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Commit 104f989e authored by Pietro Incardona's avatar Pietro Incardona
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parent 31a775b5
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* BasicDecomposition.hpp
* Created on: Oct 07, 2015
* Author: Antonio Leo
#include "config.h"
#include <cmath>
#include "VCluster.hpp"
#include "Graph/CartesianGraphFactory.hpp"
#include "Decomposition.hpp"
#include "Vector/map_vector.hpp"
#include <vector>
#include <initializer_list>
#include "SubdomainGraphNodes.hpp"
#include "parmetis_util.hpp"
#include "dec_optimizer.hpp"
#include "Space/Shape/Box.hpp"
#include "Space/Shape/Point.hpp"
#include "NN/CellList/CellDecomposer.hpp"
#include <unordered_map>
#include "NN/CellList/CellList.hpp"
#include "Space/Ghost.hpp"
#include "common.hpp"
#include "ie_loc_ghost.hpp"
#include "ie_ghost.hpp"
#include "nn_processor.hpp"
#include "GraphMLWriter.hpp"
#define BASICDEC_ERROR 2000lu
// Macro that decide what to do in case of error
#define ACTION_ON_ERROR() exit(1);
#elif defined(THROW_ON_ERROR)
* \brief This class decompose a space into subspaces
* \tparam dim is the dimensionality of the physical domain we are going to decompose.
* \tparam T type of the space we decompose, Real, Integer, Complex ...
* \tparam Memory Memory factory used to allocate memory
* \tparam Domain Structure that contain the information of your physical domain
* Given an N-dimensional space, this class decompose the space into a Cartesian grid of small
* sub-sub-domain. At each sub-sub-domain is assigned an id that identify which processor is
* going to take care of that part of space (in general the space assigned to a processor is
* simply connected), a second step merge several sub-sub-domain with same id into bigger region
* sub-domain with the id. Each sub-domain has an extended space called ghost part
* Assuming that VCluster.getProcessUnitID(), equivalent to the MPI processor rank, return the processor local
* processor id, we define
* * local processor: processor rank
* * local sub-domain: sub-domain given to the local processor
* * external ghost box: (or ghost box) are the boxes that compose the ghost space of the processor, or the
* boxes produced expanding every local sub-domain by the ghost extension and intersecting with the sub-domain
* of the other processors
* * Near processors are the processors adjacent to the local processor, where with adjacent we mean all the processor
* that has a non-zero intersection with the ghost part of the local processor, or all the processors that
* produce non-zero external boxes with the local processor, or all the processor that should communicate
* in case of ghost data synchronization
* * internal ghost box: is the part of ghost of the near processor that intersect the space of the
* processor, or the boxes produced expanding the sub-domain of the near processors with the local sub-domain
* * Near processor sub-domain: is a sub-domain that live in the a near (or contiguous) processor
* * Near processor list: the list of all the near processor of the local processor (each processor has a list
* of the near processor)
* * Local ghosts interal or external are all the ghosts that does not involve inter-processor communications
* \see calculateGhostBoxes() for a visualization of internal and external ghost boxes
* ### Create a Cartesian decomposition object on a Box space, distribute, calculate internal and external ghost boxes
* \snippet BasicDecomposition_unit_test.hpp Create BasicDecomposition
template<unsigned int dim, typename T, typename Memory = HeapMemory, template<unsigned int, typename > class Domain = Box>
class BasicDecomposition: public ie_loc_ghost<dim, T>, public nn_prcs<dim, T>, public ie_ghost<dim, T> {
//! Type of the domain we are going to decompose
typedef T domain_type;
//! It simplify to access the SpaceBox element
typedef SpaceBox<dim, T> Box;
//! This is the key type to access data_s, for example in the case of vector
//! acc_key is size_t
typedef typename openfpm::vector<SpaceBox<dim, T>, Memory, openfpm::vector_grow_policy_default,
openfpm::vect_isel<SpaceBox<dim, T>>::value>::access_key acc_key;
//! the set of all local sub-domain as vector
openfpm::vector<SpaceBox<dim, T>> sub_domains;
//! for each sub-domain, contain the list of the neighborhood processors
openfpm::vector<openfpm::vector<long unsigned int> > box_nn_processor;
//! Structure that contain for each sub-sub-domain box the processor id
//! exist for efficient global communication
openfpm::vector<size_t> fine_s;
//! Structure that store the cartesian grid information
grid_sm<dim, void> gr;
//! Structure that decompose your structure into cell without creating them
//! useful to convert positions to CellId or sub-domain id in this case
CellDecomposer_sm<dim, T> cd;
//! rectangular domain to decompose
Domain<dim, T> domain;
//! Box Spacing
T spacing[dim];
//! Runtime virtual cluster machine
Vcluster & v_cl;
//! Cell-list that store the geometrical information of the local internal ghost boxes
CellList<dim, T, FAST> lgeo_cell;
/*! \brief Constructor, it decompose and distribute the sub-domains across the processors
* \param v_cl Virtual cluster, used internally for communications
void CreateDecomposition(Vcluster & v_cl) {
