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Commit ab6ab5bb authored by Pietro Incardona's avatar Pietro Incardona
Browse files

Added p2m and m2p for interpolation

parent a52a73e5
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......@@ -134,6 +134,38 @@ public:
// Encapsulation of the b term as constant
struct constant_b
typename Sys_eqs::stype scal;
constant_b(typename Sys_eqs::stype scal)
this->scal = scal;
typename Sys_eqs::stype get(grid_dist_key_dx<Sys_eqs::dims> & key)
return scal;
// Encapsulation of the b term as grid
template<typename grid, unsigned int prp>
struct grid_b
grid & gr;
grid_b(grid & gr)
typename Sys_eqs::stype get(grid_dist_key_dx<Sys_eqs::dims> & key)
return gr.template get<prp>(key);
//! Padding
Padding<Sys_eqs::dims> pd;
......@@ -247,34 +279,36 @@ private:
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < trpl.size() ; i++)
nz_rows.get(trpl.get(i).row()) = true;
nz_rows.get(trpl.get(i).row() - s_pnt*Sys_eqs::nvar) = true;
// Indicate all the non zero colums
openfpm::vector<unsigned> nz_cols;
// This check can be done only on single processor
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < trpl.size() ; i++)
Vcluster & v_cl = create_vcluster();
if (v_cl.getProcessingUnits() == 1)
nz_cols.get(trpl.get(i).col()) = true;
openfpm::vector<unsigned> nz_cols;
// all the rows must have a non zero element
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < nz_rows.size() ; i++)
if (nz_rows.get(i) == false)
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < trpl.size() ; i++)
nz_cols.get(trpl.get(i).col()) = true;
// all the rows must have a non zero element
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < nz_rows.size() ; i++)
key_and_eq ke = from_row_to_key(i);
std::cerr << "Error: " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " Ill posed matrix row " << i << " is not filled, position " << ke.key.to_string() << " equation: " << ke.eq << "\n";
if (nz_rows.get(i) == false)
key_and_eq ke = from_row_to_key(i);
std::cerr << "Error: " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " Ill posed matrix row " << i << " is not filled, position " << ke.key.to_string() << " equation: " << ke.eq << "\n";
// all the colums must have a non zero element
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < nz_cols.size() ; i++)
if (nz_cols.get(i) == false)
std::cerr << "Error: " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " Ill posed matrix colum " << i << " is not filled\n";
// all the colums must have a non zero element
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < nz_cols.size() ; i++)
if (nz_cols.get(i) == false)
std::cerr << "Error: " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " Ill posed matrix colum " << i << " is not filled\n";
......@@ -328,6 +362,178 @@ private:
/*! \brief Copy a given solution vector in a normal grid
* \tparam Vct Vector type
* \tparam Grid_dst target grid
* \tparam pos set of property
* \param v Vector
* \param g_dst target normal grid
template<typename Vct, typename Grid_dst ,unsigned int ... pos> void copy_normal(Vct & v, Grid_dst & g_dst)
// check that g_dst is staggered
if (g_dst.is_staggered() == true)
std::cerr << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " The destination grid must be normal " << std::endl;
#ifdef SE_CLASS1
if (g_map.getLocalDomainSize() != g_dst.getLocalDomainSize())
std::cerr << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " The destination grid in size does not match the mapping grid" << std::endl;
// sub-grid iterator over the grid map
auto g_map_it = g_map.getDomainIterator();
// Iterator over the destination grid
auto g_dst_it = g_dst.getDomainIterator();
while (g_map_it.isNext() == true)
typedef typename to_boost_vmpl<pos...>::type vid;
