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#include "util/cuda/cuda_launch.hpp"
#include "Grid/grid_dist_id.hpp"
#include "data_type/aggregate.hpp"
#include "timer.hpp"
* \page Grid_3_gs_3D_sparse_gpu Gray Scott in 3D using sparse grids on GPU
* [TOC]
* # Solving a gray scott-system in 3D using Sparse grids on gpu # {#e3_gs_gray_scott_gpu}
* This example show how to solve a Gray-Scott system in 3D using sparse grids on gpu
* In figure is the final solution of the problem
* \htmlonly
* <img src=""/>
* \endhtmlonly
* More or less this example is the adaptation of the dense example in 3D
* \see \ref Grid_3_gs_3D
* # Initializetion
* On gpu we can add points using the function addPoints this function take 2 lamda functions the first take 3 arguments (in 3D)
* i,j,k these are the global coordinates for a point. We can return either true either false. In case of true the point is
* created in case of false the point is not inserted. The second lamda is instead used to initialize the point inserted.
* The arguments of the second lambda are the data argument we use to initialize the point and the global coordinates i,j,k
* After we add the points we have to flush the added points. This us achieved using the function flush the template parameters
* indicate how we have to act on the points. Consider infact we are adding points already exist ... do we have to add it using the max
* or the min. **FLUSH_ON_DEVICE** say instead that the operation is performed using the GPU
* \snippet SparseGrid/1_gray_scott_3d_sparse_gpu/ create points
* The function can also called with a specified range
* \snippet SparseGrid/1_gray_scott_3d_sparse_gpu/ create points sub
* # Update
* to calculate the right-hand-side we use the function **conv2** this function can be used to do a convolution that involve
* two properties
* The function accept a lambda function where the first 2 arguments are the output of the same type of the two property choosen.
* The arguments 3 and 4 contain the properties of two selected properties. while i,j,k are the coordinates we have to calculate the
* convolution. The call **conv2** also accept template parameters the first two indicate the source porperties, the other two are the destination properties. While the
* last is the extension of the stencil. In this case we use 1.
* The lambda function is defined as
* \snippet SparseGrid/1_gray_scott_3d_sparse_gpu/ lambda
* and used in the body loop
* \snippet SparseGrid/1_gray_scott_3d_sparse_gpu/ body
constexpr int U = 0;
constexpr int V = 1;
constexpr int U_next = 2;
constexpr int V_next = 3;
constexpr int x = 0;
constexpr int y = 1;
constexpr int z = 2;
typedef sgrid_dist_id_gpu<3,float,aggregate<float,float,float,float> > SparseGridType;
void init(SparseGridType & grid, Box<3,float> & domain)
//! \cond [create points] \endcond
typedef typename GetAddBlockType<SparseGridType>::type InsertBlockT;
grid.addPoints([] __device__ (int i, int j, int k)
return true;
[] __device__ (InsertBlockT & data, int i, int j, int k)
data.template get<U>() = 1.0;
data.template get<V>() = 0.0;
grid.template flush<smax_<U>,smax_<V>>(flush_type::FLUSH_ON_DEVICE);
//! \cond [create points] \endcond
long int x_start = grid.size(0)*1.55f/domain.getHigh(0);
long int y_start = grid.size(1)*1.55f/domain.getHigh(1);
long int z_start = grid.size(1)*1.55f/domain.getHigh(2);
long int x_stop = grid.size(0)*1.85f/domain.getHigh(0);
long int y_stop = grid.size(1)*1.85f/domain.getHigh(1);
long int z_stop = grid.size(1)*1.85f/domain.getHigh(2);
//! \cond [create points sub] \endcond
grid_key_dx<3> start({x_start,y_start,z_start});
grid_key_dx<3> stop ({x_stop,y_stop,z_stop});
