All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
## [0.5.0 - Gingold] - End July 2016
## [0.5.0 - Gingold] - Mid August 2016
### Added
- map communicate particles across processors mooving the information of all the particle map_list give the possibility to give a list of property to move from one to another processor
@@ -92,15 +92,29 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
# Planned in the next Releases
## [0.7.0] - Mid of October
## [0.8.0] - Mid January 2017
## [0.7.0] - December 2016
### Added
- Dynamic Load Balancies examples and interface fixation
- Check Point restart
- More example and documentations
## [0.6.0] - Beginning of september
### Proposal
### Added
- Parallel IO, new formats, improved writers
- Algebraic Multigrid solver
- Parallel VTK, improved visualization
## [0.6.0] - Middle of October
### Added
- Symmetric Cell list and Verlet (15 days)
- Semantic communication (??)
- Improved Finite difference interface (15 days)
## [0.6.0] - Beginning of September
- Complex properties and serialization interface (15 days)