typedef boost::mpl::size<vid> v_size;
auto key_src = g_map_it.get();
size_t lin_id = g_map.template get<0>(key_src);
// destination point
auto key_dst = g_dst_it.get();
// Transform this id into an id for the vector
copy_ele<Sys_eqs_typ, Grid_dst,Vct> cp(key_dst,g_dst,v,lin_id,g_map.size());
/*! \brief Impose an operator
* This function impose an operator on a particular grid region to produce the system
* Ax = b
* ## Stokes equation 2D, lid driven cavity with one splipping wall
* \snippet eq_unit_test.hpp Copy the solution to grid
* \param op Operator to impose (A term)
* \param num right hand side of the term (b term)
* \param id Equation id in the system that we are imposing
* \param it_d iterator that define where you want to impose
template<typename T, typename bop, typename iterator> void impose(const T & op ,
bop num,
long int id ,
const iterator & it_d)
openfpm::vector<triplet> & trpl = A.getMatrixTriplets();
auto it = it_d;
grid_sm<Sys_eqs::dims,void> gs = g_map.getGridInfoVoid();
std::unordered_map<long int,float> cols;
// iterate all the grid points
while (it.isNext())
// get the position
auto key = it.get();
// Calculate the non-zero colums
// indicate if the diagonal has been set
bool is_diag = false;
// create the triplet
for ( auto it = cols.begin(); it != cols.end(); ++it )
trpl.last().row() = g_map.template get<0>(key)*Sys_eqs::nvar + id;
trpl.last().col() = it->first;
trpl.last().value() = it->second;
if (trpl.last().row() == trpl.last().col())
is_diag = true;
// std::cout << "(" << trpl.last().row() << "," << trpl.last().col() << "," << trpl.last().value() << ")" << "\n";
// If does not have a diagonal entry put it to zero
if (is_diag == false)
trpl.last().row() = g_map.template get<0>(key)*Sys_eqs::nvar + id;
trpl.last().col() = g_map.template get<0>(key)*Sys_eqs::nvar + id;
trpl.last().value() = 0.0;
b(g_map.template get<0>(key)*Sys_eqs::nvar + id) = num.get(key);
// std::cout << "\n";
// if SE_CLASS1 is defined check the position
#ifdef SE_CLASS1
// T::position(key,gs,s_pos);
/*! \brief Construct the gmap structure
void construct_gmap()
Vcluster & v_cl = create_vcluster();
// Calculate the size of the local domain
size_t sz = g_map.getLocalDomainSize();
// Get the total size of the local grids on each processors
s_pnt = 0;
// calculate the starting point for this processor
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < v_cl.getProcessUnitID() ; i++)
s_pnt += pnt.get(i);
// resize b if needed
b.resize(Sys_eqs::nvar * g_map.size(),Sys_eqs::nvar * sz);
// Calculate the starting point
// Counter
size_t cnt = 0;
// Create the re-mapping grid
auto it = g_map.getDomainIterator();
while (it.isNext())
auto key = it.get();
g_map.template get<0>(key) = cnt + s_pnt;
// sync the ghost
g_map.template ghost_get<0>();
/*! \brief set the staggered position for each property
......@@ -382,12 +588,14 @@ public:
/*! \brief Constructor
* The periodicity is given by the grid b_g
* \param pd Padding, how many points out of boundary are present
* \param stencil how many ghost points are required for this calculation
* \param stencil maximum extension of the stencil on each directions
* \param domain the domain
* \param gs grid infos where Finite differences work
* \param b_g maximum extension of the stencil on each directions
* \param b_g Finite difference grid (it is not important what it contain only its decomposition is used)
FDScheme(Padding<Sys_eqs::dims> & pd,
......@@ -397,49 +605,18 @@ public:
const typename Sys_eqs::b_grid & b_g)
Vcluster & v_cl = b_g.getDecomposition().getVC();
// Calculate the size of the local domain
size_t sz = g_map.getLocalDomainSize();
// Get the total size of the local grids on each processors
s_pnt = 0;
// calculate the starting point for this processor
