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Commit 4da6d8d1 authored by Holger Brandl's avatar Holger Brandl
Browse files

simplified report generation

parent 0f027c52
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......@@ -32,27 +32,31 @@ if($isdir)){
fastqDataFiles <- list.files(path=baseDir, pattern="^fastqc_data.txt", full.names=TRUE, recursive=T)
fastqDataFiles <- list.files(path=baseDir, pattern="*", full.names=TRUE, recursive=T)
#echo("files are", fastqDataFiles)
get_zip_pipe <- function(zipFile, fileName){
paste0("unzip -p ",zipFile, " ", trim_ext(basename(zipFile), ".zip"), "/", fileName)
#' ## Number of reads per run
readCount <- function(statsFile){
run=trim_ext(basename(dirname(statsFile)), c("_fastqc")),
num_reads=as.numeric(readLines(pipe( paste("grep -F 'Total Sequences ' ", statsFile, " | cut -f2 -d'\t'") )))
run=trim_ext(basename(statsFile), c("")),
num_reads=as.numeric(readLines(pipe(paste(get_zip_pipe(statsFile, "fastqc_data.txt"), "| grep -F 'Total Sequences' | cut -f2 -d'\t'"))))
readCounts <- fastqDataFiles %>% ldply(readCount) %>% print_head()
readCounts <- fastqDataFiles %>% ldply(readCount) # %>% print_head()
gg <- ggplot(readCounts, aes(run, num_reads)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") + coord_flip() + scale_y_continuous(labels=comma) + ggtitle("read counts")
#+ fig.width=12, fig.height=round(nrow(readCounts)/3)
ggplot(readCounts, aes(run, num_reads)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") + coord_flip() + scale_y_continuous(labels=comma) + ggtitle("read counts")
#+ results='asis'
gg %>% ggsave2(width=10, height = round(nrow(readCounts)/4), limitsize=FALSE) %>% paste0("<img src='", ., "'><br>") %>% cat()
# #+ results='asis'
# gg %>% ggsave2(width=10, height = round(nrow(readCounts)/4), limitsize=FALSE) %>% paste0("<img src='", ., "'><br>") %>% cat()
### Create a faill/pass matrix
......@@ -61,17 +65,17 @@ readSummary <- function(statsFile){
# echo("reading", statsFile)
# statsFile="./fastqc/mouse_big_cyst_rep1_fastqc/summary.txt"
fileMapStats <- read.delim(statsFile, header=F) %>%
fileMapStats <- read.delim(pipe(get_zip_pipe(statsFile, "summary.txt")), header=F) %>%
set_names(c("flag", "score", "run")) %>%
mutate(run=trim_ext(run, c(".fastq.gz", "fastq")))
qcSummary <- list.files(path=baseDir, pattern="^summary.txt", full.names=TRUE, recursive=T) %>% ldply(readSummary)
qcSummary <- fastqDataFiles %>% ldply(readSummary)
#' # Base Quality Distribution Summary
#+ fig.height=2+round(nrow(readCounts)/4), fig.width=12
#+ fig.height=2+round(nrow(readCounts)/3), fig.width=12
qcSummary %>% ggplot(aes(score, run, fill=tolower(flag))) +
geom_tile() +
rotXlab() +
......@@ -79,8 +83,26 @@ qcSummary %>% ggplot(aes(score, run, fill=tolower(flag))) +
ggtitle("fastqc passcodes")
#' # Read duplication & Library Complexity
dupLevels <- fastqDataFiles %>% ldply(function(statsFile){
run=trim_ext(basename(statsFile), c("")),
dedup_proportion=as.numeric(readLines(pipe(paste(get_zip_pipe(statsFile, "fastqc_data.txt"), "| grep -F 'Total Deduplicated Percentage' | cut -f2 -d'\t'"))))/100
#+ fig.width=12, fig.height=round(nrow(dupLevels)/3)
ggplot(dupLevels, aes(run, dedup_proportion)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") + coord_flip() + scale_y_continuous(labels=percent) + ggtitle("unique_reads/total_reads") + ylim(0,1)
#' Median qualities per position to compare positional patterns and differences between the runs
#' # Median qualities per position
# Allows to compare positional patterns and differences between the runs
readBaseQualDist <- function(statsFile){
# statsFile="./fastqc/mouse_big_cyst_rep2_fastqc/fastqc_data.txt"
......@@ -89,9 +111,9 @@ readBaseQualDist <- function(statsFile){
# echo("reading", statsFile)
baseStats <- read.delim(pipe(
paste("grep -A30 -F '>>Per base sequence quality' ", statsFile, "| grep -B100 -F '>>END_M' | head -n-1 | tail -n+2 | tr '#' ' '")
paste(get_zip_pipe(statsFile, "fastqc_data.txt"), " | grep -A50 -F '>>Per base sequence quality' | grep -B100 -F '>>END_MODULE' | head -n-1 | tail -n+2 | tr '#' ' '")
)) %>% mutate(
run=trim_ext(basename(dirname(statsFile)), c("_fastqc"))
run=trim_ext(basename(statsFile), c(".zip"))
baseStats %>% mutate(base_order=1:n())
......@@ -102,15 +124,16 @@ baseQualities <- fastqDataFiles %>% ldply(readBaseQualDist)
#+ fig.widthh=20
baseQualities %>% ggplot(aes(reorder(Base, base_order), Mean, group=run, color=run)) + geom_line() + scale_y_continuous(limits=c(2, 40))
#+ warning=FALSE, fig.width=15
runs <- with(baseQualities,
#' # Qualities per run including variance
#' Qualities per run including variance
runs <- with(baseQualities,
#+ warning=FALSE, fig.width=15, fig.height=3*ceiling(nrow(runs)/3)
baseQualities %>%
......@@ -124,7 +147,7 @@ baseQualities %>%
mapping=aes(x=reorder(Base, base_order), ymin = X10th.Percentile, lower = Lower.Quartile , middle = Median, upper = Upper.Quartile , ymax = X90th.Percentile),
stat = "identity"