#ifdef SE_CLASS1
if (&v_cl == NULL)
std::cerr << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " error VCluster instance is null, check that you ever initialized it \n";
// Calculate the total number of box and and the spacing
// on each direction
// Get the box containing the domain
SpaceBox<dim, T> bs = domain.getBox();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
// Calculate the spacing
spacing[i] = (bs.getHigh(i) - bs.getLow(i)) / gr.size(i);
//! MPI initialization
int MPI_PROC_ID = 0;
// Here we use PARMETIS
// Create a cartesian grid graph
CartesianGraphFactory<dim, Graph_CSR<nm_v, nm_e>> g_factory_part;
// Processor graph
Graph_CSR<nm_v, nm_e> gp = g_factory_part.template construct<NO_EDGE, nm_v::id, T, dim - 1, 0, 1, 2>(gr.getSize(), domain);
//! Add computation information to each vertex (shape can change)
addWeights(gp, HYPERBOLOID);
//! Init ids vector
// Get the number of processing units
size_t Np = v_cl.getProcessingUnits();
// Division of vertices in Np graphs
// Put (div+1) vertices in mod graphs
// Put div vertices in the rest of the graphs
size_t mod_v = gp.getNVertex() % Np;
size_t div_v = gp.getNVertex() / Np;
//! Init vtxdist needed for Parmetis
idx_t *vtxdist = new idx_t[Np + 1];
for (int i = 0; i <= Np; i++) {
if (i < mod_v)
vtxdist[i] = (div_v + 1) * (i);
vtxdist[i] = (div_v) * (i) + mod_v;
// Just for output purpose
if (MPI_PROC_ID == 0) {
VTKWriter<Graph_CSR<nm_v, nm_e>, GRAPH> gv2(gp);
//TODO transform in factory
//! Create subgraph
Graph_CSR<nm_v, nm_e> sub_g;
//! Put vertices into processor graph (different for each processor)
fillSubGraph(sub_g, gp, vtxdist, MPI_PROC_ID, Np);
// Convert the graph to parmetis format
Parmetis<Graph_CSR<nm_v, nm_e>> parmetis_graph(sub_g, Np);
// Decompose
// Get result partition for this processors
idx_t *partition = parmetis_graph.getPartition();
// Prepare MPI objects for communication
MPI_Request *requests_recv = new MPI_Request[Np];
MPI_Request *requests_send = new MPI_Request[Np];
MPI_Status *statuses = new MPI_Status[Np];
/* create a type for struct nm_v */
const int nitems = 9;
int blocklengths[9] = {1,1};
MPI_Aint offsets[9];
offsets[0] = offsetof(nm_v, x);
offsets[1] = offsetof(nm_v, y);
offsets[2] = offsetof(nm_v, z);
offsets[3] = offsetof(nm_v, communication);
offsets[4] = offsetof(nm_v, computation);
offsets[5] = offsetof(nm_v, memory);
offsets[6] = offsetof(nm_v, id);
offsets[7] = offsetof(nm_v, sub_id);
offsets[8] = offsetof(nm_v, proc_id);
MPI_Type_create_struct(nitems, blocklengths, offsets, types, &MPI_VERTEX_TYPE);
// Prepare vector of arrays to contain all partitions
int **partitions = new int*[Np];
partitions[MPI_PROC_ID] = partition;
for (int i = 0; i < Np; i++) {
if (i != MPI_PROC_ID)
partitions[i] = new int[gp.getNVertex()];
// Exchange partitions with other processors
exchangePartitions(partitions, gp.getNVertex(), sub_g.getNVertex(), requests_recv, requests_send, statuses, MPI_PROC_ID, Np);
// Init data structure to keep trace of new vertices distribution in processors (needed to update main graph)
std::vector<size_t> *v_per_proc = new std::vector<size_t>[Np];
// Update graphs with the new distributions
updateGraphs(partitions, gp, sub_g, v_per_proc, vtxdist, statuses, MPI_PROC_ID, Np);
if (MPI_PROC_ID == 0) {
VTKWriter<Graph_CSR<nm_v, nm_e>, GRAPH> gv2(gp);
// Renumbering subgraph
for (size_t j = vtxdist[MPI_PROC_ID], i = 0; j < vtxdist[MPI_PROC_ID + 1]; j++, i++) {
sub_g.set_map_ids(j, sub_g.vertex(i).template get<nm_v::id>());
sub_g.vertex(i).template get<nm_v::id>() = j;
// Renumbering main graph
for (size_t p = 0; p < Np; p++) {
for (size_t j = vtxdist[p], i = 0; j < vtxdist[p + 1]; j++, i++) {
gp.set_map_ids(j, gp.vertex(v_per_proc[p][i]).template get<nm_v::id>());
gp.vertex(v_per_proc[p][i]).template get<nm_v::id>() = j;
if (MPI_PROC_ID == 0) {
VTKWriter<Graph_CSR<nm_v, nm_e>, GRAPH> gv2(gp);
// Reset parmetis graph and reconstruct it
// Refine
// Get result partition for this processor
partition = parmetis_graph.getPartition();
// Reset partitions array
partitions[MPI_PROC_ID] = partition;
for (int i = 0; i < Np; i++) {
if (i != MPI_PROC_ID) {
delete partitions[i];
partitions[i] = new int[gp.getNVertex()];
// Reset data structure to keep trace of new vertices distribution in processors (needed to update main graph)
for (int i = 0; i < Np; ++i) {
// Exchange partitions with other processors
exchangePartitions(partitions, gp.getNVertex(), sub_g.getNVertex(), requests_recv, requests_send, statuses, MPI_PROC_ID, Np);
// Update graphs with the new distributions
updateGraphs(partitions, gp, sub_g, v_per_proc, vtxdist, statuses, MPI_PROC_ID, Np);
if (MPI_PROC_ID == 0) {
VTKWriter<Graph_CSR<nm_v, nm_e>, GRAPH> gv2(gp);
// fill the structure that store the processor id for each sub-domain
// Optimize the decomposition creating bigger spaces
// And reducing Ghost over-stress
dec_optimizer<dim,Graph_CSR<nm_v,nm_e>> d_o(gp,gr.getSize());
// set of Boxes produced by the decomposition optimizer
openfpm::vector<::Box<dim,size_t>> loc_box;
// optimize the decomposition
d_o.template optimize<nm_v::sub_id,nm_v::id>(gp,p_id,loc_box,box_nn_processor);
// Initialize ss_box and bbox
if (loc_box.size() >= 0)
SpaceBox<dim,size_t> sub_dc = loc_box.get(0);
SpaceBox<dim,T> sub_d(sub_dc);
