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## extract chromosome from bam file
samtools view -bo test.bam /home/brandl/mnt/chip-seq_study/ChIPSeq_February_2014/alignments_trimmed_nomulti_pooled/H2Az.bam 1

## macs2 playground

macs2 -n --broad --gsize
#macs2 -n --gsize

### deeptools

#bamCorrelate bins --bamfiles $bamFiles --region 10:1:100000 --plotFile="bam_correlation.png" --numberOfProcessors=4 --corMethod spearman

## see how well bam files correlate using untrimmed data
bamCorrelate bins --bamfiles $bamFiles --plotFile="bam_correlation_untrimmed.png" --numberOfProcessors=4 --corMethod spearman

### Peak calling with SPP

Rscript /home/brandl/bin/phantompeakqualtools/run_spp.R -c="../alignments_untrimmed/H2Az_Rep1_Lane2_Lib4454.0001.bam" -savp -out="test.txt"

### other qc

# Teytelman et al. discovered that highly expressed loci were always enriched in ChIP peaks, regardless of which protein was pulled dow


mcdir $baseDir/qc_chance

## convert example to sam format
bamToBed -i $baseDir/alignments_trimmed/H2Az_Rep1_Lane1_Lib4454_ca.bam > H2Az_Rep1_Lane1_Lib4454_ca.bed
samtools view -h -o H2Az_Rep1_Lane1_Lib4454_ca.sam  $baseDir/alignments_trimmed/H2Az_Rep1_Lane1_Lib4454_ca.bam

/local/home/henry/bin/CHANCE/ /usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Compiler_Runtime/v717/

## Use phantompeakqualtools to calculate quality tag (strand cross-correlation of peak)

# did the antibody-treatment enrich sufficiently so that the ChIP signal can be separated from the background signal?
## -->  use

mcdir $baseDir/qc_phantompeaks

#Rscript /local/home/brandl/bin/phantompeakqualtools/run_spp.R
#Rscript run_spp.R <bamfile> -savp -out=<outfile>

#DEBUG ctrlBam=$baseDir/alignments_untrimmed/H3K4me3_Rep2_Lane2_Lib4455.bam

for bamFile in $baseDir/alignments_untrimmed/*bam ; do
    echo "processing $bamFile..."
#    Rscript /home/brandl/bin/phantompeakqualtools/run_spp.R -c=$bamFile -savp -ou  t=$(basename $bamFile).pt.log
    ## one output file is enough  because output is tabular including inpuyt file name
#    Rscript /home/brandl/bin/phantompeakqualtools/run_spp.R -c=$bamFile -i=$ctrlBam -savp -savd -odir=$(pwd) -out=phantom_qc.txt

    ## with control
#    ( Rscript /home/brandl/bin/phantompeakqualtools/run_spp.R -c=$bamFile -savp -savd -odir=$(pwd) -out=phantom_qc_noctrl.txt &> $(basename $bamFile).pt.log ) &

    ## without control
#    ( Rscript /home/brandl/bin/phantompeakqualtools/run_spp.R -c=$bamFile -savp -savd -odir=$(pwd) -out=phantom_qc_noctrl.txt &> $(basename $bamFile).pt.log ) &


## todo visualize results
#phantom output format
#format:Filename<tab>numReads<tab>estFragLen<tab>corr_estFragLen<tab>PhantomPeak<tab>corr_phantomPeak<tab>argmin_corr<tab>min_corr<tab>Normalized SCC (NSC)<tab>Relative SCC (RSC)<tab>QualityTag)

mailme "phantom qc done"

### motifs

## run meme-chip

### profiles

## try deepTools

## differential binding diffbind