) +
facet_wrap(~run) +
facet_wrap(~run, ncol=3) +
theme(axis.text.x=element_blank()) +
scale_y_continuous(limits=c(2, 40)) +
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
#' # FastQC Summary for `r getwd()`
##+ echo=FALSE, message=FALSE
## Note This script is supposed to be knitr::spin'ed
## can we access variables from the parent spin.R process?
#echo("rscript is ", r_script)
argv = commandArgs(TRUE)
#echo("argv is ", argv)
#if(str_detect(argv[1], "fastqc_summary")) argv <- argv[-1]
if(length(argv) != 1){
stop("Usage: fastqc_summmary.R <directory with fastqc results>")
stop(paste("directory '", baseDir,"'does not exist"))
fastqDataFiles <- list.files(path=baseDir, pattern="^fastqc_data.txt", full.names=TRUE, recursive=T)
#echo("files are", fastqDataFiles)
#' ## Number of reads per run
readCount <- function(statsFile){
run=trim_ext(basename(dirname(statsFile)), c("_fastqc")),
num_reads=as.numeric(readLines(pipe( paste("grep -F 'Total Sequences ' ", statsFile, " | cut -f2 -d'\t'") )))
readCounts <- fastqDataFiles %>% ldply(readCount) %>% print_head()
gg <- ggplot(readCounts, aes(run, num_reads)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") + coord_flip() + scale_y_continuous(labels=comma) + ggtitle("read counts")
#+ results='asis'
gg %>% ggsave2(width=10, height = round(nrow(readCounts)/4), limitsize=FALSE) %>% paste0("<img src='", ., "'><br>") %>% cat()
### Create a faill/pass matrix
readSummary <- function(statsFile){
# echo("reading", statsFile)
# statsFile="./fastqc/mouse_big_cyst_rep1_fastqc/summary.txt"
fileMapStats <- read.delim(statsFile, header=F) %>%
set_names(c("flag", "score", "run")) %>%
mutate(run=trim_ext(run, c(".fastq.gz", "fastq")))
qcSummary <- list.files(path=baseDir, pattern="^summary.txt", full.names=TRUE, recursive=T) %>% ldply(readSummary)
#' # Base Quality Distribution Summary
#+ fig.height=2+round(nrow(readCounts)/4), fig.width=12
qcSummary %>% ggplot(aes(score, run, fill=tolower(flag))) +
geom_tile() +
rotXlab() +
scale_fill_manual(values = c(fail="darkred", pass="darkgreen", warn="orange")) +
ggtitle("fastqc passcodes")
#' Median qualities per position to compare positional patterns and differences between the runs
readBaseQualDist <- function(statsFile){
# statsFile="./fastqc/mouse_big_cyst_rep2_fastqc/fastqc_data.txt"
# statsFile="./fastqc/mouse_liver_polar_stage3_rep2_fastqc/fastqc_data.txt"
# grep -A30 -F '>>Per base sequence quality' /Volumes/projects/bioinfo/holger/projects/helin/mouse/fastqc/mouse_big_cyst_rep1_fastqc/fastqc_data.txt | grep -B100 -F '>>END_M' | head -n-1 | tail -n+2 | tr '#' ' '
# echo("reading", statsFile)
baseStats <- read.delim(pipe(
paste("grep -A30 -F '>>Per base sequence quality' ", statsFile, "| grep -B100 -F '>>END_M' | head -n-1 | tail -n+2 | tr '#' ' '")
)) %>% mutate(
run=trim_ext(basename(dirname(statsFile)), c("_fastqc"))
baseStats %>% mutate(base_order=1:n())
baseQualities <- fastqDataFiles %>% ldply(readBaseQualDist)
baseQualities %>% ggplot(aes(reorder(Base, base_order), Mean, group=run, color=run)) + geom_line() + scale_y_continuous(limits=c(2, 40))
#+ warning=FALSE, fig.width=15
runs <- with(baseQualities,
#' Qualities per run including variance
baseQualities %>%
# head(30) %>%
ggplot() +
geom_blank(mapping=aes(reorder(Base, base_order))) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin=-Inf, xmax=Inf, ymin=-Inf, ymax=20), data=runs, alpha=0.05, fill="red") +
geom_rect(aes(xmin=-Inf, xmax=Inf, ymin=20, ymax=28), data=runs, alpha=0.05, fill=colors()[654]) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin=-Inf, xmax=Inf, ymin=28, ymax=Inf), data=runs, alpha=0.05, fill="green") +
mapping=aes(x=reorder(Base, base_order), ymin = X10th.Percentile, lower = Lower.Quartile , middle = Median, upper = Upper.Quartile , ymax = X90th.Percentile),
stat = "identity"
) +
facet_wrap(~run) +
theme(axis.text.x=element_blank()) +
scale_y_continuous(limits=c(2, 40)) +
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