// Fixing sub-domains to cover all the domain
// Fixing sub_d
// if (loc_box) is a the boundary we have to ensure that the box span the full
// domain (avoiding rounding off error)
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < dim ; i++)
if (sub_dc.getHigh(i) == cd.getGrid().size(i) - 1)
// add the sub-domain
ss_box = sub_d;
ss_box -= ss_box.getP1();
bbox = sub_d;
// convert into sub-domain
for (size_t s = 1 ; s < loc_box.size() ; s++)
SpaceBox<dim,size_t> sub_dc = loc_box.get(s);
SpaceBox<dim,T> sub_d(sub_dc);
// re-scale and add spacing (the end is the starting point of the next domain + spacing)
// Fixing sub-domains to cover all the domain
// Fixing sub_d
// if (loc_box) is a the boundary we have to ensure that the box span the full
// domain (avoiding rounding off error)
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < dim ; i++)
if (sub_dc.getHigh(i) == cd.getGrid().size(i) - 1)
// add the sub-domain
// Calculate the bound box
// Create the smallest box contained in all sub-domain
nn_prcs<dim,T>::create(box_nn_processor, sub_domains);
// fill fine_s structure
// fine_s structure contain the processor id for each sub-sub-domain
// with sub-sub-domain we mean the sub-domain decomposition before
// running dec_optimizer (before merging sub-domains)
it = gp.getVertexIterator();
while (it.isNext())
size_t key = it.get();
// fill with the fine decomposition
fine_s.get(key) = gp.template vertex_p<nm_v::id>(key);
// Get the smallest sub-division on each direction
::Box<dim,T> unit = getSmallestSubdivision();
// Get the processor bounding Box
::Box<dim,T> bound = getProcessorBounds();
// calculate the sub-divisions
size_t div[dim];
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < dim ; i++)
div[i] = (size_t)((bound.getHigh(i) - bound.getLow(i)) / unit.getHigh(i));
// Create shift
Point<dim,T> orig;
// p1 point of the Processor bound box is the shift
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < dim ; i++)
orig.get(i) = bound.getLow(i);
// Initialize the geo_cell structure
// Save the ghost boundaries
Ghost<dim, T> ghost;
/*! \brief Create the subspaces that decompose your domain
void CreateSubspaces() {
// Create a grid where each point is a space
grid_sm<dim, void> g(div);
// create a grid_key_dx iterator
grid_key_dx_iterator < dim > gk_it(g);
// Divide the space into subspaces
while (gk_it.isNext()) {
//! iterate through all subspaces
grid_key_dx < dim > key = gk_it.get();
//! Create a new subspace
SpaceBox<dim, T> tmp;
//! fill with the Margin of the box
for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
tmp.setHigh(i, (key.get(i) + 1) * spacing[i]);
tmp.setLow(i, key.get(i) * spacing[i]);
//! add the space box
// add the iterator
/* /brief types of weights distributions
enum weightShape {
/* \brief add vertex weights to the main domain, follow a shape
** 0 - weights are all 1 on all vertices
** 1 - weights are distributed as a sphere
* \param i id of the shape
void addWeights(Graph_CSR<nm_v, nm_e> & gp, int i)
float c_x = 0, c_y = 0, c_z = 0 , radius2, eq;
float x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
switch (i) {
// Add computation information to each vertex
for (int i = 0; i < gp.getNVertex(); i++) {
gp.vertex(i).template get<nm_v::computation>() = 1;
case SPHERE:
// Fill vertices weights with a sphere (if dim=2 is a circle)
radius2 = pow(4, 2);
c_x = 2;
c_y = 2;
if(dim == 3)
c_z = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < gp.getNVertex(); i++) {
x = gp.vertex(i).template get<nm_v::x>() * 10;
y = gp.vertex(i).template get<nm_v::y>() * 10;
if(dim == 3)
z = gp.vertex(i).template get<nm_v::z>() * 10;
eq = pow((x - c_x), 2) + pow((y - c_y), 2) + pow((z - c_z), 2);
if (eq <= radius2) {
gp.vertex(i).template get<nm_v::computation>() = 5;
} else {
gp.vertex(i).template get<nm_v::computation>() = 1;
// Fill vertices weights with a elliptic hyperboloid (if dim=2 is an hyperbole)
c_x = 5;
c_y = 5;
if(dim == 3)
c_z = 5;
for (int i = 0; i < gp.getNVertex(); i++) {
x = gp.vertex(i).template get<nm_v::x>() * 10;
y = gp.vertex(i).template get<nm_v::y>() * 10;
if(dim == 3)
z = gp.vertex(i).template get<nm_v::z>() * 10;
eq = - pow((x - c_x), 2)/3 - pow((y - c_y), 2)/3 + pow((z - c_z), 2)/2;
if (eq >= 1) {
gp.vertex(i).template get<nm_v::computation>() = 5;
} else {
gp.vertex(i).template get<nm_v::computation>() = 1;
/* \brief fill the graph of the processor with the first decomposition (linear)
* Put vertices into processor graph (different for each processor)
* \param sub_g sub graph to fill
* \param gp mai graph, source for the vertices
* \param vtxdist array with the distribution of vertices through processors
* \param proc_id rank of the processor
* \param Np total number of processors
void fillSubGraph(Graph_CSR<nm_v, nm_e> &sub_g, Graph_CSR<nm_v, nm_e> &gp, idx_t* &vtxdist, int proc_id, int Np)
for (size_t j = vtxdist[proc_id], local_j = 0; j < vtxdist[proc_id + 1]; j++, local_j++) {
// Add vertex
nm_v pv = gp.vertexById(j);
// Add edges of vertex
for (size_t s = 0; s < gp.getNChilds(j); s++) {
sub_g.template addEdge<NoCheck>(local_j, gp.getChildByVertexId(j, s));
// Just for output purpose
if (proc_id == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < Np; i++) {
for (size_t j = vtxdist[i]; j < vtxdist[i + 1]; j++) {
gp.vertexById(j).template get<nm_v::proc_id>() = i;
