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Pietro Incardona authoredPietro Incardona authored
mul.hpp 4.42 KiB
* mul.hpp
* Created on: Oct 22, 2015
* Author: i-bird
#include <typeinfo>
#include "util/util_debug.hpp"
#include "util/util_num.hpp"
#define HAS_VAL 1
#define HAS_POS_VAL 2
template <unsigned int, typename T>
struct has_val
static float call_val()
std::cerr << "Error the type " << demangle(typeid(T).name()) << "interpreted as constant field, does not have a function val() or val_pos(), please see the numeric examples in Finite Differences for more information\n";
return 0;
template <typename T>
struct has_val<HAS_VAL,T>
static decltype(T::val()) call_val()
return T::val();
template<typename v_expr>
struct const_mul_functor_value
//! Number of elements in the vector v_expr
typedef boost::mpl::size<v_expr> size;
//! Last element of sum
typedef typename boost::mpl::at<v_expr,boost::mpl::int_<size::value-1> >::type last;
//! sum functor
std::unordered_map<long int,typename last::stype> & cols;
const grid_sm<last::dims,void> & gs;
// grid mapping
const grid_dist_id<last::dims,typename last::stype,scalar<size_t>,typename last::b_grid::decomposition::extended_type> & g_map;
// grid position
grid_dist_key_dx<last::dims> & kmap;
//! coefficent
typename last::stype coeff;
//! spacing
typename last::stype (& spacing)[last::dims];
/*! \brief constructor
const_mul_functor_value(const grid_dist_id<last::dims,typename last::stype,scalar<size_t>,typename last::b_grid::decomposition::extended_type> & g_map, grid_dist_key_dx<last::dims> & kmap, const grid_sm<last::dims,void> & gs, typename last::stype (& spacing)[last::dims], std::unordered_map<long int,typename last::stype> & cols, typename last::stype coeff)
//! It call this function for every constant expression in the mul
template<typename T>
void operator()(T& t)
typedef typename boost::mpl::at<v_expr, boost::mpl::int_<T::value> >::type cfield;
coeff *= has_val<is_const_field<cfield>::value * 1,cfield>::call_val();
typename last::stype getCoeff()
return coeff;
/*! \brief It model an expression expr1 * expr2
* \warning expr1 MUST be a constant expression only expr2 depend form variable, this requirement ensure linearity in the solving variable of the equations
* \tparam expr1
* \tparam expr2
template<typename ... expr >
struct mul
// Transform from variadic template to boost mpl vector
typedef boost::mpl::vector<expr... > v_expr;
// size of v_expr
typedef typename boost::mpl::size<v_expr>::type v_sz;
typedef typename boost::mpl::at<v_expr, boost::mpl::int_<v_sz::type::value - 1> >::type Sys_eqs;
/*! \brief Calculate which colums of the Matrix are non zero
* \param pos position where the multiplication is calculated
* \param gs Grid info
* \param cols non-zero colums calculated by the function
* \param coeff coefficent (constant in front of the derivative)
inline static void value(const grid_dist_id<Sys_eqs::dims,typename Sys_eqs::stype,scalar<size_t>,typename Sys_eqs::b_grid::decomposition::extended_type> & g_map, grid_dist_key_dx<Sys_eqs::dims> & kmap, const grid_sm<Sys_eqs::dims,void> & gs, typename Sys_eqs::stype (& spacing )[Sys_eqs::dims] , std::unordered_map<long int,typename Sys_eqs::stype > & cols, typename Sys_eqs::stype coeff)
const_mul_functor_value<v_expr> mfv(g_map,kmap,gs,spacing,cols,coeff);
boost::mpl::for_each_ref< boost::mpl::range_c<int,0,v_sz::type::value - 2> >(mfv);
//! Last element of multiplication
typedef typename boost::mpl::at< v_expr ,boost::mpl::int_<v_sz::value-2> >::type last_m;
/*! \brief Calculate the position in the cell where the mul operator is performed
* it just return the position of the staggered property in the last expression
* \param position where we are calculating the derivative
* \param gs Grid info
* \param s_pos staggered position of the properties
inline static grid_key_dx<Sys_eqs::dims> position(grid_key_dx<Sys_eqs::dims> & pos, const grid_sm<Sys_eqs::dims,void> & gs, const comb<Sys_eqs::dims> (& s_pos)[Sys_eqs::nvar])
return boost::mpl::at<v_expr, boost::mpl::int_<v_sz::type::value - 2> >::type::position(pos,gs,s_pos);