/*! \brief Find in a vector dist particles if "certain conditions"
* This function in in general used to debug. Many time in order to discover problem we want to control if particles/grid points has zeros or out of range values.
* You can implement these check, by creating the loops manually or using the function debug_find with a lambda function.
* @param vd distributed vector
* @param fun_test function that define the test
* @param fun_print function to print a message
* @param it iterator type domain, domain + ghost, ghost
* @param type_of_run optionally can do the scan on device
* /return This function return true if the debug function has been triggered
/*! \brief Find in a vector dist particles if "certain conditions"
* This function in in general used to debug. Many time in order to discover problem we want to control if particles/grid points has zeros or out of range values.
* You can implement these check, by creating the loops manually or using the function debug_find with a lambda function.
* @param vd distributed vector
* @param fun_test function that define the test
* @param fun_print function to print a message
* @param it iterator type domain, domain + ghost, ghost
* @param type_of_run optionally can do the scan on device
* /return This function return true if the debug function has been triggered