VTKWriter<Graph_CSR<nm_v, nm_e>, GRAPH> gv2(gp);
/* \brief exchange partitions with other processors
* \param partitions array to store all the partitions
* \param gp_nv number of vertices on main graph
* \param sub_g_nv number of vertices on sub graph
* \param requests_recv array of requests
* \param requests_send array of requests
* \param statuses array of statsu objects
* \param proc_id current processors rank
* \param Np total umber of processors
void exchangePartitions(int** &partitions, int gp_nv, int sub_g_nv, MPI_Request* &requests_recv, MPI_Request* &requests_send,
MPI_Status* &statuses, int proc_id, int Np)
// Receive other partitions, each partition can contain max NVertex of main graph
for (int i = 0; i < Np; i++) {
if (i != proc_id)
MPI_Irecv(partitions[i], gp_nv, MPI_INT, i, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &requests_recv[i]);
// Send processor partition to other processors
for (int i = 0; i < Np; i++) {
if (i != proc_id)
MPI_Isend(partitions[proc_id], sub_g_nv, MPI_INT, i, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &requests_send[i]);
// Wait for all partitions from other processors
for (int i = 0; i < Np; i++) {
if (i != proc_id)
MPI_Wait(&requests_recv[i], &statuses[i]);
/* \brief update main graph ad subgraph with the partition in partitions param
* \param partitions array storing all the partitions
* \param gp main graph
* \param sub_g sub graph
* \param v_per_proc array needed to recontruct the main graph
* \param vtxdist array with the distribution of vertices through processors
* \param statuses array of statsu objects
* \param proc_id current processors rank
* \param Np total umber of processors
void updateGraphs(int** &partitions,Graph_CSR<nm_v, nm_e> &gp, Graph_CSR<nm_v, nm_e> &sub_g, std::vector<size_t>* &v_per_proc, idx_t* &vtxdist, MPI_Status* &statuses, int proc_id, int Np) {
int size_p = sub_g.getNVertex();
int local_j = 0;
// Init n_vtxdist to gather informations about the new decomposition
idx_t *n_vtxdist = new idx_t[Np + 1];
for (int i = 0; i <= Np; i++)
n_vtxdist[i] = 0;
// Update main graph with other partitions made by Parmetis in other processors and the local partition
for (int i = 0; i < Np; i++) {
int ndata = 0;
MPI_Get_count(&statuses[i], MPI_INT, &ndata);
if (i == proc_id)
ndata = size_p;
// Update the main graph with received informations
for (int k = 0, l = vtxdist[i]; k < ndata && l < vtxdist[i + 1]; k++, l++) {
// Create new n_vtxdist (1) (just count processors vertices)
n_vtxdist[partitions[i][k] + 1]++;
// Update proc id in the vertex
gp.vertexById(l).template get<nm_v::proc_id>() = partitions[i][k];
// Add vertex to temporary structure of distribution (needed to update main graph)
v_per_proc[partitions[i][k]].push_back(gp.vertexById(l).template get<nm_v::id>());
// Add vertices belonging to this processor in sub graph
if (partitions[i][k] == proc_id) {
nm_v pv = gp.vertexById(l);
// Add edges of vertex
for (size_t s = 0; s < gp.getNChildsByVertexId(l); s++) {
sub_g.template addEdge<NoCheck>(local_j, gp.getChildByVertexId(l, s));
// Create new n_vtxdist (2) (write boundaries)
for (int i = 2; i <= Np; i++) {
n_vtxdist[i] += n_vtxdist[i - 1];
// Copy the new decomposition in the main vtxdist
for (int i = 0; i <= Np; i++) {
vtxdist[i] = n_vtxdist[i];
// Heap memory receiver
HeapMemory hp_recv;
// vector v_proc
openfpm::vector<size_t> v_proc;
// Receive counter
size_t recv_cnt;
/*! \brief Basic decomposition constructor
* \param v_cl Virtual cluster, used internally to handle or pipeline communication
BasicDecomposition(Vcluster & v_cl) :
nn_prcs<dim, T>(v_cl), v_cl(v_cl) {
// Reset the box to zero;
//! Basic decomposition destructor
~BasicDecomposition() {
// openfpm::vector<size_t> ids;
/*! \brief class to select the returned id by ghost_processorID
class box_id {
/*! \brief Return the box id
* \param p structure containing the id informations
* \param b_id box_id
* \return box id
inline static size_t id(p_box<dim, T> & p, size_t b_id) {
return b_id;
/*! \brief class to select the returned id by ghost_processorID
class processor_id {
/*! \brief Return the processor id
* \param p structure containing the id informations
* \param b_id box_id
* \return processor id
inline static size_t id(p_box<dim, T> & p, size_t b_id) {
return p.proc;
/*! \brief class to select the returned id by ghost_processorID
class lc_processor_id {
/*! \brief Return the near processor id
* \param p structure containing the id informations
* \param b_id box_id
* \return local processor id
inline static size_t id(p_box<dim, T> & p, size_t b_id) {
return p.lc_proc;
/*! It calculate the internal ghost boxes
* Example: Processor 10 calculate
* B8_0 B9_0 B9_1 and B5_0
| |
| Processor 8 |
| Sub-domain 0 +-----------------------------------+
| | |
| | |
++--------------+---+---------------------------+----+ Processor 9 |
| | | B8_0 | | Subdomain 0 |
| +------------------------------------+ |
| | | | | |
| | B | X Processor 10 X | | |
| Processor 5 | 5 | X Sub-domain 0 X | | |
| Subdomain 0 | _ | X X +----------------------------------------+
| | | | | |
| | | | | Processor 9 |
| | | |B9_1| Subdomain 1 |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
+--------------+---+---------------------------+----+ |
| |
and also
