Pietro Incardona authoredPietro Incardona authored
SubdomainGraphNodes.hpp 6.42 KiB
#include <boost/fusion/container/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/at_c.hpp>
#include "memory_ly/Encap.hpp"
/* In a decomposition graph each node represent a sub-domain while an edge represent
* an interaction between sub-domain (it mean that they have to communicate).
* Here we list the of property that a vertex node can carry with a brief
* explanation:
* x = position x of the sub-domain
* y = position y of the sub-domain
* z = position z of the sub-domain
* communication = is the estimated total communication produced by the sub-domain
* computation = the total computation produced by the sub-domain
* memory = estimated memory required by the sub-domain
* id = which processor own this sub-domain
* sub-id = sub-decomposition where each group of sub-domain is organized in an
* hyper-cube
* Here we list the properties that an edge node can carry with a brief explanation
* communication = is the estimated communication between sub-domains
constexpr unsigned int nm_v_x = 0;
constexpr unsigned int nm_v_migration = 1;
constexpr unsigned int nm_v_computation = 2;
constexpr unsigned int nm_v_global_id = 3;
constexpr unsigned int nm_v_id = 4;
constexpr unsigned int nm_v_sub_id = 5;
constexpr unsigned int nm_v_proc_id = 6;
template<unsigned int dim>
struct nm_v
//! The node contain 3 unsigned long integer for communication computation memory and id
typedef boost::fusion::vector<float[3], size_t, size_t, size_t, size_t, long int, size_t> type;
//! type of the positional field
typedef float s_type;
//! Attributes name
struct attributes
static const std::string name[];
//! The data
type data;
//! pos property id in boost::fusion::vector
static const unsigned int x = 0;
//! migration property id in boost::fusion::vector
static const unsigned int migration = 1;
//! computation property id in boost::fusion::vector
static const unsigned int computation = 2;
//! global_id property id in boost::fusion::vector
static const unsigned int global_id = 3;
//! id property id in boost::fusion::vector
static const unsigned int id = 4;
//! sub_id property id in boost::fusion::vector
static const unsigned int sub_id = 5;
//! proc_id property id in boost::fusion::vector
static const unsigned int proc_id = 6;
//! total number of properties boost::fusion::vector
static const unsigned int max_prop = 7;
//! default constructor
inline nm_v(const nm_v & p)
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < dim ; i++)
{boost::fusion::at_c<0>(data)[i] = boost::fusion::at_c<0>(p.data)[i];}
boost::fusion::at_c<1>(data) = boost::fusion::at_c<1>(p.data);
boost::fusion::at_c<2>(data) = boost::fusion::at_c<2>(p.data);
boost::fusion::at_c<3>(data) = boost::fusion::at_c<3>(p.data);
boost::fusion::at_c<4>(data) = boost::fusion::at_c<4>(p.data);
boost::fusion::at_c<5>(data) = boost::fusion::at_c<5>(p.data);
boost::fusion::at_c<6>(data) = boost::fusion::at_c<6>(p.data);
template<unsigned int dime, typename Mem> inline nm_v(const encapc<dime, nm_v, Mem> & p)
template<unsigned int dime, typename Mem> inline nm_v & operator=(const encapc<dime, nm_v, Mem> & p)
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < dim ; i++)
{boost::fusion::at_c<0>(data)[i] = boost::fusion::at_c<0>(p.data)[i];}
boost::fusion::at_c<1>(data) = p.template get<1>();
boost::fusion::at_c<2>(data) = p.template get<2>();
boost::fusion::at_c<3>(data) = p.template get<3>();
boost::fusion::at_c<4>(data) = p.template get<4>();
boost::fusion::at_c<5>(data) = p.template get<5>();
boost::fusion::at_c<6>(data) = p.template get<6>();
return *this;
template<unsigned int id> inline auto get() -> decltype(boost::fusion::at_c < id > (data))
return boost::fusion::at_c<id>(data);
template<unsigned int id> inline auto get() const -> const decltype(boost::fusion::at_c < id > (data))
return boost::fusion::at_c<id>(data);
static bool noPointers()
return true;
/*! \brief sub-domain edge graph node
struct nm_e
//! The node contain 3 unsigned long integer for comunication computation and memory
typedef boost::fusion::vector<size_t, size_t, size_t> type;
//! Attributes name
struct attributes
static const std::string name[];
//! The data
type data;
//! computation property id in boost::fusion::vector
static const unsigned int communication = 0;
static const unsigned int srcgid = 1;
static const unsigned int dstgid = 2;
//! total number of properties boost::fusion::vector
static const unsigned int max_prop = 3;
template<unsigned int dim, typename Mem> inline nm_e(const encapc<dim, nm_e, Mem> & p)
boost::fusion::at_c<0>(data) = p.template get<0>();
boost::fusion::at_c<1>(data) = p.template get<1>();
boost::fusion::at_c<2>(data) = p.template get<2>();
template<unsigned int id> inline auto get() -> decltype(boost::fusion::at_c < id > (data))
return boost::fusion::at_c<id>(data);
static bool noPointers()
return true;
/*! \brief Reduced sub-domain vertex graph node
* It contain only the processor id for each node
struct nm_part_v
//! The node contain 3 unsigned long integer for comunication computation and memory
typedef boost::fusion::vector<size_t, size_t> type;
typedef float s_type;
//! Attributes name
struct attributes
static const std::string name[];
//! The data
type data;
//! partition id in the boost::fusion::vector
static const unsigned int id = 0;
//! partition id in the boost::fusion::vector
static const unsigned int sub_id = 1;
//! total number of properties
static const unsigned int max_prop = 2;
//! default constructor
template<unsigned int dim, typename Mem> inline nm_part_v(const encapc<dim, nm_part_v, Mem> & p)
boost::fusion::at_c<0>(data) = p.template get<0>();
boost::fusion::at_c<1>(data) = p.template get<1>();
static inline bool noPointers()
return true;
/*! \brief Reduced edge graph node
* It contain only the communication between nodes
struct nm_part_e
//! The node contain 3 unsigned long integer for comunication computation and memory
typedef boost::fusion::vector<> type;
//! The data
type data;
//! total number of properties
static const unsigned int max_prop = 0;
//! Attributes name
struct attributes
static const std::string name[];
static inline bool noPointers()
return true;