grid.addPoints(start,stop,[] __device__ (int i, int j, int k)
return true;
[] __device__ (InsertBlockT & data, int i, int j, int k)
data.template get<U>() = 0.5;
data.template get<V>() = 0.24;
grid.template flush<smax_<U>,smax_<V>>(flush_type::FLUSH_ON_DEVICE);
//! \cond [create points sub] \endcond
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// domain
Box<3,float> domain({0.0,0.0,0.0},{2.5,2.5,2.5});
// grid size
size_t sz[3] = {256,256,256};
// Define periodicity of the grid
periodicity<3> bc = {PERIODIC,PERIODIC,PERIODIC};
// Ghost in grid unit
Ghost<3,long int> g(1);
// deltaT
float deltaT = 0.25;
// Diffusion constant for specie U
float du = 2*1e-5;
// Diffusion constant for specie V
float dv = 1*1e-5;
// Number of timesteps
size_t timeSteps = 15000;
// K and F (Physical constant in the equation)
float K = 0.053;
float F = 0.014;
sgrid_dist_id_gpu<3, float, aggregate<float,float,float,float>> grid(sz,domain,g,bc);
// spacing of the grid on x and y
float spacing[3] = {grid.spacing(0),grid.spacing(1),grid.spacing(2)};
// sync the ghost
grid.template ghost_get<U,V>(RUN_ON_DEVICE);
// because we assume that spacing[x] == spacing[y] we use formula 2
// and we calculate the prefactor of Eq 2
float uFactor = deltaT * du/(spacing[x]*spacing[x]);
float vFactor = deltaT * dv/(spacing[x]*spacing[x]);
timer tot_sim;
for (size_t i = 0; i < timeSteps ; ++i)
std::cout << "STEP: " << i << std::endl;
/* if (i % 300 == 0)
std::cout << "STEP: " << i << std::endl;
//! \cond [stencil get and use] \endcond
typedef typename GetCpBlockType<decltype(grid),0,1>::type CpBlockType;
//! \cond [lambda] \endcond
auto func = [uFactor,vFactor,deltaT,F,K] __device__ (float & u_out, float & v_out,
CpBlockType & u, CpBlockType & v,
int i, int j, int k){
float uc = u(i,j,k);
float vc = v(i,j,k);
u_out = uc + uFactor *(u(i-1,j,k) + u(i+1,j,k) +
u(i,j-1,k) + u(i,j+1,k) +
u(i,j,k-1) + u(i,j,k+1) - 6.0*uc) - deltaT * uc*vc*vc
- deltaT * F * (uc - 1.0);
v_out = vc + vFactor *(v(i-1,j,k) + v(i+1,j,k) +
v(i,j+1,k) + v(i,j-1,k) +
v(i,j,k-1) + v(i,j,k+1) - 6.0*vc) + deltaT * uc*vc*vc
- deltaT * (F+K) * vc;
//! \cond [lambda] \endcond
//! \cond [body] \endcond
if (i % 2 == 0)
grid.conv2<U,V,U_next,V_next,1>({0,0,0},{(long int)sz[0]-1,(long int)sz[1]-1,(long int)sz[2]-1},func);
// After copy we synchronize again the ghost part U and V
grid.ghost_get<U_next,V_next>(RUN_ON_DEVICE | SKIP_LABELLING);
grid.conv2<U_next,V_next,U,V,1>({0,0,0},{(long int)sz[0]-1,(long int)sz[1]-1,(long int)sz[2]-1},func);
// After copy we synchronize again the ghost part U and V
grid.ghost_get<U,V>(RUN_ON_DEVICE | SKIP_LABELLING);
//! \cond [body] \endcond
// Every 500 time step we output the configuration for
// visualization
// if (i % 500 == 0)
// {
//"output_" + std::to_string(count));
// count++;
// }
std::cout << "Total simulation: " << tot_sim.getwct() << std::endl;
//! \cond [time stepping] \endcond
* \page Grid_3_gs_3D_sparse Gray Scott in 3D
* ## Finalize ##
* Deinitialize the library
* \snippet Grid/3_gray_scott/main.cpp finalize
//! \cond [finalize] \endcond
//! \cond [finalize] \endcond
* \page Grid_3_gs_3D_sparse Gray Scott in 3D
* # Full code # {#code}
* \include Grid/3_gray_scott_3d/main.cpp
openfpm_data @ b9f0bd4a
Subproject commit ef3a3381d938c4feedfedf0495605ddbee6cfcb6 Subproject commit b9f0bd4a0b073481a9a1e971d84c55e566fd8d4c
...@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ PROJECT_NAME = "OpenFPM_pdata" ...@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ PROJECT_NAME = "OpenFPM_pdata"
# could be handy for archiving the generated documentation or if some version # could be handy for archiving the generated documentation or if some version