G8_0 G9_0 G9_1 G5_0 (External ghost boxes)
| |
| Processor 8 |
| Sub-domain 0 +-----------------------------------+
| +---------------------------------------------+ |
| | G8_0 | | |
++--------------+------------------------------------+ | Processor 9 |
| | | | | Subdomain 0 |
| | | |G9_0| |
| | | | | |
| | | X Processor 10 X | | |
| Processor|5 | X Sub-domain 0 X | | |
| Subdomain|0 | X X +-----------------------------------+
| | G | | | |
| | 5 | | | Processor 9 |
| | | | | | Subdomain 1 |
| | 0 | |G9_1| |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
+--------------+------------------------------------+ | |
| | | |
* \param ghost margins for each dimensions (p1 negative part) (p2 positive part)
^ p2[1]
| |
| |
p1[0]<-----+ +----> p2[0]
| |
| |
v p1[1]
void calculateGhostBoxes() {
#ifdef DEBUG
// the ghost margins are assumed to be smaller
// than one sub-domain
for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
if (ghost.template getLow(i) >= domain.template getHigh(i) / gr.size(i)
|| ghost.template getHigh(i) >= domain.template getHigh(i) / gr.size(i)) {
std::cerr << "Error " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " : Ghost are bigger than one domain" << "\n";
// Intersect all the local sub-domains with the sub-domains of the contiguous processors
// create the internal structures that store ghost information
ie_ghost<dim, T>::create_box_nn_processor_ext(v_cl, ghost, sub_domains, box_nn_processor, *this);
ie_ghost<dim, T>::create_box_nn_processor_int(v_cl, ghost, sub_domains, box_nn_processor, *this);
// ebox must come after ibox (in this case)
ie_loc_ghost<dim, T>::create_loc_ghost_ibox(ghost, sub_domains);
ie_loc_ghost<dim, T>::create_loc_ghost_ebox(ghost, sub_domains);
// get the smallest sub-domain dimension on each direction
for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
if (ghost.template getLow(i) >= ss_box.getHigh(i) || ghost.template getHigh(i) >= domain.template getHigh(i) / gr.size(i)) {
std::cerr << "Error " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " : Ghost are bigger than one domain" << "\n";
/*! \brief The default grid size
* The default grid is always an isotropic grid that adapt with the number of processors,
* it define in how many cell it will be divided the space for a particular required minimum
* number of sub-domain
static size_t getDefaultGrid(size_t n_sub) {
// Calculate the number of sub-sub-domain on
// each dimension
return openfpm::math::round_big_2(pow(n_sub, 1.0 / dim));
/*! \brief Given a point return in which processor the particle should go
* \return processorID
template<typename Mem> size_t inline processorID(encapc<1, Point<dim, T>, Mem> p) {
return fine_s.get(cd.getCell(p));
// Smallest subdivision on each direction
::Box<dim, T> ss_box;
/*! \brief Get the smallest subdivision of the domain on each direction
* \return a box p1 is set to zero
const ::Box<dim, T> & getSmallestSubdivision() {
return ss_box;
/*! \brief Given a point return in which processor the particle should go
* \return processorID
size_t inline processorID(const T (&p)[dim]) const {
return fine_s.get(cd.getCell(p));
/*! \brief Set the parameter of the decomposition
* \param div_ storing into how many domain to decompose on each dimension
* \param domain_ domain to decompose
void setParameters(const size_t (&div_)[dim], Domain<dim, T> domain_, Ghost<dim, T> ghost = Ghost<dim, T>()) {
// set the ghost
this->ghost = ghost;
// Set the decomposition parameters
domain = domain_;
cd.setDimensions(domain, div_, 0);
//! Create the decomposition
/*! \brief Get the number of local sub-domains
* \return the number of sub-domains
size_t getNLocalHyperCube() {
return sub_domains.size();
/*! \brief Get the local sub-domain
* \param i (each local processor can have more than one sub-domain)
* \return the sub-domain
SpaceBox<dim, T> getLocalHyperCube(size_t lc) {
// Create a space box
SpaceBox<dim, T> sp;
// fill the space box
for (size_t k = 0; k < dim; k++) {
// create the SpaceBox Low and High
sp.setLow(k, sub_domains.template get < Box::p1 > (lc)[k]);
sp.setHigh(k, sub_domains.template get < Box::p2 > (lc)[k]);
return sp;
/*! \brief Get the local sub-domain with ghost extension
* \param i (each local processor can have more than one sub-domain)
* \return the sub-domain
SpaceBox<dim, T> getSubDomainWithGhost(size_t lc) {
// Create a space box
SpaceBox<dim, T> sp = sub_domains.get(lc);
// enlarge with ghost
return sp;
/*! \brief Return the structure that store the physical domain
* \return The physical domain
Domain<dim, T> & getDomain() {
return domain;
/*! \brief Check if the particle is local
* \param p object position
* \return true if it is local
template<typename Mem> bool isLocal(const encapc<1, Point<dim, T>, Mem> p) const {
return processorID<Mem>(p) == v_cl.getProcessUnitID();
/*! \brief Check if the particle is local
* \param p object position
* \return true if it is local
bool isLocal(const T (&pos)[dim]) const {
return processorID(pos) == v_cl.getProcessUnitID();
::Box<dim, T> bbox;
/*! \brief Return the bounding box containing union of all the sub-domains for the local processor
* \return The bounding box
::Box<dim, T> & getProcessorBounds() {
return bbox;
////////////// Functions to get decomposition information ///////////////
/*! \brief Write the decomposition as VTK file
