ggplot(degs,aes(paste(sample_1,"vs",sample_2),fill=sample_1_overex))+geom_bar(position="dodge")+xlab(NULL)+ylab("# DGEs")+ggtitle("DGE counts by direction")+coord_flip()
# #' ## Protein-Protein Interaction Clusters using String
# ## see
# #' We can use the string-db web service to look for protein-protein interactions.
# #' This normally results in a large hairball and many unconnected nodes and so we can look for enriched clusters.
# #' Here we plot using (high confidence interactions) enriched clusters with a node size greater than 5 proteins for our list of candidate genes showing up in at least two replicates
# #+ PPI plots , fig.width=30, fig.height=30, fig.retina=2, warning=FALSE, tidy=TRUE