#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
# similar
# load the docopt library
suppressMessages(if (!require("docopt")) install.packages("docopt"))
suppressMessages(if (!require("knitr")) install.packages("knitr"))
suppressMessages(if (!require("stringr")) install.packages("stringr"))
suppressMessages(if (!require("rmarkdown")) install.packages("rmarkdown"))
# disabled because user script will fail if they load plyr before dplyr
#suppressMessages(if (!require("dplyr")) install.packages("dplyr"))
## test invokation that mimics actual workflow: R --args -e "fsdf.R" "hello sdf" -e
## find the first r document and split up the arguments
allArgs = commandArgs(T)
rendrArgs <- allArgs[0:rmdDocIndex]
scriptArgs <- allArgs[-(0:rmdDocIndex)]
rendrArgs <- allArgs
# retrieve and parse the command-line arguments
doc <- '
Use rmarkdown to render R and Rmd into html documents
Usage: rend.R [options] <r_script> [<quoted_script_args>]
--toc Add a table of contents
-c Cache results

Holger Brandl
-e Add collapsed code chunks
-E Add uncollapsed code chunks
-w Show warnings
-m Show Messages
--keep Keep generated Rmd and md files
opts <- docopt(doc, args=rendrArgs)
r_script <- opts$r_script
keep_markdown_files <- as.logical(opts$keep)
stop(paste("file does not exist\n", doc))
## Create a temporary script in the current working directory to ensure that created resources plots etc can be inlined
## To allow for additional resoucrces from the scripts directory to be inlined into the final documents, the directory
## of the script is exposed as a variable called RENDR_SCRIPT_DIR
## Note:## Using the script-home-dir as wd does not work because plot pngs would not make it into the final document. Also
## It's better to not clutter the directory containing the script since it might be under version control.
tmpScript <- tempfile(fileext=".R", tmpdir=getwd())
print(paste("compiling tmp-script in ",tmpScript, "'"))

Holger Brandl
#tmpScript <- "tt.R"
## remove sheband and comment-only lines from source document
#file.copy(r_script, tmpScript)
#system(paste("cat ", r_script," | sed 's/_TODAY_/'$(date +\"%m-%d-%Y\")'/g' | grep -Ev '^#+$' | grep -Fv '#!/usr/bin/env Rscript' >", tmpScript))
## see /Users/brandl/Dropbox/Public/datautils/R/rendr/test/
system(paste("cat ", r_script," | sed 's/_TODAY_/'$(date +\"%m-%d-%Y\")'/g' | sed 's/#\\x27 #/#\\x27\\'$'\\n#\\x27 #/g' | grep -Fv '#!/usr/bin/env Rscript' >", tmpScript))

Holger Brandl
## add yaml header (will be ignored if already present
metadata <- paste0('#\'\n\n',

Holger Brandl
'#\' ---\n',
'#\' title: ""\n',
'#\' author: ""\n',
'#\' date: ""\n',
'#\' ---\n\n')
cat("\n", file = tmpScript, append=TRUE)
cat(metadata, file = tmpScript, append=TRUE)
# see
jsAddons <- tempfile(fileext=".js")
#cat("<script src='' type='application/javascript'></script>", file=jsAddons)
cat("<script src='' type='application/javascript'></script>", file=jsAddons)

Holger Brandl
cat("<script src='' type='application/javascript'></script>", file=jsAddons, append=T)
## does not work yet
#cat("<style type='text/css'>
#.container-fluid {
# max-width: 100% ;
## color: blue;
#</style>", file=jsAddons, append=T)
commandArgs <- function(trailingOnly = TRUE){ scriptArgs } ## note trailingOnly is simply ignored
#system(paste("cat ", r_script," | grep -Ev '^#+$' | grep -Fv '#!/usr/bin/env Rscript' >", basename(r_script)))
#r_script <- basename(r_script)
## custom title
cache = opts$c,
message= opts$m,
warning= opts$w,

Holger Brandl
echo= opts$e | opts$E,
## alternatively we could use tmpScript <- tempfile(fileext=".R", tmpdir=".") but it would require addtional cleanup
root.dir = getwd()
rmarkdown::render(input=tmpScript,output_file=str_replace(basename(r_script), ".R", ".html"),
output_format=rmarkdown::html_document(toc = opts$toc, keep_md=keep_markdown_files, pandoc_args=paste0("--include-in-header=", jsAddons)),
# unlink(str_replace(basename(r_script), ".R", ".md"))
## delete figures directory since all plots should be embedded anyway
#echo("deleteing", paste0(str_replace(basename(r_script), ".R", ""), "_files"))
unlink(paste0(str_replace(basename(r_script), ".R", ""), "_files"), recursive=T)