* The function generate several files
* * subdomains_X.vtk domain for the local processor (X) as union of sub-domain
* * subdomains_adjacent_X.vtk sub-domains adjacent to the local processor (X)
* * internal_ghost_X.vtk Internal ghost boxes for the local processor (X)
* * external_ghost_X.vtk External ghost boxes for the local processor (X)
* * local_internal_ghost_X.vtk internal local ghost boxes for the local processor (X)
* * local_external_ghost_X.vtk external local ghost boxes for the local processor (X)
* where X is the local processor rank
* \param output directory where to write the files
bool write(std::string output) const {
//! subdomains_X.vtk domain for the local processor (X) as union of sub-domain
VTKWriter<openfpm::vector<::SpaceBox<dim, T>>, VECTOR_BOX> vtk_box1;
vtk_box1.write(output + std::string("subdomains_") + std::to_string(v_cl.getProcessUnitID()) + std::string(".vtk"));
nn_prcs<dim, T>::write(output);
ie_ghost<dim, T>::write(output, v_cl.getProcessUnitID());
ie_loc_ghost<dim, T>::write(output, v_cl.getProcessUnitID());
return true;
/*! \brief function to check the consistency of the information of the decomposition
* \return false if is inconsistent
bool check_consistency() {
if (ie_loc_ghost<dim, T>::check_consistency(getNLocalHyperCube()) == false)
return false;
return true;
void debugPrint() {
std::cout << "Subdomains\n";
for (size_t p = 0; p < sub_domains.size(); p++) {
std::cout << ::SpaceBox<dim, T>(sub_domains.get(p)).toString() << "\n";
std::cout << "External ghost box\n";
for (size_t p = 0; p<nn_prcs < dim, T>::getNNProcessors(); p++) {
for (size_t i = 0; i<ie_ghost < dim, T>::getProcessorNEGhost(p); i++) {
std::cout << ie_ghost<dim, T>::getProcessorEGhostBox(p, i).toString() << " prc=" << nn_prcs<dim, T>::IDtoProc(p)
<< " id=" << ie_ghost<dim, T>::getProcessorEGhostId(p, i) << "\n";
std::cout << "Internal ghost box\n";
for (size_t p = 0; p<nn_prcs < dim, T>::getNNProcessors(); p++) {
for (size_t i = 0; i<ie_ghost < dim, T>::getProcessorNIGhost(p); i++) {
std::cout << ie_ghost<dim, T>::getProcessorIGhostBox(p, i).toString() << " prc=" << nn_prcs<dim, T>::IDtoProc(p)
<< " id=" << ie_ghost<dim, T>::getProcessorIGhostId(p, i) << "\n";
#include "BasicDecomposition.hpp"
#include "util/mathutil.hpp"
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE( BasicDecomposition_test )
#define SUB_UNIT_FACTOR 1024
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( BasicDecomposition_test_use)
// Vcluster
Vcluster & vcl = *global_v_cluster;
// Initialize the global VCluster
//! [Create CartDecomposition]
BasicDecomposition<3,float> dec(vcl);
// Physical domain
Box<3,float> box({0.0,0.0,0.0},{1.0,1.0,1.0});
size_t div[3];
// Get the number of processor and calculate the number of sub-domain
// for each processor (SUB_UNIT_FACTOR=64)
size_t n_proc = vcl.getProcessingUnits();
size_t n_sub = n_proc * SUB_UNIT_FACTOR;
// Set the number of sub-domains on each dimension (in a scalable way)
for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
{div[i] = openfpm::math::round_big_2(pow(n_sub,1.0/3));}
// Define ghost
Ghost<3,float> g(0.01);
// Decompose
// create a ghost border
//! [Create BasicDecomposition]
// For each calculated ghost box
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < dec.getNIGhostBox() ; i++)
SpaceBox<3,float> b = dec.getIGhostBox(i);
size_t proc = dec.getIGhostBoxProcessor(i);
// sample one point inside the box
Point<3,float> p = b.rnd();
// Check that ghost_processorsID return that processor number
const openfpm::vector<size_t> & pr = dec.template ghost_processorID<BasicDecomposition<3,float>::processor_id>(p);
bool found = false;
for (size_t j = 0; j < pr.size() ; j++)
if (pr.get(j) == proc)
{found = true; break;}
if (found == false)
const openfpm::vector<size_t> pr3 = dec.template ghost_processorID<BasicDecomposition<3,float>::processor_id>(p);
// Check the consistency
bool val = dec.check_consistency();
* parmetis_util.hpp
* Created on: Oct 07, 2015
* Author: Antonio Leo
#include <iostream>
#include "parmetis.h"
#include "VTKWriter.hpp"
/*! \brief Metis graph structure
* Metis graph structure
struct Parmetis_graph {
//! The number of vertices in the graph
idx_t * nvtxs;
//! number of balancing constrains
//! more practical, are the number of weights for each vertex
//! PS even we you specify vwgt == NULL ncon must be set at leat to
//! one
idx_t * ncon;
//! For each vertex it store the adjacency lost start for the vertex i
idx_t * xadj;
//! For each vertex it store a list of all neighborhood vertex
idx_t * adjncy;
//! Array that store the weight for each vertex
idx_t * vwgt;
//! Array of the vertex size, basically is the total communication amount
idx_t * vsize;
//! The weight of the edge
idx_t * adjwgt;
//! number of part to partition the graph
idx_t * nparts;
//! Desired weight for each partition (one for each constrain)
real_t * tpwgts;
//! For each partition load imbalance tollerated
real_t * ubvec;
//! Additional option for the graph partitioning
idx_t * options;
//! return the total comunication cost for each partition
idx_t * objval;
//! Is a output vector containing the partition for each vertex
idx_t * part;
//! Upon successful completion, the number of edges that are cut by the partitioning is written to this parameter.
