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 * Domain_icells_cart.hpp
 *  Created on: Apr 27, 2019
 *      Author: i-bird


#include "Vector/map_vector.hpp"
#include "Space/Ghost.hpp"
#include "NN/CellList/CellList.hpp"
#include "NN/CellList/cuda/CellDecomposer_gpu_ker.cuh"
#include "Vector/map_vector_sparse.hpp"
#include <iomanip>

#ifdef __NVCC__

template<unsigned int dim, typename vector_sparse_type, typename CellDecomposer_type>
__global__ void insert_icell(vector_sparse_type vs, CellDecomposer_type cld, grid_key_dx<dim,int> start,grid_key_dx<dim,int> stop)

	auto gk = grid_p<dim>::get_grid_point(cld.get_div_c());

	unsigned int b = blockIdx.x + blockIdx.y * gridDim.x + blockIdx.z * gridDim.x * gridDim.y;

	for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < dim ; i++)
		gk.set_d(i,gk.get(i) + start.get(i));
		if (gk.get(i) > stop.get(i))

	auto id = cld.LinId(gk);


	vs.flush_block_insert(b, threadIdx.x == 0 & threadIdx.y == 0 & threadIdx.z == 0 );

template<unsigned int dim, typename vector_sparse_type, typename CellDecomposer_type>
__global__ void insert_remove_icell(vector_sparse_type vs, vector_sparse_type vsi, CellDecomposer_type cld, grid_key_dx<dim,int> start,grid_key_dx<dim,int> stop)

	auto gk = grid_p<dim>::get_grid_point(cld.get_div_c());

	unsigned int b = blockIdx.x + blockIdx.y * gridDim.x + blockIdx.z * gridDim.x * gridDim.y;

	for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < dim ; i++)
		gk.set_d(i,gk.get(i) + start.get(i));
		if (gk.get(i) > stop.get(i))

	auto id = cld.LinId(gk);


	vs.flush_block_insert(b, threadIdx.x == 0 & threadIdx.y == 0 & threadIdx.z == 0 );
	vsi.flush_block_remove(b, threadIdx.x == 0 & threadIdx.y == 0 & threadIdx.z == 0);


template<unsigned int dim, typename T, template<typename> class layout_base , typename Memory>
class domain_icell_calculator
	typedef unsigned int cnt_type;

	typedef int ids_type;

	openfpm::vector<aggregate<ids_type>,Memory,typename layout_base<aggregate<ids_type>>::type,layout_base> icells;
	openfpm::vector<aggregate<ids_type>,Memory,typename layout_base<aggregate<ids_type>>::type,layout_base> dcells;

	CellDecomposer_sm<dim,T,shift<dim,T>> cd;


	/*! \brief Calculate the subdomain that are in the skin part of the domain

		| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
		|28 |               | 7 |
		+---+               +---+
		|27 |               | 8 |
		+---+               +---+
		|26 |               | 9 |
		+---+   DOM1        +---+
		|25 |               |10 |
		+---+               +---+
		|24 |               |11 |
		+---+           +---+---+
		|23 |           |13 |12 |
		|22 |           |14 |
		+---+           +---+
		|21 |   DOM2    |15 |
		|20 |19 |18 | 17|16 |
		+---+---+---+---+---+    <----- Domain end here
                        ^             |

	 * It does it on GPU or CPU
	template<typename VCluster_type>
	void CalculateInternalCells(VCluster_type & v_cl,
								openfpm::vector<Box<dim,T>,Memory,typename layout_base<Box<dim,T>>::type,layout_base> & ig_box,
								openfpm::vector<SpaceBox<dim,T>,Memory,typename layout_base<SpaceBox<dim,T>>::type,layout_base> & domain,
								Box<dim,T> & pbox,
								T r_cut,
								const Ghost<dim,T> & enlarge)
#ifdef __NVCC__

		// Division array
		size_t div[dim];

