Pietro Incardona authoredPietro Incardona authored
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CHANGELOG.md 10.00 KiB
Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
[2.0.0] February 2018 (Codename Elisa)
- Adding GPU support (see example 1_gpu_first_step 3_molecular_dynamic_gpu 7_sph_dlb_gpu 7_sph_dlb_gpu_opt)
- Detection of clang 10.0.0 on mac-osx mojave
- In VTK binary format all 64 bit types are casted to 32 bit. Either the long/unsigned_long are bugged in Paraview we tested, either I do not understand how they work.
- The type Vcluster now is templated and the standard Vcluster is Vcluster<> Most probably you have to change in your code from Vcluster to Vcluster<>
[1.1.1] December 2018 (Codename Poisson)
- Detection of clang 10.0.0 on mac-osx mojave
[1.0.X ] End of life (Theese versions are not enymore supported)
[1.1.0] February 2018 (Condename Ring)
- Interface for Multi-vector dynamic load balancing
- Increaded performance for grid ghost get
- Introduced forms to increase the performance of the grid iterator in case of stencil code (see example 5_GrayScott)
- EMatrix wrapped eigen matrices compatibles with vector_dist_id
- General tuning for high dimension vector_dist_id (up to 50 dimensions) + PS_CMA_ES (Particle-Swarm Covariant Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy) example in Numerics
- Added Discrete element Method example (8_DEM)
- Added serial_to_parallel example VCluster (2_serial_to_parallel). The example it show how to port a serial example into openfpm gradually swtiching from a serial section to a parallel section
- Introduced map(LOCAL) for fast communication in case we have small movement
- Installation/detection of PETSC
- CRITICAL-BUG scalar product in combination with vector product is broken (it return 0)
- Fixing 2D IO in binary for vector
- Fixing 1D grid writer in ASCII mode
- Fixing Intel compilation of Linear algebra