idx_t * edgecut;
//! This parameter describes the ratio of inter-processor communication time compared to data redistri- bution time. It should be set between 0.000001 and 1000000.0. If ITR is set high, a repartitioning with a low edge-cut will be computed. If it is set low, a repartitioning that requires little data redistri- bution will be computed. Good values for this parameter can be obtained by dividing inter-processor communication time by data redistribution time. Otherwise, a value of 1000.0 is recommended.
real_t * itr;
//! This is used to indicate the numbering scheme that is used for the vtxdist, xadj, adjncy, and part arrays. (0 for C-style, start from 0 index)
idx_t * numflag;
//! This is used to indicate if the graph is weighted. wgtflag can take one of four values:
// 0 No weights (vwgt and adjwgt are both NULL).
// 1 Weights on the edges only (vwgt is NULL).
// 2 Weights on the vertices only (adjwgt is NULL).
// 3 Weights on both the vertices and edges.
idx_t * wgtflag;
//! Balance communication and computation
#define BALANCE_CC 1
//! Balance communication computation and memory
#define BALANCE_CCM 2
//! Balance computation and comunication and others
#define BALANCE_CC_O(c) c+1
/*! \brief Helper class to define Metis graph
* \tparam graph structure that store the graph
template<typename Graph>
class Parmetis {
// Graph in metis reppresentation
Parmetis_graph Mg;
// Original graph
Graph & g;
// Communticator for OpenMPI
MPI_Comm comm = NULL;
// Process rank information
int MPI_PROC_ID = 0;
/*! \brief Construct Adjacency list
* \param g Reference graph to get informations
void constructAdjList(Graph &refGraph) {
// create xadj and adjlist
Mg.vwgt = new idx_t[g.getNVertex()];
Mg.xadj = new idx_t[g.getNVertex() + 1];
Mg.adjncy = new idx_t[g.getNEdge()];
//! starting point in the adjacency list
size_t prev = 0;
// actual position
size_t id = 0;
// property id
size_t real_id;
// boolan to check if ref is the main graph
bool main = refGraph.getNVertex() != g.getNVertex();
// for each vertex calculate the position of the starting point in the adjacency list
for (size_t i = 0; i < g.getNVertex(); i++) {
// Add weight to vertex
Mg.vwgt[i] = g.vertex(i).template get<nm_v::computation>();
// Calculate the starting point in the adjacency list
Mg.xadj[id] = prev;
if (main)
real_id = g.get_real_id(g.vertex(i).template get<nm_v::id>());
real_id = i;
// Create the adjacency list and the weights for edges
for (size_t s = 0; s < refGraph.getNChilds(real_id); s++) {
size_t child = refGraph.getChild(real_id, s);
if (main)
Mg.adjncy[prev + s] = refGraph.vertex(child).template get<nm_v::id>();
Mg.adjncy[prev + s] = child;
// update the position for the next vertex
prev += refGraph.getNChilds(real_id);
// Fill the last point
Mg.xadj[id] = prev;
std::cout << MPI_PROC_ID << "\n";
for(int i=0; i<= g.getNVertex();i++){
std::cout << Mg.xadj[i] << " ";
std::cout << "\n\n";
for(int i=0; i< g.getNEdge();i++){
std::cout << Mg.adjncy[i] << " ";
std::cout << "\n\n";
/*! \brief Construct Adjacency list
* \param g Reference graph to get informations
void constructAdjList(Graph &refGraph, idx_t* &old_vtxdist ) {
// create xadj and adjlist
Mg.vwgt = new idx_t[g.getNVertex()];
Mg.xadj = new idx_t[g.getNVertex() + 1];
Mg.adjncy = new idx_t[g.getNEdge()];
//! starting point in the adjacency list
size_t prev = 0;
// actual position
size_t id = 0;
// for each vertex calculate the position of the starting point in the adjacency list
for (size_t i = 0; i < g.getNVertex(); i++) {
// Add weight to vertex
Mg.vwgt[i] = g.vertex(i).template get<nm_v::computation>();
// Calculate the starting point in the adjacency list
Mg.xadj[id] = prev;
// Create the adjacency list and the weights for edges
for (size_t s = 0; s < refGraph.getNChilds(i); s++) {
size_t child = refGraph.getChild(i, s);
// Check if child is not in this processor
if(child > old_vtxdist[MPI_PROC_ID+1] || child < old_vtxdist[MPI_PROC_ID])
Mg.adjncy[prev + s] = child;
// update the position for the next vertex
prev += refGraph.getNChilds(i);
// Fill the last point
Mg.xadj[id] = prev;
std::cout << MPI_PROC_ID << "\n";
for(int i=0; i<= g.getNVertex();i++){
std::cout << Mg.xadj[i] << " ";
std::cout << "\n\n";
for(int i=0; i< g.getNEdge();i++){
std::cout << Mg.adjncy[i] << " ";
std::cout << "\n\n";