		// Calculate the parameters of the cell-list

		cl_param_calculate(pbox, div, r_cut, enlarge);

		openfpm::array<T,dim,cnt_type> spacing_c;
		openfpm::array<ids_type,dim,cnt_type> div_c;
		openfpm::array<ids_type,dim,cnt_type> off;

		for (size_t i = 0 ; i < dim ; i++)
			spacing_c[i] = (pbox.getHigh(i) - pbox.getLow(i)) / div[i];
			off[i] = 1;
			// div_c must include offset
			div_c[i] = div[i] + 2*off[i];


		shift_only<dim,T> t(Matrix<dim,T>::identity(),pbox.getP1());

		CellDecomposer_gpu_ker<dim,T,cnt_type,ids_type,shift_only<dim,T>> cld(spacing_c,div_c,off,t);
		grid_sm<dim,void> g = cld.getGrid();

		openfpm::vector_sparse_gpu<aggregate<unsigned int>> vs;
		openfpm::vector_sparse_gpu<aggregate<unsigned int>> vsi;

		vs.template getBackground<0>() = 0;

		// insert Domain cells

		for (size_t i = 0 ; i < domain.size() ; i++)
			Box<dim,T> bx = SpaceBox<dim,T>(domain.get(i));

			auto pp2 = bx.getP2();

			for (size_t j = 0 ; j < dim ; j++)
			{pp2.get(j) = std::nextafter(pp2.get(j),pp2.get(j) - static_cast<T>(1.0));}

			auto p1 = cld.getCell(bx.getP1());
			auto p2 = cld.getCell(pp2);

			auto ite = g.getGPUIterator(p1,p2,256);



			vsi.template flush<>(v_cl.getmgpuContext(),flust_type::FLUSH_ON_DEVICE);

			////////////////////////// DEBUG ////////////////////////

			vsi.private_get_vct_index().template deviceToHost<0>();
			auto & test = vsi.private_get_vct_index();

			for (int k = 0 ; k < test.size() - 1 ; k++)
				if (test.template get<0>(k) > test.template get<0>(k+1))
					std::cout << "BBBBBBUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGG" << std::endl;


		// calculate the number of kernel launch

		for (size_t i = 0 ; i < ig_box.size() ; i++)
			Box<dim,T> bx = ig_box.get(i);

			auto pp2 = bx.getP2();

			for (size_t j = 0 ; j < dim ; j++)
			{pp2.get(j) = std::nextafter(pp2.get(j),pp2.get(j) - static_cast<T>(1.0));}

			auto p1 = cld.getCell(bx.getP1());
			auto p2 = cld.getCell(pp2);

			auto ite = g.getGPUIterator(p1,p2,256);



			vs.template flush<>(v_cl.getmgpuContext(),flust_type::FLUSH_ON_DEVICE);




	/*! \brief Return the list of the internal cells
	 * \return the list of the internal cells
	openfpm::vector<aggregate<ids_type>,Memory,typename layout_base<aggregate<ids_type>>::type,layout_base> & getIcells()
		return icells;

	/*! \brief Return the list of the internal cells
	 * \return the list of the internal cells
	openfpm::vector<aggregate<ids_type>,Memory,typename layout_base<aggregate<ids_type>>::type,layout_base> & getDcells()
		return dcells;

	/*! \brief Given a cell index return the cell box
	 * \param ci cell index
	 * \return The box reppresenting the cell
	Box<dim,T> getBoxCell(unsigned int ci)
		Box<dim,T> b;

		for (size_t i = 0 ; i < dim ; i++)
			auto key = cd.getGrid().InvLinId(ci);
			Point<dim,T> p1 = cd.getOrig().get(i) - cd.getPadding(i)*cd.getCellBox().getHigh(i) ;

			b.setLow(i,p1.get(i) + key.get(i)*cd.getCellBox().getHigh(i));
			b.setHigh(i,p1.get(i) + ((key.get(i) + 1)*cd.getCellBox().getHigh(i)));

		return b;

	/*! \brief Get the grid base information about this cell decomposition
	 * \return the grid
	const grid_sm<dim,void> & getGrid()
		return cd.getGrid();