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < v_cl.getProcessUnitID() ; i++)
s_pnt += pnt.get(i);
// resize b if needed
b.resize(Sys_eqs::nvar * g_map.size(),Sys_eqs::nvar * sz);
// Calculate the starting point
// Counter
size_t cnt = 0;
// Create the re-mapping grid
auto it = g_map.getDomainIterator();
while (it.isNext())
auto key = it.get();
g_map.template get<0>(key) = cnt + s_pnt;
// sync the ghost
g_map.template ghost_get<0>();
// Create a CellDecomposer and calculate the spacing
size_t sz_g[Sys_eqs::dims];
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < Sys_eqs::dims ; i++)
sz_g[i] = gs.getSize()[i] - 1;
if (Sys_eqs::boundary[i] == NON_PERIODIC)
sz_g[i] = gs.getSize()[i] - 1;
sz_g[i] = gs.getSize()[i];
CellDecomposer_sm<Sys_eqs::dims,typename Sys_eqs::stype> cd(domain,sz_g,0);
......@@ -495,7 +672,9 @@ public:
if (increment == true)
constant_b b(num);
......@@ -514,64 +693,39 @@ public:
* \param it_d iterator that define where you want to impose
template<typename T> void impose(const T & op , typename Sys_eqs::stype num ,long int id ,grid_dist_iterator_sub<Sys_eqs::dims,typename g_map_type::d_grid> it_d)
template<typename T> void impose(const T & op ,
typename Sys_eqs::stype num,
long int id ,
grid_dist_iterator_sub<Sys_eqs::dims,typename g_map_type::d_grid> it_d)
openfpm::vector<triplet> & trpl = A.getMatrixTriplets();
auto it = it_d;
grid_sm<Sys_eqs::dims,void> gs = g_map.getGridInfoVoid();
std::unordered_map<long int,float> cols;
// iterate all the grid points
while (it.isNext())
// get the position
auto key = it.get();
// Calculate the non-zero colums
// indicate if the diagonal has been set
bool is_diag = false;
// create the triplet
for ( auto it = cols.begin(); it != cols.end(); ++it )
trpl.last().row() = g_map.template get<0>(key)*Sys_eqs::nvar + id;
trpl.last().col() = it->first;
trpl.last().value() = it->second;
if (trpl.last().row() == trpl.last().col())
is_diag = true;
// std::cout << "(" << trpl.last().row() << "," << trpl.last().col() << "," << trpl.last().value() << ")" << "\n";
// If does not have a diagonal entry put it to zero
if (is_diag == false)
trpl.last().row() = g_map.template get<0>(key)*Sys_eqs::nvar + id;
trpl.last().col() = g_map.template get<0>(key)*Sys_eqs::nvar + id;
trpl.last().value() = 0.0;
b(g_map.template get<0>(key)*Sys_eqs::nvar + id) = num;
constant_b b(num);
// std::cout << "\n";
// if SE_CLASS1 is defined check the position
#ifdef SE_CLASS1
// T::position(key,gs,s_pos);
/*! \brief Impose an operator
* This function impose an operator on a particular grid region to produce the system
* Ax = b
* ## Stokes equation 2D, lid driven cavity with one splipping wall
* \snippet eq_unit_test.hpp Copy the solution to grid
* \param op Operator to impose (A term)
* \param num right hand side of the term (b term)
* \param id Equation id in the system that we are imposing
* \param it_d iterator that define where you want to impose
template<unsigned int prp, typename T, typename b_term, typename iterator> void impose(const T & op ,
b_term & b_t,
long int id ,
const iterator & it_d)
grid_b<b_term,prp> b(b_t);
//! type of the sparse matrix
......@@ -587,7 +741,9 @@ public:
#ifdef SE_CLASS1
return A;
......@@ -632,7 +788,17 @@ public:
// Create a temporal staggered grid and copy the data there
auto & g_map = this->getMap();
staggered_grid_dist<Grid_dst::dims,typename Grid_dst::stype,typename Grid_dst::value_type,typename Grid_dst::decomposition::extended_type, typename Grid_dst::memory_type, typename Grid_dst::device_grid_type> stg(g_dst,g_map.getDecomposition().getGhost(),this->getPadding());
// Convert the ghost in grid units
Ghost<Grid_dst::dims,long int> g_int;
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < Grid_dst::dims ; i++)