/*! \brief Constructor
* Construct a metis graph from Graph_CSR
* \param g Graph we want to convert to decompose
* \param nc number of partitions
Parmetis(Graph & g, size_t nc) :
g(g) {
// Init OpenMPI structures
MPI_Comm_dup(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm);
// Get the number of vertex
Mg.nvtxs = new idx_t[1];
Mg.nvtxs[0] = g.getNVertex();
// Set the number of constrains
Mg.ncon = new idx_t[1];
Mg.ncon[0] = 1;
// Set to null the weight of the vertex
Mg.vwgt = NULL;
// construct the adjacency list
// Put the total communication size to NULL
Mg.vsize = NULL;
// Set to null the weight of the edge
Mg.adjwgt = NULL;
// Set the total number of partitions
Mg.nparts = new idx_t[1];
Mg.nparts[0] = nc;
//! Set option for the graph partitioning (set as default)
Mg.options = new idx_t[4];
Mg.options[0] = 1;
Mg.options[1] = 3;
Mg.options[2] = 0;
Mg.options[3] = 0;
//! is an output vector containing the partition for each vertex
Mg.part = new idx_t[g.getNVertex()];
for (int i = 0; i < g.getNVertex(); i++)
Mg.part[i] = MPI_PROC_ID;
//! adaptiveRepart itr value
Mg.itr = new real_t[1];
Mg.itr[0] = 1000.0;
//! init tpwgts to have balanced vertices and ubvec
Mg.tpwgts = new real_t[Mg.nparts[0]];
Mg.ubvec = new real_t[Mg.nparts[0]];
for (int s = 0; s < Mg.nparts[0]; s++) {
Mg.tpwgts[s] = 1.0 / Mg.nparts[0];
Mg.ubvec[s] = 1.05;
Mg.edgecut = new idx_t[1];
Mg.edgecut[0] = 0;
//! This is used to indicate the numbering scheme that is used for the vtxdist, xadj, adjncy, and part arrays. (0 for C-style, start from 0 index)
Mg.numflag = new idx_t[1];
Mg.numflag[0] = 0;
//! This is used to indicate if the graph is weighted. wgtflag can take one of four values:
Mg.wgtflag = new idx_t[1];
Mg.wgtflag[0] = 2;
//TODO deconstruct new variables
/*! \brief destructor
* Destructor, It destroy all the memory allocated
~Parmetis() {
// Deallocate the Mg structure
if (Mg.nvtxs != NULL) {
delete[] Mg.nvtxs;
if (Mg.ncon != NULL) {
delete[] Mg.ncon;
if (Mg.xadj != NULL) {
delete[] Mg.xadj;
if (Mg.adjncy != NULL) {
delete[] Mg.adjncy;
if (Mg.vwgt != NULL) {
delete[] Mg.vwgt;
if (Mg.adjwgt != NULL) {
delete[] Mg.adjwgt;
if (Mg.nparts != NULL) {
delete[] Mg.nparts;
if (Mg.tpwgts != NULL) {
delete[] Mg.tpwgts;
if (Mg.ubvec != NULL) {
delete[] Mg.ubvec;
if (Mg.options != NULL) {
delete[] Mg.options;
if (Mg.part != NULL) {
delete[] Mg.part;
if (Mg.edgecut != NULL) {
delete[] Mg.edgecut;
if (Mg.numflag != NULL) {
delete[] Mg.numflag;
if (Mg.wgtflag != NULL) {
delete[] Mg.wgtflag;
/*! \brief Decompose the graph
* \tparam i which property store the decomposition
template<unsigned int i>
void decompose(idx_t *vtxdist) {
// Decompose
ParMETIS_V3_PartKway(vtxdist, Mg.xadj, Mg.adjncy, Mg.vwgt, Mg.adjwgt, Mg.wgtflag, Mg.numflag, Mg.ncon, Mg.nparts, Mg.tpwgts,
Mg.ubvec, Mg.options, Mg.edgecut, Mg.part, &comm);
ParMETIS_V3_AdaptiveRepart( vtxdist, Mg.xadj,Mg.adjncy,Mg.vwgt,Mg.vsize,Mg.adjwgt, &(Mg.wgtflag), &(Mg.numflag),
Mg.ncon, Mg.nparts, Mg.tpwgts, Mg.ubvec, &(Mg.itr), Mg.options, &(Mg.edgecut),
Mg.part, &comm );
// For each vertex store the processor that contain the data
for (size_t j = 0, id = 0; j < g.getNVertex(); j++, id++) {
g.vertex(j).template get<i>() = Mg.part[id];
/*! \brief Refine the graph
* \tparam i which property store the refined decomposition
template<unsigned int i>
void refine(idx_t *vtxdist) {
// Refine
ParMETIS_V3_RefineKway(vtxdist, Mg.xadj, Mg.adjncy, Mg.vwgt, Mg.adjwgt, Mg.wgtflag, Mg.numflag, Mg.ncon, Mg.nparts, Mg.tpwgts,
Mg.ubvec, Mg.options, Mg.edgecut, Mg.part, &comm);
// For each vertex store the processor that contain the data
for (size_t j = 0, id = 0; j < g.getNVertex(); j++, id++) {
g.vertex(j).template get<i>() = Mg.part[id];
/*! \brief Get graph partition vector
idx_t* getPartition() {
return Mg.part;
/*! \brief Reset graph and reconstruct it
void reset(Graph & mainGraph) {
// Deallocate the graph structures
if (Mg.xadj != NULL) {
delete[] Mg.xadj;
if (Mg.adjncy != NULL) {
delete[] Mg.adjncy;
if (Mg.vwgt != NULL) {
delete[] Mg.vwgt;
if (Mg.adjwgt != NULL) {
delete[] Mg.adjwgt;
if (Mg.part != NULL) {
delete[] Mg.part;
Mg.nvtxs[0] = g.getNVertex();
Mg.part = new idx_t[g.getNVertex()];
for (int i = 0; i < g.getNVertex(); i++)
Mg.part[i] = MPI_PROC_ID;
// construct the adjacency list
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