == 0) {
size_t tot_work;
unsigned int wthr_x = wthr.x;
unsigned int wthr_y = wthr.y;
unsigned int wthr_z = wthr.z;
if (dim == 1)
tot_work = wthr.x;
else if (dim == 2)
tot_work = wthr.x * wthr.y;
else if (dim == 3)
tot_work = wthr.x * wthr.y * wthr.z;
// round to the nearest bigger power of 2
size_t tot_work_2 = tot_work;
tot_work_2 |= tot_work_2 >> 1;
tot_work_2 |= tot_work_2 >> 2;
tot_work_2 |= tot_work_2 >> 4;
tot_work_2 |= tot_work_2 >> 8;
tot_work_2 |= tot_work_2 >> 16;
size_t n = (tot_work <= blockSize)?tot_work_2:blockSize;
if (tot_work == 0)
thr.x = 0;
thr.y = 0;
thr.z = 0;
wthr.x = 0;
wthr.y = 0;
wthr.z = 0;
thr.x = 1;
thr.y = 1;
thr.z = 1;
int dir = 0;
while (n != 1)
if (dir % 3 == 0)
{thr.x = thr.x << 1;}
else if (dir % 3 == 1)
{thr.y = thr.y << 1;}
else if (dir % 3 == 2)
{thr.z = thr.z << 1;}
n = n >> 1;
dir %= dim;
if (dim >= 1)
{wthr.x = (wthr.x) / thr.x + (((wthr_x)%thr.x != 0)?1:0);}
if (dim >= 2)
{wthr.y = (wthr.y) / thr.y + (((wthr_y)%thr.y != 0)?1:0);}
{wthr.y = 1;}
if (dim >= 3)
{wthr.z = (wthr.z) / thr.z + (((wthr_z)%thr.z != 0)?1:0);}
{wthr.z = 1;}
// crop if wthr == 1
if (dim >= 1 && wthr.x == 1)
{thr.x = wthr_x;}
if (dim >= 2 && wthr.y == 1)
{thr.y = wthr_y;}
if (dim == 3 && wthr.z == 1)
{thr.z = wthr_z;}
static void init_wrappers()
......@@ -215,39 +332,94 @@ static void init_wrappers()
#define CUDA_LAUNCH(cuda_call,ite, ...) \
if (ite.wthr.x != 0)\
template<typename... Args, typename ite_type>
void CUDA_LAUNCH(void (* _kernel)(Args...),ite_type ite,Args... args)
#define CUDA_LAUNCH_DIM3(cuda_call,wthr,thr, ...) \
// std::cout << "DEMANGLE " << typeid(decltype(_kernel)).name() << " " << ite.wthr.x << " " << ite.wthr.y << " " << ite.wthr.z << "/" << ite.thr.x << " " << ite.thr.y << " " << ite.thr.z << std::endl;
#define CUDA_LAUNCH_LAMBDA(ite,lambda_f, ...) \
#ifdef __NVCC__
std::cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " " << "CUDA_LAUNCH not implemented for this compiler" << std::endl;
#define CUDA_CHECK()
template<typename... Args>
void CUDA_LAUNCH_DIM3(void (* _kernel)(Args...),dim3 wthr, dim3 thr,Args... args)
#define CUDA_LAUNCH_LAMBDA_TLS(ite, lambda_f, ...) \
if (ite.wthr.x != 0)\
// std::cout << "DEMANGLE " << typeid(decltype(_kernel)).name() << " " << wthr.x << " " << wthr.y << " " << wthr.z << "/" << thr.x << " " << thr.y << " " << thr.z << std::endl;
#define CUDA_LAUNCH_LAMBDA_DIM3(wthr_,thr_, lambda_f, ...) \
dim3 wthr__(wthr_);\
dim3 thr__(thr_);\
if (ite.wthr.x != 0)\
#ifdef __NVCC__
std::cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " " << "CUDA_LAUNCH_DIM3 not implemented for this compiler" << std::endl;
#define CUDA_LAUNCH_LAMBDA_DIM3_TLS(wthr_,thr_, lambda_f, ...) \
dim3 wthr__(wthr_);\
dim3 thr__(thr_);\
if (ite.wthr.x != 0)\
template<typename lambda_type, typename ite_type, typename... Args>
void CUDA_LAUNCH_LAMBDA(ite_type ite, lambda_type lambda_f, Args... args)
#ifdef __NVCC__
void (* _ker)(lambda_type) = kernel_launch_lambda;
std::cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " " << "CUDA_LAUNCH_LAMBDA not implemented for this compiler" << std::endl;
static void CUDA_CHECK() {}
template<typename lambda_type, typename ite_type, typename... Args>
void CUDA_LAUNCH_LAMBDA_TLS(ite_type ite, lambda_type lambda_f, Args... args)
#ifdef __NVCC__
void (* _ker)(lambda_type) = kernel_launch_lambda;
if (ite.wthr.x != 0)
std::cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " " << "CUDA_LAUNCH_LAMBDA_TLS not implemented for this compiler" << std::endl;
template<typename lambda_type, typename... Args>
void CUDA_LAUNCH_LAMBDA_DIM3(dim3 wthr_, dim3 thr_, lambda_type lambda_f, Args... args)
#ifdef __NVCC__
void (* _ker)(lambda_type) = kernel_launch_lambda;
dim3 wthr__(wthr_);
dim3 thr__(thr_);
if (wthr__.x != 0)
std::cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " " << "CUDA_LAUNCH_LAMBDA_TLS not implemented for this compiler" << std::endl;
template<typename lambda_type, typename... Args>
void CUDA_LAUNCH_LAMBDA_DIM3_TLS(dim3 wthr_, dim3 thr_, lambda_type lambda_f, Args... args)
#ifdef __NVCC__
void (* _ker)(lambda_type) = kernel_launch_lambda;
dim3 wthr__(wthr_);
dim3 thr__(thr_);
if (wthr__.x != 0)
std::cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " " << "CUDA_LAUNCH_LAMBDA_TLS not implemented for this compiler" << std::endl;
......@@ -818,6 +818,7 @@ static void exe_kernel_no_sync(lambda_f f, ite_type & ite)
#define CUDA_LAUNCH(cuda_call,ite, ...) \
gridDim.x = ite.wthr.x;\