# control system is used. # control system is used.
# Using the PROJECT_BRIEF tag one can provide an optional one line description # Using the PROJECT_BRIEF tag one can provide an optional one line description
# for a project that appears at the top of each page and should give viewer a # for a project that appears at the top of each page and should give viewer a
...@@ -677,11 +677,6 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( sgrid_gpu_test_skip_labelling ) ...@@ -677,11 +677,6 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( sgrid_gpu_test_skip_labelling )
gdist.template ghost_get<0,1>(RUN_ON_DEVICE | SKIP_LABELLING); gdist.template ghost_get<0,1>(RUN_ON_DEVICE | SKIP_LABELLING);
//////////////////////////////////// DEBUG ///////////////////////////////
gdist.template conv2<0,1,0,1,1>({0,0,0},{(int)sz[0]-1,(int)sz[1]-1,(int)sz[2]-1},[] __device__ (float & u_out, float & v_out, CpBlockType & u, CpBlockType & v,int i, int j, int k){ gdist.template conv2<0,1,0,1,1>({0,0,0},{(int)sz[0]-1,(int)sz[1]-1,(int)sz[2]-1},[] __device__ (float & u_out, float & v_out, CpBlockType & u, CpBlockType & v,int i, int j, int k){
u_out = 2*u(i,j,k); u_out = 2*u(i,j,k);
v_out = 2*v(i,j,k); v_out = 2*v(i,j,k);
...@@ -732,4 +727,88 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( sgrid_gpu_test_skip_labelling ) ...@@ -732,4 +727,88 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( sgrid_gpu_test_skip_labelling )
} }
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( sgrid_gpu_test_conv_background )
size_t sz[3] = {60,60,60};
periodicity<3> bc = {PERIODIC,PERIODIC,PERIODIC};
Ghost<3,long int> g(1);
Box<3,float> domain({0.0,0.0,0.0},{1.0,1.0,1.0});
sgrid_dist_id_gpu<3,float,aggregate<float,float,float,float>> gdist(sz,domain,g,bc);
gdist.template setBackgroundValue<0>(666);
gdist.template setBackgroundValue<1>(666);
gdist.template setBackgroundValue<2>(666);
gdist.template setBackgroundValue<3>(666);
/////// GPU insert + flush
Box<3,size_t> box({1,1,1},{sz[0]-1,sz[1]-1,sz[2]-1});
/////// GPU Run kernel
float c = 5.0;
typedef typename GetAddBlockType<decltype(gdist)>::type InsertBlockT;
[] __device__ (int i, int j, int k)
return (i == 30 && j == 30 && k == 30);
[c] __device__ (InsertBlockT & data, int i, int j, int k)
data.template get<0>() = 0;
data.template get<1>() = 0;
gdist.template flush<smax_<0>,smax_<1>>(flush_type::FLUSH_ON_DEVICE);
gdist.template ghost_get<0,1>(RUN_ON_DEVICE);
// Now run the convolution
typedef typename GetCpBlockType<decltype(gdist),0,1>::type CpBlockType;
gdist.template conv2<0,1,2,3,1>({0,0,0},{(int)sz[0]-1,(int)sz[1]-1,(int)sz[2]-1},[] __device__ (float & u_out, float & v_out, CpBlockType & u, CpBlockType & v,int i, int j, int k){
u_out = u(i+1,j,k) + u(i,j+1,k) + u(i,j,k+1);
v_out = v(i+1,j,k) + v(i,j+1,k) + v(i,j,k+1);
// Now we check that ghost is correct
auto it3 = gdist.getDomainIterator();
bool match = true;
int count = 0;
while (it3.isNext())
auto p = it3.get();
float sub1 = gdist.template get<2>(p);
float sub2 = gdist.template get<3>(p);
if (sub1 != 3*666.0 || sub2 != 3*666.0)
std::cout << sub1 << " " << sub2 << std::endl;
match = false;
BOOST_REQUIRE(count == 0 || count == 1);
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