# Open Framework for Particle and Mesh Codes (OpenFPM)

OpenFPM is a scalable and open C++ framework for particles and mesh simulations.
You can build scalable molecular dynamics, Smooth Particle Hydrodybamics, Granular flow, Finite differences, Hybrid Particle-Mesh codes on CPUs and GPUs.
You can build scalable molecular dynamics, Smooth Particle Hydrodybamics, Granular flow, Finite difference, Hybrid Particle-Mesh codes on CPUs and GPUs.
We provide examples for each case in the documentation.
@@ -21,6 +21,6 @@ To install, run the install script with ./install and follow the instructions.
Examples and documentation is available at : http://ppmcore.mpi-cbg.de/doxygen/openfpm/index.html