g_int.setLow(i,g_map.getDecomposition().getGhost().getLow(i) / g_map.spacing(i));
g_int.setHigh(i,g_map.getDecomposition().getGhost().getHigh(i) / g_map.spacing(i));
staggered_grid_dist<Grid_dst::dims,typename Grid_dst::stype,typename Grid_dst::value_type,typename Grid_dst::decomposition::extended_type, typename Grid_dst::memory_type, typename Grid_dst::device_grid_type> stg(g_dst,g_int,this->getPadding());
......@@ -641,6 +807,10 @@ public:
stg.template to_normal<Grid_dst,pos...>(g_dst,this->getPadding(),start,stop);
......@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ Solvers/umfpack_solver.hpp Solvers/petsc_solver.hpp \
util/petsc_util.hpp util/linalgebra_lib.hpp util/util_num.hpp util/grid_dist_testing.hpp \
FiniteDifference/Average.hpp FiniteDifference/Derivative.hpp FiniteDifference/eq.hpp FiniteDifference/FDScheme.hpp FiniteDifference/Laplacian.hpp FiniteDifference/mul.hpp FiniteDifference/sum.hpp FiniteDifference/util/common.hpp \
PSE/Kernels.hpp PSE/Kernels_test_util.hpp Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_extensions.hpp Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators.hpp Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_apply_kernel.hpp Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_functions.hpp Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operator_assign.hpp \
Draw/DrawParticles.hpp Draw/PointIterator.hpp Draw/PointIteratorSkin.hpp
Draw/DrawParticles.hpp Draw/PointIterator.hpp Draw/PointIteratorSkin.hpp \
interpolation/interpolation.hpp interpolation/mp4_kernel.hpp interpolation/z_spline.hpp
.cu.o :
$(NVCC) $(NVCCFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
......@@ -103,31 +103,36 @@ public:
// Size of the matrix
//! Number of matrix row (global)
size_t g_row;
//! Number of matrix colums (global)
size_t g_col;
// Local size of the matrix
//! Number of matrix row (local)
size_t l_row;
//! Number of matrix colums (local)
size_t l_col;
// starting row for this processor
//! starting row for this processor
size_t start_row;
// indicate if the matrix has been created
//! indicate if the matrix has been created
bool m_created = false;
// PETSC Matrix
//! PETSC Matrix
Mat mat;
//! Triplets of the matrix
openfpm::vector<triplet_type> trpl;
openfpm::vector<triplet_type> trpl_recv;
// temporary list of values
//! temporary list of values
mutable openfpm::vector<PetscScalar> vals;
// temporary list of colums
//! temporary list of colums
mutable openfpm::vector<PetscInt> cols;
// PETSC d_nnz and o_nnz
//! PETSC d_nnz
mutable openfpm::vector<PetscInt> d_nnz;
//! PETSC o_nnz
mutable openfpm::vector<PetscInt> o_nnz;
/*! \brief Fill the petsc Matrix
......@@ -152,7 +157,7 @@ private:
PetscInt row = trpl.get(i).row();
while(row == trpl.get(i).row() && i < trpl.size())
while(i < trpl.size() && row == trpl.get(i).row())
if ((size_t)trpl.get(i).col() >= start_row && (size_t)trpl.get(i).col() < start_row + l_row)
d_nnz.get(row - start_row)++;
......@@ -176,7 +181,7 @@ private:
PetscInt row = trpl.get(i).row();
while(row == trpl.get(i).row() && i < trpl.size())
while(i < trpl.size() && row == trpl.get(i).row())
......@@ -237,7 +242,7 @@ public:
/*! \brief Get the Matrix triplets bugger
/*! \brief Get the Matrix triplets buffer
* It return a buffer that can be filled with triplets
......@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
#include <petscksp.h>
#include <petsctime.h>
#include "Plot/GoogleChart.hpp"
#include "Matrix/SparseMatrix.hpp"
#include "Vector/Vector.hpp"
#define UMFPACK_NONE 0
......@@ -16,3 +16,4 @@
#include "PSE/Kernels_unit_tests.hpp"
#include "Operators/Vector/vector_dist_operators_unit_tests.hpp"
#include "Draw/DrawParticles_unit_tests.hpp"
#include "interpolation/interpolation_unit_tests.hpp"
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